I Spent $400 Upgrading @$#*&ing Sharks For You

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today we're playing as what's called a very hungry shark so that means we're going to eat a whole lot of endangered creatures i'm sure there's some kind of awesome quest i'm supposed to be doing but i'm really just going to enjoy eating crap for a little bit there's a golden turtle i'm sure that's pretty endangered and probably also pretty delicious and it's dead for everything we eat we get a few coins which levels us up and this is a concept we've never ever seen before look at that thing yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna eat you anyway if i don't eat things fairly frequently i do starve to death but that also means i can upgrade my shark so since we did get 204 coins out of that deal because i watched an ad we're going to increase the speed and also the byte probably a few times just because those both sound like very helpful things i'm not even going to worry about boost we just need to be really quick and really hungry okay so let's try that again with more eating i'm definitely a lot quicker already so this is going to be much easier the turtles used to outrun me now i'll run them i don't really know what's more valuable to eat but i'm assuming turtles probably are because they're a little bit harder to catch most of these fish are kind of stupid they just hang out and wait for me to eat them and some crabs these two also look like just the boring variety of crabs but i'm still gonna put them in my mouth then we're gonna move down here to hopefully find some new fish to eat survival bonus gonna eat one of those gonna leave the puffer fish alone then i'm gonna wander down into this cave where there's hopefully bigger stronger things for me to eat like whatever nope that's venomous don't touch that one found another shark which is considerably smaller than me so i'm able to eat it and i think that was a puffer fish thanks to my extra bite strength i'm able to uh oh a diver a human i've always wanted to eat humans i'm not really sure what these are but they seem to want to hurt me and for the first time in my life i've gone too deep apparently the pressure is too much down there so i've got to stay at this elevation for now and we got murdered by a stingray but we did get a new high score and look at all those coins so after eating those fun creatures our reef shark is up to level five so we're going to increase the speed and bite one more time and then also the boost this is what we're gonna call a gateway shark which is gonna lead us to bigger and better sharks so let's try this now we're even quicker and even more dangerous and we can also use our boost a little better but i feel like that's probably only gonna put me into danger but i did already level up and i know there were some sharks down here before and i feel like eating other sharks is going to be the best way to assert dominance don't touch the sea mine and what is this that looks like something i should be eating get in my mouth stop stop stop i'm trying to eat something okay got that one eaten and yeah there we go it gave me an emerald not entirely sure if that's a type of currency or not presumably it is uh and that's just fine by me i'm even eating these now these are super poisonous normally there's food but i can't get to him because he's in a cage can i eat the people on the surface i can eat the people on the surface oh you better run i will eat you all eventually there's so many things to put in my mouth it's almost overwhelming i don't know if they're good or they're bad but they all get the same treatment they get the taste test found what appears to be some kind of salmon which are probably pretty good eating oil's a little bit deeper than we were before this was the stingray that killed me last time they look very happy but they're very dangerous that put us all the way up to level seven and once we do make some money we can really equip our shark as a pretty cool stuff like a missile launcher don't know how much it costs but i feel like that'll be a fine addition to my shark but for now i'm just gonna grind it out so i get a little bit more money which is great news for the sea creatures of the world do i get extra money for people i sure hope i do oh come on the person's so slow got her protein shake i consumed yet another person and apparently i got a mission completed so i guess my mission was just to eat people which i very much enjoy doing and i'm gonna eat this lady and everything else that i can uh the flying boats are cool too ooh divers oh oh okay they're bad so currently we're using a reef shark which is level eight but it seems to want me to get the hammer head sharp pretty soon all we need is 3 000 coins for that and it's a good thing i know how to make money i just realized i've actually made a career out of putting things in my mouth i think i just saw a hammer yeah but sure did so that's what a bigger shark looks like i'm gonna need a better shark looks like i finally hit level 10 so i'm just gonna keep on eating things until i die and then we're gonna see what we can do i really just want a shark that's so big that he eats everything and can't really get damaged i just want to be able to consume anything without really having to worry what it is because right now a lot of things i put in my mouth seem to have an adverse effect cheers saw something pretty big and golden scoot by and i don't know what it was but i want to put it in my mouth oh don't touch that so after all that the reef shark hit level 10 and we got some good money for it then after very legitimately buying some coins just because i can't we're gonna unlock the mako shark which is faster and stronger than the reef shark and i guess since i accidentally on purpose bought those coins let's make the bite power a little bit stronger this should pay for itself before long then also the speed and the boost just like that a maxed out mako shark now let's see how this performs already eating other sharks in a big curry and i just i feel a lot bigger overall oh we'll take revenge on these maybe or we'll get killed by them whatever the case we'll work our way up to those another shark uh i swim into a lot more sea mines than i would like to admit uh because they're hard to see off the screen so let's try that again but with less swimming into sea mines and eating more of these annoying seals i don't know why they bite me i always consume them right afterwards so the goal now is to get this shark to level 10 so we can unlock the next one we're going to work your way up and get bigger and bigger sharks what is that a purple shark come here i'll eat a purple shark i don't care get in here i also found a great beach reading people because it's mostly water there wasn't any that time but i had a lot of people there a minute ago wait was that it no that's an upset on crap also not really sure what this thing is but it's very loud oh okay we can go airborne of course we can then we can eat stuff in the sky and after getting murdered by yet another stingray i'm gonna buy a bow tie for an extra five percent points mostly because it looks good but also because it's gonna help me get more experience it's gonna help me do something i don't know what yeah but as long as i'm getting more everything that i'm happy there's another level up i didn't see another glowy fish he went that way these have got to be worth more as soon as i catch him we're definitely going to put him in our mouth i've gone through some kind of a portal and found myself in antarctica where there's lots of people to be eating and also penguins and my shark can go on boats so that's big trouble for everyone in existence i'm just finally happy i found a game where i can eat people i'm not entirely sure how i got here but i just need to spend more time here because there is so much food and very little danger apparently and apparently kicked me out of antarctica and i have no idea what that was but i'm back in the regular ocean again and i also found some really big sharks and creatures over that way i've also just learned that you can actually stack equipment so i just added a safety pin for an extra 10 survive bonus so while i'm at it we're gonna buy the price tag which is gonna give me another five percent points good news everyone i get more points for murdering you now well five percent might not seem like a lot that's going to add up a lot over the next 10 hours definitely need a bigger shark though because i'm not nearly big enough to dwarf the people yet i can still eat them very comfortably but could be bigger i almost had that hammer shark dead at least at this point i am big enough to eat this stingrays most importantly for now though i can eat other sharks at least the smaller ones i run into the occasional bigger one but we'll get a bigger shark pretty soon i'm about to level up just need to find a few well-placed meals and i think i saw a diver nope a bigger shark okay never mind i found some creatures to bite back they're the glow in the dark type i'm gonna try and eat them but i'm probably gonna die i just can't help but put things in my mouth though that whole run was worth 634 times two coins and we're at level 9. and we've sort of unlocked the electo shark if we had the currency to buy it we need 25 000 coins or 250 emeralds which we don't have what is this thing can i eat it there's a man on a shark to flow away can i go chase him into the sky i'm very confused as to what that was but i want to put it in my mouth this is a new type of shark to eat uh it wasn't very strong but it was delicious and i found one of the big sharks again look at these nice fishermen wonder if i get on their boat hi guys catch anything it's my boat now it's very satisfying just cruising around eating absolutely everything you come across oh like a gold shark yeah we can take a bite out of that come here why can't i bite it hello oh i need a bigger shark i know this is kind of hard to believe but i swear i do know how to read and look at that we hit level 10 so let's sell a paper journey to hammerhead and getting murdered but speaking of hammerhead sharks the best three thousand dollars i ever spent it doesn't really have an upgrade option but it does have an evolve option well for now i just added it to accessories for extra points now we are a bigger more dangerous shark while flying through the air and eating parachuters so we can definitely puffer fish can eat those we can definitely these big fish though i need to find something bigger to put in my mouth though there's a now i eat another hammerhead we're finally big enough to eat hammerhead sharks mostly because we are one and how is the people eating skills pretty good i think we got two at once there sir would you like to take a step this way we leveled up already that was another bigger shark we hardly even got to see it because i consumed it right away i think it was one of those though so we probably don't want to touch those but we're definitely getting bigger stuff and the hammerhead just seems to be a lot tougher i've taken a lot of abuse so far that probably would have killed me before so if i'm not mistaken if i jump up here i can eat the people standing on the dock but they didn't expect to have a shark up here i guess i should try going deeper now that i got a bigger shark oh that's a really big shark though never mind let's at least stay away from that really big shark for the time being and just focus on eating like people i just got hit by a flamethrower shark why was there a flamethrower shark and also how do i get one where did you even go i think oh okay that was not a flamethrower shark that was just a vent but there's got to be some cool stuff down this deep otherwise what's the point of getting down here i accidentally went through a door so that could only mean good things right to the giant crab it was a giant crab seems to be the land of giant crabs and i'm all about it because they're very easy to eat they don't even try and get away oh and that's definitely a very big crab well they say confidence is everything so yeah uh all right well i'm pretty sure that doesn't work but i did make seventeen hundred dollars for rampaging through the ocean so naturally i think the only wise thing to do is evolve the hammerhead all we need is 20 000 coins which magically i got somehow and we have 73 000 coins left over so now we should be able to eat more stuff i can even eat the little jellyfish now these used to be so annoying look how small the turtles are in comparison and the divers there's the old version of the hammerhead i'm so much bigger than i was before and it's nice when you zoomed out because i can actually see like what's around me now before i was basically driving by braille uh the seals are still a little bit annoying but i do also kill them very quickly and i assume this shark is very tough because so far it is consuming absolutely everything hi guys nice day for the beach i think we can do better than that still get up there and i didn't even notice this nuclear button down below there my hand was in the way what does this do oh okay we sent out little sharks to also eat stuff for me something just tried to attack me i don't think it really realized what i was oh look at the size of this uh did we just murder a submarine i think we did i just destroyed an entire fishing boat i didn't even know that was an option but i'm absolutely thrilled about that so much easier to survive and eat stuff when you're massively bigger and i found a guitar i assume that's some kind of equipment this is one of my favorite spots to jump out of the water because there's so many people there to eat and you can slowly wiggle down and they just don't have anywhere to go he has to sit there knowing what's coming for him okay i think that's the flamethrower shark that just went by so i want to see if i can kill him come on take a big bite out of him okay we're still maybe outgunned by the flamethrower shark i found my way back into the layer of the giant crab so this could be interesting and i'm also starving so yeah i don't think this is going to go super well maybe if i had my little power going also that would help but i'm still not entirely sure how to use this shirt but that was much easier and much more fun we got all the way to level six and eight like everything ever and i don't mean to excite anyone but i can upgrade this so i think we could probably afford just to go all out we're gonna have more speed more bite and more boost and that is bad news for all the creatures in the ocean including the jellyfish and we're gonna continue to explore the deeper water a little bit hopefully find some bigger fish to eat because i feel like i get a lot more points and more satisfaction from bigger things pretty sure i've never been here before and the jellyfish are extra delicious there's the little sharks those are probably still bigger than the sharks i started with we're just that big already we're back with these guys that really managed to hurt me earlier so we're gonna use a little boost there to help take some of these down i'm thinking we could probably just really eat them though without too much issue and so far that very much seems to be the case they can hurt me a little bit but i definitely hurt them a lot more than they hurt me right there's a jade dragon at the end of that that gave me four emeralds which brings me up to a total of 11 emeralds can we defeat this what are you right that was a submarine we could even eat these big fun jellyfish oh and look another shark uh yeah here you know what can we just uh agree to disagree here there we go i'm gonna send these guys out to eat some of these jellyfish because this is just fun not really sure where i am now we found some underwater current and some jets which have somehow let me on fire underwater that's a little bit inconvenient but there's got to be a good reward at the end of all this stuff well there's another shark so we're gonna get our mouth on him this shark can actually eat the small sea mines it's that big and that's just great because that really has me excited for even bigger sharks kind of like that thing all right round two let out the little guys we got it it worked all right that's probably the strongest shark so far that we've been able to defeat look at all the divers and submarines i found the flamethrower shark again and it seems to be a little bit stronger than me but that means we're all the way up to level 8 already and that's another 2100 coins not that we need them it's only a few more levels and we can unlock an even bigger shark which is going to be fun considering we're already consuming uh hammerhead sharks very easily the sea mines really are just so much easier when you can just eat them out of the way look at the size of that shark we tore right through them though i don't know what that was but we ate them real good dad however is a much bigger shark than even i am so yup we're just gonna keep going this way for a minute then we're gonna let out our little sharks and try and turn the table and we somehow managed to eat that not entirely sure how we got away with that but we sure did level nine i just destroyed one entire boat so i'm gonna try and find another boat to destroy because that's a lot of fun and it's just very easy because i'm very lazy oh this is a fun place to land how's everyone doing today oh and there's a bunch of people i can eat as well ooh can i break the cages yet did i get in there no well that's okay we can let our little sharks out they can eat some stuff and there's a lot of things over here to fight most of them are already taken care of there goes a boat but this is getting fun our shark's getting pretty powerful not as powerful as whatever that shark is though so let's take our 3 000 coins we earned and do something about that so normally what comes after the hammerhead is the tiger shark we're gonna try that for 15 000 and see what we can do with it it doesn't seem to be evolvable and that's a little bit of a problem for me but this looks fun now all we got to do is equip it with a bow tie okay this seems like a pretty big shark so i'm going to enjoy being a megalodon for a little bit i think it is it a diver and i didn't even notice because they actually look so small in comparison now we're actually enormous we can hardly even fit in some of these caves look how big we are everything looks so tiny with the exception of the seals everything is going to be pretty easy for me to devour at this point it's hard to actually see divers and hammerhead sharks now because they're just so small in comparison can we eat this finally yeah we can sort of yeah there we go oh here's another big shark we're gonna eat him too come on there we go so we just need to find the biggest stupidest things to eat at this point maybe we could find that giant crab again we could even eat the big c mines and one of the nicest things about being a shark this size is you don't really have to aim you're just going to continually eat things because you take up most of the screen anyway so anything on screen probably gets eaten and we're gonna skim along this surface for a minute eating whatever people we can find and potentially boats as well basically anything at all we can even fly into the sky with our magleton and get in fights with fighter planes oops there's another submarine that actually managed to do some damage to us but then we managed to ram it and take care of that too then we're just going to go in an eating frenzy because look at all the stuff to eat how did that just kill me i'm not done there's a boat here i want to eat keep going oh the boat's in the background i can't eat that one well that was a waste of an emerald so while the mega runs good it can be better let's upgrade its bite as much as we can its speed and its boost i actually don't have all the money i need to be able to do this so i'm gonna need to eat a lot of crap to earn my money back but we're also moving a lot quicker and doing more damage which is kind of funny because we were already doing a ton of damage before remember when these stingrays used to be bigger than me and wouldn't defeat me now they look like ants definitely found a nice deep spot which brings us to another megalodon apparently who's killed us but to be fair he had something going on in his head that probably made him a little bit stronger than me there better be something good over here i had to swim through like 80 fire jets just to make it to this what is this thing i swam to 80 fire jets to get killed by some monster shark i don't know how i feel about that except for maybe excited that there's still bigger sharks i can turn into i managed to let some divers out of their cage so they seem pretty happy about that and this is one of those big fun areas where there's tons of stuff to eat i just swim around really indiscriminately putting things in my mouth and everything works out mostly well oh i love boats thanks guys oh a chinese chunk or at least i think that's what it's called whatever the case it's gone now i need to swim over this way more often i'm constantly eating all sorts of fun stuff over here i heard a submarine and a shark i think there was a great white stop there we go just found some kind of large shark down here that i accidentally ate as i swam into it and these things are new too there's all sorts of fun stuff down in the depths oh except for that but i think we're probably gonna be able to eat him never mind but we did make two thousand dollars just by eating stuff all right well let's see what other kind of fun crap we have to eat down here what is okay i guess i don't really need to know what they are i just need to put them in my mouth thanks i found these glowy fish again and the megalodon is definitely very capable of eating them in a big hurry and here's the dragon thing again probably worth emeralds i found the fire breathing shark again uh who's maybe not able to be eaten by me yet which is very confusing and after that disaster we apparently unlocked a ghost shark which definitely wasn't cheap but i assume it's going to be worth it it's always hard to get a judge for size right away you can't eat the sea mines they blow up but it should be able to eat most things if i was understanding the description properly it levels up very quickly but the progress isn't saved so it should get bigger and stronger as we go but it's going to be a new process every time we play as a shark and that's okay because we can just wait and it's going to get bigger and bigger and bigger as long as i'm putting things in my mouth i wanted to another portal and we found ourselves wherever this is with rainbow fish and people to eat on the surface not really sure what's happening right now but i've got a lot of things to put in my mouth already up to level four with this mighty creature and enjoying it very much i don't know if it can even really take damage from normal things and that's fine by me because i was kind of sick of dying from everything there appears to be i don't know what that is a megalodon i think i just ate a megalodon so this shark is obviously pretty strong and it's up to level five already it's very easily eating many of these fish including whatever this is need a bigger shark how much bigger of a shark this one's pretty big and it finally died and it only earned me 3 700 coins back and i think it cost me 220 000 so i'm not sure how i feel about that but i feel like we might still have a long ways to go with how many sharks we can be
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,801,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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