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hey guys down here welcome to tokars kitchen where you can feed weird a wonderful stuff to people you've never met so yeah we are gonna dive straight in and apparently we need to choose who we want to serve this weird of wonderful food - so we've even got this person on the top left a person on the top right with a cracking mustache that is phenomenal or a weird kind of Yeti monster thing with what looks like a saucepan lid on his head so I'm you know what let's go for him his fashion sense is impeccable so let's feed him some food hello sir how are you doing oh my goodness so the fridge opens on the Left we have a lots of stuff in here we've got literally a whole fish sausage steak is that octopus tentacle and what an earth is that blue thing okay um I don't know where to start let's start with something normal and then we'll start to get weirder it looks like he is eyeing up this bread right here so let's feed him this bread but can we do something with it we can we need to choose - what should we do with it I think we should fry it let's go for some fried bread shall we let's lower this in there we go oh my good can we burn it we actually make it like super duper fried is that fried I don't even know that's let's dip it back in we could also add sauce and stuff to it - oh this is great we add it to it now I think we can or there we go have some lemon all right I think this is done so that is a very fried piece of bread I want to I want to take it out I want to take it out please there we go there is some fried bread what do you think why are you making weird sounds at me let's not do that um let's add something to it let's start really simple which is gonna go for fried bread with tomato ketchup on it there we go just put all that tomato ketchup on it he doesn't look too happy but you know what this is one of my signature dishes so I'll eat it eat it right now let me put it in your mouth here we go you ready look at his face it looks so disappointed what I just walked it past his heads right let's stop TV and let's put it in his mouth what do you think ah no no he doesn't like it fine right let's try something else we're gonna try some I think that's spaghetti we're gonna put that on the plate real quick we're also gonna grab some fish I'm gonna grab a fish as well and I think that'll do for now let's go over to what we can cook it with we need to boil these I think so let's boil the noodles real quick there we go very nice is to shift it to left left and right there we go let's just give it a quick stir very nice and these should be nice and ready any moment now I think they're done are these guys doing okay right now we need to prepare the fish now first of all I'm gonna chop it up we need to chop up the fish how do we do this do we just lightly treat huh what what what yeah there we go chopped in half why they stopped it up as many times as we can we want it in tiny little lumps there we go tiny little sushi like lumps why are they all jumping off the screen that's not fair I want the tail bits as well okay is this this what I'm supposed to be doing it's all kind of just disappeared we have no fish left I literally just got rid of the fish for no reason right we need new fish guys new fish please okay let's slice it into one two three there we go so now let's take these bits and I think we're done that's all done there we go okay that's better now what do we want to do with them I want to fry them right let's fry these bad boys look we especially want the tail in there oh that actually looks kind of tasty I'm not gonna lie especially if the eyes the lips that literally haven't taken any bad parts of the fish off and I think we're done here we've got ourselves some spaghetti and fried fish complete with eyes and Tails now we need to season it let's go for some let's go for some salt there we go very nice and then let's add some of this I common what this stuff is called but we're gonna grab some of it and see what he thinks can we grab the whole play oh I'm just gonna fling it into his mouth there we go just fling it fling it all of it in there there we go oh jeez did you like it oh that's disgusting I'm guessing you liked it okay right I'm we're gonna choose a new character now and it has to be the guy with the absolutely exquisite mustache how's it going buddy where are you where are you I want to see your face barriers hello okay right what should we cook him I'm gonna go for this really weird blue fruits because I have no idea what it is and we are going to if we put it in the oh we can't put it in the oven okay let's put it in the oven and see what happened shall we let's cook it away it's changing to a where's Green cut is this a puffer fish I think this might be a Poppa fish let's see what happens to it I think we might want to cut it up now just to see what's inside cuz it might be a weird oh there's something inside it there's actually something inside it right let's let's feed this after we add some what is this another plate you can add so many plates add some pepper I think they'll work nicely and a little bit of salt as well and a little bit of lemon nice right eat it enjoy it there we go what do you think buddy oh you guys have no manners no manners whatsoever but you know what I think he liked it so another feature of this game is I'm pretty sure we can make ourselves a smoothie so we are going to add shrimps and no no I don't mean to do that yeah we're gonna add shrimps and octopus tentacles or an octopus tentacle - I think this is a blender yes it is nice can we not add the shrimp in there right let's um let's blend it here we go what's gonna happen oh oh it's actually blending it into a milkshake oh that's disgusting you add some water to it as well how much water do you want to add just keep on going let's spit all over the place I think we thigh loosen it way too much okay this might not be the best but I think you're gonna enjoy it there's a drink for you sir and let's pop a shrimp in there too and let's see if you like so here we go enjoy it octopus milkshakes what do you think he literally did not care drink the whole thing the whole thing and many a shrimp afterwards hey I eat the shrimp he's a shrimp fine you know what I'm gonna make you another one here we go let's put the oh it's pink oh that's so gross out a little bit of water not too much and then see if he drinks this one you go octopus and shrimp milkshakes drink it drink it drink it yeah there we go throw out the way he literally didn't even care he had no cares in the world what else should we go for let's go for a strawberry let's grab a mushroom and let's grab a pineapple and let's see what we can do with these well first up we're gonna fry the pineapple just because just because we can there we go that looks nice and fried and then we are going to bring this over to the cutting boards and chop that up real nice Oh careful there purp careful there by double you don't want to be falling off the cutting boards oh look and then we can put it on these plates I don't know what they do with these plates but you know what we're gonna store it there for now and next we're gonna grab this mushroom we're gonna chop it up chop chop chop chop perfect and we're gonna deep-fry these ones there we go deep fried mushrooms oh that actually sounds really really good oh there we go those are done and finally the strawberry let's see what happens if you put a strawberry can I grab the strawberry please I want the strawberry no there we go I want to deep fry no I want to only put a strawberry in in the oven and see what happens here we go I don't know what happen in real life I think it would probably explode but let's see what happens here absolutely nothing it's just kind of warmed it up and that's it very tight right try the strawberry buddy what's the like do you like it oh it's really hot okay you know what we want to do with this oh yes we need to grab this you need to grab all of this stuff here and we need to cover it in hot sauce right and I mean absolutely cover it why is it green it's AB it's so green what kind of hot sauces greenness is keep on adding it keep on adding it yeah he's shaking is it he does want to eat this but you can ask oh here we go one piece let's see if he likes it what do you think what do you think got a face was that right you're gonna eat all of this there we go all of it in your mouth it's all got hot sauce on I want you to spit flames spit fire here we go this is our final victim and we are going to feed her even more nasty we're gonna grab a tentacle and a fish as well can you eat this raw oh my goodness she ate it raw she's a Savage oh oh she's been sick okay that's gross how about we wash that down with a little bit of fish milkshake we're literally making the most disgusting milkshakes in the world she doesn't even want to eat it we're gonna have to can we add I'm just gonna try something here can we add the fish like every weird fish thing and this blue thing into the same thing I don't know let's put these all on the plates just put this on here as well and this on here too and then if we go over to the north try this first what do you think it's a nice fish based smoothie oh okay we made ob6 so many times and she's still trying it oh if we go over to the smoothie maker can we put all the gross things if we can put that in oh yes here we go oh yes right we can add the fish oh no we can't add all of these things at the same time why right we've got a fish and a squid tentacle here comes the most disgusting smoothie you've ever seen in your life there we go filled up to the brim it doesn't need anything extra you're gonna you're gonna eat this first eat it eat it what does this do it's like a lettuce but a blue one you don't like that either what is wrong with you right we're gonna add some little special ingredients we're gonna add whatever this is I'm guessing it's mayonnaise into the drink there we go we're also gonna add some ketchup I mean why not oh it's turning red it's starting red then some hot sauce there we go is it gonna turn a little bit green it's gone a little bit brown I'm not gonna lie but you're gonna add every single sauce and see what happens we're gonna add lemon as well but also oh it's going yellow let's go real yellow she's actually liking that though she's liking the look of the yellow smoothie with fish an octopus in it and then we're gonna add some salt it's just because measure and some pepper as well right this has got to be the most disgusting smoothie in the entire world it has a full fish in it with eyes and tail and gills and fins and it also has one - pazham which is pretty gross and then it's got every single condiment known to man inside it right you ready are you sure it looks like she's ready and drink it drink it all up in one and go oh oh what you we killed up guys oh no no is she back oh she's back oh my goodness I thought I killed someone you haven't finished though so you're gonna have to drink here there we go are you gonna yeah she's gone she's gone she's gone quick escape escape Oh anyway guys that was the completely random game called toka kitchen I don't know I don't know I just thought I looked funny it was tons of fun so I hope you enjoyed it too if you did please leave a like on this video that'd be greatly appreciated and if it happens to be the first video to see if I mean please do consider subscribing to tryin team TD and play for daily gameplay vids bar tonight guys thank you so much hanging out with me today have an amazing day and I'll see you all in the next video good boy
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 21,547,471
Rating: 4.8573451 out of 5
Keywords: toca kitchen, toca, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, minigame, mini game, mini-game, 1.8.7, app, free app, free app game, free game, cooking app
Id: snrfJOInELA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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