I was hired to build my own pirate ship

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all right we're checking out the only game where the entire purpose is to make gigantic cursed death boats to slay other people it's H2O Heroes the very first thing that you see in this game is that Nemo has been collared and I think is he being used to power my death boat I love it it's like gray get me out of here dude if I can get like a hundred more of you I'm going to have an entire line of you guys power in this thing so obviously it wants me to take my Doom Spike and put it on the front of my boat what is this also is this like Blackbeard's lesser known Dropout cousin or something like that I I didn't know that my oh my spike is gone my Spike lasted all of 10 seconds and yes little sad Dollar Store offbrand Nemo from the wish.com is dragging my opponent into the wall of Destiny is the does the wall of oh my God I was like does the wall of Destiny do anything yep it's sure it does open now I what do you what do you get oh my God this looks like the internal components of a McDonald's ice cream machine actually that's kind of bad does that mean it's never going to work okay so I've got a new corner and a couple new Doom blades uh does this oh it puts it upward automatically I want to wear this on my head yeah give me a couple of these Can I stack these on top of one another like this I need another block uh how about that hold on I have a plan there we go it's a slightly more compact death boat I wish I could name this this hideous monstrosity all right little NE oh I'm literally up against a guy with no weapon the only thing that's going to happen is he's going to get slowly grounded oh he's missing both of his legs oh my God I told you I was waiting to get another one of these you going a land mine eventually oh my God is that a flamethrower I I I don't really know where to put you like if I put you I was going to say if I put him up there does he do anything yeah that's that looks great this is going to be fantastic run that out there I mean making a cursed boat is kind of the entire point of the game and the boat is looking pretty cursed the cool part is see when it gets spun backwards my extra Nemo on the top shoots it back to the beginning I love it when some well design stupidity works out in my advantage see it shoots back over to right the boat I have no idea what this is but I want it yeah I'm going to I'm going to just like move this back over here and put this on it's got more stars that has to mean something important all right weird Beady fist oh what happened to my other thing oh I'm getting oh never mind I think I might be okay hold on can I like un autopilot this cuz I'm about to get uh put into the wall of Despair never mind wall of Despair didn't matter at all did I did I just open up is this just a cardboard box is that what that is I mean I'm glad glad to get more boxes I guess dude is that a rocket launcher all right I don't know what this is but we're putting it on the boat somehow that's hot I love that I have Nemo's entire family now like the entire extended family powering my boat it's like Nemo Nemo's second cousin oh my my boat just fell apart there's literally nothing left fortunately though my opponent is just murdering himself so um who wins this like we're both we're both the most useless boats oh God no no hold on that may have saved me Nemo I'm sorry I've been I've been enslaving your entire population of fish don't do this to me please get me away from the death wall I I can't believe I'm still alive at this point this is amazing oh oh no no all right that's okay though I've got some new rewards over here God there is so much just random stuff going on this boat I have no idea if this thing will even be able to float yeah the front the front is that a laser beam how come he has a Gatlin gun I love that the Gatlin gun just continues to shoot wildly even though it's not being fired by anyone and it murdered his own owner so um I've just unlocked some rare items uh I don't know what any of this is it looks like there's like a Tesla coil or maybe like a neutron bomb or something it could also be some sort of rocket propulsion system I really don't know I need to get rid of some of this yeah we I put that there sure we'll take this off put this over here oh hold on I got an idea yeah perfect just like that yeah throw throw this uh throw this over here there is no way that what I have just built is going allow me to survive but I'm willing to try Okay okay so it does shoot randomly I have no idea what the other weapon does and that there's a fire breathing dragon head what kind of parts are these for the boat I just unlocked the core of the earth I think I don't know it's like an amethyst geode like I said a lot of what is happening here makes absolutely no sense get rid of the the cardboard box throw that in there some of this I can't even use there's like too much stuff right now I need to get more regular blocks for my boat oh my boat's amazing oh I have like a I have like a like a Widow Maker on the front here yeah ROM Cowboy just r on top of the opposition um crazy got like some blades that oh it's a bomb shooter so I need to get this somehow straight away I still don't know what this is supposed to be it looked cool it is now unlocked all right we're going to we're going to need to extend the boat size I don't even know if this needs to go go here doesn't matter okay oh oh what kind of speed does this thing have oh my God it's not even about attacking the opponent it's about just running them off of the map I love this build I think I just unlocked like a Sonic Speed block at this point I'm like putting blades and stuff on the underside of the vehicle just because you never know Forge okay what is this what is this turn this into it's a puffer fish strapped did two ropes what is this I I don't I'm putting it on here it's like a mascot all right get ready for the stupidity charge oh my God all right we got some new blocks and like a prop over here so I'm not just using fish anymore to power my vehicle I've got like a legitimate spinning prop now all right I I have a plan we're going to keep stacking stuff there we go all right we're going to run F well maybe not okay let's yeah just just clear everything okay flamethrower on the front no clue what this is going to put that up there throw one of these on there too and give ourselves a little bit of a back end I don't know if this is just going to explode immediately or what okay well uh the shark kind of died pretty quick I think I've just unlocked Thor's hammer like legit I'm not going to lie that opponent that we've been up against was pretty tough but this new build while a janky destroyed disgusting mess is kind of amazing it's like a drunken Sniper Tower effectively it's like if all of the snipers that you purchased had been just like smashing Natty light all night long all right we've got some new parts I'm pretty sure this is just straight out of Iron Man this has something to do with his suit I'm going put this on there I'm put this on there I no idea what this is put that over there maybe throw an extra thing on there is this like a l laser beam what is this it's a space jet high tech jet oh my God okay I have a new plan we're not going for guns anymore are you ready powered engine all right we'll put that over there then space flamethrower highly unstable substance uh yeah just put the flamethrower on top of the highly unstable substance what could possibly go wrong you know what throw a throw a hammer on there too all right uh yeah I think we're right roll are you ready okay we're doing the speed run at this point I knew exactly what to do in this vehicle now it looks like absolute stupidity but oh my God it's powerful who else wants to get in the way who else wants it you want it yeah ride them Cowboy right over top how about that boom go ahead wall work your magic baby how's it Tak tast tastes good Gray beard over there is like No Gray please shut your mouth and you die I'm running this thing until it loses and the way things are going it legit might never lose because it is truly absurd there it is again the answer was never Firepower at all the answer was just more and more speed what is this very sharp diamonds sharp shark air jet super duper saw yeah you know what let's throw a super duper saw on there why not all right super duper saw show me your true power uh we just destroyed our opponent in5 seconds I love how the answers just always go light speed golden Viking hammer reinforced block ooh yeah keep the front of this stupidity rolling all the way to the ceiling I don't need this flamethrower anymore yeah we'll throw some diamonds on there what else do I have to punch people in the face with oh you know we need more speed this may break my boat in half like immediately because there's nothing holding it in the middle right now whatever it just needs to last long enough to run into the opponent and murder them all right murder time oh my God Tech who won that technically oh that counts as our win I don't know if I would really consider that a win but I mean I'm not going to ask any question I told you we're going to keep on rolling it we're going to keep rolling it I think I died I think our I think our Speed Demon build finally was slain okay I think I can still make this work all right let's let's let's do this and oh God the bomb just blew up half of my boat not that it matters I'm pretty sure I just ran underneath the opponent and just got to sandwich him into the wall the spike should be coming out momentarily to eat the rest of their ship and that should give us the win I love how my prop is on the ground over there to the right it's just like chilling out it kind of came back it's like a boomerang threw that thing away and it just came back to me all right we did end up with a brand new golden block Mystic box uh okay I'm going to put the flamethrower on here actually I'm going to put the flamethrower up here yeah there we go that looks stupid enough I just forged some items into whatever this is Hightech saw can I can I somehow put even more Jets on this thing like there has to be a way I still have more Jets yeah here's one yeah throw throw like a jet over here okay I don't know if this is a great idea idea kind of doesn't matter though oh oh it's a fantastic idea my my boat compartmentalizes itself it has a mind of its own it just rips in half and the one half that goes forth just continues to murder the opponent of its own valtion like a wild dog also did that boat have a nuke on it I unlocked another jet I've got a new plan for this game I want to Stack as many of these Jets as humanly possible here we go eventually the speed is going to be getting so absurdly ridiculous oh my God you don't just die you die like 60 ft in the air I think this boat can win hold on I'm going to take off the auto pilot and drive it myself there we go there we go I told you it can win yeah if I'm driving it we're going we're going like 50 and zero all I care about is props and jets if they're not props and jets I don't care all right waiting for it okay yeah perfect yeah you just need like two Rams and it just obliterates the opponent I got two more of the flame if you forge three flamethrowers do you get like a legendary one like I'm pretty sure they're already legendary all right go ahead oh sad to be fair I have so many weapons that it kind of doesn't matter oh yeah everything lasts a good long time now on the boat like normally the problem was that parts of my boat would just explode themselves it would just be like I don't want to be a part of this anymore we're out but now everything stays a nice long time I unlocked a new jet you know what that means if I put Jets on the bottom will this thing float but I mean is can I like take this off and put this down here I have no idea what this is going to do oh really doesn't need to do anything my opponent just died like he killed themselves I'd rather just have raw speed though all right maybe I can put this block up here and now I can shove yet another jet on this thing here we go all right you you know what to do oh my God half of my boat almost just fell off the back you can see it's barely holding on back here it's like the leaning tower of jets I just need like one more win in order to open up whatever this is I mean it's oh my God oh my boat it did like a full flip I don't know if we can yeah when the boat itself does a full front flip it wanted to die there where's my angle block at just got to go in the middle here maybe I can hold this part together I could probably put the wooden box below the cardboard boxes but honestly the stupider the better you notice the stupider it is the better it works golden saw another block put those on in a second like I said this is pretty much just going to be like an instant win there we are God I just unlocked another one of these things I don't even know what it is yet unlock the flamethrower like I'm going to use it just because I unlocked it okay I think we can finally lengthen this boat God this thing is just an absolute monster do I have another rocket laying around anywhere feel like I don't have another rocket laying around anymore oh never mind I totally do yeah throw that right there space saw okay the front of the boat is now just saws it's just straight up saws I just got like a reinforced corner light wood triangle armored wood triangle yeah wait can you just how come this just lays there wait a minute I'm just I'm just checking something real quick I was trying to figure out why I could glitch this one over here all right you can lead the way there sad Nemo will this work I don't know there's a lot of saws on it oh oh my God apparently the answer is just head to Home Depot buy as many circular saws as possible and then just run into the opponent look at how ridiculous oh hey apparently my boat flies now easily most powerful boat I've ever made so far the stupid factor is basically infinite and I just unlocked another jet I don't even know if I have a place to put this thing uh a I got it I got it we could do this hold on yeah uh-huh perfect I've got like all these extra saw blades so I'm just going to put one on the like under the boat obviously this is going to work fantastically I I can't yeah I can't foresee anything beating this now I've got like 30 Jets on this boat this boat goes 0 to 60 so fast that it just peels the flesh off of its Captain okay uh oh my God full flip six to Landing look see now I'm glad I put that blade on the front there I think I might oh my God pilot this thing is so is so jacked up because it goes so fast here we go here we go yeah we're stuck in the middle of it oh and it's a full backflip it's an RK ho baby hold on we can totally still win this oh I've got more blocks I can use now I'm running out of space to put the block there there we go that was an instant win just had to wait a little bit longer for the opponent to kind of like lean his boat forward in order for a small black hole to effectively open up and suck the entirety of his ship into it okay again I don't even know if I have space to put stuff I mean I can move all of this over like that I've got some extra blocks I can put here what I need is like another Nemo where where's all of his like Nemo family again I need more of them to power the boat like this dude here has ores on the bottom it was just like paddles powering his boat I can't even get those to open up I get incredible gigantic space lasers but I can't just get like a prop all right 350 I can open up whatever this is I you really needed to bring a bigger boat man I don't know what to tell you I've done it I've unlocked a brand new prop the problem is where can I put it uh I mean I guess I can get rid of this and put this here because honestly the more speed the better are you ready I don't know what level of mock our boat goes now I think it's fast enough to murder most mortal beings ALS so I've got another block so if I can get another jet I can shove another jet in here yeah we can we can still put at least two more Jets on this monstrosity once we have the two additional Jets I I don't even I don't know if there's a cap to the speed these boats are allowed to go I mean nothing really provides any level of of pain or opposition to this thing right now I call this the skin flare not because there's all the saws but because it goes so fast that you as a human being don't get to keep your skin what did I unlock here got some new blocks uh reinforced block yeah put uh put this instead of our sad cardboard I'm going to put some high-tech water blades where Nemo used to be I think this is something that powers the boat not 100% sure could also just rip the entire boat in half honestly same same all right water blades you going to destroy my boat not going to lie the that opponent gave us a little bit of a run what in God's name is that what is this I did unlock a new jet I want to put that Hammerhead on there because it's hilarious all right I can still fit a new jet right here and then I'm just going to put this dude up here we don't need this flamethrower anymore and just it's like a it's like the most it's the best hood ornament a person could ask for all you need in this game is speed I've got another prop that means our speed is going to go up even higher can I put this like over here no so it has to take up this slot I'm going to go ahead and Forge because I don't need all these I'd rather have like a rocket or it just gave me the same thing back about this nice come on I I need one more rocket to finish up this ridiculous build of ultimate stupidity I got my rocket okay I unlocked another jet too and then uh whatever this is It's like a billy club okay now we can get even faster so here's the plan throw one of these up here actually I don't even need that we can use this instead then put another epic saw on this side and then a jet over here take this block out put another jet in I don't even know if this makes it any faster I think it's just the Aesthetics now take that blade out and say hello to the Ridiculousness here we go yep you win in less than a second now hold on I've got to make sure we're going to we're going to do another opponent just to see if that was a fluke or if this is like the new Ultima boat at this point it's the Ultima boow I didn't even lose one single block it's nothing but Jets and Blades because we don't need guns where we're going yes you know what I guess we just learned that the most powerful boat is the one that turns into a floating rail gun with speed any folks hope this episode of H2 Heros the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 330,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny moments, gameplay, simulator, gaming, tycoon game, simulation games, graystillplays, and this happened, mobile game, mobile games, h2o heroes graystillplays, h2o heroes, h2o heroes game
Id: CvmuNELgTnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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