evil cat simulator

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so a new game came out called stray you play as a  stray cat going through a dystopian future and it   looks really neat i've been keeping an eye on it  for a while and i'm really excited to show it to   you so hey there friends how's it going my name  is kevin and let's check out stray oh my god i   can meow and command get ready for an entire video  of meowing i'm getting licked i didn't want to get   licked get off of me that's it war grab his tail  he doesn't care does he i'm just mildly annoying   and just to confirm you cannot jump off the cliff  right away it doesn't allow you this whole game   is basically asmr and i'm over here telling  you hey everyone you can't kill yourself as a   cat by the way at least not yet what is this it's  teaching me how to scratch it it's just teaching   me how to be a cat essentially i don't know why  these cats are teaching me this they must sense   that i have amnesia oh damn it i thought that was  stagnant water no i'm not interested in rain water   jesus christ i'm playing it fast and loose with my  nine lives oh my god i'm paracording i just want   to be the leader of the pack god damn it all right  here we go sorry for making all the calls everyone   or cat calling if you will it's the equivalent  of mansplaining is this what cats get up to in   their spare time oh my god look at that am i able  to cross those all right you know what let's just   start moving everyone oh god oh god oh god it's  like you gave a fall guys all of a sudden hold   on don't lean it too much now okay yeah just  keep stacking up it's exactly like fall guys   oh jesus christ and someone's about  to be eliminated oh it's gonna be me   it is fall guys yeah there i go that's what i get  for not having thumbs it honestly looked like he   was smiling a little bit as he's going down  look at him like yay my time has come yippee i can't believe they just move fastered me i  could nearly hear them say it all hail the king oh no oh he's so weak oh the poor little darling  ah sure bless him all right i'm strong enough for   this i'm always strong enough for sewage oh  the sewers were so small oh but i'm in dead   city that sounds good too good lord why is anyone  living in this city why don't you move out to the   rural areas where we were earlier look like a  paradise this looks like a well i don't want   to say it but it looks like a [ __ ] [ __ ] it  somehow got more dangerous than it was earlier   oh oh i thought i just killed myself look at that  for a jump can we slow that down look at that form   10 out of 10. oh thank god for air conditioning  you know just talking about the heat wave going   on at the moment in europe but uh also thank  god for air conditioning that i could stand on   it like that follow me okay if tvs were doing  that i definitely would not follow them and i   don't think a cat would understand it so let me  look around elsewhere aha this window i know a   window of opportunity when i see it i don't want  to but i kind of have to try if the okay you can't   you can't i am kind of stuck though like am i sure  i can't go in here god damn it i don't know what   to do okay no one told me there would be puzzles  okay i thought i was just gonna be a cat sleep   and have someone else look after my litter box you  know just generally not giving a [ __ ] well like   like giving a [ __ ] for the litter box i mean  just like i i don't have to you know do anything   i'm a cat i'm lazy i got this bucket now though  which is neat maybe i can block the fan with that   oh i did it still nearly killed myself  you know really trusted that bucket was   gonna work just walked right into it uh he'd  never killed me though he's my biggest fan oh now i see why cats do that all  the time that was fun actually   it's gonna be some really really pissed  off construction workers tomorrow   i'm just getting rid of all of them even though  they're actually not helping me whatsoever   i think this might actually help me will that  break through yeah breaking things oh damn it   it's the bloody talking tv again i've somehow  followed the path without even intending to oh god   someone's going to be very unhappy how can i  [ __ ] on the rug oh no no no i'm just uh i'm   just scratching okay now we're really getting it  yeah digging that dig at that get it oh okay there   goes their medication oh my god they already had a  leaky roof i've really ruined their lives here ah   well they have eight more they'll be fine bucket  school bye bye i go in bucket and i go bye-bye   oh there's the rats all right come here you  bastards on top of the food chain oh that's not   a mouse at all oh god what the hell are you it's  like me as a child trying to figure out technology   kill them all right he's down everyone we're gonna  be okay why do i get the feeling that's a bad sign   probably because this really eerie weird music  that's playing telling me that it's gonna be a bad   time here oh good you're all awake now get ready  to be chased oh god this there's actually a lot of   you okay i'm not top of the food chain here no i'm  definitely not i'm running i'm running i'm running   oh jesus they didn't expect this kind of gameplay  to be honest out of all my nine lives why do i   gotta be living this one oh god oh god it's on  me it's some weird parasite [ __ ] get off of me   they're awful they're all sucky they suck  generally like literally but also like you   know they suck ah there's a mountain of them oh a  window of opportunity yes oh now it flees to top   it all off follow me you got me into this mess  you fecker i hate technology i'm a boomer cat just ruining lives out here you know i am kind of  a bad cat i see why the robot things are out to   get me i'm honestly wondering if humanity is dead  like it's been replaced with all of those robots   hello humanity can we do that the other way around  too or does that not work like if my cat started   going first of all i'd say wait a minute i don't  have a cat and second of all i would go there wait what is that giving me a clue   what what did i just do dude that is way too  high and i i can't seem to roll this back oh wait   i'm a genius oh my god look at me go i really  am the coolest cat in town also probably the   only cat in town but my point still stands  unlike these chairs just running rampant   oh oh no oh flashbacks oh i'm fine this  time though cat always lands on their feet oh cat doesn't know how to use their feet though  what the hell is going on okay got it uh leop   what a smart cat a top cat if you will you want  to alcohol you no not a party cat then fair enough   ah no that's just electricity talking to  me it had nothing to do with a hint earlier   i've seen stranger things this is basically  assassin's creed only like without the need   to pay attention which for me is perfect  no story to follow other than i am cat oh i think i just powered down the facility  i hope this isn't like a hospital or anything   what oh what no wait what i think i turned off the  gravity do i need this or oh another rug to ruin gotcha nice ambient music here to just do a  little cat shuffle too need help oh no problem   body required for download body required oh jesus  i see why cats do this kind of thing by the way   it's fun you know when i started playing this  game i really didn't expect it to ask me to find a   body but yet here we are oh but to find a body  i have to find loads of these power thingies   there's another one i'd rather be finding  a body i guess in a way though this is all   in the process of finding a body so if i just  think of this as finding a body then it's not   so bad after all her camera is watching me  all of the time by the way in game as well   watch this look see it's following me and  secret door opens oh what the hell is this   oh i don't get to kill anyone they're not even  using this body okay this is like a weird little   head thing can i put this on his head i don't  know what to do with this little head can this be   the body alone oh wait it's pointing me here okay  there oh look at him he's kind of lame sorry dude   i wanted to get you like a full human  body that i would murder and drag here   oh good he speaks cat that's convenient i couldn't  believe the camera is a cat in the dead city also   you were watching me you little freak i know i  worked for a scientist who lived here well i'm   something of a scientist myself i gotta be in  biology once you're gonna have to put this on   sure evil robot that i just freed from the network  and probably killed all of humanity now i've   watched too many movies it's just a cute little  outfit oh yeah he's liking it look at him he's   so happy look at that swag that he's got now don't  worry you'll get used to it it's crushing my lungs   okay that's great i have an inventory but i don't  have any thumbs how am i supposed to use keys okay   he's got it covered for me that's lucky i have a  torch now oh my god what an advanced cat now watch   as i hack their password how do i oh wait wrong  button okay yeah look at this come on please well   i'm all out of ideas wait if i shine my torch at  it it'll reveal the no it doesn't do it never mind   okay i thought it was really smart for a second  okay a is there a notion here with the code and   b can cats read three seven four eight oh that was  going to be my next guess too all right got it and   open yes this looks nicer already at least there's  some oh that's not even daylight never mind it   looks awful okay we need to get to that elevator  apparently that is very far away and i know going   down doesn't make much sense when i want to go  up but look at that bucket that's irresistible i'm easily pleased safe zone okay good he translated the sign  but i was already in the bucket that could   have said warning you will die like 100 and  i just didn't read it till i was already in   oh no it did say that didn't it can they go  up i assume they can't go up enough idiots   honestly you're all so stupid wait is that a  human oh no it's a robot still close enough   talk to me oh come on dude i'm friendly i'm  just charging you because i'm really lonely no   no he hit the alarm i'm gonna continue  terrorizing him after him they're all   hiding from me i'm guessing this is like a safe  haven and they think i'm one of those things   or one's limping maybe i can get that one in time  no not even that one oh that one's clumsy maybe   that one oh no am i gonna have to battle this guy  i know i was chasing him but i was only kidding   come on you'd have to find that adorable and just  leave me be all right how do i attack i i would go   for the eyes i know like they're not actualized  but still the screen would get all scratched up   it's he's just swearing at me look at  that they seem to have their own language   yeah potty mouth you are welcome in our village  as long as you don't eat anyone all right well   no promises i'm not agreeing to that yet that  whole lock down and then he just sits me down   he's like hey don't eat anyone buddy and  then they all just come back out oh it's 99   99 o'clock already that time flies when you're  a cat oh a picture of the outside ridiculous   this elevator isn't operational everyone knows  that it's impossible to leave this place but i   can talk to the dude in there okay i can get there  wait are they all cold oh no they're sleeping why   you wrapped in blankets though you're robots  right answer me come on i want attention i'm   gonna ruin your rugs until you give me attention  i found a pervert in the bush watching you sleep   by the way just thought i'd let you know oh  when i meow it makes him happy look at that   oh i like that it's my war cry though you've  been condescending just smiling at it okay big   building need climbing all right i'm gonna speed  run this because i i know how i jumped off hold on   that to put that timer back i'm starting  again okay all right this way yes okay i've   got this under control everyone about to hit a  world record over here this is actually going   pretty well that was actually really good i did  most of it by accident i was just spamming jump   and looking where i think i need to go next oh  the guy is sad why is your game console broken   dude that is [ __ ] i remember when i had a  ps2 and the laser went on it and it wasn't   reading my games anymore and it was the worst  how can i help this guy it's never going to work   what is it oh no this guy actually is swearing he  needs a transceiver and he has notes on how to get   to the outside oh he's given up the poor fecker  the guy's helping me and i'm just ruining his rugs   the city seems to have a ceiling if i believe my  books a big blue sky is hidden behind all right so   they're just prisoners down here essentially  they think the outside is a myth i suppose   yes yes this is good i like this oh my controls  are reversed when i have the bag on my head oh   that is so confusing but i love it that is such  a neat little detail i love that all right i'm   gonna go ruin his walls now i love being a cat  oh he even has cat toys can i just live with this   guy it says i need to find some notebooks but i  don't know if they're inside or outside oh wait   the symbol on the wall okay i must be outside  then just when i thought i was going to be an   indoor cat oh lots of things to tear apart some  of them look valuable too even more satisfying   this one looks particularly expensive  okay i've been here too long   i was just doing that for fun it was kind of a  stress relief you know the burden of having to   actually find things is weighing on me oh yes  i'm playing music oh it sounds so good as well   imagine how good i'll be in  five minutes five minutes later i'm definitely a musical genius that's for sure  i'm also a little bit weird though i just jump   up onto the shelf after the performance do a few  spins oh i'm going for a little nap a little cat   nap does this help me at all or is it just to  relax not sure it's working actually now that i   don't have the distraction of like the puzzles  and stuff i'm actually letting the stresses   seep in a little bit so this isn't relaxing at  all even though it stressed me out to like just   stop and have to actually deal with my thoughts  i i just had to sit here until i i saw how far it   zoomed out it zoomed out as far as the alcohol  which i feel like is a bad answer to my stress   actually all right come on let's get those  distractions going where are the puzzles ahead   oh my favorite tv show static image i like is  also throwing paint on oh they're throwing into   each other he's helped being helpful he's  uh nothing like me actually can i push him   oh no i can just meet him god damn it oh i'm  gonna try and distract him okay here we go and   yes i got him yeah ruined someone's day oh no i  think that guard saw everything i might be able   to meow my way out of it he thinks i'm very cute  fortunately enough no i just broke their bottle as   well that poor person throwing the paint i went  so far out of my way just to ruin their day as   well like you gotta come all the way across again  now ventilation power supply well this has to go   anyway oh i can pull this down yes oh that is  really cool i was hoping that would happen but   i didn't think it actually would i like games  that reward my curiosity because in this game   i want curiosity to kill the cat you know  i want to see what i can come up with   oh my god it was in those boxes that took me  so long to find oh this is going to be way more   difficult than i thought it would be plus i don't  even know what order i've done these in i don't   know which way i should be going i was having too  much fun just riding around in buckets you know   it happens to the best of us okay  so i got that one i got that one   i'm not sure i'll go over and check that one  okay that's just an advert in a language i don't   understand so i think the last one's over here  but i've already been in this room and i can't   find anything in there ah and this curious music  comes on which is just like it's condescending at   this point because i can't find whatever it is i'm  supposed to be looking for i think it's there okay   i found it i was knocking over all the books to  try and find the safe but i must have missed it on   my way out oh lucky cat i wish i were a lucky cat  powerful uv lamp with this we should be capable of   warding off the zerks on our way out okay oh we  found some notes how to fix the transceiver as   well let's go back and get that fixed help  old momo out after all i did ruin his rug oh i think i just smacked its face off that  pole the poor cat hey buddy i know i'm like   a cat and stuff but i'm here to fix your  transformer transceiver sorry english is   new to me as a cat that means we should be able  to communicate outside of the slums excellent   i think we just became best friends i don't  know if i'm supposed to be doing something or   like he said come with me i think he's opening  his window but like he's taking a while   must be a very long code for his window oh okay  he got it yeah it was just a really long code   he just helped me out and i immediately  started throwing his parts off the roof oh oh god no no no no no no no no  no no get off of me i just started   clicking the button it told me to click  without reading it that's not my fault i did it again i did it again i did it again okay  get off of me and i'm running oh sweet jesus oh   god oh god oh god oh god oh god get off me get  off me get off of me we're just doing laps until   i figure out how to get out of this situation  that i've gotten myself into up this way maybe yay   up this way i like up they don't know how to up  oh jesus oh god oh no there's gonna be a lot of   this why did i think it was just over oh god they  don't mind this much up like what are they gonna   do to me are they gonna eat me they've done a  pretty good job of making the whole world look   climbable because i don't know where to go  sometimes it's it's done really well oh oh i   like that it's got a bit of momentum god they've  really upped their game with the puzzles all of   a sudden there's been a difficulty spike in being  a cat i'm gonna jump in without thinking about it   it looked like a death trap but you know i don't  really enjoy thinking as we already established   aha i hacked the door i didn't even think about  it i just kind of did it it's my intuition that   gets me through these things or kills me like  earlier one or the other oh now they're coming   across there okay oh jesus okay what if they're  all in it and then i hack it to reverse it   and then immediately run away oh god oh  god oh god oh god okay i got out of here   idiots outsmarted by a cat to be fair i could  imagine myself getting outsmarted by a cat like   it could happen i don't know if it's ever happened  i don't know if it will but i could see it okay   these things they don't look good didn't really  expect this kind of stuff in a game about a stray   cat this looks more suited to resident evil oh  my god inside it's even worse what the hell is   this place oh no i just saw so many of them and  i'm already in here maybe i should get started   with thinking soon it might be a useful skill to  have oh my god this is awful this is awful i hate   it i hate it i hate it oh no no no no no no no no  no no no no oh god up up yes they they're jumping   off the building all right phew oh that's awful  it's so much anxiety when they're oh there's more   isn't there oh they're behind the door what do i  have to do oh god i see it i need to open the door   roll the barrel out to get up on this to get up  on that but where do i bring them in the meantime   maybe i could get them stuck in here i don't  know if they could jump that or not i have a   feeling they will but you know what i like to just  induce panic for some reason so let me open it and   just figure it out on the go aha i think i've  solved it i think yes yes i have i'm a genius   by cat standards anyway wait what if i close  the door on a barrel i gotta know what happens   oh it just gets jammed good job developers you  thought of people like me is that asbestos in the   air i know i've got more important things to worry  about but it just seems like it might be asbestos   oh sweet jesus oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god  oh god oh god oh god all right i got out of there   they're awful to deal with i hate them i know hate  is a really strong word but it's pretty accurate   in this scenario oh cat brain hurty how do i go up  ah very good a lever oh great they're all coming   down and it's the world's slowest elevator oh no  they're splitting up and more of them are joining   this is awful i can't believe i thought this game  was going to be asmr oh no no no no no no no no no   no no no no i almost have it all right i'm going  for it i'm going for it how do i go for it what do   okay i'm up okay dude go i don't trust that these  things can't climb that fence go go go oh my god   they're climbing the fence okay i i think i'm all  right terrifying absolutely terrifying trying to   jam my head through even though it looks like if  i managed it i get decapitated put the transformer you know what i mean i'm gonna put it  on now and everything's gonna be okay   those look like stairs but they're only lights oh  humankind built this shell to protect themselves   from the outside but it came at a cost  nobody can go out but i mean what is outside   it's completely barren unlivable and dangerous  it looked pretty nice to me ah but if you come   from there it must mean it's safe again okay he's  not about opening the city and i'm just like yay   buckets where's momo oh no he's ran off he's gonna  try and leave isn't he i took some equipment to   the bar to take advantage of their antenna come  meet me there i've locked the window but the code   to open it is quite simple it is yeah i thought  so be careful that this case says of course   it is well you know what if i'm locked in  here that means you're locked out there   and i'll get squadron's rights in no time in  cat years but i think that is enough for one   day subscribe leave me a like i'd appreciate  it and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 600,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, stray, stray cat game, stray gameplay, stray game, cat game, stray cat, stray ps5, stray full game, stray cat gameplay, stray ps5 gameplay, stray walkthrough, stray game cat, cat game ps5, stray gameplay walkthrough, stray gameplay ps5, stray gameplay demo, stray playstation 5 gameplay, cat game stray, call me kevin stray, callmekevin stray, Stray but I'm a terrible cat
Id: 1Nf3jvQltEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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