I spent a day with LEGENDARY MODERN YOUTUBERS (Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, Joana Ceddia)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kasperor 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
thank you to EA for sponsoring this video legendary youtubers those who have established themselves as common household names and millions of homes across the world with reports of youtubers as young as six years old making eleven million dollars a year it's no surprise the idea of being a youtuber with millions of adoring fans has become the most desired profession of young people age 6 through 17 nearly two weeks worth of content is uploaded to YouTube in a single given minute so what makes certain youtubers rise to the top my name is Anthony Padilla and today I'm gonna be sitting down with legendary youtubers who have popped off in the past two years to find out if all the horrifying rumors are true what exactly motivates these youtubers to open themselves up to the harsh criticisms of millions of strangers on the Internet are these youtubers friendly and humble in their real lives or has Fame turn them into leeches demanding another euphoric hint of ego lifting praise [Music] hey I'm gonna be cutting my hair today is this a bad idea yes drew oh hey hey any part of me kind of wants to spend $1,100 on the Jake Paul VIP experience just to see what it's all about hey drew thank you so much for coming out my friend won't let me have some of her cookies I'm gonna eat my phone case [Music] yeah Danny Danny Danny yeah thank you so much for coming out and teach me about the wondrous world of being a legendary youtuber well I haven't taught you anything anything yeah we just started but I'm hoping it'll get there soon yeah we'll say what did you consider yourself a youtuber walking living breathing legend I don't consider myself either of those things I just I just try to have fun on my channel I don't think of myself as a legend but close to it okay I don't I meant I do I am good first and foremost walking breathing legend but then then probably comedian and then youtuber would someone has no idea what YouTube is how do you explain to them what you do it's like doing stand-up but not talking to an audience I'm alone in my room so I don't have to be scared of so many people looking at me a form of social media so they say what do you do yeah a form of social media yeah I should just keep it really cryptic like like how long have you been a youtuber it's been less than two years less than two years yeah so I think that meets the criteria for legend it's been like a year and a half I think just over a year now I know are you aware that you've already achieved legendary youtuber status when I actually like take in the whole experience they're like what I've accomplished I think that's when things are gonna get like really scary for me no I don't really think about it that much but now that you mention it hell yeah what do you think makes your style of content stand out from the 12 and a half days worth of video uploaded to YouTube every single minute every time I upload a video and I think this is important because I spent so much time on it's important to you yeah it's so important I spent the whole week on it or just a couple days or whatever and then it's and it's just like if you really think about it you're so lost in the grand scheme of things it's kind of like why am I even Duke why would I even bother I just assume people don't actually care about me they'll just care about like what I'm talking about the content yeah so like I well at least I think that's why people come they come for like whatever I'm talking about your videos and then they stay for me yeah yeah I think they once when they see what I'm about to talk about and then they get to my video and then they again when I start talking can you do an impression of how you act in your videos I'd start a little light like hey what are you doing don't be racist but then I'd get a little aggressive and crescendos and then I by the end I'm just ripping this guy up I I'm just oh there is I got it yeah and then now he's not gonna be racist anymore have you always been an entertainer I've always sought attention no no oh my god no like in in middle school I was the kid at the back of the class with my like two big glasses and like I was trying to like see how thin I could string the cheese that was talk to anyone do you feel pressure to always be funny mm-hmm yeah really yeah like when I meet especially when I like meet people in public I'm like they expect me to be like over-the-top and hilarious like yeah it scares me when I used to meet fans back in like 2006 or 2007 they'd be like yeah what do you want me to do just do something funny please on my command yeah do you have a name for your fans I say what's up Greg at the beginning of every video to address everyone right I think the reason that I I picked Greg as a name because I was trying to come up with like something to call my fans I think the reason I picked a name is because in the new expansion pack for the Sims which is available now on PC and console that introduced a new conservationist career where you can work to keep your environment clean at vidcon the sims challenged us to do our part and helping keep our environment clean post on your Instagram or Twitter how you're cleaning up your environment with hashtag cleaning feels good and enter for a chance to win a sims 4 island living code to learn more about the sims 4 island living click the link in the description below I think the reason I picked a name is because I thought it would be funny to like start every video like specifically to one person and be like hi David or something just in case someone named like Greg was watching the video they'd be like oh I started calling them little stinkers and welcome for real yeah it was just one video I was like I just called them little stinker like I just said it and then I was in my next video I jokingly was like that's what I'm gonna call my fans now but then it just became a thing I mean you know your fan base name might be a little embarrassing but like I'm glad you don't know why oh is it but yes oh that's right yeah making videos on YouTube can be vulnerable experience do you ever get embarrassed by you know other people being in the room with you I don't record videos when other people are around why I don't even not even when my wife is home I'm so glad my wife has like a nine-to-five job and I'm just home alone like when she is home and I have to film something like it so I have a deadline with this or whatever it's I give her headphones and she's in the room and I'm like because I get I get in my head I'm like someone can hear me even though I'm filming it for people to see it's like there is something very vulnerable about it my parents I kick them out like I still can't film in front of them how do you balance having a connection with your audience while also retaining a little bit of personal space and private life like I try to set boundaries for myself like there are certain things I don't put on the internet just for like my own sake if I ever get in a relationship no way that's going on you know like that's the last place I've ever been that I've never done that I feel like the the relationship between a creator and an audience is like all it has to be is like I make you laugh and you come because you want to laugh and that's like the relationship um don't show them it do you have an end goal or do you think that you'll be making videos until the day you die I want to convince like the general public that creators can be not only just as like viewable but also like produce as high of quality of content as like traditional mainstream media I think of the day I start looking at YouTube as like a liability and not as something I'm having fun doing is the day I'm gonna stop I just really want to get sued you wanna be like sued or cancelled yes what would you be doing with your life if YouTube didn't exist right now I'd still need doing school that's for sure you know yeah my marks would be better I would probably be working as some type of software engineer I went to school for computer science um I think that's a trick question because I would probably be damned YouTube saved your life yeah how so I was drowning in sorrow or like what in water that makes sense now youtube.com rescued me pulls you up by your yes how do you prevent yourself from feeling burnout well I try to make time for other things in my life like I try to not get tunnel vision on YouTube that means like I don't try to just focus on YouTube like I have a lot of other things going on in my life take lots breaks almost to a fault where it's like I should be doing something all right I've had enough days off I don't know playing this game I'm making where you work usually work like three hours and then I'm then I kind of I'm gonna for couple weeks you work three hours of a couple of weeks on my YouTube yeah well me too yeah me too this all this takes this is just three hours a week yeah yeah for sure reaction time okay I want you to check out one of your first videos a message to my first subscribe learn I was just sitting on the toilet and I was like hey maybe I'll just look at my channel see what's going on there and it has like two videos and I was instead one subscriber cuz I was like so used to it saying zero and I saw one and I like literally like threw my phone off the toy I was like have you ever had any bizarre fan interactions we just recently had someone come to our house which was weird they left a note on my front door while I wasn't home it said something like hi we promise we're not creepy yeah it is weird that they knew that they had to say we're not creepy but they don't agree yeah but like they didn't think that they were creepy what do you think the biggest misconception about creating funny content on YouTube is that it's stupid you can learn a lot of stuff on YouTube there's a lot of educational interesting educational stuff it's just like this thing you turn on and you'd like record for 15 minutes you post the 15 minute long video yeah and you are funny but it's like no I write a video for 8 hours I record for two hours and I edit it down to 15 minutes what's your favorite part about making videos coming up with the ideas you know it's it's really refreshing because especially right now in school like after middle school in high school like you don't get that like creative like space anymore posting them and being done just getting them out of the world yeah honestly though my favorite part is when it's done what's your least favorite part about making videos I do like beat myself up a little bit over numbers if like things if a video is getting less views there yeah it'll say the rate of your video when you the creative studio whatever what a fun feature to see your videos 10 out of 10 yeah within the past 10 videos where does it fall yeah and you get one that comes in at number eight and you're like oh wow I am yeah editing editing you don't like anything sometimes I get excited about editing and sometimes editing is like the biggest chore it's like like I feel so accomplished from getting the filming done it's like oh no I got to put all this together yeah so you can choose a parting gift for your way out I have a couple options here oh it's the shirt you're wearing that's cute it's the same shirt but there's three of them yeah choose one no no take all of them you could get one of these now why would I do that I just you just handed me one subscribe - who - Anthony Padilla I'm shaking their ankles and their little coins are coming out of their pockets it's some of my coins now and that's what happens if you don't subscribe well it happened either way you have five seconds to shout out promote anything you want direct me to camera go I drink water save the bees in Clea trees youtube.com slash actual Danny Gonzales that's me those are my videos watch them right now please subscribe to my youtube channel it's youtube.com slash u x67 thank you so much drew I thank you fully understand the wondrous world of being a legendary youtuber after spending the day with these fellow youtubers I've learned that I'm not alone in the day-to-day hardships of being a youtuber and I'm not alone in the thrill and excitement that comes from this either whether they came from vine or have been uploading on the platform for nearly 14 years like myself YouTube is an incredible community powered by creators and most of all community see you later bye guys I so like that was not supposed to happen like that oh man just a little bit of a compressed spine it's okay though
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 2,227,590
Rating: 4.9561944 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interviews, danny gonzalez, drew gooden, joana ceddia, youtuber, comedians, comedy, youtubers life
Id: o1KvKWFffVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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