I Spawned THE WITHER in Minecraft Hardcore..

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before this video stars today I announced that my show the contest is coming to cinemas all over the world screenings will be taking place at your local cinemas on the 2nd and 3rd of November and tickets go live on Friday the 4th of October all the information you will find at the link in description below WWMT DM cinema calm enjoy the video ladies and gentlemen today is going to be an episode of epic proportions because today out of nowhere on the repeating wither that's right and today we're gonna be doing it without even touching him I am doing the weebs way to kill the wither today last time we created this beautiful we're gonna structure I always almost fall off of this when I start my intros up here but last time we create this structure and I've added this to the bottom so I've kind of finished the farm part of it at the bottom apart from the hoppers I still need to get some more iron for the hoppers Bar have that soon very soon doesn't seem to be working right now I feel like this is still one block too high so I just need to bring that down it seems to work better at night for some reason not sure why that is but I'm gonna test out at some point but today guys we are taking these wither skulls oh and my my my turtles appear to have just like escaped I don't know where four of these came from and two of these they're just chilling ones on the tracks ones beached himself oh there's a Weiser a cat in there is that a cat that I have hold the phone that might not be a cat we have some black cat with a white tail eight a black cat you have a white tail I need to know desperately you do not have a white tail okay I think we might actually need that cat so I'm gonna quickly grab when I don't think how many fish do I have fish yeah there we go right let's go and get this cat even though it's born inside my turtle sanctuary which isn't good because cats destroy Turtles whoa whoa whoa whoa okay calm down I didn't mean to startle you can you come here please you might be the next one in my collection look at it it's causing a ruckus hey kitty kitty you can't escape you're gonna have to come here at some point you we cannot escape I don't think we have this one one two three three that's the magic number right you need to get out now get out come on you can't be in here get out kitty okay sorry I shouted you I know I'm sorry come on you make it this you make a life hard for yourself come over here can I bring her in the house you can be watcher of items if you really feel like it there we go literally face in there I like it let's check the advancements hey we just need one more oh that's glorious absolutely glorious and I've been distracted quite heavily I want to see if the the farm is working and they work in two well they do sleep which is what they're supposed to do but it doesn't quite let them I think that's the plan but a booger isn't really doing a great job they're just not sporting I think I just need to move that down one and hopefully it'll work I made slight improvements I changed that from a slab to a trapdoor because that was the advice that I was given anyway I'm getting distracted let's sleep because we've got a big day ahead of us we are gonna need to collect our wither skulls and we are gonna take them to the nether of all places that's right the place that I really despise with a single piece of obsidian do I have what I need I think I do still got a leather cap don't know why I've got that there's supposed to be used on the zombies last time so I'm gonna pop this on yeah there we go enjoy your cap what else should I take with me I feel like I should take some precautions I'm gonna take three of these kit just in case it could go really wrong out there and I don't want to find out too quickly if it's gonna go on I I am gonna find out quickly if it's gonna go wrong it's gonna smash me in the face I'm gonna die if this goes wrong we're really one piece of obsidium poor soul sand on one single compass direction and hopefully we can defeat the wither without even touching it so I'm afraid I'm gonna have to dismantle this yet again here we go goodbye sorry about that let's take these with us and see if this is gonna work I need a piece of obsidian I feel like there's a good place to get obsidian over here so I'm going to grab this I'm sick buddy with me he's a little bit faster oh I was gonna make a potion as well I need to look up how to make a potion of fire resistance just in case No warts magma cream and a water bottle pretty sure I got magma cream or I can at least make it I think that's gonna be advisable because today we're going to the roof of the nether not the top roof you can do that and I want to try that at one point so you could get like above the bedrock but we don't need that we need to be just below it so we're gonna try and hit the ceiling of the nether my cunning plan should work and it should take just a matter of seconds to defeat the wither and get its nether star we're really excited to do this I just hope it works I'm sure there was love around here somewhere there it is what's good buddy always so satisfying oh yeah right I just need one piece of this I should probably be careful just in case there's lava underneath then we can go to the nether and we need to prepare for going to the ceiling of it which I've never done how do you I haven't done it in um creative why would you go there this is literally the only reason right buddy let's go it's good to be the last time you ever see me should probably say goodbye to everyone just in case this is risky but if the risk pays off it's going to be beautiful here we go this could be could have been our last journey together no one knows what's gonna happen but thank you for a glorious glorious smooth ride slow horse I'm sorry I might never get to ride you again you are but a mere replacement I'm sorry well I'm gonna grab some food for the journey because I've now got a fully fledged carrot farm and the guy has started producing wheat for no reason look he's still doing it I took away all your wheat and you're just re growing it this is not the purpose of the farm I need it to run out of well everything really Elyse is producing some carrots what else do I need oh yeah the the fire resistance potion the reason I want that not because we're good have a deal with lava hopefully but just in case we do because there can be pockets of lava hidden in nether blocks so if I go all the way to the surface roof ceiling you know what I mean if I'm going all the way there I could just run into random lots of lava which would be horrible so we need to get this fire resistance potion just in case I think one potion does three minutes so three of them should be great looks like we already have a magma cream too I wonder which is the last cat we need to get eleven we've got the black one which is the which is one which I think is possibly the hardest to get but maybe there's another one I'm not too sure I love that sound it's my favorite sounds in Minecraft right let's put the magma cream in there and this should make our fire resistance potion and I think we can go that's pretty much what we need a couple of totems I don't even need the lead we need the obsidian soulsand I'm pretty sure that's it I'm almost 100% sure we've got some food for the journey we got a decent pickaxe I can't afford to keep these tools running they're so expensive three fire resistance potions and that's pretty much it I think I'm ready new cat this could be the last time you see me skinny jr. almost forgot your name this could be the last time you see me and you guys you're my favoritest cats turtles it's been dope and I'm glad you're finding some kind of solace in here I think they're pushing each other out of the glass somehow it's kind of smart actually buddy it's been a pleasure slow horse and these two cats sorry about your dad's in credit lava people have been complaining you haven't been in the episodes as much so this is a salute to you my friend skinny and skinny jr. the seconds it's been awesome prisoner you will always no matter what always be looked over by skinny jr. the second you will never escape this place let's do this I'm going and if you do see me again oh boy I'm coming back with a nether star I'm kind of hyped for this can you tell can you tell right this is where we start I'm gonna throw on this fire resistance potion which should mean that if things do go south we're gonna be absolutely fine and I'm just gonna roof all the way to the nether nethers roof that is please don't let me hit I just want to go through the ceiling I don't want any nonsense I just want to stare to the ceiling and that'd be that anyway the wither can destroy any block the human can break or a player can break so that includes everything apart from bedrock so if you do this little trick that I'm gonna do we should be able to suffocate the wither by spawning it in a certain way which means its head gets stuck in bedrock and it suffocates it's actually really really smart and whoever came up with it is a genius but it's so easy I can literally take all my armor off if this goes correctly which I'm definitely not gonna do by the way I'm gonna be holding my shield like this just in case but I could technically just watch the wither die with no armor on and live to tell the tale it's glorious I think we're almost there I'm pretty sure on 118 right now and yeah there we go bedrock baby that's what I'm talking about right so we need a specific set of bedrock we need a bedrock that's like really flat a flat 3 by 3 so this bedrock right here is designed to be underneath or is the same bedrock that you hit when you dig down in the overworld it's kind of really cool actually a really cool idea buying it's a fire in a place that has a 3x3 ceiling of bedrock that we can use so give me a second I'm gonna try and do this and it should work let me find the perfect place to do this hopefully doesn't take long okay I feel like this bit might work actually I need this up just to try this so this is where the obsidian is gonna go and this is where the the top bit is where the T shape of soul sand is gonna go now I don't know if you know this but the wither can be spawned sideways I have no idea that you could do this but apparently you can and when you do it sideways facing west at the ceiling of the nether as long as you've got bedrock above you can get stuck now I'm gonna try this I'm I'm really nervous actually because if it doesn't go well I'm gonna have to book it out of here and go this way so I just want to do my escape route cuz otherwise it's gonna destroy me and then there's gonna be a wither just roaming my nether I think it's a good escape route I didn't mean get out pretty quickly I think we should just go for it you know I'm done messing around the only thing is there's not a piece of bedrock there which could be an issue I don't think there's any it's gonna be really hard to find a three by three bit of it almost impossible actually so I'm just gonna risk it right now we need to put the Obsidian down there so let's do that right now okay we're facing West is this gonna happen Ellie is excited I don't know if you can hear a barking in the background oh man I think you can hear the gas through my speakers these are calmed down you make me even more nervous little bear um right I'm genuinely really nervous they used up my wither skulls as well here we go one two is this even right it is right you can't put it one higher all right I'm so overthinking this on I know [Music] oh no he's spooned above it wait what they do it wrong I think I might've done it wrong yeah after you did it wrong Oh Oh No I'm out here I'm out here that didn't go well that didn't go well at all I don't have the sword to be able to deal with this is he gonna be angry I don't know how much damage I'm gonna take if I actually try and take him on but I haven't really got the stuff to do it that is the problem you angry I didn't mean to spawn you up here okay yeah he sounds angry he sounds real angry there he is whoa I feel like this is actually a really good place to fight him because it's like what you doing up there no that's not fair that's not fair at all you are kind of stuck though I don't release bow to break I need be so careful I'm gonna this is working it's actually working I need to change weapons though the thing is it gets to a point where the wither can't be it's happening right now where it can't be affected well well well well okay okay this is psycho he's a psycho he's an absolute psycho oh my goodness is he still following me oh jeez oh no it gets to a point where it can't be affected by arrows which is why I'm getting affected by it right now I have to eat one of these I should've bought more golden apples with me man I might go straight in actually I didn't do that much damage to me I've got absorption for 151 I'm still gonna just try and defeat him the thing is he heals as well whoa whoa whoa calm down you calm down you this is happening it's happening it's working I might have to use less tab you would do it whoa well I'm gonna die I'm actually gonna die you know what I don't mind using these for this whoa he's coming down he's so low as well I should have bought more golden apples with me I didn't oh no you know what this is I'm gonna get younger they killed online can you wither away and can oh my goodness oh my goodness okay I hate to rethink this I need to go and get some more golden apples desperately that's another totem that we've used okay I'm gonna quickly go I think we can do this and then I'm gonna try and find some more heads and try and do the way that I was supposed to ah I need milk okay we're gonna do this this is gonna be great at least he's in the nether when he gets angry like that it means it's not too bad okay can we can this stop please man I just wish I had a better sword oh dude this is horrific and your sword with smite apparently smite is amazing so what I could do is reset my villages until I get a smite book and then do it that way cuz I just can't risk using list AB because it just isn't enough I'm gonna take more of these and make some more golden apples I think I can do this though I was really close if I have smite I think I can do it there we go there's three golden apples why the potions are there potion of regeneration can be done to one minute 30 that's actually sick I'm gonna do that it's a ghast tear then potion of strength is a blaze powder I think we should do that so a blaze powder and a ghast tear we're gonna do that five golden apples I have so many I'm not gonna use gold for anything else this is this is there's a stack up honam let's do it what about what is this unflustered 10 golden apples 10 golden apples should do it that's right I'm going in with 10 golden apples a regeneration potion and a sword just the sword can I get smite on this bad boy can I do it if I get 30 levels smite five right how do I get 30 levels Oh in the nether okay that's the best way to get 30 levels isn't it I might actually try it he could already be at my portal let's see what happens we've got our apples in that just in case Oh milk milk milk I can't go without milk just in case he's like just straight everything gone crazy while I've been away huh I just need six levels of smite is like that's perfect so perfect so this didn't quite go to plan did it I know that trick works cuz I've seen it in action before but obviously it doesn't work all the time which is a little bit worrying I also don't think that this farm is producing anything right now which is pretty annoying and armor by the way is pretty sick I was taking smacks in the face from that wither and not taking too much damage it was the actual wither effect that was doing a crazy amount right I'm gonna use these cows I haven't used for a long time and just milk them look at you you're the MVPs right now let's go and get some experience meats get up to level 30 get smite and then smack that bad boy in the face please don't be please not be angry please don't be angry please don't be angry if he makes his way down here I'm in trouble Oh ever be able to get home I'll be stuck here it'll be awful at least the boss bar is gone that makes me feel a little bit more well less upset and worried Oh what have I done I don't want to have to do this twice as well I really want to try after this to do the trick but I think I should have put the Obsidian on the tail end and I put it on the wrong end that was my bad that was definitely my bad wait I just saw the with his name come up why is he back to full health that ain't fair you can't be just back up to full health like that if why oh why have I done this this is an awful idea oh yeah he's real mad he's still blowing things up I just need to get to level 30 which I've just done and I'll see you soon okay wither I wasn't being clever I it's it oh no he's getting closer I was gonna take a peek then but I don't feel like a one two I'm hoping he's gone further away because the bedrock can block his skulls quite nicely let's go and sleep let's get these potions brewing as well so hopefully we can have lots of regeneration extra power then we could just go in and slice that puppy into it's gonna be great oh man what have I done what have I done let's enchant this well that is going I think this is worth it it's so easy to get experience now smite five this is the wither killer boys boys and girls this is the wither killer let's call it the wither killer I stab with us that's better hmm I forgot that every time that you use the levels you don't use all of them if that makes sense you'd have to get to 30 levels so that ain't too bad how much would it be to repel a shoot I feel like he's got some legwork to go in this you might have enough levels 17 okay that's not too bad I think we should do that because otherwise yes it's not gonna be good I think we should be able to do this now I'm pretty sure oh no wait we need the meat the potions as well or there we go three potions of regeneration then we want three more I'm gonna hold this stuff there we go create out some nonsense so let's do nether wart like this I don't know how long it's gonna take me to get with the skulls because I really want to do the wither again and try and do the trick but I don't know if I've got to be able to now it depends how loud we could shout looting three and the stab isn't looking too hot right now regeneration golden apples milk totem of undying absolutely amazing combo right here so this is gonna create the strength one which adds a heart and a half damage to you for three minutes you know plus three attack damage this should absolutely pop the withers head but you may need you just stab it in there it is explodes it's gonna be great I've never used potions in this way before either which is really interesting oh here we go this is it it's happening potions go here I'm going for it let's go remember when I said it could be the last time you saw me yeah that was almost true that one was very very true let's try this in credit armored fist pump let's go route 2 okay let's do this I think he's right up here he's really annoyed and as well I don't want him to pop me through the floor either because that would be even worse let's do strength let's do regeneration there we go and let's get a Golden Apple popping as well I think we're ready to fight this guy come on with her you've made my staircase all broken in that so it's harder to get to you let's go buddy let's go I know there's lava oh jeez why lava this does damage real big damage I think we're doing okay come on why are you frozen no that's not fair you can't freeze on me oh geez okay let's drink drink the milk drink the milk real quick this is chill okay he's just gonna do it again anyway where are you I don't even know where he is there he is let's go how are we doing we're doing okay oh dude oh dude I'll do another Golden Apple let's go we still got the strength no chill he's blowing up all my stuff yes yes yes it's good I'm gonna sit go to work let's go to work why did it I did it no die don't die don't die oh that's a weekend buddy it worked the smite five sword was absolutely Opie I think I was close to dying there had one heart left but we got the totem in our other hands we would have been fine was absolutely smashed that oh my goodness we just defeated the wither in hardcore I'm coming over here Oh guys oh my my arm is fine I'm fine we got another star look at it it's beautiful I don't even know what I was saying in that I was so like a little little Bulova but I did it I actually did it the wither gun that was way harder than I thought it was gonna be craziness right let's put all these backs we can use them later I only used one bucket at the old milk as well we didn't even use that many got apples I think we only use one totem as well which is that one where we didn't really know what was what to expect that's so cool we did it oh do you not get any cheap just summoning the wither beacon we can do but I kind of want to save that right now oh we've got the nether star I told you this is gonna be a crazy one I want to get myself an item frame for this just so I can put it somewhere just for now dude I'm like I'm literally buzzing after that so good I'm so pleased we did it that's our first boss and technically it should really be the second because it's designed for the wither to be done first but let's pop that bad boy in there let's go back to the nether believe it or not and let's try and get ourselves some wither skulls I want to try that again but I want to try the trick this time without touching him kill him that's what I promised you guys and I feel like a little bit of a right now the only thing is this stab is really close to dying another thing why do you not get that much experience from the wither the Enderdragon pops you like 70 levels oh that might be an exaggeration but it pops you were lots of levels so what did the way they give me like three and that thing is intense dudes like so intense I can't believe we did that guy actually did it oh that's phenomenal Oh mind you I think this is gonna completely knock them in one shot this sword smite five is impressive and we've got strength as well I feel indestructible right now which isn't good because that means I'm probably gonna do something stupid we're still haven't died remember that the series ends if I die so I'm feeling pretty accomplished right now I found some I don't even know where these guys came from I think this tab has a couple more hits left in him oh there's a lot here okay looting three looting three but that didn't work oh I didn't looting three that one you want a little looting three you want a little dirty three no I don't think this is gonna work guys with three obsidian out of it absolutely nothing I'm not stuck in here this is a bad idea Oh home sweet home at you know my way around this nether now even though it's all the same color and very confusing actually feel like I'm doing okay and I feel even better because I killed the wither this guy's got to go in a frame this man right here okay everyone don't shout at once I know you're hailing a hero who's just returned but geez please do not shout so mean oh great no you can get out of here ah man where are the iron golems that we saw last time oh geez why they always hit there's so many of them I want to use my quick getaway portal hey guys come and get me I dare you you just stole my you just always stop wait will this work ah if that was a stone but and you guys have been launched up here that have been phenomenal launch to your death let's go sleeps oh we spawn the wither we killed the wither we tried to do it a little Minecraft hack and failed I need to get some levels to repair this bad boy and I think ah oh what a shot I think next time I might make the experience machine but first I need to fix this because I don't have enough I don't have any iron golems which is which sucks I've got enough to make some hoppers because from the golems last time I got myself 60 iron so that's like tripled my iron already let's go look at it let's go look at it there it is what's good ah we're gonna never start guys I need to make a beacon as well and with the beacon combined with the pic when I've actually got it repaired efficiency 5 and haste which you can get from a beacon is insta mining any block not obsidian but still insta mining any block and when I've got a lot of this to do it's gonna be so worth it I've got all this to take out it's gonna be great so guys I hope you enjoyed this episode it's exactly the opposite of why I thought we were gonna be doing today I thought we'd have an easy ride by using a little hack but it didn't work I won't try it again though 1 so I've got my three wither skull hairs I'm gonna try that again but thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed leave a like for defeating the weather and getting ourselves and nether star I'm so hyped we managed to get that skinny Judy alive - what's good buddy they search watching subscribe if you're brand new to keep up with videos every single day and this series of course and I'll see you all in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,641,887
Rating: 4.9404845 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft wither boss, wither boss hardcore
Id: cAqAv2p7Dnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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