I started a War over a Piece of Paper

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two weeks ago i started the secret base war and after that video went public my friend stole my entire base with i'm not kidding a 400 year old british law squatters writes you can legally steal a base if you live in it for two years and the owner doesn't kick you out one week in real life is two and a half years in minecraft and since branzy snuck in a week ago he's well within his rights to steal the base but to make sure i didn't use squatters rights against him he made a deed to the base saying whoever owns this piece of paper owns the base i didn't even know any of this was a thing but i'll play his little game exterminate him and steal the d chief's credible extermination services okay i seem to have a varmint that's moved into my face i'm just gonna have to ask you is to sign just a little release of liability so i signed all of chief's legal stuff we drank some invisibility potions and went to my old base in search of the d but i don't script any of this so when branzi said he had some defenses i'm not gonna lie i got a little worried hold on did you did you place that button what button do you see where i am it's like next to the statue i was looking at the sign and i can see it next to the statue like i'm looking there's no buttons anywhere so i don't think it's a decor thing oh no i i did not place this button do we press it okay you're right here heal up heal up press it and run away okay yep yep press it and run away press it run run oh i heard this oh wait was that it um oh wait hold on hold on wait one second all right oh chief chief get rid of your food get rid of your food here the whole time you you talk to him you talk to him he doesn't know i'm here hold on hold on hold on hold on don't you run away you're listening to me i have this whole place it's rigged both of you now if you don't leave right now i will detonate the entire pyramid you think i'm joking i'm not i see you little button over there i see you all now you over there i see you too okay okay this whole place goes it'll be okay it'll be all right all right the freaking con man he knew i don't believe for a second he's ready i don't either listen listen to me i don't care if he was bluffing or not that's still dangerous yeah it might not have been tnt might have been puffer fish he might have had n crystals rigged everywhere this you're the best pvper in this server i don't care what you say how humble you you're the best all right okay you will easily yoink any of us don't you think branzy knew that he's also clever he's not the best pvp here but he's darn tooting clever it just seemed too easy that seemed like way too easy i'm gonna break the fourth wall here i had no idea he was there like seriously how long was he waiting there both me and chief wanted to know if ramsay was actually bluffing so i showed him a method of x-raying and a piston and now i can see all of underground we got some potions and we went back to the base okay oh he's down there he is down there he is he is yeah yeah no but i would have to go to like we'd have to be under the base to see what he's doing oh okay regardless i think we should honestly figure out if he's bluffing with that tnt or not that seems like a must now because that was a bold claim are you ready to drink another invest oh there he is there he is there he is he's going into the village [Music] okay i got it he's right there okay yeah we couldn't exactly search for the tnt because branzie was still hanging around that area but i did have an idea we only got two minutes we're gonna take the monorail like i built this place i know where the best place is to walk we just follow this rail up walking above the village like even if he's down there he's not going to see us oh keep going go go chief go he's at the stairs he's at the stairs sneaky sneak sneak sneak sneak he's right here sneak has occurred okay that man is just investigating okay back up back up back up back up back up he's right here hold on he's he's investigating hey do not move do not move he's gonna hear footsteps okay as soon as his back is turned we gotta make for up the monorail okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go no stop stop steve stop sneak sneak sneak sneak sneak has been held okay we are about to break the sneak okay go come on baby come on okay okay we should be safe now we should be safe i don't think he saw us we got to make the most of this dude he's left he's left spring left he left all the way down all the way are you where the goats are yes you see my pickaxe yep okay we're just we're just gonna bust through you through now i am oh go back go back he's here dude he's here he's here he's so cute he is right there oh my gosh dude i have 24 seconds left how much time do you have 32 okay are you next to me chief i'm i'm in the little wall burrow okay okay i'm bumping into you me too me too okay i'm just gonna throw a potion i gotta throw one don't do it yet okay okay okay take the blocks out of your hand dude i have five seconds i gotta go okay get go all right he flew go yup okay follow me follow me i've got five minutes five minutes okay okay go go go go go go go go go go go he was like right here that's where he was look for okay come here come here chief come in come in are you in oh okay so he had yep so this must be where he was hiding okay now we need to do some investigating see if you can find tnt agreed oh my gosh that was actually so close hold on i see a wire for real hold on wait yeah for real i have a redstone wire it's not connected to much right now it might have broke something but i have a redstone okay okay we need to follow the wire down he's he's sitting up there are you down the staircase all the way okay you are yep i made my way through okay i'm here oh he left he left left he left okay go go okay okay let's go go go where the heck dude oh oh there's one piece of tnt so he wasn't bluffing he wasn't rigged wait did you break this redstone uh yeah okay just in case place is back we don't want him to know that there might have been more like that could have just been like a small thing so does brands you know how redstone works there's no repeaters here this guy that's a good point oh my god we actually got played we got played i'll admit things weren't looking the best but we did stumble into something okay i want to check this chest as well though this isn't a trap chest oh my gosh he has literally chief this is the leverage we need oh my goodness this is all of his items here you know you know what we're gonna do we're just gonna move them like three blocks below okay okay oh my look at this chat he messed up man he messed up he all this extra gear so just take all of these shoulder boxes and put them in the chat you see it says branzie's move-in box ramsay's move out box yes we have leverage now but chief was a little bit nervous about losing all of his stuff to a trap so he asked me to put up my notch apple steve as collateral oh steve i i have steve and we just bang so now if chief lost all of his stuff to branzi he'd get steve as collateral which meant we had two things left to do one destroy every single one of ramsay's secret base i hope he doesn't hear this oh if he's here he's gonna hear it and two kill him and steal the d you see branzy made an arbitrary rule to own a base one must have the deed on them at all times so if we found and killed branzie we were guaranteed the base back okay all right i'll get my bow uh we should probably bring up some strength potions and brew up strength potions i did it took about a day but eventually we saw branzy perp [Music] i would i would annihilate both of you that's how i would go no no no no oh that was indeed he actually tried to fight us but i know it looked like i won but branzi actually gave the copper deed to somebody else i got the deed to his old base the copper house was still somewhere else are you happy with are you happy are you happy with your deed are you happy did you get your deed wreck did you get your deed huh huh who would you give the deed to hey yeah where's the pyramid where's the pyramid deed it's called the copper house deed actually that's that okay where's the copper house deed oh oh that d that deed um well you see that deed it's uh it's uh it's it's far it's far away that's where it is it's far away and someone else has it not me i don't have it anymore i don't all right then all right we need to do it we need to do a little bit of investigation hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on he had the platform base yeah is that link wait hold on a second do you think that's linked at all you don't think it's hidden at the platform base just because like did he swap him as like a weird switcheroo so we went back to the base to check on steve which remember was chief's collateral now right before we put steve in the shulker box i actually switched it out i wasn't gonna leave my notch apple sitting out in the open where branzy could steal it i had it in my under chest but chief got a little bit upset you traitor there's no golden steve in there of course there's not chief do you really think i would i would i i'm not going to leave it up to chance putting it in branzi's old base i thought we were i was trying to help well yeah but it's precautions chief that's what i was doing i know exactly all day yesterday double insurance double insurance yeah what's better than one insurance double i feel i feel betrayed it wasn't betrayal i still have steve and he's still insurance i just want to hold it man go ahead hold it thanks man it's it's kind of nice though yeah it is isn't it confused that was chief teleporting out with my notch apple remember that weird button we pressed that was cheap it turns out chief and branzy were teamed the whole time so when i set steve as collateral chief told branzie where it was but when he went to look for the shulker box i had swapped it and this is where it hurts chief called me a traitor and lied to my face to get this dang notch apple you know i would have given it to you if you just asked but this means warchief you better watch your back because next week it's going down
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 2,656,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap2, rekrap, rek, Echocraft, Boatclutch
Id: -u5Dzq83YOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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