Do All Autistic People Think The Same? | Spectrum

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This is a YouTube channel that does interviews and social experiments to teach things from the perspective of the person, in this case, with autism, to fight the standard stereotype of everyone being the same.

It's called Jubilee and its very good. Teaches people not to judge and assume based on one single trait.

My point is that no we do not think the same, yes it's a stupid question, and this video actually proves that point. It's progressive and anti-stereotype. The point of the title is that it's the subject the video is discussing, usually because people with autism get asked that question a lot.

This channel disproves crap like this, not supports it. Please don't hate on Jubilee, watch the video first. It's a very thoughtful channel, and I've seen some ignorant people change their minds because of it.

Edit: spelling grammar, and phrasing because I'm bad at things. Thanks for patience.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/potatocakes1989 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's like asking "do all gay people think the same?" Sure they might have some things in common because of their sexuality but obviously the answer is no.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No, we don't. But as another user pointed that out, NTs don't realize that, so I'm glad someone is trying to teach them this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RoninMacbeth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved it when that one girl said I don’t like a lot of people so a lot of people don’t like me I relate to that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/retailhellgirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No we dont.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thebluefairie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey good humans Jason here and we've got a big announcement today we're dropping another collection of human good called service-level take a look this whole theme is about judgments and how we come to these judgments often on a surface level make sure you check out human good Olay calm and stick around the end because we have a special promo hood for you for now enjoy the episode personally like I'm in refer to myself I'm gonna say autistic person but you can say either/or and I won't give a crap [Music] [Applause] my name is Jay I'm 19 I was diagnosed late with autism you know there's no way to look autistic it's just a whole spectrum of people I'm Josiah I'm 18 at first I was really unsure about it because it sounded like it was bad but I started to realize that autism is more like me than it is a disease my name is Shayna crashing I'm 23 autism is more prevalent than people think and just if we could make the world more aware and acceptable towards it it'll just be a lot easier for everybody I am Christopher Carroll I am 38 years old I like to act was that not related to autism I'm yoni I'm 19 and I am an artist at all times I really am proud to have autism it makes me see the world differently and that's totally awesome my name is Bella I'm 22 years old in high school I couldn't really talk so I was like nonverbal I've just become more confident in myself and being able to talk to other people special benefit three-two-one I do find it to be somewhat of a bad label this person is special as in two different to function I guess it's like when I I perform in the performances I've been in people begin to whisper in the audience whisper among themselves was that person person special or not and that that seems a little harsh to me especially could be used as something good but it can also be used as you know something like Oh like why aren't you hanging out with them oh because they're special like you know like they're the other they're less than and it's we're not less than we're different if you like I can make neurotypical people feel better like it's like the right word to say and like it just sounds nicer to them but in reality I think it's just more offensive if you're like using it with it but that kind of tone and inflection what I think about special in the terms of autism I think about special Edie and for me it's like why is it special to have some extra accommodations or to learn a different way like it's not special that it's extra supported I agree allow the word special can mean pretty much anything it's just the way that people take it and I don't think that's fair it's hard for me to make friends because yeah I didn't really start making friends until I started college cuz I wasn't like in a lot of activities and stuff I just always wanted to be by myself and I always found it hard to talk to people um for the longest time especially when I was in middle school I had a bit of a hard time making friends and so I was basically on my own for a while but until I made it until I made it I totally went to UM junior high I went to a on private school there home to our goal was to basically like make a community that are just trying to find friends and stuff like that so that's why I'm on this somewhat disagreed because it's like I have plenty of friends now but in the long run when it came down to middle school I had a really rough time I honestly don't have trouble making friends I talked to everyone I meet and everyone I meet I kind of make friends with I don't know it just comes naturally to me I just say hey let's be friends and they're like yeah and it happens when you first meet somebody I'm good at the initial like talking and friend thing but it's when like the long-term and you know it just gets too complicated and then like also I just find like I don't like a lot of people and so like of course not a lot of people are gonna like me so it's just so it's just like some would agree well I I guess for me it's just I also have social anxiety so it's never been easy for me to make friends but I sometimes I just feel better being by myself and doing my own thing and when you go out and you meet people you have to really push yourself to you know to know what to say and to know what not to do and you don't stim and stuff like that so it's just harder to go out and have that whole mental energy put towards that when you can just be yourself by yourself but I do have some friends so that's why I'm here not there I have a similar problem I was younger I had so phobia and I spent a lot of childhood just living or playing inside my own head which didn't exactly seem to help me with people's skills yeah it can trigger things your can like trigger meltdown like you don't want to have to deal with sensory issues period period I was just saying I feel yeah well for years years I was wondering like why is the music in the car where no one else is saying it's loud why is it hurting me why he's like why can't I make friends easily why am I not picking up on sarcasm I feel like it really did help me understand myself because I stopped feeling so bad my body and brain sometimes work against each other when I first read the what are they calling it's not symptoms criteria what criteria yeah the criteria for autism it was like mind-blowing because it was like reading something I didn't even know existed and could be put into words like I said I thought everybody was just dealing with it and hiding it better and I've turned to so much more self-love since I found out about my diagnosis just two years ago it's just been like probably the most freeing thing for me I actually used to have meltdowns like daily I would just get so angry and nobody knew why yeah and I didn't know why I would just pop it on and I realized that after I got diagnosed of autism everybody around you notice how less angry and how many like how less my meltdowns were because you start to know how to prevent them because you start to know what's making you meltdown well I think I have to say I somewhat disagree because I've not actually been diagnosed no one's tested me for autism so what do we go by just simply what a doctor happens to say on any given day or what made you want to come today a few doctors have said I have autism although at least twice as many doctors I've known to have said I do not what do you what do you believe now I I believe I do have autism somewhere but I can't say I agree with the diagnosis because I don't actually have a diagnosis are you planing to get one in the future I don't know anyone who'll give me one that's a big issue actually they're crazy expensive and crazy hard to get I guess like a whole ordeal I got what for my psychiatrist cuz I was already under his care yeah it really does help me especially to find a different route with education like I had a huge problem with mathematics and stuff like that and now after I got diagnosed and I'm going to the school that helps typically with autism it's like now I'm doing statistics it does really help it really helps me to understand what how my brain works and how I can get help and because I know that my brain works differently I see the world in a more creative aspects thinking outside of the box and I'm over here like I'm outside of the like I'm that's out of the you can't even find the ball I'm in the galaxy excuse me the shapes are around me and I'm outside of all of them I get pity for a lot of things because I don't have only autism I have multiple mental illnesses and medical conditions - and everyone when I like tell them all then they're like how can you be happy your life sounds difficult I'm like it's not that like it's just what I know it's it doesn't have to be the end of my world and I don't like getting pity for the things I have because just because I'm disabled doesn't mean my life necessarily sucks because of that yeah I only said someone disagree because I grew up like really obsessively masking I don't think people pity me I think the opposite I think people have very high expectations of me because I can kind of mask and present that I think that most people forget I'm autistic and don't treat me with the some of the help I need and have a lot less patience for it and so I don't know how much I'm pity more the time I'm not believed I've even had like therapists try to like convince me I'm not I have to like teach them about it and then they say I'm not so it's very frustrating I can't change the way I am so instead of pity I want people to try to understand and accept it's also just like don't pity me like be with me like like be with me in the moment like don't feel bad for me like like as if you can't do anything like treat me like I am like I am just a normal person so like growing up people used to like baby me and now like I look at being 22 I look back and it's like they just should have probably treated me like a normal child just that can be a hindrance in itself people babying you that exactly they're at it not you don't it makes me feel like I can't be in my own person yeah I used to have that problem with a lot of people like they would be like oh it's okay we're we're all little autistic or something like that and it's like no there I hate back on it so much and I get yeah we're not all autistic just because you have like you relate to like a couple things on the trait doesn't mean that you're autistic necessarily have to have more than just three things you know yeah then you're just being a person just relate to a few it's like you're human too I strongly disagree because if I didn't have autism I won't be the same exact person part of my identity but I really be the same person if I didn't have autism but I think I have to stick with just somewhat because I haven't actually been diagnosed with autism so another thing is that the issues in the struggles that like I have with being somebody with autism is like that I encounter day to day mostly have to do with the fact that I'm living in a neurotypical world not that I have autism if that makes sense so it's I would much rather live in a world that's more aware of autism and/or a less neurotypical heavy world that would be what I would rather change not changing myself if that makes sense that's why before diagnosis first language like autistic person then people with autism because personally it's like my autism makes up me it's not just like a part of me like I my diabetes is a part of me my pancreas not working doesn't affect my the way I act the way I am but my autism it affects the way I see the world the way I process the way I feel things the way I go about things and socialize and even though I don't like everything about myself I don't think that being not autistic would make me love myself suddenly I think it's just about the fact that I just need to work on accepting myself more in general so I feel like I'd rather have my autism because it made me mean yeah I also I would say personally like I'm a person with autism but I also don't care really how people use it I remember when they started saying like autistic person versus person with autism I was like oh okay I don't care yeah like I don't you call me either but if I had to pick personally like if I'm gonna refer to myself I'm gonna say autistic person but you can say either/or and I won't give a crap because I see it as like a neurotypical community being like oh we just didn't mean to me as nice as we possibly can notices I don't know I feel like I've never heard an autistic person freak out about it really I always hear neurotypical people freaking out about it well like I kind of agree because some people have the same exact things that I go through but then also somewhat disagree because people there's like higher functioning and lower functioning so it's kind of hard to connect to people that are like I don't know what to say that yeah I got that yeah I got because they're so different I guess it could be I guess harder to you know connect and in some degree but we may not all go through the same exact things but as a label like autism I think we can all like connect to that and that's how I feel like with the label with that label I feel like there's a good sense of community there I do agree it's like although we have different stories about how of you know of how of autism I believe that we where we can relate to each other and still like um have different perspectives yeah exactly because it's like I feel like especially right now it's like we spread apart because you know we're scared to say that we're autistic but I believe that um we need to start to group together and start to educate people and you know I've noticed the rising communities online yeah narrow diversity yeah when I when I first found out it was like great to like deep dive into the internet and get all these autistic perspectives and I and I connected with that online but then when I found when I went in real life and I started to meet people or started to talk to people more I I felt just kind of isolated again and I felt kind of like that same thing I think it's just the same thing if I'm in a group of neurotypical people from a grouping autistic people I'm just gonna still kind of feel alienated and so I just kind of stopped trying after it helps when you don't have to explain yourself to others then you can just relax and hang out without any judgement Thank You Jo [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] hey guys thanks again for sticking around if you're still here make sure you go to human get alikom to check out the amazing new surface-level collection and for you amazing good humans we actually have a special discount code it's only available for 48 hours from the drop of this video so if you're watching right now go to the website human go telecom alright we love you guys we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 3,757,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, autism awareness, do all autistic people think the same, do all people with autism think the same, autism spectrum, spectrum autistic people, spectrum autism, mental health, spectrum autism jubilee, autism spectrum disorder, asd, people with autism, autistic people, autism, autistic
Id: SoWSuxBy6oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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