Spending $1000 Upgrading The Rarest Shark

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this is a basic shark and it eats basic fish and it's watched by basic viewers it can even eat other sharks as long as they're small jellyfish kind of give it a sting oh what about nope okay those don't work but after that little run we're level three get our rewards that means we can level up our bite and our speed just a little bit and we're also going to make our bite better and also our speed and now we're slightly more dangerous and this is just the beginning there's a turtle and some crabs my favorite breakfast not really sure particularly what it is i'm supposed to be eating so i'm just going to put everything in my mouth and hope for the best and that's really what life is all about putting things in your mouth and hoping for good results i ran into a few sharks so far oh there's a diver my first person okay i need to remember not to put the spiky things in my mouth oh a c mine but that was worth 170 and that could be a lot of upgrades or for only 25 emeralds we could become a mako shark which is 4.6 meters long so i just need to find a way to earn some gems do we think 2000 is gonna be enough [Music] don't let your kids watch i wasn't really sure so i bought four thousand holy crap he eats the fish that are trying to eat themselves and see pancakes and since we have some coins we can definitely upgrade it right away so we want extra bite and speed so let's put this bigger batter shark to use small fish are okay sea mines are not smaller sharks definitely edible what about an obnoxiously large boat can we eat some of that it seems we cannot but if i get on top of it i might be able to get the sailor not a sailor he's a fisherman whatever the case they're all edible probably shouldn't eat those unless they're very very small because those are the most tender okay i can't eat a hammerhead shark because i need a bigger shark but i probably can annoy him never mind so let's make her bite just a little bit stronger i never really realized you could buy coins so [Music] 200 000 gonna be enough i'm gonna go with probably but i bought 200 000 coins so now our little shark is going to get a little bit more intimidating maximum upgrades and we have 195 000 coins left over so those actually go kind of fast considering this is realistically still just a baby shark who can't even eat sea mines ooh a lady get in my mouth both of you we'll use a bit of boost a golden man i'm pretty sure i can hop on land yep perfectly normal come here just one step yeah i gotcha that lady was not taking that seriously enough but no one expects a man-eating shark to come to their beach so i'm pretty sure that was a shark we started as we're able to eat though is fairly easily still getting some trouble from other things though like the lionfish and we got a gold rush and i think that just turns every fish into gold so that means extra money for me now i can't find any fish i do think i hear a boat nope it's the hovercraft thing okay well we can eat parachuters too because why wouldn't we be able to eat parachuters oh what is that what is this oh i was just thinking that 4000 emeralds wasn't enough touch another sea mine so those are getting annoying okay this is where things are gonna start to frustrate me i'm just kidding we died so we need a bigger shark next would be the hammerhead shark for 60 emeralds i think we're going to skip over that and go to tiger shark it is 200 emeralds but i've got time 6.5 meters long and perhaps more importantly it can eat puffer fish we're going to test out the base model before we decide whether or not it's worth an upgrade and um it gets jellyfished pretty hard so i don't know if it's worth the upgrade these idiots have to earn their improvements but we'll see how it handles against all these other fish see mines are still a problem gonna make a mental note of that probably need to stop touching jellyfish and sea mines but aside from that this shark is pretty good and we can make it hit orbit when do we get a bonus or make it hit the moon okay that's a hammerhead which we could have unlocked i'd rather just eat it along with all of these rather large fish over here well he's got to be worth a lot of points okay we already have a submarine harassing us uh that does a lot of damage so we're not big enough to take on the submarine yeah things are so much dangerous over here to the right but all the divers get pushed straight into my mouth right where i want them oh don't touch that okay i might have touched it a little bit but we survived oh pancakes oh and divers and other sharks and a swimmer in the cage ow everything wants to eat me i need a bigger shark so i can be more intimidating oh a donut wait let me go i gotta eat the donut now i can eat you baby seal two baby seals and another diver so far this is my best performing shark uh because it's pretty tough and can eat a lot more things like even these guys before those that have devoured me now they can be eaten can we get to these guys guys you want to come out here for a sec i'll come back for those guys with a bigger shark and i found the submarine again we're gonna have to avoid that for now because i'm not big enough just gonna enjoy my scuba snacks and move on with my day stop thank you it's kind of like get in the boat but instead it's my mouth there's gotta be something good over here because i had to get through a bunch of sea mines to get here well we got a teddy bear which i'm sure it is something fun oh good i found the submarines again we need a bigger shark while the shark is pretty good we only made it to level two we do get lots of coins though so after the tiger shark comes the great white shark after that we get the megalodon and once you get into this range it makes you start buying each and every one along the way to unlock them so we're gonna unlock the great white it's 8.5 meters long but then we're going to skip over that because that's boring and get a megalodon which is like a super great weight 14.5 meters long it eats entire boats and sea mines and that costs 900 emeralds which is actually a lot of money so we'll give it just a few upgrades because it is a megalodon after all this already feels better look how big we are the turtles look so small now the turtles used to be like the size of us now they're the size of our eyeballs bigger sharks are so much easier i don't have to try and do anything i just swim around and stuff gets in my mouth automatically because small the people are now hi guys beach is closed today uh the swordfish can still stab me but i pretty much eat everything ever so i'm not too worried yet it might not be the prettiest of sharks but boy can it eat oh another shark that was easy we ate joan 007 and i regret nothing if i see something i'm putting it in my mouth jellyfish we can eat the jellyfish so that's kind of nice these are always annoying me oh there's a really big shark down here what are you get in my mouth get in my mouth thank you i'm not sure if iron points are not but i want it in my mouth it's a little bit harder to navigate the lava streams but we'll make do so downside having a big shark we're also starving so there's probably not a lot of food down here so this might have been a bad choice i mostly just don't think i can find my way back here and i don't know what this spot is yet we got a moon on his stick oh look at the size of that thing what are you get in my mouth we need a bigger shark i have a big shark right now but that thing was much bigger i think this is actually it big daddy so we'll give big daddy a try 14 meters long but uh responsible for the extinction of a megalodon and it can eat the submarines and eating submarines has always been a hobby of mine this is definitely a very very big shark we can hardly even fit down this little tunnel but we don't have to avoid the sea mines anymore that used to be stressful to try and avoid those now we just cruise on through eating them as we go not any concerned at all free points okay these are sharks that are ages ago they're bigger than the ones i think i started as but they look very tiny compared to me now and i'm starving because jellyfish aren't good enough for this guy but i suppose that makes sense there's probably not a lot of sustenance in a jellyfish so if we go left this time we'll surely find newer things i mostly just want to eat people protein shake there we go look at all these good people nice day to go to the beach oh let's go into orbit how high does this shark go just about out of frame nice there's a hammerhead i don't know if you saw it but it was pretty small there's another one lots of hammerheads around they're basically an appetizer wait there's another beach up top hi guys i just can't resist a good beach day we're just managing the ecosystem they can't have too many humans up top they start to bring the oceans i'm gonna throw in a couple of sea pancakes and we're gonna jump up here or we jumped over some of the people but we got a boat and i know how to get the people anyway we just gotta go back the other way this is a land shark now i just realized how much health i lose jumping out of water uh i've actually just looked at my health bar for the very first time so now i know how that works but my strategy doesn't change if i see something that's going in my mouth that keeps me alive and entertained i just ate someone who was a very small shark probably a bot oh a submarine i always wanted to eat one of these get in my mouth where's my boost there we go not entirely sure what happened but we ate it also you come here big fella what is that it's in my mouth whatever it is not allowed to eat that boat so let's go this way something's happening oh it's a gold rush ooh let's see that guy hi nice shark mine's better and obviously very worked very hard to get this i definitely didn't buy it this thing's a tank though it's just going along eating absolutely everything with no question for what it is oh hello don't worry i put these in my mouth all the time gotcha oh a megalodon come here gotcha there's so many fun things to eat over here stop stop yeah got it oh good more people pretty sure yep i saw pinocchio over here that might actually be a very strong shark and it was we got a multi-kill we got lots of stuff going on there 678 coins which is actually really good but we're going to skip ahead a few steps we're going to go through big daddy through whatever mr snappy is alan moby dick leo nessie all the way up to shark cheera who's normally incredibly expensive but for only 125 emeralds we can buy shark jira can dive 300 meters and 15 meters long i didn't really realize i actually had like achievements i could be doing we'll see if this massive behemoth is worth the price we're gonna stay up where there's lots of stuff to eat at least at first pretty sure i can actually go through these now yeah i can bust through the earth itself because i'm that big i already forgot all of my achievements so i'm just going to go ahead and eat everything actually i'm pretty sure stomping on people was one of them and i really like that because we're not even eating them we're just stomping them for fun at that point oh we got something big what are you are you a shark jira can i eat you leroy jenkins gotcha i think that might have been an achievement to kill other shark jiras as we see them but i wouldn't want to overthink a game as complicated as this i'm just gonna start putting things in my mouth and not stop oh i can eat entire diver cages now and boats but we crossed that bridge a while ago hey nugget get in my mouth it's my goal to be the biggest baddest most ridiculous shark in the entire world i don't care what it takes to get there there's so many things to eat i still get completely lost very quickly maybe we should try going deeper there's generally less fish to eat down deeper but um i'm pretty sure there's going to be more fun stuff definitely ate another emerald fish and that makes me feel good with its pretty sounds okay you're dead also i have no idea what happens when another shark shows up like that oh look at all the glow fish the ocean's gonna be so much darker after this these feel very expensive to eat i don't know why oh right this is where all these were yeah that's right this is where my megalodon died for the first time and that sent me on my rampage to this giant ass shark just gonna go through the fire cause i just don't have time to care otherwise i need to keep putting things in my mouth i'll starve before i burn to death i'm pretty sure that sharks don't like fire i think i've unlocked my atomic breath or whatever it is too oh that's kind of fun i should be using this more i don't think i really eat anything using this but i do kill a lot of stuff and that's really what it's all about oh it's hungry tom tom you're lucky weren't here a second ago i would have lasered the life out of you now i gotta build up my super mouth again found another spot for a little feeding frenzy because there's a lot of stuff here oh found another one i don't have my uh magic mouth yet but we almost do now monster kill a submarine ow stop okay you know what here haha gotcha now we're gonna destroy everything in the ocean just because we can that works pretty well but i don't love its range because anything outer screen still survived and i don't want any survivors in the ocean this is single-handedly supposed to beat my ocean and my ocean only thanks for the boat could someone point me in the direction of a challenge because i would really like to find one there appears to be another spot here hello friend would you like my magic mouth gotcha ludicrous kill yeah you're telling me i've got a laser mouth okay i also got a dart board and we have a 120 times multiplier i'm gonna eat whatever that was and need to put things in my mouth while going deeper i'm multitasking now have i done any achievements yet look how small the divers are compared to us now we're obnoxiously large i can't wait to see how much bigger we got another dead end so i'm not really sure where to go from here i need to find those bigger sharks i just don't know where they're hiding i'm torpedo proof dummy oh more people come here guys i know this doesn't really benefit me in any way but it's pretty funny whole buildings are going to be collapsed i could probably honestly to skim back and forth across the surface like this and nothing would ever go wrong would just continually eat innocent people get some pretty good vertical on this shark too oh there's another tentacley monster okay we're gonna yeah magic melted then we died so on that one we got twelve thousand coins which is tons but shark gear didn't even level up uh shark is a little bit tempting right now but we can actually evolve shark jira and it says here that this one can eat the tentacle thing so for only one thousand emeralds we're going to evolve it i just realized we're already out of emeralds that's okay it was totally worth it because now we're stronger than ever those things that managed to damage me before probably can't anymore because we're lava shark jira that definitely doesn't sound like something a child made up but i am going to enjoy this an awful lot hey up on this spot already hi guys all right so let's go a little deeper and find something a little bigger people are fun and all but they're pretty small wait gotcha oh there's someone hi bye i saw the tale of another shark somewhere he might have seen me and run off we go through the portal though uh right this sees me somewhere with like pina coladas or something paraglider what i'm not immune to lava what's the point of lava shark if i can't what that's stupid we're going deeper anyway stop biting me i'm bigger than you the laws of nature state that if i'm bigger than you you can't bite me i also assume there's something really cool down here because i gotta go through a lot of fire to get here but that's the sacrifice i'm willing to put my shark through i do hear something up top though that i'm probably gonna need to put in my mouth oh gold rush what good timing oh i kicked this out at the wrong time but now we're definitely a fireball that was kind of fun hey look oh i missed them oh we have lava breath now a long one at that too all right now that we spent a fortune on that shark what else can we have next on the list is a bishark who's got a big mouth like an eat shark jira costs 900 emeralds though so we're gonna have to buy some more since we needed a few more emeralds there's 6 100. so we're gonna buy a bish shark but we want to do better so we're also going to buy the kraken which can eat the abyss shark but they were mostly a stepping stone so we could get to the luminite who looks to be the biggest 16.5 meters 400 meter depth upgrades cost an alarming 45 000 each so that's actually like 150 worth of upgrades right there so let's give this maniac a test i even have a blade for a face to show how intimidating i am this thing is really really big pretty sure it can eat literally anything we're about to run into and i can go through that and we have a superpower oh that's kind of interesting i don't know if the aim and i feel like i could probably use that fairly often i do like these big sharks though because they really don't have to be choosy about where they're going if there's a bolter in the way they just go straight through oh this person's trying to run away but whatever it is they're trying to run they die another one we gotta get in my mouth can i super oh i don't have my power ready but i'm pretty sure because i've upgraded once that we can defeat those because the upgrades are still really expensive another one superpower oh they seem to know to run away when i do that but i can still eat them because they have to turn around oh another one why are so many of these here i mean i'll eat them that's no problem probably just more points for me but we clearly found where the big sharks roam come here get in my mouth nessie come on you know you want it gotcha the trick is to keep moving keep the mouth open and keep moving so far i haven't found a single thing that really puts up anything of a fight compared to this even the other sharks like this uh die pretty quickly i'm not even sure what that is whatever it is it's dead oh we got laser head now i don't know what this is but i'm going to enjoy it yeah this is what i was looking for the entire time a giant shark with monster lasers all over it we can see how this shark handles the land what doesn't walk on his legs but it doesn't have legs so i guess that makes sense oh i got my laser head back i looked away for a second so i'm not sure what caused this but i'm just gonna sit back and enjoy it sometimes you're better off not knowing pretty sure i devoured a megalodon a second ago and that thing was also quite big oh another one of me here gotcha that superpower is hard to hit things with but when it lands oh is that a megalodon come here get in my mouth and another one of me i don't yeah i do have my power oh it didn't work though well i got both of them dead oh that was gold whatever that was and that turned me into laser face what would be a really kick-ass name taser face notice i could just do this all the time this shark really is great it eats absolutely everything and it only costs like a grand so oh another nessie come here there we go you can't stand up the laser base nobody can um i don't really realize there was a door there but i'm okay with this i think this is where the crab roams yeah we got the crab now i know there's a way to do this i just don't know what the way actually is come here i think you gotta attack it like when it's swinging i don't really know so for that we didn't level up but we did earn 14 000 coins you know what is interesting though is since we evolved shark jira it actually appears farther down the chain than the luminite so in theory yeah it can actually eat the luminite so he's actually who the strongest shark is we just need to give him some proper upgrades and that's gonna get expensive fast so basically upgrading his three stats is going to cost a hundred dollars so upgrading them fully is probably going to be like 500 there is like 300 on almost 500 000 coins hopefully that's enough for a few upgrades we're gonna get extra speed extra bite and extra boost well the upgrades don't get super more expensive but they're just really expensive to begin with so i think we're gonna get it probably up to about this far that's like i don't know hundreds of dollars worth of upgrades but we're definitely gonna be the baddest shark in the ocean especially with our magic mouth i feel like i'm so stupidly quick now like i can't even see what's happening it just everything just gets in my mouth right away no chance to even see what it is yeah i still don't think i've done a single achievement yet gonna take a quick swim along the surface oh we're here already i'm even a super quick walker now like the shark just moves really really quick oh here's someone who wants to fight eat lava mouth i'm not even sure we could really see him but there was a kraken or something there so i once again found myself without much of a challenge a shark like that stands no chance he doesn't even have glowing oh hello yeah that's definitely a lesser shark jira so i guess this is this shark's version of laserface and this is okay it'd be better if i was touching things at the time but you know what i can't control these things sometimes it just happens ooh ooh messy yeah we can have cooked nessie for dinner and whatever else happens to be in my vicinity oh another shark jira come here i'm super upgraded yeah that's right i didn't pay all this money for nothing probably the good thing the sharks aren't getting any bigger i'd have to start an only bounce huh well that's awkward timing well i feel like i've established my dominance as the biggest shark in the history of sharks
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,933,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3d1337AjwZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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