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That's right, I've got my hands back We are back inside baby hands now if you remember last time we snuck in into our sister's bedroom and read her diary Now a priority. There's been an update to the game, which is making me a little bit suspicious Hmm, so I need this and I also need to get my butt out of here, so That's what I'm talking about get out of here all right, so we need another word sister's room Come on use your arm strength. I should be used to this by now Let's keep on going at us But I can use two hands perfect right so to unlock sister's diary we need to feed you this Thank you very much, sir. We need to get down from here get down there. We go, and then we need to unlock this caputure There we go so this is sister's diary where she says something about Aliens, how did I miss this before look? There's aliens, and it just so happens that in the new update There's something to do with rockets. There's rockets around her room. There's space There's aliens the clues all add up, but first I think the videos something else actually let's set up real quick So I think we've only been up here once this lot but the UFO as well My sister is either an alien or she's got something weird to do with aliens piggy, speak up I know you know the secrets. Okay, maybe you don't I'll see you down there buddy laters, okay, so let's press this there we go and this should just Yeah there We go spin around now apparently you can launch this thing out of the sky using a rockets And I think that's the rocket down there The only problem is I don't know how or like the reliable list way is that even a word? What is the most reliable way to get the rocket is it gonna be with this so don't wait to find out, huh? Why is this basketball so big this is huge? Look at it next to the volcano its massive. Are you kidding me look all right? Let's try it Coby this ha no. Yeah, come here. I need to grab it go jeez no Actually, you can this guy go you got this? I believe in you go and knock it off do it Do it knock it up all the changes so it can actually crash now? Gone, buddy come on I need you to just knock your own rocket off and then all you can get in the rocket That would be good too. Come on come on No, he's stopped turning. Yes. Yes. No. I don't like you I'm out of here. Okay, basketball. Go just grab the thing and throw it Oh basketball We'll just literally went through my face and here we go and here we go Ha I've already got tiny hat oh yes Ha ha it was I have to do with the telescope okay, that makes sense hello rockets How are you now before we do this? I need to figure out how to make it launch and I literally do not know how but Apparently or not that thing out of the sky now. I think the first thing I need is this Astronaut, baby Reporting for duty, I think I found a planet it's big Orange And I can pick it up. It's a basketball for survive No worries alright. Let's take this off for a second. I don't need that yet I need to look at this thing there any problem is I don't think I can move the chair, so let's go around it Yeah, this is what I was looking at so this is an ant farm now. There is a rumor that these aren't actually ants I Can't quite yeah look Those are ants at all my sister definitely is some kind of alien protagonist You know what I mean person. She's an alien expert, and why is it? What is that it's holding? What are you doing? What is that? It's a, it's an alien from the film so I put a picture here Compare them. They're exactly the same. There's a tiny one up here a little one down here I Am not convinced that my sister is even a real person And what is that that looks gross? Can we grab this thing? Tonight I can't even grab it can I smash it. I want to smash it ba ba ba oh Look we released the aliens yeah, that's what it's talking about. I can't even can I squash him This that they're kind of cute, you know, oh, wait a second can we burn them you know what you can do it oh You actually can so when you use sunlight and a magnifying glass the sunlight goes through the glass and Causes fire where you can burn the ants all the aliens that one's escaped I'm gonna let at least one survive But oh my goodness look you could burn them that is that's that's crazy see does it work at my hand I Don't think it does right that was fun. So yeah aliens literally confirmed It's right there, and there's one that has escaped right here. I'm gonna let you live buddy. You're lucky I can't even I can't even grab it. That's so weird Oh What happened here the pig was a piggy bank? Yes, we got tiny little coinage Does that have any kind of alien symbols on it? Huh? I don't know kinda looks like an arrow Yeah, nothing suspicious here nothing too suspicious anyway, right? What are we doing? Oh? Yeah? We were trying to try to light this. I'm not. I just figure out and with that noise is that you You're very loud. Can we use the magnifying glass? See how fast I was crawling then can use the magnifying glass so OH - OH - blender mapped out the way you're okay I need a different rocket today, buddy. Can I use the magnifying glass to set a fire underneath the rocket what it work? No, man, I thought this would work my hands have changed color again. Why does this keep happening to me? What some night? You could do this just light the light the rocket? oh Right how else can we do this? I need to I need to light it. How do you work? hmm Spaceman, can you go inside the rocket? Can you please? I think he's dead hmm. There's only one thing. I can think of and that's throwing it ready. Uh-huh That didn't work did it oh my goodness. I don't even know where you can get flames from this house is pretty childproof Can we put this in the tape player Maybe this will give us instructions on how and how to light the rocket well. There's another plane as well. This wasn't here before It does flips Josh Yeah, that's right. This people don't mess around alright. Let's put this in and see what it is Go that didn't work did it go in Right, what do we what do we put on it's a drumming cartoon? Yay, so I've also noticed that there is another rocket up there But that one is flying around and I'm not quite sure How on earth I can get it down from there unless I throw something that could work hold on a second ha So close how can I do this how can I do this is there anything up there? Yeah, that's new what is that? Oh? lipstick yes Yes, I can't actually draw on anything, but yes So I'm gonna see if I can grab the gun and let you to shoot the UFO out of the sky and then maybe it will hold some secrets to what my sister is actually up to ah This way is this where this games so hard I need a moon and a star do any of you guys know where they are huh squid no No, I want to own up. Oh is this how you change the hand color, or it is, okay, sweet ah The bow and arrow let's go we got a mission see it's still up there, and I no idea how to get it down Come down come down come down. Ah ah that's so close. Okay, so it turns out These just go straight through the UFO Hello did someone put the microwave on know what that was Hey look stars It's the moon any clues in here What have you got in here? Huh? That's a sloth in a spaceship? I told you this oh This girl has a weird obsession with space. It's so weird she's like She's even growing on her socks. I'm trusting you to think ooh. Wait a second Maybe we use one rocket to launch the UFO out of the sky, yeah, that could work come back and eat you three - What no? ma'am Yes, I got you. All right. Are you holding the secrets? Are you holding the secrets to my sister is she an alien do you want to go and collect your alien friends? Actually, that'd be pretty cool. Here. You go. Here's your new home. I've created I've gone from an alien farm to an alien. That's now about a spaceship. That's pretty cool Huh now if you just whisper in my ear tell me what my sister's up to that would be great He's not saying anything I get you a new spaceship And you treat me like this huh you treats me like this I am upset and the pools Nullah so what else should we do I feel like there's more fun to be had because we've not discovered everything yet And they keep updating like little things Yes, I'm a protege Hello, Teddy. How are you sir? Do you want to keep the head of yours I suggest you tell me the secrets the secrets to my sister's alien obsession? Why does she have aliens in our room? Huh you tell me? You tell me and if you don't you are gonna be punished. Oh actually wait a second so we ever been up here I don't think we yeah, we have okay. Oh, there's another video as well. This one's about drawing okay Let's see if we can use this ah ah It's so heavy. I can't move when I've got this teddy bear in my hand Teddy you sit up there. I'll go Teddy I didn't know me to do that. I'm sorry buddy. Just enjoy the show from there, okay I did not mean to throw him that far oh This has a key on it hold up a second Hold up a second What's on this one? Does it say anything about a key? I think it's just trolling me. This is just another cartoon. Yeah, nothing really happening here eject eject Give me this stupid tape they even click baited back in those days. Huh right let's see what this one's about it Should be something about drawing. They are all like cup heads style cartoons This is cool, but what is it about drawing? Ah there? We go good work, buddy. I am bored already, so see you later Shh Danny I'm under the sofa No, one will be able to see me while I'm spying and seeing what on earth my sister's doing She's a weird one, but I'm the one hiding under the sofa. I guess so maybe I'm the weird one daddy I'm so sorry. Oh look a chicken that changed a little bit quickly can have you come here. Yeah, Teddy I need you to go and get this chicken for me. Oh Great Teddy Wow yeah, I'm gonna grab both of you there. We go. What is this? What are you what is this object? I'm so confused It just bounds backwards and voids So weird and how do you play Domino's can you do this? You know what I'm gonna. Do don't you Teddy? I need you to back up off me. Please. This is a very very tricky thing to do but Yesss I'm easily satisfied. What can I say all right? I have another piece for the puzzle Where is the last one oh wait, can we do this to? think we can let's do that Don't get on let's do this come on get on the thing how is this so difficult put the donuts on the ring? Put it on on Yeah, that looks that looks wrong. Okay. This is gonna be a little bit tricky. I'm gonna grab this one There we go I'm gonna switch this around oh my goodness the talents look What is that someone coming home is the door just go ah go Away, no. I need to remove The yellow oh, you know forget it forget it all that talent wasted. Why am I spending so long on this? This is not this is not good. Should've learnt these skills when I was younger there. We go yeah There's another one right let's try it this time there we go Yes Yes Yes, oh Is that all it does are you kidding? Me? That's what you do. It's all That well next I think I need one more puzzle piece I do there it is oh this fedoras well, thank you very much I look fancy right let's pop this in there. You go Open Sesame I've got myself a key. I can't remember what to do this I think it was a in mom's room right like I don't you remember. What's in there? Yeah here we go Let's pop this in there What you got for me? I forgot gas is in catnip, okay? Let's put these on. Let's go visit the cat again Jenga smash, hahaha right pussycat. I have the most amazing Outfit on you're not even gonna Know Who I am where I come from but I have this gift for you You ready enjoy. I thought I'd just disappears Nom nom I did it guys. I got myself a key. Oh, wait a second hello Hello, who's that is anyone here mom? 9 1 9 1 1 9 9 9 can you come now me please I'm Stuck in sunglasses and a fedora and not quite sure where my parents are? I Don't think it's working. It's definitely not working get off me Yeah, look at that. That's cool right I could definitely get changed now. Let's go cowboy and let's go rocket blast. Good job. Oh goodness Whoa? That went crazy Yes, yes, what are all these secret boxes huh I'm gonna take this off so I gonna actually see hey There's a heavy copter up here too Can. I grab it. There's so many things that I will do is there anything in this It's like a weird kind of Shoebox, I don't think I can grab it though. That's so weird okay one more thing I do want to try which I did see in the notes is a buddy. How's it going? You're Okay? Just want to grab you bahhh Got 'em look at him his leg is missing though. I need to take you somewhere little boy. We are going to the bathroom Not this one this one Hey look you can shoot the planets and stuff. That's cool You can't shoot a rocket down though so that was a waste of time right there. I need to get up Let's drop this for a second drop it drop it there. We go right. I need to turn this on so I just hit something I hit my door fantastic. Sorry door right are you ready for your first swim, buddy? I think he's ready This is pat the top of his head. I put some bubbles in there we go Not really any bubbles there. Is there whoa I can burp bubbles look look We burp bubbles buddy crazy all right that can go you ready three two one Oh I thought you could swim, it's said in the notes that you'll be able to swim. You're not swimming Stop stop stop, it's gonna overflow. What are you doing? I think he's drowning Can Turtles drown? I'm not quite sure You'd be better than this buddy. I thought you'd be better Am I drinking about water I Think I am there must be a way, we can get you to swim right buddy here we go We're gonna turn you into a ninja turtle first which we did in the last one, go Yeah He's so cute so so very cute look at happy years now look at this little face, right Let's see if we can get em to swim in this bath instead or we're gonna drop you in the toilet. I'm afraid let's see If you've been stirring this once it definitely says in the update notes that um you can swim, buddy. Let's see if it's true Yes, ha ha That's what I'm talking about you. Go, mr.. Duck as well look at you guys look at you, so cute hapaa This little duck can do backflips insane Do like trick shots into the bar or kind of? Yes, look at these two I'm gonna leave these two to it Actually, wait a second. Can you do a backflip into the toilet? Sorry Whoops see you later. Um all right im outta here. Enjoying yourself build turtle. I I messed up. I'm going Did you recognize it No I don't think so right, so what are we learned today? That our sister has some kind of, did I smash something, that sister has some kind of weird obsession with aliens Which are right here? wait There's one over there. Where's the other one gone. Oh, no I? literally I Can't see it. It's gone. It's taken that it's taken the UFO, and it's getting out of here. Okay. That's fine They seem to be using it. She has an alien farm underneath her bed. That's absolutely fine. We're just gonna There's a sloth and an astronaut outfit How did I not see that before my sister is weird I need to leave But guys I hope you enjoyed this video another little look into the secrets of baby hands if you did enjoy Please leave me a fat thumbs up I wish I could do a thumbs up that would be great and it's time to be the first video you see about me Please do consider subscribing to join team TDM today for daily video as part of that guys Thank you so much again for watching have an amazing day. You are awesome, and I'll see you next time Goodbyeee
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 10,234,863
Rating: 4.8891096 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, vr, dantdm vr, whos your daddy, dantdm whos your daddy, baby hands, baby hands vr, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, thediamondminecart
Id: 9xSl8zrW9No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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