This Might Be The Ultimate Upgrade

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so there's still a lot we can be upgrading like we can still be upgrading bodies stages and boosts beyond their regular max level so we're gonna do that for each of them but maybe most importantly we need booster packs for potential omega item parts probably go with rocket science because i like rockets we got some new stuff but nothing super exciting so let's do it again i'm gonna keep opening these until i get something fun here we go and then i got a fragment of an omega item i got the second piece okay i managed to get three in a row uh not sure if that's good luck or not but i'll take it on my final pack i got pieces of two separate omega items now to actually start putting some of these into practice well for starters let's get a coil and say a trash can can't go wrong with that on top of that auxiliary balloons we're also going to play horizontally on this one so i need to steer myself as i go but we'll be able to make this work pretty nice i'm going to squash this straight on his head day one earned us 80 so that means a few upgrades we're going to upgrade both the trash can and the coil that's going to mean a further further lunch because i've got two coils on here and he's got a lid to protect his head when he comes hurtling down on it from 100 miles into the sky so the first day was 80 this was 150 we almost doubled our income already and i'm forgetting to use my boosts already too also we're going to add a rocket uh this time we'll be sure to use our booster there we go now we're going to get altitude and distance and then we're at a speed but you get the idea 325 new records everywhere dollar daily interest so let's mostly just increase that coil and then maybe we'll increase the trash can just a little bit because we unlock the new booster which can be maybe fins oh it upgraded all the way to a recycling can this one's going straight to the sky it's a thing of beauty look at all those boosters too should probably be pointing ourselves more this way to get a little more distance i'm not sure what makes us more money height or distance so distance is a thing air time is a thing speed is a thing so we definitely want to go horizontal rather than up for example if we do a quick launch and point ourselves a little more horizontal whoops that was very messy but it's very quick we go very far to the right we make much more money and it's quicker anyways now that we've made ourselves a little bit of money let's try something new maybe the ejector seat is always one of my favorites just because it launches the penguin mercilessly out into the sky what do you think a tater reactor is 200 so we better get two of those oh it runs on the power of potatoes i get it now i have no idea what i just created but what else is new so we're going to fly into the sky very slowly i'm not sure when our tater reactors are going to come into play there they are that's actually pretty good it's giving us lots of power to the right yielding the power of the potato then we're still going to eject from the seat after all of this so we need to make sure he's pointed at an optimal angle probably something like that there he goes and now he's alone in the sky he should have a big splat when he hits the ground but that was worth twelve hundred dollars all by itself just because of how far we went so we can maybe upgrade the auxiliary rockets a little bit now just to carry us further and also more potato power and this is still with like a basic launcher it is upgraded but we can get a better launcher soon for now we'll just enjoy the ride this potato thing works really great because i can hold myself at like this angle and still fly like it's got lots of power to weight ratio apparently and then we're gonna launch idiot pretty soon so we'll point them this way so he goes further horizontally that was our 1600 lots of new records so let's replace this coil with russian roulette that's 777 power we were at 450 so that's a pretty big upgrade then we get to upgrade it again the power goes up substantially very quickly so we're going to play russian roulette to hopefully get the penguin a good launch i think that was a pretty good launch we could do better but we will eventually this should be a new record across the board i accidentally skipped through it we've got three thousand dollars so take from that what you will let's upgrade russian roulette a little bit and then maybe i'll start basic rocket i'm really mostly this scenario to get to my omega rocket that's not going to be a great launch but it's going to be decent and we got upgraded things so we'll be fine we're going to point them like this way i mean we're still 4000 feet above the ground anyway and he launches at the end so as long as we're above the ground somewhat we'll be fine and here comes the launch perfect and what's our distance now 50 000 just about well it wasn't a new record it was for speed and bonus earnings maybe we need a max level ejector see that's better it looks like a gaming chair but i doubt there's any gaming chairs in real life that launch you into space easy efficient economical rocket also look at that weird setup can we get an orange launch nope but we got a yellow one that's pretty good i feel like we're going very quickly we haven't even got to our potato reactors yet but this is already further than we went last time there's 75 000 probably close to 80 000 by the time we crashed down and killed this penguin 81 000 didn't even hit the ground new records across the board forty six hundred dollars so rescuer led started at seven seventy seven power it's up to twenty eight hundred thirty seven hundred next we'll get it up to five thousand oh and we unlocked a new slot for our uh stage so let's sell that and we're gonna add something new here what do you think dark matter does uh reduces your weight because it looks pretty high tech according to us okay it makes us lighter i think we probably want to be lighter right now white can carry you a little bit oh that looks horrible but you gotta have some weight to carry you otherwise you don't go far enough but i think we put up plenty of weight given everything we've got the ejector chair is probably pretty heavy in itself and the dark matter just sticks to the penguin to the bitter end but we went almost ten percent further this time and that was worth five thousand dollars so let's take the weight down a little bit more oh it's a multiplier interesting i still really want to see a red launch and we eventually will get there but not yet we got not quite ten percent further on this one but we did get like another five percent and that's a big increase new records at least another 5500 the ejector seat's fun but i think we could find something better like el fuego that was a new one we unlocked anyways uh it is a little bit heavy but it does have a pretty good top speed and that upgrades quickly i have no idea if what we just did is good or bad but we're about to it feels very quick very quick we're already past 50 000 feet so it definitely has a speed advantage over the ejector seat at least before the penguin is ejected into the oblivion i think these dark matter things or whatever i have could help on a lot of different builds if they can reduce weight because the bigger things obviously are gonna weigh more but if we can reduce the weight and add power all the better we're over a hundred thousand feet distance we don't get to catapult the penguin at the end but we still get to crash him into the sky from four miles up that was worth seven thousand dollars so let's maybe see if we can finish upgrading el fuego that usually has something fun we have our fins back too but there's 135 000 distance so we're making progress rapidly russian is very very expensive to upgrade again and again but we almost have the tater reactor that is max level finally so this oh a red launch too this will be a good one wow we're already 110 000 distance yeah okay i can see why russian roulette is good now when it does land on the good one it's like a nuclear blast we're also 110 000 feet into the sky so i can actually sacrifice some altitude for a little more speed potentially not sure if that's how that works in this game but our distance is already 170 000 worth fifteen thousand dollars we somehow didn't break a record for speed there i don't see how we got a huge launch out of this you think that would have been a speed record but who am i to complain so we're at 8 500 power now could be 10 000 with the next level we should get a red launch one in six uh not that we necessarily need it but it's a lot of fun so this time with the yellow launch and a few upgrades we still made 185 000 that's still worth 12 000 which means we get max level russian roulette and that normally changes everything now it looks like a giant revolver then let's reduce the weight a few more times and boost the auxiliary rockets a little more so a yellow launch knows 200 000 distance and lots of money come on yeah we got a red launch okay that put us into the purple sky already we're already 220 000 distance 250 000 distance that happened like instantly yeah those are the kind of launches i want where we just go warp speed 300 000 distance 23 000 earned and el fuego has been fun but i think you could probably find something a little better there's something called the volcano it's further down the upgrade list so i assume it's going to be better it's got a stronger first stage but others are weakened we do lose a tater reactor on this but if we upgrade it we get lots of top speed and it's almost max level already we get our dark matter thing to make it lighter its total weight right now is 28 pounds i don't know let's see how this goes my best so far is 300 000 i think we're trying to get 500 000 and i suspect we're going to get there this probably isn't very aerodynamic i don't know if i love this thing already pengo looks unhappy in there so that's a plus but given that this is a yellow launch and taking a long time i don't love this option it did not bad at 180 000 distance but it's too slow for me so let's take something heavy and then reduce the weight of it the jet might be a good candidate for this we're already down to 14.4 every level takes off 0.4 pounds so we just took it down to 10 pounds plus we can upgrade the jet itself which is going to give us more top speed it seems pretty quick though there's already 100 000 distance i'm not sure if this is any better though it was a fun thought but we've gone backwards drastically there was only 150 000 we need to do better than that i do also have a new launcher called big bertha that has a 2500 base launch uh which is the most expensive of all of them so we probably need to try this or perhaps an omega rocket which is what we started we look how expensive it is everything else is like 900 that's 100 grand well for now let's just try it as is i'm just going to upgrade the bullet a few times so it looks like a billboard that's yellow then we're going to upgrade this so it's got big power then because we upgraded it we got auxiliary rockets added to it i don't want auxiliary rockets i think i want the dark matter to make it lighter i oh oh we actually have to do stuff i don't want to do st uh okay i don't okay off we go that's a little better though there's 170 000 distance already that's going to make for some weird launches but we're going a long ways already we're already at 200 000 distance and we still got to go through both of our potato reactors so we're going to land here at about 270 000 which is worth 20 000 all i know is i want the omega rocket so big birth is almost leveled up the bullets already leveled up i'm not going to buy anything else but we'll make it a little bit lighter for now because we can won't be long hey we can shoot ourselves the wrong way what happens if we go backwards a long ways uh-oh uh yep there we go we're at minus two hundred thousand don't know what the game is going to do here i wonder if i ruined the aerodynamics by putting arms on either side of a bullet this feels uncomfortable flying backwards with 314 we broke a new record we just did it in the wrong direction also i kind of want to see if we upgrade the bullet just a few more times we do get another one of these so we knocked our weight all the way down to 20 pounds which should mean that we can get a pretty good lunch please blast that's really awkward to try and do look how high we got though we're like in space again it's kind of a shame though because we want a distance and not hype but whatever even on a bad launch that time we still got 280 000 feet okay while we're at it let's upgrade big bertha to max level max level-ish then let's try and do more of a horizontal launch this time get back up there perfect that's gonna get us way far to the right we're already at 260 000 and this will be a new record because there's 320 000 to the right this time we're gonna fast forward through it for 360 000 worth 30 thousand dollars just by itself so then instead of a tater reactor i'm gonna sell that for a sonic burst just because it's quicker to get us to where we're going then we'll pull the weight down a little more every one of these drops at 0.7 pounds if we get lots of these we can make this bullet very light might swap out this cannon though because i really hate trying to launch it like this we're gonna get different launches like every time we try though that was pretty good we're 250 000 horizontal already plus then we get one burst and then two bursts which brings us over four hundred thousand almost two four hundred thousand all for being an anti-gravity bullet with super boosts on it want to see a quick way to make money i can just let it fall into the ground and fast forward mode hit the ground do that twelve thousand dollars i can do this rapid fire to save up for the things i want even backwards it doesn't matter okay 10 runs is screwing around later and i think we have enough for the omega rocket it has 3200 fuel 120 max lip it's five power and only weighs half a pound not entirely sure what this is gonna do for us but it's definitely gonna carry us further especially considering it only weighs half a pound and all we need is one upgrade to eliminate that weight entirely though we basically already have so we're 270 000 distance so far next comes the sonic bursts which are going to give us a nice push forward lots of drag but lots of speed there's the omega rocket that's bigger than our bullet so that's a good rocket booster if we had any good rocket devices we could definitely attach it to that but i think this by itself is going to carry some 500 000 feet so it's very overpowered i could just sit here like this and let it go and i really like the upgrades it let me be lazy like i'm just sitting back in my chair right now watching this go i could be drinking coffee if it wasn't the middle of the night there's our 500 000 feet we needed so let's see if we can get lucky and get the rest of these pieces real quick we did get it okay omega coil launcher the omega coil launcher sits at the bottom but its base power is 13 000 which is absolutely bananas and as we upgrade it oh this is going to be stupidly fun oh i like this because i don't have to do anything that's really nice so there goes our sonic bursters and omega rocket takes over 300 000 we don't go as far horizontal but once we upgrade this a few times we'll be laughing but now i really don't know what to upgrade so we'll maybe focus on the omega coil for a minute 604 000 is the number to beat and we're getting stronger launches at less weight so that shouldn't be too hard to do hard to steer this thing so far though there we go okay those upgrades carried me a hundred thousand feet further and that's where seventy five thousand dollars all by itself and since we have 150 000 we might as well buy another omega rocket every upgrade for those costs fifty thousand dollars so i'm going to hold off a little bit more of those let's just get more launch power and also make ourselves a little bit lighter well this should be something stupid there's our better launch it always gets us so high up right away or it starts right away with our omega rockets now these have so much power compared to our weight that we're like almost going horizontally so nine hundred thousand feet worth a hundred thousand dollars so far but that's good because upgrades for everything is getting very expensive this for example is now forty thousand dollars per upgrade so that should launch us very high up very quickly then it's just a matter of pointing ourselves more or less horizontally and then letting the rocket do all the work so this time we broke one million feet or one million whatever the units are i don't actually know so let's see if we can get the rest oh we're one upgrade shy of the top omega but we could definitely make things a little bit lighter still we're down to 16 pounds overall not sure at what point that might start to work against us but the launch is so strong and pushes us out of frame now now what happens if you put all the omega pieces together into one rocket we're gonna have to explore that so let's max out the omega coil oh well it's normal max level we can go further with it it just gets really expensive also these are fifty thousand dollars per upgrade so that's going to take a while so for now we'll make things lighter again we're now down to 15 and a half almost half the weight probably less than half the weight of what it would be without these upgrades say we sell the omega rockets for now and exchange them with just the sonic bursts because these will carry us very far very quickly for lots of money so combine say four of those and we'll reduce the weight a whole bunch i don't think we're going to set any new records distance wise but we're going to get to where we're going very quickly and that's important because i just need the money for upgrades right away we're already at eight hundred thousand feet horizontal so we're only going about eighty percent as far but we're doing it like ten times faster so we'll roll this money a hundred thousand dollars into new upgrades but we'll just do this like ten times okay i've used my devious little strategy to earn a million dollars now we're gonna sell the sonic blasts for i don't know how much but then we're gonna buy omega rockets four of them and because they're so light we're actually under 10 pounds already but then we're going to upgrade these at 50 000 each and that's still going to leave us plenty of money left over the next upgrade cost 75 000 each so it's going to be 300 000 to upgrade all of these then we can upgrade one more so we're basically just a bullet with massive rockets strapped to the back that can propel it very far very quickly but it's very light also so we're currently 460 000 distance and we still got all of these rockets to go through so i'm basically just going to hit fast forward and let it do its thing for a while but we've officially broken the one million whatever units mark there's the 1.1 so this is about as far as you've gone before and we've still got a full rocket and a half to go and i think the final one's going to be our best one so far so good there's 1.5 million coming up on 1.6 i don't think we'll hit two but we're gonna get fairly close so we're about 1.8 million distance still 250 000 into the sky that run by itself is worth a quarter million dollars so next time we can do better than four omega rockets and an omega coil we'll do omega everything
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 706,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V4iZhS29TOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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