I Became a GOOSE in Untitled Goose Game!

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welcome to a game about becoming a goose that's right welcome to untitled goose Gabe that's right every waiting for this game for ages I've seen loads about this you literally get to play as a goose and terrorize humans so um let's play we get some backstory press white or honk there is what's good buddy are you doing I think this is us hold B to run yes this is my kind of game oh oh it's kind of it's weird to control the goose where am i run into listen to the pitter-patter of his little foots so cute I'm going up here I would said L to bend for words that this best game ever ol to get under the log this is gaming at its finest press a to use your beep I've got a boot what am I gonna do with a boot I'm a goose I'm lost and I've got a boot where does this shoe need to go bend down to pick things up off the ground ok get out of here boots goodbye or flapping a flap it I don't think I supposed to press this give me just can you Inc littering is bad humans come on now now I've got a tennis ball watch out oh no my greatest enemy the gates so I'm guessing there we go oh I am a I'm a crazy son of a goose how do I grab this whoa okay calm down gate no need to try and kill me I'm just an innocent goose around here is it hard to spread your wings is this an intimidation tactic I'm not quite sure why I want to do this but it's quite funny time to swim boys let's go untitled goose game let's do this what's my backstory why am ia cous what am I doing here this is my goose maiden voyage and I'm feeling great about myself let's go caused some havoc whose sandwiches are these I don't care they're mine now it would be a shame if they were to fall in the drink there we go just bounces around realistic soggy sandwich soggy sandwich soggy apple ha ha wait I can steal this ah they're gonna regret leaving this behind what if there's a baby inside I think this is a picnic basket but what if there's a baby inside I can zoom in and out oh I think we found our first victim what's good buddy I am but the small goose press- to see your to-do list and controls oh ok to do get into the garden get the groundskeeper wet steal the groundskeepers keys make the groundskeeper where is Sun Hat rake in the lake have a picnic bring the picnic blanket sandwich apple pumpkin carrot Jam oh my goodness it's a lot of stuff unfortunately I've put the sandwiches and the apples in the river um I'm gonna have to get them out the mean Hey I am just going to steal things so I can't jump how am I gonna grab okay I can grab this I'm not sure why that would be helpful though does this noise satisfy anyone else just listen oh wait I wonder if hey so you can turn this on and off I was gonna say I wonder if I'll be able to take out the the hose and then I might be able to get him to come out and put the hose back on maybe look at me I'm aggressive I could kill this man I could kill this man with a shovel if I really wanted to hey hey buddy where are you wait there's another gate but I have to open it from the other side angry goose there's a radio DJ goose in the house where do my mango oh wait oh he's following it hello oh yeah I gotcha I got your radio you're in trouble buster let's go chase me this is so epic oh my goodness he's fast he's actually really really fast no ha ha got you wet buddy now I've got your radio and I'm taking it away from you oh oh ho ho oh he's coming for me leave me alone I'm the goose bro I'm out of here what else did I need to do I need to get into the garden which I've just done steal the groundskeepers keys and make the groundskeeper where his son huh I'm also looking for a rake as well right boys I'm in I've infiltrated the garden oh he's gonna be mad he's gonna be so mad where's the rake give me the rake oh and I've got to get one piece of all of his fruit look all this stuff I've got to steal waste some water for him shall we increases water bill that's how you know I'm a crazy son of a gun scuse me sir I'm here to complete an apprenticeship I'm getting some work experience I may just be a goose but I'm a I'm a damn good one what can I steal these keys I think he's putting the stuff back Gary is excuse me sir I need your keys I'm gonna regress at you until you give me your keys oh they're right there got him yes oh my goodness about it let's go hey gone come in the lake of you peeing you're big enough look I've being aggressive look at me well geez I forgot you can come in here oh I don't think I need them anyway I've completed my mission I'm out of here see you later buddy oh no he closed the gate why would you close the gate on me huh can we just steal this are you ready to steal it get me this guy's hilarious stop a stamp on me yeah what do you want huh what do you want hey hey buster what look at my wings look at them they're huge they're bigger than out stop kicking me you're supposed to kick the goose can you open this for me please I'm not quite sure what you're doing you're not doing it you're not doing a very good job ah I mean I mean I mean my little flip flops away quicker than you let's go it every says rake in the lake right I think you can change the text cuz I can't quite read it it's way too British for me oh that's better yeah it says rake in the lake this sent a rake though this is a shovel guns find his trowel oh no I put that somewhere else he'll never know oh here's the rake never mind just gonna borrow this here we go it doesn't have a clue what's going on oh wait he does he wants this rake now let's go quick quick another one of his things put into the lake he's gonna be so angry and slash what a shame one absolute shame I love how it just caused mayhem for this poor man well he's just trying to earn an honest living rake it up his uh his pumpkins is melons just try to play Minecraft in real life and then I come along savage so looking at me oh stop looking I don't anything to do with you stop it stop staring at me wait where is the picnic blanket I need this - I'm gonna take your jam and I'm I'm gonna I'm just gonna run away with it I've heard your jam is the tastiest of jams oh this is the picnic basket oh I'm an idiot I need to put these back desperately I'm pretty sure that's a picnic blanket it's a pretty um it's a pretty poor one to be honest I've seen better let's just put all of these down here perfect no sandwich save yourself I'm gonna put this over here what else do I need I need a pumpkin a carrot I need so much carrot joint put this up here I don't even know if this is the right place to get it pumpkin our pumpkins are big as well he's gonna notice these missing look at the size of this already ho there you go pumpkin has been delivered kinda it's not really in the right place but there we go what else do we need we need good Jam we need a thermos a radio and the basket I might have moved somewhere else while I was being a pesky little goose oh wait there's no the radio here there we go he's gonna follow me though I forgot I forgot he's gonna follow it okay I'm putting it down I'm running away I'm scared hey yes stamp on me that's an aggressive behavior oh I'll get the police called on you sunny Jim I'm stealing your thermos Oh No he spied me ah like the goose version of hello neighbor I'm just gonna kind of chill over here lay low ready go I'm out it's got quick quick no leave me alone I'm but a goose you will never get this lalala oh no he's found his pumpkin water I didn't realize he could do this I'm so upset I thought this was easy mode how is this dude so good at finding everything I'm gonna run straight pass and we complete the mission let's go I got it I got everything hey stay back stay back that's my stuff stop bring to the picnic blanket sandwich Apple am I in the wrong place please don't turn me over in the wrong place take your gem see if I care ah the picnic blanket is there you know what I told you it was a terrible one give me this carrot plop perfect now it crosses it off hey this is my carrot Buster he doesn't even know where it's gone you idiot ha ha ha and I'm stuck I'm stuck I can't get this thing out no why he takes that I'm gonna take this broken radio and pop it on here I don't know can he steal it if it's been on here I'm not sure I'm weird quick goosey quick I don't think he cares about the basket coz I didn't steal it from his garden so just pop this here perfect oh my goodness he's coming back for this now roar he's gonna steal all my stuff quick get to the basket get to the thing get to the thing God of this is mine now ok never mind that's yours so we can steal things back right I need a pumpkin Jam and thermos this man just keeps on coming back and stealing my things right pumpkin acquired I need Jam and a thermos this is gonna be hard this is gonna be really difficult I always found me fine fine fine take your jam back you weirdo but your rates coming with me ah what a shame your rake is in the lake what are you gonna do now don't go and get your radio don't be that guy please a good idea always stole my do you stole the pumpkin what if I bring this same instead will you take this back instead hey buddy hey hey I've got your rake come and have a look at your rake alright yeah you drop that you drop that look what I've got look what I've got I've got your rake come here always coming for me oh he's coming there we go throw my meat chipmunk don't mind me it's my jam now in my jam this is my pumpkin now mad pumpkin all I need is the thermos which is like the coffee thing look what I've got look what I've got I've got your watering can fine fine fine fine take it take it yo leave my carrot alone well if I take another one what are you just come and get it buddy buddy I put your carrot come on in come on in I've got your carrot I should distract him for at least a little bit and then I can get the thermos no he spoiled me Carla Oh curse you got this just get to the ends get to the oh oh what a shame this is mine now this is my picnic it's my farm new to do make the groundskeeper hammer his thumb how do I make him hammer his thumb you know what you can take the pumpkin now I don't need it oh there's a hammer up there how do I get the hammer no geese oh what a shame Oh your thumb oh that's such a shame now I've got Yahveh whoo I killed him I actually thought I killed him oh my goodness it's okay you go get that gem I'm out of here see you later friends it's been a it's been a it's been fun I'm going to go and get myself an education I'm going to university see ya I'm a free goose hey little boy how are you give me that I want it oh I got to level to do break the broom trap the boy in a phone booth make the boy wear the wrong glasses make someone buy back their own stuff get on TV go shopping hey sir how are you can I have your plane I might have to sneak up on him actually make him drop the plane and then trap him in the boat Oh booth that's my plan you might just leave it there for me where's the where's the phone booth where's the phone booth here it is how do I open this that's how we get on TV oh this one could be a tricky one hey hey hey she's gonna heavy she's gonna hit me I need to break the proof ah hell hello the goose I'm a goose of being whacked play this lady oh she's running this whole shindig right here look at this it's a whole shot I need to make him wear the wrong glasses and I feel all there she is hello nothing to see here just flexing my wings I think there's glasses right at the back yeah there is let's go get him let's go I'm risking it wear these ones pink pink is your color boy let's go hey take these little boy little boy take the glasses how can I make him wear the glasses wear them oh look everyone away oh my goodness wait he's scared he's scared of the goose oh I can flap - what's good buddy what's good can you get in the phone booth for me what are you doing hello oh wait I can grab it Oh give me your glasses boy yeah I am a horrible goose right where's that pink pair Oh she stole them you can't see me no no no no no no not again not again - whack me with a broom again please look oh the glasses I got him I can't make him wear the pink ones I'm out of it these are yours take them you just nicked them from under our eyes are what legend get away from me done go get in the photo booth get the photo booth right now hey get in there buster that's what I'm talking about stay in there never come out ever again wait who's he ringing oh no would you just ring did he just tell on me you just told on me didn't you oh no no no she's coming she's coming to chase me away I'm going in your shop you think that's funny do you I'm out of here oh look there's a switch how would slam the door in my face I need to get that switch oh yeah couch TV wait where is my TV where's my TV appearance there it is ah look at me flex I'm a beautiful beautiful bird makes them buy back their own stuff so I'm guessing I need to steal something and then make her buy it back but how do I sell it to her kind lady I have this for you I want to sell it to you no don't chase me I want to sell it to you hey what a goose make an honest living around here huh there you go you can have it oh wait maybe I can put this in the shop for him that's what's gonna happen she's gonna hit me though where did she just put it on sale she did he just stole it you can't just steal it little boy oh wait look yeah he's buying it $500 $500 she's like John she's aggressive oh I I gotta feel bad yeah I feel really bad now actually Oh No sorry sir I'm sorry okay I met him I've starved him as well great all I need to do is break the broom and then I need to just buy things but to burn gotcha burn what you gonna do about it she can I don't fish she cares about it anymore oh she cares oh she cares commit how do I break it oh I broke it oh you must be so mad but now she can live she could just hit me with the stick that's not good trap the shopkeeper in the garage no way I need to do that ASAP I have no idea how to open this up what's she doing oh wait she's going in now is there a bun okay sorry sorry sorry wasn't my carriage wasn't my thing touch apologies sorry sorry real sorry was she doing and she can just set of take them back together oh she's writing something oh no geese fair enough haha this is mine now I'm gonna draw on this no shopkeepers allowed no shopkeepers she's going back in we're going in for now huh oh I think I can steal something and put it in there I'm doing it then this next bill be easy hey grandma Hey oh Jesus she's coming she coming I'm gonna drop this all the way at the back there we go I'm out of here no don't push me into the garage that was not the plan this is the plan joy dad grandma quick what's in my list toothbrush let's go where do we get the toothbrushes frog where do we have the toothbrushes from I don't actually know I'm gonna take this loo paper I think this is something that I need to buy hairbrush I saw a hairbrush there it is thank you I'm gonna brush my beautiful white locks tin foods don't mind if I do Lina is that this I think this is cleaner but fruit and veg okay one of your five a day oh she's back wait what how did she come back oh you're going back in I've had so much training from trappin old people inside garages it's crazy and it also sounds slightly weird I'm talking about granny okay I got you tomato come on come & get it psych right is it tomorrow a fruit or a vegetable he will know where's the toothbrush I don't see no toothbrush where is it where is it where is it seriously where is the toothbrush that's literally my last thing this this is like a toothbrush there we go that wasn't it anyone anyone selling a toothbrush out of the gates open all the toothbrushes in here one earth who keeps their toothbrush in the garbage she been all just jacked my tomahto she didn't ok perfect let's put this in done I did it I've got all of this I'm a happy goose look at me flat bye lady it was nice to meet you I'm out of here bye friends bye where are we going now little goose on our next little adventure wait what's this I want to get through I've broken into a house Oh mister Manny's angry look at his face make someone break the fancy bars help the woman dress up the but bust okay spell is T get dressed up make the mango barefoot do the washing I've got to steal a bra guys fantastic you know what I've had a lot of fun playing this game I am the best goose look at me this guy agrees look at him he's so upset this is a cool little game though I really like you a lot of people have been enjoying it on like Twitter and stuff and I have been - let me know what you think if I should play some more if you enjoyed it and you would like me to play some more then please leave a like on this video that we greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new as well check out the game in the description below and I'll see you all in the next one goose [Music] hostess bar swing wagon candle campus offer fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,523,859
Rating: 4.9406791 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, yt:quality=high, untitled goose game
Id: Nuh9LSScpHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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