These Porkchops Caused a Civil War

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someone is trying to steal my base we came up with a plan to trick wreck and steal his prized golden apple give me a good reason not to kill you right now they stole all of my stuff but an alliance i never saw coming was about to change everything and win this war i had just lost every block i had because of the secret base war things were escalating quickly and i honestly didn't know how far they were gonna go but now i didn't have any supplies to prepare or protect myself and i knew if i don't get them back it was game over my only option was to try to make peace with the very enemy who started this war so can i have my stuff back so i'm trying to think like do i even want my base back do i even want steve back if you don't want it back that's that's fine i mean i'm still finding new and secret areas inside the base this was true because remember when rec killed me after chief stole the apple when i spawned i got a little lost and came across this really strange secret area i had never seen before and apparently neither had wrecked what do you mean like one that i built yeah can you show me sure and you're not like leading me into a trap no no no no you didn't build this i didn't build this i'm not capable i don't have anything to build with you didn't build this you really didn't build this i did not build this so that left the question who did because remember if we don't know who built this secret area we can't evict them meaning they could use squatters rights to steal the base from both of us luckily rick and i are a pretty good team when we put our minds together and also maybe a little paranoid i don't think they did really redstone optimally ah no they didn't i'll tell you what branzi that just might be the key hold on hold on that's very interesting that they built their jeb door with a four tick delay and not a two-tick delay it's slower than normal follow me brandy follow me do you know why we're here why we're here uh it's the skills area i have no idea why we're here have you watched siv's latest video he has a secret door right here we i'm trapped you want to press the button okay okay if these timings are set to four i think civ has done it the timings are set to four here branzi dude you are the best you're the best you're the best detective on the server but that wasn't all the evidence we found cooked pork chop that's interesting that is interesting you know what i picked up when we were fighting when you killed me earlier and chief pork chops no cooked pork chops oh you actually did it's been staring me in the face the whole time housewarming gift love civ and chief sivan chief those two they've been working on the nether hub together and that was the birth of the most deadly alliance in this server's history rec and i now had a common goal to figure out who was really behind this new secret base let's call it base x for sure we didn't have many clues to go off of and we're quickly losing steam until rec had a great idea i might have some replay mods and since we had previously agreed that replay mod was fair game for the war we scoured through hours of footage that we had to try to catch the culprit in the app sadly though whoever was building this was smart or at least smart enough not to work on the base while we were on the server fortunately we did see that between two of my clips someone had made progress on building the base that meant that all we needed to do was figure out who was online in the 26 hour time gap between those two clips and wreck thought of just the way to do that contact lucid he has access to the logs file which loose had sent us just a few minutes later but it wasn't game set match just yet because we still needed to sift through hundreds of lines of logs not just to see who had been online but what they had been up to this gave us a list of suspects and since civ didn't even get on during that time he was no longer one of them and rec and i realized in order for any culprit to make a small amount of progress on base x they would need enough time to assumedly come over to my base work on what they were doing and get out before we were back on which we roughly estimated to take at least 30 minutes of time on the server that immediately eliminated iconic blue jay as she was only online for about 20 minutes and chief well although he was online he seemed to be distracted by learning how to trade with villagers and fighting a dragon not enough time to work on base x but rek and i were looking for someone not only with enough time but enough copper to build base x as well and one conversation stood out wow you really must be doing something big i do have a big project to get ready for and just a few minutes later anyone have copper for sale i don't have a lot unfortunately where are you bud secret project i have some copper for you so skills in mayu are both working on big and secret projects and tiger has enough copper that he can sell that meant we had three suspects remaining and just as rick and i were discussing our suspects this happened so so whose face is this fine good question it's my base here we go we're trying to decide what the what just happened i mean if that wasn't the most sus thing i've ever seen then i wouldn't be a very good detective was that mayu's way of admitting guilt and claiming the base or was she just throwing a wrench in the works to watch a squirm we needed hard evidence of the culprit in base x but how could we do it we had exhausted our replay mod footage and siphoned through every line in the server line it felt like we were so close to cracking this case but that there was no way to prove who did and since the culprit hadn't made any progress on base x in days we knew our window was probably closed to catch them in the act and then i couldn't believe it skills only logged on for a single minute but i caught him red-handed in base x and left an eviction notice so he couldn't steal the base from me and red the next day i went to meet up with my partner to tell him the good news but when i got there something strange had happened to the base i didn't know who had put these soldiers here or why had the squatter left them to kick me out of the base did a supporter leave them as an army to help me defend my property and if not had another party entered the chat to try to claim this base for themselves i had no answers but i did have this sudden realization that this space was now the most sought after commodity on the server and even if i managed to keep this base i couldn't defend it on my own when i met back up with wreck to tell him about skills and show him the invading army he finally revealed his plot to get revenge on chief for stealing steve i'm gonna bed trap his bed so that whenever he spawns a piston just pushes him into the void and then the cycle repeats and repeats so this is the only spot right here where they could spawn and they would sit here they get pushed over and underneath this block i've broken the void i was conflicted i mean i had just cleared chief's name from possibly betraying me and we had such a long history of cons together but i knew if i was going to have any part of this space by the end of the war i was going to need rex help so i agreed to help but i had one condition if i'm going to betray him i'm going to need some stuff and i mean a lot of stuff rick i need about 54 shulkers of stuff all of your stuff though because then i still i don't even really want steve a whole lot you know i'd rather have the deed to the base okay i'll tell you who has the deed okay [Music] be a fair trade then so reckon i built the trap well wreck built a trap and i kind of just got in the way a little it was time to put rex plan into action my job was simple get chief to set his spawn and get him out of the base so wreck could build the trap but while convincing him to set his spawn i accidentally actually set mine as well meaning that if rec traps both beds and betrays me to finally get the deed to his base back it would be game over again it was too late to go back now okay okay the main thing we needed to do was to build a stasis chamber that was like close by close quarters reconnaissance extraction pole right obviously that doesn't really work right right because apparently as you can see i'm not a great player i don't care don't do that why would yeah okay so we should have seen that coming [Music] this was it the moment of truth was wreck going to betray me and take the base back for my pleasant surprise it turns out that rex desire for revenge meant more than trapping me for the deed to his base i i seem to have caught you can you really catch a squid it's more of a farming thing but okay do you want us to say we're farming you right now would that mean that that would make me actually feel valued so i'd like to okay this is just a major gloating point for me right right i feel much better now the trauma that you caused me chief it feels good to return the favor [Music] so unless you have anything else to say brandy i vote we let him out and in all the excitement i almost forgot about my stolen stuff the chest should have been here right so then we just need to dig this way and then this way it's just around here somewhere just start digging i'm good we were like wait we were way off yeah here's all your stuff but now who does have my paper that my friend would be z l really uh well i'm gonna unpack my stuff where are you gonna put it is the question you have as much right to the space as i do at the moment that's true that's like that's a good point all this betrayal and mind games it was first it was for the sleepover i didn't get invited i wanted to i was back on top i had my stuff i had a beautiful base and i had all of my friends back everyone was happy and at peace if i wanted to end my episode with getting the deed should i just like steal it from zl like right now okay well apparently i underestimated rex bloodlust and he'll probably kill me too for lying to him so the l you're devious i love that i love that too i have the ink to the copper house and a roommate and a roommate and a friend this sounds like a cheesy end to a video
Channel: Branzy
Views: 1,183,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rek, rekrap2, rekrap, branzy, secret base, minecraft server, minecraft skin, gaming, gaming addiction, gaming reddit, discord server
Id: Wqr49ysZ-_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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