You can Steal Permanent Hearts on this Server

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i killed clown pierce something i've tried to do for three months and it felt great right up until the point where my team portrayed me when i died rose stole my heart permanently but i gained one after killing clown which was good because if you lose all of your hearts you're banned from the server unfortunately they found me and started hunting oh i'm not making friends today guys it was it was worth it though you know [Music] weapons of a god yeah so i guess that whole not dying storylines going out the window with the coast clear i found myself a team who wouldn't betray me and geared up with an eight-second montage oh [Music] until i got ambushed in a cave no no it's clown it's clown it's clown as much as i tried to stop him with lava and cobwebs in the cave they got to me and i was down to nine hearts thankfully i had a bit of food saved in a barrel but then parrot wanted to talk turns out i wasn't the only one he wanted to betray what's up hey what's up parrot i'm on clown's side but i think it would be nice for him to die it'll just like ease tensions on the server i i have some of your gear if you want it back but the way you're gonna kill him we're about to head to the nether right yeah um you can bed we met up with spawn and he gave me my gear but you have no idea the inner struggle i was going through he came to me with no food and gave me armor it would have been so easy to kill him but i didn't here's where things get complicated though as we are building the portal to go to the nether and kill clown peers my team showed up and i remembered hey i didn't tell anybody on my team where i was going do you know sus that would be if your team left the call didn't tell you anything and then you see him with the enemy at this point i was properly freaking out did i just betray my team i don't know but thankfully crouching exists the universal sign of peace and we were all good i sent terrain a whisper of what i was actually doing and we continued with the plan do you have the point you have the point uh yeah i'm just i'm just messaging terrain yeah here's your you're fine my team betrayed me yeah they jumped us run wreck run oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh they have cobwebs just split up split up the best way to do this [Music] this is on me he has full diamond enchanted i'm so sorry on me oh my gosh should i call should i call clown for backup i i don't i i don't know we should have just ran when we had the chance oh they got a boat i am they got a boat oh yikes okay do i take ash yeah you can fight ash you can fight ash if you kill ash right now then you are up you are actually good at axe pvp dude oh yikes it's lagging it's lagging so hard is it yeah oh my gosh yeah it's chasing me it's a 2v1 yikes i'm going to die that's brandy okay i think i can say fantastic there's phantoms i can take these guys i'm sorry ramsay you're going down you are dead you are so dead branzie i think if i can find a way to tunnel underground i'm good yeah i can lose him in this forest easily wait do i want to risk turning on the replay mod um oh my gosh dude really yeah oh my gosh okay i'm going for ash i'm going do it do it wreck do it right you got this i've just turned on my own team parrot it's fine dude why did they why did they jump on it i i don't know i think i lost subs i think i just lost subs yeah i'm good dude i just lost subs i think i can still take them i got absorbed no no suppose is coming back subs is coming back stop this yeah um if you want do you want me do you want oh my gosh yeah subs is gone i lost him let's go dude oh my gosh do you want me to come help you do you want me to come help oh yeah that's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay quick recap i joined parrot to kill clown pierce they betrayed me i joined another team and accidentally betrayed them just killed branzie and now have no gear stupidly i decided to recover my gear while there were three people in boats patrolling if you s do you want me to call and clown rowan spoke i don't i don't know dude i'm not bad at i'm not bad at axe pvp i'm just if i don't have cobwebs i suck oh yikes may picks right here oh my gosh dude are you dead no but they're right here are they gonna try to kill you i i don't know there's like there's so many of them oh my gosh no shot no shot thankfully i recovered my gear but the discomfort didn't end there because i just joined a call with clown parrot and row but this time as teammates gentlemen are they still on you no but i just like turned on my own team and i i don't know what to do it was probably the right move though because after a quick skirmish bam i got all my gear back and a new diamond chest plate still down a heart me and rose saw a player all alone and decided to go for it we didn't know it at the time but this would turn into the biggest fight yet oh do we take him should we two be one oh yeah yeah let's go let's go uh row i think he's getting back up i kind of want to get this heart though let's just let's just push don let's just push down i'm dead i'm sorry i am so dead dude there are five kids on me and i really like you oh my gosh a fish messed me up messed up by a fish oh oh wait ramsay's here kill him guys maybe he has been chasing me right now train okay get him get him get him wait who who's behind me with the sword oh spoke it's it's it's oh my gosh [Music] he's low you can take him no but the entire team's behind them including me is it though they have too many yeah yeah all of them are there and we can you can't win you can't win oh my god one thing you need to be careful for is matrix power yeah oh my gosh one shot me with that that was insane he almost won me oh my gosh get away i'm at 10 hearts i'm i'm satisfied wait you killed someone you could kill i killed branson again i feel so bad who's this [Music] oh no the rest of them are here just run just run what are your cool cards how big is that team bro it's enormous it's like everyone except us okay go go go yeah yeah i'm heading back to mainland okay i'm moving back to spawn let's see if we can get some stragglers at spawn clowns got i'm taking them away from spawn no dude dude chased me for a thousand blocks really left me yeah it was bad they've been chasing me for over a thousand bucks at this point i made it to like 700 i'm at 300 right now i'm coming back all the way there so after the huge fight everyone escaped except for clown pierce which meant there were like seven people chasing down clown and it was our job to make a portal before he got there so he could escape into the nether but clown was running dangerously low on food and boy was it getting close i found a i'm going to create a portal we're going through and then we're going to bed bomb that does anybody have like flint and steel or something i'm coming i no but i have iron i have two wool i can make flint and steel with wood we are i have i have i have a bunch of beds set up i have four beds okay dude this needs to light like right now this needs to light are they here no no not yet no yeah i'm at minus 200. are they still chasing you yeah yeah they're all the zombies on me they're hard chasing me bro they want me dead cycle be dead cycle okay over here right right right look up look up look up the mountain okay okay okay okay right here this is the point you do not have any stuff no who is flint who is flame give me the flint right now nobody has explained nobody has flint where's the gravel do we have iron oh i have an iron yes we gotta get it clown is coming here we gotta be ready when climb gets here i'm nearly there i'm here oh god go go go go go for a little longer yeah can do you think it's good it's good okay i'm heading go go go go go everyone go in oh god where's clunk okay i'm waiting for clown i'm gonna show them where the portal is and then we are booking anyone to meet me yeah yes yes the entrance of the porch [Music] they probably won't come through i think we might be trapped in this i think they know i think they know they're probably they're probably just trapping this portal there's no way we can yeah we don't we don't have to take this portal i think we just need to thrive in the nether for a little bit god that was so close everybody stay not available [Music] what i think they're doing is that they're camping the other side i think they are too i think we just need to move on do you think we should start rating bastions i think they should go forward there's a different portal we can go through we're supporting a different portal no no let's stay in the nether let's say the netherlands yeah i think that might be a good idea um i think to give us time we should we should throw some blocks in to make it seem like we're still here all right oh that's smart that's smart all right let's go here wait let's erade real quick that's what e-ray oh and oh yeah yeah no bastions high systems sebastian's all right let's start heading into directions more like radar too yeah here this way this way this way don't don't use blocks right now we don't want them to know where we're going yeah exactly yeah don't don't leave any trace of our existence dude that that was so sick that was insane oh my gosh dude i'm not going down there yeah oh don't break it dang it okay oh you got cobwebs yeah just don't miss this oh nice dude i just have my beds ready bro if they roll up if anybody needs to enchant stuff even like basic iron armor i still have a table and okay yeah that would be good okay i can i can change some things here if you have uh give some lapis for me honestly i got actually got projectile protection not a bad idea right now oh i see where you guys went don't we want regular protection right that's what we should be yeah you would you would but like also they have a power 5 bow yeah that's true i can place cobwebs down imagine that was like the one another that like what happened because oh yeah yeah i have not i have nine gold well i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm so sorry everybody no no eat eat i'm at three i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i have water does anybody have a cauldron i don't have iron no no no no i have one oh my god wait give me keep away [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh are you at half one heart oh my god oh my god dude i'm never doing that again okay i feel like i was i i just forgot like if we let you die there you would have lost a heart yeah i know that's why i was uh oh we should have killed you if something like that happens again yeah i would if i got down to like half a heart i just would have said if we were right and all we should do you know what we should do we should head to spawn and make a secret base yeah i think so oh guys i actually have a really fire secret base entrance that's perfect where the heck are we what are the chances of this wait wait don't tell me what are the chances of this what [Music] you
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 3,132,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal season 3, Minecraft
Id: I2ne5CZsgOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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