I Spent 250 Hours In Factorio To Build An Insane MegaBase

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I spend 250 hours in factorio to build a megabase of 5000 signs per minute and this is my story hello everyone my name is Nathan and welcome to the series recap covering almost 70 episodes of me building a megabase step by step thank you very much for joining me on this the full series will be linked down in the description and the pinned comment first things first of course we had to get started by gathering some Stone and coal from these rocks while we were at it I also grabbed a couple of trees to get the initial setup ruling naturally I got started with a little Mining and smelting setup grabbing the first of the oh so desired arm plates as soon as I could I started expanding our setup and I also got started with a mining setup for the initial Stone one thing led to another and I also expanded the cold setup more expansion of course and it was also time to introduce the copper ore with the initial materials out of the way it was time time to plan our electricity setup using the steam boilers I made some space and got started with four turbines of course now bringing the power all the way back to my base and already getting started with a belt setup in order to feed the boilers at this point I now needed to introduce our first electrical miners which I dedicated to mineco and so this was the birth of electrical power in this safe game it was now time to upgrade our initial setups by replacing them with electrical miners this way I wouldn't have to fill up the miners with coal all the time I also noticed the pollution was getting a little bit worse so we had to think about maybe eliminating the closest biter nests I also wanted to get a little bit into research so it was time to set up our first lap hitting it with science packs manually for now I then went ahead and made a little setup in order to be able to create the most common items that I'm gonna be using for building so I didn't have to craft everything in my inventory i soon decided to expand the crafting Hub a little bit this way I would only have to feed the raw materials into the chests and everything would be crafted for me this here also allowed me to make a little setup to crop the first science packs automatically and so I didn't have to take care of that either I then decided to start building my first serious smelting setups for both the iron and the copper which should then introduce the materials to our starter base I also managed to get a little bit of cool together and now it was time to get a setup going for these materials to be smelted into plates I started setting up a small smelting array on the left side of the base to get things rolling now at this point I could copy over the setup for the copper as well and just go ahead and build it and just like that we now had access to both copper and iron 2 craft away happily and it was also easy to just go ahead and tile this setup so that we could potentially smelt even quicker with our two smelting arrays in place we were polluting even more so I decided it's time to go for the critters during the night I started attacking them and and realized I totally forgot to craft myself some armor so I came back with armor and a whole bunch of gun turrets in order to take care of the situation and just like that it was more or less a piece of cake to get rid of these first nests I now needed to introduce more materials the goal was basically to build a starter base capable of potentially crafting one science pack per second of all types so I got started with the only one that I could currently craft which was the red one so I calculated just how many machines were gonna require set up the machines inserters and belts and we were ready to rumble and I wanted to disassemble the research lab that I had going on in the first place and set up some more at the bottom where we're collecting the science packs and then by just chaining them up I was able to use quite a few of them as for the materials on the top I decided to just continue them for as long as we have enough materials we can keep the belts going we then finally completed the logistics pack science research which allowed me to go for the green science packs right away all we had to do for for that is building some inserters and electronic circuits we already did that in the crafting Hub so it was just a question of combining the resources on belts and distributing them accordingly once I got the belts and inserters together it was time to set up the green science packs and all I had to do is Route them down to the red signs packs combine them together on a belt and just like that we were now capable of diving into more advanced research of course as we kept progressing I had to set up more boilers and steam engines to keep up with the power requirements now we actually had a very Nifty setup going on Crafting 60 green and 60 red signs packs per minute already with actually a very small blueprint as well at this point of course we were going nuts with all the researches we could already do just using these two science packs but still in the meantime I wanted to go for the next one the military one in order to do so I had to gain proper access to Stone and I led it all the way up to the system where we already had access to arm plates copper plane blades and call I combined some Stone and iron in order to smelt up stone bricks and I also established a smelting array for the steel it was now time to craft some of the materials needed for the military science pack upgrades the materials where necessary added a whole bunch of grenades here and in the end we combined the materials in order to craft the science packs themselves and that was already the third science pack out of the way ready to be processed for research we ended up with a blueprint not much bigger than the previous one however with access to an additional side spot at this point I was a little bit fed up with the crafting Hub we established it was too much manual work and I wanted to make it better so I decided to go out from the top set up a dedicated smelting array for my crafting setup I also did the same thing for the steel and we already had access to all the other materials so now it was just a question of building a couple of things such as gears and electronic circuits to supply the crafting Hub these were rather easy to set up still and I was able to get something together that would serve me for the near future with all the basic crafting materials in place it was time to set up the first of the crafting Hub of course I wanted to be able to craft all the various types of belts as well as inserters so we just split off the materials wherever we needed them set up a little bit of logic so things don't get too crazy and that was actually fairly easy to accomplish I then decided to add even more crafting recipes such as the assemblers and the steel furnace and just like that everything was crafting happily away giving me the oh so desired building materials of course whenever I felt the need I would be expanding it with pipes Miners And whatever I required in terms of building materials at this point I felt a little bit threatened I also wanted to hook up some oil so I crafted myself the first car together with a whole bunch of grenades and then it was just about eliminating those few nests that are too close I went a little bit beyond my initial goal and eliminated a whole bunch of nests even a little bit further away and started exploring and just as promised we also made the first setup to gather the initial oil now that we actually established a little Kickstarter base it was time to go for the next science pack the chemical one and of course at this point things would become slightly more complicated so the first thing I had to do is make use of my oil using a bunch of oil refineries at this stage the only output we could be getting was petroleum but of course this would still give us access to multiple recipes most importantly the plastic bars I started by crafting some copper cables and extracting them I know this is a controversial topic so we're just gonna skip that but in the end it worked out very well I used those copper cables and some iron in order to craft more electronic circuits my goal was basically to always provide whatever the heck is required for the current science pack that I'm crafting and I wanted to get away from that main bus idea for this database now that I had a whole bunch of materials together it was time to craft the necessary advanced circuits of course we also had to smelt up a whole bunch of Steel for this one some gears and pipes were necessary and finally I needed to craft many engine units to get the proper output I then used the rest of the space to set up the blue signs packs and all we had to do at this point was to combine them together with the rest of the science packs so we could use them for research at this point I decided to do a little bit of a balancing just using the first tier of speed modules which would allow me to get more plastic in the joint now that we were actually using waymo resources it was time to upgrade my setup so I decided to go for the Outpost planner mod this would allow me to build a perfect mining site in just one go of course this would become way easier once we reach the robot stage but at this point I just build it by hand but in the end the additional output was definitely worth it now I could actually ensure to get a full red belt worth of iron plates and I tried to take advantage of that ASAP by upgrading all my yellow belts for that line of course as usual I was still upgrading and improving on my power system whenever it needed at this point I also wanted to gain access to explosives so I just added that somewhere in the line naturally this also resulted in me making some Cliff explosives as a preparation for my expansion finally I did the same thing for my copper vein and I took full advantage of its size at this point I noticed that my veins the initial ones were slowly but surely getting drier and I want to to make sure to be prepared for that so it was about time to build the tank make it a little bit easier for me to eliminate Critters I took full advantage of my explosives by building the explosive Cannon shells I went ahead and decided for proper mining sites I started setting up my first Outpost a little bit further away one for the copper and one for the iron of course fighting the biters like this was much easier I was able to actually make mistakes without dying immediately of course they came at an expense but what you gonna do because the resources were now further away it was time to build rails the introduction of trains was upon us I decided to split my starter base in two with a rail in the center and just lead it to wherever we have some resources I then went ahead and finished the iron ore Outpost in order to hook it up first of course all we had to do then was Loop the track all the way back making sure that down here at some point we do get a station going on unloading the various ore types we then had to come up with a little design in order to unload the incoming ore and balance them together I wanted to make sure that I have an unloading station for the copper and the iron at the very least but we also needed some other materials in the future and just like that I went ahead and made my first train ride in order to hook up the iron ore station I made a little bouncer set up and just made sure each line is going to one of the train wagons and at this point I was able to just copy this over for the copper station here and with that out of the way we were ready to load our first wagons finally having a good source of force going on lastly at the station it was about the unloading process and where to lead these oars to be smelted for the next setup of course before everything would work we had to set up a whole bunch of Lights as well signaling very important but honestly you can make a lot of mistakes and still have an incredibly functional train network with the copper terrain also incoming I believed we were ready for the next step I actually ended up building another Outpost for the coal even though it was not quite necessary but done is done and I ended up just copying over another station to deposits to call at the starter base finally I did the same thing for the stone this way we had all the basic ingredients together just to be sure I also got an oil station prepared which would allow us to process way more in the future with more access to oil I was ready to set up the first Advanced oil processing recipe acquiring additional liquids to process and make everything more efficient I was then finally able to start building batteries for more complex crafting recipes with the heavy oil I was able to introduce lubricant which was required to gain access to the advanced engine units and the flying robot frames the end goal of this little setup was to be able to craft robots for myself to build the blueprints for me that I placed down all that was missing at this point were the blue circuits and the low density structures which I gave myself access to tapping into the chemical science resources as usual my AI pollution was spreading so I had to make sure to take care of the butter nests that were getting too close with access to these new materials I was able to crop myself power armor and also equip it with upgrades such as the exoskeleton and personal Robo ports I ended up filling the entire grid getting a much more comfortable Life as a result I now wanted to go for the next science pack so I had to clear a little bit off the forest and I immediately got started with the oil processing dedicated to the productivity science pack I started setting up chemical plants as necessary according to the ratios I needed to craft one science pack per second all of this was necessary just to get enough materials to build plastic I then copied over my smatter designs and pasted them in allowing my robots to take over for the building process as mentioned I wanted dedicated smelting setups for all my science packs so I would never run into an issue of not having enough space to add more all I had to do was lead the exact amount of that I'm gonna require for this science pack and a little bit of call over to this melting arrays including the steel and stone I ended up with a smelting array just dedicated for the productivity science pack that was as large as the previous area crafting all the earlier tier science packs once again I made the setup to craft the electronic and advanced circuits using the plastic I introduced before I combined the necessary materials to get all of the Rails crafted and of course I also had to do something about crafting the furnaces the last ingredient finally was the productivity science pack and we had everything together to get this built just a few assemblers would be necessary in order to get the required amount of 60 science packs per minute I made an additional line to introduce that into the science labs and overall I have to say I was pretty happy with how this turned out and that I could keep it fairly compact the stack inserter just got added to the crafting Hub basically a completely new era was about to begin I soon realized that we were not really capable of keeping up completely without actually upgrading all the unloading stations to stack inserters at this point we were also almost done with our initial veins which basically meant I had to hook up even more resources further away said I'm done I just went ahead and built more outposts wherever I could I also added more stations and rails wherever necessary and of course at this point we were also interested in hooking up the closest oil deposits that we could find thankfully building all of this with the robots wasn't that much of a pain and so I ended up hooking up even more resources this would at the very least allow me to build the next science pack and you guessed it I hooked up even more resources now we were going for the actual big ones which would last us probably until the first rocket launch I decided to introduce two more stations in order to unload copper and iron and I would be feeding that into the next smelting array and yes you guessed it I hooked up even more resources the next science pack I needed to build was the utility science pack so I got started as usual with the necessary smelters all I had to do was bring along the resources I just introduced with the new trains and we were golden next up I built the oil processing and for this one we actually needed quite a few I had to get some lubricant and other liquids going while trying to keep up with the ratios for the science pack as usual with my starter bases everything turns out a little bit compact but that is exactly what I was going for I want this to be Nifty info sometimes we would have to be creative I set up the batteries and the plastic in the center to be combined on one belt and then once again I went through the process of introducing all the required materials I got started with my setup for the electronic circuits I also had to make sure to build a whole bunch of advanced circuits and of course the processing units in the end but thankfully to the modular Design This was quite easy to access sometimes I have to be a little bit creative with the piping but other than that all the materials were much easier to bring together than with the utility science pack I also needed a small smelting array in order to get the steel going and of course I needed a setup to build the engine units and the advanced engine units all of this would end up in an array of flying robot frame assembling machines which of course would then be utilized to build those science packs at this point we were just missing the load density structures this would eat a lot into the amount of copper plates we require but of course in the end it was worth it we were getting all the necessary ingredients to build utility science packs and we were ready to ship them over to our science labs combine them together with the purple science packs the entire thing ended up not being that big so I could have built it even more compact but considering all of this is gonna be destroyed once we built the megabase it didn't really matter I wanted to upgrade my personal crafting Hub with Logistics Rob robots it would just make everything a lot easier and I could have everything together without having to Route the materials so I just ended up introducing all the various materials into the logistics Network and I started to replace all the ingredients that I had already crafted in the first crafting Hub of course I would go above and beyond this adding more and more materials to the hub whenever I felt like adding more I kept on expanding as much as I could trying not to strain the system that is crafting the science pack too much I was going for another exploration spree while researching the spider Tron My ultimate goal was to replace this stupid tank but of course researching the spider Tron does take a while so I went for one last glorious battle after another I also finally got access to the power armor Mark II which was perfect in combination with the spider Tron and I gotta say we were doing fairly well and finally after acquiring a whole bunch of materials by hand I was able to place my first spider drop I ended up filling the spider tron's power grid as such but in the end I would replace the two personal lasers with more Shields of course also with the power armor Mark II I was now able to fill the grid with whole bunch more functionality and also upgraded to the personal Robo Port Mark II and portable Fusion reactors and I gotta say going for the biters with the spider trance for the first time is such a comforting feeling I ended up just killing butters for the next 2 hours or so with my new gained Mobility it was time to set up a power grid that would allow me to explore and reveal the terrain around me I ended up making a blueprint for this that would snap to a certain grid allowing me to have this consistently across the entire map and so all I had to do was place this power grid across the entire map in order to reveal the terrain and have a city block structure laid down for me this would make planning the mega base much easier and so all I had to do now was place this power grid it everywhere and get it built with my spider Tron as I'm destroying more Critters in order to prepare for the white science pack the very last one I got started just building a bunch of ore stations just enough to bring in all the necessary raw ingredients of course that also required me hooking up even more resources but at this point the distances were still very close and I was really fast with the spider Tron with all this out of the way I was finally ready to tackle the white signs pack as usual I started by copying over a whole bunch of smelter designs for three copper and three iron lines my goal was to somehow fit everything in this little part so I had to come up with a working design for this once again of course we needed access to a whole bunch of oil refineries quite a few at that and I started setting up the usual Spiel converting all the liquids to whatever the heck we're gonna require for the recipes I added the batteries and the plastic production and expanded as needed we also needed a access to accumulators and then I went through the process of crafting all the individual circuits once again this time around I needed quite a few of them admittedly however hooking up all of the resources wasn't that much of an issue and was able to get things rolling at a decent pace I then had to build a huge array to build all of the advanced circuits needed for this contraption luckily enough we just had enough space to actually accomplish this and then of course with both of these circuits I was able to build the necessary speed modules but look at this huge crafting chain it was just enormous at the very end here I was able to set up the processing units and with that out of the way we already had a good portion done for the science pack as usual we would also need a little bit of access to steal so I snuggled in a little setup for that as well next up I added chemical plants for the solid fuel and I also got everything rolling for a whole bunch of low density structures finally all that was left to do were the control units and of course I also required a whole bunch of Rocket Fuel that I will process from the solid fuel and together with some solar panels a radar and the low density structures we have everything together in order to build the satellites necessary to launch inside the Rockets I finalized everything by adding the rocket Silo and feeding it with the necessary ingredients and with that out of the way we basically had access to the entirety of the tech tree and just about 30 hours into the game we were able to launch our first rocket hooray with that we basically finished the core game and now it was about time to transition to the megabase right here I was getting a little bit desperate for power I knew we weren't been needing it forever but I just needed to add more steam boilers to keep up with my power demands this was also the moment we started introducing capacitors and solar panels in order to support our boilers because we were using way too much coal I kept on adding more and more solar panels in the hopes of actually counteracting the underproduction but sometimes it was a little bit of a struggle of course as time went on I added more and more mining outposts with train stations in the hopes of transitioning to a megabase I started designing an unloading station and at this point I was just trying to Envision the plans for the Mega base and how I want to distribute everything I kept on expanding according to the amount of lines that I wanted to smelt and I decided for 32 lines but overall this design ended up going into the trash bin so I'm gonna skip forward a little bit to the complete mess that I made here but I did rectify the issue very shortly I basically tried to build a smelting array for each of the incoming lines that I had going on but soon realized that one of these builds would just get way too big still I basically went through with it and tried to hook up each of the lines I figured the design would actually look Nifty but honestly there was a lot of unnecessary movement at this stage I needed more and more power so I decided to come up with a solo array that I was able to place within my power grids I ended up building unload stations as well and almost completed this crazy smelter build I thought it looked Nifty but then I saw it required like 15 000 blue belts and this is when I decided against it unfortunately I realized it a little bit late ended up building everything and then also introducing the resources just to make it a little bit more agonizing for me to take it apart again but that's how I roll I fail and learn from it so yeah it was a sad moment I mean just look at this it was absolutely amazing I love this array however it was not practical so I tried to come up with something that is way more convenient using an 8 beacons melting setup I also used weaving belt patterns in order to be able to make this fairly Compact and of course I also set up a loading station that would allow me to get two wagons in the joint to be able to grab this melted materials once I completed the design for one type of ore I decided to just copy it over for the next type of or which in this case would be steel I just likely had to modify the designs we then had our first arm trains shipping into the steel smelter setup and therefore we already had access to two materials for the Mega base I then kept on expanding I wanted to have the same thing for the copper right next to it and therefore we had the basics already smelted up my next goal was to come up with an automatic oil processing design that would be taking care of all the various liquid levels and automatically engage the chemical plants required to get all those levels to where I want them of course everything beaconed up and we also added some logic to it once I got the initial design all sorted out I pasted it in where I actually wanted it nearby some oil and water delivery stations soon enough we had those trains rolling in and the production kicking off every now and then of course we still went for some Critter hunting the situation out there definitely worsened a tiny little bit I then proceeded setting up some looting stations for the various liquids that I would chip into a mega module that would then be responsible to craft all the seven science packs available the first thing I wanted to do with these liquids was bring them to a different station here which would be the location for my finalized crafting Hub I need a whole bunch of materials therefore I had to add more and more stations all I had to do was hook up all of these stations to the main Network and make sure I got those trains arriving and just like that after a short while I got quite a few materials together that I would be using to craft all the building materials until the end game I started to set up a logistics Network on the next city block tile and this will be my dedicated location before I would be able to continue I had to come up with a way to craft all the circuit types efficiently for my crafting module to be able to build the speed and productivity modules but also providing these circuits to the actual crafting Hub I also use this opportunity to introduce the plastic into the system I also added a little circular designed for the red circuits and of course all of that would be joining the top leading to the crafting Hub the only thing that was left to do is add a bunch of processing units which wasn't too hard to accomplish with access to all of the circuits I was now able to build an array of assemblers in order to craft the productivity modules tier 3. I decided to do all of that using robots instead of the belts and just like that I tried to introduce more Logistics robots and the crafting got started this wouldn't be the finalized module production build for this world but it was definitely a good start to build the first few smelting and crafting areas for the megabase in anticipation of actually having to build a lot I decided to add a few spider trons to my building Army and I would be giving them personal Robo ports and a bunch of construction robots including the building materials required to do all the stuff that I needed to do I added a few different types of spider trons in order to for instance build the solar panels and other spider trons to build the flooring etc for chicks and Giggles I decided to redesign the entirety of what we just did in order to attempt something that I haven't done before and that is Cargo Train crafting basically I will be shipping materials from one cargo train to the next in order to build all of these circuits and be able to build more of them I really liked this new system but people for some reason absolutely hated it probably because of the spaghetti but what can I say I like to experiment around once everything was done I was getting the outputs that I actually wanted I thought it looked Nifty and so it ended up staying for the rest of the gameplay with all these materials now available to me and the crafting Hub I decided to completely go over everything that we can actually build in the game and set that up in an assembling machine in this finalized location I kept on expanding and trying to make some categories so everything would have its reasonable place and I also ended up recruiting a bunch of spider trons in order to help me defend against the locals the crafting Hub was growing and growing as you can see here still looking really Nifty at this point and I was happy good this was actually the point where we were starting to get ready to build the mega module a module capable of building 450 science packs per minute at its peak but it's more likely to produce 400 science packs per minute overall the first thing I needed to do was to get a proper setup for my trains to add all the base ingredients to the mega module and just look at the results with all of these ingredients I would be able to build 400 science packs per minute I definitely love this idea with this new station set up I did realize we just didn't have enough power I needed to prepare for the nuclear stage so I decided to go for a small little uranium patch and believe it or not this would suffice for almost the rest of the game I added the necessary mining site including the station in order to ship sulfuric acid and of course I also set up an onsite light Processing Unit in order to only get the processed uranium shipped to wherever I need it now next came the big moment I prepared the entirety of the structure of the mega module inside my test world and blueprinted the floor plan and of course together with my spider Tron Army I started building it I also had to come up with a plan to distribute the materials accordingly which is also something I ended up Blueprinting and pasting into the world and it actually turned out really well at this point I was ready to distribute all the materials and let them just flow inside it was a glorious moment the birth of our first mega module many of which are gonna follow but it was definitely a rememberable moment for me now I could actually get started placing all of the chemical plants and the assembling units that I needed I decided to do everything without the beacons for now but thanks to the floor plan I didn't really have to think about where to place which machines everything and their ratios was already planned out by me in the test world so if you want to know more details about this definitely check out the let's play series where I go over everything and why I'm doing stuff in great detail right here at the bottom I think I started with my electronic circuit setup add a little station for solar panels and accumulators Radars and other stuff necessary for the satellite and I just kept on planting down all these assembling Machines of course we still had to Beacon and module everything up but it was more important for me to get things rolling I started setting up the assembling machines for all the various science packs and I tried to suit them in order we would be chaining up all the various materials that are actually necessary in the top right corner I had my laboratory set up just enough to actually consume all the 450 science packs per minute then more assembling machines here and there this is basically everything we did in the starting base but way more compact more efficient and crazy after some time I think I was almost done with everything just the rocket Silo in the center was missing and of course all the beacons and the flooring so I decided to get a few things bowling just to see whether or not stop is being routed the way it is intended and then of course we had to build all of the belts and the weaving patterns in order to wrap the resources accordingly I did this for almost all the resources added the belts the inserters and everything necessary and I got things rolling more or less as intended it was now just a matter of Distributing the materials to where they needed to go I calculated everything so I didn't worry too much and by actually rebuilding it in this safe game I made some substantial improvements in terms of belt routing I was now done routing all the raw resources everything that was left to do were the science packs themselves of course I went right to work continuing the stream of materials to their dedicated destination sometimes we had to come up with very Nifty designs especially in terms of belt balancing but I'm absolutely proud of this module and I might actually improve on that in the future there were actually a lot of challenges when it comes to routing especially because I wanted everything to be as compact as possible but for me this is half the fun of factorio I just loved the idea of making things very compact but yeah after a couple of hours I managed to Route everything to where it needs to go and the only thing that was missing was a little nuclear plant there in the bottom right corner and just like that we were able to actually launch our first rocket inside of the mega module how awesome is that with access to all of the various science packs it was time to actually start consuming them here so I wanted to get this done I just made sure to Route all of the various science packs as symmetically as possible through all the science labs and of course at this point I wanted to make sure everything is properly powered and here we had all our Labs consuming the science packs but of course without all of the beacons we weren't even close to full capacity before actually placing the beacons I needed to make sure to have access to nuclear fuel so it was about time to go for that setup as you would do I boost started processing the uranium in order to attempt to get the good stuff and indeed after a couple of minutes we did get the good stuff and we were able to speed up the process a little bit I was also able to switch to nuclear fuel so as of this point we would be fueling our train network with nuclear fuel instead of the rocket fuel all I had to do for the Mega module is build a track that would lead all the way over to the nuclear plant dedicated to this Mega module I made sure to have a train station for the nuclear cells that I would be feeding into the reactor of course I went right ahead and started with the planning of the nuclear power plant I had to make sure to only build it as big as I could actually fit inside of this little square once built I could just go ahead tile it over and also copy it over for the other side and then all I had to do is set up enough steam turbines in order to take care of the entirety of the Steam and I had just enough space to actually fit this power plant and of course I also supplied the necessary water with trains and like that I was ready to feed the nuclear cells to the reactors having this power plant run during the night tremendously helped me out and actually made it possible to even go for the beacon setup I was also heavily expanding my territory building over the lakes and of course I had a whole bunch of beacons already waiting for me at the crafting Hub good it was now time to become a little bit more serious so I started to duplicate the setups that I already have in order to increase the amount of plates that would be able to build and ship everything here looked very promising and I was looking forward to the final product I kept on expanding and ended up with three lines of iron smelting and three lines of copper smelting this was in my opinion enough to actually Supply the first mega module but it started is to become an issue in terms of pollution I had to do something about that hair before I did that of course I had to make things look a little bit nicer analyzing the pollution situation right now was a little bit concerning and I felt like it is now time to introduce the artillery for this purpose I set up another train that would be delivering the artillery shells and everything else that I require for these stations the station itself was just supposed to be a artillery turret surrounded by a whole bunch of lasers and some automation I wanted this to be more or less automatic without me having to interfere too much I ended up building a station wherever I wanted to have an artillery turret with all the necessary ingredients to actually build it and all these materials would be shipped by train now my artillery could easily take care of the critters that are nearby and then the stations themselves would be taking care of the critters that are passing by just like that and I gotta say this actually worked till the very end of course we always had to go ahead and expand but this was a really good defensive system so basically all I had to do now is just set up these stations everywhere I felt like we're getting too close to the Critter nests I was still using way too much power so I decided to go with a larger reactor design that I was able to place all over the map especially wherever I have my liquid facilities so I tried to come up with a design that approximately uses one city block without wasting too much of the nuclear fuel cells in the end the design looked something like this and will give me a whole bunch of energy to utilize I just had to make sure we have a train arriving with the fuel cells and we were golden for these reactors I decided to have the water input right at the location instead of shipping it by trains and of course after a while all I could do was just copy over the design whenever I needed a little bit more power and it would be fitting perfectly into one city block wonderful I now started to expand my third territory even more and was important to me to just start hooking up all the raw resources that I have nearby so I made sure to hook everything up to miners get all these trains rolling and the resources working for me that of course also meant we wanted to keep on expanding here with our smelting arrays and luckily enough the design was absolutely tileable I kept adding more and more smelters even for the steel production as well and I just want us to make sure to have about five or six lines at least at this point I was totally into logic so I decided to rebuild the artillery station so that I could specify an exact amount of materials that I wanted to be shipped to these stations and so we were getting slightly more complicated when it comes to logic but it was definitely worth it this allowed me to only have one artillery train for the entirety of the map I also decided to double the amount of liquid that I'm producing so I took my liquid station and just blueprint that I wanted to flip it around which turned out to be way more complicated than I first anticipated but you get the basic idea I was just doubling down on the amount of liquids we are producing unfortunately not even oil reservoirs could be flipped so I had to do this rather complicated in order to be able to place it down but I think in the end I managed to do it and even make it symmetrical at this point we were easily producing between 400 and 450 science packs per minute and we were also consuming them at this rate so I felt like it is time to finally go for a second Mega module and double the amount getting dangerously close to megabase territory all I had to do for that was literally copy everything over just make a blueprint and paste it on the very top at the exact same spot we would be tiling these Mega modules all the way up until I felt like I have enough and of course we were getting started with a building set Mega module right off the bat and I gotta say this was at first a lot of work in due time I managed to actually build it within two passes with my spider Tron building Army but in the beginning this would be a huge building project now of course with the second Mega module I also already had to think about building more smelters because every time I built a mega module I required like 12 lines of copper eight lines of iron etc etc it was just absolutely insane the demand so I had to build and keep going however I was prepared to build these areas no problemo we had more than enough materials more than enough landfill I just had to fill up this Lake in order to fit another copper smelter at this stage the train Network became a little bit more complicated and I had to think about decent signaling and leaving enough space for the trains and yeah what can I say it was all about expansion expansion expansion I just kept on going as good as I could getting as much done and built as possible I also introduced a train launcher that would allow me to add more trains to the network quite easily within my building station also from the map wherever I was I was able to introduce those trains of course every now and then I also had to take apart a mining site or whatever in order to make things cleaner and make space for the actual Mega base I also had to come up with better train intersections allowing them to go through various areas quite more smoothly and for certain tracks I also decided to go with a four lane design and then finally after quite a while I was capable of going and reaching the mega base status all we had to do was one more Mega module which at this point was more than realistic so I went ahead and started planning this out for the other side I wanted to have mega modules on either side of the smelting arrays of course I still had some mining sites in the way and stuff like that but I wouldn't worry too much about it all I worried about is making space filling up these lakes and get the next Mega module link it was then finally time to actually paste it in as such and I went right ahead in order to build it with my spider Tron Army oh yes this was absolutely a key moment because this would catapult us across the megabase line and then with the new Mega module in place everything got delivered all the materials were coming and we started the science production I then basically kept on expanding wherever I could whenever I needed more smelting erase I placed them and I made sure to keep everything arranged and symmetrical but yeah we were basically building thousands and thousands of the beacons and machines it was an absolutely insane time here but looking at the map of this started to turn out really well I gotta say in terms of building the biggest bottom neck that was actually holding me back were the speed modules or the modules in general I just wasn't able to keep up properly with that demand when building one facility after another so I had to come up with a plan the plan was basically to make a little bit of space nearby my crafting area deliver more materials all the materials necessary to actually build all the modules I started setting up everything necessary in order to build the various circuits that would be required to get access to all the modules I kept on doing that for all three types of modules even though we didn't technically need to do this for the efficiency modules but you know I wanted to keep everything together well and so I just kept going the facility was meant to be served by the robots so I just introduced an awful lot of them way too many in the end as it turned out but it was definitely a fun experience seeing all these robots swoop about and then after a while I was basically done and quite happy with everything that I saw so I decided to just leave this before the time being and let it accumulate all these tier 3 modules at this point with so many small ER modules I was producing already 1200 science packs per minute but of course I didn't want to stop there I now made huge blueprints for instance for the entirety of the smelting facilities and I just went a little bit not there in terms of how much I wanted to paste in one go but you know the factory must grow that's just how it goes and of course this way I was able to introduce a whole bunch more liquids without having to think about it too much and this in turn of course would allow me to place even more Mega modules just like this one which would potentially increase our output to 1 600 science packs per minute now as you would imagine from a mega base we always had to keep on expanding in terms of getting more oars some of the lines were now actually being empty that meant I had to organize more copper ore and of course I also had to get out there in order to build more defensive artillery turret stations and keep my territory in check however you guessed it as soon as I felt secure enough I already went ahead and pasted it in the next Mega module that would bring us all the way up to the 2000 signs per minute Mark and moments like these were just absolutely glorious I'm enjoying this game so much I don't know why it is so good I kept on building more Mega modules kept on building more smelters kept on land filling up the Lakes I was now in a stage where things were getting slightly more repetitive I just kept on expanding my resources I kept on building the mega module facilities as well as more smelters Etc I also wanted to come up with an alternative designed to actually mine the ore and I just decided to go with a setup that would directly input the ore into the train wagons from the miners and this will be the very last design that I will be using for all the types of oars this allowed me to sometimes introduce 16 more trains just for one ore patch which made things substantially easier in terms of having the trains ready to go when they need to to go at this point I already had 6 mega modules which allow me to approximately make 2400 science packs and of course I wanted to keep going so all I had to do is build an insane amount of resource trains and resource facilities which I took care of right now but also we needed more Mega modules so I decided to add one more Mega module here on the top left corner and what can I say I kept on doing it this was also the time that sometimes when I was building things were getting slower in terms of ups and FPS but it was still okay at this point I also needed my liquid facilities to improve so I just went ahead and multiplied that as well of course every now and then I had to make sure that the trains are actually doing what they are supposed to but the more we distributed all the mega modules the better the trains were behaving now I gotta say at this point I was very happy with the looks and the layout of the bass it was absolutely incredibly huge but it would be super overviewish and wherever there were problems I basically could spot them right off the bat but I kept going I kept on building solar panels wherever I had the space for it because we needed a thousands and hundred thousands of them and I just tried to make things look rather appealing with the solar array so that we have proper borders and not a chaos everywhere I kept on going filling up a lake until I had the space for yet another Mega module this will bring us over the 3000 Mark easily and then with that hesitation I went for my biggest pace so far and that was the complete smelting facility in one go it was definitely a huge building project but I managed to complete it in this episode still I kept on building and cleaning things up as you can see the base tiles really well and we still had the space for quite a few Mega modules so without any hesitation I started to paste some of them in of course lining them up with the other Mega modules in this stage I was now producing nearly 4 000 science packs per minute I wanted to get over this limitation so I had to take a few things here in this vicinity apart in order to make the space for another Mega module thanks to my spider Tron Army this was no issue at all and I was just able to paste another one in I then took myself the time to do a little bit of off-camera work and as you can see the bass just kept on expanding and looking into the statistics at this point I was almost reaching the 5 000 signs per minute status there was not much left to do I just had to make sure to build more smelting facilities making sure that I had enough trains going on and just kind of balancing everything out I also needed an awful lot of solar panels and by awful lot I mean hundreds of thousands of panels it was absolutely insane to keep up with the power demands but together with the nuclear facilities it was possible and yeah what can I say I just kept on building kept on building more modules kept on expanding the factory must grow yeah and I gotta say now there was not much missing just a couple of Mega modules and of course all the gaps here with the solar panels let's just ignore that I also started to make blueprints for all sorts of things and making it look a little bit nicer with flooring and I finalized everything by placing the mega modules the very last ones that still were missing and just like that in the very last episode I was just missing one Mega module I mean look at this this map is absolutely insane definitely the most insane map that I've ever built myself producing 5000 science packs per minute of course in this moment I wasn't able to look at the map with a full 60 ups but whenever I'm zoomed in and just looking at myself I was still reaching that 60 UPS so that really made me happy but it was also aware that this would be the limitation of my computer I just couldn't keep on expanding anymore without losing substantial FPS and ups and since fact tutorial is just slowing down the game instead of showing you fewer frames this is definitely not an option so yeah I built the last Mega module and everything around it and I just try to make it look nice by filling it up with the solar panels and yeah this was probably it all I had to do was kind of finish the square with all the solar panels and everything but I decided to not necessarily do that because I was just spending hours and hours on it and since this is a legitimate safe game I didn't want to resort to cheating just to make it look finished so this is how far I've gotten we are producing over 5000 science packs per minute I let it run for a couple of hours and was able to actually keep that up so I have to say pretty happy with this series and I'm already looking forward to the next one now after watching this video If you haven't seen the main series yet I highly recommend you to watch it it was definitely worth it was a nice trip took about 250 hours and of course that is nicely edited down for you guys but yeah I would say with that recap out of the way we can wrap up the video here don't forget to leave a like or maybe even a subscription I would definitely appreciate it very much and you would make me a happy YouTuber thank you so much guys for watching have a great time and hopefully I'm gonna catch you in the next series bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Nathan's Sandbox
Views: 80,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: factorio, factorio playthrough, factorio let's play, factorio tutorial, factorio full playthrough, factorio megabase, factorio how to, factorio features, factorio edited, factorio review, factorio setup, factorio expansion, factorio trains, factorio signals, factorio science, factorio rockets, factorio spidertron, factorio speedrun, factorio challenge, factorio biters, factorio blue circuits, factorio oil, factorio city, megabase, vanilla, explanation, tutorial, train, guide
Id: jrda6i3ragw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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