I Conquered the WHOLE RimWorld in 300 Days

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for a challenge I wanted to conquer the whole R World in 300 days that is five in-game years should be easy to destroy every single settlement right well there was a catch I dropped in completely naked without any resources food or weapons I had absolutely no research unlocked and I added a bunch of beefed up ultr teack factions for extra difficulty but I had a plan consisting of five building blocks of success that would allow me to crack this challenge wide open but I'll tell you more about that later so now relax crack open a cold one and join me on this epic adventure which began by our two Heroes dropping from the sky alas the slight side effect of them being naked was that they absolutely despise the freezing temperatures outside so to fix that I did something crazy I decided to open the ancient danger hoping it would not live up to its name oh [ __ ] this place is dangerous there's a cider in here now before we tackle that let me introduce the two protagonists of the story Buck Wild was a hardworking fast walking big boned and brave genan modded soldier with a passion for shooting things construction and socializing that Gene modding made him the perfect bait for The Cider while maxi pads the fast-learning two smart tough eccentric pyromaniac with a chemical Fascination and a passion for plants medicine and research ran into the ancient building in hopes of securing help nice nice we got friends friends disposed of the murderous Mech while maxipad stole the gun and closed from the two down ancient soldiers but she also rescued them after treating Buck Wild's wounds Unfortunately they were both freezing without clothes and one of them was plague with an infection bug built a research bench on day two because you see we were stupid like ugab boogas and had absolutely no Technologies unlocked so we started with basic Furniture to at least learn how to make simple beds and maxi pads began working on that after she finished sewing the fields bug built a water well and a basic latrine then our lack of food became apparent slight starvation issue don't worry about it so Maxi pets tried to eat slick who perished overnight due to an infection I realized slick might have smelled like fish to her but this this was not the time or the place for sexual fantasies Maxi so instead I sent her out to harvest some berries and nuts bug buried the unfortunate Soldier and then crafted a short bow for Maxi Zebo the other Soldier was still suffering from hypothermia so bug built a campfire to keep the room warm which made Zebo very happy Zebo my son he has joined hell yeah awesome he was a hardworking body purist with big passion for cooking so as excited he joined but now we needed some clothes for him so bug hunted an injured demetron and then built a butcher stable where maxi pads quartered the big Dino Zea turned the meat into some delicious meals and Bug hunted another dyo which meant we had enough heavy fur to craft tribalwar for our new recruit then maxi pads decided to name our little settlement smelly armpit perfect name for a settlement after that she finished the research on basic furniture and began learning about electricity we also got our first harvest in and Bug built the first proper beds then constructed sturdy walls to enclose our little Community we had a nice amount of Steel store from all the ancient caskets bug deconstructed so we used that to build some basic traps at the entrance in day seven we also built embur for defense and connected the area with dirt pads for faster movement then on day nine Zeo decided to hit some iron ore with his rock hard face and Maxi Pats planted Hill root for medison and smoke Leaf also for Madison in the evening I noticed one of the big dinosaurs out there had dementia so bug decided to abuse that and he absolutely peppered the poor old Dino with bullets that gave us a decent chunk of fresh meat and buck turn the moronic Dino into a pelt code for Zebo a compy went mad after that and he almost got Zebo but then it perished in her traps next day Zebo and maxi pads beat the [ __ ] out of each other due to ideology differences so now would be the perfect time to introduce our main belief buck and Maxi follow the way of AR of Supremacy they were Raiders and knew themselves to be superior to everyone on this planet plus they had some other interesting ideas what he's really good about this ideology is we accept eating aliens but we also accept dating them so we are nice and that belief also United them in Love on that day so I had to begin researching complex furniture for double beds the next morning after maxi pads finished with electricity blood moon Rose in the evening but even though it was a dark Omen it was nowhere near as ominous as the fact that I realized I needed concrete to build power generators zebo's son arrived with a friendly Caravan the next day zebo's son turned out to be a slug amazing slug or no slug I tried to convince him to join his daddy but but clearly they had some issues and he refused I traded for some medicine from the Traders then bug built a quarry and it seemed like those Merchants realized what a sorry excuse for a base this was and left us some components as a gift Zebo and maxi pads planted cotton in day 14 then bug built a double bed for his lover which they happily tested out but I guess they must have used some helpful fruit or something because Maxi got food poisoning bug then built a stone cutting table which I enclosed into a new workshop room some disturbing news arrived in the evening of Bandits spreading with outposts which makes this the perfect time to take a look at our beautiful planet and all the many faction bases we were going to destroy in the future you see there were five building blocks to our success and I knew it would be really hard to achieve them all in just 300 days but if I focused it could be done so first I needed to unlock automation so we could have Auto drills producing the vast amount of resources we required then I needed to unlock Atomic power which would then supply all the power required to fuel glitter Tech crafting stations where we could then craft very advanced and very powerful endgame armor and weapons last but not the least I wanted our own drop ship which we could fly around the planet and carry auto mortars with us to bombard the enemy bases so yeah there was a lot of work to do and I continued with concrete making research on day 17 and Bug crafted first stone blocks which he then used to build an alloy smelter there you go so now we can make concrete with cement and sand it took me a while to realize I can dig sand at a digging spot but then my research for cement got interrupted by buck proposal to maxi pads I was happy for them but I was even happier when I saw traitors left me a hand Cannon as a gift just in time as we were about to be raided by four aliens who decided to also wreck a dino first even psychic suit popped up to help us but there was no need as the Raiders lost their lives in our traps without ever setting foot into our base Zebo grabbed a shotgun we scavenged from the raiding party and then bug crafted the first batch of concrete allowing him to build a wood fire generator we got electricity let's go it's about damn time the next day we learned the Empire conquered a nearby town and in a response bug decided to craft smok Le fun sticks which maxi pads happily took for a test run we also celebrated with a jubilee of piracy in the evening which made everyone even happier on day 22 Maxi finished Machining research but I wasn't quite ready to build that yet because a bunch of Raiders popped in and instantly got eaten by dinosaurs who then proceeded to attack us I don't know what I did to them but a couple perished on our traps and then Zebo dispatched the last last one first batch of cotton was ready in the evening then a group of Traders got very confused what what do you mean you're trapped you're not trapped what what is wrong with you Zebo then built a battery so as not to waste all that Excess power and buck built a tailoring bench then I assigned some clothing to be craft it I then noticed an alpaca with glitch World medicine that wandered in and our boys quickly turned it into sausage holy [ __ ] that's actually 31 glitter World medicine that is amazing bugden built a small fridge to store meals and Ze put on his new pens that buck crafted another set of visitors broke the next day and got stuck in an escape Loop just as I accepted a deserter call for help nusra joined us which made us hostile with sovereignty of God but he came in with some great gear and with his shooting skills I knew he'd fit right in five Raiders then popped in and I was betrayed by the Broken visitors I swear to God if you're going to let them in I'm going to be so pissed stop it I had to flee my own base which was exactly the perfect time for Maxi Pats to go on a fire starting spree we dispatched one of the Raiders while the others rampaged across our home we pulled one more on the traps and then they decided to flee which we didn't make easy on them there were some small injuries but in the end the Skirmish was very much worth it the next day a fierce space battle raged somewhere above us setting half of the forest on fire nostro bravely saved one of the Fallen combatants and Maxi pets treated his wounds she also replaced her hand cannon with a gun L and buck went full on a Kimbo on day 29 buck and Maxi decided to get married and a party ensued everyone had happy to still be alive in this crazy Rim world the next day Maxi Pads became an expert researcher while Nostra began crafting Adobe Briggs from Mud Bug built a new sidewall and then he crafted fur gloves and aprons for everybody to improve their Global work speed then a dino self- tamed and we proudly named it Steve but continued the base expansion with more outside walls which he completed on day 32 while nostro caught malaria but maxy pads made sure he was well treated bug then built our first solar panel for better power production and we got a full load of fresh meals raining from the Sky Bug then extended our trap defense row because I decided to accept another deserter Quest valara joined us wielding an assault rifle and being absolutely trash at every other skill besides combat but that was exactly the expertise we were looking for as a bunch of wasters dropped on the map in Hunt of her they only tripped three traps before the turn tail to run and the squad chased the stragglers naturally that made Maxi pets turned pyromaniac but nasra stood guard and made sure she didn't burn anything too precious to the Colony then we began building sand pads connecting different parts of the colony for easier and faster movement which were finished on day 35 buck and Zeo built a couple of shells for easier storage then I assigned a block of coal to be mined which bug then combined with iron to smell steel that gave us enough resources to them build a biofuel Refinery because you see from all that pooping at the latrine we had a lot of feal sludge lying around unluckily velara was capable of turning that poop into Cam fuel alas the smell did not impress my colonist because two social fights occurred in that day but that didn't stop our married couple you guys are both injured they have heavily injuries but they're banging here a you see the boties Zebo then destroyed our old Generator which was wasting wood and just as I assigned a cam fuel power generator to be built this happened oh boy run dinosaurs there was a psychic suppressor there a couple of turrets and two Max but since they dropped right outside of our base I decided to use nous sniping skills to trigger them he sniped the and then the little cider died on our traps we then destroyed the psychic suppressor but the turrets got off a lucky shot and Zebo lost his kidney in the process I decided to leave the turrets out there as a preliminary defense of the colony and made sure molist avoided their firing lines Maxi then planted psychoid plans to satisfy velara who had a psychic dependency on account of being a stone waster and Bug began building what was to be our new small fridge Maxi pad's finished microelectronics research the next day which was a huge step towards a brighter future for the colony and and then I told her to start researching early automation Buck finished the fridge area in the evening so now Valar was able to start hunting dinosaurs for their meat we stored our food in the fridge and then nestra also joined vasara on the hunt bug built more storage shelves and I decided to harvest more natural food on the map before winter hit but then this happened Empire just lost their main settlement to a virus tox now they have this place left that they conquered before all that Conquest happening out in the world while we were still afraid of one flimsy me cluster but luckily a Traer Caravan showed up on day 42 and fixed that shameful spot for us Buck was able to rebuild the sprung traps now that the mags were gone and then nostro expertly sniped a mad Dino bug then built a new high-tech research bench for us oh my God that thing that thing is way bigger than I thought it's going to be I decided to build a machining table from the remaining Steel in our storage and I also replace the alloy smelter with an electrical version for foster production but then a raid happened a bunch of love thirsty Pigmen charge our Colony only to die on our traps but to show that overconfidence is indeed a slow and Insidious killer I decided to charge after them and then this happened are you kidding me what yes our best doctor and researcher now had a permanent gunshot injury to her brain Buck took over doctoring duties from his half-brain dead wife but at least she was still able to walk and her research capabilities weren't completely diminished alas I had to take her off doctoring duties on day 47 to big dinos tried to eat Buck but he managed to make it back to Safety in time so one of them died on the traps while the second one perished to the firing squad bug then began building our future small kitchen and then nothing of note happened until day 50 when bug finally buildt the Machining table where he shredded The macrom Remains we had lying around getting some valuable steel and plas steel out of it and he also deconstructed a ship chunk for more steel and components maxi pads got stoned to the point she couldn't walk anymore the next day Buck you went to sleep instead of actually rescuing your wife and while he wasn't the best husband he was a good Builder and he constructed a proper electric stove in the new kitchen where Zebo could our first five meals the next day I also started research multianalyzer because I knew it was an important next step in unlocking our full potential snow began to fall the next day exposing the permanent summer for the lie that it was but we weren't too worried about that because Zebo began cooking some hard suiting psychite for everyone but unfortunately D wasn't the only psychic thing hitting the colony I gave bug the new SMG weapons which was just in time as another Mech cluster popped down right outside of our gates ner approved himself a masterbater a cure dagger snots onto our traps then he put his sniper rifle to good use and outrange the turrets to their demise Zebo finished off the last machine then our brain de lady threw a party for everyone everybody partying and just chilling out here that's good to see with Randy sending us more and more raids I decided to make some helmets for the colonist but I should have known that lead would be the wrong choice of material and that Steve joined the colony then a shuttle crashed on our map and Bug decided to save one of the Fallen people and by save I mean in prison um Spore was a great Miner and social person but unfortunately she sucked at fighting but we needed those mining skills so told Buck to convert and recruit her then for some reason bug gifted nusra a small Stone which made the fellow happy maybe he was looking for a smarter company to avoid his brain dead wife then he truly showed himself the leader as he proceeded to beef up the outside walls vilara went to mind more iron and Maxi pad's finished multianalyzer research Buck was slowly recruiting UMAS Spore and crafting those lead helmets that nobody wanted then we learn some disturbing news this Bandit Outpost upgraded over here that's fine we'll kill them all eventually then it was Springtime again which men The Colony celebrated its first birthday and I decided to build a proper dining room as a gift which bug began working on the next day he also converted UMAS sport to way of Supremacy on day 63 and then the dining room was finally completed I wanted some art for it but that was work for future Buck because first I told him to craft a couple new flag jackets so we could have some better armor than the dino letter thongs everyone was sporting Maxi pants also decided to burn the cotton fields but we stopped her and she put on one of the excellent new jackets bug crafted more World Conquest hypen a67 and then bug built a robotics Machining table I also wanted to build a multianalyzer but it required all kinds of different materials we didn't have so instead bug built a com's console and then some more dino died on our traps here they come and they're down I assigned bronze to be smelted and tin and titanium to be mined for the multianalyzer on day 69 then Randy sent me a solar flare short circuit event and a raid from the pigs that made Maxi P's brain dead all at the same time luckily Piggies died on the traps ner and Zebo chased down the stragglers nothing of note happened till day 73 then at which point another set of Raiders jumped Us in fact it was V Zara's Grandma who came to rescue her granddaughter but naturally that didn't go well for her or the rest of her centenarian friends that made velara so sad she actually threw a party for everyone so I guess we all deal with death of our loved ones in our own way some more broken than the others and since Buck and Maxi desired the sweet music of violence I told them to shoot a random wild Pigman who was eating her crops then it finally happened really need somebody that can dig yes let's go since she was great at Social I gave her a cool conversion staff so she could spread our ideology she became our zealous Inquisitor and she instantly converted vilara who then instantly became upset that we haven't conquered anyone in a while Buck then officially became the Glorious leader of her ideology as well as the colony and then um spor broke because she hasn't beaten up anyone in a while which tells you a lot about the living conditions in our Colony ad Dino tried to eat nusra again and everyone joined to obliterate the poor thing then bug began construction of our new rec room and we got an extra chemfuel generator up and running bug built a billyard stable in a new cozy place then started Ed working on comfy sofas then UMAS spor zealously converted Zebo and since now everyone was acting so bellicose let's give people violence shall we I took everyone but maxipad and Uma and they traveled the world to attack the nearest enemy settlement atas they got ambushed in the process and had to deal with a couple bow wielding impots who melted before their shots but the enemy settlement wasn't ready to melt so quick and easy because it was the tough neander THS we attacked Buck was caught in the crossfire as he used his Battle Command but the rest of the boys were able to kite the tribals Zebo no Zebo run but then we did it the base was destroyed and our thirst for Conquest was finally slated buck wasn't feeling too good but he was good enough to make it back home and treat maxipad who was struck with plague in his absence Buck repaired the traps in the 80 and wpor began working in the Quarry then she converted the last of the unbelievers nusra to the one true way of Aros Supremacy so everybody is now Arco supremacist here love it everyone then gathered and celebrated the Jubilee of piracy and Bug built a radio and a TV for colonist entertainment needs V Zara smelted the bronze needed for multianalyzer and Uma found some gold in the Quarry which was the last resource required Buck had to go and deconstruct a couple of ship chunks to get more components then at long last we rejoiced as he build the multi analyzer om bordon started a new project because I wanted bedrooms for everyone alas that was rudely interrupted by a pack of men hunting Velociraptors who almost caught nostro who found himself in the crossfire from the school Squad bug built a new butcher's room and Uma finished mining the bedroom Sunday 86 power was flickering constantly but luckily Maxi pad's finished geothermal power research and I sent Buck to build new walls that would include a geothermal well a psychic ship crashed nearby the next day so I sent nro to bait the ciders protecting it he did that flawlessly where are you running off to you stupid Mac get back here they both perished on our traps then Zeo blew up the ship ad Dino tried to eat Uma on day 88 but she destroyed it good shot again let's go oh my God she actually did it Buck continued working on the walls and then his uncle showed up at the base with a Traer Caravan while he sucked at fighting he was an amazing doctor so Buck tried to convince him he should join us but he preferred to continue selling fresh organs ethically Source from local children um boarded and level up to an expert prospector and buck obliterated that little Dino who went berser just before completing the last of the outer walls he also smelted concrete that we needed for the generator then we got some disturbing news news it's Maxi Pat's sister oh where are you right there we kind of we kind of have to go and try to save her but first bug built the geothermal jany and crafted a new flag jacket for himself I sent buck nuso and vilara on a rescue mission and they got ambushed by a bunch of crazy Kentrosaurus but the spiky dinos had a lower chance of survival than a furry in a skin Head bar we then saved Maxi Pat's sister oh my God you are a high mate aren't you yep she's a high mate great at Social passionate about cooking and returned back home where bug just dumped her on the cold hard ground but Maxi was a good sister and rescued her then Zebo tamed a new dino we could ride into battle Nero's crafting skill was pretty good now due to all the stone he cut so I assigned him to armor production next I decided to extend the walls on day '96 and Maxi Pats completed fabrication research I also traded one of our Steves for neutr Aon and then a Serial murderer decided to join us he's probably going to betray us but that's fine he's got beer I assigned him to be our new artist because everyone desired a sculpture representing the way of Arc of Supremacy new otter walls were completed and the art bench was built in the evening nordgren started working on that sculpture straight away and I could already imagine that a murderer crafting a supremacist sculpture would 100% make it into a full Trump statue nordr finished the sculpture which was surprisingly good quality but I didn't have a Tempo to put it up just yet so I told him to make more art using sand Omas Bor then converted boil just in time to see a group of Raiders attack us I think their transfer pods Miss fired and half of them died the rest of them perished on our Tramps and I got everyone out there to execute the downed people just to satisfy everyone's craving for violence are we the baddies at this point Nord Grand did decide to betray The Colony so for that and the Trump statue he got shot in the face bug then imprison him because I kind of still wanted an artist in the colony now I know it's been more than 100 days and we barely Creed one enemy base but worry not research towards the five building blocks of our success was progressing nicely and there was still a long way to go to day 300 then bug began constructing our future Temple where we could worship the supremacy of bloody murder in peace a dyo exploded on our traps on day 103 but that wasn't enough fire for maxipad and she decided to attempt Burning Down the whole Colony bug became a proper architect next and Maxi broke again on day 104 and decided to burn even more stuff Buck finished the shell of her Temple then he he built a fabrication bench where we could start making components he also began Furnishing the temple and brought in the sculpture then a snow began to fall again so I assigned a bunch of heaters to be built in community buildings a couple of naked people showed up then trying to steal our food but we showed them exactly what happens to thieves around here theyy got one final meal huh was it worth it definitely not I also sold a lot of garbage equipment we accumulated over time and also sold a ton of recreational drugs to a lone visitor for even more money but finally finished building the Temple and so at long last we began building proper bedrooms then I noticed we were very low in food so nro brought in a giant dinosaur with Zebo quickly turn into meals that must have impressed boil because she totally wanted to jump zebo's meat nro almost got eaten while hunting a Dino on day 109 and buck finished the first two bedrooms he also built a circuit breaker to avoid the short circuit events then velara destroyed a mad dinosaur nrro started making components for us and nordr rejoined The Colony and since nordr is a morning he went to sleep inside our [ __ ] fridge I assigned our new lovers to their new bedroom and nordr went back to his old job while bug continued working on bedrooms for everyone those were completed on day 113 then Buck started working on what was to be our future hospital I assigned ster out house to be built there which was now possible because we got plenty of silver from drug trade like the good supremacist that we were I knew Steve joined the family and we built a drug lab for medicine production which UMAS spor quickly put to good use bug then completed the stof floors all right now to make uh hospital beds we need stainless steel so I assigned stainless steel production to be research which Maxi finished on the same day but to actually craft stainless steel we needed an advanced alloy smelter then Aunt of maxi pads and boil showed up with a caravan and since she was amazing at research and medicine I decided to attempt to recruit her let's get this very smart person in oh let's go we did it R actually joined um Bor then instantly taught her about our l warden savior ARA Supremacy and Orica started working on Research right away nostro and Uma got the plague then which our new doctor took care of with ease then bug got confused and tried to Build a Snowman out of dirt how did you how' you think that's going to go volara learned from Maxi and started a forest fire then the Pigmen showed up again they actually made it a bit further up the Trap Corridor to stem around and once again we chased them down both of the plague victims survived the disease and then it was Springtime again meaning the colony celebrated 2 years of survival nusra began working on more flag jackets and buck smelted our first patch of stainless steel which he then used to build two proper hospital beds nuso then made some new shirts and pant and I assigned flak helmets to be made as well then nothing special happened until day 124 when Maxi Pads got pregnant let's be real I didn't want that for our half-brain dead researcher but clearly Buck was incapable of keeping it in his pants we were strip mining all the iron on the map when a bunch of Neanderthals showed up Run Away Little Girl run away R peppered them as she ran and then they perished in our traps we hunted down the stranglers then I traded a bunch of crappy sticks for neutr amen we got a fres batch of potatoes in on day 127 and then bug crafted a medium machine frame we needed for an automated mining drill and with that one of our first building blocks of success was built it was very hungry for power but it instantly started producing the goods but unfortunately it also produce an infestation and a bunch of angry insects burrowed into the colony keep pulling back boys nice one of them is down two of them are down the next day a couple of raptors decided to join the insects on our dining table and then I noticed some of the colonists put on the new titanium helmets nostr crafted we began researching rimatomics in day 132 because nothing bad ever happened when supremacist got hold of nuclear power and then they showed up oh Jesus the thrombos turned into dinosaurs they decided our traps were a perfect place to be and we use our guns to help them pass to the other side a little bit faster all you guys go there oh ra nice we got hundreds of Legend letter out of them and I told nusra to put that to good use skipping to day 135 I bought a kidney for Zebo which ra expertly inserted in him bug began building our future atomics building then another infestation popped up this time in her workroom luckily there were just a couple of centipedes which we easily turned into sausages so that wasn't the worst we built rimatomics research bench on day 137 and R began researching the atomic power for us nus Roden crafted new Legend leather shirts and then a couple of people got sick with gutor worms skipping to day 140 bug built the research reactor so we could further study Atomic power and then he also built the room atomics Machining table valara then attempted to destroy a research band so nusra had to escort her to the prison so she would cool down a bunch of naked people tried to steal our food on Day 142 but that didn't end well for them destroy there we go that should fix your needs for violence our first room atomics project also completed so we started on the next step in unlocking nuclear power then I Heatwave began and Zeo built air conditioning for maxipad who was lying in the hospital bug then began working on our new research lab but then maxi pads went into labor book mentally broke the instant he saw his child so that bowed well for baby tomomi who at least got Daddy's regeneration jeans the baby was just left on the floor and was starving with both of her parents otherwise occupied so Bole had to take care of her another infestation popped up on day 146 let's go boys just keep on kiting then it was time to go to war again the same four conquistadors marched out towards the Neanderthal and velara was the one to masterfully bait the ugab boas this time around we kept on cutting them down and even though nro lacked a Ste we got them nusra is going to get got come on shoot the guy oh let's go we did it the tribals didn't have some stainless steel we borrowed then it was time for our triumphant return which was just in time as maxipad showed herself to be a terrible mother by throwing her baby into the prison Bo and Zebo got married on day 14 8 yes good job get married in a [ __ ] storage room bug built a mortar and I designated explosive shells to be crafted then I assigned air conditioning to be built for the bedrooms and set up a plan for another geothermal generator but then Bo's and Maxi's Uncle tried to extort us so this boss wants me to pay almost 5,000 silver yeah sure we'll totally do that of course I said no and a bunch of furries showed up naturally when furries show up we either take out our guns or our trousers snakes depending on thickness of their thighs but unfortunately for them it was Guns this time around nro crafted our first explosive shells and then Zebo triggered a bunch of dinos who thought he'd be an easy snack Nice Shot Zebo let's go come on buddy they did manage to tear him a new butthole but ra made sure he survived even though he caught an infection at the same time as bug caught the plague alas with our high-tech Hospital Ra's healing skills and uma's oratory prowess they were both fine nusra began working on a legend leather duster which he instantly equipped it had great protection but not even that could save nusra from what was coming in the future I then sold a lot of our excess resources to make money from something else than drugs then Piggies dropped from the sky once again but traps and guns turned them into corpse starch in no time I constructed a new store room next to Recreation Area then bug built a crematorium for corpse disposal he also finished the north geothermal generator and we started working on Prosthetics research I also wanted to continue down the rimatomics line to hit our second building block of success so we started working on a nuclear building extension but then more Piggies showed up again n send them a welcome message via a mortar so they decided it would be a great idea to come perish in her base all right they're coming in they're coming in oh they're fleeing fast forward to day 160 bug built a shell of a new nuclear generator which he completely finished on day 163 he then began working on a new power room which we dug into the mountain then a bunch of injured FES attacked us again again boo stole their gear and saved her uncle who tried to extort Us in the past then a bunch of Velociraptors tried to eat nordr but he survived with the help of a good old friend called shotgun our cam fuel generators were brought into the new power room and Bug built two extra ones but then the Empire dropped in to Siege our Colony nusra attempted to trigger them with his mortar which he finally succeeded at in the morning they assaulted The Colony but just like Tottenham there was no victory for them here onwards to day 168 we had two big spiky Steves that self tame and then Buck finally completed the power room I then told him to start working on a new workshop but then sapper struck on day 170 luckily for us they broke our walls right next to our defense line okay they can use ERS as well now so this is going to hurt but while it did hurt us a little bit it hurt them a lot more we captured one of them and barely saved her in time but then this happened did you really just drop inside of my child's home too late I realized these guys came packing so as I pulled my people back into the protective shell of buck Shield they aced nro they tried to kidnap the child but our Firing Line stood strong atas nro was dead it was Final like your dad leaving to buy cigarettes even though we got a lot of great Weaponry from the Raiders it still Hur to lose our best crafter because that meant we now had nobody who could craft all those endgame items we needed for our five building blocks of success we did capture one of the Raiders though and then we buried nro with great respect Buck fixed his broken bedroom and improved the prison the next day and he built a Bionics workbench in the new workshop on day 173 I assigned a new bionic hand to be crafted which bug himself completed and then R replaced uma's old hook hand with a fresh new powerful bionic I gave Bo wardening expertise due to her high social skill then bug built a new quarry maxi pads broken day 178 you just steal nro put nro back what are you doing Maxi and then an infestation popped up we destroyed the nasty bugs with only minimal injuries and then bug dumped Maxi I mean what did you expect she was kind of brain dead so yeah not even a surprise he then built a barn for our dinos and maxi pads began her broken spiral that continued for months half of our Colony got sick from sensory mechanites next then we began planting devil strand bug began crafting turbine blades that we needed for nuclear power then Sasha joined us besides being nr's murderer she was also great at construction so I was kind of happy she became a colonist a couple Pigmen sappers then popped up although half of them just decided to go wild atas the ones that did make it in tried to burn half of our Colony this certainly made Maxi pets proud but if we ignore a couple of burns we smoked them Sasha then constructed the big turbine we needed for rimatomics and then I noticed this oh my God the piggies are eating each other what the hell is going on here naturally we couldn't have cannibals running freely around although if that pigment tasted like bacon was it even cannibalism in any case we dealt with them throughout the next few days and then our second prisoner joined us ugab boa was to be our new main crafter and Sasha was renamed to nusr the eyes oaba like the neander told she is she's going to be making uranium pellets for us so we can power our nuclear reactor then bug build the Transformer we needed to actually get power from nuclear energy we built Wells and water towers next because we needed water for the cooling tower and Bug built a pumping station on day 187 then an infestation popped in again a Steve got hurt in the process but otherwise we were just happy for the insect meat delivery service nostros deed and built a reactor control station and at long last the nuclear power research was complete and a big step towards our end goal was done but then I realized we were out of uranium and ugab boa's skill was too low to craft fuel rods anyway so I assigned her to tailoring and told her to keep on Crafting dusters until her skill was higher but that meant our end goal was to be pushed back further as a great crafter was Paramount to my five building blocks of success our baby then finally learned to walk finally they can do something I'll just lie around like a little [ __ ] they are but the little [ __ ] instantly broke because she missed the sound of violence I reamed her the child and Bug built a small classroom for her then a volcanic winter began on day 192 and Piggies returned again though half of them decided to embrace the nature the child then received a gift from me because this was a dangerous world then I decided to expand our base a little bit but a high Lev psychic drone hit the colony the next day and for a while half of the ladies were broken that got interrupted on day 196 though by another infestation get a mugaba nice but luckily our Steves took the brunt of the damage again we started working on what was to be our future toilets the next day and hunted down more of the wild Piggies we bought a couple of new helmets from the alliance Traders and then bug built the water treatment plant and began working on a sewage treatment as well since ugab boa was learning slowly and demise was able to take over the construction job I assigned Buck to focus on Crafting again I also renamed nrus demise into ND for short or ND for easier pronunciation volcanic winter then ended on day 202 and ND started making making smart toilets for us she then built a sewage treatment plant which meant diarrhea was now an acceptable condition in the colony and then I sent Buck to shoot a pigman in the face violin's still missing you just murdered that piggy ND then built more solar panels and then she finished our new communal bathroom with showers since the child complained that the water was cold she even built her a boiler which made my colonists very happy a bunch of Big Boy dinos came to eat us on day 206 and they slowly perished on our traps careful it's coming all right right it's down we got our first batch of devil strand in the next day and buck put that to good use to make devil strand dusters then nostros murderers arrived again my God they have Tesla helmets light recon armor Tesla armor these guys are [ __ ] strong they tried to Siege us but Buck said no they charged through the traps but then decided to flee at the last second we downed and captured one of them and grabbed his good gear they also had plas on them we so Des needed for advanced components which ugab Booga then used to craft a bionic leg she also finished all the uranium pellets then R installed that bionic leg on ND who was missing it Buck reached level 10 in crafting then I gave the child another automatic weapon because this was space America fear the child for the child will not fear you I was missing one single plasti piece for the new research lab I wanted to build but then luckily mags decided to attack us the little ones perished on our traps and the rest were shot by buck another infestation popped up on day 2113 trying to get past Steves again but that's not going to work and then a high psychic drone hid the colony as well with the extra plast Ste enle was able to finish the research lab then we started working on a base expansion Max joined us on day 216 and maxipad gave him her good Browning mg gun on account of her still being half brain dead I set him to construction job and then a tiny infestation popped up in our battery room I assigned a charge shotgun to be crafted then a couple of dinos tried to eat the child velara grabbed a new shotgun and then we traded 10,000 silver worth of dusters for thousands of new letter that ugab Booga and Bug could then again turn into more dusters we began working on a maum for purro and then UGA crafted her first Masterwork item and buck leveled up let's go he's 11 crafting now solar flare took out our power the next day so we built a power Shield that should help in the future there we go this is now noos burial chamber and that's his sarcophagus may he Rest In Pieces may he rest in pieces indeed deep core quaries research completed and I assigned parts to be crafted for a plasma drill alas what I didn't realize was that we needed level 15 crafter for the advanced AI Core so our end goal hit yet another sback on this bumpy road to day 300 we also started working on the Trap quarter extension please don't stand on the traps as you make them that seems just stupid yet another infestation popped up on day 223 and as always we turned the bugs into sandwiches in no time a bunch of tox Raiders showed up the next day to test guest our new traps and Bug got himself a new low Shield Pack then we buil a new bedroom for Max on day 225 Auto cluster mortar's research was finished next which was another important step on our checklist to World Domination in celebration I decided to blow up another tribal settlement and buck led the bloodthirsty Expedition unlike deadly Fallen Angels they arrived the next day yes yes we are absolutely destroying them the tribals tried throwing rocks at us but our guns said no and we turned them into red Marsh left the Rock on the ground another infestation popped up on day 230 here they come Maxi run and then boil turned the insects into Burgers bug then finally reached level 12 in crafting meaning he could now start working on nuclear fuel rods and a road to World Conquest was back on track all the glitter Tech research we needed was also completed by day 232 and we started working on plas steel refining because we were still lacking in that crucial component in anticipation of all that nuclear power we began working on a big battery room then a social fight turned back on day 236 this social fought and she destroyed his leg ugab Booga began refining plasti which allowed us to finish the new battery room she was also able to make a new bionic leg for Zebo which R installed in darkness bug then crafted the final fuel rod and R started the reactor the cooling was good and the capacitor was able to produce 73,000 wats of power ladies and gentlemen at long last we finally have nuclear power with that step compl deleted we were now ready for glitter Tech so I assigned Buck to start crafting computer components and then another infestation popped up a giant Mech cluster dropped on the map the next day and I sent buck with a sniper rifle to trigger them atas they said he Steve on fire so he retreated to the base I assigned EMP shells to be crafted then a Siege raid dropped in and here we go nice I used the computer components then to build the first autoc cluster mortar and it Unleashed on the mech cluster instantly mechs weren't impressed by my actions and so they ran for our traps unfortunately a Steve died to a centipede but we had our revenge here comes the centi boy Let's Go destroy it boys yes yes Andy built the sarcophagus for Steve and the whole Colony gathered for the burial an engraving on the sarcophagus is shaped like a heart surrounded by stars oh that is so sweet and then used the EMP shells to blast The Shield protecting the me cluster and another centipede came to party slowly but surely we're doing it get him oaba with that monstrosity defeated I was now able to turn on the autter cluster mortar again to blast the me buildings from afar which were finally fully destroyed the next day NSD then built the second cluster mortar on day 244 then yet another infestation popped up here we go get him Moab Booga and they build a glitter Tech electrolyzer next allowing us to craft silicon which bug began working on the next day I also decided to start crafting Nanos suit helmets the first of the glitter Tech endgame armor I wanted and that meant we were back on track for glorious Conquest then the trader we wanted finally showed up and we bought magnetic coils computer components and at long last that advanced AI Core this is finally going to be the end of a million infestations Max also built a glitter Tech robotic assembler where we could now craft computer components and magnetic coils directly bug then equipped the first Nanos suit helmet and Max finished the plasma drill so we could instantly start bulk producing steel yes it's taking 3,000 Watts but that's the production we need the child hid the growth moment and I gave her the kind tradeit and passion for mining because why the hell did we ban child labor when children crave the mines I switched the plasma Trail to plast steel mining on day 250 and Bug finish a nano suit helmet for NY ugab boa then started working on computer component production and she makes five oh she makes five at the same time that's awesome then we started expanding the base to the north and Bug began working on Nano suits and he finished and equip the first one on day 253 oh oh man look at this it's pretty decent base extension was completed the next day and we began working on a landing pad that NSD built a matter fabricator on day 256 this thing takes 65,000 Watts the Launchpad was finally completed on day 258 and I assigned a very expensive drop ship to be built Buck finished the last Nano suit the next day and I told him to start crafting reactive suits next then NSD finish building the ship and there it is boy boys there it is we got our own Albatross I also bought the neurocure framework for Maxi pets from a Trader and buck finished his own reactive suit ra then operated on Maxi's brain on day 264 and at long last she was brain dead no more look at that it's gone successfully mened Maxi pad's brain scar oh you'll love to see that we spruced up our dining area with some gold tiles then I assigned speed skin suits to be made which ugab Booga began working on the next day and I assigned the first one to Buck so that thing doesn't offer much protection but it gives you plus 200 Global work speed plus two move speed a bunch of stinky goblins arrive via drop pods then and got obliterated in the first cluster mortar wave then we took care of the rest Buck completed the last reactor suit then I told him to start working on new mg5 rifles those were the ultimate glitter Tech weapons as Buck showcased against some dinos ND then built more cluster mortars and everyone equipped their speed skin suits I then gave Max an APB rifle because I wanted one of the Raiders to have the gun that sets people on fire ugab Booga then crafted some OC defense rifles which were indeed amazing for defense of the colony the child's got the best and the biggest rifle now love it we were then ready to raid and I decided to attack the Pigman in Revenge for Maxi pad's brain we loaded into the albatross and off we went oh my God this is so huge the Raiders dropped on the edge of the map and charged the piggies they came at us with O and groins but they stood no chance against our tactical Supremacy excuse me what are you doing oh they tried to destroy my [ __ ] 30 days remaining till my deadline and we still had the whole world to conquer but if you still believe in me you should totally subscribe now because did you know that less than 10% of you watching this video are actually subscribed well be more like ugab Booga who began working on Marine boots and gloves for everyone and then bug became the first full-on Marine I built another fabrication room just for our smart Neanderthal so she could work in peace and then we launch another attack our Target had mortar defense but luckily was just one destroy the mortar guy let's go then we only needed to dispatch a couple of enemies and the base was ours from there I send the raing party further north to attack more sa and we landed in a swamp and we are here to show them what happens to Swamp People Buck actually got slightly bruised this time around but otherwise our Raiders were once again Victorious Max also stole a fertilized human egg and we brought it back home for the child to play with on day 274 I decided to send a secondary Squad out there with Zebo and the ladies their goal was to cross the mountains on Steves and attack the nearby farming site and the piggies guarding the place oh they're fleeing already we borrowed their cucumbers and then I sent the main Squad to raid the Goblins we landed in the swamp and while the Goblins didn't have a solid defense line and battle Wars they stood no chance against buck and the fire we truly were in the end game now because I decided to backstab my friends and Ken they had a mortar for defense and buck actually got clipped but that only enraged him and he led the squad in a headlong charge towards the enemy they tried to flank us but not even that maneuver could help them survive I send the second Squad out again on day 277 and ugab boa started making exoskeleton frames for everyone nothing thing helps you Global work speed move speed and carrying capacity second Squad then absolutely obliterated the loggers and we quickly yed their hard wood bug then attacked another of our friends you shooting chunks at us what the [ __ ] is this using Stone chunks as mortar fuel tells you all you need to know about the enemy capability and while they did try to outrun us to our ship they stood no chance ugab Booga finished the last of the frames and started working on reactive suit nexts bug Squad then raided the slavers and we sniped them from afar and set them on fire Andy did get hurt in the fight but bug took good care of her eny then built a Master with golden shelf in the molum restore that human egg we stole some time ago a couple naked people tried to steal it but a child put them down albe it unhappily he does hatte it that a lot of his skin has been murdered bux Squad then dropped down in a rainy desert and destroyed the last slaver Outpost then it was time for Zebo and the ladies to Caron out again Go Go Dino Riders slowly but surely we were taking care of the Outpost and again the farmers were outmatched by our glitter Tech Armor and weaponry and we stole their 3,000 tox potatoes a couple of hungry dinos must have smelled those potatoes because they ambushed the Caravan on their way home but we turned them into sausages Buck attacked Maxis and Bo's Uncle next and as the was instantly blasted in the neck by a mortar shell Buck healed her while Max nordr took out the mortar guy and then it was business as usual oh they're all going for my base and by base I'm in ship screw you guys now ugab Booga then finished the last Nanos suit we needed and so we flew out there with a bigger Squad and absolutely unloaded on the toxic wasters who thought that shelling us with their tox poison could save them we then flew All the Way North to attack gas tank here come the boys landing on the beach nice and easy even though these wasters had spacer tank marine armor and such they broke in an instant and decided to flee back at home the child blew up a dno then as send the second Squad to attack another farming site while they traveled Waba and Bug began working on bionic limbs for us and then Zebo and the ladies completely destroyed the goblin farmers in the desert we took their brussel sprouts back home where our rack room and dining room were now fully encased in gold buck Squad went to raid furry Pirates and they took two of the autoc cluster mortars with them we installed them at the edge of the map and then they let fly the fur they try to flank us and destroy our mortars oh they're shooting our [ __ ] how dare you our ship and artillery were damage but that was easy to fix FES had another base and We snuck through the caves to destroy them killing their top cheese guy in the process we done attacked one of the three Southern pirate bases and we charged Straight Into the Heart of their home while the cowards ran away they're trying to steal our ship don't let them get out here I then decided to visit an abandoned biotch lab which was very dark and held us surprise Ambush that we easily dealt with holy [ __ ] this guy is taking a punishment we attacked in our pirate base the next day and while they were smart enough to use the low shields for defense they weren't actually smart enough to stand in them back at home the ACT finally hatched to be honest this baby looks more like the child than the child looks like the child I renamed her baby Yoda which made the child unhappy then we attacked the final faction with spacer attch they instantly set our ship on fire so I had to send bug back to take care of it while the rest of the squad punished the pirate severely with them gone only the four Ultra teack bases remained we attacked the first of the Empire outpost on day 293 using the utter cluster mortars to defeat the cowards I stand no chance oh they shuttle they used the shuttle to escape as we left I realized we forgot buck so the poor guy had to walk back home as it smoked and covered the entire area and suddenly our base was very green buck returned the next day and the child hit another Gro spur as a birthday gift daddy Buck gave her a Masterwork hyperv kimono and she looked badass wearing it but mommy maxi pads wanted to outdo Daddy's gift and she took the child with her on a raid but little did they know that the farmers had reinforcements waiting to pounce a huge group came flying in and a bloody battle ensued oh the child got shot I repeat the child got shot the injuries were severe and the child actually lost the lung but in the end we broke them and the victory was ours ugab Booga quickly crafted a new lung and when the caran returned back home ra fixed the child Orion then conquered another city but we decided to attack nus Killers next alas they were clearly cowards and only left a couple of turrets behind Max attacked us the next day but we ambushed them in the deep forest we will take battle to these nasties and we will destroy them that threat dealt with we then decided to attack Orion installation who had rocket launchers and OC defense rifles just like we did but we had the mortar advantage and while maxipad did get hit by a rocket launcher we were again Victorious just two bases remained and we dropped into a frozen desert to deal with the Orion guys once and for all this was the place that just recently conquered and clearly their defenses were not ready for the mighty bug and his Squad with One Last Enemy base left I wanted to have some fun what if we send the child alone out there to destroy that Outpost I think that would be glorious so I send the child out there alone with four cluster mortars and while the automatic Weaponry did a lot of damage the child couldn't defend the ship alone ooh he got them to flee oh no caran lost they've been captured I admit it this was my brightest moment but naturally now we had to save the child and the whole Colony chimed in to build a new Albatross which was completed by ND on day 300 buck and Maxi led the raid you thought you can steal my children oh you should think again you bastards we obliterated the Empire alas the child was no where to be found 300 days have passed and the planet was now empty Buck was the deao king of the world and our Colony became the new capital we might have lost the child but the world has been conquered and we are its leaders now so thank you everyone for [Music] watching
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 74,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 100 days, rimworld challenge, rimworld world conquest, rimworld world conquest challenge, rimworld 100 days challenge, rimworld impossible challenge, Kokoplays RimWorld, Kokoplays MB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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