I recreated humans in spore and they are extremely cursed

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin today we're going to be playing some sport where we're going to recreate humanity because clearly something went wrong along the way so i'm going to jump straight to the creatures stage and i am going to make humanity a million times better than we actually are we're going to be carnivores by the way enough of this an apple a day keeps the doctor away and my book going to the doctor is a good thing right what looks like human legs this one for sure and it looks pretty much exactly like mine plus it's called thunder calf which really reminds me of my legs that also reminds me of my legs just way too long i'm trying to fix your posture dude come on stop standing so funky no that's not how knees bend how can i make them bend forwards instead and now how do i make him more human-like because right now he's just a baked bean on legs can we make it so you don't start off with scoliosis that's gonna be hard to evolve out of there we go that's not a bad posture unfortunately i can't really afford like a head yet so we might have to make do with eyes just being on the top of the torso oh wait here we go big brain i cannot seem to reverse what i've just done okay humans are very smart right from the get-go i can't give you any other mouth i'm sorry so far so good i don't think i can give him arms yet no those aren't arms they're just extra legs get off of him oh no no no no no no oh i just ruined him his big brain is gone no i don't want him having big eyes oh there was an undo button and i was just thinking to myself why don't they have an undo button hope i didn't go too far yes there we go i forgot how ugly you looked maybe i should have left it like that all right let's give you a paint job oh no that looks like some sort of skin disease oh jesus that looks like me after i got hit by the car no what did i just do oh no no no no he i get rid of the disease stop nodding why do you like that it looks like he kind of has hair on this one i might leave that one on name your creature human description a mistake oh i didn't like that all right save and exit we gotta unlock some parts such as arms and clothing name your planet earth and that might be taken uh earth too oh jesus look that one's too stupid to even walk around that thing oh they're all getting stuck oh jesus we failed before we even started to evolve you will need to meet the other species on this planet and earn dna all right let's get started wait is this one me all right yeah i walk like a human this is about as close as we could have got i'm liking that our species exclusively has the bowl cut come on i gotta eat something i need arms how else am i gonna do my taxes and like other human adult stuff what's this you've met a new species well congratulations new species you just met humanity which immediately starts eating him yes sorry buddy humanity has a way of [ __ ] everything up i will eat you now here's uh humans eating by the way it's like if humanity went extinct and aliens were trying to figure out what we were like and they came up with this ah no eggs to eat god damn it i'll go meet the other neighbors i discovered a new foot i could upgrade to that it would be one toe closer let me do a mating call yeah i've seen humans doing that out at the club oh hi you no that wasn't a mating call for you that was a feeding call for you should we name the human like we can't just call him human i'm gonna call him chad oh my god they're so scary i think that one's doing a bit of a mating dance hey baby the name's chad why do you turn that way towards him like you're twerking or something they've already evolved to the point of twerking and you could argue that's going the wrong way can those freaky kids stop watching their eyes are bulging oh wait chad just laid an egg what the hell is a stumple stilt many options here we have hands already in here these are like full-on arms or sorry graspers they cost 50 how much do i have where's my like spending currency here is it this ah down here 14. oh my god i need a lot to get me some graspers a more realistic mouth there as well would be nice okay i gotta get a lot of points what do these eyes look like oh they're more human-like eyes let's get some new eyes for our creature i'll sell your eyes hold on hold on stop calm down you'll be fine i might have made a mistake this is terrifying he looks so much more angry now i like how it's this test drive no i think i'm happy enough with that let's go oh jesus yeah they are more scary well now i play as little chad jr and big chad is teaching me how to charm oh now i'm a fully evolved chad hey what's up i'm chad junior but you can call me cj i think i've made a friend yeah i'm pretty sure i did anyway i'm gonna eat you now chad's hunger is never fulfilled i must consume how terrifying must this be oh you haven't evolved to swim yet have you well me neither actually sorry i won't be too hard on you okay murdering gets a lot of evolution points so that's good to know like i already have 60 i'm gonna have arms soon oh he's vomiting you see apples are bad for you the food pyramid was wrong and modern advice is wrong too stop eating fruit i found more eyes they might look better again more eyes again i think the game really wants me to change the eyes and i can't say that they're wrong and there's a pretty human-looking mouth all right let's go kill some more thing oh wait oh no they're bigger and stronger than me i'm not that much of a chad oh that's more like it come here no come back i want to make you totally extinct what the hell kind of a name is a pit flunk you don't deserve to live oh sweet jesus that thing coming from me hey back off i'm humans i'm top of the food chain go away oh jesus he's faster than me oh no no no no no defend me oh jesus he has no interest in anything else they're not a big enough snack for him just eat fruit buddy it's good for you i'm back home everyone i've been at a chad all day honestly no one's even scared me stop doing that weird twerking thing and stop whatever that is too that's even worse i'm coming back in the dead of night to attack the pit flunks chad hungers pitbunks i wonder could i make them go extinct if i just continue to consume them oh god what is this oh no what is happening what he developed the brain oh okay his brain grew three times its size very traumatic he's in constant pain now i think they're extinct now they seem to be just gone oh yeah there's a little x on the map i'm pretty sure they're extinct serves you right pitflunks come back i want to make you extinct too we haven't evolved to the point of twitter yet so you can't cancel me there we go more eyes i am delighted speaking of body parts i think i'm gonna go home and evolve some more i want arms oh no one just got born we're just getting an upgrade man go off there into the sea and drown you are no longer needed all right what do we want slack wrist that might look good oh yeah look at how human that looks or it could be some cool hair that also looks pretty human-like no you know what let's put it down as arms oh these kind of look like shoes i could put those on oh my god no it looks like he's goat legs or something hold on ah no no no what has happened oh no he's got a bit of a beer belly i guess it kind of works i don't know it looks like they're all permanently pregnant now but i guess we'll roll with that it kind of looks like a human i got to get you a new mouth oh you look angry but you can't complain because i took your mouth away jesus christ that one is scary oh my god this is even worse it's like something out of mad max sadly though like this one just makes you look like a duck i think i might actually have to go with one of those that means we can get rid of the nose and just get this one it incorporates both i think wow look at that humanity honestly it looks like i'm just looking at my face cam right now the evil digit is it called that because you're just stuck sticking up your middle finger all the time oh they look like hands oh that's kind of scary actually well the whole thing is terrifying what am i talking about but it's just getting like a little bit closer to a human shape and it's very scary i could just make them all basketball players but no we'll bring it to about there oh no no no no we won't what have i done how did i do this to you and just mess you up so much okay there you go you're a little bit spaghetti armed but that's not too bad no oh no don't do that whatever the hell that was didn't realize you had so much chin flab oh there we go now it looks like he has like a shirt and pants on that's really scary all right we're done for now he looks happy i think i don't know if he does smiling oh man oh no oh they get born fully clothed and everything all right we had chad and chad junior and this one is cletus learn to pose cletus whoa that's nice oh he's teaching me a new attack strike oh yeah i forgot we've arms now that's quite the step in evolution i see their social abilities haven't developed at all though these two are just standing staring this one's staring into the back of the head of the other one oh we learned to charge to okay i'm ready to charge straight into another creature and make it go extinct the russian queen yeah that's a good dance to teach me thank you papa i'll be off now oh no oh no i think his legs might be too close together or he just doesn't have the ability to bend them yeah they're going 90. hello little one i would like to be your friend why are you running come back i just bathed at them all right he trusts me now's the perfect time to strike smack there you go another one down oh my god what if i made jesus three species around me are extinct i'm beginning to think i'm the problem but no that can't be it surely the alpha all right go straight to the alpha oh oh god they're all hostile hold on back up back up cletus how strong are they level eight what level am i or no that's just their health i have 17. i can do this uh i might go get chad first though can you get out of my face have you learned nothing from social distancing yeah that's great that's a great dance yeah thank you i'm trying to talk to this one because i want him to come with me i think i made a friend i i don't know they don't have social norms yet so i don't know if they're happy or not okay yes we're in a pack now oh okay i've pissed him off i assume my guy has somehow become socially awkward which is bizarre given that we haven't really evolved that much but he's a quick learner all right yeah chad these are the problem right here attack oh my god he has no fear yeah i see first thing to do is to cam them down by doing a little dance yep here we go and then you [ __ ] punch them just sucker punch just like that chad there we go slaughtering them this is great there we go another creature ruined yummy oh it's even weirder when he reaches down and grabs a chunk to eat just two the alpha males out here for a bite to eat oh god i don't know for alpha males compared to them though look how muscly they look [Music] oh my god the speed off and when he wants to go fast oh and here comes player three just charging straight in all right are we gonna take out our fans i think it's about time we do jesus christ you're possibly more evolved than me you look more normal anyway yeah i think you've evolved to the point of like intelligence because everyone was intelligent enough to not join in that fight they just watched him die why are we still here i love that little cheery music that signifies i have made another species go extinct humanity really is the problem we're the evil ones imagine being a little tribe just hanging out by the fire and you see this little face peek over their hill the alpha is kind of weak this might be a good opportunity to attack because they're quite strong i oh sweet jesus they're aggressive though uh chad be careful dude be careful okay good oh jesus i don't know what's happened but i've gotten some sort of a buff oh big brain time now i have brain and brawn your pack now has room for two well i'm pretty sure it's gonna be a pack of one in a second are they [ __ ] transformers what was that we'll be back with more chance fellow chads we must mate immediately and evolve more to take on our neighbors cha cha cha to the left cha cha get some every time okay we just heated away that egg he's like i were evolving we don't need any more like us all right let's get rid of the pregnancy belly because it's making us hormonal yeah give him an ass that's perfect oh jesus where did the ass go christ almighty do those look like muscles no probably not get rid of him there we go i gave him a little feather because he's getting a bit too lifelike now it's a little bit scary and you have one on the other side too there you go you're looking great and there's some ears for you very scary oh he's shocked he's heard music for the first time you can make a youtube video out of that buddy people like that get tons of views okay i just realized they don't really need this because you're actually wearing pants technically i might take your leaf off oh he's sad that he lost his leaf i'm gonna give you some 3d hair instead well i set out to fix humanity and i think i'm doing a really good job so far he's even got highlights in he's angry about it though all right we are very muscly now though i'm ready to go kill off that other species oh my god the music and everything oh no what are you doing i thought that was him making the trumpet noise for a second wait where are you going why what does this mean why are you waving to each other all right i guess they're going off to find their own tribe now i got to take care of the kids how very fair you know i think they'd have a very good camouflage if they dug a hole and their top of their head was just poking out because their hair just looks like weeds and the scalp looks like dirt your species is migrating to a new nest follow them up to claim it okay well before that we got to finish off the neighbors all right i got another one in the pack come on follow me that's the fact that it was chasing me earlier i eat you now yeah be careful who you pick on in high school wait these are just apes all right we're gonna get rid of you early the alpha ape is [ __ ] running absolute massacre everything in my neighborhood will be dead after i deal with the apes this one's just ascending i haven't even i haven't even killed that one it's just decided you know what no i'm done i must go now i must return to my home planet planet of the apes if you will all right get them my pretties i'm gonna eat this one me hungry i think everything is panicking now they've realized the new neighbors are in town oh oh wait hold on no it's not me it's a mass extinction event there's like meteors dropping i think god is angry at what i'm doing here here we are we made it to the new nest wow look at that you love to see it i've definitely completed my mission at making a better human fireworks and everything jeez he picked an angry neighborhood everything around here wants to attack us chad's just like i am in danger we're getting surrounded oh no he's high on something he doesn't even notice oh we're singing to each other oh and is that is that a pose i think that is a pose whoa the whole squad's out here wait you didn't like my dance well then i guess it's war jesus christ all the chads are gathering around them see this is what makes us different we stick together your youngling is just running away i'll eat you now oh no wait they're doing a mating ritual over the dead carcass of their new neighbor okay whatever gets you gone you know what i might end the videos of this lovely mating ritual i hope you enjoyed let me know if you want to see more though because i would be open to playing this again it's super super fun if you're new be sure to subscribe would love to have you along for the ride i post every single day thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,109,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, spore creature, spore gameplay, spore ep 1, spore creations, spore funny, spore funny moments, spore human, spore humans, spore humanity, spore callmekevin, spore human evolution, spore human playthrough, spore human evolution part 1, spore humanoid
Id: hZsT4thqtjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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