I started a lawnmowing business that ruins gardens

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hey there friends today we're cutting grass all right here we are these weird simulator games will never end there must be a huge market for this company name well we're taking care of lawns so i guess we smokers because we're you know smoking those weeds we're getting rid of them company loco i guess this one will do enter player name man we don't really care about our employees god what the hell is going on with that face okay i'm going with that one of course anytime i have to say what the hell is going on then i'm just going with that option this is the worst uniform ever made i'll go for cheap and cheerful on the lawnmower please yeah i'll take that for a test drive please oh why do they have such weird controls in these games hold zed to start the engine like why there we go that looks pretty good so far i like this one i think i'm happy to take it i'm making crop circles here and i'm overloading the engine but i'll take it that's mine i'm just glad the car isn't there y'all got my lawnmower and i'm ready to go to front garden at old new cottage i love gaming ground check phase what'll happen if i don't check the ground that's kind of their fault yeah i can go over that i'm pretty sure i'm sure my new lawnmower can handle that oh lovely car fancy what do you think you're better than me or something you can end the contract early by returning to your trailer okay i think i've done a good job yes exit contract i came by smashed into their car a few times and left and now i'm sending him the bill they charged me 10 pounds for hitting the car and three pounds repair costs for my lawnmower i think i did a lot more damage than you know 13 pounds total but i'm happy that's all i have to pay not to worry men has another contract help me please i hate cutting grass i have hay fever please somebody they don't care about me do they skip check we'll be fine the dog's not in the house so keep an eye out in case he's hiding the grass somewhere it's now a good time to mention that man is deaf and blind sorry all right i didn't like those flowers anyway i'm backing up over them again just to make sure i get them i really don't like them you're cutting at the wrong height what height do they want seven no still wrong eight nine is this okay you wanted nine what's the point even me coming in here to cut it nine centimeters oh wait no they don't want nine anymore they changed their minds well i'm not going back over it what do you want okay they wanted four centimeters yeah i was just guessing until they gave me the thumbs up hate those plants wait i'm cutting at the wrong height again what do you want from me okay can i see like the job like what you want me to do because i wasn't paying attention and that's still your fault the thing is i'm just continuing to drive around and adjusting it and every now and again a warning comes up that i'm cutting at the wrong height so i'm just changing it as i'm going i can see the little loop there where i went down to destroy the flowers look at that three different heights it's all the rage in europe okay your neighbors will think you're fancy i'm guessing up the top right on that progress pad the red is where i was doing it at the wrong highs for a little bit longer than i should have been sometimes i don't really get these games because i like playing them because i get to enjoy them and play them weirdly and make videos that's really fun but i can't really imagine going huh someone's got to cut the grass and then logging on and playing this for two hours just cutting grass meanwhile my yard outside looks like a disaster oh this section is done shortcut straight on through oh jesus i hope that didn't damage my lawn more sorry he's destroyed a flower i didn't see the other warning i don't know why they're giving it to me now oh there's fine incurred okay well that's fine by me i'm on the roundabout okay they shouldn't put plants on the roundabout there's a lot of patchiness here i could just say it's popular in europe as i was saying earlier like that excuse just works all the time they'll think it's trendy wait ground damage you've managed to damage the ground destroy some of the grass what by turning your vehicle a full lock for extended periods of time not perfect say like i don't see how that's my fault if anything that's a manufacturing defect on the lawnmower okay it may have been a little bit my fault looking at the little route i took oh i can't even mount the curb i wanted to go through the gazebo what's the point even having a gazebo you can't ride your lawnmower through it okay through no fault of my own this has become really inefficient like the route is a little bit janky so i'm just going to finish up here i hope you like your grass i'll get as much done as i can as i come through the final stretch there you go that's not bad okay and this little section and we're done man you did a good job exit contract look at that it's beautiful oh jesus no don't show it no don't give me more angles i got 95 pounds honestly probably more than i should have gotten the final amount i got was actually less than the amount of damage just on flowers alone ground damage 1p okay that's just an insult why even bother adding it to the bill upgrade insufficient funds i wonder why somehow they got a recommendation for me yeah i'll go sort your grass okay what cutting height six centimeters all right i'm ready change cutting blades 50 pounds maybe if i stopped locking the wheel cutting the grass too short and driving into gazebos that wouldn't happen i suppose but i still don't feel like it's my fault fill the fuel 88 p now that's more like it yeah skip the ground check we've been fine so far we're ready to go all right adjust it to six centimeters and let's get cutting ah jesus you have loads back here that wasn't in the initial picture i don't know affect this and that should do it so we got an f u k y o u i didn't have room for the c unfortunately but i think that'll do that's a job well done back it up they're like oh wow they're done already they're good at what they do and then they look out their garden and see the insults it's destroyed oh that angle looks like i just ran a muck but no that was method to my madness like i was specifically insulting you i love these views because it's like i'd like a before and after they're the exact same i don't know what you're trying to show me or is this like video footage for a complaint i don't know they took money from me why oh vehicle maintenance i forgot the blades but other than that i would have got paid i got 27 pounds for the job i just had to get new blades but look at this way i didn't have much use of the blades that time so they'll hold up for another good amount of time it's all this is silver lining can i like buy another lawnmower like i want something like this yeah i don't have a huge thing that i can just fly in there get it done in two seconds lawn simulator money cheat i don't think this is gonna bring up anything okay i think i found something that might actually work like a cheat engine because the thing is i'm not cutting grass for money i'm doing it for passion i just love grass oh no actually i love cotton grass i hate grass okay i took out a small loan of 9 million pounds for weed smokers the bank was very impressed with my business idea i i may have lied and told them i was in stocks but i'm actually i'm just a fan of grass cutting i think i'll buy this massive office building yeah go for that for a guy who's caught three lawns and not very well he's getting this he's smoking something anyway if he thinks that's a good idea okay good i can buy everything it's not locked or anything okay buy this one yeah that's a great idea the dream begins i think this is where the nightmare begins this can go 24 kilometers an hour my other thing could do eight all right confirm new contract let's go they're gonna be so impressed look at that open grass i'm gonna get this done look at this machine this is an absolute animal skip check yeah this thing will grind up anything even if there's a child out in that grass we can just go right through it'll be nothing more than a speed bump let's get going oh my god it's fast i assume they want like six centimeters again i don't know oh jesus christ i'm drifting oh my god okay wait i don't think i'm even cutting hold on i don't have it engaged okay here we go you're cutting at the wrong height god damn it motor overload you're driving too fast ain't cutting too much grass at once okay i finally found the right height i've just been going around in circles trying to figure it out look at the speed of this now this is a profitable business well no actually because i took out a 9 million pound loan but this is an efficient business well no because i'm going around in circles and missing loads of patches but this is a business oh wait i can check the cotton here okay well it's too late for that now it looks like i've done way more than 69 but i'm just gonna stop there because i feel like i've done enough and when i tell him i cut 69 of his grass he'll go nice and then i'll get a tip oh look at that it's beautiful in reality there would be mud everywhere at the speed i was going look at that i got 400 pounds out of this like that's not bad positive word of mouth great i'm getting recommended to people oh no this is like a proper garden this is going to be really intricate and i'm hearing my massive machine trying to drift around corners oh man i i have a good time that's what's important oh god the fuel i need that refilled and the blades need replacing after one job but look this machine will pay for itself in no time all right here we go i'm gonna speed run the garden oh god oh no oh i didn't see this coming who could have seen this coming bringing an industrial machine to cut a simple lawn oh wait what do you want caught now 550 to 650 all right i can do this i'm sure this machine can get there somewhere yeah there we go and i'm gonna do a proper job i'm gonna speed run it it's uh 35 seconds now let's go and i'm gonna do a full loop around and make sure i get nice and tight in here by the flowers but not destroy anything oh i may be in over my head oh no that's a lot of flowers it's very drifty okay i'm not dumb toretto or torino or whatever the hell his name is you know the fast and furious fella the bald one oh oh okay oh no all right i'm a bit worried about this job to be honest it's very bendy it keeps giving me a warning that i've left grass clippings but like that's just the machine it doesn't have a bucket or a mulching blade i guess so they're just gonna have to deal with that yeah i'm definitely doing this job fast and not right i'm just trying to get big lumps of grass together drifting on through the garden can we petition to have man as the next mario kart character because he looks like he really fits the bill with those drifts around the corner 69 complete raise those blades we're done here all right so that was a three minute job just racing back to the trailer oops sorry i think i hit a cat or something ah nature's speed bumps anyway we're off onto the trailer now let's exit and see our lovely work look at that that's gorgeous i got 300 pounds for a three-minute job i'm getting paid 100 pounds a minute this is such a good business i'm putting some money into marketing in fact a lot of money into marketing because at this rate i'll be out of jobs with how fast i'm doing them i'm going to buy this too that can actually collect the grass i don't think i'll use it because i like the other one too much but it's still nice to have oh this is like a go-cart i'm buying that just to use around the house like not to cut grass just for fun do you think i should hire more employees like i have so much money but yeah i insist on doing them myself again i suppose i'm in it for the love of grass cutting rather than the money oh there's definitely something in the lawn there that looks like an at mine but my lawnmower can take it i'm sure of it okay this job i'm gonna get a hundred percent done and i'm not gonna do anything wrong oh no oh that was close jesus i almost failed my own challenge immediately okay that flower doesn't count that one was ugly anyway that one specifically i did them a favor that one was a weed and we wouldn't be called weed smokers if we didn't smoke those weeds i feel like you should have a streamer or something i have to go so close to these flowers to try and get those little bits of grass all right the front yard is done it's just speeding into the backyard no oh no that one was ugly too actually oh for fixing all right you know what screw the flowers but i am going to cut every blade of grass there is in here yeah definitely screw the flowers i i just don't like them all right all right i just took out a full-on shrub but i'm getting the edges done so i can just speed through the rest all right all the awkward parts are done now it's time for the speed run of getting the main section done this part's actually fun it's just driving back and forth demolishing grass look at that i'm getting so good at this if only i could get an actual career in virtual grass cutting just you know i couldn't because of my virtual allergies did i get it all yes contract complete i got every single blade of grass epic and now just driving straight on up there jesus christ i'm glad i got off because i think i was gonna ramp the fence look at that beautiful lawn ignore the weeds there that are missing and they are weeds and that shrub was just like a big weed very very big weed 420 centimeters tall what do you mean 87 pound fee for the flowers they were ugly and 9 pound collision fee when did i even hit anything all right you know affect this i'm being undervalued someone wants to beat my apprentice reject you cannot learn what i know it's all through experience and genetics ah that's much better taking out my anger by just destroying this person's garden i'm cutting it to two and a half centimeters and because of that i'm just digging up the garden sorry well not really this is helping my anger management quite a lot look at it it's destroyed they're gonna see me hitting into everything and they're like honey i think men is playing bumper cars in the garden i think i'm stuck i was backing over their lilies and i got stuck help oh this is the family i screwed over in the beginning by hitting their car so at least they're used to me playing bumper cars i suppose i think it's stuck in the ground oh there we go i don't think this is supposed to be able to happen in this game they're still trying to steer like yeah i'm sure i can get out of this they're looking around for help now help me somebody why is no one coming to help me yeah i think i'm uh i think i'm stuck so you know what now might be a good time to end it you can end the contract early by returning to your trailer no i can't i really can't return to my trailer well lawnmower simulator i just gave you a reason to introduce dismounting and flipping your vehicle so there you go there's a dlc update for you and that's free of charge so i will end it there not that i have a choice i kind of have to and i was really fun i hope you enjoyed it if you're new consider subscribing and if you've allergies don't worry i normally don't do grass cutting content i know you're surprised i seem like such an expert but thank you all for watching really appreciate it and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 550,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, lawn mower simulator gameplay, lawn mower simulator, lawn mower sim, lawn mower sim funny moments, lawn mower sim funny
Id: oVUk18Jw3LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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