i got laid off... so i made a game...

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make a game in seven days that is the goal of the annual brackies game Jam that includes over 3 000 participants making it one of the biggest game jams in the world oh and you don't know what a game Jam is what are you a stupid little stinky little dumb idiot idiot dummy basically a game Jam is a game development competition where participants have to make a game within a certain time period that fits into a specific theme and you may be asking yourself why would someone want to subject themselves to seven days of stress in order to create a game that in the end will end up being mediocre at best and the answer for me is I got laid off from work and I guess it's fun or whatever too anyway this year's theme is an end is a new beginning typically during game jams it's a great idea to start off on the right foot by coming up with a bunch of game ideas a bunch of mechanics straight into development yeah that's that's what we do it's good okay well I guess the one idea I did feel inspired by was creating a 2d tower defense game where enemies spawn in waves and when you defeat all the waves of enemies the level changes in some way so let's get started okay starting off day one we've got ourselves a little player guy but uh we have to make a move how are we gonna make a move well we're gonna code it ourselves of course we would never like Pawn that off to AI or use like another person's code that would be so silly that would be such a silly goose thing to do just kidding as much as I love the do it from scratch mindset we are going to be using other people's code we're going to be using assets and we're also going to be using open ai's finest Chachi PT but I don't know if it's just the dumb little hipster inside of me but I'm kind of sick of hearing people talk about Ai and how it's going to change the world even though it most likely will I just don't want to have to say the phrase in this video over and over again so we've got to call it something different something like Dale howdy partner what's up Dale not much how's it going daily pretty good code this for me Dale all right all right and with that being said let's uh get Dale to code this up for us hit him with it all right [Music] [Music] and look at that I only had to make a couple changes and now we've got ourselves a nice player movement script from the one and only Dale next thing we needed were some basic enemies so I just copied over the player prefab made him red to signify he's a bad bad boy and now we need a way to spawn these bad bad boys so perfect now we've got enemies that spawn in and move towards the player base which is pretty neat what would be even neater though would be if the player had a weapon to absolutely destroy these dumb [Music] at this point we had a good chunk of the game mechanics done using only Dale's fine ass which is pretty sick if you ask me but it was getting really late at this point and my brain had a really weird idea for the art style of the game so here's that [Music] thank you [Music] okay I honestly don't know what I was thinking when I came up with this concept for the art style of the game but there was at least one good mechanic that came out of this sleep deprived coding session and that was the grid system it allows players to place objects in the scene specifically the turrets that shoot bullets at incoming enemies anyway at this point I realized that this semen theme was not gonna cut it and I'm gonna need to change it but that's going to be a problem for tomorrow I'm done for today foreign starting day two we have a solid list of mechanics done we got player movement player attack enemies turrets and a nice little grid system to place those um at this point I really wanted to get a good art style going for the game right now we're just dealing with little primitive shapes uh including the the sperm but anyway we're gonna we're gonna steer away from that theme and uh try to go with something else so I started browsing I was looking around Google Images looking for different Tower Defense games to see how they handle their art style um and then I found this which led me to this which then led me to completely redesign my game in 3D to fit this asset pack that I had found foreign [Music] look at this doesn't it look so much better look at those 3D Graphics it's much better than those stinky little 2D Graphics we had before so stinky now anyway as I added in these tiles I had the idea to make this like an island-based tower defense game where enemies spawn in waves around your Island and try to destroy it piece by piece and once you've defeated all the waves of enemies the island changes but if your Island gets completely destroyed the game is over so it's kind of like a roguelike tower defense game type beat and in order to do something like this we need a way to procedurally generate our Islands so I tried to ask Dale to do this for me uh he was struggling a little bit although he did get a solution that made Islands they just weren't very interesting so I prayed I prayed for some sort of tutorial or video video essay describing how to do procedural landmass generation and Sebastian lick the video I've been waiting for procedures generation I will learn I will understand and yoink just gonna put this in here get that started create that object and that's weird uh it's not really working maybe I should have watched the video maybe maybe I should understood what you you should watch the videos you should have understood and now you will pay the price by copying my code without reading this one okay and now you you have to do some coding yourself okay Sebastian I'm gonna buckle down I'm gonna code this up I'm gonna fix these problems [Music] thank you take that Sebastian look at that procedurally generated tile-based islands in the in the water using mostly your code but um but a little but a little bit of my code too so I can't take full I can take full credit but I take uh a little bit can we take a moment just appreciate how amazing Sebastian lake is he he has created so many tutorials that are so entertaining so thorough and I think a lot of Us game developers would not be where we are today without a Mr Sebastian leg but in the meantime we've still got a game to make we still got problems to solve one of the first ones being this Island's looking Bland as we need something to put on it some way that we can place trees rocks different random objects on the map procedurally one way we can do this is by simply reusing the same code we use to generate Maps but instead of placing ground tiles we place for example a tree so we sample a noise map at a specific point check if the noise map at that point is greater than a specific threshold and if it is we place a tree there and we can do this with all sorts of different objects so to test this out I created a few little objects that we want to place around the map like a group of flowers trees stones and after making a few tweaks to the map generator code it looks pretty good I think it looks pretty cool but this introduces a new problem now that we've added trees to this beautiful little island of ours the player can now go behind those trees and when they go behind them they don't know what they're doing [Music] so we need a way to have the player be able to see their character through objects so I prayed again I prayed for another video another tutorial showing me how to create some sort of Shader or graphic Graphics pipeline that allows the player to see themselves through different objects here it goes yeah a video that perfectly fits my needs hahaha yes I bless thee with a video about dithering and how to set up the universal render pipeline to render objects in front of other objects thank you brackies I appreciate you so much now I will just simply switch the platform to the urp instead of the standard Pipeline and it will work perfectly oh no it's happening again it's not working oh wait there we go all right starting off day three we've got a nice procedurally generated Island it's got it's got plants it's got trees it's got rocks it's got all that good stuff but we've got one big problem and that problem is there are places on the island the player cannot get to because they are not connected by land there are little baby Islands getting generated around our big mama Island and we need some way to allow the player to get to those islands because we want the player to be able to explore all of their Island first thing I thought of was like okay we need to add Bridges between these islands but those bridges need to be particularly generated because our map is usually generated so I was like okay Dale build me that and Dale was like no how about you do a little bit of coding yourself this time because I'm tired and I need to I need to take a little nap [Music] okay since Dale's little baby ass is sleeping this problem's up to us to solve essentially we have a bunch of islands and we need to connect them with Bridges so the first thing we need to do is find the groups of tiles that represent an island we'll call that Island one next we go through each tile of Island one and find the closest tiles from the other Islands to Island one and now that we have the closest points between Island one and every other Island all we have to do is fill the bridge between them anyway look at our bridges look how nice they look and at this point I was getting a little sick of looking at all the little Primitives I was using to represent different objects like turrets and enemies so I started with the turrets and found this little Canon model on the unity asset store through that bad boy in add a little animation to it model The Cannonball for it added some particle effects and boom we got ourselves a nice little Cannon next up I wanted to fix up our player's weapon I found this free weapons pack on your asset store and use this spear so I animated that bad boy and got him doing a little stabby stab stab now we got ourselves a player attack next up were the enemies I found this little fish pack a little little pack of fish and this fish pack had a perfect Shark model that I could use for my game problem being this bad boy was not rigged nor was it animated first thing we needed to do was rig this model so I busted out blender and started doing a little rigging myself the rig wasn't too bad it's basically just a straight line of bones with a little jaw thing attached to it anyway now that we had that done I threw the shark in the game I hadn't animated it yet but I clicked play and [Music] all right today is the fourth day and we've got some things to do starting off right now our enemies do absolutely goddamn nothing so I came up with a plan wrote a couple things down exact States I want the Sharks to be in at any point in the game for example at the start of a shark's life they spawn at the edge of a circle then they will move towards the center of the island when a shark sees a tile if that tile is not currently being attacked the shark will then attack so I summarized this information in a nice digestible sentence for Dale and he ate it right up and spat us out a nice little script now before we use this script I thought it'd be a good idea to get some good animations going for our shark so I made a little swim animation where he just shakes his little tookus I also made an attack animation for the shark and finally I made a little death animation for the shark and we were good to go so I attached the script to our shark added a little animator controller to handle our animations press play and watched our sharks tear through our little Islands [Music] all right starting day five I realized that the game is pretty boring at this specific moment in time one of the reasons being that our enemies are spawning it at a constant rate No Matter What so the game never gets more difficult it stays the same the whole time no fun what we need to do is spawn enemies in waves that way we control how difficult the enemies get with each wave so I did a little bit of searching on the internets for some sort of tutorial on how to do this and of course our main man barakis thanks for tuning in at brackies has a video on this so I just uh yanked that right up and tossed it in the game and look at that our game is now spawning enemies in waves I did make one change to his code though I added an animation curve that allows me to adjust the amount of enemies that get spawned after each wave and with that done the game was looking pretty spicy but not quite spicy enough I still had yet to add the core mechanic of this game that we plan to add from the beginning which is the island will change after every level of the game so I added another animation curve but this time to our map generator code which then allows me to change the size of the level as you progress through waves of enemies and with that done we had ourselves a full little game Loop here I did a little bit of play testing there was some adjusting that needed to be done on the the difficulty of the waves of enemies and the size of the level but once I got it tuned up it was pretty fun foreign so with all that working all we had to do for the next two days was polish this little bad boy up and we'll be good to go so the first thing we got to do is change this damn water it's not it's not cutting it it takes up so much of the screen so it needs to look cute okay it needs to look nice and cute so I went searching on the asset store and ended up finding this gorgeous water Shader by a pyoder tea I hope I said that right but yeah once I got that in the game and got it all set up I think it made it look made it look nice and professional nice and tied it up like a little tied up with a little bow next thing I noticed was that when the player's tile is getting attacked by a shark they really have no idea when the tile is about to get destroyed okay so the first thing I thought of was why don't we just add health bars to the tiles but the reason we aren't gonna go with that is because we don't want the whole screen to be caked in UI we want to keep it clean keep it classy this guy classy classy fella what would work on the other hand would be if the tiles just cracked and they cracked more and more until they break and sink into the water the player would then get used to these tiles cracking in a certain way and would then know when they're gonna fall I ended up coming across this tutorial by Leo Leo Shao Martin Leo Shaw Martin anyway this tutorial was specifically for making an ice cracking Shader so I ended up just using the first half of the tutorial to create my own cracking effect and it ended up looking kind of shitty but this is a game jam and I ain't got time for no perfect cracking Shader okay so now we got the player a little bit of feedback we need to add some more so I decided to add some nice uh freaking sounds to the game so I ended up going to the the holy site itself freesounds.org and found shark crunch sound spear swing sound shooting sound sound for when Cannon land on ground stab sound and an absolutely banging track for the game made by Axton Crowley [Music] it's crazy how much of a difference these sounds make in game it makes the game feel so alive game developers always push this off to the side when they're doing a game Jam this should be one of the first things you consider is making nice crispy sounds crispy crispy little sounds that go in your little ear anyway another problem we're facing is that the player can just Spam Cannons all over their Island and become invincible in order to inhibit this Behavior I added in-game currency that the player can use to buy cannons the problem now is that the player is a little underpowered because if the Sharks come and damage all your tiles wave one you're kind of screwed so my girlfriend gave me the idea that the player can use in-game currency to repair their tiles so I built a temporary UI to allow the player to place cannons and repair tiles and called it a day thank you ah the final day typically during game jams the final day is super stressful and you're working to get things done last minute but this time around I actually managed to leave a good amount of time for polish tweaking the game mechanics a little bit so I'm big chilling for the last day man so I started the day by having my girlfriend play test the game a little bit and uh the main thing she had to say was just the game was too hard it was hard to aim using the arrow keys enemies come from all directions at once and the waves get too hard way too quickly so fixing the first issue if we just make it so the player always faces the direction of the mouse that gives the player a lot more fine-grained accuracy over the direction they're facing and therefore increasing their accuracy when attacking enemies see man this is why play testing is so freaking goaded dude because I had been playing this game for hours and hours every day but never realized that the controls were clunky and that's just because I gotten used to them as soon as I put those controls in front of a fresh pair of eyes the clunkiness was revealed the clunkiness was no was the Imposter it was sus anyway this sounded like a perfect script for Dale to write for me so I hit him up on the Selly perfect another thing that made the game hard was the fact that the Sharks were coming in from all different directions at the same time and you have to kill one shark before moving on to the next shark or else the first shark will just consume bunch of the island and then you'll lose your Island so to solve this issue I decided to be a good idea to add a little bit of knockback to the Sharks to do this we can just add a force in the backwards direction of the shark when the shark comes in contact with the spear simple enough okay maybe a little bit less Force than that okay not that either and we're Gucci now we still got this stinky little UI to take care of so let's change it the first thing to go had to be the grid I don't know what I was thinking when I decided the player needed to see the whole Grid at the same time to be able to place objects on the map when the map is just built using tiles the map is a grid another part of the UI that was quite ugly were those garsh darn buttons I added the day before so instead I thought it'd be a good idea to implement a little keyboard shortcut system where the player can press Q to place cannons or press e to repair tiles so I looked on turbo squid and I found a little Hammer model to represent the repair setting and I just reused the Canon model to represent the Canon 7 and yeah I think that looks a lot better it's a lot cleaner you don't see a giant grid when you click enter and try to place an object but at this point I had about four hours left until the game needed to be submitted so I uh topped the game off with a main menu a pause menu a little by menu that tells you how much cannons and repairs cost and animated text to let the player know what wave of enemies they are currently on and with that done it was really late I was tired as so I just created a quick little build for the game tested it out real quick and submitted it about an hour before the deadline all right it has been over a month since the game Jam ended and we ended up getting 38th in the fun category that's top 40 most fun games of the brackies game Jam I'll take that every day of the week anyway I got a lot of good feedback on the game since then and I released an update I'll spare you the details because this video is already over 20 minutes long but if you want to check it out I'll throw a link to the game in the description below also I just want to thank you for making it this far in the video this is my first time editing a long form video like this and God was it hard as but I learned a lot along the way and had a lot of fun doing it so if you'd like to help this Channel please consider leaving a like or subscribing down below I'll be sure to make a shorter video next time and with that thanks for watching
Channel: bewky
Views: 605,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gWv6d99qCFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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