How I Trapped Minecraft's Untrappable Player

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this is a simple rule this is my friend breaking it and this is justice I'm just a huge fan of sports but I'm getting ahead of myself see my business partner just built this beautiful new wood shop where I've made several rules and rigged them to explode huh did I remember to tell him that wait tiger don't nah I probably deserve that but in order to entice the players to give in to their rebellious Tendencies I've rigged some of the traps to reward them for their bad behavior what could possibly go wrong but I still had one small problem bird on my shoulder no bird up this way come on no okay two small problems because my real target has become known as one of Minecraft's most untrappable players wreck rap and if we were gonna pull this off we needed some test subjects first [Music] welcome to B T's Tree Shop tour it's so cute where's this come from now before we start I should tell you it's very important that you obey all of the rules on the tour all right I've broken rule one you are gonna get what's coming to you all right uh hold on when all right wait one second hold on hey free what okay now continuing on our tour this although we do have the big cat this is actually our mascot if you will it's a pretty parrot and he's very nice except he's totally evil but only when you give him rocks don't don't listen don't listen to him don't you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no she went right before it she didn't even hesitate okay listen it's not fair that your team is choosing to trust you more than me and you know what they're right to trust me more than you you've killed all of them you've literally stabbed people in the back like 50 times I might never do it again it's a good thing I'm here or else we wouldn't have a business at all I mean how would people that's true so you're making a lot of good points now Mayu right up here is where we grow all of the trees for the entire tree farm now solely this is our customer service area exclusively for paying customers the incentive here is that buying logs is way faster than doing anything else right tiger what are you doing you know he can't go in he's not a customer yet you're gonna tackle this spruce tree okay oh oh okay so why not he's with us no you can't go in yet okay I will say go on the count of three are you ready [Applause] laughs oh brancy we're in trouble and he was right because six months ago I made a solemn vow I will get you wreck one day and although our traps were a success I knew they were no match for wreck rap so I made something special just for him see this is the final stop on our wood farm tour where wreck will find the simplest rule yet but the only thing that wreck hates more than Breaking rules is pulling extremely suspicious levers in that cautious nature is exactly what I'm counting on because as soon as I throw an item in this hidden Hopper it starts a redstone timer giving Rec 10 seconds to make his decision if he does pull the lever it breaks the Redstone circuit and stops the timer but if not tiger and I get teleported to safety well wreck well so for one final time ladies and gentlemen I present [Music] yeah tiger and myself have a small tree business called bnt's trees you were actually our spokesman at one point I do remember yeah action hi I'm wreck rap and I I I I need some help somebody help that's it come here come here come here come here hi I'm wreck rap and I love bees trees now open so as a spokesperson for B T's trees please come with us it's pretty great yeah but there is exciting all right now very exciting I know this is actually where the tour will begin ah okay here's the beginning okay I I didn't read the sign what's rule two be honest if you break rule one no no of course not I would never he's lying all right listen you little you little rule breaker you think it's cool to break the rules no no of course I'm a real follower it's pretty cool oh you went oh maybe it is cool to break the rules wow well you're the you might be this the spokesperson but this is the mascot right here this pretty little item doesn't do well when you give him rocks so just he says I don't know what you're doing great I mean I got rewarded last time for not doing what the rules said so maybe I should give him rocks do not do not at all no no no do not know damn oh this is beautiful where should we take him next should we should we show him the The Sawmill should we show them the storage house whatever he wants you've been three games yeah this is where I realized there were still two additional active traps in this area and if wreck found either one of them our plan was ruined but now all we could do was play it cool and hope so this is The Sawmill over here it's a great Sawmill it's probably my favorite Sawmill built by Tiger himself they're the sharpest saw blade don't touch them do not listen I know you're tempting fate it's a mavlopian tendency I've been rewarded come with me oh oh I see something what happened there and in typical wreck fashion he just found the Redstone to one of the traps there is only one thing left I could do to save this Mission lie and deny I like it slap it on a T-shirt oh I touched the song ways well it was supposed to give you logs but uh you kind of broke it I didn't touch the side I touched the Redstone yeah that's what I did yeah yeah yeah tiger could you get him some logs please uh piston sound there you go oh my gosh wow recorded and just like that our tour was back on but our trouble wasn't over yet this is where we keep all the storage for all the different woods and stuff we haven't have much inventory so this is the goat that tried to kill you a few months ago and I've been doing everything I can to just you know keep customers away from him but never more than in this moment because even a single broken block would expose our true intentions and this time we wouldn't be able to talk our way out of it okay all right all right I'll keep my distance keep your distance I beat on that goat all the time I just get in here and I smack him around because he killed me just smacked the goat around that's easy yeah you know what he deserves it does not deserve it he knocks me off a cliff okay he might have done that one time it's all right it's all right I got no beef with the goat somehow our trap went undetected and there was only one thing left to do the uh the head office yeah yeah the office where business is done right it's exciting lead the way here we go it is it's exciting to put hey come on yes all right rule 11. hold the lever don't do it you know you don't do it right don't do it don't pull it [Music] I'm not doing it don't worry [Music] all right GG did you pull the lever after months of failed attempts I had finally pulled off a wreck trap you know brandsy if somebody was going to kill me I would want it to be you oh that means so much to me it really does and after giving everyone a brand new set of gear I could think of only one way to celebrate to share a sandwich with an old friend oh my God ratcraft too what's up man you're gonna get a sandwich I'm ready if you want to see even more from this prank be sure to check out mad Tiger's video and if you enjoyed this video here's another I think you'll enjoy thanks for watching I think the worst part of this whole thing is to rebuild this now it's always the worst but yeah I am yesterday totally not helping oh come on you're the one who blew it up
Channel: Branzy
Views: 2,191,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: branzy, rekrap, rekrap2, branzycraft
Id: NFkphkSMJ8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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