I Spent $500 Evolving This Stupid Shark

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all right we've still got a lot more stuff to eat as a lot bigger shark not that this one's bad you can eat most things in one bite but i want a shark that can eat the entire world and i don't care how much time or how much money it costs to get there even the divers look so small compared to this one so for the time being i'm just going to enjoy my time looking for all the different stuff i'm allowed to eat which is pretty much everything at this point and as i recall there is a giant crab somewhere kind of in this direction and i would love to put that in my mouth and i think i found it i just hope that this shark is up to the task because i'm pretty sure we're gonna find a giant crab somewhere nearby well if this shark isn't big enough i don't know what one is gonna be i don't know if we're big enough we might have to get a bigger shark but that's okay because i'm kind of excited by that idea but now at least i'm gonna get what i can out of this area like this stuff will this help me with the crab come back crab am i hitting it i don't think i'm hitting it this is just a gold rush but i think i'm also kind of invincible while doing this come on crab bite me yeah i don't think i have a big enough shark to be able to hurt this okay well lesson learned i'll come back when i'm a little bit bigger but now i could probably just eat like you know people and stuff like this guy thank you for your sacrifice technically i think sacrifices are supposed to be willing maybe not though i don't really know let me know down in the comments what you think about that while i continue to sacrifice absolutely everything can i eat these i sure can and we got another gold rush so time to eat absolutely everything we can got him midair good shot i can eat these little sharks i don't know if you even got a chance to see them all right let's eat these we might as well i just need to accumulate wealth via putting things in my mouth and we're gonna need the electric guitar i'm sure that's some kind of good bonus this is always one of my favorite docs mostly because i always just kind of find my way back here so we work our way on the people dove into the water because they're so afraid they think they're gonna drown to be safe but i'm gonna find them one way or another oh i found a boat oh i get it this superpower means i can break the rocks oh big boat give me that got it and we're gonna land and eat this guy very realistic we did just get in a small fight with a slightly bigger shark and i've got a seal that's very much annoying me so we're gonna go ahead and both of those things now i've consumed most of everything to the left side of the map including these little sharks so let's make our way to the right and hopefully find something new to eat like lots of people and bigger boats ow whatever that is is an angry little shark okay i'm going back into space the controls on this are just a little bit clunky for me if you're wondering why i'm having so much trouble uh eating what i want to be eating luckily i'm very persistent so i'll eat everything it's just going to take a while there's a bunch of people up there on shore that think they're safe and well at least that guy wasn't is that a man in a shark costume and yet another gold rush which i assume is gonna earn me a whole bunch of money i'm not really sure what i should be focused on eating so i'm just gonna pick basically everything ow okay i see we're into stronger things over here now i need to be a little bit more careful about what i'm putting in my mouth that i'm supposed to be more careful about putting in my mouth i'm still just gonna go for it boats are one of my favorites because i like to watch him explode and i did this destroy some kind of very large shark uh not sure if i was supposed to get away with that or not but i sure did didn't mean to touch that i got myself another nice little gold rush going so we're definitely going to make some money and points on this run look at all this good stuff that i'm just going to keep putting in my mouth and i seem to have found something of a shortcut because i don't think i've ever been this far over to the right i assume at some point i'm going to run into something that's probably going to kill me but until that happens i'm just gonna keep on cruising and eat a million people at once this is fun i'm not even entirely sure what i'm supposed to be doing right now i'm just putting it all in my mouth just taking it all in i think i found a bigger fish that one-shotted me and i'm not going to pay to continue so that means we need a bigger shark but i also collected about 10 000 coins and upgraded my dark hammer shark to about level 14. then last time we did also play as a megalodon for a short while but i'm kind of curious about big daddy am i needing be said to be responsible for the extinction of the megalodon luckily this massive monstrosity only costs about 900 emeralds before getting started with him we'd better give him some of the good stuff like a big skin then once we get him with the safety pin and the price tag okay it's one of the other we're gonna go for the price tag but then we don't have the money to upgrade him we can go one bite and one speed and i feel like for a shark this size he's not gonna need a lot of help for damage although the seals are forever going to be annoying but this thing is absolutely massive there's a hammerhead i just ate a hammerhead hole yeah this is gonna be a little bit easier i just don't really know what i should be eating when i'm a shark this big maybe down deeper yeah we'll go a little bit deeper once i just enjoy the surface food just for a moment it's fun being so big kind of wish i was just a touch more zoomed out so i could get a better idea of what's around me but i guess it doesn't really matter as soon as i touch something it's in my mouth we get points and money this is the shark that apparently made the megalodon go extinct so i'd really like to find a megalodon and put that to the test or my giant crab friend even that could be fun this one can actually barely fit through some of those cave passages like that one so i don't know how much big of a shark are going to be able to like fit through these things maybe at that point they just eat their way through the rocks excuse me sir can you point me to the way of the giant crab i know it's somewhere this direction those divers look so small i found the glowfish again this shark needs to eat a lot probably because it's so big but i was actually starving there for a second and i've been eating more or less at about this pace the entire time i starved to death we really need to put a lot in this guy's mouth but i'm pretty sure i did find the giant crab again so we're gonna dive into battle with him before this idiot starves because he likes to starve very quickly so give me all the crabs but also give me the big one where is he come on stupid i know you're somewhere there we go can i eat you now what does it take to eat this thing am i doing it wrong can i eat you i'm a very big shark we continue okay eat the eat them hmm very confused as to what we're supposed to do here i guess i can just come back as a bigger stronger shark which seems a bit ridiculous because i am the size of the crab at this point and i'm already starving again we need to have a talk you and i i don't know how to deal with you didn't make a ton of money that time luckily i have a bit of a solution for that so let's upgrade his speed uh all the way to max i think right that's actually really expensive to do but his bite and speed is now maxed out and that's good enough for me so we're doing more bite damage which i suppose is good it's going to be a little bit hard to tell but we're going to need to find a bigger shark to test ourselves against we're also very quick and that's pretty alarming for such a large shark is there a boat up here could we just eat a boat in one bite i do also want to be going deeper though to find new stuff but i can't help myself give me a boat to put in my mouth no boats there are some swordfish and there was a swimmer up here yep the swimmer's like very small in comparison to this behemoth oh a submarine ow cake yeah go ahead and put the submarine in your mouth uh he handles not that great for some reason come on get the submarine got him there's a space shuttle in the background and we'll go in here don't really remember what this is but i'm gonna go ahead and eat everything here because those mines are supposed to be a deterrent but for a shark this big there is good food definitely feels like there's some new oh that was a big shark some new exotic fish to be eating in here okay i'm pretty sure it is adam megalodon so i'm pretty happy about that that's not a megalodon that's a statue but those seem to be doing something yeah we're gonna work our way through here because fire can't stop me i'm a big shark this area is a little bit dangerous though i'm getting jets of flames everywhere i go and we're gonna have to maneuver out of here but any big sharks like to come and get eaten by me i need to assert my dominance because i spent a lot of money on the shark and i'm starting to worry that that was a waste there's a big shark you look like a megalodon i ate a golden megalodon perfect now it's worth the money and it sent me back out into the regular ocean and told me to wait two hours so i guess i'll listen to it oh here's a new one who apparently does a lot of damage all right well let's go get revenge on him because i'm much bigger than he is where'd he go okay maybe he just left well as we learned from every other game ever deeper is always better except when you start to starve so we're going to eat everything we can find along the way and hopefully that keeps us alive but it's gonna take a lot of food that was also a bit of a dead end so we're gonna work our way over and then down again eating whatever crap we find along the way like these big tunas those have got to be good food lots of protein oh a flame shark and a submarine what a happy coincidence okay come here flame shark never mind well you know what i don't want to be defeated by a flame shark let's see if we can find where that idiot's gone i didn't find the flame shark but i have eaten a million things since we saw the flame shark oh that's one of those weird prehistoric ones and we ate them now we're getting there's a bigger shark so over here to the right wait that was a boat give me that boat what is that thing and how do i eat it come back where'd it go come here can i eat it oh it's so big why am i going through it i want to eat the shark come on put it in your mouth okay round two clearly i just didn't get to jump on it all right i'm not liking the fact that i can't really do anything to that shark this is troubling okay since big daddy isn't cutting it for us mr snappy comes next after mr snappy has something called alan and then moby dick is after that and i'm pretty sure that's what we encountered earlier okay and then shark jura is way down the list he's who we found way over to the right luckily mr snappy is 85 off so we can buy him for 135 gems and we can also evolve him if you want for only 120 gems so let's see what that looks like all right i'm looking liking him better already lord snappy lord snappy you'd better be worth my time he does have a very good look to him he feels very big and strong so far and he should be considering his bigger than big daddy and i found a clockwork whatever that was but the trouble with these bigger ones is we need to constantly feed them i'm going to try and go a little bit deeper to see what's down there so far i haven't really found a deep spot i've mostly just been going along at about this height breaking blue rocks which is also kind of fun but i wanted to find some new stuff to eat look how small the divers are in comparison to me they look kind of like ants but don't taste as good one for a little swim in the rocks there even are we back near the crab already i do like the shark's ability to break through so many of the rocks because that really you know gives us some freedom to move around the map whoa what is that thing that's a really big shark oh we made a sheet whatever that was so that's a good feeling but that was really big oh look another one uh yeah excuse me i'm immortal so yeah there we go now it all depends on who bites first but that was probably a pretty strong shark you really need to be consistently feeding these though or they starve within like 10 seconds which is kind of fun but also kind of annoying at the same time luckily there's a lot of crap to eat as long as you're swimming in new directions especially near this surface this stuff really isn't generally as big as far as i can tell but there's lots of food plus eating people is still my favorite unless we can see how far this one goes into the sky that's kind of fun ooh helicopter can we get the helicopter maybe this time i don't know what helicopters are worth i'm starving to do this but it's worth it oh fighter plane get the helicopter oh yeah right rotors well let's keep going a man in a cage apparently they taste a cajun chicken oh and there's a man on his shark i don't know if we can eat him oh don't go back into the sky there's no food up there boat boats are easy people are easy yeah there we go we're gonna cruise right through over land we're an overland shark now wish this cruise along the surface the shark's so capable can we actually do that oh we have legs i guess we're not really a shark even anymore so we get away with that we're gonna go back into space for a second yeah i'm just gonna cruise along what is that thing it's food whatever that was oh okay hi submarine yeah i'm gonna have a problem with you shooting me thank you yeah we could just skim the surface eating people the whole time oh there's a big shark i think that was a megalodon that was definitely a megalodon and we definitely eat it and want to continue to cruise along the surface whatever this isn't playing as is absolutely ridiculous considering i basically just keep moving to the right and eating absolutely everything in front of me nothing seems to be much of a problem for it yet like somewhere here that's a hammerhead that's basically what i started out as today look how small it is i'll be at an evolved version of that but you get the idea we're a pretty big shark already and i do like its ability to overland that's kind of fun uh-oh can we get over this though oh we're starving we'd have thought there's no food up here well that's an inconvenient place to die did we at least make some money five thousand dollars times two would be about ten thousand dollars it's also so stupidly expensive to upgrade his bite and speed that we're gonna do it a little bit but i just wanna point out that it's very expensive luckily i know how to earn some money to pay for ourselves we just need to eat absolutely everything while avoiding the very annoying seals at this point i'm having the debate in my brain is whether or not i should just really upgrade this shark or if i should buy a bigger one and upgrade it and that's probably what i'm going to do because that's just more my style and this one starves to death so fast that obviously a bigger shark just makes sense somehow i found my way i think back to where that other big shark tends to lurk i don't know how i found my way back here but i sure did and i murdered the life out of that thing and that's kind of funny because i tried to go in an entirely new direction i already forgot that i upgraded my bite power too so we're doing even more damage than last time which is probably why we killed that big thing basically instantly i didn't even know my shark could do this i must have hit that nuclear button down below that my hand normally covers so i don't see it which is kind of fun but i really prefer to just keep putting things in my mouth this is strangely satisfying and i've been at this for a while already the only thing that can defeat me at this point is me because i starve okay this tends to be the area with bigger sharks like that megalodon who's biting me from behind and whatever that is up top ow can you stop there we go now i can focus on the shark wherever he went one shot he's dead and one of these guys definitely killed him he seemed pretty strong by the noise he made when he died definitely never been over here before and there's one of those weird little sharks so i'm going to continue on because it's very hard to find this place again and this is interesting i assume there's some kind of humor there that i'm just not understanding because i'm old but we're going to continue on putting things in our mouth because i suspect that somewhere over here there's got to be some kind of big valuable sharks well there's a megalodon but megalodons don't seem that big anymore oh there's one of the big daddies that's a big shark we don't really need to talk about it but i found the land again nine thousand dollars for all that effort considering to evolve his speed or his bike even once costs thirty thousand we're gonna have to speed this process up now nessie here is only 900 gems so let's take one nessie from 900 but then also upgrade nessie which is going to be very expensive because their upgrades start at 45 000 and only go up from there luckily for me i'm very committed to nessie so it's gonna get expensive okay so let's do another bite and another speed and then we're already running out of coins so that's not a good sign so we're gonna do bite we can't even upgrade those one more time we could do boost we're out of coins luckily for me i know where to get more and i really want to see what upgraded nessie looks like so there's another two upgrades and i think we're probably gonna have to buy coins again and boy that's a lot of fun so we'll go boost one more time and just like that we're back up to 200 and something thousand coins which means we can top out both bite and speed okay let's see what this monstrosity is capable of this should be by far my most powerful creature yet i would say shark but i don't know if this is a shark anymore i don't know if it's been a shark for a while but we can definitely bust your blue rocks again so that's nice but i like how it's very long and slender it's not too girthy i also wanted to wander through to the titanic area apparently just eat a bunch of the people there's no survivors on this titanic i know they left this out of the historical documents but nessie was actually there eating on everyone falling into the water i thought there'd be more people here to eat there are a lot of fish and this shark is like what we started as a million years ago one of those little tiny guys i didn't realize there was penguins here give me those everyone loves you penguins not really sure if there's something in particular we're supposed to be looking for here except for a man in a balloon i saw you up there i'll get him hold on we just gotta line it up better and oh he moved well i tried i for better or worse need to keep eating otherwise nessie is going to starve because he's a lot of masks to keep fed but so far nothing really seems to be fighting him oh except for that okay turn around and defeat that fish yeah whatever that was just got very quickly destroyed so they're officially willing to fight super nasty but so far they're having no effect whatsoever probably because i upgraded the life out of this pretty sure i just ate another one of those big sharks but i didn't really notice because i tend to just yeah eat them right away kind of like that it's very hard to tell what they even are anymore and i'm pretty sure these are supposed to be some kind of frozen sea mine but again i just eat them instead most things that are supposed to be a problem were actually this food at this point i wish i could do that with my problems in real life and i'm once again having that starving problem because there's not really a ton of food right here i'm gonna have to work hard to try and oh that's a big piece of food that'll help me out right how do i get out of here now i want to go back to eating regular things again i know i came in somewhere here near where all the people were getting eaten and dying i managed to find it not really sure how i did that oh can i see walk on land you probably can beautiful all right well let's go down deeper to where the bigger sharks lie in another person i hear a submarine and i just wanted to feed it because they're super annoying mostly just the sound they make really yeah i know yeah that's like a megalodon that's no problem for me megalodons are way below nessie and this isn't even regular nessie this is super nasty you probably also try super nessie against the crab if i could ever find it again but i know i'm not really in that neighborhood anymore nobody know where i am at this point though i feel like i'm still next to that other big shark kinda ran out of hunger but that's okay because we'll just go ahead and eat it now come here you get in my mouth you're definitely dead never noticed that thing before moon on a stick oh that's a new one what are you get in my mouth then also the big gold one get in my mouth nessie really kind of makes all that look super easy oh i have no idea what that is but we're gonna fight it i starved to death by the way it didn't kill me yet i don't get the wrong idea nessie can definitely take this thing come on you colorful i don't think i'm gonna be able to hurt it cause i think someone was still a lot stronger than me despite the fact i spent a million dollars upgrading a stupid dinosaur it can't beat a flower well that's okay we'll just sneak on past to see what other kinds of things we have to eat over here i can't believe there's still fish that can defeat us like that considering how much uh resources we put into nessie here we can eat that thing we really can actually pretty much anything at all it's just every once in a while we find one of those weird rare sharks that's able to defeat us and we got a gold rush so i'm going to take advantage of need absolutely everything i can because that should be worth lots of money ooh megalodon those are my favorites that is another colorful new fish that i've never seen before so let's resurrect ourselves and yeah it says we need a bigger shark i don't really have a bigger shark right now and it's not very easy to get a bigger shark at this point all right well i know roughly where there's a giant crab that i could probably finally defeat and i saw on the loading screen i mentioned it something about a giant crab's weak spot i don't know i'm just gonna charge at it with big old nessie when in doubt just put it in your mouth and see what happens this is that cave that used to kill me instantly when i had lesser sharks now i pretty much just swoop through there and eat them all without trying i think i once again accidentally found what i was looking for all right stupid where are you again i wish i was a little more there we go zoomed out that way i could kind of see what's going on do i eat the claws is that what i do what do i eat i'm pretty sure i'm just been doing this wrong whole time whoops yeah nessie you might want to go right side up is there a weak spot i don't i don't know if there's a weak spot on you i'm like inside of him i i don't know how to defeat the giant crab plus i don't know what i would get from defeating the giant crab well i mean it does seem kind of stupid to have two thousand emeralds and not spend them on new sharks and i do remember shark jira earlier killed us pretty easily oh we can evolve for only one thousand do we wanna of course we do i can't even say that out loud i don't really know what this is gonna be but i'm very excited for it all the same i didn't upgrade shark jira because i feel like i'm probably not going to need to look how big it is so girthy like we don't even have a proper eating animation anymore the fish just kind of disappear when you get close to my mouth and with that upgraded nessie was strong so i'm basically just going to keep heading to the right until i find something that was stronger before that i should be able to devour we did find a shark jira over here before but i'm an evolved shark jira so i should be able to defeat even that we'll just go down a little bit deeper because the stronger sharks tend to hang out somewhere in this neighborhood and i assume being this that i can uh survive down in the depths might have to crawl a little bit on land to get back over there i don't really remember where i was that's what a megalodon looks like now oh megalodon wanted to fight and um that was a bad idea for the megalodon but let's go see what's up over here we're actually going to jump over oh we walk upright oh we can destroy buildings and stuff okay we gotta go back the other way though because that's a dead end i had no idea this was a thing look at that little diver so cute and delicious submarine go away go away stop starting to starve again so that's not good so we're gonna go down here and hopefully find something new we're also gonna eat everything we can so we don't starve too quickly while we're back in this spot again there's no sharks here though so far i'm having trouble finding the deep spot i know it's right here somewhere that was definitely a bigger shark uh not strong enough to cause me much of a problem but it's gonna take quite a shark to do so at this point while i'm thinking about where to find the new sharks i'm going to move along the surface apparently doing this i'm kind of running along the surface like a radioactive flame thrower and i'm all about that oh yeah there was that spot again what nice of them to rebuild the buildings for me although maybe not the wisest decision considering if they're gonna keep building it i'll come back and keep flattening it every five minutes maybe this was the spot i was looking for yeah you know what i think i sound right past where i was looking for as i start to starve but i know there's some bigger sharks down here somewhere there was one i think that was just a big daddy though not actually that big compared to what i am now they might also be hiding from me considering i don't even know what i am anymore so let's follow the surface to the left then since we can't just go across land and stuff anyway let's just enjoy it and i didn't really realize how fast we were oh i've also never flown through the sky all the way to the left or right before we get some serious air time okay so if we keep going to the left i don't know if we've been over this far before oh that's a big boat all right well we're just gonna keep on cruising until something happens oh hello there pretty sure i've never been over this far although maybe i have oh there's a flamethrower shark perfect i was hoping to get in a fight with one of you soon wow that didn't go my way well let's uh kill the megalodon first and then find that flamethrower shark uh unless he's disappeared i can't seem to find him now oh i found this guy again oh i ate the big shark the flower shark i think the other one was over this way but that's a good sign i didn't realize he was there until he was in my mouth and yeah i stand by what i said pretty sure any second now as long as we're not starving to death we're gonna run into the other shark which was somewhere here i could be wrong the whole thing kind of looks the same nope we're back out to the surface but we did kill the big flowery sharks i'm very proud of that and i'm happy because this shark wasn't very cheap at all to buy so next time we'll go and bigger
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,398,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tH37waIQEYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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