I spent a day with REALITY SHIFTERS

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reality shifting a phenomenon in which a person actively projects their consciousness from their current reality to another through numerous techniques usually involving some combination of deep focus and manifestation the sudden rise in reality shifting can likely be attributed to viral tick tocks such as ones labeled with draco malfoy which in total has almost 20 billion views amidst wholesome harry potter fan edits numerous videos explain how people can literally be with draco malfoy at hogwarts through reality shifting but shifters aren't limited to fictional locations and can experience any desired reality of their choosing as this trend continues the hashtag reality shifting specifically has garnered almost 400 million views on its own my name's anthony padilla and today i'm going to be sitting down with reality shifters to learn the truth about this elusive and often controversial practice is reality shifting a truly revolutionary mentality that has the potential to shape the way humanity experiences consciousness forever or is it nothing more than deeply vivid imagination or just a trendier version of the ancient art of self-induced lucid dreams [Music] hello cam hi daniel hi anthony how's it going kristen hi thank you so much for coming on here and teaching me about the world of reality shifting a real pleasure thank you what do you consider yourself a reality shifter someone who understands the concept of projecting your consciousness i would consider myself a shifter for reality shifter my background in is something called lucid dreaming now lucid dreaming is the ability to know that you're dreaming while dreaming are you comfortable referring yourself as a reality shifter or do you think that's they're they're different things i certainly don't have any issue with with the terminology i know that reality shifting has become a really popular phrase recently and anything that gets people thinking about the mind and how the mind works i'm all for [Music] what does reality shifting entail in general the belief that the multiverse is real there are nearly an infinite amount of realities and we're just choosing which one we want to experience essentially taking your consciousness and shifting literally shifting it to another reality that reality could be like anything that you've envisioned or it could be actual realities like hogwarts or narnia so really the experience is a lot like falling asleep consciously it's basically you're you're bringing your awareness along for the ride fall into a dream and then suddenly realize oh this is a dream i can control it and i would live out all of my childhood wishes you know flying into space that was the main one really is there more than one method to shift there are two main divisions there's sleeping methods and awake methods sleeping methods are methods that you use when you're like planning to go to sleep and then shift during awake methods or methods that you do when you're awake and you're conscious so that you shift while you're conscious some of the more popular methods would be the raven method the sunny method the lucid dreaming method a lot of those are just kind of waiting until you reach that state in between consciousness and unconsciousness and then setting the intent to shift i am most familiar with the raven method it's where you lay on your back in starfish pose you count to 100 during those countings you make sure you're affirming you're visualizing where you want to go and then at 100 you're done kind of with the method you just set the intention you're going to shift you fall asleep and when you wake up you're there the best approach is to build up this sort of critical thinking about the world around you any strange events are suddenly a cue to step back and think oh this could be a dream and then you can do what's called a reality test now a really simple one is you pinch your nose and you try to breathe through your pinched nose okay i'll try it right now it made my ears tighten up and made me feel like i wanted to die but you couldn't breathe through it right correct my lungs were about to collapse but if you were dreaming you'd be able to breathe through your pinched nose because what you'd be pinching is an imagined nose so if you make this a a regular habit then eventually you'll you'll do this in a dream and then you'll breathe through the pinch nose you go ah i'm dreaming and then once you know that you're dreaming that you're in a universe of the mind where you're essentially the creator of that world and anything is possible can you describe what process works for you and what that feels like so what i do is that you write out your script you read it a couple times you put it under your pillow and you just go to sleep saying affirmations and i mix it with the estelle method you envision yourself dancing with the person when the music ends that person leads you to like a door and they ask are you ready i say yes i'll basically open the door and you'll be there that's what it feels like can you describe what scripting is setting the parameters of the universe you want to go to so you can script being in relationships you can script the type of house you have you can script what classes you're taking or you can just set it to a universe that you're already aware of something like harry potter doctor who marvel it's not making a reality it's just deciding which one you want to focus on how do you feel about scripts that that are kind of pre-written online with like fill in the blank gaps i think whatever works for you whatever helps you define it best i'm 100 okay with it you don't even have to script if you don't want to it just is you specifically choosing i guess you could kind of let it roulette wheel and just let your subconscious decide where you're going to end up that sounds a bit scary but people do it i've heard of people ending up an attack on titan and it freaks me out a little bit no thanks that's already too scary to watch anyway horrified i actually printed out one of the fill in the blank scripts so i wanted to get your opinion on how you think this would work and if you think it would work so this one is for the marvel universe and it starts with my name is blank my super powers are blank i am from blank insert planet name i am healthy i cannot get sick i cannot die or incur any major harm nothing i encounter will traumatize me i'm going to script that in my own physical current reality i don't personally believe you can script out things like trauma or getting too attached i think if you come back to your reality even if you've scripted that or that you don't get too attached and you think more on it and suddenly everything hits you at once that script isn't going to help you so do you feel like this kind of would invalidate the entire script or do you think that some people might add in details that just they cannot control the script is perfectly fine and honestly if people want to script that it just means they won't be traumatized there or feel any sort of trauma there and that's all fine and good as well if you just want to have a chill time can you show us any of the scripts that you've written this one is from my hero academia my name is like lilith phantomhive good one good one other things that i would script would be like health-wise i'm okay i can't get permanently injured i sleep well i have unlimited money i want to be able to eat as much food as i want so i need money yeah so do you say that you will remain healthy no matter how much food you eat yes i put i can't gain weight so we're good do you alter your physical appearance and like what you're capable of yes i make myself taller i usually make myself like buffer because i'm like i'm gonna get ready to throw some hands if anyone tries anything this all sounds way easier than working out and getting plastic surgery why do that when i can just shift realities before we continue learning about the world of reality shifting i definitely think that these realities are realities that already exist all we're doing is tapping into our own power that allows us to go to those realities i believe that there are infinite versions of ourselves within each of those universes i'd like to thank our sponsor expressvpn for our continued partnership that allows us to continue this series and support all the fascinatingly beautiful people that helped pick this series possible behind the scenes for those of you who don't usually watch this series allow me to explain what expressvpn is all about expressvpn is an app and browser extension that protects your privacy and security online while allowing you to place your device anywhere in the world so you can watch everything you don't usually have access to in your region so let's say you are interested in dabbling in reality shifting and you want a little inspiration by re-watching the most incredible fantasy saga ever created by mankind but it's not available to stream for free in your region no worries expressvpn hides your ip address and lets you select where you want sites to think you're located and you can choose from almost 100 different countries so you're covered expressvpn actually works with any streaming service though like hulu bbc iplayer youtube crunchyroll and all the others even that one yes you know which one i'm talking about visit expressvpn.com padilla to learn more or click the link down in the description to get an extra three months of expressvpn for free again that's expressvpn.com padilla for an extra three months support them support us and surf the web from anywhere in the world now back to the world of reality shifting when did you first shift and what was that like i recall a wake initiated lucid dream so falling asleep consciously being in bed and then falling backwards through a tunnel kind of like the scene and get out he was just like in a black void falling oddly enough when i ended up in the the dream or the shift i was back in my bed thought i'd just woken up but it was actually a dream and then i looked out the window and there was a giant rainbow fish just flying through the sky okay so this is definitely not waking reality at this point i flew around a bit i didn't do anything i was about to say didn't do anything too exciting but i was fine i just flew around with my mind nothing too special i decided to not do any methods i was just tired right so i went to sleep and i woke up just thinking i'd be in my room but i wasn't in my room i was in someone completely different and that's why i thought i got kidnapped so this was a scary experience then i woke up in the bedroom that i scripted i'd wake up but i didn't really understand that that was the bedroom all i knew is that i wasn't in my original room how often do you shift i usually shift once every month or every two months okay so so it's actually a lot more rare than i think some people would imagine it to be i cannot physically deal with two lives at the same time maybe two to three times a week um would be my yearly average and what's your favorite kind of uh reality to experience i used to be a well i still am a massive fan of the star trek universe in the star trek universe they have the holodeck which is basically their version of virtual reality so it's a computer program you go in and you can create anything well i dream of going to the star trek universe go into the holodeck and then i can immediately go anywhere because it's multiple steps but it like allows you to kind of experience infinite the infinite universe half of the problem with controlling these situations is believing it's possible we have these deep expectations that that's how the world works so when you're dreaming your mind essentially goes well these rules still apply but it seems like it'd be easy to tell yourself that you're going to this different place where this is the reality exactly and that's something which i call reframing you so you reframe your expectations in a new way do these alternate realities actually exist in an infinite universe or is it more so something that you just conjure up in your mind i definitely think that these realities are realities that already exist all we're doing is tapping into our own power that allows us to go to those realities i believe that there are infinite versions of ourselves so all we have to do is just make sure that our consciousness gets there they're already there very much like the dc or marvel multiverse that you would see with each separate decision we make it branches off into a separate reality so while there aren't technically an infinite amount it is a number i couldn't even begin to say as many stars as there are in the universe which is more than the amount of grains of sand that there are on earth yeah i would say possibly even more than that actually it's stupid are there any other big experiences that stand out to you and everything from conscious stars that i've communicated with to walking around amongst the ants and sort of experiencing their world it's just the more you do the more creative you get the more the braver you get with it and then you start doing things like stepping in front of traffic or it's fascinating to see how your mind deals with its assumption that it's going to cease to be and then it creates a model of what the afterlife would be like the human brain is not capable of imagining it ceasing to exist there it's just it's it's just not so so when you experience these things in a different realm or reality or in a dream it kind of goes on to create other parts of you because it can't imagine not existing at all the nearest i can get to explaining what nothingness is trying to remember before you were born and even then your brain tries to fill in the gaps how did you first learn about reality shifting maybe 2014 2015. i learned about it from like a reddit post about like shifting realities but they didn't go too much into detail it was only last year around august that i was on tick tock and someone was talking about it but when they were explaining it i thought it was like absolute right i mean it sounds like it does you know without without going deeper into it but i kind of believed it so [Music] do you feel like reality shifting can be a healthy coping mechanism for for people who are struggling with real life issues i think it's good as a coping mechanism but i don't think that they should rely on it too much your entire life will begin to revolve around shifting and the more that you can't do it or the more that you feel like you're being held back the more depressed and the more angry you're going to get and the more miserable you're going to get how do you feel coming back to your current reality after going to these different worlds refreshing exciting exhilarating really it doesn't feel boring or like you're experiencing less than what you're capable of experiencing if you believe you're going elsewhere then there's this kind of sense of missing out of jealousy of loss so if you're concluding that then you might lead yourself into a slightly unhealthy mindset if you conclude that the places you're visiting are the product of the mind when you come back you're exhilarated that you've done something so amazing and once you realize that you can paint a universe with your mind and it feels entirely convincing coming back from that doesn't diminish you it expands your sense of pride and wonder i've read some in-depth pages from people who take reality shifting very seriously warning against bringing pets into your desired reality because they warn you know you have to be able to account for the amount of time and attention that they require you have to have a veterinarian picked out you need to be like prepared to take care of them if they're ever in danger how deep does this all go does that seem like something that aligns with the way that everyone views reality shifting the belief in the community is that every reality is equally as real and valid as this one they're completely real people with completely real feelings and experiences that's why we don't encourage like going around and killing people like we don't encourage anything that you wouldn't do here so it's not like this fantasyland where people have god powers and can do whatever they want with no consequences i mean i guess it could be if you want to script that but generally no everything has consequences have you ever experienced anything that made you feel uncomfortable in any of these realities yes definitely because in my desired reality there are a lot of people that are after me and i don't script that like just how there's like harassment in this world i've faced harassment in that in my desired reality which is super uncomfortable can you feel pain can you die i mean can you get stuck you cannot get stuck there's no way you can ever get stuck that makes no damn sense okay like what are you trying to pull here i mean although we could go down the path of like if there's infinite possibilities and there is the possibility that there is a world where it does exist yeah it is so maybe you know does that does that kind of break down your theories at all um like when we yeah a little bit but huh that makes complete sense what you're saying but i highly doubt you're going to shift like to be in that reality do you think there's a risk of ever wanting to stay in your altered state forever oh yeah and that's one of the reasons i'm so hesitant to condone minor shifting especially if you're trying to escape from something here because shifting is a form of escapism if you're in a horrible situation here and you go over there and it's just euphoric it's all fun and games yeah you're going to want to stay it sounds like in many ways it kind of runs parallel with substance abuse it can be very hard not to get severely attached to that and i would recommend keeping something here that you can only have here so that you don't feel the need to stay there before we continue learning even more about the world of reality shifting i wanted to take another moment to thank our sponsor better help for our continued partnership i've been pretty outspoken about how therapy has been really helpful for me but therapy can be whatever you want it to be and can be super helpful in offering tools to help with motivation or feelings of depression anxiety stress insecurity or honestly whatever you need better help has been continuing to improve throughout the years and screens all therapists to ensure that they have experience and are certified and that they're licensed and they provide customized online therapy that offers video phone even live chat sessions with your licensed therapist so you don't have to see anyone on camera or speak to anyone on the phone if you're not comfortable with that therapy can be expensive and the price of finding a therapist you like can really start to add up which is why betterhelp offers a more affordable alternative to in-person therapy where you can start communicating with your licensed therapist in less than 48 hours so thanks again to our sponsor betterhelp who are giving i spent a day with viewers and listeners 10 percent off their first month at betterhelp.com padilla that's betterhelp.com padilla now back to the world of reality shifting like everything that anyone does that brings anyone joy the reality shifting community has faced its own fair share of criticism and just hate from the outside why do you think that is just because of the closed-mindedness that a lot of people have it's a hard concept to grasp like i said a lot of people think that it's fake and it's just people using their imaginations to escape from you know the hard reality and there's only this reality and we're just trying to escape it why do you think this is all gained so much popularity in the past few months or years shows like rick and morty that explore the concept of multiple dimensions platforms such as tick tock have allowed ideas to spread so much quicker the unfortunate strange times we're living through people are more prone to want to be somewhere else we're all feeling very pent up at the moment so i think the combination of all of those events has just led to this explosion of well this reality kind of sucks at the moment let's explore what else is available what would you say to anyone in the comments right now shaming reality shifting as a concept in general we're human we have feelings we have opinions and this is something we choose to believe in and i don't think we should be shamed for that we're not hurting anybody with it we're not hurting ourselves shifting has given a purpose to a lot of our community can you recognize when someone is faking that they can reality shift definitely there are some stories and i'm like no hermione did not just get up and start twerking when like she got a question right are you for real but i mean you know that does beg the question if the universe really is infinite and there are infinite realities doesn't that imply that that is a reality that does but i highly doubt that they went to a reality where hermione is twerking but i mean how could you discount someone for having that experience when the discussion was just about how everyone has their own reality and it's impossible to know if someone's reality was real or not because it's impossible to prove if you allow things that are really far-fetched to just fester it it discredits everything but the concept of reality shifting in general is pretty far-fetched does yeah it is pretty far-fetched but compared to some of the things i hear um it sounds like some facts the whole concept in general is saying that anything is possible don't judge people for what they experience so it does seem kind of like it's like where is the line drawn i know when we say like shifting realities you can go anywhere do anything your imagination is literally the limit but i'd like to say that um some of the things that happen in this reality and some of the rules and the laws follow no matter where we go i'm sure that's as up for debate as the concept of reality shipping in general oh yeah definitely i saw a post from someone fervently demanding that lucid dreaming and reality shifting are two extremely different things and should never be compared and anyone who does should be chastised in some way and there were comments on there saying things like queen and poggers and you know just completely agreeing with these things uh how do you feel about the idea that some people are for lack of a better term gatekeeping and wanting to separate these two ideas and not wanting to see any mesh between them i think we want to believe it it makes me feel better it makes me feel like there's more to life than this it makes me feel like i'm not stuck and hearing that they are stuck is a source of frustration i don't think anyone wants to be told oh it was just in your head if they really truly want to believe and have believed for any extended period of time that it was and is a reality it's like being told your friends aren't real or your family isn't real or your memories aren't real it invalidates you it invalidates those experiences what do you think is the biggest misconception about reality shifting that it's an incredibly easy thing to do and it requires dedication effort with the development of knowledge if you wanted to be a concert pianist you'd realize that it's going to take you a while to get there you might be able to play a few tunes after a few months but if you really want to do it i mean as with all things in life if you dedicate yourself you'll get there and once you realize you can achieve that you realize you can achieve almost anything alright you got five seconds to shout out or promote anything you want directly to camera go snowing soul on tick-tock check me out i talk about reality shifting or i don't if you want to learn lucid dreaming or reality shifting pop over to lucid dream portal here on youtube if you like paranormal psychology and the metaphysical world just follow me at my channel on kristo subscribe to anthony do it or if you will reality shift into a reality that you are um a part of subscribed anyways subscribe anyways thank you so much daniel i feel like i understand the world of reality shifting a little bit more well thank you for having me it's been an absolute pleasure um and i hope this helps expand people's minds after spending the day with these reality shifters i've come to understand that whether it's just in someone's head or a lucid dream or an actual shift to an alternate reality this new reality can very much be just as real to oneself therefore it is indeed each of these shifters own reality and in a society in which isolation anxiety and hopelessness has become more prevalent than ever before who are we to blame anyone for minding their own business and providing themselves a way to experience their own peace of mind see you later bye guys give us a like [Music] but i mean if i put myself in your shoes or like we switched bodies for a day or something a week so you look off as hell basically yes are you buff this house absolutely yeah like if we yeah sorry i threw you off with that yeah i'm like what am i thinking
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 585,926
Rating: 4.8432851 out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, i spent a day with, interview
Id: bj3_SGfZsAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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