Saving the Server that Deletes itself

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what if i told you that everything on this minecraft server will disappear in the next 24 hours and you have to save all of it well that's not far from the truth because every day this server updates backwards deleting everything from 119 then 118 until the server's gone and it's my job to save every single block from the server wide extinction so i made an enchanting table i need silk touch to even gather some of the blocks unfortunately for me it was level one we need bookshelves and asap the servers only open for four hours a day go to the stronghold speedrun the game get the books true do you guys want to do that to get the enchanting yeah let's go let's go let's go okay we're just so sketchy with six people on yeah and out of wood in i think we're good with the blaze rods we found the stronghold and finally made our enchanting set everything was going well except a group of players had followed us to the strong tnt blasts the players were out for blood do we just like hide and not like oh my god they're actually killing me now this was bad because pvp was turned off on the server yet they were still finding ways to kill so a group of three of us took the enchanted table and didn't stop running until we found a deep dark mind which only took you know two hours did i mention the server's only open for four hours a day i did manage to get silk touch though and we could check off all of the skulk blocks which meant we didn't even have to find an ancient city all we needed was a deep dark biome dunzo wait what do you mean there's a new music disc turns out we need to loot an ancient city to get the new music disc which is comprised of nine separate items all found and only found in the ancient city but it took another 30 minutes to find one hey okay so this is where it is right here oh this way yeah we're good we're good oh my god were great don't get me wrong but we were uncovering more ancient city and it didn't look like we were gonna get all nine shards if we don't find them here there's no way we were making it it took us two hours to find this one alone oh i got i got this shirt i got two more distractions okay four out of nine that's halfway wait that's did he get mad at you or is that me i think that's you oh crap i'm getting out i'm getting out i'm getting out this is the point i realized i was probably dead which is unfortunate because if i die three times oh this band off sir oh gosh we're running let's go i'm gonna start shooting at it i hear it but i don't see it oh my gosh they're everywhere run just run just leave to sleep against all odds we went back to the ancient city a few minutes later and got all nine sharks we got the disc i was checking things off the list left and right new music disc done recovery compass done unfortunately there was one glaring problem we had 20 minutes having dozens of items left we decided to split up fans would try to get the goat horn while i went to try and get the frog light everything else like the mangrove planks stairs slabs that's pretty easy these two items are by far the hardest fans started by blocking up the goat you see to get a goat horn you need a goat to ram its head into the wall but even with walls all around the goat isn't just gonna willy-nilly run into the wall you need to stand still for over a minute for the goat to be interested in ramming you and at the last second jump out of the way he'll hit his head on the wall and you'll get the goat horn i'm here right now i just got oh my god it almost just worked it just rammed into a sheet i was on the move though i needed frogs and the only place to get those are a mangrove forest but on the way there a question arose how do we get the tadpoles to get tadpoles you need to breed frogs which is good we're already heading to the frogs to get the frog lights however you need slime to breed the frogs guess who doesn't have any slime me so i asked the server in desperation bacon agreed to give me the slime so i could get the tap thank you thank you thank you bacon waffles yeah i got it i gotta go to horn let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh bacon i'm here i'm right here with less than 15 minutes we started to draw a crowd to our little vc what what's the last one pug light it's a frog and uh i have one you have one frog yeah you do no i would have kicked him from the call right then and there but i had a mission i needed to find a slime and asap i see slime slime oh my gosh slime follow me follow me follow me you guys got like 15 minutes the slimes are so slow i need that lead come on come on frog you like this come on here come the slime oh yeah here it comes oh oh oh wait wait we miscalculated bad you see i assumed you could get frog lights if a frog ate anything turns out they have to eat a magma slime which means we need to get the frogs to the nether dude where'd he go oh my gosh get down okay i'm coming to the basalt deltas where bacon waffles is i think it's this way speed bridging i [Music] we still gotta get the tadpole though thank goodness he said something because we did not have tadpoles in a bucket so quickly we read two of them for our last night no except i completely ruined it mojang this is directed at you why in the world do you not pick up tadpoles with a water bucket you're gonna wait for the tadpoles to hatch oh that's what i did wrong yeah yeah you have to wait for them to hatch and then how long will that take it has three minutes too it can take up to 10 minutes i think you can pick them up with a silk top soap touch i've still touched i've still touched i'm overweight look at it somebody can take them i was so touched it's unobtainable it's unobtainable really oh no bro one more minute we're pretty fine oh i still have to craft all the planks and stuff crap speed craft cause 20 seconds you guys got 20 seconds oh it's one [Music] you might think it's time to celebrate we got the last block and well we did the server shut down and that was it for 119 but then i got this message the chest bow i'd been using the minecraft wiki as reference to collect every single block and the chess boat was in a different category it's like an entity not a block but since it's technically still an item i had failed the challenge in desperation i say do you know if anyone besides the server admin has access that could theoretically turned on for two minutes you know theoretically fortunately for me he was in a call with the server owner right now there would be a small window for us to log on the server before it updated to the next version all i had to do was get the chest votes in return though i'd have to help them kill a warden i didn't even think we were going to join them for the warden hunting but apparently mid was like some of them couldn't make it on their team okay okay sweet well i've got i got the first boat and it'll actually be perfect because we need a dark oak boat chest i haven't seen a dark oak forest but there is dark oak in the deep dark so with them at the very end that'll be like perfect ready jungle boat okay there's acacia oh spruce bruce is down wait you have a birch boat oh wait really can i can i buy that birch boat off yeah yeah here i'll i'll trade you an oak boat and uh and a diamond there you go good sir with all but one of the chess boats collected we met up with the server owner to fight the war except she was only in iron armor like what's she doing welcome welcome to the deep dark come on in right this way i'm not ready the plan we had was pretty simple use a couple trapdoors to trap the warden then bow him down so who has the wood to build the trap ah are you certain does nobody here have wood uh let's just go down there and uh get some wood okay who's ready to fight warden yeah let's go yeah this is this a bad time to mention i've never fought a warden me too so um all i know is the traffic so it's fine so maybe build a trap right here because there's one like 30 blocks okay you guys ready to maybe die yeah i mean as long as it just doesn't find another way to go around uh we should be fine hello warden i'm literally standing on the streaker activate oh there's one okay oh yeah oh there he is there it is [Music] is he chasing me he's chasing me you're so close with the final chess boat crafted we had saved every single block from 119 although we still needed to escape alive horsey there's two one isn't it trap run run get to the surface go go go go go the stairs oh my god [Music]
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 4,105,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: nmbwQqH6JnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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