I spent a day with AUTISTIC PEOPLE

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"Even if vaccines did cause autism, I'd rather have my kid be autistic than die of polio"

I've run into so many idiots who swear that vaccines cause autism and refuse to read any original evidence that shows otherwise - now I know what to tell them! So simple and obvious

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ismokedwithyourmom ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I loved the video so much. He does a Great job with talking and interviewing people genuinely :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ravenpotter3 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I loved this video

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/brandonborsch ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 22 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 21 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
autism or autism spectrum disorder is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that may include impairments in social interaction developmental language and communication skills along with sensory sensitivities originally described as a form of childhood schizophrenia and the result of cold parenting the definition of autism has majorly evolved over the last six decades as people have begun to understand autism more my name is anthony padilla and today i'm gonna be sitting down with people on the autism spectrum to learn the truth behind this often overlooked and misunderstood disorder should autism be accepted as a simple difference rather than a disorder or should society be doing everything in its power to discover a cure for this neuro divergence that effects such a vast amount of the population do those on the spectrum feel blessed to have the ability to view the world in a truly unique and heightened way that neurotypical or holistic people could never imagined or is being on the spectrum an immense hindrance they wish they could get rid of in order to perceive the world like everyone else do autistic people go through life proud of their disorder or do they hide in the shadows of society overwhelmed with immense guilt and shame surrounding the hand they were dealt hi and yella hey Richard hi jasmine hi thank you so much for coming out and teaching me about the wondrous world of autism thank you for having me so what do you consider yourself autistic someone with autism on the spectrum I consider myself autistic on autistic person most of the time for those are a bit more familiar I like to be on the spectrum I like to say that I have autism because it's more of just the whole it's not me and it's just something that I have I don't want it to move me when I announced I was gonna do this video there was a lot of people that were saying that I should refer to autistic people as people with autism and not autistic people are you the one that you prefer over the other I think both walls are fine with me I really don't have a preference um it's pretty casual with it no autistic person doesn't feel like it just keeps my identity what does having autism entail and it's much more of just a social disorder I don't get a lot of social cues there will be times where I'm for example direct eye contact is not the greatest thing for me but I wouldn't be but I wouldn't be like not listening I like to multitask I like to do things like that so it's almost like your brains running too fast and it wants to see other things yes yes I know socially when you're talking to someone you have to look at someone directly but I it's not natural yeah it's not easy I think being autistic means you have more hurdles to go bigger hurdles more hurdles everything's a bit more difficult so every everything is just a track with a bunch of hurdles in the way and you're constantly trying to jump over that exactly the autistic is a different way of thinking our brains work differently than the average human being like the way we process things and experience things for example we could get really interested in things that other people would wouldn't typically be interested in like math or chemistry art we get super focused on those before we learn more about the wondrous world of autism I just wanted to introduce you to the newest addition to our set this was meticulously hand painted by Rihanna Robles he's an incredible job looking sexy if I do say so myself let's give a huge huge round of applause to Rihanna Robles for this amazing job this one's for you now back to learning about the wondrous world of autism do you consider autism to be a hindrance in your day to day life I used to think it was but now I think it's an advantage because I coped with my autism by social isolation and that gave me the opportunity to get better the things that I like to do for example painting and riding your bike because I could do those things by myself and then they treat me like I'm you know not as good as them or not as smart as they are but yeah I feel like I'm a normal person sometimes I think I used to but when adapting I've now thought of it as a positive thing because I wouldn't be Who I am it used to be a Hindu it's when I was a little kid now it's more of just another thing just another trait that exactly yeah so there's a spectrum with autism can you can you describe what that spectrum is I only know that I'm high-functioning autism but there's low functioning autism in the sense of like there's also mild and severe there's also Asperger's which it's on the autism spectrum it can also be associated as its own thing how does having autism affects your day-to-day life well I'm seemingly normal on the outside but on the inside I'm and different than the average person I get Boyd from it oh really yeah even in adulthood what specifically do people bully you for usually it's the way that I talk or mm-hmm look around when I was a kid I got Boyd for everything wait dress and well there's a small math teacher he used to get so mad at me when I wouldn't do my homework but I was just a kid I didn't realize how important homework was yeah and so you'd have the other students make sure that I wouldn't be able to play with him during recess and so they trip me with the jump rope and wait who would trip you with a jumper the student that the teacher asked to watch over me to make sure that I wouldn't have a recess wait you a teacher to me homework a teacher told a kid to make sure you were miserable during recess yeah I felt like the world was against me just yeah that duffer honesty I would feel like that too yeah that's tough I think about every single day that's how I remember it like it was yesterday and I thought I thought there was nothing wrong for you then when I switched schools and they still bully me at the other school I was like yes something wrong with me now what's wrong I was almost 14 years old when they found out yeah they had been testing me for a DD and it kept coming out negative and all I remember is a kid was they kept pulling me out of classes and test me on stuff I'm like why are they doing this to me yeah I just went it to the office and he's yes social questions yeah that count wait like do I walk into room and feel like everybody staring at me here yeah he he just watched my behavior a little bit when I was talking in mm-hmm after an hour she turned my mom and said well mom she has autism housing and then she started bawling your eyes out was she happy or sad she was heartbroken because she felt like she treated me wrong all these years my dad - my dad was crying Oh so they yeah how did they treat you did they treat you like you had no I thought they were pretty nice with me I personally wasn't cognitive about it until like I was much much later into my life probably like around 14 or 15 well I was able to actually understand that I'm autistic more I have autism but in terms of like parental and family I didn't speak till I was four I went to doctors and all that kind of stuff and they told them that I was diagnosed with autism was that like when he found out when I found out I couldn't comprehend it I just didn't know what it meant I didn't know what that means because like it's not like I know what it means to be normal anything I'm just mean I don't see anything wrong with me at all like when I was growing up I had an aide yeah I thought it was just everyone had an aide you didn't notice that other people did not have AIDS yeah I did I'm gonna go ahead and cancel myself right now can you explain what the sensory sensitivities with autism are for me it's mostly sounds yeah loud noises but spit someone talking on the phone in the room next to me or the dog barking up the street or maybe my neighbours hammering a table so so it's less like physical sensory stuff it's more just like a mental you're fixating on certain details yeah exactly that - it sounds a lot like and I'm not saying its exact same thing but it sounds a lot like when I'm having a panic attack I get seriously you get those - yeah and you focus on one thing and you feel like it's just overwhelming yeah I get that 24 hours a day you feel like you're having a panic attack 24 hours a day oh well sometimes it's worse than sometimes I actually faint and that's way too frequent you'll think from from the anxiety that you feel yeah do you go through life proud of your autism or do you kind of keep it more of a secret I mean I guess well for me personally because I'm higher functioning actually most people won't even I don't like recognise me that I'm on the spectrum I remember when I first was coming out on Facebook a lot of the comments I would get they were say I never knew but I'm so great to hear your story yeah inspiring to see like those hurdles that you went through is I would never have believed because it's an invisible eye disorder so it's really hard to tell unless you're actually like get to know the person at first I was ashamed about it I tried to keep it hidden I even tried to convince myself that it wasn't autistic but now but now I'm a self-advocate for it and yeah I'm trying to help other people that have it do you ever feel like people underestimate what you're capable of because you're on the spectrum yeah yeah they underestimate intelligence and capability and even your ability to play sports and drive but oh really I feel like I'm a good athlete in some way so people will say like wow you can drive you're autistic I don't know you have your license isms I I'm not blind how do you think people without autism should interact with people who are on the spectrum treat us normally I keep using normal Jesus like like you would anyone else yeah pretty much like feed us like how you would treat anyone else be aware that the fact that we do have a mental disability yeah that we do have autism but don't be changing the way you speak the way honestly speaking you're one of them more personal casual people when it comes to talking to me when it comes to and that's good because even though you're addressing the fact that I have autism they're not like changing anything you're not changing the way you act I've seen other videos with you in it and you're the same person the way you talk to other people versus me do you find that some people will just automatically change the way they talk with you yeah some people yeah I'm fine with really bubbly people because I feel welcome of course I seem unapproachable no you're not unapproachable I got to hear that I didn't I didn't find that at least the only difference that I see is there's less eye contact but that doesn't that doesn't bother me especially because I understand what it is that you know the way that you perceive the world is a little different yeah what are your thoughts regarding the idea that some people have that autism is caused by vaccinations it is based on a study that has no factual evidence to it and in a lot of people the doctors retracted their claim yeah and on top of that first of all even if it did cause autism why is having autism Royston having a polio dying of a disease yeah I mean I may be autistic but all these on that died Cynthia Wagner wants to know what you think society could be doing to better serve people with autism it's ok if you can't understand it I'm not expecting you to understand a hundred percent of everything that goes down with autism but at least have an open mind and understand that it yes it exists it's not wrong I have it other people have it too so just be mindful that it exists what's something you wish you could say to everyone who doesn't understand autism and maybe doesn't want to take the time to understand autistic people is not excuse to misbehave it's not a learning disability it's not social anxiety it's just it's simply a different way of thinking and different way of experiencing the world I actually have a parting gift for you best interviewers shirt for you you can get that at Fidel doeshot comm but for you that is free subscribe please like like seriously please yeah we want a bunch of people to talk about autism like like like I don't see that on normal YouTube haha thanks man alright you got five seconds a shout-out or promote anything you want directly in a camera go you can find me at Facebook or Instagram at and yellow fields I'm very boring it's just my regular name I'm in a non-profit documentary and you can check out the website at autism goes to college tour my name is real Bemidji on every web Wilbon richie one word on youtube and instagram thank you so much Jasmine I feel like I understand the wondrous world of autism just a little bit more thank you after spending the day with these autistic people I've come to realize just how much we could learn from the way they perceive the world shouldn't we be doing more to spread awareness and education on disorders like autism so we can understand and appreciate those who are different from the perceived norm in our society see you later bye guys these are what we really have to be afraid of or taking over the world we're in trouble already taking over the world
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 2,185,539
Rating: 4.9759045 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, smosh anthony, anthony padilla smosh, i spent a day with, interview, autism, autistic, people with autism, autistic people, autism spectrum disorder
Id: zatA90699qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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