Garden Flipper but I am a horrible gardener

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hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing garden flipper the dlc to house flipper because i did so well last time who cares if there's dirt i'll just paint over it we're continuing on with our same save file even though i'm not sure why looking at the place i don't know why anyone would take this guy's advice like it's like going to a graphic designer whose advertisement is just graphic designer written in comic sans a bit of gravel and a couple of bushes i can take care of that for you hello i worked at home in my dentist office i can deal with all i don't really care if you can deal with teeth cavities or not no bother i'll take care of that for her no problem at all really i have to individually pick the weeds like i have a whole garden outside that needs to be maintained and yet here i am can i sell her car and make a bit of money i don't want to earn money this way he says she's just looking out her window like what the hell is he doing i shouldn't do this god why does he have a conscience i want to do everything i'd sell her house if i could be like the con man who sold the eiffel tower that's the dream anyway she's just like what the hell is he doing now the gardener's washing my car okay we got all the the weeds pulled oh wait no we don't never mind a gardener's work is never done all right there you go she asked for a shrub and i gave her a [ __ ] treat there we go yeah just take that out it's big enough to be a grave all right that's successful she might be a bit overwhelmed i think i've blocked sunlight from our house okay now you want colored gravel i can take care of that for you what color will i get is hot pink an option oh we'll get a few garden gnomes it's like oh they're a nice touch but how much will that cost me 56 please just waiting for when she comes out trick or treat why does he look so grumpy the one i bought was supposed to be happy why does he look pissed oh wait i have to put one of those shrubs in every section i have four sections to cover god damn by many i like these ones they're very nice not overpowering at all god it's jesus christ you're still keeping watching i could if the owner comes shout because i gotta scatter it she's gonna be pissed god this task would take me all day i'm literally shoveling from here and then pouring it into the other hole not the smartest of gardeners but i get paid by the hour so maybe i am smarter than i appear i've even ruined her path i've made grass come out there now oh my god that is horrible there's got to be some planning permission problems there surely or like homeowners association is gonna be pissed she's gonna look at the window and be like what the hell is he doing now she's gonna be afraid to confront me at this point it's in the way of their car and driveway and everything i just gotta figure out how to buy gravel i keep getting distracted okay look gravel i'll use the actual search function it works better than windows 10 search anyway this one looks kind of nasty we'll get that god they have to have the most obnoxious ways of putting this down it pisses me off why can't i just like shift and hold wait two colored gravel i think i'm putting down the wrong gravel hold up oh yes yes i am all right we'll give you two colors black and dark black it's basically just towering her garden there we go perfect oh [ __ ] i'm going off the area she doesn't want it there oh well she's getting it there from now on you can finish incomplete orders by pressing enter i don't see what's incomplete about it i got plenty of gravel if she just evens it out a bit and uh there's only small amount of weeds that you can hardly see because of the forest i planted all right we're done i hope you love it yay beginner gardener you can tell i'm a beginner anyway all right what have we got i like how they label his room as multi-functional room like it may as well be the bathroom as well the place is filthy oh maybe not it doesn't look like he's the best of aim probably all over the bed you need to remove the bushes is it the same person oh no it's someone else and they they sprayed their own bushes and killed them so i'm gonna go have to bring them back to life okay i'm standing on top why is this not working how strong are these things oh i can use it on this okay i thought i could actually cut the bushes away but i guess not how am i only done sixteen percent of the oh my god i have so much grass to do who cuts grass with a [ __ ] strimmer honey the gardeners wandered into the pool again he's walking on water i think her gardener is jesus that's immoral as i try and sell their lounge juice to mention the second coming of christ and he's a gardener who's trying to sell your lawn furniture i can't see any grass left can i sell this i don't want to earn money this way a dude it's so hard to play a game when you cannot relate to the main character at all like why does he have a conscience 98 on the grass but i've got to go around and get every single blade i don't know if i'm done or not it's it's not coming up anymore so i'm going to assume i'm done remove uh the shrubs and use the turf roll no cleaning okay okay oh now this is good now this is efficient finally oh no oh no that was wrong hold on this is going to be patchy at best okay yeah this apache is an understatement christ almighty okay you know what compared to what the last customer got that's not bad like that'll probably grow in at some point you can throw on some seeds yourself don't be lazy now come on having a garden is all about maintenance i'm just thinking about my [ __ ] garden at the moment putting way more effort into this i'm stealing your barbecue by the way trying to cover the patchy area so they'll never know this may not be big enough to cover that though there we go and now they'll never know this is the most suspicious thing ever i would expect worse to be honest this is something a child would do to hide something they did wrong all right pay me now oh my god i'm getting a lot of work who is recommending me playground and barbecue now that's up my alley oh my god talk about weeds jesus christ their garden is pretty much just weeds that's all that's here new gardener skill available please give me some skills for this i mean equipped large 2019 trimmer shovel bushy coming soon what upgrade to that i need to know what's coming soon alright this takes some of the monotony out of it i mean it takes it a bit quicker than the other one and it'll make it a bit easier to find the weeds if all the grass is cut the weeds are too strong for this cutter you see they just fold down honey the gardener's trying to get in again they just close the window like back go on oh i'm putting this in the ground even though they specifically had it in a plant pot i'd rather it be in the ground i'll show you what a vengeful [ __ ] gardener there you go make sure your bathroom is sealed it's perfect because i i pose as the gardener but i'm also a house flipper so then if they need someone to jazz up their house a bit i'm the guy they're gonna call so i may as well damage it in the first place geez he's fast look at him on the minibap how fast he gets around that's incredible all right wooden child swing a sandbox and a small cherry tree not a bother all right now put the tree into the hole i may have put it too close to the swing this way you got to be specific when you're asking people to do jobs for you i put everything into the one corner it looks [ __ ] horrible you got the swing there that'll just smack them into a [ __ ] tree and you've got this little writing thing wait i can use this ha ha honey the gardener's doing things again you want to sofa something i can put in a sofas something don't you worry sofa and it began with s this one maybe i'll try putting in this one get a nice floral pattern going on there we go it's like a cinema you're sitting in front of each other it's lovely it's social oh now you need a table [ __ ] there we go i guess the people in front can have the table and limited leg space and you just pass your stuff ahead and they can pass it back okay we're done i hope your kid doesn't get a concussion but um i'm not licensed so i will accept no responsibility for any accidents god i'm getting four grand for that that's not bad actually thank you very much i guess i did do what he asked for once it just wasn't done in the best way hi there mommy left for a few months but this isn't therapy i'm a gardener i'm not a very good one at that so you can't expect good therapy oh my god what kind of a garden is this i can't sell them it won't let me and i can't cut them either so i guess i can just over water them oh wait this can cut them [ __ ] i think yeah i think it actually gets rid of things yeah it does jesus christ i didn't realize that i'm so sorry for doing that i thought i could not do that and i apologize for any damage i may have caused look i feel bad about this whole situation i think i'm just gonna cut my way out and uh we'll just call it a day i i apologize for any inconvenience what a surprise i got no recommendations of that job i think this person's flirting with me save me from these horrible colors honey clean up the house please this is just some friend who's like dude please your place is a state you need to fix it walls to knock down i can do that i know i'm a gardener but let me at it i just started firing up the lawn mower he's like what is he doing here's johnny it's like shouldn't you check if this is a supporting wall nah it's fine don't even remove the door just knock the blocks above it it's fine you hired me to destroy walls not doors oh [ __ ] oh yeah i was supposed to knock that off i just knocked the light switch straight off the wall i think i should be using a bit more finesse but oh well there we go not bad a nice open it's going to say floor plan but i've not broken it down to the floor open wall plan it's just made a nice little window so you can now watch tv from the kitchen if they had one now you don't have to be buying two tvs though because you would have needed one for the living room one for the kitchen whereas with this you can just get the one that's really nice oh that that's not even a wall i have to get rid of okay well good thing i didn't break it any more than i did this is satisfying work i gotta say i like it slamming on the door how come i keep so weak against wood but when i hit blocks it just destroys a whole chunk of it look at that it's not even moving the door is jammed it won't open i'm getting a surprisingly clean finish on the ceiling despite my uh kind of rough approach you think i should move the couch before you know continuing to try and destroy this wall but i'm going to keep at it if at first you don't succeed [ __ ] up someone's living room oh okay they finally gave me a new task wanted to start destroying the other walls they finally took me seriously they're negotiating with terrorists right now paint the colors sleepy blue in the bedroom okay i can do that okay i think i bought enough all right let's get painting oh [ __ ] i can't fit in through the [ __ ] doorway i can't oh there's only one way to solve this not sure how this will affect my painting if there's no wall left to paint what the hell was that all right i just knocked in a wardrobe or something i'm sure it's not damaged but i'm just gonna walk all over it as i paint wait i'm supposed to be doing the living room sleepy blue i just realized why was it going up slightly then as i was doing the bedroom this is so handy having this much paint because no matter where i go i have paint to refill alright you know what that's enough painting what else do you need me to do thanks sake i can't fit in here either all right fine and i come god damn the whole house is gonna collapse to be honest it might be a good thing i might end this guy before he doesn't want any more damage to other people okay i'm in uh i don't think there's anything to do with this room so i'll just keep on going through to the next i'm sure there's a water pipe down there but that doesn't matter okay i'm through do you need anything done in here i don't think so god damn it i'm just making my way back around do you think the easy solution would be to go back the way i came i know you know what the easy solution would be to just move the damn paint bucket so i can get out through the door but i'm not that kind of guy all right you know what we're done here i hope you enjoy your new uh open wall plan it's really nice if you ask me it's a very modern take i'm sure everyone will be doing it in a few years oh god i'm not gonna be able to get out am i i think i'm breaking the door it won't even open anymore because i've been hitting it with a hammer oh well find another way out of here there must be something here behind the fridge like a colder version of narnia all right you know what we're done we're done i'm just gonna go to sleep and wake up at my house i hope you like what i've done with the place it's not much but maybe we'll survive he says maybe being a keyword there that place is going to collapse all right you know what i think we did enough damage for one day maybe my guy should practice in his own place like imagine you went to meet the gardener you wanted to find out more about him and you pull up to this place would you hire him i mean all the other houses are lovely how come they can all afford to live in places like that and i got this i don't like it it's upsetting can i buy a new house oh the alone home the house from home alone i'd like to get that oh look at it it's lovely i can't afford that though maybe i can just get a bigger shack yeah i'll buy that one thank you the american garden usually looks minimalistic and then there's a picture of that it's a [ __ ] junkyard yeah it's minimalistic all right a mole has nestled in the neighborhood are you serious oh i can just zap these away okay wait what the hell it just refills oh my god i bought some cursed [ __ ] land oh my god what have i gotten myself into how did this cost more than my current place i guess it has a little bit more land but it's a [ __ ] junkyard all right well i have officially ruined my life along with the rest of my customers lives uh yeah that's it i'm emigrating all right we're gonna leave it at that i hope you guys enjoyed if you want to hire me please do drop me a line i'm looking for work at the moment there's not a lot coming in word of mouth for some reason isn't just spreading as good as it used to but i hope you did enjoy and i appreciate you watching as always and i guess other than that i'll just say see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,355,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, house flipper, house flipper game, garden flipper, house flipper dlc, house flipper gameplay, lets play, house flipper garden dlc, garden flipper dlc, garden dlc, garden flipper callmekevin, house flipper callmekevin, garden flipper lets play, garden flipper game, garden flipper gameplay, garden flipper funny moments, garden flipper funny, house flipper funny, house flipper funny moments
Id: Ge-hA6xVKrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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