I Escaped Mechanoid Madness After 300 Days in RimWorld

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for a challenge I wanted to survive the mechanoid madness in Rim World build a spaceship and then escape the planet but that was easier said than done for you see I was harassed by Insane Mech raids and feral wasters while trying to build my base in a dead land with a permanent toxic Fallout of course I also had a couple of side goals like defeating every mag boss added by Alpha Max mod and starting an Android Revolution but more about that later so now relax crack open a cold one and join me on this epic adventure which began by our three Heroes dropping from the sky alas the land around them was dead there was barely any soil clinging to the polluted metallic Wasteland and nothing grew or lived on this ruin expanse buffeted by the toxic Winds of nuclear fallout so what would we eat you ask well I had a plan we tilled the little remaining soil and planted lettuce because that was the one crop That Grew under a roof and was thusly protected from The Fallout we also built a water well and began digging into the giant metal Mountain well crack decided to just sleep in the ground which is not going to uh end up well for people but it's it's what it is a small room was dug out and we brought an old table inside and set up a research bench where m m began learning about geothermal power and I feel like now would be the perfect time to introduce our protagonists first we had burp sober who was a brave brawler but also an abrasive groundbreaker with passion for mining construction and Maly he was a waster so he was at home in these toxic lands but that also meant his life was dependent on psychi drugs same went for our second colonist crack cocon who was a fast walking animal hating ecologist with a passion for shooting plants and crafting these two guys were adorned with patch letter shirts wielding a glaive and a crappy rifle but last member of the team was something completely different merp Mur was an awakened Android who was generally very smart and beautiful but as Android she needed neutr aiming to replenish her bodily fluids which meant that was something we'd have to start working on soon alas whoever created her augmented her body with fox tail and ears so so naturally we were doomed on day three burp built beds and shelves inside then crack attempted to plant some already doomed psychoid plants burp also built our first power generator I hate wind turbines but this one will have to do at least now we had light inside and then I assigned electric smelter to be built because the metallic Mountain was full of metal chunks a visitors showed up the next day and Mer bought their meals and meds then a group of sick cats showed up in an attempt to eat us but the visitors took good care of them our water well reached % pollution at this point but there was nothing we could do about it yet and since crack was already harvesting the first batch of lettuce I told burp sober to dig a fridge crack began smelting steel the next day so burp could build the fridge cooler but then a bunch of wasters showed up here we go oh he's already fleeing while the fight was very anticlimactic this is a perfect time to talk about the World At Large most of the planet was polluted and covered with metallic ruins we lived on the western side and while there were still a couple of friendly factions clinging to this world it was was otherwise mostly populated by dangerous waser Pirates and maniacal feral bands with great names such as destroyers skinners and Sanity skinners moving on our lettuce was now refrigerated and our food situation saved but the colonist started to feel the tension bur told lies about me okay so BB built a chest table for relaxation purpose on day nine I decided to accept the Empire's quest to kill a raccoon and naturally we chose mer mer to receive the honor she could be our foxy Queen yes let's do it yes this was already starting to become cursed but at least we dealt with the Mad animal with ease the next day geothermal power research finally finished and MB began learning about Hydroponics a heat wave also began but it was not the only heat growing in the colony as BB decided to Curt merb M at least he took some time off to finish the geothermal generator so now we didn't need to worry about electricity for a while BB sober and built a nutrient Pace dispenser which our religion considered awful but it was still a fledgling thing called machine Perfection the colonists consider Max gods and would hate to see them die alas I knew will have to fight a lot of Max along the way so while it was a good start in place it was in need of serious Reformation along the way burp then smashed ancient tanks that were in his way to build a wall get him burp get him buddy he improved the defense with embrasures and spike traps the next day which would have to be enough for defense for now research proceeded nicely crack who had a heat stroke was harvesting more lettuce and B began digging further into the mountain which he finished on day 17 I told him to reinforce it with sturdy steel walls then we bought some herbal mans from our passing Caravan BB then built a couple hydroponic basins which was followed by an attack by pharaohs oh God we had the Damned ones coming at us they perished on our tribs and since the Damned ones were considered to be animals crack took one apart and was happy to report their meat was edible alas not delicious when turned into a nutrient-based meal and then realized I was a silly Billy and the Hydroponics required water but it decided to wait until we got deep Wells research finished burp dug out a new bedroom on day 21 and as a reward he received an expertise in mining I considered these rooms to be temporary but my colist disagreed with me merp merp and burp are getting married microelectronics research finished next then we bought some psych te for our wasters from a Wandering traiter Merm became an expert researcher and her future husband built her a new Hightech research bench he then furnish the two bedrooms and slowly the place wasn't looking like hobo Stan anymore I decided to bestow everyone we appr roate religious roles next this seems completely fine and normal not horrible at all love it mer M became a scaremonger burb sober was a Mecca doombringer and crack became bionic inventor which allowed him to order Max to self-destruct a couple piggish joined the next day but since we didn't really have anything to feed them we ate one and traded the other for some golden plasti then I decided to accept the quest to take care of a broken animal in exchange for not so broken human well there it is there's the sorcerer per aasia awesome BB continued to dig deeper into the mountain where he then constructed a deep pollution-free well and a pump to bring it into the Hydroponics I then caught our lovers sneaking away oh my God would you look at that we're making baby Androids I don't know if that's possible thankfully it was not possible and I counted that as a win I also decided to help two drifters who were basic humans so they had to quickly hide inside away from the toxic Fallout also at long last we had water and crack planted psychoid and heal root MB delivered the broken animal the next day and a new guy joined us while he wasn't the best he was passionate about a lot of things so I was happy to have him mer M then introduce him to our Lord and savior machine gods and since he was a coma child I decided to rename him coma which offended a couple of wasters who came to perish in our traps they did shoot up a traitor first but we had the last laugh burb then built a small cabinet to speed up smelting time then we dug out and furnished K's new room we then started mining deeper into the mountain I have set up the plans for future base expansion that I'm going to be working on but also I wanted to unlock mechack and crack cocoon was chosen to blow up the ancient Mech spider remains he then decrypted the message for a quest which brought down an ancient ship with one CER Defender who proceeded to die on our traps we didn't even get mechanoid killed because technically the traps killed the mechanoid we didn't kill the mechanoid one of the guests then lost his leg on the traps as well and his friend just left him behind alas that didn't stop burp sober and merp M from getting married in K's bedroom then I set up more workbenches to be buil burp finished those and crack began working on a duster after finishing that I told him to make some simple helmets as well and burp was the first to get new equipment I forgot to feed the guy that lost his legs in our traps so he died of starvation I still blame his friend for leaving him behind though burp built a couple of new Hydroponics for cotton next and then I finally remember the dad mechan so I forgot about this guy let's go extract the me link Craig became our mechor and received a builder Steve as a reward he built his own recharger the next day then a bunch of impots attacked us there were scrawny tribals equipped with bows so our traps and guns made quick work of them then a transport pot fell from the sky and I decided to save the refugee damn look at that haircut on the dude wow CRA Aon began working on a psychite production on day 41 and the Chewbacca haircut guy decided to join us M Mur instantly declared our ritual was in order to welcome him and that made everyone happy I didn't realize we now had enough BL steel from the dead mag and burp built a multianalyzer so mer could begin learning about fabrication we were low on power so I decided to connect another geothermal jeny which gave us the power surge we needed to begin turning our own poop into fuel well poop Commando is here welcome to the squad buddy he was another baseliner so I had to keep him inside just like coma where they were safe from toxic Fallout a couple of pirates showed up next but there were not enough of them to breach our traps and we hunted down the fleeing cowards then a mechanoid ship landed on the planet which was to contri tribute to Mech attacks in the future but for now we got our first batch of cotton in and I signed flag jackets to be crafted which Craig began working on right away fabrication research completed the next day then a bunch of ferals dropped outside our base on day 47 a couple of them decided to bash in my walls and they went straight for Steve go execute him get him burp oh what a nice stab a couple died under traps and the rest we took care of ourselves and I decided to capture a fallen soldier who was great brawler and coma began recruited him right away this is weird are you guys kissing is this how recruiting works out here oh Jesus I also assigned some scrap armor to be made and merp M zealously converted our prisoner burp built a heater inside so he wouldn't freeze and crack began working on the scrap armor it's actually pretty decent against sharp and blunt that's actually pretty good we then continued with base expansion on day 50 and we finished it with a new bedroom for poop Commando on day 54 burp also built an art bench because my people desired a cataclysmic statue which I forced mer to craft on account of being the only half decent artist then a group of Destroyers drop right outside our doorstep they CAU Steve unawares but with burp in the front we formed a line to defeat them and the last ones died on the traps trying to flee we built Mech infrastructure the next day and crack crafted to Mech subc course and I want to ad just State a lifter and a clean sweeper I bought two Advanced components from a bold good Trader on day 56 which allowed Steve to finish a fabrication bench the next day and Craig began crafting components instantly also we're getting our first new Mech look at that we got ourselves a lifter what was to be our Temple was then outlined and fully completed on day 60 poop Commando and Craig began working on armor and weapons for us then we got a new recruit he there you go penguin has joined while he was amazing at Melly he wasn't really good at anything else so I assigned him to Art instead of Mer but in true arst fashion he instead destroyed a bunch of our workbenches then in the evening we had Unforgettable machine Fair which at long last allowed us to reform our ideology and to improve it I decided to add transhumanism to our Creed I think this is going to work we're going to have to give them a lot of like next level Tech stuff but you know this is fine mer love being herself now while the rest complained about not having high-tech stuff to wipe their asses for them CRA then began working on EMP grenades and our new recruit cooked up some drugs crack [ __ ] and finished alasso which I gave to burb sober and then it was Mech time let's call that the diabos oh three militar one diabolis that should be easy money they arrived the next day and came charging in like the bullies they were really that's the thing you decided to shoot all right oh fair enough Steve waed there the big boy tried to shoot Steve but burp said nope execute nice good stun oh he executed him let's go easy money crack then unlocked the next level of mechack then he started making shirts and pants for the squ Squad since penguin survived his wakeup addiction I decided he deserved a new name and he became smash because he loved to smash I then sold a bunch of our extra armor that poop commando's been pooping out and then burp led a Mech Fiesta in our new Temple it was apparently fun which triggered a new colonist to join us it's a child why are we getting a child he was a useless little [ __ ] so I renamed him the child and he instantly began to ruin the Aesthetics of her base like children tend to do a group of Destroyers then drop right outside front door but we convinced them that death was the preferable outcome for them not much then happened until day 73 when a volcanic winter joined the permanent toxic Fallout outside then another ma frigate landed near our base and then our very impressive recck room was complete a defoliator ship landed on day 76 that's Scorchers lancers and Pikeman but luckily for us the Empire tribute collector showed up the next day and they awoke The Mex Unfortunately they only killed the Scorchers before both parties disengaged and while crack tried to to trigger the rest of the mags he was punished severely he also shed his pants in fear so further combat was postponed luckily the Empire people cleaned up after themselves when they left the next day and smash smash the ship to pieces can you actually do any damage to this wow this takes a while huh we then built our new lab complete with sterile tiles for fostter research and we added smart tables to the recck room where people could eat or watch space handti crack Kon then crafted a MEC Commander helmet for himself and Mer finished Advanced fabrication so we could start crafting our own Advanced components we also learned how to combine chemfuel and steel into plast steel 500 steel and 40 chemfuel makes 110 plast it's pretty expensive but it is what it is I sent burp to find gold for advanced components next and then a destroyer Max ship landed nearby which we ignored because we still worship those metal monstrosities bur built a hospital with Steve's help on day 84 and crack just dated an agry hand to help with food production then he called the diabos again who had some targeting issues but then they decided to come inside and we started blasting I tried to execute run with burp again but he only injured the big mag this time around before he was enveloped in Flames but luckily smash was ready to smash smash execute oh he did it he did it smash executed him let's go we just have some fiery issues now rain saved burp while the squad took care of the Pikeman and just like that we were victorious Easy Money nobody important got hurt burb did get an infection but his wife convinced him not to be a baby about it an infestation then popped up but it was a tiny one and our visitors decided to take care of it for us after all these rough days the colonist then decide to have a binge party and everyone got stoned the child just got diarrhea nice crack finished crafting chain shotguns and then he made an assault rifle for himself poop Commando began working on recon helmets for everyone and finally the squad was a bit better armed and armored volcanic winter ended on day 93 and then our first military was created so these milit I'm going to start naming after my patreon supporters and channel members so hello nuke you'll probably die first since we were low on power I decided to add another geothermal jeny and then briy and the military joined us on day 95 Steve finished the generator the next day and then I learned that mer M was low on power oh my God I did not know about that how the [ __ ] do we how do we fix this though I needed to research Android tech but for that I first needed High Mac Tech which meant calling down the war Queen but first I did the big trade with the visiting Traders and when I saw a new caran showed up crack instantly summoned the queen he also gated the next military named Lucy but then all I could do was wait at last at midnight the Caravan left naturally the big girl arrived right after that and we had to prepare for the fight of Our Lives she barely took any damage Gliding Over traps and when she got inside smash managed to stun our own mags with the EMP grenade bur blasted one of the pikemen and killed it but then more came through and he was down again luckily we had smash ready to smash execute this Pikeman pocket sent good he killed him well played all three militaries slowly perish doing their job of masterfully baiting the big Bera and then suddenly she was the only one left standing that's fine she's 20% we got this let's go War Queen defeated boys merp patched her husband and then crack deciphered the Queen's chip the next day everybody was feeling down for shooting up their Mac Gods everybody killed one which is great though mer finished the high Mac deck research and then just like a teenager she began learning about her own body bur built a bionics workbench then the Android research was completed Craig then began resurrecting his dead militar the next day and burp built an Android part workbench where I assigned a new reactor to be crafted for merp a group of Mag breachers showed up on day one3 and they started blasting at our walls alas they were not ready for smashes EMP grenades or burps lasso all right execute execute the termite you got him nice okay he downed him smash joined him in a meley then I noticed is burp lost an arm in the fight but everyone else was mostly fine just sat about shooting up their gods poop command then instantly began working on a bionic arm for our sober friend and I told him to turn it into an advanced version next he finished it on day 107 and then merp upgraded her husband with it hell yeah he's got Advanced B on the car now you'll love to see it crack also finished the reactor for mer and he successfully installed it the next day she's got full power again oh let's go BP then began digging out our new entrance and the last of my Dead channel members were resurrected the new entrance was then completed on day 112 all right now that's going to be the entrance to our base this is the first time I'm using this type of killbox and I'm excited to see how it's going to work I then mve the smelter into the adjacent room and burp closed off our old smeltery and entrance the next day I then began mining out a future dining room and I also told poop Commando to continue crafting bionics for us we added the place for a fridge behind the dining area complete with a frozen column then it was finally time to test the new killbox when a bunch of Sanity skinners dropped outside but they had some slight issues what is he doing oh he's trying to go outside to attack the win turbine he's holding them all back Lucy became debay but that allowed the rest to come inside which didn't end well for them oh this is going well nice I decided to capture a huster medic who lost an arm and a leg in the battle and then we celebrated our Victory with a beautiful machine Fair our new fridge was then completed on day 223 with an automated nutrient base grinder ah look at that it's grinding and creating the meals let's go burp and Steve then proceeded to furnish the dining room which was completed the next day but that wasn't the only good news oh look at that the virus back destroyed one of the Destroyers merb then converted our prisoner who instead of being happy decided to attempt an escape but we had smash who came to smash her and even though he only fisted her a little bit this happened in the process did you really destroy another of her arms oh my God I gave burp another Advanced bionic arm and our new bathroom was completed the next day but naturally people complained like little babies that the water was cold I caught coma watching spaceborn then we started reinstalling workbenches into our new workshop burp also built a boiler and finally we had hot water for our one and only bathtub that everyone had to share burp began digging out what was to be our new storage area and then merp installed two new Advanced bionic arms on Smash and he had to instantly put them to good use oh boy what do we have fenes with cryogenic guns Goliath needle gun the little ones perish on the traps while the big boys made it all the way in oh my God this thing is thaning so much okay good we got one stun stuns were great yes atas one of the Dead mags then blew up our whole killbox and Chaos ensued but we had burp and I decided to unleash him he lled and executed the fings then smashed lasso the centipede in the centipede stands no chance against bird and smash let's go while the whole kill box was ruined we only suffered bruises so it was a glorious victory in my opinion but still I decided to rebuild some of the entrance with uranium because it was sturdier than basic steel a couple of our people then got sick with sensory mechanites and then we began mining out a new power room our prisoner then joined us at last and I was confused for a moment why she couldn't equip a gun okay I totally forgot she doesn't have arms so let's uh let's give her arms mer made it happen installing three new LM and I renamed our new recruit into stump I gave her a charge rifle because she was a good shot then we finished one of our new power reactors and stump refilled it with uranium it's producing plenty of power and 60 uranium is for 30 days that's decent with two of those our power reserves were decent again and I ordered poop Commando to make us some granadier armor we actually ran out of steel momentarily after spending tens of thousands of it but I had my people working 24/7 in the smelting sweat shop like a good Overlord a bunch of pirates then dropped in and we funnel them ni nicely into the killbox they broke pretty fast and Brian was ready to flank them I decided to save one of them who was good at combat and stump captured him that's a great place to sleep stump indeed a great place to sleep then I accepted the quest on day 142 do we want to do infation of 19 hives this could be interesting cuz I need a Persona core alas instead of 19 hives only one spawned and our two big boys easily dealt with it pods arrived and with them the Persona core means we can now finally build the Aurora core for research over here bur built it the next day which meant I could now continue researching more eccentric Tech first Grenadier armor was then ready and burp was the one to get it I didn't notice our water levels were low so I ordered burp to build a new pump which was faster at sucking from Deep Wells smash received our second Grenadier armor next and I bought a big batch of hyper Reeve and syned from a Traer which allowed me to craft hyperweave lassos for my Mele guys merb then installed two Advanced Bionic eyes into crack's face then poop Commando made a masterful marine helmet for himself merb gave her husband two new legs in day 151 then Shadow who was also waster joined us so he fit right in Shadow is going to be the new poop Commando love it let's go one of the visitors went berserk next but burp was there to take care of it why are we attacking these guys then our new deep fridge was complete where I wanted to store our toxic waste BS so we could stop polluting the already toxic lenss for now we also build two mortars and crack a began working on explosive shells I didn't queued up marine armor to be made for the rest of the squad and then I wanted to finally go deeper into the meac we had a lot of options from alphax but first I needed prisoners to rip apart their brains but since we didn't have those we celebrated the mech Fiesta instead which must have attracted our Gods because a group of them landed in my base the next day don't let them fire in here oh that's a good stunt it's a good stunt holy [ __ ] I thing exploded again I didn't send burp in to clean the the rest but clearly I needed to find some sturdier materials to make my killbox out of crack put on his new marine armor and burp built a new geothermal jeny I also built tritium storage tanks which I forgot to do previously crack began crafting new pens for the squad and the workshop extension was then mostly complete next I put down blueprints for Nano fabricator and assembler from eccentric tech oh there you go we have a nano fabricator where we can make Nano Eve reactor whole plates and high density hexels B buil yet another geothermal generator on day 168 then I gave him and smash new plas steel glaes K's XY fell from the sky then and even though her brain was kind of broken I had to save her with a name like that we don't have the glitcher world meds to fix her but at least we can give her another hand Steven BB then built NEOS supercharges for everyone to juice up their brains and crack cranked up a couple of Masterwork t-shirts naturally our new engines were very power hungry don't ever have enough power we're going to need another one of these alas while we were trying to build a new generator a group of waster dropped in they wanted to go through my walls and there was nothing I could do to stop them so we had to charge in burp and smash were the Frontline executioners although the enemy tried their best to poison them go stab this guy nice he's just stabbing them all beefy front line and smart flanking made the wasters flee and I decide to capture all of the down Raiders but not to recruit them no they became my new meore farm and Lan has died for the high subcore awesome after these casual war crimes I then connected two bios sculptors to the nutrient pasted Network and allowed Smash and poop Commando to have their mandatory yearly H reversal we then built a couple band nodes so crack could justatee more max then this happened to the party you lovers coma tried to wo stump let's go the next day a bunch of Burly Ferro monstrosities attacked us and we unleashed hell upon them in our beautiful kill box they're dying let's oh they're fleeing oh they are fleeing let's go Smash and burp chased the slow ones for double execute then burp and stump enjoyed their government mandated age reversal our ungrateful prisoners attempted to escape then but as is tradition smash did the smash I also accepted a high psychic drone quest for a brain wirring Tech print then I managed to trade all of our old armor for a bunch of hyper reef and two cpra armors from a Trader naturally burp and smash were the ones getting the new armor and so everyone now had some kind of heavy armor mer research brain wiring and I assigned a couple of Joy wires to be built then 45 tribals with bows attacked us and naturally they stood no chance oh my God this is Massacre not a single one escaped and we added a couple new prisoners Shadow also got her AG reversal capsule on day 185 and then crack got himself a new Big Steve to mine and soak up damage prisoners beat each other up the next day then we found a back door access to our base oh Steve what have you found down here crack made him himself another big new Mech with an inbuilt shield and burp finish another generator I don't think I ever had seven geothermal generators just line up like this and feel like I still don't have enough power merb then installed Joy wires into our prisoners to make them happy and the child was finally not the child anymore so he armed and armored up then I ass signed deuterium extractors to be built on day 193 which bur finished the next day prisoners tried and escape again so our two big boys sted them out of it with their fists and as a reward for escaping I told mer to remove their legs a giant Mech cluster then popped down on day 195 you know what we worship Max we're just never going to get close to this I assigned the child to start crafting dusters for us to level up his double passion crafting skill and then dyum extractors were connected to storage to provide us with fuel for our future Fusion reactor I also accepted a quaz That was supposed to spawn 26 hives but again it was a tiny one which unfortunately was what she said as a reward BB got himself a new Hammer this thing's got killed sorrow Oh that's such [ __ ] but at least he looked cool he then built a reactor the next day and Steve finished the capacitors K and oopsy then on day 199 and since we were getting a new child I had to rename the old child a laser slap welcome to the squad laser slap the capacitors were charged at this point so I was able to start the new reactor and it's fully operational let's go producing power 50 ,000 Watts really with our power needs now satisfied I then began digging out a battery room and poop command began working on a locust armor we also gave the prisoners nutrient paste drippers so we didn't need to feed them manually anymore then a bunch of mechanoids dropped from the sky smaller ones died on our traps then we unleashed hell on them in our killbox okay now you're too good at stunning they can't get inside stop it of course one of them had to explode again but he was the last of his kind as a reward another ma cluster dropped from from the sky but all was not lost a spoop Commando made that Locust armor Masterwork and naturally bur had to try it on visitors then triggered the max so cracked helped them with a mortar selx ran for a killbox these little mecky boys don't stand a chance oh that's a good throw in there that's going to be a good stun and indeed they stood no chance as crack then mortared down the psychic droner we then EMP the high Shield of the first me cluster and crack triggered those mechs as well corpses were stacking up so burb had to use his lasso execute the centipede pocket sent did you get it injured it killed one of the theves but we had our revenge alas burps combat prowess was not enough for merp merp break up merp broke up with burp oh our mortar boys blew up more Mech structures and a couple freshly assembled ones died on our traps battery room was then mostly completed and then crowbar finally learned to walk again crowbar more like dead bar am I right laser slam's daddy showed up with a bunch of monsters next alas we had to make the kid sad by sending him to the other side as a reward yet another me cluster dropped down this one with a high shield and auto mortar luckily we had EMP shells ready to blow it up but then the Maxs were upon us we fought the little ones throughout the night then crack broke as we waited for the big boys and his mags decided not to help us against them how much damage you take oh my God this is going to be rough lucky for us smash knew how to stun them and very slowly we Whittle them down I had to send burp in and he took care of one they did actually try shooting him but the constant stuns and the two big Burly boys won as the day or so I thought um good thing we didn't have uh a Mech raid recently oh yes crazy enough though they were a different faction than the me clusters and they actually destroyed one for us alas that fight didn't last long so back to our killbox we went they got a couple of shots off because it wasn't fully rebuilt yet but my big tough boys were ready for them get him oh burp down him all right you finish him off a couple peaceful days followed and we got new Shields and weapons we also extended the storage room then I decided to accept another Quest this is um it's pretty good reward Prestige Catera helmet would be nice a couple Empire cateracts joined us in defense and we mortared the enemy mortar then stump gave birth to a new child we made a big rifle on day 220 and crack tried to snipe the max with it which didn't go well get out of there crack bye so I just left them and summoned an OCR on mag boss instead he attacked us the next day and we blasted apart his little friends alas his resurrect skill led to some funny moments the bastard resurrected his militarys in our toilets CRA cracked the chip and then he mored the cluster to pieces that then led to one of the biggest me battles that lasted the whole day with people having food breaks and mental breaks along the way this is a problem now maybe we have a hole over there but burp was fast enough to rebuild it while Max were stunned and just as we were fighting the last of the Big Max 44 new ciders poured in they're getting closer and closer burp be here if you need to be here burped helped taking them apart and smash actually broke because he threw too many grenades but in the end our killbox really proved itself we've done it holy [ __ ] we've done it oh my God that is so many corpses out here one giant MEC remained out there who destroyed half our generat so I sent my big boys after it uh thank you for the insult smash oh my God you guys are fighting each other now oh yeah there's just a Mech walking right next to you it's a giant [ __ ] thing yeah let's just let's just uh let's just fight each other seems really smart but we defeated it and then the three Empire soldiers left probably with some serious PTSD but they should have known this region wasn't called mechanoid desolation for nothing I then accepted a quest for a Persona monos sword and need spawn a cobra protected Outpost not far away I gave smash the big sword and crack began blowing up the last ma cluster he actually ran out of shells so I sent in burp against the last few turrets and he destroyed them spectacularly let's go that's another Mech cluster defeated we done it with all those clusters destroyed mermer finally rebelled Against the Machine and I decided to reform our ideology by removing the mech warship she also enhanced Mech labor turning them into our slaves now and she chose royalty as respected to further her own agenda alas she couldn't accept her royal title just yet because there was nothing alive on this map and we had no wood to light up the brazers the Royals desired also at this point we had a ton of Advanced Bionics ice crafted so merb then installed two into every single colonist I accepted another Royal quest for her and a group of phals came to attack us we met them in a field to protect our Royal friends and we absolutely raged them with our two Smashers up front get burp he's trying to fight him with a beer bottle then another group of pharaohs attacked us the next day are you kidding me how the [ __ ] did you drop in here luckily smash was ready to slice them up even though he was under heavy fire constantly our range units destroy the ones trying to flank us and then I noticed smash actually lost a leg and a kidney in the process crack and poop Commando quickly crafted new limbs for him alas he was less than happy with that I have become what I hate well that's rough krack just stated another Mech monstrosity on day 234 and we named him Fox M's brazers were also finally lit so we were able to begin her bestowing ceremony making her a prator of the Empire she desired some new apparel because of that so I assigned Prestige armor to be crafted I also turned off our reactor because its hole protection was getting low and crack crafted reactor hole plates which then burp used to repair it smash had a catatonic breakdown because he hated his body so as a reward mer M installed a joy wire in his brain after that we celebrated the marriage Co muton stump sitting on the tree k i s s i n g poop command crafted The Prestige marine armor for mer and she looked badass in it we had new Mech teac now and I built a Mech disruptor then crack summon the next boss named inferus he was a big boy with a big boy shield and a big boy gun sir excuse me why would you do this oh my God what the [ __ ] was that yes that was scary but with smash's stuns and our Firepower he was absolutely obliterated in our killbox that allowed crack to study the next Mech link and merp went to research the new teag unlocking new Prestige meanor armor on day 243 burp and smash finally went to attack that Cobra Outpost and a snake Massacre ensued they destroyed the climate adjuster there and we were free I give crack the new Prestige mechm helmet which gave him additional 18 bandwidth then this happened holy [ __ ] that's 48 polar bears in here Steves were the first to fall and that bar was stuck in a deadly bar burp managed to bait half of them into a killbox but then dead bar broke due to starvation and the Bears maed herur they then slowly trickled into our kill box while dead Bar's life slowly trickled away to the point I decided to actually sorty out so burp could Sprint for her do we do it 0.7 0.6 all 0.9 0.8 let's go he just barely managed to save her life and then merp rescued her but that wasn't our only problem this is bringing a new meaning to a public toilet are you really showering in here I wanted to give my people new undersuits but for that we needed very expensive Nano weave which crack began working on he then summon the war Queen again and she attacked us the next day but compared to the monster mag that we were used to fight she was an easy meal she's spawning the little ones and she's dead poop Commando began working on the undersuits then our art gallery was completed on day 250 hey look at this room now extremely impressive Rich quite spacious very beautiful and clean I traded all my extra eyeballs for a bunch of gold from exotic Goods Trader the next day then crack C P down another apocon mag boss I prepared people over here this time around if he's going to rest them in toilets again and indeed he did ra them in the toilet but my mechs were ready to dump on them his death gave us the last chip we needed to begin crafting The Prestige Mech Master suit I accepted the toxic spewer Quest the next day which gave merp MP even more honor I don't care about the toxic spewer cuz we already have the toxic Fallout she became a baroness the next day just one level away from the higher Royal rank available with that she put her end Revolution plan into motion then and we finished the Android lab so this thing we can now use to scan four people to create one core for making Androids and good thing we had just the people for that task crack got himself a new weird Steve and also his new Mech Master suit 34 manh hunting works then attacked us and they aid The Travelers on the map before coming to party in our kill box we're going to be eating good again the last prisoner was then scanned and I assigned an ugly combat Android with cat ears to be crafted and Craig began working on that our toilet then got Infested by nasty bugs but our two big Burly boys clean it up merb then converted Shadow to her side with the power of her Android [ __ ] so clearly he decided he's not leaving with the rest of the squad a me cluster plopped down after that and they came charging in right away the little ones died easily but since we had to wait for the big ones smash decide to smash a very expensive workbench you know how much this [ __ ] costs B bastard happy with his destruction he then helped us stun the big mags but it was not enough so I had to send in Bur to help clear them out Jesus it's taking a punishment wa that just went by he also destroyed the carpenter mag that deconstructed half of our generators then crack mortared the mech turrets the child then became the child and burp finished the last turret on the map let's go me cluster defeated Steve then began mining a secret passage that I wanted to lead to our f future spaceship area the first of Ms Androids was then completed and I renamed him mson kden put on the new unders suit which was very expensive to make yet very powerful 29 mad elephants then attacked us on day 269 but naturally they stood no chance you thought you can eat our thieves think again I had to stop and repair the fusion reactor again which burp completed the next day I also began scanning the prisoners again so poop Commander could build another Android for Mer's Army I also accepted another honor quest with mer and we had to protect the Empire shutle against a big group of pharaohs please stop shooting our own people that'd be amazing but a combination of my Max the PDW Firepower everyone was wielding now and of course my two big Burly boys absolutely rag the feral enemies double losos oh good execution merp now had enough honor to become a countess but her throne room was not impressive enough so I told burp to rebuild her awful Throne alas that wasn't quite enough yet CRA then summoned the tier five mag boss and the war Empress arrived at the same time we also began building the ship reactor because it was about time we escaped this planet naturally the war Empress had an opinion on that oh that was easy enough she be stunned she's going to get destroyed Wow crack studied that ship then B finished the reactor alas I was missing an alpha core to power the ship so I accepted a big raid quest for it a bunch of people with crappy guns decided to join us in defense so I had to dig up a basic Barracks for them look at them all sleep together happily ever after BB then began building ship engines then crack sumon the last mag boss the apopsis but before the max could land this happened and we have an infestation down here we triggered the swarm of nasty bugs just doing our part and then the max arrived those bugs that made it into our killbox we turned into corpse starch but most of them preferred random acts of vandalism instead stop digging through my [ __ ] the mags then met them on the the field and Carnage ensued it was a long battle but in the end metal prevailed over flashy matter alas the random acts of vandalism caught up to us no you [ __ ] I hate you what the [ __ ] is this crap but when the big boss finally made it into our killbox we had our revenge and with that our Mech research was finally completed we also got a nice bonus I was working on for the last few days and we have our Shield up oh let's go this is going to protect us in here and this is going to protect the ship over here as well hopefully with the shield up it was now time to start the ship reactor it would take 2 weeks before it was operational and in that time all hell would break loose upon this Colony but if you believe we can survive death and destruction until the end then subscribe now and let's do this together the first max arrived the next day and instantly murdered a Steve naturally they also ruined my killbox okay that one didn't explo oh my God come on the rest of them tried to hide in the toilet where my janitors took care of them but then the quest raate triggered as well and the Pharaohs landed in my backyard I sent everyone to the front line and absolute chaos ensued as we tried to maneuver under heavy fire one of the borrowed Defenders died in the defense of our Colony but then we took care of the rest oh you thought you can come in here and destroy us huh no with that the quest was complete and we got lots of uranium and our core Max returned again on day 286 and they sliced up the Steve in the process as was traditional one of the remaining Defenders almost screwed up our positions in killbox but burp knew what to do just just last on him that was awesome naturally the stupid mags then blew up my killbox then Mer's Throne Room finally reached enough impressiveness to raise her to the rank of Countess of course at the same time we were attacked by 103 tribals they tried to burn the big Steve oh no poor Steve you guys realize he can't burn right and meanwhile m m did her thing she became a countess while the squad obliterated the Pyro tribals 14 centi feets with some smaller mexs arrived the next day which was combined with a waster attack and the two groups clashed outside our walls these guys are dying here let's go Maxs were naturally Victorious and slowly but surely they made it in I doubled down on the EMP grenades allow some of the centipedes still managed to shoot at us but luckily we now had a shield to protect us I reped The Shield e down but we had enough Firepower and stuns to kill them all or at least all who came into a killbox I let most of my people sleep while a small group defeated the last Max then burp had a speech to keep everyone's spirits up in this Bleak time and they totally needed that because then this happened oh no no no no what the [ __ ] is this they completely ruined our beautiful recck room for these Raiders only crave death and destruction of everything beautiful on this planet but while they wrecked the wck room at least they did not get to my drugs we barely rebuilt The Kill box and then 53 besur popped up but crack popped them right back they trickled inside one by one but soon the trickle turned into a flood but when you compare that to the max we've dealt with in the past the raid was a laughing matter we scrambled to clean the killbox but I really shouldn't have bothered no are you [ __ ] me again these guys clearly had some kind of a big drill to get right through the mountain and into my base yeah I didn't want these Hydroponics [ __ ] those hydroponics in particular they burned my colony and at the same time themselves so clearly they were not the smartest Raiders out there but they've done their job and I had to let my Hydroponics burn because the room reached 1,000° C about a million ferals attacked us on day 293 alas they were fleshy things and we were used to killing metal monstrosity so again they stood no chance against the might of our Firepower Steves could barely keep up with corpse burning especially because more ferals showed up the next day it's almost like you guys have just been here huh they queued up at our doors and once again their corpses stacked up in our toilets for Steves to have fun with and even when they broke we show them no mercy if they're trying to flee don't let them flee then me Double Trouble showed up again fast ones died on the traps then we unleashed on the big ones where the [ __ ] did these guys come from oh crap oh crap yes I missed the exploding once and now we had a big hole and a million centipedes which unfortunately is not the title of your sex tape no no matter how it sounds I put my Mees in the front line while bur blasted the enemies guys we have some fires going on but that's fine we managed to isolate the fireworm and then the squad slowly took down one Mech at a time with some clever use of lassos Shields and our own mechs as a bait all right boys easy money nothing bad happened Steve died what a surprise burp rebuild the killbox Pronto and guess what happened next yes the max attacked again it's not like we just fought the mechanoids right while they were slowly working working their way in we also had 89 wasters drop from the sky we killed the little mechs coming into our kill box just in time for the Raiders to push in right behind them this skill box have been the MVP this whole time yes indeed even with our high level armor even with eccentric Tech Shields and guns even with our own Mex as bait even with all that we would have perished without this killbox after so many raids so thank you viewers for suggesting it but not everything was Bleak as merp and Shadow got married later that day but then one Last Giant M raid popped up I say last because the ship reactor was finally ready all right let's do this boys the last fight the last fight we have to do here they brought their own Shields this time around and they desperately tried to breach ours as the slow battle progressed throughout most of the day double EMP grenades did a great job though and once their centurions were shieldless they died easily to our PD WS they managed to get very close to the point I had to send Fox to the front lines and it's dead oh we've done it guys burp then built the last missing piece of the ship and then everybody met in front of the ship Under The Weeping toxic Sky those that were ready to leave entered the crypto sleep caskets while burp sober said his goodbyes to mer Mur and her Squad then he also entered the ship and they blasted into the space we're launching the ship boys there they go alas that was not the end for it was time for Android Revolution hund them down down hunt them all down they hunted down every single cracks SMC under the watchful eye of their mother Queen and goddess but there was one last thing to do before the end merp wanted to implant fox ears and tail into her husband oh she failed imp planting his ears but he's got a fox tail so there's that yes he was basically your average polish guy now but we survived 300 days we escaped this hell world and left it in the care of fox tailed Androids and their human sex slaves we have indeed won my friends let's [Music] go
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 19,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 100 days, rimworld challenge, rimworld alpha mechs, rimworld mechanoid challenge, rimworld 100 days challenge, rimworld impossible challenge, RimWorld deathworld challenge, rimworld ship building, Kokoplays RimWorld, Kokoplays MB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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