i’ve wanted to play this game for ages..

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hey guys dan here and i don't know why but i've always wanted to play this game polly bridge is the game that i've always wanted to play and apparently there's a second version that's way better so welcome to polly bridge and just listen for a second listen do you feel relaxed because i feel relaxed let's kick back chill out and build some bridges and hopefully not kill anyone by having a failed bridge in this taxi just plunge into the depths let's take that idea and throw it away that's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen at all right now i'm gonna do a tutorial this lady is going to it's gonna look hilarious and also give us a little bit of a tutorial on how on earth we're gonna play this welcome let's build a bridge i'm going to build with a road oh oh we do be building a strong bridge needs support click wood to select woods i'm clicking words oh so i know in like engineering and stuff you need yourself some triangles triangles are the key no illuminati nonsense but triangles are 100 the key let's press play and hopefully this kind lady who is sacrificing herself for my bridge science doesn't die oh no uh wait she just set me up for failure level a chopper a went underwater hold on a second we need to fix the gap in the trusses you're the one who's the one you're wearing glasses are those goggles you should be wearing a snorkel instead let's fix this bad boy simulate that bridge oh that's better oh no is she trolling me is this lady trolling me even gives me a replay of how i sent this person to her death there's no way you're getting out of that you can't climb these banks oh my what is happening joints should be connected with triangles for strength we have a square i don't see no oh this one dragon select the right mouse button delete that bad boy shift and left click to drag ah okay now we got me some triangles let's go let's do this oh yeah get to that finish line it was only the tutorial and i feel extremely satisfied next now a new thing that happens in this game i think which didn't happen before are hydraulics which i think means you can like blast people up in the air so let's let a nice young lady over here we're gonna call her karen karen is gonna help us is this gonna be a boat is it b does that stand for boat hydraulics allow your bridges to change shape there there we go we have to modify this bridge to allow the boat to pass by oh what place two pistons to match the guidelines above excuse me now what so that's gonna go that way and now i'm gonna go this way hydraulics may expand or contract oh no can i go back to poorly bridge one where these things didn't exist ah drag the arrow oh do i want it to go there i think i do what about this one oh my goodness my brain hurts guys my brain ah double click the indicated joint oh that's where it's gonna split if we simulate the bridge now it'll tear itself apart i won't let me press play i wanna see it tear itself apart remove the two indicated struts get out of here strut we're gonna use struts around here now we can simulate our drawbridge my brain hurts it hurts but it's working look at the beautiful oh ah i look so good come through boatsy boat i appreciate you but please get out my way oh that's weird i didn't like that right is this lady gonna survive i think that makes sense you just need to split it in the right place there you go get out of here go and catch your boat success tutorial completed i'm so pleased oh there's a workshop here as well and a sandbox too okay i see a future addiction coming up let's do worlds let's just do 10 meter simple bridge why are there elephants oh the sanguine gulch that's that's a pretty horrific little name right there gulch mulch doesn't sound like a nice word let's do 10 meter simple bridge we have money constraints as well and we can only use roads and woods build your first bridge tips i've done the tutorial get out of here let's try just doing this this is gonna fail really badly but let's try it anyway so there's our road amazing hit play my car so what is happening down there okay a reinforced road wait a second get rid of all of these can we just cheat by doing this we've got a budget of 10 grand give me all that money let's see what happens now play yeah that's not very well reinforced um this is exactly like a tutorial isn't it so if we grab wood do that where are we going oh we going play no joke my brother is a uh a structural engineer hello yo how do you build a bridge um i'm pretty sure i've just done this a moment ago yes go a little car beautiful oh that's like a weight limit as well nice that actually cost me just under 10 grand bridges are expensive man and how did someone do it with 293 that's crazy oh and you can watch them as well yo that bridge does not look safe a new slope build a bridge on a slope and we have a fatty camper van ready to go budget of 12 grand let's just use normal road okay i'm gonna try this i don't know why i press play ah it actually upheld for a second reinforced road if it's like a ramp it'll be fine if the camper fan wasn't so heavy that would have worked oh get me on them leaderboards quick so how am i going to do this do i just need to go all triangles and that i need to just go a little bit illuminati and we should be fine not quite sure what this one is to be honest with you so let's get rid of that this is it oh it's beautiful ah excuse me it goes up to a oh that goes up to a hundreds i thought i genuinely thought i'd completed that i'm a little bit upset uh yeah i'm not quite sure where to go with this one can we add another one here maybe our budget is getting pretty thin but i think that's because i've used reinforced roads come on you got this oh you almost made it how how is that not working huh weakest bridge in the world get out of here how am i stuck on level two how is this a thing you know what i've got an idea i have an idea i'm gonna just let him run drive it's a car i'm just gonna do it straight and see what happens whoa whoa whoa calm down okay go why did that happen oh wait you can slow it down as well you can go slow-mo oh see you later buddy i'm so sorry here it goes the bridge just collapses under the pressure do you know what we need we need more triangles oh wait what's this first oh that's where it broke triangle yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is it this is it this is going to fix it just put triangles yes why are you going so oh okay although why are you going so slow speed that up oh oh yes let's go it worked no way i'm pleased with that one i'm 8 000th in the world the top 89 look i didn't even make a sloppy bridge are you relaxed do you feel relaxed are you feeling relaxed now you better be lean back in your chair lean just lean back it's not that hard lean back are you relaxed yet you better be let us make another bridge oh bridge of steel still is much stronger than wood but it's also very expensive with 24 grand to spend 450 a meter oh instead of oh this this big chunky boy is coming okay i feel like this is going to be easy but remember i said that oh we can make little triangles i didn't even think about doing that i still got loads of money left triangles triangles triangles triangles triangles this is going to work this is 100 going to work half the budget let's go go on chunky boy two two chunky boy um oh no no no no no is that enough triangles or does that make zero difference i've killed a lot of drivers already why do people keep driving over this bridge um put stuff along here yo my budget is i'm over budget does it matter though if i complete it look at that that looks pleasing to the eyes yes oh it's beautiful look at it it's so beautiful it's it's worked but i'm a thousand over budget oh i've completed it though i'm in the top 98 i did so badly hold on a second wait wait wait wait wait wait people are doing magic like this how am i supposed to how is my brain supposed to come up with that they spent half the money and it looks beautiful oh my goodness loophole a plane is about to arrive wait i need to get that car goes i need to get him up there spring they didn't teach me how to use springs okay i've got this i've got this we're gonna spring this man up here all the way up here and see what happens why didn't i think that was going to happen oh i should not have come on this level oh no oh no no no no i kind of want to see how vertical these cars can go this is the messiest bridge i've ever seen i just keep shoving triangles everywhere yeah that ain't gonna work is it needs more triangles do you think that's enough triangles oh that's enough triangles wait [Laughter] okay cannot go up that let's do it 50 so it definitely misses that which is good but it just wrecks it on the way i'm gonna complete this i'm definitely gonna complete this maybe it's actually hurting my brain just so bad do you reckon you could get up there the only thing is how do i get it to turn around yes that looks good here he goes yes oh he flipped he did the flip all right let's do that full speed where does he end up yike what does springs even do we're replacing everything with springs what happens okay okay not sure that had the intended effect to be honest yeah springy bridge no springy bridge okay this one's too hard for me don't let boats hit your bridge try building over it okay so we've got big butt oh that's a speedy boat wow and we've got a monster truck too okay let's plan how do i get that it's a monster truck how do i get a literal monster truck over the top of there we're gonna have to use steel boys i keep forgetting that we can go up so if i do like this they ain't gonna do much is it let's see oh wait that does work kind kind of it works until the truck goes on it i'm thinking like the san francisco bridge that's what i'm gonna build okay and it's going to be phenomenal and it's a monster truck it can go real high that is my bridge and it's phenomenal oh i've gone way over budget oh no who cares about budgets i'm making this thing look beautiful of course that happens oh no triangles triangles very expensive triangles right play sturdy as anything yes monster truck let's go yes it's pretty much exactly the same isn't it it's so good so beautiful absolutely beautiful speed that up boys whoa what what budget don't know what you're talking about cars must collect their checkpoints before collecting their flag oh no not pleased about that why is that funny why i really want to make a jump but i don't know if that's going to be possible i want it to jump over there do you think i can do that it won't be in budget which is kind of like the whole point of the game but who cares when you've made a pretty sick jump how do i get it to attach yes yes yeah okay the car is not fast enough whatsoever will you call that a sports car it falls all the way that that's horror that's so bad you just take that thing back well i for one i'm disappointed i'm gonna send you off this way and see if you can make it what is that it's beautiful it's oh no oh how did that happen oh wait wait wait wait wait no the car was about to make it come on van sort it out all i wanted to do is make a jump well hit the delete and start again i guess man this is stressful this is better be a relaxing game the soundtrack even suggests it i don't feel relaxed oh there's actually one called first jump sometimes jumping the gap is the best solution let's go good try buddy i still don't understand how the springs work though karen didn't tell me how that works how did the springs work show me oh oh oh that actually wasn't bad easy this one's gonna be easy springs oh no oh no there's no oh wait that could have worked so well let's get rid of this one and this one and put these as steel then i think those will be reinforced yes yes yes yes launch my pretty almost guys i need to take my dog to the vet she her toe no joke so i'll be back and we'll make this first jump i might listen to a podcast about bridges on the way i'll see you in a minute all right i'm back toe is repaired and all i could think about while i was driving to the vets is how to make this dune buggy jump over the water i can't actually remember what we did last time i feel like it wasn't too bad but let's get rid of these and then add these nope that's wrong we could just make the end bouncy that should be fine right go on bounce bounce that was not a bounce i feel like this is i'm just overthinking it i just need to make the the ramp out here triangles triangles yo if this works budget is oh no i forgot the roads um oh dear rookie mistake wait what is this what is this bit how did i do that roads okay i don't quite know what i've done here but i have faith in you little car never mind i had faith in the car but not the bridge how is this so hard why did the bridge die i feel like it needs another two triangles i think we'll be fine come on lads you've got this you can do it why is that breaking it's getting further but it's breaking triangle triangle triangle over budget don't care ah why does it keep doing that more triangles have been added still hasn't helped how's this possible this is just keeps failing so i think it's apparent that i have no idea how bridges work so is this gonna stay up of course it's not okay i didn't realize you could do this bit here so i feel like this is the crux of the bridge that's right i said crux so surely if we just launch him up this way this should work right launch buddy launch you can do it oh you've let us down you've let everyone down and you can build down here how do i make a spring jump that's good though with this work oh that looks dodgy [Laughter] looks very dodgy i'm gonna catch him can i do that ah i'm stupid i'm real stupid i forgot you can change how springy you want these things hundred percent compressed is that what i want ah that's kind of what i want what actually happened to it it kind of like just went for it you know if i want it stretched oh that's definitely not what i want okay okay okay okay springs spring's a key [Laughter] what was that that was not what i wanted at all definitely not that either that went so far wait wait if i add a road here we might be able to do this i can add maybe springs here shock absorbers it said shock absorbers go go you got this oh what let him go let him drive he would have made it up this game you're so mean you have this calming music but i'm not feeling calm okay hear me out hear me out i'm gonna put woods there then i'm gonna do two roads here this is where we complete it guys this is where we complete it um i think i just do that and then it can fall down go go little car you've got this buddy no that was so close um let's do that what if i add all of these as springs then hit this up with some steel that's it press play come on let's go yeah oh no the road snapped steal i'm just gonna triangles or steal come on we can come in way under budget here give me top 50 in the world and i'll be happy next idea this one takes the brunt of it this is taking me way too long by the way but i think it's gonna work this acts like a battering ram takes the impact it kind of worked it kind of worked this is it this is it this is it i added extra iron come on little buggy yes yeah you could let me have that it was still it was still moving come on it lands that thing can keep going that can keep going come on what kind of car is this bro [Music] i kid you not this is taking me longer than it took to record the rest of the parts of this i've got one road to spare almost 4 000 over budget but i think you've done it look at this this is the best bridge you've ever seen right best one you have ever seen launch that bad boy bop get there let's go what does that say level hold on a sec i don't i don't know if you re-watch the uh i don't know if you re-watched the video but that looks like it's uh that looks like i got the flag to me game come on don't go underwater don't go underwater oh jeez does it like just kiss the water now i've fully broken it so i don't know if i can make it again yes failure how where does it go underwater show me oh it's a little splish just a little splish doesn't matter this game's good and infuriating i'm crossing it off and i'm gonna leave let's just listen to the music the music's finished the music's finished ah guys this was polly bridge 2. i really really wanted to uh relax chill out just play this game for a little bit because i've wanted to play it for ages but you know what i don't think your boy is cut out for making bridges i've um i've not done very well have i i'm not logical at all with the old bridge making maybe you guys were shouting at the screen and put the triangles here put the triangles over there i don't know where the triangles go look at these contraptions they've made on the loading screen it's not fair guys thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like that would greatly appreciate it subscribe if you're brand new i'm out of here i don't want to think about triangles again [Music] bye [Music] rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,111,740
Rating: 4.9420204 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, poly bridge 2
Id: mxh3r5WrwEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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