I made FLAPPY BIRD in DUMB programs

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hello today we're going to be remaking Flappy Bird in increasingly stupid ways from Premier Pro to file explorer I'm here to prove that anything is a game engine if you try hard enough oh what okay game engine one file explorer is a game engine it's got everything you need it can like store images I suppose H yeah that that's all you really need okay let's jump into it okay so here's the plan if we fill out this bad boy with a bunch of new folders then we have a picture of the Flappy Bird Bird this makes me extremely uncomfortable I don't know why it's like a cyclops version anyway okay there we go that's our boy now in theory we can change the name of the bird and it should move around if we call it zero bird that didn't work at all that did it should move up am I crazy oh wait no I'm dumb I'm dumb you don't want folders folders are always above the other files we want like text files okay let's make some text files did it crash okay we're good okay that really doesn't bode well all I did was create a text file [ __ ] is we've barely started [ __ ] is about to get so much worse all right let's fill her up okay now if we change the name it should move [Applause] yeah I am celebrating so hard all we did was rename it okay we got [ __ ] to do let's go next I WR a little python file to rename all the text files so I don't have to manually go through and do them all and this should allow for more precise movement name this to 2 a does that move it after two it does okay okay and now if we want to move it down one I think we have to call it 17A yes yes okay okay okay also decided to use medium icon so we got more spaces to move around in now we can write a script then we'll just move it around randomly all right this is good but we've R into our first let's call it Quirk of this game engine it's not really that consistent with refreshing the display like this is supposed to change the position of the bird every second but if we put it next to a metronome then you see it's really not doing well now not all is hopeless we do have one option left and that's this absolute but right here this [ __ ] Legend this guy when you click it refreshes the display which is like exactly what we want so my first thought is to run an auto clicker to spam click that bad boy all right let's click that [ __ ] every like 10 milliseconds that should be enough o yeah that's pretty quick yeah that doesn't seem great oh no oh no stop stop stop oh I [ __ ] up I've done [ __ ] up oh can no longer exhale trust me to break [ __ ] file explorer oh we're back it works oh no it's opening them all no no no no no no look at this oh no no oh no it's still going okay so turns out every 10 milliseconds is a touch excessive and we could probably just do it every time we change a file also I have PTSD from letting python control my mouse I could do oh no it's open command prompt so we're going to use keyboard shortcuts to refresh it instead yes yes yes yes yes okay okay that's pretty insc I'm pretty happy with that all right this is way better uh but a game running in an FPS of one is not ideal we're trying to make Flappy Bird here not cyber Punk so let's see how far we can push it it's 10 FPS I was going to do a whole montage thing can't be [ __ ] doing that it's 10 FPS if we go any further than 10 FPS it starts like skipping FR Aames like this and that [ __ ] sucks so 10 FPS it is okay let's actually you get the game happening all we've done is move a bird like left and right let's actually get some like gravity [Music] happening I'm [Music] flppy flop FL FL I'm looking flppy oh yeah that's gravity baby it's going oh he is going far that is that is a big number all right let's flap that bird and then space Oh space hello I broke it what if you speed up the footage it almost looks playable okay it's pipe time it's pipe time it's pipe time got to get that that [ __ ] pipe time it's time it's time got to get that [ __ ] pip time it's it's time oh oh look at the pipe it's working it's [ __ ] working oh wait it crashed oh but it's a good crash because it happens when I hit the pipe yes okay I don't have to code that bit in my sh coding has built in Collision detection yes okay come on come on come on oh oh oh it's Flappy Bird it's this is going to be so hard and now we just have to spawn new pipes in every now and then and we're Gucci baby all right let's do this [ __ ] that's one easy easy game go for two oh oh he's crazy can he get three no no I died no but that's Flappy bir FL mod in Vile Explorer yeah I told you vile Explorer is a game engine also I tried to do it with the sky background but moving around pngs is way slower than moving around text files so it was pretty unplayable also this happened oh what happened where'd it go am I I think I've become have I become a pipe yes I have become a pipe that's fine that happens so yeah anyway next game engine Microsoft Paint is a game engine it's got everything you need you can like the paint stuff ah look I painted your mom okay so here's the idea for this one basically the plan is to write a python script that is going to control the mouse to really quickly draw the entire state of the game so it'll like draw some pipes over here and it'll probably have to change the color of the paint and then draw the bird like this and yeah that's like one frame it'll have to like redraw everything every other frame I guess we'll have to eras that I'll figure it out don't worry okay let's draw some [Music] [ __ ] okay that's good but let's draw it a bit faster okay that was faster but it was a different shape which is not ideal yeah that's the speed we're looking for baby okay now that we're happy with the speed let's actually draw the bird from the G from the flppy bird game yeah we draw that and to draw that bird we're going to need some circles uh which is hard to do with lines and I couldn't be [ __ ] W in the code to do this so uh yeah I'm I'm going to take that oh yeah kind of [ __ ] kind of was kind of slow and it missed this point and it didn't finish the thing but here at code bullet Industries we can happily Overlook these things also every time we run it it seems to [ __ ] up in a unique way which is that's fun that's a I'm going to say that's a stylistic choice and move on but we do need it to be faster so let's reduce the number of points in the circle and he's also way too big so let's shrink him down okay very nice okay and now I needed some code to draw rectangles so I wrote that from scratch and this should draw the bird and one of the pipes yeah sure that's that's something sure uh yeah still not a rectangle but we are getting closer oh yes that's the stuff we got a bird we got a pipe baby that's all you need once again is kind of different every time we run it but uh we've already solved this by calling this a fature all right everyone shut up ready ready ready boom fluffy bir yes the frame rate of this game is going to be [ __ ] atrocious that was so slow but I think that's as good as we're getting okay let's get some colors in this [ __ ] to change colors we're just going to quickly click on the color we want before we draw the stuff so it'll be like yellow then draw bird then green then draw pipes you know you know how paint works it's like that let's also have the black and be blue yeah that's pretty okay I've done a thing you ready yeah yeah yeah yes look at him he's so handsome a all let's try actually moving the pipes [ __ ] should move now oh no h all right so we're going to need to clear out the screen once we've done drawing a single frame a same person would probably do like a control a delete and then paint the background but [ __ ] that I'm a [Music] just beautiful fantastic oh no every time the bird's different all right so I haven't actually coded any of the gaml like all I've done is draw a bird um so let's actually make this Fluffy Bird I'm making flppy [Music] birdap I'm making flppy bird okay let's do this oh okay it's it's over here now but it is falling it's not clearing properly but ignore that we got gravity in Microsoft Paint let's go oh yeah that's not right uh hello hello what the [ __ ] yeah that's not a problem don't worry about that okay let's run it back I I don't know why the bird is green now just Just go with it it's fine okay what happens when a hit space does it flap no it breaks everything that's a nice feature that's great okay a bird's looking good it's the right color I didn't change anything but it works now and do we have a flap oh we got it we got a flap let's get let's get an action replay of that bad boy oh that's the good [ __ ] that's what we do this for yeah okay I made the bird smaller and the Gap a little bigger so you can actually [ __ ] play the game this is miserable let's let's speed this up a bit so you can actually watch it [Music] oh he's through oh don't worry about that oh oh what is what is going [Laughter] on a what now all that's left is add some collision and death logic so the bird just doesn't fly straight through the pipes and we got Flappy Bird baby easy [Music] no why why are you like this you dead you dead what a game y as I said Microsoft Paint is a game engine B tier better than un I don't know why I said that like I've got a teer list going this is the only one that I've rated chat gbt is a game it's got everything you need it can even draw your mom a what the what the [ __ ] is that is this what my audience looks like it can also make Flappy Bird okay I want you to draw a screenshot of the Flappy Bird game in asy art with the background represented with stars and the bird represented with this little arrow I don't know what that is end of the pipes represented by square brackets oh actually not bad actually I thought it would be way worse it didn't really do the background star thing but that's okay I think this is better the pipes should be vertical okay that's looking good there should be a gap in the pipes oh for [ __ ] okay it begins the Gap should split a single vertical pipe into two vertical pipes no yeah it was ambitious that that would fix it the vertical pipes should be aligned so they are above each other okay this is starting to piss me off you know what Flappy Bird is right oh what is that what that is so much worse why are there two birds hm I I don't know is that bad I don't know why is there a square m that's the same [ __ ] thing oh okay that actually helped it that's okay okay actually close but can you remove the square around the bird starting to get proper mad now get rid of the square okay progress okay now get rid of the horizontal lines you're [ __ ] joking this piece of [ __ ] thinks he's funny he got rid of these lines no obviously not what I'm talking about bro not those ones the ones around the bird almost there the still horizontal lines though yes yes yes oh my God okay great now can you have the game moved to the next game State assume the bird is falling ah for [ __ ] sake where's the top pipe gone okay it's back but it's [ __ ] again the top and bottom pipes are misaligned now okay you changed nothing whatever let's just try to play the game proceed to the next game State okay that kind of did something it moved down I think I don't know what changed actually okay now next game state but I flapped oh okay that did go up have the pipes move left every game State I think it moved the bird okay whatever let's keep going okay next state next next next the pipes aren't moving they still aren't moving what what are we do move the pipes left next frame next frame next frame move the [ __ ] pipes this game sucks all right you know what no you can't you can't [ __ ] do it CH is not a game engine whatever [ __ ] moving on Jesus [Music] Premier Pro is a game engine this piece of [ __ ] is why it takes me four [ __ ] months to make a video it's got everything you need except for the ability to Not Crash all the [ __ ] time okay here's the play create a new premier pro project add a bird add a wall drag the bird into the timeline boom and you're probably thinking I know what this guy's going to do the bird's probably going to move around here in the video preview um and the pipes will come from here and stuff but n no no no no no that's some [ __ ] [ __ ] all we need is this bad boy right here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah don't believe me watch this boom bird now we just need to make like 4,000 lanes and by using keyboard shortcuts we can move our boy up and down okay bird done okay it's pipe time it's pip pip FIP it's p time it's p time got to get that [ __ ] P time yeah all right are you seeing my vision now are you seeing my genius okay so we can move the bird up and down but what about moving it through the pipes I found a hotkey that moves the selected clip to the playhead which the playhead is like this line here which is basically what the preview screen is showing like where in the video we are I don't know if you use editing software whatever you figure it out so when you play this video it moves through the pipes and if we are constantly moving this clip to the playhead it'll follow it mix up some up and down movement and we got the most annoying version of flappy bird I've ever experienced but technically we're getting close and God that [ __ ] sound is going to get old quick all right let's actually get some gravity and flapping happening up until this point it's just been moving like up and down periodically which is not Flappy birad this is it on a longer course I've tried everything to make this actually not look like [ __ ] but the main problem is just this snapping to the play head is very inconsistent uh so it's always just going to look like [ __ ] if we keep using that we can just move the bird to the right using hot keys so it doesn't follow the playhead which is smoother but there's a small problem oh he just kind of leaves huh okay yeah that's not IDE deal morale was low I had hit rock bottom was Premier Pro not a game engine after all were all the haters right but then I had an epiphany if you can't move the bird through the pipes then move the pipes through the [Music] bird yeah this didn't work at all if you have the pipe selected then you can't move the bird like you can't have two separate versions of things selected so it's no longer Flappy Bird it's just bird which is not as fun morale was low I had hit rock bottom was Premier Pro not if you can't flap the bird then flap the [Music] P this is so [ __ ] stupid oh and it looks so Jank if we speed it up and track the footage so it looks like the birds moving and not the pipes then we got it it's Flappy Bird no still good we haven't been fully cut off yet so we're still good okay yeah now we're dead now we're dead that's fair Premier Pro is a gaming engine it's a [ __ ] one but it is a gaming engine also here it is like zoomed out and tracked I don't know if that's better or worse than the zoomed in I don't know but whatever here it is you're [Music] welcome hey I hope you enjoyed this video most of it was just honestly me using python as a back end and using random programs to display the game but I thought it was fun if you want to learn how to do stuff like this then the perfect place to do that is BR and.org bran has a ton of interactive courses on all things math science and computer science including courses teaching you the basics of Python Programming it's true that I'm no stranger to using a little performance-enhancing drug to assist me programming like everyone knows I'm not Natty but it's rarely as simple as you just ask it to code something then it immediately Nails it it's still super important that you can understand and read code so you can tell it all the ways in which it [ __ ] up and Brilliant courses are a great way to learn these fundamentals they're interactive and actually fun instead of just learning it from a textbook there's also courses on how large language models like chat GT work so you covered both of your bases there so if you want to support this Channel and try everything brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days visit brilliant.org code bullet or click the link in the description with that link you'll also get 20% off an annual premium subscription okay thank you brilliant before we go into the betum battle which if you don't know what that is then video in June I'll be going to open source which is a YouTuber slaker event that is run by William Osman people come to show off some of the crazy [ __ ] they've build and Adam Savage will be there so that's pretty cool I don't know it's just like a youtube/ engineering thing that I'm going to if you have something that you've built and want to show it off you can apply there will be a link in the description below it could be software it could be Hardware it could be whatever you want really there aren't any rules except it has to be dope okay anyway it's patreon time let it rip yeah so as I said if you don't know what this is I put out a video explaining all of that so go check it out but basically it's a patreon b it's what it looks like it's a patreon battle for my patreon supporters and it just gives me some time to talk about some dumb [ __ ] at the end of videos um yeah so if you enjoy the video let me know if you want to see more I have more ideas for how I can make Flappy Bird and dumb things including stuff like Flappy Bird on a 3D printer Flappy Bird in like PowerPoint that should be possible Excel on an oscilloscope would be an interesting one on a there so many different ideas um so yeah if you like this video let me know I can do more um I'm hoping to put out some more videos that's my grand plan is optimistically and I know I feel like I say this [ __ ] a lot optimistically two videos a month I don't think we're going to get there but that's a stretch goal so we'll aim for we'll probably get like 1.5 but that's still pretty good um I'm going to be trying out some different things maybe some cheeky Hardware in videos some Robotics and stuff but you'll just have to wait and see if you're supporting me on patreon and don't see yourself here you have to be part of one of the tiers that actually gives you a Beyblade that's just how the API is working and how my program works um so if you want to switch over that's probably a play congrats to Nathan watt for the Big W you win some free merch from code bullet shop.com which is live again it was down for ages because of boring manufacturing [ __ ] but uh we got it back um we got this new space man design which is cool and we got some shirts I know check it out but I will be in touch Nathan anyway that's it later
Channel: Code Bullet
Views: 1,500,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial, intelligence, coding, processing, java, machine, learning, genetic, algorithm, evolution, computer, science, programming, comedy, educational
Id: djIufZ7Fyms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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