I STOLE a GOLD BELL in Untitled Goose Game!

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hey guys welcome back it's you untitled goose game where the goal of the game is literally yeah be a goose so you guys absolutely love the first video I did on this I'm glad because it is also it's so much fun if you didn't see it don't worry you'll get the gist of the game pretty quickly basically you are given a load of tasks you need to achieve by being a goose only having a beak a hunk and flappy wings this is level 3 that we got to and we need to make someone break the fancy VARs help the woman dress up make the man's bow is T get dressed up with a ribbon which is definitely looking forward to and do the washing I've got to I've got to steal someone's bra which is great so this must be the man that we need to spit out his T and make him go barefoot do I just need to walk up and steal this man's slippers cuz look at me okay oh jeez I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to startle you I'm sorry how do I get him to make tea I'd really like to know maybe if I steal his cricket bat he might come and get it because last time we terrorized the gardener oh he's coming oh he's coming for it this never gets old I'm sorry okay you can have it geez how can I make him have a cup of tea though because his tea just ain't poured right now I'll take his cup and I'm I'm not quite sure where to put it maybe if I I fill it up in the pond somehow yeah yeah that didn't work did it oh no he's mad he's mad he spied me maybe I could make him go in the water hey you want to go barefoot now buddy are oh look at it shaking his fist go go get it gonna get I dare you oh oh I want your slippers boy give me your slippers I can't grab his slippers your slippers away take them off there's also a woman here I think she's yeah the other side of the fence oh okay that's that Boston in oh wait is this mine is he sweet girlfriend is she I want this how do I put this on Oh lol is get dressed up with a ribbon this must be the ribbon that I can oh oh she's mad it's her ribbon wait what send your ribbon this is mine you can't even get through here haha I really don't know how to put this on though I have no hands this woman is severely confused she doesn't know whether to put the gate back up or try and help me with my ribbon can you help me please oh he's mad too Oh No I didn't realize you were working together oh geez okay fine fine you can have it back what else have we got here we call Pepe the Frog a fish with legs that's pretty Oh No oh she's she's definitely gonna be mad at that oh is this the bus that I have to dress up does she have any washing hanging up cuz if she does I'm gonna fief it she's using a toilet as an ornament and a bath wäôre oh I'm a musician listen to me listen to me I'm the great goose the old mighty goose listen to my tunes I found the washing oh I found the bra hey when it says do the washing what does it actually mean oh wait wait wait let me put this down oh I'm stuck she's got me stuck over here she actually tied it back up though this is mine now this is mine hey let me see if I dress up the bust in this drop it how do I get back she's tied me in okay I did not mean to do that but that seems to have worked I can go up here ah this is perfect so I assume bite do the washing it means steal a piece of clothing and put it in the pond so that's exactly what I'm gonna do where's that bra I'm coming for it there it is I think she's putting a fish with legs back let's put this here did that work it did a pair of socks a slipper and a bar of soap I think I could do this one pretty easily only take one sock at a time that's a shame flip-flop one sock flip-flop another sock sweet now I need a bar of soap and a slipper oh how do I get a slipper is that the I need to figure out how to get the man to take off his shoes why is she peeping on him oh wait wait he was just drinking his tea I need to wait for him to drink his tea right there's weight behind here and I'll take him by surprise this is way for him to drink his tea and then I'm gonna honk allow older than I've ever hoped before I think I know how to dress up the statue as well it's those isn't it the Hat the pipe and the glasses man this is gonna be tricky wait think is it hug look your tea cups on the floor are you happy with yourself cops that is he's genuinely scared of me make the man spit out his tea wait that didn't work I was being all happy and it didn't even work drink it that work how do I get him to spit out his tea he added his own oh he's coming for me hello nice to meet you I got your hat I'm going at I wait around for it oh he's slow oh he's really slow let's go no I picked up the wrong thing I wanted the Hat so bad give me it just blocked it from his grasp right let's go and put this on the statue I offer this to you my friends will she put it on if she comes and collects it I give this to you an offering can't put on yes I think she's doing it okay yes she wants a sock now wait what ah she took the sock back I didn't even realize no punk follow me through the sock over the thing you're working together this is outrageous now he's gonna go and pluck the bra a goose smoking a pipe how strange right he's gonna throw that over the fence which to be honest is a little bit of a weird behavior sir why are you throwing other women's brass over your budget every guy's an idiot right this is for you don't take it off me please I deliver you a pipe lady lady come here I've got something for you look how it's like hey wait she's nice tip gon pop it in I don't think it's got a mouth actually so how are you gonna do that out and stand on me jeez oh my goodness that's how you make him spout is tea why do you have such a ridiculous Bell here that's nuts okay I figured out now I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you jump just yet I need your glasses sir I'm gonna take them you didn't see a thing let's go how did you see that you don't have eyes in the back of your heads but I'm gonna drop these do this I'm gonna steal them back here we go oh it's even more fun stealing them from under his nose right this is gonna go right here and you're gonna put this on the statue then it's complete a masterpiece is complete come on Lady that's right new specs for your statue make him look nice and perfect you've got a pipe for his mouth that doesn't exist and you've just given him glasses for eyes that don't exist so I'm not sure what you're trying to do here okay I need to wait for him to drink his tea and then we're gonna pop this hello nothing to see here just being a goose look at me flap signa sippy-sip ready take a sip oh that was great just watch me waddle away nothing happens now I had to steal your slippers boy and I think I figured out how to do it he kind of puts a paper up like this and I think when he does that he can't see me because he keeps like ducking behind it thinking he's some kind of a assassin so I think I just need to sneak up and do that while he's got his paper up here we go gotcha I gotcha you never notice I don't put them in there okay maybe you noticed um I have to steal both of them dude he's very confused as if he does it again he's so stupid oh wait he's crossing his legs the wrong way question legs the other way nothing's happening here hello what do you want but I'll do anything why can't I grab his other one he's not crossing his legs properly mm-hm I'm not sure how to do this one maybe what else do I need a bar of soap and a bra okay let's try this I need to do the washing but it's gonna be difficult oh [Music] she's super aggressive Barra slope is mine thank you I'll take that you didn't see a thing you didn't see nothing hey no no no you didn't see anything stop stop I just dude is so annoying you know what what about your cricket bat come over here I'll take a cricket bat I'll take a cup of tea come here let me distract him look what I've got I got your cup yeah that's what I thought leave me alone I'm busy dude this guy this guy is outrageous give me that sock back give me it thank you whether he throw the soap I feel like he's guard with it oh he's story the socks are out you know how did the soap get over here how far did he throw that my goodness makes someone break the fancy Vaz is another one do I just make them like chase after me and break it me up you know you want it break it oh wait I think I know what to do that guy throws everything back so I think if I grab the Vaz and put it in his garden he'll break in let's go she's too slow she won't keep up with these beats yeah I made it let's go I have something for you sir and you are going to enjoy it take this and throw it I want to see this happen it's gonna be glorious Wow okay the washing one is really hard not gonna lie okay I think I know what to do here I need to come through this bottom bit every time so I just need the bar of soap and then I can get past that guy get his slipper and finish it but I have to make sure that she doesn't close the gate however I don't know where the bar of soap is gone it's disappeared he's thrown it somewhere but I have no idea where it is so where did you throw this thing it's gone so far I'm fully zoomed out and I still can't see it what did you do I think I'm gonna have to do the other one instead because I don't know where the bar of soap is at all and as I'm being really blind let's try to do the ribbon one she puts it back on the goose oh maybe I could be the goose outstanding on me please I'm not that bad of a person goose and all that bad of a goose can I touch the goose I can I can drag the goose away oh this is great so let's drag that there and then squawk with the ribbon I'm just gonna stand here hey hey lady I've got your boats down very still very very still oh I thought she was gonna snip me then look it says oh I pressed a no I'm pretending to be the I'm pretending to be the area why you do that to me huh what's wrong with you I'm looking she's gonna cut me she's going to cut me and now this guy is going ahead and throwing the bra back over you're an idiot fine I'm gonna steal your goose I'm gonna do it this one's actually hard cuz this guy is a proper snitch right operation steel goose is in effect I got stuck on the bush over here I need the distraction method there we go come on drag it through let's go right now I can go and pretend to be the other bird right have a goose I am a concrete goose nothing happens go and get the ribbon and put it on my pretty head I'm gonna have to wait for it for ages I have been standing here for so long the ribbon lady the ribbon no not the paintbrush the ribbon you just stood on it I need to make her notice the bow there we go oh I don't know if you saw me do that come on put on me put on me I'm a pretty little goose reveal me I'm fabu look at me let's go I'm looking great so now I have two things left to do do the washing and make the man go barefoot pretty sure the only thing I can do is make the man go barefoot so that's what I'm gonna have to do on a wait he's gonna take the bath me no you can't do that I need you just slippers you're really gonna take off me how fine fine if I look cooler than you you're gonna have to do it cuz I need your slippers boy I don't like this guy I like this guy at all he's an T goose and we don't like aunty gooses around here we flap at them but let's take his foot there we go he didn't have a clue does she throw things back for him I'm gonna try and put this zipper just down here there we go you would never get it now nobody huh I need you to cross your legs the other way so you do have any changes oh don't look at me nothing happens he's reading the anti goose paper isn't he sick Oh drink your tea drink your tea miss to stop rubbing your thighs it's weird yes just keep drinking your tea bro you Inc let's go I've thrown us the other side because she does not care about your items whatsoever there we go your slippers are gone forever how do you feel how do you feel auntie goose aha all right make someone prune the prize rose so that must have something to do with these right grab them grab them quick no he's reading about it I'm just gonna give him the scissors and see what happens oh he's so angry so angry where are you going no cookies I love how they do that every time it's so funny right we've done this level now we can get out of here oh he's actually gonna throw the goose back is he never mind I told you as an anti goose sir I told you I'm taking these I'm taking this vicious weapon that you've threatened me with um can I grab this oh why would I need to do that though there must be a reason it's gotta be to do with these it has to be is there anything to do oh I can mess up the bush ha ha it looks a bit rubbish now gone snip it snippet snip that snip the bush you were going to get your plier things anyway come on snip the bush it looks terrible it looks really bad it doesn't all like a goose shrim it to look like a goose please come on I'm stretching my wings to make it look like me make it look like weight trim me like one of your Oh next time we throw scissors at you they're gonna hit your head he's gonna be so mad what's she doing now I physically can't do the other one where I steal the clothes because the soap is gone and I have no idea where it is it was here on the bath but he threw it somewhere or she unlocked in the next section yes she is oh nice fine fine I know where I'm not needed I'm getting out of here good bye to the next house to cause more mayhem bye lady see you later oops okay take this somewhere I don't know where I'm taking it but it's mine now you know what I saw this on one of the trailers it makes it sound different that's so weird right can I go through here ah yeah I'm going for a swim as well as meant to do look how happy I am what a day to be a goose this is pleasant where am I gonna end up though I feel like I might end up in like a sewer or something would be which would be horrible oh I found a beach a grassy beach oh no way I'm all the way back here so it makes it easier for you to go and redo missions I guess you didn't do before that's kind of cool I like that I want new humans to terrorize please how do I do this Hey look there's a pacifier I got it and my baby goose sorry for me I'm a lost child I think I need to go this way Hey I think we found the next level we have get into the pub break the dartboard get the toy boat make the old man fall on his bum I've got to terrorize old people again be awarded a flower steal a pint glass and set the table okay right is this the old guy I reckon this won't do of his shoelaces no one else has had shoelaces there's another gate here too where does this take us to the wishing well wait is this the beginning as well there's a coin I want to make a wish can I make a wish please no nothing gonna happen I wished for a non concrete girlfriend goose please I'm even doing the dance the dance of my people Wow ouchy echoes that's kind of cool took my coin no I think give me a wish that's awful I need to get into this pub somehow I have a box I don't really know what to do with it but I've got a box Oh sir how are you oh you're flashing them at me I'm gonna grab them ha ha ha God um coming in no don't stop oh I could get in the box that's sick let's get carried straight into the pub this is gonna be perfect I thought it was good a trip on his shoelaces though great he chucked me out and going I'm running I think this happened I didn't do it the right way I mean steal a pint glass and drop it in the canal is one of them let's see if we can do that what else do we got we got hoops we've got darts always a harmonica that's great I love that I'm going to the pub wait taking this I think this is what I need but how do I get past this man can I just run [Music] while you broke it a bud what what was the point in that huh why would you do that right I'm getting in the box this is the only way into the pub because the guy chases you out if he finds you this is gonna be hard yes here we go the operation is working perfectly straight past the man at the front he has no idea I'd really want to honk though just in case let's just hope that they're not taking me to the kitchen to cook me a that would be awful wait where is he taking me oh oh okay is he gonna open the box now no just gonna leave okay see you later nothing happened this is puffing I've just realized there's a little tunnel as well let's get out the box how do we get out the box there we go nicely done what can we do this side though I don't think there's much here we can't grab this because that's from the other side there's a plate here which we do need for something it don't need the bucket maybe this is just how you get the plate that could literally be it there's a precarious bucket up there too which is a little bit weird oh ho ho you almost caught me which table do I put this on is it this one hello just asking me to honk give me a give me something look at me I'm beautiful thanks for clapping flap the wings I know you're performing monkey thank you lady thank you I'm gonna get in trouble though so I need to leave wait maybe this is the old man that I need to I need to terrorize you the old man oh wait I can steal his stall this is perfect I need this maybe this is the guy needs to make fall on his bum and get the toy boat I haven't seen a toy boat yet yeah let me see if he sits down on this and then I could just pull the stool out take a little sit look its back it's all achy and stuff have a seat buddy you can't see me I'm a stealthy little goose down oh yes yes Oh how do I grab it doll way to mean to do that I didn't touch you maybe I can't grab it while he does it whoa whoa whoa maybe when he sits down get up yes only when he goes to sit down okay I need to recognize when he's gonna do it look at me look it I'm a so tempted can you sit down please old man it's perfectly safe nothing bad is gonna happen to you I promise oh oh that's more funny than it should be I did it oh it's great we're actually making good progress now we need to steal a point glass and drop it in the canal which is difficult because whenever someone threatens us we drop it I think there's one over here let me grab it I got it is there a staredown oh jeez oh jeez yeah I'm in the wrong place no no no please as a toy bar I just put the toy boat as well I'm out don't worry don't worry I've got your glass I'll keep it safe i legit need to plan this I need to get the guy to chase me I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna do it because I need to get out of here to throw it in the river oh no he's played me get you tomorrow go get your tomorrow yes i finessed you this might be it come on goose come on goose you've got this let's go yeah I think I just need to go down here right then there's drop it in this is gonna feel amazing here we go it's even got the little block why why is this such a great game I do need to get back in though made it I made it ignore me next up is the toy boat which I did see it's up here and I think you need to turn on some water for it to happen again the table one is gonna be really difficult I don't actually know where to put it but I need this lady to disappear real fast can I go down here let's go no she's fired me all right let's turn this on come on I need this toy boat please give me the boat give me the boat quick she's coming she's know what is happening this is the worst chase ever oh no oh no I found a glitch in the system she can't get me past here and I can't get out give me the book all I want is the boat that's all I want goddamn Hey that's all I wanted lady she's chill my goodness right what's the next thing you can have your boat back my goodness she's crazy drop a bucket on the all burly man's head what's the burly man I'm guessing he's the other guy right the bucket is over there but I have no idea how to get him over there Oh buddy he's coming for me I know I've messed this up I messed this up properly geez how do I get him in there I think it's got something to do with the tomatoes because I've moved the tomatoes before but um he moved it back actually okay I think it's going to do the tomatoes there's tomatoes literally everywhere and there's also Tomatoes right at the back and you see the crates how do I get him to come over here though on a drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it oh jeez okay I'm sorry I'm sorry wait she's gonna go and get some sign is she gonna move the crate I knew I should have waited for this he's got a plate he's angry yeah she did it go and get your Tomatoes buster this is getting a real awkward wait I need to go he's going for it he's going for a quick quick is he there no did I miss it where is he going come and get your tomorrows boy he's going to do all the things that I messed up earlier on yeah look tomorrow he's gonna get tomato this might actually work this is so lucky completely figured it out by accident go on go oh I know he's not going there wait what okay maybe I haven't figured this out what are you doing he doesn't even know now he's coming for the flower wait what you're gonna come back for him yeah could I go out of here I'm just sticking my neck out looking awkward can I go under the table oh I can't go under the table yeah I guess he doesn't want his tomato huh let me see if I can do it again cuz I feel like he just got confused I'm gonna honk him as well hey buddy okay good tomorrow everyone is so confused like what what is happening oh no he's going he's coming he's coming oh jeez no get out the way oh my goodness this is awkward it's awkward Ron goose oh I just made it oh my goodness that was close he's doing it it's doing is doing it's putting in there I just needed the woman through that before come on bucket I'm gonna trash this guy here we go this is what you get for annoying me but Carol it is stuck oh that's a shame that is such a shame no squish this tomorrow's he's good all over his butt oh that's so upsetting hold on a second why is that open can I get in there now I wonder if I can get in there now that was sick right operation FedEx yet again let's see if this will work okay I'm wrapped up I'm ready to go I want to see how I get to the next level because I didn't see anyone open anything and I feel like I was sewing through that dump circuit it's got like a ramp up to it I'm pretty sure I could do the next level the only one I haven't done is set the table because those those missions 4-straight me I will do them at some point but my goodness they're annoying how does he not realize there's a goose inside really there we go now disappear get out of here your job is done back goose in the box let's go look at this what a shame I think I can go in here or at least do something up here is a ramp I'll wait over here ah makes sense now then I can unlock that and go to our next location what is it gonna be Oh a model village I think this is a model village but how do I get in there let's go this way yeah little people so cute oh that was actually one of my missions steal the boots for miniature Golden Bell you know what is that really hard because I've only got one mission I've just looked up and this is actually the last level so we're gonna do this right now where is the bell though I feel like this isn't gonna be as easy as it looks Oh oh look at this look how can i chip away yes destructive Jews Oh the whole thing's covered down look his head it's so excited now I can pull this maybe Oh what's up goose oh I'm actually nervous for you please please avail yourself oh oh you've got this ding dong ding dong wait take it all the way back home hold up wait how do I get it home I'm so confused I feel like there's more things I could have messed around with in here I just went straight to the end um okay this is I don't know where I'm going okay I can't go this way I was thinking I could just like flow all the way home but I'm not too sure that's the case no I definitely cannot what about this way oh when I run it makes a noise wait what's this oh that's right near the end I'm pretty sure let's go let's just get this bad boy home why was this my goal so I can sell it for cash cold hard cash right I need to be super careful here I need to be stealthy I think I can get through here but gang back is to be so hard I don't want to drop this I think I have to go back through all the levels this is gonna be horrible is everyone good everyone's gonna know it's me as well oh oh no that's horrible that's really bad no one can hear me no one can hear me tomorrow but is confused time and so much trouble how do I get this guy to go the other way I think he's looking for his Tomatoes let's go I'm running I'm running I'm doing it I feel like I can go this way oh no no no no give me this don't catch me I'm going on the water I'm out of here [Music] well is closed why is that closed I have no idea where I am that was close though away this is lot from the other sides that's just mean all the shortcuts are locked you have to go through every single level yeah they're all locked that's so mean right we need to go back through the lady's house this is so clever um she's gonna see me I'm just gonna sneaky come around this way oh no everyone's got no geese sign up as well they're gonna destroy me come on go and do your painting or whatever or stay slothy no why did you make a noise I just put the Bell down I need to go and it's reset everything wait to pull this down oh my goodness okay let's go over here oh I'm just gonna run and make it so much light oh geez wait wait how do I get through there oh no he's gonna catch me it's blocked off my exit buddy no please I know I stole your shoes but please don't be mad at me come on there must be a way out oh wait wait yeah the front gate the front gate you won't chase me this far about it son I think we have to go all the way down this alleyway the next one is the shopkeeper I think let's just play it chill she's gonna be right around the corner I locked granny in the garage last time sure she is not gonna be happy with me oh no oh no okay gonna have to run I'm gonna have to run who is this don't put that down put that down where are you gonna put it where are you taking it you ink I did not know oh no the boy is gonna have a vengeance on me as well cuz I scared him last time look at him go it's too scared of me oh I went down the wrong way dude get away from me get away from me old lady yo I went down the wrong section where do I go next though I'm so confused oh no I went out the wrong way didn't I where am I going yeah this is wrong too old lady leave me alone what did I ever do to you huh let's just wait for her to go down here and then swipe it swipe her and go oink now it's the gardener hello hey come here oh I got him I just finessed him absolutely finessed him now I can run to the lake can go home I've done it I stole the Bell I don't know what I'm gonna do with it wizardry who knows I think this is my house right this is my end goal I'm pretty sure this is the end this is close to where I started this is the first tutorial fence I think we're here yeah there's the boot that I was confused about the log that we first went under this Bell and this is my bush hey I made it wait I just steal bells what a cliffhanger I can't even go in oh it's the end it is the end so much fun I didn't realize it was so short though I was ready to cut the episode there I'm glad I didn't because otherwise we'd have been in trouble everyone's annoyed everyone in this town or village hates me but hey you know what I got myself the bail goose goose what a performance what a performance by goose let's give a big round of applause please and if you can't give a round of applause just click the like button that'd be great my game is awesome I love that it was so stylized so clever the artwork was awesome the gameplay was simple but also very challenging some of those puzzles took me a while to figure out the bucket 1 I just figure out completely by accident but now these guys can get on with their day bail less sorry guys oh look at him he's sweating is that ah that goose got away from me yet again with another Bell every time they replaced the Bell I go back and steal it again and here we go new to-do pages oh my goodness okay never mind cross out everything to do on the to-do list reset to give this a go complete the garden to-do list oh my goodness trap the boy in the garage has so many more missions that's awesome I reckon these are gonna be difficult though open umbrella inside the TV shop trip the boy up that is actually kind of aggressive trap him in the garage yeah that little boy don't they oh that's awesome and so please guys let me know if you want me to attempt the the new to-do list pages I think that'd be a lot of fun but also very challenging at the same time if you enjoyed this video and enjoyed this game please leave a like that we greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new to the channel as well to keep up with daily videos from me and I'll see you all in the next one um [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle canvas super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 7,128,366
Rating: 4.9275832 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, yt:quality=high, untitled goose game, goose game, goose game ending
Id: kt3yGuk2UiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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