I Survived 1 Year as the WEAKEST Character in Project Zomboid The Movie

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for a challenge I decided to create the weakest project zomboid character ever obese feeble stupid cowardly turret of a human being weak men was the exact opposite of someone that can survive the zombie apocalypse but luckily he was sponsored by enlisted and I didn't want him just to survive I wanted to turn weak man into a strong man but the longer he survived the more challenges the world would throw at him from a cryogenic winter to daily helicopters and zombies learning how to sprint I had multiple side goals besides surviving for a whole year and for the first 100 days the challenge to overcome was to create a safe haven and beat obesity to become as strong and fit as possible so I could achieve my second goal raid a zombie infested military base to prepare for the next 100 days now relax crack open a cold one and join me on this glorious Adventure which began in MRA now this wasn't my first attempt but I knew right then and there it was a blasted one there's a sledgehammer in here let's freaking go boys now we talking I decided to make this fire station my new home and because I was weaker than your average anime enjoyer I decided to turn it into a trap then I continued my loot run downstairs picking up any object I could use for a long-term survival a couple of Zs broke Indo and weak men showed his bravery by Smashing their faces in with a Handa in the afternoon I caught exposure Survival on the TV and I learned the ways of fishing alas without a watch there was no way to tell the time and know when the next show is going to begin so I reluctantly decide to bait a couple of zombies in in hopes of looting one I managed to slay five of them with my masterful baiting skills but I had no luck finding a watch killing five zombies was hard work though as weak men became tired but the evening was not without its rewards cigarettes oh my god let's [ __ ] go on day two I woke up just in time to catch a cooking show on the TV then I snuck outside to smash up a zombie who was nice enough to provide me with a watch but it was not digital so I couldn't set an alarm I knew the next show was at noon so so I decided it was time for morning exercise all the time hoping for some extra fries the fact that this obese unfit asmatic weak man could do more push-ups than I could was a bit of an eye opening experience holy [ __ ] there's how to use generators in here wow we are lucking out let's go I watched the carpentry show next then I had to crash Awakening just in time for a nighttime Adventure I baited three more zombies in hopes of finding a digital watch but no luck then it was time for another cooking show that's let go our first level up oh yeah I then spend the rest of the morning baiting working out and watching TV all the while starring the poor weak man two nice ladies came to visit me in the afternoon with a gift she's got potato seeds oh that's huge so I went outside to shovel some dirt into a sack and planted my first crops on the roof but clearly I wasn't sneaky enough oh [ __ ] how the hell did you get up here and because I could hear zombies breaking in downstairs I decided to to isolate myself to stay safe I woke up to more banging on day four it really sounded like Playboy Mansion downstairs I knew I needed to get stronger if I was to ever survive the cruel world outside so it was more squats and push-ups for poor weak men before I allowed him some TV time watching TV watching TV let's go let's go watching TV I slept off the rest of the afternoon to recover stamina so I could push him some more in the evening the next couple of days flew byy faster than money out of only fan Sims bank accounts I watched TV shows and cooked some questionable meals potato and peanut butter stir fry that sounds delicious I combined that with lots of exercise and book reading I actually managed to finish carpentry Volume 2 before the noon show on day six which really boosted my carpentry XP gains rain began to fall as well which was good for my crops but what was not good was all the pain from exercising that didn't let me sleep and the effects of my sleep deoration soon began to show more exercise I reached level two in cooking on day seven but unfortunately that didn't teach me not to combine potatoes and peanut butter so I kept on eating that wild goop hell yeah level three carpentry now we are cooking with onions and while I wished I had some onions to fry them with peanut butter all I had was potatoes and if the Irish could survive on that weak men could as well but since he managed to survive a whole week I decided to celebrate with ice cream on day at then it was back to reading books watching TV and exercising my strength and fitness levels were progressing nicely mostly due to a special mod that gave me more XP whenever exercising while heavily fatigued pum pump the jam Pump it up while your feet are stumping which made me miss the last show to ever air on the TV no it's done come on I did have big plans for Day N though and I went and dismantled all the furniture in my kitchen there's going to be so much room for for activities in here now but I didn't do this because I needed room for activities no I did it to level up my carpentry skill to level four I had to dismantle a lot more than just the kitchen to get there but when I did I had everything necessary to build a ladder so I gathered up my tools planks and nails and broke down a wall in my storage room I then repelled down a rope like a geriatric Tom Cru and finally I had a safe way out of the building it looked pretty zombie free outside so I decided to explore a bit on day 10 there were only two Zeds inside the fire station which I dispatched with ease then I made my way to the gas station nearby the couple inside were nice to give me a welcome gift holy [ __ ] we finally have a digital watch but the main gift were the cigarettes and the drunk food I found and even better empty gas cans I wanted to fill them while the station still had electricity but then I heard it helicopter not now helicopter is doing it oh no oh come on I ran for the safety of my home and escaped just in the nick of time but any hope of another expedition to the gas station was squashed like hopes and dreams of a Chinese child laborer when I surveyed the area from my roof oh Jesus now there's a couple more zombies here holy [ __ ] I knew I was stuck and a new water and electricity would be shot off in the near future while I couldn't do a thing about the ladder I could build rain collectors to fix the water issue I had a couple of garbage bags and I had the skills to do it but I needed more oh [ __ ] oh there are zombies right here oh no I ran towards the gas station where I knew I could find some bags and indeed luck was on my side I gathered five bags which was enough for two collectors oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and then because I haven't pushed my luck enough I quickly filled a bottle with gasoline at the station I made my way back home but of course the Zs were waiting for me me all right let's do this let's do this come on come on come on climb brother climb woo that was [ __ ] close safe at last I made a Molotov cocktail from that bottle of gasoline in hopes that it will one day help me clear the area with fire I then spend the rest of the day dismantling half of the station to get the planks I needed and then climbed on the roof where I placed two water collectors they were positioned above a couple of ss below that could Plum for fresh water when it eventually ran out I decided to lay low for the next couple of days in hopes that at least some of the zombies would leave the area I read books and exercised and it began to show only overweight and out of shape now 98 kilos my duty is losing weight I also periodically checked on my potatoes which began to grow rain began to fall on day 13 and I rejoiced when I saw it filled my barrels and then I spent some time sneaking around in the roof which brought my light footed and sneaking skills to level two due to the many zombies below I learned how to sprint by reading a book and I enjoyed many in frequent daytime naps M day nap my favorite while the evenings were spent looking at the stars contemplating life and wondering if any dummy thick furry survived one day blended into another I now had a morning squats and evening push-ups routine I began learning about mechanics and I even redecorated with what little Furniture remained but during my morning routine on day 16 it happened oh the electricity just went out a come on the power was out which meant the days of my frozen ice cream supplies were numbered I was supposed to be losing weight but ice cream is where I draw a line a snow white line of addiction but there was another addiction I couldn't satisfy anymore weak man was a smoker and so far I've been lightning cigarettes on the oven but now that the electric electricity was out my anxiety started to mount so I threw all the caution to the wind on day 17 and decided to go back to the gas station it's been a week since the helicopter event and the Zeds wandered into the woods and I knew the thick fog would hide me there was one zombie behind the station and then I was in the clear he's got a crawler friend he's got a crawler friend you sneaky bastard unfortunately there were no lighters at the station but I did find matches in one of the cars which were enough to light three whole cigarettes but I was still thankful there was also a gun in the car but no bullets for it I took out two more zombies on my way home and then I was safe let's have a celebratory smoke because that that was job well done I felt Brave on day 18 so I climbed into my backyard to gather two bags of dirt then I planted my potato seeds and if you're feeling as Brave as I did on that day then you have to play enlisted a squad-based first-person shooter that combines PvP with PVE combat and is now available for free on PC and consoles a massive menam update just hit and listed introducing research trees for weapons and vehicles a matchmaking system based in equipment and many awesome gameplay improvements all developed in collaboration with the enlisted Community you'll take command of a squad of AI controlled soldiers and combine their distinctive roles and abilities with yours construct fortifications as an engineer heal your man as a medic or carpet bomb your enemies as a radio operator and devise strategies with your fellow Squad leaders to lead your sight to Glorious victory in some of the most pivotal historical battles of World War to as you Clash against the squads of other players and if you ever feel like the enemy has cooler guns hey you can join them and fight on the side of United States Germany Japan or Soviet Union what I really love about the game is just the sheer amount of different weapons tanks and aircraft available and I really wish weak man could borrow a German tiger or any other weapon from the truly massive Arsenal available to your soldiers in enlisted and the fact the game is heavily optimized means I can play it even on my laptop when I'm away from home so no matter if you're new to the game or if you played before there's never been a better time to to explore this new era of enlisted and play it for free now on PC Playstation or Xbox by using my link in the pin comment or description below if you're a new player on PC you'll also receive a special one-of-a-kind limited time only pack of goodies that includes multiple items 4,000 silver to purchase weapons and recruit soldiers for your army and 3 days of premium account time so grab it now before it's gone now let's return to the green dark reality of project zomboid where I lost my whole supply of ice cream well that is a giant waste of calories sad but the day was not a waste I decided to do a quick sweep of the downstairs in the afternoon and grabbed some extra books that I didn't bring up on day one and then I took out a zombie that was Haunting the place lady what did what what were you doing with a gun in your purse oh clearly this is America my evening exercise brought weak men's fitness and strength levels to four while on his way to the strongest man alive I was out of matches by day 20 and I decided to track through the woods to a nearby bar looks like the owner is still around I scoured the place and found two matches and a lighter plus enough alcohol to make weak men's liver toxic even to zombies there were a couple of crawlers outside who were nice enough to supply me with a shotgun and another pistol this time actually with some ammo [ __ ] let's go let's go they heard me breaking into the car I decorated my bedroom with torn posters I stole at the and then I noticed that water was out so like your average Florida man I had to wash myself in the toilet when I woke up the next day I used the pipe wrench to Plum the two sinks below my water barrels giving me clean water how does that happen you ask you see the dirty water flows through Rusty lead pipes lined with asbest which enrich it with nutrients that turn any bald spot into a lush head of hair holy [ __ ] how are you not bold anymore what the [ __ ] happened there I decided to play with five on day 22 I chopped down a tree for firewood and set up a small campfire in the middle of the road a couple of shouts later and the zombies were ready for barbecue like fat people on Fourth of July oh I love the smell of a burning zombie in the morning I yelled some more and kited them around the parking lot making sure not to burn down any buildings after a couple of hours they were rendered into Ash and my kill count doubled I went back outside to explore on day 23 so sneaky so sneaky I gathered plenty of condiments and stale food from the two diners nearby then I chopped down a couple of trees so I could build a water collector Barrel on top of my kitchen sink just in time as it just started to rain love it ow I plumbed the sink on day 24 and then spend the rest of the morning reading while it rained outside when the rain stopped I grabbed a gas can and went around checking cars for gasoline oh we can siphon gasoline from this car let's freaking go unfortunately only two of them had some remaining and even those very little but it was enough to fuel a small jeep that I found the keys for let's freaking go we got ourselves a car yo after my morning exercise on day 25 I build two more rain collector barrels next to my potato farm and then notice I could actually Harvest them already oh wait a bit I want them to be seed bearing potatoes so I can replant them in the evening I went to explore some more and I found a beautiful gift in a store next to the gas station great improvised flamethrower oh let's [ __ ] go I also grabbed a machete and promised to return in daylight I kept my promise and return the next morning that [ __ ] scared me this was clearly a gun store and I wanted to plunder its Secrets but I needed a key I once again used my master baiting skills to bring in one zombie at a time in hopes of looting a key it took me a whole morning and like 20 zombie kills before I finally got lucky and the rewards were worth it I grabbed a shotgun and more than 20 boxes of shells and turned into a proper Rambo my dud is getting ready to rock and roll I then brought multiple large metal shelves upstairs on day 27 and filled them with my new weapon Arsenal turning the kitchen into a proper war room it's so becoming a military installation here now then I grabbed a book about aiming and went to read about the ways of the ancient Chinese martial arts technique the gun I finished my studies in the morning and then suited up I went to the nearby store and started blasting oh hell yeah oh that's huge XP I blasted away like a true American Cowboy high on cocaine and crippling personal death when I reached level two I snug back home to safety ready to read the next book I studied and farmed on day 29 I gathered 30 fresh potatoes and then replanted the seeds securing my future food supply with the bo finished on day 30 I returned to the scene of the crime where many more zombies remained stop the hoorde now let's go level three aiming I danced around them slippery like a fish in the water or an overpriced stripper on a bachelor party I took him all down reaching level four aiming and crossed 200 kills then I looted the bodies and left for a well-deserved nap I filled two dirt bags in the morning so I could enlarge my rooftop farm with a patch of cabbage from the seeds I looted off of one of the bodies I then decided to try and level up my reloading skill by endlessly reloading a shotgun which was so entertaining it almost made me want to put a bullet through my own brain so I made my way back to the gun store in search of an assault rifle with a bigger magazine holy [ __ ] that's a freaking grenade launcher on it I didn't even notice I spend the morning of day 32 trying to get the reloading skill to level two by repeatedly jerking off into one of the magazines which was surprisingly effective that gave me access to a level two book which should have made the whole process smoother but I wasn't yet ready to learn instead I went back to the murder scene all right we have a couple oh my God there's so many good police vehicles over here holy [ __ ] my goal was the VHS store which proved tougher to maneuver than I imagined [ __ ] me okay this is getting dangerous but in the end the risk was very much worth it and I made it back home with a nice supply of tapes I exercised and studied in the morning then I grabbed an empty gas can and made my way to the police station where I previously spotted all those neat police cars I had to fight off a couple of zombies before searching the vehicles only one of them had some gasoline left which I borrowed you don't like the fact that I'm stealing your gas now do you huh I then refueled one of the cars that still had a key inside and brought it back home all the blood on his clothes was making weak men stressed but I refused to wash due to a general lack of water especially since every fight made him bloody again oh [ __ ] I should have probably checked this before going for a ride I dispatched the visitors then went for a ride through the neighborhood this is where we need to go next because I want to get in here this is the storage area that storage area might have some good stuff for me specifically some good stuff called a generator but clearly the area was too crowded for a loot run so I had to return back home I washed myself at the nearby Diner then snuck upstairs past zombies making sure not to get bloody again I decided to set up a closet with some resered clothes on day 35 so I could Frey swap between bloody and clean ones without having to waste too much water zombies were as persistent with their visits as the Americans were with eradicating the natives but in my case I eradicated them I grabbed some extra clothes from the gun store and my new outfit looked pretty sweet now we're looking nice and cool but I had no plans to wear it the next day because it was time for a fireball oh [ __ ] oh you bastards I drove my police truck close to the storage area threw the molotov and missed I got into the car only just and didn't even notice I got lacerated in the process I turned on the siren parked the car and watched as the fireball slowly grew in size slowly but surely they they come I finished reading the level three carpent book while waiting for zombies to burn and in fact more than 200 of them perished in the fire at 5:00 p.m. the last one finally turned to Ash [ __ ] finally I drove my Jeep to the storage units on day 37 and indeed it seemed like my fire trick worked as there were only a couple of zombies around all I need from you is a bloody key all right I found two generators inside and took one of them home alas my neighborhood was once again infested with Zeds so before I could set up the generator I had to deal with the past the American way with a shotgun I started blasting and Blasting and more and more showed up holy [ __ ] there's so many but weak men was not so weak anymore and he laid down the law with his gun turning the gas station blood red all right I think that's it that was uh that was worth it I set up the generator at the gas station on the morning of day 38 and finally I got power I refueled my car and filled all the gas cans I could carry I felt great things were finally working out but as always our confidence is a slow and Insidious killer grab all these gas cans [ __ ] what where the [ __ ] did you come from a [ __ ] but that didn't stop me from driving back to the storage lot and picking up the second generator I placed it on the roof and finally the power was back ladies and gentlemen we got light once again oh let's go I could once again rejoice in simple things like cooking my food and not stubbing my toes in the dark I decided to take it easy on day 39 I moved one of the freezers outside to fill it up with potatoes when I could Harvest them then I went to watch the VHS tapes I brought home a couple of days ago I learned the ways of the mechanic in the morning and then improved my carpentry skill in the evening evening both of my wounds were finally healed as well and it seemed like the weak man would live to fight another day I noticed my generator was using a lot of power from the many lights that were on downstairs so I decided to deal with that there's bound to be some zombies in here yeah there's a crawler there oh there you go these guys are all here for the generator but first I had to deal with the invasive pasts I received some good news in the evening oh okay okay so we're getting rain soonish let's go then spend the rest of the day exercising and reading books but there's never enough books so I decided to visit the local bookstore on day 41 that ball is too big for my lucking we're going to have to deal with it the other way I didn't have my shotgun with me so I broke into the police station in hopes of borrowing one but all I could find was one lady in a holding cell whose night of drinking took a turn for the worst I drove back home to gear up then it was time for a party SM uh this might be dangerous but screw it I spend the evening grabbing every single book I could carry and while you might say that some of these boooks are overpowered you know what I don't give a [ __ ] it's fun oh [ __ ] I need to go I need to go come on get in the car get in the car my potatoes finally blossomed on day 42 and I harvested over 40 fresh ones then replanted the seeds I spent the rest of the day studying how to aim my shotgun better and working out and that was also pretty much all I did throughout the day 43 before I finally managed to finish the book on the morning of day 44 then I decided to take a trip to the nearby trailer park in hopes of finding more food I could combine with my potatoes and also a can opener but when I got outside a big surprise awaited me 40° what the hell just happened here holy [ __ ] I took my shirt off daring the zombies to scratch weak men's manly chest I got lucky with a barricaded trailer that was full of food and more oh let's go finally a can opener I returned to the trailer park the next day in search of more cooking utensils but since rednecks aren't exactly known for their fine dining habits I didn't find what I was looking for I did find something else though oh [ __ ] okay that's far from perfect I fought my way back to the car and drove home finding another gift on the road oh look there's a sledge on the ground here I'll grab that one during my routine exercise in day 46 I reached level five in strength and fitness which removed weak men's feeble and unfit traits I also noticed one of my cabbage patches had a disease so I had to harvest it early saving some fresh produ at this point I had read many a book but I didn't really put my skills to the test if if I ever wanted to turn weak man into a strongman I had to cocoon him into an ugly filthy sweat filed Embrace so he could eventually emerge as a beautiful beautiful butterfly like that ugly [ __ ] in Alien 4 so on day 47 I dismantled a lot of digital watches and walkie-talkies in hopes of getting my electrical to level one and that got me not even half a level right and a lot of garbage and speaking of getting stronger I decided to take my a shotgun for a spin again on day 48 there's nothing like the smell of fresh zombie blood in the morning especially if you're standing far away from the blast radius but there was one small thing I forgot to take into the account holy [ __ ] the radio wasn't joking that is thick fog the thick fog was hiding a proper horde and no matter how many I killed and how much I tried to outmaneuver them they kept on coming oh my God there is a lot more than I thought there's going to be after another loop through the trees I managed to lose them so I could sneak back to the car I thought about coming back in the afternoon but you know what [ __ ] that it was safer to just chop down a couple of trees at home trees I could turn into Planks on day 49 and planks that I could turn into walls doors and barricades all right so whenever I repel down this is now going to be a bit safer on day 50 I grabbed my Sledge and brought down the strong concrete walls like the Germans did in '89 then build them out of crappy planks like weekman did in '93 R shows that everybody wants to party when they're [ __ ] to [ __ ] up but nobody wants to sign up when said [ __ ] needs rebuilding I might just fill this with cars and work on them and indeed feeling my garage with vehicles was my plan on day 51 have key forties not for this one not for that one I ran around with a gas can trying to find cars with keys in the ignition turns out a surprisingly big amount of them still had them so I was able to fill up my garage while taking down any zombies who might have had something to say about my committing Grand Theft Auto I began the next morning by harvesting cabbages and I got a nice mule out of it I then destroyed a wall on the balcony so I could build a ladder up to it but for some reason weak man forgot how ladders work can you can you climb down you also cannot climb down this is [ __ ] I had to break down another wall and finally I had a secondary entrance I then Cho down some more trees in the evening so I could inom my garage with sturdy wooden walls like the ancient pharaohs until the place was fully secured in the afternoon I harvested and replanted some more potatoes which brought my farming skill to level two and then I added a compost there where I could chuck rotten food into in the future I decided to return to the storage Lots on day 54 to see if I miss some useful loot does that guy have a tin full head in him oh dude oh that's so cool but the previous night exercise left me sore and barely able to swing my weapon which is what basically happens to me every night in real life just just get somebody just get one of them what the [ __ ] is this I hooked up a big trailer then I had to hight tail it back home before the exhaustion could catch up to me I exercised and studied the second mechanical book on day 55 I'm doing squats here looking like a Teletubby motor trucker which allowed me to finally begin my work work on day 56 and when I say my work I mean endlessly installing and uninstalling pieces of two vehicles in the garage until they both look like something I could actually afford to drive on my YouTube paycheck hell yeah look at that level three mechanics completely broke this poor car but that's fine I continued destroying everything that was worth something on the cars parked in my garage which was slowly turning to a graveyard of used vehicles and the poor weak man was starting to feel the toils of endless mechanical work all right he's done and now apparently he's ridiculously tired packish extremely bored depressed agitated and hurt and the endless mechanical work was also making me tired bored and depressed in real life I was craving some real action so I channeled weak men's true American Spirit and went to relax with a shotgun I followed the highway to the other side of MRA where I knew a mechanic shop might have some good loot but the fight soon started turning for the worst yeah this seems slightly not very good more and more zombies showed up and the fact that weak men was getting tired like a weak little turd he was was not helping that's [ __ ] close I managed to escape but I promised to return with a Molotov the fact that I was set in half of the town on fire in the middle of the night didn't do much to improve weak men's chance of surviving this challenge I reached levels six in aiming and over 300 zombies growled their last growl in this night before I was done look at this train what the [ __ ] is going on here yeah come on follow me boys I quickly looted the mechanic shop where I found an oil filter and a welding mask so the slaughter was totally worth it I went to the gun store on day 59 to do some shopping in the Small Arms section the [ __ ] did you come from I used the oil filter I found the previous night to build a silencer for a 9 mil pistol I borrowed from the store and then decided to test it in the evening all right let's see this oh that is lovely I got a shave and a haircut on day 60 and looking hella fresh I went back to work in my garage I ripped apart a couple more cars and eventually reached level four in mechanics I would call the day a success but then I heard a mysterious message on the radio Ooh Somebody is talking on the radio it's been 50 days since the last helicopter but it sounded like the birds were active once again out there helicopter outside oh that is loud but that didn't stop me from drwing down the back roads in search of more cooking utensils until I finally found what I was looking for this whole time hey finally empty cooking pot let's grab this on my triumphant return home I found my new walls assaulted by a small army of Zeds so I had to explain to them how to behave properly I made a new friend on day 62 there you go David you belong here to take care of my crops then I began reading a new chapter of the aiming book when I got bored of that I grabbed the empty gas cans and drove to the gas station to refill them I woke up on day 63 to the sound of zombies having a party downstairs there oh okay we got multiple in here huh clearly the helicopter brought new zets from the surrounding woods and buildings so I decided to spend the day doing some casual ethnical cleansing on the highway I don't know if it's PC to call zombies an ethnical group so let's just call it murder and thly I murdered multiple small groups until I found the Ultimate Prize oh there's the rabbit I see it that one's mine I drove to the police station on day 64 in hopes of finding some more ammo that I might have missed on my previous visit but I haven't found more than a couple of walking corpses then I went to the nearby warehouses I've not searched before where I found the large selection of new seeds for my Farms before it was rudely interrupted oh [ __ ] off come on you got to be kidding me with this [ __ ] with the immediate area now secured I turned back to studying on day 65 I farmed and studied exercised studied and exercised and studied some more then I studied farmed and studied and exercised and studied even more to the point I was going insane in real life insane enough to work and edit 6 16 hours a day this last week which caused some really funky zombie field nightmares at 400 in the morning but everything from a beautiful subscribers and if you're not subscribed yet well what the [ __ ] are you waiting for this is a beautiful baby it was day 69 and I wanted to go explore a bit I had a silen rifle and I was ready to blast okay let's give this a try oh that sounds good but after a couple of salvos the unthinkable happened let's use that there we go oh [ __ ] hell oh that's bad luckily I still had my pistol so I used that to clear the area then I looted the medical and grocery stores nearby since weekman was already tired I decided to go home but on my way back I spotted a spa zombie whose outfit I just had to grab the next day it was time for another adventure I drove all the way to the other side of the town where I knew I could get my hands in the proper water barrel but of course it was well protected not well enough for a gun wielding Maniac though which now that I think about it was pretty much every resident of Kentucky back in '93 and probably even today [ __ ] thing I noticed here I gathered some fresh produce at the farm as well then brought the barrel back home and installed it on the roof on day 71 I took a walk up the street to a local grocery store I've not visited before but just like on that rifle it happened happened here as well ooh silencer just broke at least the store was so full of food that I had to break into one of the cars in the parking lot and use it to haul all the good stuff back home with my own food supply and the amount I got from that store I was now confident I could survive well into the winter as long as weak man didn't get his brains eaten by a hoorde so to prevent that I decided it was time I tried to fortify my home once again now you see I'm a big fan of cheese especially smoked ones or a nice melty buffalo on my salad anyway I employed cheese in defense of my base and not by making weak men lactose intolerant no by building my walls by using a fence wall fence method I've never tried it before but on paper it should confuse zombies to the point they' not be able to break it but clearly it confused weak men as well a come on you scratch yourself you dildo I tore down the old walls on day 73 and replaced them with shabby new fence and crates unfortunately my carpentry skill was progressing very slowly which was clear from weak men's sloppy work when taking a break in the afternoon this happened so we letter warning thunderstorm imminent in 5 days oh okay interesting interesting I wanted to bring a washing machine upstairs in day 74 but I realized I needed electrical level three skill to move it which to be honest is [ __ ] because all you need to do with that one is stick a tube into the right hole and trust me I'm very good at sticking tubes into the right holes so instead I installed a sink and then went back to fix in my base working in a night and in the rain we're making this poor weak man a slave I chopped down some more trees in the morning of day 75 and then made a neat little row of planks which had turned into an even neater wall of boxes in the evening a for [ __ ] sake right arm come on to prevent any further injuries from jumping over fences I decided to build an alternative entrance [ __ ] what what what's going on over here oh you were stuck in the floor clearly my new fence had a fatal flaw the Crawlers could still damage it but all I could do for now was to repair the damage then I secured my new ladder on day 77 I decided to go on a loot run before the thunderstorm hit I wanted to find more waterproof and insulated clothing in preparation for colder months okay there's a couple in here oh there's a bunch of crawlers and [ __ ] as well I cleared the gun store and loaded up on clothing then I drove further into the town where I looted two more clothing stores before returning home for the night the storm began on day 78 and I spent the morning harvesting and replanting potatoes which brought my farming skill to level three in the afternoon I installed a couple more metal shelves in the kitchen then spend the evening studying I continued that routine on day 79 when the radio chimed in loot Runner heading out interesting and while it happened too quick to spot it that message meant that a helicopter flew over my base which also repeated the next day but that didn't stop me from going back to work on day 80 I chopped down a bunch of trees then proceeded to build a box fence around my side windows and it might have taken a whole day but finally this is the last fence I need to build let's go I assumed there would be zombies closing in on my base after two H flybys over the last couple of days and I was correct I cleared out the gas station and gun store where I also borrowed a couple of extra storage boxes to install in my kitchen when I returned home there was a zombie outside my fence walls and I decided to test his ability to cross it it worked like a charm the fool was stuck but then maybe I was the fool oh come on I scratched myself doing this oh it's such [ __ ] nursing a bandage arm I decided to take it easy on day 82 first I installed a new table in the kitchen and this is where weak man can pretend that he knows how to read maps then I grabbed a couple more lockers that I could fill with warm clothes for the coming winter then my foolish actions from the day before came to haunt me oh great oh that's not good our left form is slightly infected since I already looted the only real medical store in MRA I decided to try my finding antibiotics in the nearby housing area according to the news like 90% of Americans are addicted to some kind of drugs and I'm sure the news guys would never lie to me so I had high hopes of finding at least some homemade meth if not the drugs I needed but after searching many houses I managed to loot not even a sniff of white powder on my way home though I took off the bandage and voila Let's uh let's remove the bandage see how this is hey it's fine didn't even need to search for antibiotics very nice I cleared out some Zeds around my base on day 84 then I boiled a pot of water to disinfect the batroom bandages for future use in the evening I noticed my generator shut off and when I checked it I realized its condition was all the way down to 35% good thing it didn't catch on fire luckily I had a stash of scrap Electronics ready to repair it hey it's back at 100% let's go with a thunderstorm Brewing outside I decided to begin learning about Tailoring on day 85 if I were to realize my second goal and go for the military base I thought it would be a smart idea to pad my clothing with some extra layers of protection so I spent the whole day reading until I finished the book late at night I scavenged all the bodies that were happily rotting away around my base and ripped their clothes to useful shreds I got a lot of stuff but very little thread unfortunately I used the materials to train tailoring but I only had enough thread to get half a level so I went to the gun store in the evening and tore up all the clothing that remained there which was unfortunately not not a lot radio told me the rain was going to stop on day 87 so I quickly created a new patch on my farm where I planted strawberries then I drove up the highway to the clothing stores I visited previously and I tore apart all the clothing and zombies I could find there that gave me plenty of materials to train on day 88 and while I had enough threat to reach level one in tailoring it was enough for much more okay level one and a third that's better than nothing then I spend the rest of the day exercising reading and harvesting my first batch of carrots in the evening I drove South to the crossroads in the morning where I cleared out a couple of zombies who are hanging around then wo my way through the wrecks like a proper post-apocalyptic Tom Hardy my goal was to check out the entrance to the military base but first I sto at the nearby warehouses which was a stupid idea because weak men was already tired and there were plenty of Zeds probably not one of my smarter moves out here but I managed to fight my way through to a big box truck which like a kid in an neurotic shop when he sees his first dildo I decided I wanted it but first I drove past the warehouses to find the military base that's only the entrance huh we're going to have quite a lot of work to do I returned to the box truck the next day to fuel it up but weekman got tired just driving there so I knew I had to set up a camp if I were to assault the military driving back and forth took just way too long I parked next to one of the warehouses where I got myself in a bit of a pickle but eventually managed to clear the mess I then snug back to my car and drove home to grab what I needed I returned to the warehouse in day 91 looks like this place has been abandoned for a while we'll take this mattress we use this for sleeping I placed the makeshift bed on a race platform then Place some sheet ropes and destroy the staircase I returned home one last time to get the essentials I would need to survive away from my base for a while all right we got ammo we got stuff to make molotovs we got food food what the [ __ ] else do I need I drove through the night and dozed poor weak man with sleeping pills to get him to sleep because the platform counted as Outdoors which he was of course deathly afraid of day 92 was the go day I drove to the entrance of the military base took out my pistol and started blasting need to keep doing Point blanks and we good and we're going to be good I had a Molotov with me just in case I needed it but in the end there were only around 70 zombies in the area and were easy to clear out without fire weak man was ridiculously tired at this point so I drove back to the warehouses but on the way back this happened oh [ __ ] off don't run out of gas right now I snug back to the car at midnight taking out any zombies in my way so I could refuel it and bring it back home next day I took out a shotgun and drove to the base proper after a couple of shots zombies started to swarm so it was time for fire okay that's better we got more multile on fire now now you might call me a pyromaniac but to be honest it was now October more than 3 months after the apocalypse began it was getting colder and who did these zombies have to keep them warm in the winter nobody so I stepped up don't worry about the forest fires it's fine the way I look at it I was the good guy here bringing warmth to those in need and I spread that warmth all the way into the base but once again weak Man became so tired he could barely walk so I had to leave I was back on day 95 four to Wrangle whatever remained a couple blasts from my shy brought them out of the trees and the one still on fire quickly mingled with the rest to have a nice group barbecue going all right this is clearing out a bit I like it with the outside clear I made my move to get to the one still hiding inside the base I used the entrance to funnel them we stopped The Horde now and slowly but surely weak men was Victorious and more than 500 zombies were dead alas he was too tired to begin looting and there were definitely still zombies lurking around so I drove back home to get some rest on day 95 weak men was rudely awoken by a helicopter hovering above oh you got to be [ __ ] kidding me there's a helicopter right here right now but it only dropped some garbage then flew away I took the box truck to the military base where roughly another hundred or so zombies came out of hiding so we had a nice dance to the tune of my shotgun I then added some sheet ropes to the main compound building and had a nap in the even I began exploring the storage area where I found all kinds of good stuff shotgun suppressor oh no we talking I went to check another of the storage Lots on day 96 all right let's go down let's go down [ __ ] all right that wasn't the best the place was two whole floors filled to the brim with all kinds of amazing loot no way I could bring that all back so I decided to take a trip back home and I bored a hum to do it I was out of food and weak men missed his home so I filled the humble with as much ammo as possible and drove to MRA and here comes the welcome party after clearing out the Zeds around the base nice shower and a good night of sleep it was time to return I spent the rest of the day loading up the box truck with only the most useful of guns ammo and attachments leaving the rest behind for another time the next few days were just loot loot loot I cleared the first store House of Essentials on day 98 and then I moved the truck to the second one in the evening it's a good shot it took me the whole of day 99 but I managed to completely fill the box truck to the brim there was probably enough loot there for another five trucks but I was already greedy enough [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hell where the [ __ ] did you come from and so I entered the foggy day 100 with a lacerated arm but I wasn't yet ready to leave so I broke into another Warehouse that is the one that I was looking for you see if weak men was to survive past day 100 he would need to somehow stay warm because sha Bean came around the other day and told me that the winter was coming once the antique oven was loaded in I was finally ready to go home come on come on just keep going a couple of zombies awaited me outside the base as a welcome home party which brought weak men's total kill count over 2500 in 100 days he drank deep from a bottle of bourbon as a celebration knowing that he has learned so much over the last couple of months but there was still so much to do if he was ever to become a real strong man but that would not be easy because the weather just got much worse the LW became scarcer the zombie hordes tripled in numbers and there was about a million helicopters flying above so the next challenge was surviving the brutal cry jenic winter and my goal was to raid the secret research facility in March Ridge and maybe just maybe find a cure at the dawn of day 101 it became instantly clear that sha Bean was right the winter has arrived and all the Starks have transformed into zombies there was nobody to mend the wall and weak man certainly had his issues - 15° in October huh looks like uh week man's going to be developing some serious case of Frozen balls this winter so I brought in the antique oven I stole from the military and installed it in my kitchen then I replanted my farm with tomatoes cabbages and potatoes because everyone one knows crops fertilized with zombie blood grow beautifully at- 20° the next morning surprise surprise it was still [ __ ] cold so I decide to test the new oven you know civilization is ending when we are starting to burn books it was nice and cozy when stood next to the thing but cross a room and it felt like Antarctica once again but for now I decid to learn metal working in hopes of one day building propane fueled Ovens that could heat the whole place I last at the moment and heating the kitchen would have to do so I chopped down a couple of trees and built not so sturdy walls to keep the place isolated but of course my carpentry work was sloppy so I decided to go search for plaster on day 103 I'd drod to the storage lot disposed of the natives and then went to search the place I soon found a couple of bags but then I realized my mistake high level wooden walls oh [ __ ] we're not going to be able to use that yet of course High Lev wooden walls meant carpentry level seven and I was only at level five I still had one VHS stab at home that gave me a little bit of push but to get to the next level I needed to train and that's what I set out to do on day 104 encouraged by a beautiful morning message if you can hear this get [ __ ] I drove to the white trash County and began hitting their beds and closets with my hammer thusly soaking up all the knowledge that went into construction of set Furniture of course the residents were too stoned to stop me from stealing their beds and crushing their kitchens and finally I reached level six in carpentry I then spend the evening reading the next carpentry book and fruitlessly shaking my fist at helicopters flying above I spent the whole of day 105 reading exercising and reading some more until I was rudely interrupted by a helicopter dropping his juicy load right on top of me in the middle of the night I finished the carpentry 4 book in the morning then I took a peek outside clearly the hel attracted Zeds like weak men's stinky balls attract flies so I had to fight my way to the airdrop which was full of presents sugar and vinegar box of jars well now I'll be able to pickle some stuff I then cleared out the remaining zombies around my base and loaded up the truck with as many Supply boxes as it could carry I put my new gift to work the next morning and I pickled nine jars of cabbages for The Long Winter then I made my way back to the drop where I got a beautiful present full of toilet paper if 2020 taught us anything he taught us that the first thing that goes in pamic is toilet paper so lucky me I also unbox a lot of seeds and then spend the rest of the evening watering my freezing crops on day 108 I woke up to banging downstairs which is something that often happens in real life as well and I realized that someone broke my back door which is also something that often happens to your mom I then took my truck deeper into the city to scavenge for garbage bags for more rain barrels but with the increased zombie numbers that proved a risky Endeavor on my return I was greeted by some more banging what are you doing here lady [ __ ] get off of me you dildo it turned out my back door was infested by Walkers and as the day turned into night they deployed the Crawlers oh you guys have broken through haven't you I cleared out an infestation built my new rain collector and then pickled some fresh broccoli just to ruin the already shitty day some more Adam me to make day 109 a last shitty day I planted potatoes in the fresh winter soil then I went to chop chop chop the trees around my home for materials and to prevent the undead bastards to Ambush me with my pants down I put the planks I got to good use in the evening and tidied up the hallway the next day I chose Violence Against The Establishment and because nothing was established anymore I vented my rage on Diner interior design if weak men dies no one gets to enjoy pizza anymore alas all my hard work resulted only a quarter level of XP needed to get to level seven in carpentry I decided to drive deep her into town on day 111 to find more wooden paraphernalia to dismantle which was a stupid idea because MRA was more and more infested with every passing day oh [ __ ] there's more I thought it's going to be low ammo count and fog made me turn back home but I promised to return and return I did with a shotgun I spent the rest of the day explaining to The Walking Dead just exactly why they should have committed Sudoku to the brain instead of forcing me to ruin the beautiful pristine white landscape with abstract paintings made with their rotten guts the next day I returned to the scene of the crime where only a few stragglers remained I took my saw and Hammer to the vid store shelves and they absolutely melted under the might of weak men's carpentry skills which were still not level seven I also found a fire extinguisher with an option to use it as a weapon and I had to try it out let's see what this is going to do I guess absolutely nothing and that exercise proved exactly what my viewers long suspected about my IQ levels when I turned the next day I learned there were still some stiffs guarding the police station but they couldn't stop me from breaking it apart in the afternoon I decided to clear out the ruin fence back at home and finally build something proper all right let's build a proper wooden door finally as a reward weak men woke up with a nasty cold the next morning so I decided to turn on the heat and stay inside until it passed lots of sleep a roaring fire and a good book made the sneezing and coughing surprisingly Disappear by the evening which makes weak men a tougher mother trucker than most of you watching this video I decided to stay at home for another day and continueed with repairs and as his tradition weak men tripped fell and scratched his arm but that was not all my day was also rudely interrupted by another heli okay they are all following the sound of the helicopter down there once again I had to defend my home like an oil Rich Nation against the USA and just as I almost won another helicopter showed up probably sponsored by EA because it blessed me with yet another loot box oh yeah I thought everybody in their mother heard this on day 116 I finished the second front door and just like that I finally had a proper garage I also decided to fix the back door entrance just in case if some crawlers decide to slitter back in just like the slimy little dildos they were it felt like Siberia has arrived to Kentucky the next morning but that couldn't stop me I was determined to reach level s carpentry which almost got me killed like a proper balcon man went faced with adversity I went to a bar instead and like a proper balcon man in a bar I Absol absolutely trash the place just to finally get what I wanted hey finally Carpenter level 7 unlocked with walls fully upgraded At Last I was ready to apply plaster but I forgot I needed a bucket and finding one took me the whole morning because the little [ __ ] was hiding in the last freaking container that I searched I then mixed the plaster and we Comm magic the walls to look pristine and smooth like the balls of that chick you ordered from Thailand I then spent most of the day 119 reading the next Nimble book warm and cozy next to my fireplace alas Duty called and I grabbed propane torches in a big tank and drove to the gas station to have them refilled oh yeah feeling up this bad boy is going to hurt at last I was ready to level up my metal working skill which I needed to build a propane fueled furnace and with a storm on the horizon I had no time to lose I drove South to the car rack fil intersection and went to work each rack consumed a full propane torch so I had to jump back into my car after each two I dismantled for a refill from the big tank in total I had to to take apart more than 20 cars which took me most of the day before I finally reached level two in meta working as a reward I decided to bring back home a cool sports car which I had to fight for due to weak men's shitty driving skills oh that's a fast car you love to see it next day was a reading day and I started right after my morning exercise I spent the whole day learning metal workking two and I just managed to finish the book late in the evening I drove straight to the intersection the next morning and went back to work I dismantled every single burn down rack which was enough to bring me to level three metal working but of course I wanted more so I stopped at the diner on my way back and dismantled the already trash Place alas the XP I got from that was barely peanuts I've got an idea to level up a bit by repairing my halfway decent cars the next day I could also beef them up with additional armor but I did not have the necessary book for that so I drove back to the intersection and filled my trailer with Metal Sheets which was all that remained from the racks let's do some on C2 repairs over here I continued with repairs after I got back home fixing the big truck and my hry as well I then went to the bookstore on day 124 in hopes of finding that missing magazine being able to armor my cars would be a huge Boon but while I did find some useful books there I found no trace of the magazine I was after the day was not a complete waste though as the zombies prowling around the library brought weak men's kill count to 3,000 I had a vague notion there were more car racks on the other side of mold so on day 125 I took a ride down the heavily infested streets I stubbornly fought for every burned down shell of a car I could dismantle and even though Zeds tried their best to make my day a pain I was stubborn like that a of yours who took a [ __ ] on the floor right next to the toilet just because you left the seat up again oh let's go I finally found it I spent the rest of the day there and even though weekman was almost dead tired I dismantled every single wreck and the last one finally brought me to level four metal working I gathered all the resources the next day and finally began assembling the propane furnace who what are these noises this thing is making holy [ __ ] that sounds like my ass it turned out I had no idea how to actually use the thing I couldn't turn it on I couldn't refill it from a propane tank I couldn't even do it at a gas station and after being confused for a while I turned to Google well radit told me that this is just for crafting purposes and not for actual heating so all this time wasted yes I never actually checked what the damn thing was used for and like a silly Billy I got excited when I saw it in the crafting menu but if you thought that was the extent of my stupidity think again day 127 was very foggy so I decided to stay indoors and do some exercise and reading but then I realized all those jars of pickled veggies were beginning to rot because I forgot to cook them that is a stupidity like I've never seen before luckily some survived but I lost a lot of my winter food supply there I still wanted to find that car magazine and I knew it could spawn on a metal worker mechanic and other bluecollar zombies alas I wasn't sure where to find a high concentration of sad zombies so I decided to visit McCoy I was chased by a friendly heli all the way there and when I arrived the actual worker Zs were very rare which tells you a lot about the state of today's society where everyone wants to be an influencer or suck dicks for money on only fans and no one wants to do the real hard work anymore building a better tomorrow with their bare hands and being forcefully retired at the age of 43 because of continuous back pain hearing loss and other work rated injuries so they can live the rest of their short miserable life high on prescription drugs but not only did the trip to McCoy bring me New Revelations I also found an annotated map and I drove to the mark house the next day I used a silent shotgun dude the sound of this is so cool and I discreetly dispatched the zombies from the area unfortunately the house only had one box of shotgun shells which was less than what I used to clear the area then in the evening I walked to the police station where i hotwired a police truck which was not a modded vehicle and I realized I could actually armor it up oh yes look at this this is going to be awesome I drove to the intersection where I grabbed a ton of metal bars and pipes which I knew I needed to make my car so protected it could actually be used in a durx commercial but before I could begin working on the car I needed to read the next metal workking book If I Had A mechanics one I'd read that too alas then my study was rudely interrupted in the afternoon by a helicopter once again those metal birds were even more posive that my viewers asking when's the next kenhi video on day 132 I finally got weak men's fitness level to six and then I continued to read into the afternoon to finish the book the weather outside wasn't the best it is very [ __ ] foggy out here but I see some zombies down there but that didn't stop me luckily one of my mechanics training cars was still working so I drove that one outside and fit my new car back in because I wanted to work on it in a safe enclosed area I banged and welded and slowly it turned into do something straight out of Mad Max if weak man was a chrome huffing wild-eyed Maniac instead he drove slowly and carefully like a little turd back to the intersection because he was missing the materials for one final addition you know what this car looks pretty [ __ ] awesome now what a proper armored car now I was ready to follow my goal and go exploring towards March Ridge and the secret facility there but first I needed to fix my everpresent weight loss issue and my solution was to go fishing of course weak men knew nothing about fishing but that didn't stop me I made my way to a secluded Pond nearby cleared out the area and began building a fishing shack oh the water is gone that's not what I wanted to do clearly my plans needed adapting so I returned the next day with a sledgehammer oh this has turned into water oh but I can walk on it oh for [ __ ] sake and then I changed my plans once again and build the fence box fence in hopes it would protect me from the passing Zeds I then returned back home to read the fishing book which I finished deep in the night all I needed now was a fishing rod and I learned how to make one by watching a VHS tape I also found a couple of rods in fishing nets at the gun store and after a quick nap I was ready to go fishing oh for [ __ ] sake it's a helicopter again so instead I did a perimeter check and some light reading until another EA loot box dropped right behind my house and a whole hell broke loose I fought the invasive species well into the night until I was sure they were invasive no more on day 137 I was finally ready to go fishing I also brought a couple of traps with me but forgot to bring any bait I set my fishnets and then began to fish it took me the whole day and then it finally happened hey let's go we caught a small crappy it's a crap one so 4 days after deciding to start fishing I had one whole tiny little [ __ ] of a fish great success but at least the Nets were full of little bait fishes so I grabbed those for future use I cooked my first fish stir fry the next morning then I drove back to the pond I added some potatoes as bait to the traps then I be began fishing which was naturally interrupted but yet another helicopter I was beginning to think weak men was in some kind of reality TV show broadcasted for your amusement on YouTube but that just sounds ridiculous day was a good day I caught a lot of shoes but also we got this huge bike and a couple of smaller ones the big Pike was truly a monster and my Food Supplies really began stocking up especially when I harvested potatoes cabbages and tomatoes the next day enough food to feed an army but weekman was alone but you don't have to be because you can play project zomboid with me and the rest of my community on my own PC server jump on my Discord to get the details on how you can join links Down Below on day 140 I was back at the pond where a nice surprise awaited me oh we got a fullon rabbit holy [ __ ] let's go with two rabbits and another Pike that I caught wakman was now ready to start blasting once again and so I did the next day I grabbed my shotgun and drove to the school because I wanted to see if I could find some books zombies bed out of every hole like [ __ ] out of tourists eating Eastern European Street food for the first time without drinking at least half of a bottle of vodka but contrary to his name weak man was made of sturdier stuff and while he was still fullon panicked he cleared the streets and got what he wanted oh let's [ __ ] go mechanics volume 3 that's what we needed I returned the next day to continue looting the nearby area and because I'm a real Slavic man I prioritize the liquor store first before driving back home to do some chores around the house on day 143 I drove back to the pond oh man in another life weak men would be hitting on dummy thick FES right now instead he's driving to this Wilderness full of rotten dead and while I contemplated the cruel Injustice of this furless life weak men reached level two in fishing by catching you heard it right shoes and socks next I decided to begin scouting the nearby towns and shortly after I hit the road this happened holy [ __ ] sh that is what the [ __ ] is this whoa whoo whoa whoa whoo that was on the road to Rosewood and a little further down the line I also found a cool Survivor Zombie the town itself was pretty heavily populated though but I was sure a little bit of fire could make it a much Cozier place I bobbed and weaved my way through the heavily infested road back home and then I turned South towards March Ridge on the next day while that city was also full of zombies at least the drive there wasn't as bad as the previous day and I was confident I could make a dent through the tightly packed streets ooh there's a fresh stun over here let's not go there on my way back I stopped at the Town entrance just to clear a few Guardians there then I returned back home to scheme and by scheme I mean I read the trapping book the whole morning before going back to the pond to fish in the evening and check on the unfortunately empty traps I started the day 147 with rooftop farming then continued by learning more about fishing and trapping via books which turned into a nice cozy evening until I got interrupted by a heli once again the mostly come at night mostly of course it attracted Zeds but it was nothing a tired weak man couldn't handle but something he couldn't handle was a road oh my God how did I do that no luckily there was another truck there that I could Hotwire and use it to flip my car without any further issues I made my way to March Ridge and then I started blasting even though my shotgun was silenced the zombies encircled me from all sides and there were some sketchy moments but once again weak men prevailed no check this Survivor oh look at this that's a cloak although he was de tired I pushed to my target destination a VHS store that was unfortunately empty I woke up to the sound of another helicopter the next day so I decided to stay at home to read and relax but surprise surprise another heli showed up in the afternoon which meant I had to deal with a home invasion the next morning my plan after that was to go check on my traps but what followed was an intense shootout throughout the whole Forest which somehow got extremely infested in the couple of days have not visited like twitch streamers when they seen an opportunity to say something misogynistic they jumped on the opportunity to bite my ass but my ass was not for biting even though I had to deal with another big crowd when I returned back home for the night I had a new sidearm ready to be tested the next morning the sound of this is so [ __ ] cool then I rebuilt what the zets have ruined the previous day after that I spent the day reading electrical book because I needed the skill at level three before I was confident in moving to March Ridge because that was the requirement to reinstall electrical ovens I went into the town to dismantle whatever I could find and what I mostly found was a ton of zombies all over the place no wonder every time there's a helicopter I get a bunch of these bastards back at my home while the zombies provided me with digital watches to tear apart they just never stopped coming and when weak men was already that tired a helicopter showed up as well to come complicate things even more I had to fight my way home which was already under assault by the rotting dead forces who brought my kill count to over 4,000 the next day was extremely foggy so I decided to stay safely at home I did some exercises which was a skill I've been neglecting lately and then I spent most of the day reading a book well besides killing a couple more Zeds I decided to brave the streets of MRA again on day 154 alas the roads were even worse than before Oh my god what the [ __ ] is this there's so many so then I became the garbage man cleaner of roads all the trash that Civilization Left Behind was there for me to dispose of and if the microplastic swimming in our bodies tells us one thing it tells us the civilization is an outstanding machine for producing trash i f throughout the snow stormy day and when I finally returned back home in the evening a present awaited me oh what the [ __ ] is this Jesus what are you all doing here with so many zombies in the vicinity of my home I had to do something about it so I H installed a silencer for my shotgun grabbed the molotov and went to work a ball of fire a couple of hundred body strong was soon formed and I did everything I could to keep them occupied okay okay we got this we got this just need to Bob and weave just Bob and weave and we're good around 400 Zeds died a fiery demise on that day and the road into town was once again a little more clear and a good thing I cleared them because you got to be [ __ ] kidding me man how many helicopters could there be those zombies would be knocking on my door course if it weren't for my work the previous day so I happily stayed inside on day 156 to read and work on the rooftop Farm as I went to refuel my car in the morning I instantly realized that 400 zombies I fried were only a drop in the bucket called MRA so I took a ride further up the road and learned that indeed there was still plenty of them kicking around there's so many coming from the trees [ __ ] but no matter how much they kicked the poor exhausted and panicked weak men kicked back until the road looked like something i' pained after sniffing some highgrade oxy I crossed 5,000 kills on that road and just as I turned back home guess what a heli showed up so I decided to stay at home the next day I repaired my generator for some extra electrical XP then I exercised and read the final aiming book which knowledge I put to good use when I returned to the MRA Highway the next day it didn't seem like I made a dent in the zombie population at all but after I took down another 150 or so I finally had a moment of peace to dismantle some electrical appliances which at long last got me to level three I just wanted to take it easy the next day and prepare for my departure to March Ridge but that got postponed because you know what I'm not even going to mention what flew overhead once again after that one by one the armies of the rotten dead arrived until my home was under siege and what I waited behind my house felt like a Deja Vu oh my God this is behind my house look at this and another thing that felt like a Deja Vu was what I heard on the radio late at night but I was now ready to assault March Ridge I grabbed some food and ammo but then I realized my holster went missing overnight so I spent spend that morning Scavenging the nearby corpses and hopes of finding one but no luck I decided to visit the police station next which was naturally visited by helicopter I dispatched The Horde and when I finally found a holster this happened like seriously you got to be kidding me there's another [ __ ] helicopter what is going on in this city why is there so many of them I escaped back home which was already Under Siege but there was little I could do about it what followed were days of complete and utter Madness I cleared out the visitors in the morning but when I tried to repair what they've broken a heavy fog set in which made weak men trip on the fence again they kept on pouring from the fog to the point I had to pull back in hopes it would be clearer in the afternoon which it wasn't but late at night my generator ran out of juice and I had no gas to refuel it for [ __ ] sake what else can go wrong frustrated I tried to make a run to the gas station but the zombie numbers and low visibility forced me to return home like a defeated little puppy but I was ready the next morning and with a rooftop advantage I sniped the approaching hordes like a proper Cowboy loaded up on beer and white supremacy ideas I F them all the way to the gas station and refueling my generator felt like a biggest win in a long time weak man also reached level 9 in aiming after clearing out even more zombies and I felt like a last there would be a moment of Peace but day 164 said [ __ ] peace no no no no no no [ __ ] no someone please count how many helicopters showed up in this video because I lost count already also lost count how many times there was a hoorde plastered on my back wall and how many times they broke down my defenses weak men killed a th000 zombies in just those last 4 days of Madness reaching over 6,000 kills there is so many corpses over here exhausted from all that fighting I just wanted to chill on day 165 I read a book and did some farming I repaired my gun exercised and then read some more so I would get ready for action yes finally it was time to assault March regge and when I arrived no way no [ __ ] way clearly project zomboid hates weak men and wants him to die a painful death if the Airborne society which were clearly the last survivors on Earth wanted me dead then so be it but if they thought I would go down meekly like I don't want to go outside cuz people scare me Millennial then they were [ __ ] wrong I didn't have to pull back though because all of this fighting made weak men well weak but I returned the next day to the B field streets and because for once there was no heli I actually managed to decently clear the neighborhood I didn't snuck into the house I targeted and made sure the top floor was Secure with a home away from home semi- established my first night in March Rich was peaceful if we ignore yet another helicopter but for once the heli actually did its job by masterfully baiting most of the zombies away that meant I could begin shaping this house into something more usable I chopped down a few trees and built two ladders leading upstairs in the afternoon I drove back to MRA to load a the truck with all the Necessities for a prolonged stay in marridge on day 169 nice I drove to the storage Lots nearby because I was sure I could find a generator there I established a killing ground inside yelling you shall not pass at zombies coming at me with generator in toe I was now totally ready to stay out of town for a while and so I hid the roads towards my new home the next day after filling up all the extra gas cans I could find zombies awaited me in March Ridge cannot build a house without cracking some omelets or something but it was nothing I couldn't handle I installed the generator then I brought an oven and a fridge upstairs to build my new kitchen but of course I did forget something a sledgehammer and so I drove back to MRA once again the next day after stashing all the supplies I brought with me good things the roads were clear Bob and weave just Bob and weave but that little trip wasted my whole day the next morning I started with interior decoration then I went outside to redecorate the streets as well I'm sorry guys you're right to assembly has been cancelled please disperse right now for some reason zombies didn't like my message but that didn't stop me from continuing my work throughout the day on day 173 I caught a bunch of creeps fornicating in my spare closet but I shouldn't be surprised this was America after all I then built a rooftop access so I could construct a rain collector for clean water supply I also took down the Walls leading onto my outside platforms so I could build doors and stop using the windows to get inside like a fat Thief dressed as Santa I decided to explore the neighborhood the next day and by that I mean I scavenged through the kitchens hoping to steal some employees breast milk like a high rank blizzard executive but no luck I did find a Survivor house though which was full to the brain of various high-grade weapons I didn't notice the zombies trapped by the fence behind my house were not so stupid after all these guys know how to get around I woke up to a proper snowstorm the next morning accompanied by a horrific windchill so I decided to stay inside and steal all the clothing from the corpses to learn more more about tailoring I reached level 2 in the afternoon then began reading the next book which I finished the following day it's a very stormy weather outside still still horrific windchill so that meant another day spent inside I exercised and work on my tailoring until I reached level three in the evening happy New Year you filthy animal and indeed it was a whole new year but weak men felt alone and empty inside empty like my heart when I see only 7% of you watching this video are actually subscribed but with a new New Year came cmer weather so I decided to finally Scout the hidden research facility if we start shooting in the back the zombies won't know how to get to us I circled around it scouting for weak points until I had a good idea how to approach it on day 178 I was finally ready I parked my car behind the facility where I thought it would be a good staging area my car and shotgun blast attracted the zombies out of the building and to a better killing ground let's [ __ ] go we're aiming level 10 now holy [ __ ] I cleared a whole back area fighting until the negative moodles began stacking up and then I retired for the day when weak men's kill count crossed 7,000 of course I returned the next day to continue my work zombie numbers were now much lower which gave me the opportunity to explore indoors naturally this wouldn't be a proper research facility without creepy ass cells full of bladed medical apparatuses apparatus I whatever you get the idea the place was shady as [ __ ] on day 180 I returned for one final time clear the Zs around the entrance and then broke into the guard house I stole their guns and ammo and then did the same with the armory in the main building lastly I explored the upstairs area which was clearly a residency for those who required soft white walls which is the Comfort I crave every time I finish one of these videos but as point a heavy snowstorm severely obstructed my vision which almost cost weak man his life [ __ ] hell [ __ ] almost got me you think since I found no cure at a facility I would be now done with marrich you'd be right well almost there was a library in the nearby community center and while the darkness in the hallways inside almost scared weak man away I pushed forward for the Ultimate Prize oh let's go Advanced models [ __ ] yes in the evening I loaded up my car with all the valuables I found in this town and then I bid marrid goodbye it was a shame to leave so many corpses behind just imagine the amount of kidneys weak men could sell on the black market if there was a black market anymore Maybe the Airborne Society had one but the Flying Bastards have been quiet for the last few days after a long ride in the not so pleasant weather it was nice to see Ye Old am MRA again home sweet home there was a lot to do around the house because it fell to disrepair in my absence I started with my rooftop Farm I removed all the rotting and wilting crops and then replanted them all in the freshly broken soil not only did I water them I also fertilized them with weak men's unique gamer juice and speaking of gamer juice weekman was was sweating it throughout the whole day 184 as I pushed him through rigorous exercise and reading routines you see my next goal awaited Lou will but to be ready for it I needed my strength and fitness as high as possible my metal working skill at level six for Extra Car Protection and my tailoring as high as possible for weak men's body protection and so on day 185 I threw myself hard at work to accomplish my goals I began the day with exercise then I went downstairs to greet the friendly neighborhood zombies look if you're you're going to trespass on my territory you're going to get shot like a Jamaican skateboarder doing 360s on my front lawn not that I have a lawn I just like shooting stuff got to clean all the [ __ ] covered Rags after cleaning the rags I trained tailoring until I reached level four in the evening the next day was not much different I exercised then I shot some neighbors and then I stole their clothes basically a normal day in the life of an average American citizen if we remove the exercise part can't have any of that nonsense healthy living in the USA I then study the next toring book until late at night we little baby had a nightmare don't worry we're going to give you beer now and you're going to be much better and you're going to be able to sleep there you go and guess what I did the next morning I exercised not that it did much for my XP levels but then I switched things up I trained tailoring first and then I went to shoot at neighborhood zombies late at night when the negative moodles began stacking up high my training finally paid off and I hit level five I was out of cags on day 188 so I had to go on a short trip good thing there's always new CAG delivery services out here there was always more zombies out there and after I successfully liberated them of their clothes I was able to go back home to train at last at this level the training process started to take a while and I only managed a third of a level before it was bedtime for weak man but I craved action so I decided to go on adventure next I draw ease towards batford dismantling car wacks along the way welcome to bat for fall oh look at all those beautiful racks of course by the time I arrived to my destination weak men was already dead tired but that didn't stop me I showed the zombies the meaning of love in a balcon way then I began dismantling car WX always looking over my shoulder it was stressful work but it needed doing so I continued the next day oh this is the shopping dead they been in the grocery store for each rank I dismantled a group of zombies popped up that required re-education a fought and welded then fought and welded some more thinking that each rack might be my last doing this is [ __ ] dangerous you never know when there's going to be a zombie right behind you and you can't look but when I pushed deeper like the dwarfs who Doug Moria I Unleashed hell I was basically surrounded dead tired and quickly running out of shotgun ammo I disengaged for a quick nap then snug back out at night to finish the last few Rex at midnight I escaped the town and on the road ran into the Ultimate Prize is that a katana or you just just happy to see me I was able to relax the next day beginning with exercise in the morning and then I burned my lunch to improve my day and cheer me up old friends arrived in the evening it's been a while Airborne Society it's been a while but the bastards have returned I decide to deal with that issue the next day and spend the rest of the evening training weak men's tailoring skills at risk of repeating myself the next morning I started blasting good thing I popped them pills so I can now shoot them like proper Cowboy there were enough zombies in and around my home to keep me occupied for the whole day but if you think weak man wasn't ready you were wrong you see while you were chasing hot chicks in college he studied a shotgun while you were yelling dicks out for harambe he was pondering his orb so no zombies stood no chance against him and as a final Act of humiliation he stripped them all naked in the end a couple groups yet Remain the following day so I cleared them out on my way to refuel the generator which was in need of maintenance as well the first batch of new crops was also ready and I gathered a couple of fresh carrots then I went all in on tailoring and pushed weak men to the edge of exhaustion till he finally hit Level 6 at 2:30 in the morning while I could have read the next book I opted to go visit the pond instead [ __ ] hell where the [ __ ] did you come from there were a couple of Zeds there and two of my traps have been ruined which was no real surprise since I've been away for quite a while I spend the whole day fishing which turned out pretty well three socks that's amazing and uh three shoes but he also caught a big Pike and a small Pike I then returned back home and began reading the next tailoring book which I continued to read the next morning after my daily exercise let's do some proper exercise or did somebody say extra fries I would love some extra fries right now alas I did not finish the book instead I grabbed all of my letter patches and began applying them to my clothing weak men's gear wasn't very protective it was more suitable for for winter but when I was done he was layered like a radioactive butterfly inside a 5G Tower then I filled up the big propane tank at the gas station and grabbed a sweet 5.56 rifle if you wonder why I've done all that well it was time for another adventure I drove north towards Dixie which is also a brand of portable toilets where I live so that tells you a lot about the state of the town but I wasn't interested in [ __ ] I wanted the racks but of course I have to fight for them holy [ __ ] this feels good I love this rifle I spend the whole whole day there shooting zombies dismantling racks shooting some more zombies dismantling some more racks and so on until at midnight de tired I finally took apart the last hunk of burned metal reaching level five metal working but I still needed one more level for full vehicle upgrades although I could do almost everything already alas day 197 wasn't the day for all that first I replanted the carrots and then I watered my roof d farm ah yes here we go again how about another helicopter we haven't seen seen one in a long time have we naturally the Airborne Society brought a party with them and I had to get rid of the Rowdy mother truckers sneaky peaky like she's never going to see me coming or he you know I don't judge I ended the day with the last VHS tape I owned then continued to read the tailoring book on day 198 I welded a new bullbar to one of my cars to see how much metal workking XP I get and that's going to be nothing oh great which meant I needed more Rex but first I took a ride to the zombie infested intersection where I grabbed some plates pipes and bars all the things I needed to weld a roof rack to my trailer it really surprised me I was able to do that but I was glad for extra storage the next day I went towards Dixie town again Holy balls on a chopstick the roads are full these days dude there were more racks waiting for me there but the highway was full to the brain with The Walking Dead and they made sure I knew I was welcome like capitalism in China but I wasn't there to make friends I was there to turn turn burn down car husks into big fat stacks of XP but as is tradition there were more zombies than there were rexs this is the last rack that I can dismantle and we barely got not even a third up to level six this is going to take a while and while weak men was ridiculously tired I pushed onwards I scouted the car stop up ahead then decided to take the back roads on my way home there was a lot of forest and very little zombies and while I had the opportunity to explore a suspiciously empty Warehouse on the way I decided to play it smart and followed the Long Road Home and then day 200 was here and I decided to celebrate it with a blast I drove to town grabbed my rifle and you guessed it started blasting all I have to do is stand in one spot and then get ambushed at first it was pretty empty but then more and more zombies poured out of the trees like Crypt Bros when you dare [ __ ] talk andf on Twitter let's go that's another Katana boys two 200 Zeds fa to celebrate day 200 and that Katana was a cherry on the top weak man has come a long way since his first 100 his skill count was over 8,000 now his skills proved that he was weak no more but if he was to show that he truly is worthy of the strongman title one day there was still so much to do his next goal 300 days and L will but before I could have a crack at Lou Will I needed to properly prepare so first challenge I wanted to tackle was improving my skills and crafting the next level of Car Armor for my truck and then go to the big city but I didn't want to just survive on the outskirts no I wanted to conquer the zombie infested corridors of the grand Ohio mall or die trying but first there was a lot of work to do Day 2011 was still deep in the winter but at least the cryogenic part was now over and while weak man had a lot more to learn before he could become a strong independent woman I wanted to start with first aid the crafting skill I've been ignoring so far and all I had to do was touch a corpse inappropriately every hour all right that gave me like six points of first aid XP which is not the best but it's a start so that's what I did for the rest of the day we also Gathering cags From Zeds and learning tailoring the next morning I woke up to a helicopter which was instantly followed is that an airplane just after the helicopter what the [ __ ] is going on my touching corpses paid off next as weak men reached level one in first aid but then the hordes following the Airborne Society arrived I spent most of the day dispatching them with a pistol and a machete like a Latin American drug lord but it was worth it as I reached level three in Nimble I started day 203 with exercise because I wanted to reach level seven strand as soon as possible I then spend some time tending to my garden and practicing first aid don't worry my friend I'll be gentle and it will all be over soon in the evening I finally remembered I can now reinstall the washer and the dryer so I brought them upstairs and then plugged them properly before ending the day with some more exercise and tailoring training next couple of days I was focused done more of the same leveling strength and first aid skills I also wanted to sord the guns and ammo that still remain in the back of my box truck more than 100 days after I brought it back afternoon of day 204 brought some Greenery for the first time in a long while and also a helicopter who attracted zombies I had to deal with in the evening Christmas came early for you [ __ ] next morning I harvested a new batch of wiinter cabbages which probably tastes something like if a baref food anime girl stamped into your salad after an exercise I cleared my garage grabbed more weapons from the truck then this happened okay this guy is saying something I don't trust them clearly the Airborne Society was evolving but so was weak men who reached level two in first aid and started reading the next skill book dressed in a new outfit which was clearly clogged with dirt as I noticed a dirty Moodle for the first time which was part of a new mod I added that allowed me to test my new washer and dryer and for For The First Time in Forever weak men had crispy clean clothes alas his Joy didn't last long because his friends were back and force oh this one is shooting holy [ __ ] this one is shooting at zombies I spent the evening clearing them out from the safety of my rooftop even switching to a rifle for a bit then I improved my new cloak with leather patches which really improved my body protection on the morning of day 207 I finished the first a book while push-ups brought me very close to the next strength then I decided to check outside and I found this holy [ __ ] [ __ ] there's so many in here indeed there were too many especially because weak man was incapable of running due to the exercise fatigue I ended up kiting them around before escaping back upstairs while almost getting my leg eaten by Zeds as I woke up on day 208 another heli flew by just to say hello and after my morning exercise I went to say hello to the hordes that followed it for once I wish this place would be full of Furies not zombies you know the thick heavy kind I was again tired of course so there was no running away from them but I trusted in Weak men just like I would trust the great corn Holio and slowly I managed to clear the Zeds around my home then after a short nap I finally reached level seven in strength taking another step towards turning weak man into a strong man in the evening I snuck outside in the dark and took care of a couple more groups infesting the area the next morning I decided deed to go on an adventure I drove to the bookstore in town dispatched the groups outside then I snuck into the shop to see if I could find any Advanced Medical books and I got lucky with two first aid is something I have never ever leveled up in project zomboid but with the first a overhaul mod it actually is a fun skill so I'm excited to actually do it back at home more zombies awaited me and I dealt with them like I deal with beautiful women when they tried talking to me by hiding on the roof and running in circles CES coincidentally that also increased my lightf footed skill which didn't really help me when I almost got jumped by a sneaky zombie while I was harvesting threat from corpses on day 210 I started with squats to improve my fitness levels and then I spend the morning reading and practicing first aid but of course there was no way it could remain a peaceful day oh come on you got to be kidding me there like two helicopters per day now this is getting ridiculous and just like hiding from women I just decided to stay upstairs and hide from whatever was outside and I got rewarded by finally reaching level three first aid in the evening but hiding like a fat little rat would get me no closer to my main goal surviving in Louisville the most dangerous city in project zomboid and as you know my next check on the preparation list was getting metal working to level six even though I started Day 2 11 by harvesting some tomatoes and potatoes I then drove to the gas station to refill my big propane tank I also did the math which by itself was a terrible idea and realized I don't have enough screws to upgrade my car so I then drove to the nearby Storehouse took care of the Guardians there and got lucky with two boxes of screws which rounded up a successful day is this going to be like a first day without a helicopter that would be insane I was then ready to go on an adventure and my goal was West Point bridge alas I knew it would be a long trip I'm so slow I feel like a fat dog on a Mobility Scooter like Sunday driver is the absolute worst first it took me four long foggy hours to make it there and luckily there was only one big group of Zeds around which I managed to sneakily avoid in the thick fog I spend the rest of the day dismantling ranks which very slowly increased my metal working skill alas unfortunately it went slower than the trains here in Balan lands when those trains go anywhere at all when the fog dissipated I found my balls and destroyed the zombies who were closing in on the bridge I then continued to weld long into the night until not a single rack remained alas my skill was nowhere near level six so I decided to spend the night sleeping in the car there was a zombie waiting for me when I woke up but I escaped not back home but towards Louis will because I knew there should be a big amount of burned car husks just outside the city itself ah Lou will it might have taken me 7 months but finally weak man is on its border I had to fight off around a 100 zombies who were weirdly attached to those racks just like my subscribers are weirdly attached to their fur suits I then tiptoed my way from one vehicle to another dismantling them until my propane ran out in the evening I wish I could say I also reached level six mea working but I didn't and had to turn back home they say don't drink and drive but well this a zombie apocalypse who's going to stop me I should have known saying something like that would go down as famous last words because soon after this happened oh [ __ ] oh that's bad bad oh that that is very bad with a pop Tire my car slowed down to a crawl my gas was in the red and weekman was ridiculously tired I was in the middle of nowhere surrounded by zombies and trees and there was only one way this could go down but weak men popped them pills like a true American man and a spash every single zombie on that road while my heartbeat was going crazy I didn't checked my vehicle noticing both of the front tires were gone and since it was 3:00 a.m. I could do nothing but sleep in the car and only hope I survived the night and survive the night I did but then it was time to escape back home well this is a whole different bag of dicks but I believe weak man's got this I turned toward McCoy in hopes of finding a working vehicle and water which I had none left I got lucky with an absolute rack of a car which got me to the logging grounds I snuck past the hordes broke into one of the buildings to get water then began searching the parked Vehicles oh it works let's [ __ ] go it works we got a decent working car we got gas it's time to go home weekman was absolutely tired and Kate with filth but I rejoiced when I finally returned to the safety of my fire station I awoke to a snowstorm the next day so I decided to spend the morning indoors I exercise practice first aid and when the weather calmed down a bit I decided to check out the car tires needless to say they all needed to be inflated like that sex doll you're hiding under your bed thinking your mom has no idea it exists trust me she knows in the afternoon another heli flew by and then I heard this on the radio loot Runner heading out oh what does that mean naturally it meant another morning visitor who brought with some very sneaky zombies he's waiting for me he's just waiting to pounce what a dildo but sneaky or not I dispatched the group once again then worked my way towards the gas station I refueled the blue truck and all my empty gas cans because I knew I'll need plenty of gas when I go to reclaim my police car in the evening my first eight practice finally paid off as I reached level four and if you're wondering why I've been trying to increase the otherwise useless skill well with first aid overhaul mod I had access to things like crafted Advanced bandages and adrenaline syringes day 27 was the Saving Private police officer C day I jumped into the blue truck and headed to the highway there we go there's my beauty it would be a true crime to leave you behind a crime like putting pineapple on Pizza which to be honest is a crime people should go to prison for I killed the remaining zens refueled the police car then it was time to become a mechanic this kind of minimum wage job might be beneath most of you but weekman tore apart his truck uninstalling every single brake suspension and tire and then reinstalling them all on the armored car the result was the same as if you left your vehicle unattended on a side road in the Balan Countryside and as I drove away only a blue husk remained behind I started the next day with Fitness training and a heli fly by mixed with some target practice from the rooftop I then harvested fresh broccoli finished reading the third first aid book and exercise some more another hel showed up the next morning as I was practicing first aid so I decided to celebrate and un baked a tray of delicious biscuits you see it's the small things in life that keep you going why don't you just move over here huh why don't you just live in my base you [ __ ] helicopters oh is making noises again and if you thought that was the last one of the day you'd be wrong because the third one showed up in the evening as I was running in circles on the roof to get weak men's sprinting skill to level three after all those helicopters I expected there's going to be plenty of Zs waiting for me the next day and I was not disappointed oh my God are you [ __ ] me look at this that's insane I fought them with bullets and Blades but they flocked to me like Sims to a male vtuber posing as an anime girl with take all Bitties the battle lasted most of the day and in the end weak man crossed 9,000 kills which put him in the range of being able to become desensitized At Last I spent most of the day 221 doing chores around the base then I drove to the gas station to refill the big propane tank I wanted to reach level six in metal working at last without driving half across the world to dismantled car racks so I started destroying everything I could around the gas station this is like the least safest thing you could do in the middle of the night where you can't see [ __ ] while it wasn't exactly safe it was still worth the XP and I wanted more XP the next day but oh Jesus you guys surprised me there with my pants now staying Brown I didn't roll into town and dismantle the whole Storehouse worth of big metal shelves of course that wasn't enough so I moved to the house next door and then this happened woo that was close oh my God I had to get up for my PC to change my pants after all this but I was now barely 100 XP away from level six and I was determined to finally reach it a couple of Zs tried to stop me but they failed I dismantled a couple more shelves and at long last I made it I was now able to install Better protection on my car so I did the math and realized I'll need 28 metal pipes Metal Sheets and 20 metal bars that was a lot and I was about to go find it when this happened what the [ __ ] was that what what the hell is going on I think they're bombing something no idea what that was but it didn't stop me from driving to the old intersection where I spend the evening Gathering materials the next morning I removed one door protection from the car and rejoiced when I saw I got some materials back that meant that in total I need to get her much less than I thought at first and I got what I needed at the storehouse I knew armoring the car would be a lengthy process so I parked it in the garage for safety alas with all the Broken Walls it wasn't safe at all so I spent the rest of the day rebuilding them and patching any hole I could find but like destructive little Kens zombies instantly took offense to that the [ __ ] instant I built something you're already here smashing crap day 225 was finally the armoring day or I guess this armoring because it took me half of the day to dismantle all of the old armor and by that point weak man was queasy from all the corpses he was locked in with in the garage just imagine the smell in there it must have smelled like a twitch streamer apartment I was back into the garage of death the next morning and it was time to armor it up oh man how am I going to even see through this tiny hole this this can't be safe right this can't be legal not that there was anyone left who could tell me what's legal anymore and the Zeds didn't seem likely to evolve in that direction so I worked on the car until weak men was queasy again a hel surprised me in the evening just as I was feeling lucky for not seeing it for a couple of days which man the back wall was destroyed the next morning and Zeds were waiting for me in the garage you know what zombies breaking down my back door is the ultimate truth of project zomboid in fact if you Google rule 34 for zombies right now well you can learn all about that I then had to dispatch all the walking corpses around the base which proved to be a useless Endeavor because in the afternoon another heli showed up seriously just eat me instead of breaking my [ __ ] constant play so I had to repeat the whole process before I was able to plug the holes once again only a few Zs remained the next day which meant I could finally go back to armoring I installed the two missing doors and then it was done two more skills remained on my checklist getting Fitness to level 7 which was already very close and then mechanics to level five so I could repair the engine on my truck if needed I focused on doing squats the next morning then I practiced first aid and read a book when I exercise in the afternoon it finally happened ladies and gentlemen and there it is finally at long last level seven Fitness and strength you'll love to see it only mechanics remain now before I was ready for Lou but I noticed I was running very low on 45 ACP ammo so I spent the evening preparing a new gun I pimped out the Desert Eagle I had lying around and while I didn't have too much ammo for it I wanted to make every bullet count so naturally I had to test it the next morning damn that sounds cool while it sounded really cool it also sounded really loud even with a suppressor I then drove to the bookstore because I wanted to check if there was a sneaking level four book there but the illiterate masses tried to stop me so I had to educate them and we all know there's no better education technique than a bullet to the cranium naturally the book I was looking for wasn't there so went back home just as I reached level six in first aid a heli showed up again and I had to deal with a Fallout the last eight bullets of this pistol that has served me for a long ass time I switch to Desert Eagle next and kept on blasting well into the night but it was so loud zombies kept on showing up so I finished the last few with a machete and then I prepared a new sidearm a 9 mil pistol which could hold a 50 ammo drum and I needed that bad boy as I drove to the courtman medical the next day after another morning heli everything is so empty around here because all of the population of the city just keeps on coming to my base due to the constant helicopters well it was not empty at all in fact I had to use more than 100 bullets to dispose of the corpses waiting for a checkup at the doctor which basically sums up everything wrong with American public healthc care system but after I turned them all to min's meet I was able to sneak inside to get what I was looking for a scalpel I knew i' need one to continue leveling first a and with that mission accomplished I returned back home where I was greeted by a big group of Zeds the next morning finally broke me I am [ __ ] disabling this [ __ ] but first I spend the day leveling my mean mechanic skill until weak man got queasy once again so I decided to do what needed to be done and I carried every single corpse onto a pile outside until the garage was clean no helicopters it's so peaceful out here and so I was able to work in safety at long last I spend a day grinding away at mechanics until weak men got very tired then I read a book and practiced first aid I hid from the heavy snowstorm the next day and my work in the garage finally paid off with level five mechanics then I spend the evening Towing the old training racks out of the garage so I could move the box truck inside which caused a lot of noise like how dude you could just bite me or something why do you have to destroy my [ __ ] and then it was down to the last step loading up my truck with everything I could possibly carry but Wickman had all thumbs straight which meant I spent the whole day loading up with guns ammo tools and weapons and at the end of the day I wasn't even halfway done so I continued on day 236 transferring food books medicine and even more guns which I contined doing the next day until I realized I can armor up the trailer as well as I didn't have the necessary resources I drove to the warehouse where a couple of groups of Zeds made me work for the materials when I had enough I installed the fresh armor and then continued loading the truck and now we should have enough ammo in here to basically liberate half of Bosnia worried I'll forget something I went through my things multiple times I also refueled the car and filled up every gas Canan I had I also washed my clothing and loaded up the last few things into the trailer you know what tonight we get drunk tonight we celebrate with bourbon because you never know what tomorrow brings and then on day 239 I said my goodbyes goodbye my sweet prince it was nice knowing you I promise to return one day if I survive I didn't spend most of the day weeing past zombie hordes on the way to Louie but I didn't want to go knocking on the front door so I took the side roads and 10 hours later the extreme exhausted weak men finally made it to the Border oh we finally made it almost 10 hours later I took out the Zeds around the fence then wanted to rest in the car alas weak man was terrified of the unknown and refused to sleep so I drove further into the Wilderness to a safe spot where I spent the night I broke the fence in the morning and then crossed the border into Louisville I first stopped at military checkpoint welcome to Louisville [ __ ] I searched it for Loot and grabbed the generator and then I continued to another checkpoint where I repeated the whole process at this point my gas levels were getting pretty low so I stopped at the burnout Town made a hole in the fence then connected the generator at the one remaining gas pump zombies tried to stop me but I successfully refueled my truck and then drove deeper towards the Louie and stopped at The Farmhouse to spend the night weekman woke up early the next morning excited to go deeper into the city I have to admit I was pretty nervous how this was going to go especially because my goal was to get as close as possible to the Grand Ohio mall ladies and gentlemen we are now in Louis will proper so it's time for a party I started the party a few blocks away from the mall and lucky for the tired weekman it was a short party or should we say shardy as a fellow sharting enjoyer I disposed of the zombies around a noox radio station and then decided to claim it as my new base I parked my truck into the garage attached a bunch of emergency escape ropes then I brought a generator to the roof I cleared the fresh Invaders in the morning then I brought upstairs of fridge and filled it with my perishables I also destroyed the access to the stairs so was now safe upstairs I then planted some potatoes in the roof destroyed furniture for planks and used those to build a water collector Barrel next to my farm of course this was Louis so zombies broke inside in the evening probably trying to grab the couch I had my eye on please do not break [ __ ] so I had to continue to sleep on a shitty office chair but that didn't stop me from improving my new home I installed new counters and a sink which I connected to the rooftop Barrel I also removed all the terminals in the room and replaced them with storage containers since it started to rain I I decided to grab more soil and planted even more potatoes then I cleaned the whole room to make space for a comfy bed which I went to search for the next morning in a full out thunderstorm stealth up to Zeds got me to sneaking level six and many of them met their demise at the end of my 9 mil Barrel IAM found what I was looking for in the nearby apartments and brought it back home so weak man could finally get some good quality sleep in the evening I then broke a hole in the floor so I could have an easy access directly into the garage I woke up to Uninvited visitors on day 245 five and then decide to take care of the reinforcements as well showcasing just how far weak man has made it weekman was incapable of speaking to women before the zombie apocalypse but look at him now look at him go from my daily trip I also brought back an oven and I cooked a stew so week men could celebrate in style I also brought more storage containers upstairs and began filling them up the next day I went to an adventure and drove to the nearby gas station where I set up my second generator after dispatching the locals I also found a lot of trash food inside then I went went to scout the mall good [ __ ] the grand Ohio mall and all the LA spikes that go with it now I knew what I'll have to deal with but first I wanted to turn nox radio into a proper home where weak man could have space for his personal time spotting zombies from the roof the next day gave me an idea I grabbed my 308 sniper rifle and notice I can indeed snipe zets a whole screen away I can shoot them over that roof oh my God that's amazing I had fun with my new rifle then I finally reached first aid level s in the afternoon which meant and I had a use for that scalpel I didn't snuck across the street and almost got got Jesus how did I not see you over confidence is a slow and Insidious killer indeed but I survived without a scratch this time and then broke into the nearby gun store I was hoping for some shotgun or 9 mil ammo but all I found was pretty useless to me but at least I now had a locker to store this sniper rifle on the roof after some midnight rooftop sniping I exercised for the first time in a while and weak men felt it the next morning as I snug back to the apartment complex to grab even more things I am a thief that comes in the night actually not even the night I come in the middle of the day then I steal your furniture I placed the cupboards and then decided to cover the nasty stain on the ground and slowly but surely the nox radio was turning into a Cozy home in the evening I then went to grab some cags from the corpses outside so I could train my tailoring skill once again I spent half of the a250 working on that but it wasn't quite enough to get me to the next level I didn't exercise checked up on my taters practice first aid and did some more midnight sniping I went to an Adventure the next day and I grabbed a new rifle to test it out this gun is very rapid fire but it really does not do as much damage as you would hope unfortunately it didn't last long because the suppressor broke pretty fast so I had to switch to my trusty 9 mil sidearm like a true slav I robbed a liquor store along the way then I continued to to the fire station where my targets awaited yes I wanted to grab one of those big boys and I got lucky that they were all in perfect condition I broke in Hotwire the engine and brought it back home the next day I had to go on a perimeter check because a lot of single Zs wanted to mingle with weak men in the afternoon I broke down more furniture inside the radio station to get planks which I used to build a second ring collector Barrel on the roof on day 253 I returned to the apartments behind the station and I stole a washer and a dryer the strength of weak men to climb up this rope with a washing and clothing dryer in his inventory is crazy I didn't install the two machines underneath the new Barrel which allowed me to wash my clothing and while I waited for them to dry I gave weak men a new trim the next morning I grabbed my Sledge and drove to the nearby storage Lots i f the locals inside and one of them was nice enough to provide me with a key for the whole facility I grabbed a sweet new sofa then hit the jackpot with a locker full of ammo and guns I looted the whole place and stored a useful things in my car then I went back back upstairs for the big fancy couch please don't break this beautiful couch no come on he was really tired at this point so I had to return home where wakman enjoyed some bourbon on his new sofa on day 255 I destroyed the big dishes on the roof to make space for a new Farm plot where I planted tomato seeds which I found the previous day I then practice first aid and ripped apart all the useful clothing I could find on corpses so I could spend the rest of the day training tailoring which I got to level s in the evening they 256 was the first day of spring and like a bear awoken from his Slumber I returned to the storage Lots where I instantly got lucky with a shotgun and 9 mil ammo then a couple of Zeds broke out of one of the storage lockers and I put my master baiting skills to good use once again I need your key boys give me your [ __ ] keys it took me multiple more kills before I finally got it which allowed me to loot the rest of that row before I went home for the day but I craved action so I drove to a mini mall next to the gas station the population in there wasn't so many though and an epic battle followed ladies and gentlemen that was weak man's 10,000th kill he was now entering the meta the gun was his Muse and he ascended past all the normies on the leaderboard my real goal in that slaughterhouse was a small bookstore in the back and I snuck in in hopes of finding the next reloading or sneaking book alas no luck so I had to return back home but I did not return empty-handed the next morning you guessed it I was back to the storage lot follow me follow me follow me my horrible singing worked and I got a key for the next row unfortunately the loot wasn't any good and zombies were trying to break out of three separate lockers so I left them to it and promised to return back home I inappropriately fondled a corpse which brought my first aid skill to level eight allowing me to begin working on the next book on day 259 I drove to the storage lots for the One Last Time Zs who were trapped inside failed to break out so I tried some more key baiting which brought my Long Blade skill to level four if you want something done you got to do it yourself can't rely on zombies so I broke into every Locker finding a little but a few Zeds I stopped to clear the road on the way back but unfortunately my suppressor broke so a very tired weak man had to use his Katana which he almost completely destroyed he was covered in so much blood he woke up as a complete nervous rag the next morning so I threw all of his clothing into the washer and then exercised naked while waiting for it to dry then in the evening I repeated the exercise and read a book which I continued during the next day until I finished the first a book and while preparing dinner weekman also hit level six in cooking I had an adventure planned on day 262 and I grabbed an extra suppressor to keep on me as an emergency at all times then and I drove pass the big mall towards the video store and started blasting one at a [ __ ] time like a true American hero on Fourth of July weak men stood his ground taking down anyone who dared to question his cholesterol levels and in the end he was of course Victorious and I rejoiced when I saw I had five new tapes to watch I returned to the scene of the crime the next day and then drw a bit further up the road to a nearby bookstore sorry Zs I'm just passing through I know if you want to come and bite me I'll have a gun ready for you lucky for me the crowd was smaller around there and I disposed them quickly then I snuck into the bookstore and grabbed a bunch of books I needed I also checked the groceries next door and came out loaded up like a fat kid in a candy shop I was back to burpees the next morning coupled with a cooking book then I continued turning weak men into strong men in the afternoon I continued with rigorous exercise on Daye 265 combined with book reading and first aid practice then I switch it up a bit in the evening my dude is finally catching all those shows he has missed in the first week of the zombie apocalypse weak man has been chugging painkillers like candy to be able to sleep with all that muscle pain and I was running dangerously low on them so I decided to break into the local Dentistry next where I found heaps of prescription medication and an empty syringe happy at my ho I then exercise some more and finished reading the next reloading book I decided to visit the fire station again the next day where I played tennis with the local population but my Joker like skills were for some reason not appreciated so I decided to break inside excuse me lady I'm just trying to eat here could you give me some space please but of course she didn't give me space and in fact brought a group of rude Friends Along after I've dealt with them I stole a pool table and a comfy couch from the station and returned back home you see I had an idea for a rack room and the foggy day 268 seemed like a perfect time to make it happen I cleaned up the trash from the room below my main home dismantled the old electronics and got rid of the office chairs then I brought the pool table and a couch upstairs I'm not quite happy with how this looks but I think it's a decent start I then dismantled some more furniture to build a composter on the roof I wanted to grab some additional goodies for direct rooms so I drove to the storage lots and spent half of the day searching for it there we go that's the bad boy I was looking for when I returned back home a fully kitted out Nomad Survivor was waiting for me and I stole his fresh bread then I fixed the rack room now that is starting to look like a proper rack room now a place where weak men could just chill and indeed he spent the rest of the evening chilling with a good book alas he didn't chill for long because it was about time I do something about that big bad mall and you see I had a plan first I chopped down some trees then I broke a wall to get access to the roof I then built stairs because I wanted to create a sky highway to the apartment block overlooking the mall so I spent the rest of the day working on that this is [ __ ] scary I don't like doing this oh my God it might not look high but trust me a drop from there would mean weak man's death a Cho down more trees the next morning and continue building the Skyway creating real things with my below minimum wage hands I stopped just before the window so as to not give any Shing or zombies the chance to walk the Skyway at night and then I snug back in the morning and broke broke inside the first apartment was empty so I quickly broke the access to the stairs and now the whole top floor was mine this might be the window that's going to give us access close to where we want to be and then I spent most of the day exploring the apartments making sure no Zeds remained and borrowing all the Food Supplies I could find day 273 greeted me with beautiful weather but it didn't stop me from carrying all of my 308 ammo to my new Hideout where the [ __ ] are all the zombies what there there there's some I didn't return to grab the sniper rifle as well but I wasn't quite happy with the reach from the window so I smashed it to Pieces then went back home to watch the last remaining VHS tape and level up my first aid all the way to 9 I gathered more wood the next morning and then began building a platform extending from The Hideout created to give me bigger reach let's see how far we can see now oh yeah that's better that is better satisfied I went to chop down even more trees to build a fence at the end so not to accidentally turn into Icarus day 275 was the day the weather might not be perfect but weak men is ready to party with some zombies I threw a Molotov and totally missed so waited for zets to group up and caught them with utter as a ran away I tripped and scratched my leg but not even that could stop me I sniped the burning zombies from the safe perch sending them to meet their maker which probably was some kind of anime Enthusiast Doctor Who accidentally created them in a lab trying to vrow his new wife ifu alas zombie numbers quickly dwindled and I was disappointed with how few of them turned up so I knew I had to go back to the drawing board I grabbed a different rifle the next day and went in for take two I parked much closer to the mall this time around and instantly got them with a molotov in a matter of seconds their numbers began skyrocketing and so was my sneaking skill look at this sneaking level up oh my God look at this I danced in the spot until I reached sneaking level seven then I started blasting into the crowd some of them f followed me so I had to deal with them and at this point the mall was on fire but then this happened okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no the crash reset the clock to morning the fire was gone and so were the Zeds oh my God this is so anticlimactic is the mall just empty now but of course it was not empty I blasted my way deeper into the building tactically nuking the zombies flowing from the sky until weak man reached 11,000 kills not to be deterred by a little bitty crash I went straight back to the mall the next day and parked at the East entrance this time around all throw it run just run buddy just run let's go I snuck into the brush and noticed weak men was not panicked and then it dawned on me at long last he was desensitized to the horrors of the apocalypse and the horrors burned bright like the old so many smelly hungry Stars this is the barbecue that I wanted to see this is it this is what real America feels like I sniped the last few that remained then I let them all burn and I let it burn in peace the next day as well and focused on my base I planted cabbages and repaired the generator then I exercised reab book and harvested a fresh batch of tomatoes in the evening but the mall was still in the back of my mind specifically the gun store in there I drw out back past the fires then I broke inside alas the tide corridors were under a constant assault by Zeds and had to leave multiple times to fight them off in and outside [ __ ] it let's go let's go let's go all right we have a couple going in there was a rough call and with my pens stained Brown I had to admit defeat and drove back home to plan my next step and the next step was pretty clear to me zombies it is time to party once again I parked at the Western entrance and then had to run like the wind after escaping to safety I slowly fought my way back up the street sniping the Zeds one by one until I made it to the big ball of fire I watched them burn reaching sneaking level eight neat and lightf footed level seven before it happened again not a [ __ ] G are you kidding me once again the clock reset the corpses in the fire was gone and my way into the gun store was clear so I grabbed a bunch of guns and ammo the next morning was extremely foggy perfect in fact to sneak back into the mall I grabbed more canisters of ammo then decide to try out a new machine gun at last the silencer broke real fast oh yeah this bad boy is very loud and then the game crashed once again even though there was no fire to stum around and I decided I was done with a stupid mall for there were plenty other dangerous places I could scavenge in Louis will but first weak men deserved a break so on day 282 I prac his first aid then I went to recover the sniper rifle and all the ammo from my Hideout where is he aiming at what do you see it's got to be a crawler somewhere I then washed my very bloody clothing and exercised on day 283 I repaired my old almost broken Katana then I drove to the gas station to refuel the car and empty gas cans I read a book exercised and then spend the evening chilling in the Rack Room on the dark rainy day 284 I didn't decided to go on another adventure I drove past the mall and through the unexplored and very zombie infested roads deeper into Louisville oh my [ __ ] god there is many my goal a video store close to the Riverside I started blasting with my shoty turning into a proper Rambo to deal with the hordes wanting to eat my ass look I got nothing against the ass eating you do you okay but I personally prefer my ass teeth and tongue free God I missed this shotgun this is such a good feeling yep that lady went through three t-shirts to scratch my torso due to my high first aid skill I could see just how severe the wound really was and pissed at myself for my overconfidence I dealt with the rest of the Zeds then looted the store I found two useful tapes which I then watched in the evening fearing the shadow of that dreaded queasy moodle I stayed inside the next day I exercised to keep healthy read a book patched my Toren clothing and then repeated the whole process weak men seemed healthy but I decided to take it easy for another day I read I exercised I practiced first aid and I maral at my beautiful rooftop Farm I also trained tailoring with my remaining thread and then planned for the next day okay or we could go get some fishing done alas I couldn't go fishing just yet because I had no tools for the job so I drove to the hardware store deeper into Louis will I dispatched a few remaining Zeds then I snuck ins side I found twine and some useful tools but no fishing rods and then I looted the food store next doors as well back at home I used the twine to then create two fishing rods on day 288 I drove to the Riverside southeast of the mall this could be the prime fishing spot I think I got rid of the natives chopped down some trees and then began building the platform it took me half of the day but in the end I was satisfied with my little Shack over here we are under roof and zombies can't really get to us so this going to be perfect perfect prime fishing spot I went to fish the next day using worms as bait Unfortunately they ran out pretty fast but I was very happy with what I caught with plenty of daylight remaining I then decided to go forest for a bit alas the forest was very infested and had to constantly fight for every stick and stone I could find but in the end I reached level three I cooked a delicious fish stew the next morning and then I drove to the fire station to pick up a heavy duty car battery I left back there sir how [ __ ] dare you I then practice first aid for One Last Time reaching max level and then I also reached level six in farming after a harvested a fresh batch of cabbages my freezer was now full to the brim so I drove to the gas station to borrow their popsicle fridge I snuck back to the gas station on day 291 and installed that battery into a truck there I fueled it up and then drove to the bookstore nearby where I had my eye on another truck I looted the store first though finding plenty of survival books but not the farming level four book I was was looking for I then switched the car batteries and drove back home all right look at this we got ourselves a new truck and I like the way it moves my plan for that truck was to armor it up eventually but for now I just parked it in the garage the next day I drove to the small mall to look for the farming book problem here is you never know what's upstairs and indeed they started falling and crawling from upstairs I didn't find my BG but I found a rifle suppressor and a lot more zombies wa this guy almost dropped right on top of me back home I harvested a fresh batch of potatoes then I began redecorating the room next to my recck room because I wanted to turn into a small library but to make that a reality I needed that elusive farming book first and I decided to search for it inside the grand Ohio mall the thick fog hid me well as I snuck inside but even after searching the whole huge bookstore there I had no luck so instead I stole a bunch of furniture in a petti revenge and those shelves fit perfectly into my new library room okay this is a start it's not perfect on day 294 I was still on the hunt so I drove to the small bookstore north of the Grand Mall and started blasting the thread though was just like the majority of Discord users prefer it minor I then searched the Bookshop alas I didn't find what I was looking for but not to return empty-handed I then looted the candy store as well and grabbed some nice clothing I also broke into a furniture store near my base to finish my library I can't really say it all fits together nicely but you know what it Sparks joy and I like it the next morning I was back on the road there was another bookstore I wanted to check but the hordes of angry Librarians were waiting for me last time I said how much I enjoyed a shotgun I got scratched so I'm not going to repeat that and he jammed alas they couldn't stop me from looting the store oh let's [ __ ] go we found it oh my God [ __ ] yes I serged the shops around for more useful items finding some new clothing and a lot of zombies then I returned home to reading safety and in safety I remained the next day I washed my clothing I exercised I trimmed weak men's beard and learned about farming on day 297 I then decide to go back to fishing but I only caught one small catfish while breaking one of my fishing rods so that wasn't very successful and I decided to make it a better day by doing some more foraging around but even that didn't go as planned could you please stop interrupting my work like Angry bees they pursued me until I gave up for the day and decided to return in the morning but this time I drove further out of town to avoid Zeds that worked well and uninterrupted I found some wild herbs and berries reaching level four in the process the one grasshoppers I also found I then used as a fishing bait to catch a small crappy and then I spent the rest of the evening studying on day 299 I decided to go on an adventure again now why would I be cozy and safe when I can go do something stupid and dangerous there was a police station I wanted to loot and as I parked behind it I already began to regret my decision Zed sworn weak men in huge numbers but his stressy shotgun kept him alive and well to the point where I began pushing Back The Horde but of course they found a way to get behind me but like a true man with not much to gain but everything to lose I soldiered on more than 200 corpses were laid to rest and that parking lot but that allowed me to push inside I got into Armory but then the Zs broke down the only exit out of it trapped in the small room with no way out I fought for my life how the [ __ ] do I get out now my hands were shaking and my pants were full but I turned the Armory into a room of death until I finally got an opening holy [ __ ] man oh that was [ __ ] scary Jesus before leaving I also checked out SWAT van parked behind the station and promised to return for it another day but then it was here day 300 has arrived and weekman not only survived for 2 months in LW he actually made the city his [ __ ] well if we ignore the many times he was close to death but as always his eyes were turned to the Future where one last step remained on his path to become the strongest men alive surviving for a whole year but that didn't mean the last 65 days would be easy there there were two more major challenges I wanted to overcome first the military base situated at the entrance to Louisville ripe with zombies and Military Loot and second the big downtown police station one of the most dangerous and heavily populated places in entire project zomboid and the fact that some of the zombies learn how to sprint was not going to help at all and so I decided to take day 301 easy and began by redecorating the rooms down stairs I dismantled old electronics and destroyed the table to make space for a cozy bedroom for weak men her great he is now very bored you love to see that but that didn't stop me so I snuck to the apartments behind the station and stole a big old bed and only then did I spend the evening reading anti-boredom comics the next morning I drove to the furniture store where I grabbed a rug and then broke half of the furniture in the shop before finally snatching a closet and drawers I stole them in the bedroom and then moved my spare clothes downstairs before spending the evening training Tailoring on day 303 I drove to the gas station to refuel my truck then I went into the Wilderness to for again alas the weather was very far from perfect but I pushed on hey not even the bad weather can stop me from finding such amazing things like broccoli when I returned home I harvested and replanted my cabbages then I repaired and refueled the generator on the roof the next day I snuck to the Grand Mall parking lot where I successfully borrowed a car oh [ __ ] that's our first Sprinter look at it Go watching it jog made me realize that maybe just maybe I shouldn't be as confident as I was but then I was back at the police station and there was nothing else to do but blast I tested my new shotgun and was happy with the Carnage it dealt and that Carnage allowed me to peek inside the station once again but I was too afraid to explore it so I just grabbed the SWAT van and brought it back home I passed more joggers on my way and that gave me an idea and the idea was to connect the big apartment building with a even bigger one across the road via a new Skyway looks like we got some onlookers over here people want to join in on the party I reached a huge building with ease and broke the roof to get access inside holy [ __ ] that's a lot that is that is a lot we go back up I was definitely not ready for Close Quarters combat with bad exit strategy so I created another entrance then went back home to Harvest fresh tomatoes and then I returned the next morning with a new plan I'm not sure if it's smart using a siren this close to home but let's [ __ ] do it let's hope these guys who are up here are going to come down I slowly Drew up the road in hopes of getting them out then I snuck around back home I used the robe to repel in once again and very quickly a whole hell broke loose clearly my plan did not work and I painted the hallway red with the blood of my enemies oh we got a jogger we got a [ __ ] jogger I stacked skulls for the skull God and I pushed deeper and deeper waiting up to my knees in Blood and corpses but as I almost made it to the stairs a huge horde pushed back up and I had to retreat back to safety after Crossing 13,000 kills I let the zombies rest the next day and drw out of town to forage I found sticks and stones and herbs and then I made it into the deep forest which gave me an idea so I chopped down a couple of trees in the evening and turned them into four wooden box traps then I returned to the deep forest the next morning and plays those traps adding cabbages bait I spent some more time foraging getting up to level five in the process and fighting some ginang which I then turned into adrenaline syringe at home it restores energy but induces hunger and thirst that is going to be like a last resort thing that we're going to D the keep then I chopped some more wood and built another rain collector Barrel I went to check my traps the next morning these traps are all good but after 300 days of loneliness I'm sure weak men would prefer any other kind of trap but what he got from those traps made him happy as well I then cleared some Zeds who were encroaching on my home turf then I cooked a delicious Bugs Bunny soup full of wild herb goodness that would keep weak men warm for the tough day ahead in the corridor of death but the thing is I am the death here ah [ __ ] I fought for every inch of Gore splattered carpet in that hallway pushing Zed's back one shot at a time but they kept on coming oh man I bet these zombies weree turtlenecks in their real life they're the worst alas I didn't give up I kept on pushing until I finally got an opportunity to start smashing but they must have heard me because more came upstairs to interrupt my work but in the end I was Victorious come on let's destroy this let's [ __ ] go okay at long last the top floor was Secure and like Arnold I promised the remaining Zs I'll be back and back I was the next day I was sure the place would be pretty empty but oh we got a runner we do not have a runner anymore indeed more runners showed up mixed with the hordes and it took me the whole morning before the last zombie hit the floor I then looted the apartments mostly looking for food I returned on day 312 you know what I see here I see a sea of rags and indeed that's what I spent my whole day on until weak man was up to his knees in rags and he accured almost every single negative Moodle but I got plenty of thread which I then used to train tailoring in the evening as I prepared my breakfast weekman reached level 7even in cooking then I went outside to fix his extreme boredom is that going to make you less bored H is that going to make you less bored like a teenage bully I fought every Z on the parking lot until he was bored no more then I drove South to check on my traps forging as I went with boredom fixed I had to tackle his depression now yeah I'd be depressed too if I realized that all the world's beautiful ladies have now turned into zombies but this was America so I had pills to fix the issue then I spent the rest of the evening training tailoring I grabbed a gas mask the next morning so I could safely return to the corridors of death I ripped apart zombie clothing then I dismantled their wrist watches and stole the maggots riding over their bodies keeping an eye out on any good loot look at this fishing tackle and a trap box oh that's a good find well the mass protected weak men from Corpse sickness he still got tired pretty fast and I had to retreat back home where I wash he disgust in clothing I went to check on my traps again on day 3:15 adding the new box stap to the mix then I got rudely interrupted when I got to my fishing shack o hello these guys all want to go fishing is that how it is it was a good day for fishing alas my rod broke and boys that can naturally happen as we age then I spent the evening training tailoring weekman was once again bored the next day so I decided to finally deal with it I drove to the wit store popping Zeds like or R Tomatoes then I snuck inside last time I was here I only grabbed skill videos but now I took every single VHS tape so weak man could finally watch movies when he was bored again in true Slavic fashion I then also broke into the liquor store next door and grabbed all the beer I could carry look at the stack of the goods that we have that's awesome I also stole a cupboard and a sink from the neighbors to get another water source I began day 317 by harvesting potatoes and because it was raining heavily outside I decided to stay inside to train main tailoring again and finally reached level eight then in the afternoon I began studying the next book I drove back south to the Wilderness the next morning dispatching zombies crowding the road as I went I grabbed a fresh rabbit then I decided to go on a cleaning Street and noise and noise inspired by Kill Bill wakman turned the path to his fishing shack into one bloody mess and if I learn one thing from my time cleaning uranos at the local strip club I learned that bloody mess requires a hazmat suit alas I didn't have one so instead I washed all my clothing in the evening and got a new haircut the next morning I inflated all the tires in my car again then I went on a scouting Mission oh I see many Runners among these holy [ __ ] that is more than 1% Runners right there I drove through the thick hordes and the real face of Louisville finally presented itself to me and I have to admit it was one ugly [ __ ] of a face the police station I wanted to check out was overrun so I decided to Circle back home which went far from smoothly don't you dare stop oh just pushed through holy [ __ ] so that ended being a trip to hell and back and I had no idea how to approach that station but I did know my truck needed new tires so went to the mall parking lot on day 320 which was getting crowded after dispatching the stragglers I then turned into a true balcon mechanic stealing parts from every car around me I also spotted a prepper Zed and yoink he's got a machete on his back I borrowed his stalker knife and then brought all the stolen goods back to my garage where I placed my crappy t tiers it was time to go on Adventure on day 321 as I decided to go all the way to the military compound at Louisville entrance I drove for hours through the infested suburbs until I was forced to stop all right zombies show me what you've got I cleared the checkpoint then I pushed through driving along the narrow Corridor I stopped for a quick nap then I proceeded on foot because I knew there was a small housing area up ahead I cleared the area finding a little of any use then I spent the night there the next morning I returned to my car with Sledge in hand hand as soon as I breached the fence they came but I was ready then I pushed through and repeated the whole process again only one fence remained and I decided to take a quick nap before continuing on the road brought me to my destination and I descended on poor zombies like a thirsty man but not thirsty for water no thirsty for thick thighs I saw you run you [ __ ] show yourself oh there he goes I blasted my way into the compound clearing the highway and making sure I can sleep in peace so I could ful loot the place the next day oh man the loot is not nearly as good here as it used to be this is kind of [ __ ] sad I went through every crate and locker and truth be told I spent way more ammo getting in there than what I got out of it zombies were not really a problem besides a couple of stragglers oh for [ __ ] sake bro where' you come from and naturally zombo decided to troll me as well oh come on luckily not many Zeds remain so I spent the rest of the evening looting the last tents finding barely any ammo and mostly just military clothing and on the morning of day 3:24 it was time to leave I found crap [ __ ] here but you know what it was worth it for the experience let's go home now but a peaceful drive back home was not on weak men's agenda and so I stopped at a hunting store along the way where a giant horde awaited me in circled I had to pull some sketchy manures to avoid becoming corpse starch but weekman didn't survive for more than 300 days to turn into Walker now and once again he was Victorious now just watch how this is going to give me more good stuff than the entire military complex well it didn't in fact I only found a little bit of ammo it was really time to go home after and I managed to reach safety with barely any fuel remaining in my truck the next day I unloaded the goods all over my home then I created a new syringe and cooked a delicious rabbit stir fry naturally that made weak men very bored so I put on a movie and finished the tailoring book I tried on some of the new clothing I brought back home the next day oh my God I look like a freaking Teletubby in this then I went to refuel The Almost Empty car in the afternoon I drove to my trap Place unfortunately finding them all empty on day 327 I went to chop down a couple of trees and then brought the wood to the corridors of death after that I looted the rest of the apartments hell yeah let's go butter found you following a quick nap I grabbed a sledge to make a hole on the other side of the building and then I extended the Skyway which brought me close to my next Target before I ran out of wood so I chopped some more the next morning and extended the Skyway further now these guys I can shoot oh that's good I connected the last blank and jumped inside there weren't that many in the hallway but I needed to push as fast and as hard as possible to make it to the stairs on the other side of the building I was almost too late but I managed to defeat the encroaching horde and then took out my Sledge oh come on come on come on do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it let's go I then made sure the floor was safe before returning home to watch some TV I grabbed more wood on day 329 and then extended the Skyway to another building across actually reaching level eight carpentry in the process I had a great vantage point from that roof but I'm not sure where to go next there is no easy way to go anywhere there's no tall buildings nearby unfortunately so I went back home to plan my next step and my next step took advantage of that great vantage point I grabbed my sniper rifle and uninstalled the suppressor then I purched in the Skyway to have some fun oh that is that is pretty loud I sniped everything that crawled moving along my Highway to Heaven but it was not heaven for The Walking Dead oh no my bullets sent them straight back where they came from hell I think I kind of ran out of targets well I didn't actually and I continued blasting for a while before the tired weak men finally got a moment to rest I realized I didn't have that carpentry level five vook I needed so I decided to drive to the nearby bookstore next damn I forgot how good this gun sounds I blasted the few Zeds around then snuck inside alas the boo book was not there I had an idea to check the mall library next but yeah the mall is being the mall again we're not going to go look for a book in here so instead I returned back home where I repaired my generator and harvested a fresh batch of tomatoes then I washed my clothes exercised and watch the movie to relax but like a stuck deal though that book kept on nagging me so I decided to check the small Mall bookstore on the next day ah here they come from the upstairs once again I dispatched the up above neighbors then I snuck into the shop and got lucky so in the evening I just relaxed in my rack room and studied carpentry it was day 333 next and I wanted to make it special so I decided to descend into another apartment building the moment of truth let's see go back go back clearly that didn't work so I made another hole in the corner of the roof and jumped in the apartment was pretty damn full but nothing weak man couldn't handle I then pushed down the hallway to the stairs alas the zombies beat me to it the second I move back this is going to be a problem there's a runner let's go we got a runner again I turned the place into a corridor of death blanketing the whole floor with corpses I fought until he was too tired and pulled back for a quick nap then I tried my luck again this is the absolute [ __ ] worst Corner the dad pushed me back once again but weak men fought like a cage Russian man until he finally sledged the axes downstairs I returned the next morning to clear the now inaccessible Apartments there were still a lot of zombies trapped inside and it took me most of the day to clear the last of them let's fix that [ __ ] boredom shall We There you go but of course weak man was now so desensitized to the world a couple of zombies in his face could not face him but I got faced when I found fresh cheese on one of the corpses and he finally got over his boredom with a movie night the next day I harvested fresh cabbages washed my clothes then I baked a delicious bread with seeds and I added that cheese to make it into a perfect lunch look at that cheese tomato and rabbit burger then I spent the evening studying carpentry again I finished the BG the next morning then I threw myself completely into the Skyway project I chopped some trees then began extending my Pathway to Heaven planks were of course the issue because I couldn't just jump down to chop trees so I dismantled everything made of wood in the apartments I built over the houses because I dared not walk on their sketchy roofs then I continued to dismantle and build dismantle and build on day 337 ah yeah we have quite a Groove below us hey hey how's it going zombies and in the evening I made it to the roof of the next house complex then I decided to return home to refresh and grab some more food I gathered more wood the next morning then I continued to extend the Skyway actually reaching level 9 in sneaking and level eight in lightf footed in the process the next morning I also unlocked sprinting level four as I reached my next roof Target then I returned back home to study the next sprinting book I started day 340 by tending to my farm then I went back to reading until I finished the book then I relaxed by watching TV while enjoying a bottle of beer but I was back to work the next morning I built stairs which allow allow me to Cross to another rooftop and now that big building is the next Target but to get there I needed to dismantle a lot more furniture to get as high as possible on day 342 I actually hit sneaking level 10 while building a ladder which allowed me to close in on my next Target which I then reached early the next morning the next apartment complex was closed but I knew I'd have to fight for it so I got as close as possible then I made a long Skyway trip back home to grab my shotgun and ammo I also chopped some wood and watched the movie to relax I was back on day 344 and I broke into the building where max level sneaking definitely helped the sneakiest [ __ ] Left Alive let's [ __ ] go I secured the top floor but because it was all so quiet I decided to push for one more I rebuil the floor dispatched his heads and then it was all mine to get to the next roof I need to destroy a wall then I waved at the zombies below and push forward you probably guess by now what I was doing and yes I wanted to build the Skyway all the way into the city center where my last Target awaited you probably think me stupid for doing all of this but I'll have you know I was considered a scholarly time back in my day on the account of knowing how to cuss in three languages but of course I still had a very long way to go on day 345 I gained access to two more roofs on my path to Glory I reached level 9 in carpentry and then I spend the evening reading a book to relax but the next day I was ready to fight I bried the window into a building and then this happened I didn't even realize these guys are actually below me so I just added rooftop axes then I set my eyes on my next Target which I knew would be very dangerous to break into but that didn't stop me I breached my way in directly next to one of the stairway access points and quickly destroyed it Dan I started blasting and pushed in with each broken door I passed the chance of shotting her zombies increased and I was sure I was going to get jumped Dead Man Walking I pushed as far as I dared then I had to retreat on the account of weak men being well weak so I spent the evening reading instead my new corridors of death awaited me the next morning and I instantly went about my Bloody Business holy [ __ ] that was a lot in that one room are you kidding me but not even hidden hordes could stop weak men for weak men had a plan as soon as the hallway was decently clear I broke the floor down the middle and I took over half of the apartments leaving the rest to the dead I made sure they were all empty then I built access to the roof so I could make my way to the great and glorious future the giant building across the road but a wake up cold the next morning Wasn't So Glorious o sleeping in here makes him queasy so I grabbed a gas mask from a fireman and then continued building the Skyway the queasy Moodle disappeared high up in the sky and I almost made it to my next Target I broke in the next morning hearing a lot of noise coming from the inside and soon they started edging out they poured out of the building like dicks on fire and I kept them back on the narrow bridge and luckily they had some troubles with pathing a lot of them waiting there which meant they were constantly getting stuck inside and they only sporadically made it out but still their numbers were great and more were coming up from the streets so I had to abandon this building come on lady there you go she fell down all right let's dismantle this and thly I had to gather more planks and then build the ladders and those ladders brought me to the roof on day 351 which I then used to access another building across with eyes on my next Target but that place required double letters again I wouldn't blame weak men if he got bored because building this Skyway is actually mindly boring while it might have been boring it at least kept him alive although when I breach into to the tall building on day 353 the zombies did their very best to make him un alive I popped those who there to charge me then I gathered my courage and pushed in the corridors were slightly crowded but nothing weekman couldn't handle until there's a runner a [ __ ] Runner boys oh [ __ ] that's a lot it was as if the flood gates have opened and once again weekman had to retreat back to his scaffolding [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my ammo was running critically low but I didn't want to give up on this building in fact I was relying on its furniture to bring me all the way to the police station that was now so tauntingly close I blast at all those who came at me but in the evening I finally had to retreat but not defeated no a tactical Retreat all the way back home to restock on ammo and switch to a different sidearm it took me half a day to return to nakatomi Plaza and by that point weak men was of course very tired already but that didn't stopped me and I pushed deeper in my hopes and dreams of the place being almost empty turned into thin smoke like cabbage farts these [ __ ] know exactly where they have to go [ __ ] hell man I fought for hours trying to push back the endless hordes until in the end I had to admit defeat and get out but then this happened no what how the [ __ ] did you fall down I had no planks to climb up and jumping down would mean certain death I did have a sledge on me so I made a hole to see what's inside naturally there were zombies below and I had no idea what to do so I tried sleeping on the cold hard wet ground which meant weak men awoke ridiculously tired so that didn't help I was sure I was dead but there was nothing else to do but to drop down somehow still alive I hid into the side room to dismantle Furniture but of course they came oh hello that's a few I spent half of the day fighting and dismantling until I had enough planks to build the ladder back up but that was just one level so I had to fight my way to some more furniture to dismantle with never a second of Peace come on last two planks just pick him up let's get the [ __ ] out of here that allowed me to finish the second lad and at last after a whole day wasted and 15,000 zombie kills reached I could go back to safety after that absolutely insane day I returned to nakatomi Tower to finish what I started I took risks and I pushed hard and weak men had to do all of that on an empty stomach Al last no no matter how many I put down more and more came up I said they're com but I did not give up and finally I fought my way to the stairs and broke the tile I cleared the stragglers then I got very drunk on the account of that being the only nutrition in the whole top floor of the place I then gained access to the roof cross to the next skyscraper and finally ladies and gentlemen I can with my goal ins sight I broke more furniture and began building the Skyway to the station crossing a heavily infested Street in the process I'm like two tiles away from reaching my go the next day I ran all the way back home to my base I washed my dirty clothing cut my hair and trimmed my beard and then I built a couple of noise makers I also grabbed my sniper rifle and all the ammo I could carry then I relaxed with a movie night I made my way back on day 359 unfortunately having to drop the second backpack I was carrying I left it behind for now and built the last two tiles of the Skyway this thing below me is the police station and you know what I'll have some fun with it and indeed I had my fun sniping zombies from the rooftop until late at night mowing down anything that moved killing hundreds of The Walking Dead the next morning I went back to grab the backpack I had to drop making the long Skyway trip once again we went from all the way here to here pretty much across the whole town the Skyway goes I then return to the police station in the afternoon zombies this is my revenge for all the bad things you have done to me over all these long days and indeed I had my revenge turning hordes into nothing else but minced meat also pz told me I've now survived for one year but because it counts each month as 30 days that meant I still had 5 days to go I tested the noise maker the next day but the real noise maker has been my gun all along more noise oh yes that should bring the hordes and indeed the hordes were brought as you can imagine I spent the whole day dealing with them actually reaching 16,000 kills in the process and using most of my 308 ammo but just shooting wasn't all that fun so return to base on day 362 and grabbed the grenades I've been carrying with me since like day 90 but when I tested them they turned out to be a disappointment all the Zeds are at the car throw it there whoa that was way further away so instead I switched to a molotto which took 2 hours to fall from the roof and by then the Zeds were gone I promise to do better the next day and I attracted the group with a noise maker and then went for a Molotov where did you throw that bro yes I sucked but at long last I got the Zeds and the building on fire well I also cooked a bunch of my ammo I tried to make them spread the fire as much as possible and the south building was well and truly burning when my game crashed once again the fire and Zeds were gone and disappointed I decided to leave the place there was one last thing I had to do so I said goodbye to my cozy Louisville home then I hid the road it was long and full of zombies but as always my heavily armored vehicle managed to push through although there were some close calls around the old Valley Station Mall oh there is a lot of zombies here holy [ __ ] maybe I should not have driven down here I sto in the West Point bridge to refuel my truck but then after a whole day of driving I was finally in MRA would you look at that home sweet home and then it was the final day of weak man's Adventures he has survived for a whole year his skills went from absolute zeros across the board to something a true strong man would be proud of he killed over 16,000 zombies and he built two beautiful and cozy homes he survived a million helicopters he survived the long cold winter he survived Louis will and he survived zombies learning to run thank you enlisted for sponsoring this video and my friends what are you waiting for go play enlisted today for free on PC Playstation or Xbox and if you click my link in the description or pin comment below and use it to register right now you get a bonus pack of goodies including weapons and armor in-game currency and premium account time and thank you to my channel members and patreon supporters nuke fanor Ryan Lucian josmo Jenkins the gring Hobs El Johnson capablanca grun on live Kuro kurava stoan stov Fox the ghost brand Bartlet shj girl polish Spaniard tber kavach and britan the Roose there it is 9 in the morning on 9th of July exactly one year since the story began it now finally ends thank you everyone for watching
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 603,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid, Project Zomboid Gameplay, Project Zomboid 100 Days, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid 100 days challenge, project zomboid weak man, project zomboid weakest character, project zomboid all negative traits, I survived 1 year in project zomboid, Project Zomboid 1 year challenge, Kokoplays Project Zomboid, Kokoplays MB
Id: W9e9_S0MLpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 26sec (9386 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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