Vacation Simulator! (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)

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[Music] I'm ready for a vacation hey guys Danny welcome back into virtual reality where today I am so excited I've been wanting to play this game for ages ever since it was announced vacation simulator yes you might just recognize this person over here one of the job pots because this game is made by the legends that made job simulator which we play probably like simulation of vacation a week seaman grab a pass and put it in this life to get started I'm busy you interrupted me I have to give you you're kind of cute yeah one of the biggest virtual reality games the coolest and also the most popular in the channel is back in the form of a vacation which apparently we could do diving hiking planes and stuff but first I have to pick which kind of human I am 1 2 or 3 I'm gonna have to go Lou now put it in the slot and pull the lever okay slot lever papa poor leave it's vacation take me please it's been forever since I've been on one so it'd be greatly appreciated if we have a great time welcome to the grand opening of vacation beautiful I'm excited before you vacation we should learn how to talk to bots okay put your clothes just wait to get a box attention right now okay I just did it but here we go great job you really nailed the standard human greeting protocol yes now for the fun part there we go let's take a peek inside your suite I have a suite nice place whoa thank you for welcoming me into your lab let's go to the bathroom oh it can shave finally this bids this bids coming up doesn't quite work that way does it put that down I can clean my teeth give me this as well yeah it's working clapping thank you toothbrush okay so I need to choose Wow that's me looking care humans we can change our skin color I don't like a robot though and there's no blue so let's change what should we choose I think we should go for this blue here yeah this one let's do that and then we can slide over to care that better be blue hair there is okay game ten out of ten oh this oh yeah let's change that to blue go all the way around I'd say that's pretty accurate anyway shirt as well dashing hmm bit animu bit crazy bit beautiful I think so I think we should go for this looks a little bit like noodles or play-doh on my head but that's okay I'm looking pretty fab you next bid we're gonna try some of these out but it might it might just not be the look for us big beard we could go mustache instead oh actually like that can we go blue on this too oh you know what I might have to do it it's not accurate but I think that looks beautiful and then we can change we change the glasses or we can just add glasses I don't think we need glasses right now we're looking as good as we can be who's excited to vacation if you are either comes up that would greatly appreciate it subscribe if you're new as well and let's get out of here mr. boy mrs. Borton good human thank you thank you here take this one-of-a-kind human back storage device oh I think they call today backpack yeah yeah we do cool it that we don't normally store donuts in it but I'm liking to look at here so I'm gonna save you for later can I can I have it place the pack on your back and we can continue our vacation Wow don't you look really tourists thank you free to continue exploring your suite I'll be outside when you want to check out the rest of vacation island great I feel like I'm with Disney like a virtual reality Disney let's uh let's check some stuff out first let's go to our human bedroom complimentary object storage okay great we store this I would like this this is the best thing oh geez now dropped in I've got a mirror as well I'm holding a bowl whoa whoa complementary body garments hold on a second oh I could change the way I look for different things I think we're gonna go I kind of like this in pink oh thank you for that nice secret that look at that I look fantastic and also slightly crazy hold on a second all in two seconds there's more stuff what's this it is a chocolate you just put a chocolate straight on my pillow we've got disease well that's that's helpful that betters yeah yes ah this place is beautiful let's go what else do we have a mini fridge and also oh wait a PC oh dude this is kind of weird what should we play solitaire I literally car remember how to play solitaire Axl you know I'm just I'm just not doing very well here I might is this thick this is boring cross the botnet can we go on YouTube I would love to go and use you this print this you've got to be kidding me they print donut [ __ ] ah beautiful drop the rest akane tip we've got a coffee machine as well let's grab some er there we're gonna get some straight-up coffee let's grab this I think we put it in here there we got this is stir make a phone call sorry I haven't got time I need to hang up I need to politely hang up on this gentleman I'm sorry I got wait did I order something one second one second guys uh be right back hello hello wait he ate it well you know what could be worse I'm on vacation enjoying myself out of here to vacation Islands let's go well I thought we were ready to vacation but it looks like all the destinations are closed right now great photography is this wasn't here earlier funny you should ask the Bureau of simulations requires mat drink to prove the success of a project which you seem to have conveniently forgotten but luckily I've figured out a way to measure vacation gray quantified memory management here human take this wristband it will be your key to unlock efficient measurable fun thank you for the Apple watch friends efficient now you sit on that scanner over there that's why sadness access denied yeah I don't have enough memories oh yes you need memories to gain access to different areas at the resort okay here try this a memory of the time you didn't have enough memories really he didn't even ask me this is great I need a discount in hey we go on it looks like your wristband has enough memories for that scanner try it great so we also have vacation Beach forest a mountain all of them look pretty also they terrify within a frozen even the mountain right that's got this bad boy accepting that vacation island is open yeah any of our three destination Oh Beach is the most efficient place to start but but but the mountain look at it Oh snowy and stuff yeah that's good so that you know what let's go to the beach just start that let's just take it slow sit down [ __ ] out I know a way to track the moments you enjoy unit you do how do i how do I get it no way that's insane just tap the button on the camera it snapped the photo I used to take a bow up can I take one of me the was selfie ever taken I'm a plugin now ah that's how you do it hello oh no it's taking a selfie up my selfie with my selfie I've got it's gonna be wrong why do I put these yeah that could go in there that can go in there and that can go in there before I get any more trouble right who should we go and see first they said something about diving so let's go down here oh sorry I didn't see you bit sunbathing there sir real sorry there's the dock shop over there there's the dive site okay let's go this way ah why are you recording me everywhere I go it's kind of unsettling but you've got hats never mind this this is it oh that's the one hey hello welcome to the dark shop human hey you're my first customer let's make a memory together okay take a selfie and hand it to me so I could frame this moment all right don't forget your camera hovers my human it will let you strike a sweet pose ah no way okay so we could do we could do a selfie with you yo this is actually cool ready throw your favorite gangs oh wait sorry uh too late you didn't smile though did you smile your mouth isn't even on here okay here you go awesome nice silky human thanks I'll put it on the wall so we can remember this moment forever ah this is so great here's a memory for you oh yeah of course I forgot it into the wash there we go there's sunglasses as well but diving we're gonna need these ones absolutely ah a great Bend thing what's this if you're hurting for cash you can find some sand dollars on the ground in shallow water oh I need sandals for this I want to spoon this little guy he looks very cute let's go I want to die what's good buddy Oh oh hi there are you also on vacation great oh hey could you help me out there are sketches of all the best vacation moments on that stand take a photo that matches the image and place it right on the top of the sketch okay so you mean sausages right is that what we're we're on the same page here buddy sausages you want sausages you want to follow himself as well I think he does okay I'll take one for you buddy I've got it's all in the wrong hands smile oh is this one of them I think it is oh wait what does it say first I bought one the first of the three bought siblings you have got something to prove also featured well that's insane so each one has like what it's got in the photo on it that's amazing this game is right my favorite so far and it's not working here this yours I don't that photo you need to sketch what what are you talking about I need I can't swim I'm not a very good swimmer so if we're I'm wearing on my head that wasn't the plan because if I jump in and I can't swim I'm just gonna be dangling on the water dying not great so for the dive site we need five memories we only have one and I can't figure out what this guy wants I guess he wants like a sausage I thought I wanted a picture of himself but obviously not so let's try somewhere else maybe over here what okay things got a little bit weird real quick that's a tube oh I was gonna try and grab you buh-bye hello oh my would you look around there are so many fireflies on the beach imagine all of these tiny creatures which would be a 90 minute patch make me different type they're very shy sorry I wasn't listening what do you want Bob Liza sign whoa I'm so sorry take this in case you drown okay don't give me I don't have to see me I'm here hello fringe I have saved you I won't name you burners and I will put you inside this spaghetti no but if you're okay but it's oh it's fine thank goodness come here come here buddy I put you on my head I can't no butter so she wants butterflies I won't burn ants for two seconds I've got dollars now so I can buy some of this I need I need to insert sand dollars so let's put this in here $1 that's why this let's go yo it's an ice-cream look nom nom that was delicious please throw this away from me it went in the bush great human would you like to do some yoga I would love to less where are you going let's do some yoga together human this looks like bit knees follow me not yoga state of optimal brought that thing okay here we go think zenful thoughts pretends you're not on a beach but your environment it's very you know God just you're in space you're floating you're feeling fantastic about life yourself and everything in-between inhale exhale this is so relaxing I might actually just feel it was going through your body I am I actually I might just need to win I'm not sure and here is the final pose today pretty easily be something super crazy no not that crazy do you feel relaxed am I asking too many questions and for a job I hope your data is no longer comprised take this memory it is the essence of your path to relaxation no I'm actually feeling great thank you so much for this can I steal one of these I can great I thank you memory too [Music] great work gang let's go thank you for that little block I would like to get sunburned with you can I can I get some fun with you ah yes finally the beach Fleur has a record be a good worker and get me some coolant I'm trying to optimize my son intake coolin coolin scored you an ice cream I can buy you an ice cream which one which one should we get him let's grab away like woof is screen protector : bam can be a great customer human no problem this is for the very burnt guy out back so I'm gonna go give that to him okay finally you would speed it's just so like what does it's you head hands and I don't I need you to help me get my back take the ball and get you it no Oh flip round I don't want to see your your computer II but sir but guess I'm gonna this isn't working that didn't work did it great Oh obviously keep going human my chassis is extra thank you this is way like this is so good okay here now it's time to basket is too much I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm gonna throw this away I don't really need this I might take some actually much better 30 Danny more littering doesn't exist in the virtual world thank you for this okay that's three we need five to do diving which I really want to do let's try actually haven't been up here yet hey friend oh wait wait we can make burgers there was a bar fly as well which I missed my human of two books I'm not super computer grilling machine but I'll think of an answer me hate what can you help me clear some of these requests sure oh look sandcastle bar but we need to take pictures of things as well I've forgotten what when you take pictures of definitely a sausage let's take picture of a sausage it definitely sounds very weird to say of course they care right so first up we need a bun do we need to toast the bun I'm not too sure slice o matic what does this do okay that's that's definitely not what I wanted free food free food for everyone there we go take this buddy one that's the bottom button we also want some cheese yeah that's not what I want to either ah here we go we want this sliced give me that what okay this is fine this is absolutely fine a patty as well but I guess I want to put this on by itself yes I don't have anything to flip it with so I can I just grab it with my hands oh so cheese it's done beautiful beautiful beautiful I think that's one done where do I put this oh wait wait wait wait wait I to you to deliver these like by hand this is the greatest beach ever sign castle bought that's you isn't it they go great now I can take a three point two seven seconds break from watching the sand castle station to eat well eaten I'm gonna come back and see you because I wanna see how to make all this the cheese I threw great oh yeah there we go but the dolphins reason was something I need to come back here I wanna make sand castles next up is hot dog frozen there's only one way to do this perfect okay I think that's fine for now just beat a pun let's trap whoa don't burn don't bite off perfect let's pop that back grab a bun grab a sauce not this one this one back then we need some ketchup and then we also need to muster nananananana beautiful that actually looks mad tasty look at this right oh I couldn't help myself I remember I'm gonna make another one okay this it's not not too hard I'll just do on the dual wheels of the condiments yes bunny look at that spot spot I'm coming to you buddy look what I got for you catch that's great now we get to play my favorite sport eh yes beautiful okay that's done I think I think all my littering is really getting out of control you just go down the pipe or something yeah that'll do oh thanks from Mike and all those are always mine no worries a memory for you trouble yeah burger memory we've got four have any one more memory to do the diving I'm gonna take a picture of this sausage that's right didn't think I was gonna say that did you so weird so very very weird let me just check that's what this guy actually once they say a picture may be worth lyin kilobyte but this one fails my equality checks I like you you're annoying me already so I think he needs three things on this who above our sausage and cheese that's what you need isn't it and that for two of you right here you do actually need this I just need to put on the front yeah nobody's siblings we'll see how much fun I'm having oh and by the way human you can replace any photo on the stand as long as it matches the original sketch every note dates great I know you likes me I want you to have this this beach vacation photo adventure is more of a hands-on experience and since you're the only one with hands can you place it yourself no bye who's up to some scientist welcome to the sand castle station human okay okay you know what I'm gonna make my own so we have decorative shows great and oh my goodness this is great okay all right let's do this I'm gonna make a sand castle I'm gonna make it better than yours I'm gonna have a sand castle and it's gonna have cannons and stuff what's this piece it's just like a whole so we want it to be like a proper castle and messing around it look how high can we make this oh here we go there we go yeah give me all the height you can give me right I think that'll do that's pretty high so if we have any arches off the top of our room of the top of our sandcastle then we'll be fine I think we're done whoa whoa whoa whoa I did not realize you could do this okay you can slide water no fine build the stupid krauser company well just fit that okay let's not go too crazy it's not going too crazy let's uh let's just make it as normal this game is great by the way like the way they do everything it's just insane I love it it's so cool I think that looks pretty good obviously we're missing a little bit of the back but no one's gonna see the back it's fine you know what I think this is it this is the one right we need some decorations just grab a flag there we go describe what is this just a tweak why would I need it's weak no palm tree absolutely an umbrella absolutely one more flag because why not and is this a window beautiful okay let's do some orange we need a unicorn horn because this is Mount Unicorn not quite how I envisage it but that's that's fine and just one there I think this is fine judge me judge me I wanna see we think is exactly what we're looking for oh now we just need to make the rest match what saligan olan olan olan is correct the other angles aren't quite there what Oh am I trying to do this I'm an idiot fine I'll destroy it because she wants me to fail it sensibly why it's not fun the front and then right is this and I think it's symmetrical on each side so I think this might be it I think I just need to make sure it works on each sides BAM is that it I think that's it judge me judge me you off to a good start your right is correct now you just need to work on the rest [ __ ] are you okay what's wrong how do I change page this isn't right this isn't right I need a new I need a new page so my right is correct she don't like my left oh wait a second I don't think I need that and I think I need to put this here judge me judge me Oh what the only thing that needs fixing is the top okay okay okay okay okay okay okay do we have to put these because that looks dumb that looks real dumb the others need some work you don't even know what this needs to look like do you you got that you can't see through those glasses I'm getting angry at this person this can't be right it's just it's can't be right it just doesn't work how do I do this hold on a second you've jerked me I know what it needs it needs to go sideways I despise this challenge that's it right that's it [Music] destroy oh my goodness okay so I need castle tower one there oh you're doing them sideways now okay this this way darn it wrong already I think actually no I haven't this is fine this is fine I need to do that and then I need to go up it's twice and this that's right yeah Foundation thank you [Music] wonderful memory I was hoping I wouldn't have to do those thank you I will treasure this for life yeah [Music] y-yeah okay I think we're good to go first opening now we can go deep-sea diving that's basically what that says looks like there's another scanner here I know a bot is worried about the success of the simulation but this just seems excessive oh well looks like you need five memories here on the beach before we can see the dive site I got five guys I'm gonna leave this until next time I absolutely love this game it's so much fun obviously it's a different experience than you will seeing because I'm living in the world robots I think this is great if you do too are excited to see the next one because we're gonna go straight to the dive site and then onwards to the next vacations then please in your life as well if you enjoyed this video I can't quite do it thumbs up but you know what I'm saying yeah I hope you enjoy it if you did subscribe if you're brand new as well to join C TDM today aboard daily videos and to not miss on these otherwise you're not gonna know when I upload a be awful I forgot this is on my head I might need this for the dive site so I'm just gonna leave it there for a second thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time good bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 6,813,948
Rating: 4.9319139 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, vacation simulator, virtual reality, vr, dantdm vr
Id: 5oPEfMQqpVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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