I Spent $500 On Super Rare Upgrades

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who wouldn't love a game where we get to send cats into battle for our profit a little bit slowly at first albeit but don't worry we're gonna pick up the pace for now it's gonna send cat after cat in to fight the dogs they're having a bit of a tough time so let's send in a tank probably should have started with a tank to absorb some of that damage then with the little attacky cats in behind it i mean i feel like we're winning but not by a great deal and i want to be winning by like a lot but now that my tank is pushing forward to the front of the pack we're gonna start to push them back and i'll throw another tank out there as well so not only do we get to murder each and every one of them but we destroy them very whole so no one can ever live there again and there we go 1680 experience and that means i've unlocked axe cat then with our experience let's get cap production speed and also more money increased every time we kill something we get more money for more cats also let's upgrade axe cap because i assume it's good because it's new and then tank cat this is just the beginning we just conquered china apparently we're into thailand now with our cats ex-cat is pretty expensive so i'm gonna start with the tank right away to start pushing them back or at least eating some of that damage so by the time he's there we're gonna have another one running up behind him to kind of step up the damage a little bit we're gonna throw a few of those out i've just realized i only can save up a hundred cents at a time so i can't even afford an axe cow right now wait we're working our way up there i've just gotta level it up we can do 150 cents now now we can afford an axe cat and there it is galloping up the rear with an axe bigger than its head and it looks like it's doing pretty well because it actually knocks the enemies way back which pushes us forward straight into their base and they really want to hold on to that base again we're winning but we're not winning by enough of a margin that makes me happy though we do know have like 10 cats sitting right on their doorstep is demolishing their soul another victory 2000 experience so let's i don't know see what we can do to kind of step up our progress is there a word for animal genocide because i feel like i just purchased animal genocide well for now we got about 300 000 experience and that seems like lots considering the level just awarded us 2 000 for beating it so i guess we'll get the cat god because that sounds important then i guess we'll just upgrade some of our cats for now i spent about 80 000 experience just bringing a lot of things up to level five let's start with that my rate of income and everything seems to be going up rather quickly now we can already afford those two and already another cat so i think we're well ahead of the curve already plus right from the beginning i have 500 cents a cap to work with so i can afford lots of units if i want them and look how fast they come out we're already pushing them way back these guys are not going to have a very enjoyable round i feel like i just started and we're already tearing down their base and this cannon can almost hit their base and actually might have so we'll send in more axe cats just to finish the job quickly thus apparently if i attach this thing it's called the cat god it comes down to help right so apparently we'll take this uh baby boom okay thank you for that really needed your help here didn't feel like i was gonna win this one are you giving me extra helpers because i didn't really need extra helpers but i would take them that would be a lot of fun well whatever the case we've already won there's another 2600 experience so if i need any more experience at any point i can spend only 1500 cat foods and get 2 million experience we're just going to get straight into the next level because i'm impatient basically that's gonna look like this until it looks like this and then they're gonna die basically instantly and then we're onto bigger better things that unlocked us a ninja cat which we're gonna take plus we also have something called gross cat able to do very powerful long-range attack so we're definitely going to take that and upgrade it to maybe i don't know level 10 which apparently changes the cat's class it's now sexy legs cat and i didn't know that was a thing so let's upgrade a few more of these to level 10. so tank cat turned into wildcat axe cat turned into brave cat uh basic cat i don't know what's going to turn into we might need more experience for that much okay so i guess we'll put these into battle just to see exactly how they're going to hold up we're going to let him go out first the long legs cat costs 400 cents all by itself but look how much tougher they look now this is gonna be great and that's horrifying but probably also very strong so i'm very happy it's here to join us and we've got some kind of hippo fighting back uh so that seems a little bit stronger but i think with all my units currently we're gonna walk right on through it all uh right seems to be doing lots of damage it doesn't strike very often but when it does there's some damage coming out so we're gonna add one more of those since i'm too lazy to strategize i'm just gonna go raw numbers oh it's dead anyway now we're gonna tear the base down probably very quick yeah the long leg cat does huge damage when it hits another easy victory and for beating that we get special rewards and apparently platinum tickets are a thing you get a 100 chance to get an uber rare cat and that sounds like something we need to take advantage of because i like rare stuff so i got uber super rare i'm not really sure what that means but i think it's probably gonna be better than my current cats now let's try more of a regular roll to see if we can get something rare out of this as well well we got a basic rare that's uh basically a pirate now we have what's called a starter special i feel like i'm a starter so let's just do this and then we're gonna see what we get look at them all come on something amazing there's a super rare again i'm not sure how they stack but i'll take all the super rares i can find and an uber super rare doesn't really look like a cat anymore i did also find one that's literally a toaster and i'm not even sure what this is now but we're getting something and these new uber super rare whatever's cost a lot of money so i'm gonna have to upgrade myself which means that i'm probably gonna need a little more experience so let's just go for 2 million i assume that's the best deal so my wallet is now max level so is my accounting so we're going to find out what australia thinks of my new units it is going to take a minute before i have enough space to be able to even afford the new cats but not too long i'm just going to send a few basic ones out there just to kind of stall things it does are going to be very hard to afford those super cats but we're going to get there 3 000 cents not to worry though i am watching if they break through my defenses i'm gonna hit them with the cannon and see what happens two of my tanks have died so i'm gonna bring another one in and i don't care they can sit there right in the middle of battle forever i need to see these new cats all right here we go with the new uber super rare whatever it is that looks like it is not belong here at all yeah i feel like that's gonna be uh really disproportionate to the damage everyone else is doing right now so we'll put another tank in front so this one doesn't take too much damage though i suspect it's probably incredibly strong in all ways yeah i feel like every time it actually hits something those things die very quickly like for example this and it bounced the snake back this little pirate cat out there too i don't know what he does i'm also gonna wait for another three thousand cents to afford the other uber super rare whatever it is but i think by the time we get there we might actually have the level b because that one thing is doing so much damage uh it actually just one shot at the building once i got there so that's kind of interesting and working very well i wonder how many more of those we can get it takes money to make money we're spending more and we got another uber super rare you can always tell just by the way they look and cat food seems to be the currency of choice that's how i unlock new rare cats and i want something even rarer so we're gonna buy a little bit more and that seems like it's enough to buy at least 22 new cats okay and here's the rarity rate a rare is seventy percent super rare is one in four uber super rare is 120 but there's something even rare it's like almost one in a thousand which is why i'm buying 11 of these at a time well i got another uber super rare so i'll take that at least and another uber's super rare it's something writing a vacuum cleaner now to try and figure out uh how to put these all in properly i might have also done that wrong and not actually unlocked them because i didn't choose to select them not entirely sure what happened there but that's okay we can get more all i know is that i should probably upgrade one of these this was the more expensive one so i'm going to assume it's better let's see if we can get that to level 10 with our current experience that's probably going to make it pretty strong and then let's do the same for our pirate cat he deserves an upgrade too he is now captain cat now we're going to do basically the same strategy as last time we're going to put out a few tanks just to stall them while we save up enough for my super level 10 uh whatever it was mega legendary i think three tanks should be enough for now because they're just sending out the basic dogs well this is actually kind of disappointing my three tanks are actually pushing their lines back so far starting to wonder if these tanks would be enough to actually defeat this anyways that's not gonna matter because we're gonna send in this giant thing which again still looks very out of place but that's because it's so much more powerful than everything else so the last time we did this we had a level one out there this one is a level 10 so it should be a lot stronger not sure what it does okay it smashes the hammer down and probably destroys absolutely everything on the ground so we're gonna leave it just with this every time it attacks it takes out multiple units all at once and that really helps me because we're going to push our line way back while we're at it we're going to throw the other uber super rare thing out and then also pirate cat just for fun so now we're doing like double super damage and i'm pretty sure as soon as these guys touch that base it's over for them pretty sure i got this one in the bag but anything could happen look at him in his cannon that's gonna be fun i don't think he's gonna get a chance to fire it though come on cannon attack do your thing we're getting closer uh if this hits their base it might be over oh there goes the cannon there we go better late than never yeah we're doing massive damage to their base i just realized we need this at level 10 so we can have a better rate of income anyways we need more cat food for more rare unlocks so now we get to buy another 33. okay i get it now all of the cats go into cat storage so they take up space in there and i need to clear it out before getting more so we're gonna put our new uh top level ones into use uh and we're gonna change some of these for experience because they can actually be worth a lot and i don't know what a lot of these do but i need about uh 10 spaces anyways let's go for another 11. i did get another uber super rare and i'm pretty sure i already have this one because that's the one i'm using now so i don't think we need two of them we get one million experience for that so why not then i kind of want to see what cutter cat is uh capable of so we're gonna upgrade him to level 10 and throw him into battle with us and then we're going to use dandiya who's that uber super rare all the way to level 10 because she has an area of effect attack and i really need some of that all right that's pretty much gonna be the same strategy as it was before put a few tanks out there just to stall for long enough for me to bring out the big guns and this new one's gonna be the most expensive one yet maybe while i'm at it i'm gonna bring up the new power saw cat which looks something like that which is kind of ridiculous uh that might be a bit overkill for right now though uh yeah we're already to their base so i probably overdid it a little bit on the power oh wait that's new that might be strong enough never mind well there's always a next level at the very least we're gonna bring the new one in i don't know if they're gonna nope they're not even gonna make it there before that base is destroyed we won too quickly this is a problem okay this time i'm not gonna bring in the saw cat i'm gonna wait for the big one to come in i'm gonna throw two of these out for now too so they don't push back too far even just these two are enough to hold them all the way back to the line wow look at that they actually broke through my wall i'm gonna hit them with another tank and then a super strong unit once they get to about there i'm gonna see if these two units can push them all the way back okay here we go there's a three thousand dollar unit and it definitely doesn't look like a cat anymore and i think this one's gonna be pretty good for us it doesn't move super quick uh or attack super often but when she does things die no be good chance to try out the cannon too that works pretty well we're gonna hit this one little creature with a massive explosion while we're at it we're gonna bring in the other super strong unit and they can work together and i'll put a little wall up so they're a little bit more protected i suspect they probably have more health and tankiness than the actual tanks but until i'm sure of that we're gonna keep rolling like this i think i have three units currently in play and it's just it's way too strong like i'm just walking through everything they have and before i could even acknowledge the base we destroyed it so there's 5800 experience so that's pretty great and apparently i'm allowed to open one rare cat capsule on not holding on hopes well it's a super rare it's a cat and a bath they love that so we're going to turn that into experience and move on original super uber rare is still only level one and that won't do it all so let's bring this one up to level ten nana's going to turn into a assault unit rei who is then going to assist us on this level eventually the beginning always takes so long but then once my units get rolling we absolutely get rolling and let's bring in this guy now who looks much improved and i think he's probably gonna hit very very hard i think he only can hit one unit at a time but he's actually got a pretty good attack rate or it's maybe just not necessarily an area of effect because he didn't hit that dog there at all but somewhere like here there's a few enemies he should hit all at once yeah so he can hit like an individual spot yeah he's pretty strong because i'm pretty sure this is gonna hit the base nope it didn't hit the base the next one might though because he's getting very close and once it starts to hit the base we're gonna do a lot of damage so it had 3 900 health and he one shot at it and our other super strong thing didn't even get a chance in the battle i did get another rare ticket so let's hope for a super secret rare instead we got a wind-up bomb so we're gonna need just a few more tries i want something extraordinarily rare so what i just bought will get us pretty evenly 33 tries 11 down nothing yet we should over the 33 get at least one mega super rare 22 tries down and nothing interesting that we are up to 17 million experience so that's gotta be good for something 33 tries not one single rare one so i guess i just got uh exceptionally lucky earlier by finding as many as i did because i've spent i think over 500 now and i regret nothing let's destroy someone else a nice sandy beach perfectly nice place for a bloodbath though the enemies are getting stronger like there's a lot of units coming my way but if they do happen to bust through my uh erasers i'm going to hit them with the cannon so far they're still hanging out at the eraser so let's bring in this which is the area of effect and that's gonna help push the enemies a long ways back that was just uh her versus them i'm gonna put a tank out because i just really don't want her to die because she's really expensive not that i think there's gonna be a problem with that but just in case you never know what's gonna happen because i really don't know their stats i just know that they do a lot of damage like that they just took out like eight enemies all at once and then she's gonna have some backup from him who's also gonna do a lot of damage so now we should march very happily all the way through to the end with nice big hits just like that i really do want to get a third uh uber rare involved oh we lost eraser cat we're bringing a racer cat in but also another uber super rare so there's 9 000 cents and units rolling forward so i feel like from this point forward it's gonna be easy we'll even bring a pirate cat in and then the power cat and then one of these and then one of these two we're just gonna march right on through everything this is by far the most damage i've ever had pushing forward and my units aren't even to the front line yet but now they are i like how fast that one charges forward to stop the enemy that's good for advancing and now we're basically at their base there's one there's no one left to try and defend uh except for those things i don't know what those are but we also just destroyed them and the base all at once so we're feeling pretty powerful basically the same strategy but this time i'm going to try and push a little bit harder i'm going to try and get some units out there sooner this plow right through their defenses and there's already a hippo in the desert i have a feeling that he's going to be a little bit of a problem for my tank cats he might actually be able to chew through them but will he be a match for pirate cat and his mighty cannon okay both my tanks are in fact down uh so we're gonna send out also this guy too and then we're gonna see what kind of damage this is gonna do i have no idea who's gonna win okay well clearly these are very strong units by themselves didn't really expect them to be able to do this uh so it turns out these two are uh enough to just walk right on through their defenses and hit for 700 damage at a time and they're so quick oh we got another hippo though so he will delay them for just a moment but probably not too long considering the amount of damage we have going out yup he's dead oh we can already bring in one of our uh ultra units and we'll bring in him because i like him the best never mind we're done i feel like they're going to be able to bust through my tanks but that's okay because by the time they do they're gonna have to face one of my super units that's it keep coming toward me walk towards your doom okay we're gonna hit them with the area of effect uh cat i guess we'll call it but it doesn't really feel like a cat anymore but we're gonna see if she's enough to solo her way all the way through this for now and i don't really know i know she hits very hard well it's enough the one shot both of them combined so i'm feeling pretty good about her odds though her attack rate is so slow in her forward movement that like it's going to be really hard for her to actually push back because the enemies will just keep spamming forward like that so let's give her a little bit of backup between her and him i think we'll go through this because he attacks fairly often but he hits one spot at a time either way whatever they hit it's gonna be a one shot kill i'm pretty sure that like this is gonna hit the snake then she's gonna hit the warthog thing and he's gonna die oh no he actually pushed her back a little bit i didn't realize that could happen so you definitely do need a few units just kind of stalling them for forward movement because these do by themselves don't push forward very quickly because he just made a bunch of progress but he still only got it halfway now they're both she's going to waste her attack not making any forward movement and they're already stalled again it's just the snow inevitable torturous grind of me plowing through their ranks straight to their base and there's not a damn thing they can do about it oh i looked away for one second and they finished the battle so they're clearly overpowered we did take damage to our base somewhere there but that's okay we went pretty handily alright madagascar we've conquered half the world i guess you're left and i'm not feeling particularly intimidated yet but those little guys are good for pushing forward look how fast they are uh that's okay we can hit him with some of my fast units too this guy's nice and fast he's gonna clip them that claw's actually big enough he could probably actually mulch him into jelly really quick this might even be overpowered like i might just roll through their entire base now yeah all i really need to do in any one of these battles is just unleash this thing and it just goes and chomps to everything at super speed because even that's way overpowered that's a new enemy though it's a gorilla oh and it can even absorb a hit from this that's kind of interesting oh okay it's fighting back we got a fighter in our hands oh interesting i don't know what that means but we destroyed the gorilla they destroyed my thing maybe it's not as overpowered as i thought that's okay we can just pull out the big guns i think they're actually close enough to be hurting my base at this point so that's a little alarming nope doesn't look like it the bass is still fine they were just hurting my hero thing they're very strong but they make progress so slowly but that's why you get two of them they even are able to push my heroes back once in a while and that's kind of annoying because we need every little bit of progress we can get because we're so damn slow actually the uh black and blue one moves a lot quicker so once he does get a chance he pushes forward and now we can have all three of them pushing forward and i feel like that's gonna help because they can kind of spread their attacks out and they won't all attack it once then make no progress it's actually been so long that i brought in a second one of these so now we have two of them in play oh and we managed to hit their base so i guess it turns out that when you spend 500 on battle cats it makes the game a little bit easier
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,810,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fEnV870s8es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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