I Destroyed Every Faction in Rimworld

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I destroyed every faction in real world this 600 plus day Journey features a group of lost tribes whose Village was burned to the ground can they get revenge and destroy a world full of factions I'm playing on the default world and population on the hardest difficulty welcome to rimworld here I had this idea from Francis John but having a lost tribe with five different xenotypes is quite good so let's start but yeah we will have to somehow defeat every single faction in this map here and to get to these factions on the island you can either go for transport pods or far skip so getting an anima tree and getting sidecasts will also be useful here okay let's get started here uh yeah I'm really excited to see how the kids will turn out eh this is the planned out base let's get everyone in here okay so we're just going to construct everything we will need a lot of rice so I will cue up some mining orders some planting orders everything is going up well silver and epic are working on the fields warm and is constructing our base and this animal tree will provide us with Psy casts and such silink and also Recreation so let's set up some meditation spots yeah man everyone sleeps during the night I might have to butcher up our animals because we don't really need them so goodbye everyone bar follow Mew here the boom rat okay this one will sting so I think I will have Philly I just butcher this one so mpids as you can see here very good I can show you all the genes of our people here um so quite good I mean we will mix everyone with babies and such oh all right already neanderthals okay burning down my Fields let's do this okay Kill Them All okay they are fleeing let's not take too much damage and they're all dead silver tends to warm unless he bleeds uh luckily no body parts were chopped off okay the rain will save us we will just Stomp the bodies in the river here I will also assign rules to everyone so silver will be the leader and epic here has really good social so she will become the moral guide and I will queue up some simple meals here yeah we will really develop quickly we have such good people and liquid lion will cook this food up so it says it's going to spoil in 1.5 days but if you cook it here then it will actually oh a spoil some 5.7 days so cook your food before it spoils okay a days from war man he will be fine okay we have a bunch of visitors here so I think I will get some herbal medicine maybe and I've also queued up some tinctoria here for die heel Roots cotton plants and of course the rice so I can also get some people to meditate here maybe silver right now can probably become a sidecaster should I I think philia maybe because she only can needs to mine so trunks of spacecraft oh that is very useful and I will also need to hunt a bit soon because yeah this meat will run out so okay so I think I need to research stone cutting maybe complex Furniture so complex Furniture stone cutting then get into electricity and all of this German Merchant oh and there's also an ancient danger here I could crack open okay so we got some anime grass coming in here there's nothing for me to try that uh Caravan unfortunately I will cut down some more wood and place down some flooring or actually I think the smart move would be us to plant some daisies or daily Series so if you plant these then uh yeah the beauty of the room will increase of course okay mapic it will become the moral guide oh we got a gift some plus steel from the Caravan and already you can see here the beauty of this room is quickly going up yeah and everything has been planted thanks to Silver and Epic oh I need some more food so I think silver will go out and Hunt we got some alpacas here let's go yeah this crafted Hunt is quite useful from a mod I think it's a loud tool or something oh we got one yep we need to cook some rice now get that in there before we starve we also got complex Furniture now get some beds from everyone the base is calm okay don't sleep outside feeling liquid lion yeah everybody is so happy look at this okay cargo pots from Randy silver thank you it's research stone cutting now I would also like to get some sculptures up so let's get that the base is thriving during early days we got rice steel and everything we need our first ever sculpture pull off that thing down okay stone cutting let's place this thing outside and start chopping up some blocks so what I think I will do now is simply research electricity the EXO Strider is right here so we could also get some mechanoids okay marble blocks coming in I also want to make a perimeter around here okay a heat wave let's get some passive coolers coming in so we have a really good natural defense here with these Hills here and here in the river but I'm just going to go along with a gradite wall here here we go this is going to be our little base here yeah we're doing safely on food right now we got some dye coming in and then I will also have to construct a freezer and then a workshop area because it's getting quite cramped in here here we go this is the blueprint and this middle part right here can be a storage area so I think something like this will be the freezer up here shouldn't be too complicated okay the base is quickly expanding here freezer Workshop area I don't know what this is going to be in storage the base is called my silver epic plant some rice and warm and continues to construct oh no huge forest fire here okay this room is finally done let's move everything over ah so much marble our base is thriving okay right now I need to replace all this wood as well do I do that no okay there should be enough blocks now let's just have everyone research yeah so the good thing with having a lot of people have good intellectuals once they are done with your tasks then the last thing they do is research which speeds up the game significantly War man is San Leandro fall so he will actually level up quite slowly here and our wealth is getting quite high so we might need to build some defenses okay so this animal grass is dying from the lack of sunlight so I'm going to have to open up the roof a bit as you can see here five times five twenty five should be good enough okay I think I will have some people work on their walls we need it we also got cotton coming in so we can make some poker tables okay we got our raid from wasters we'll just hold a choke point yep hold this door open there are a bunch of them but we should be fine come on kill this humongous Among Us kid there we go we downed our waster I mean we could oh my we destroyed his left leg down okay we need to kill the guy with the gun okay we need to fire spew here that did not work okay we killed them all Jesus we got some guns now though but we did take a lot of damage great tents from Silver here no infections I hope you know what combat supplier welcome we can get some proper guns okay this is what I'm trading you're selling some weapons and buying 10 medicine uh cameras restyling our colonists they all look very good oh they gave us some clothing thank you I'm going to chop up some wood now and replace the flooring with wood I think we're fine now I'm also going to replace the walls here now with marble and we're almost done with electricity here might need to mine out some more components but oh well hmm electricity first task is air conditioning I think for the cooler our Royal tribute collector useless and a wonderful party that silver has thrown oh my goodness a transport crash with an edakin with this good oh my I need him maybe I get philia in here since she's quite fast I need a prison area just put him in here yep you're getting converted and recruited while man wanders in a waster okay now we just need to research I think I'm also going to make a corridor of Spike trap so let's just do that air conditioning so yes batteries then maybe I'll go for basic Mech Tech so I'm going to plan out some wind turbines and all the cables I think I'm going to feel you do some meditation now she can get some anime grass Mexican war man can maybe romance 23 percent never mind let's get some flooring down here hmm we got seven animal grass here so you need 20 enabled to be able to make a ritual to get silink and batteries oh we got the deserter quest uh I'm not sure if I should do this Argo pods with meat capybara meat look how happy I am from seeing that yeah we have a lot of construction all uh commands here but once it is all done then we can go for basic Mech Tech more man continues to construct during the day how much is our well 31 000 that's great hmm look at this we've built a community of the good and strong xenotypes only I guess I could have put this in preferred xenotypes but ah it's all good okay I will have three of our colonists do meditation while mapping and Warman work on the flooring yeah look at the progress at 11 already it's going up it went off to close this up okay the freezer is also up so now I can get all the food in here Fuller says stop everything is up we got the ad in my grass I think we're just going to continue researching and we get some mix up so we need to get basic Mech attack but solar panels something I also need okay we have electricity and everything as I said another solar flare and we got some boom rats outside yeah so once they are gone I will go destroy the EXO Strider here and maybe get some kids as well so let's get some fertility procedures I don't know gut worms on philia I'm also going to paint our Colony right let's go for like something pasta yellow okay we got another raid okay a bunch of imps here I think we're going to die to the spike traps okay let's just have everyone meditate a bit we almost have 20 animal grass But Here Comes okay one group is fleeing now inputs are quite weak so we should be able to get them up another fling oh they're all just dead oh we um have also broken the resistance of Valley now we just need to convert them so let's just use the convertibility I think I will make this uh ritual room here I think that is the best use for this okay here we go plan it all out and a lot of marble though okay I will have liquid lion go now and get the EXO Strider [Music] yup let's decrypt this okay wreckage scorching militares and chunks of spacecraft so you missed that Taurus uh sadistic rage right middle finger destroyed we are quite cold oh it's minus five Celsius oh no serious hypothermia yeah we need to get some clothing so complex clothing could be a research okay we got a Zoot as well get that out the temperature in the base right now is quite all right okay it's currently raining so I think I'll do this mechanical Quest okay here it is quite a few of them what I think I'll do is and it will work all this work with liquid Lions since he's an ID again yeah that is Smalling them [Music] never mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh this is not good thank you [Music] Kill Them All come on hit him [Music] okay they're all dead Jesus okay silver you need to turn to everyone yeah silver will tend to everyone but now we can become a mechani tour oh nice compacted Machinery meteorites I think silver will become the mechanic or we got a lifter well welcome aboard oh we got anima tree linking I think we will do this with Philly okay they gather up around this wonderful tree there we go it's an Ophelia will have to maintain maybe 75 apparently we got a burden not too bad let's get basic Mech Tech meccanoid cluster quest which I do not want okay we actually recruited valleys on how we can recruit them there we go welcome wolf Golem animals crafting great memory oh yeah winter has arrived on the cold grounds got the flu Oh no got some hypothermia coming in another transporter crash oh he is quite good but cannot fight [Music] so essentially with this animatry the max I link is six so we'll need to do the ritual five more times with philia basic mactal research complex clothing that should be good enough nodder chunks of spacecraft okay I'm going to have to cut up some more steel where do we have that complex clothing what do I do now so smithing seems like a good option here we will get Machining and everything okay these are all the mech structures I will uh build well the base is thriving liquid lioness cooking let him cook they're Relic maybe I'll accept this and our ideology room is also up let's get some basic sub cores and I think our first few Androids will be on agree hand if I constructoid and silver will just stay to the mechanoids need some more steel okay so constructed agree hard and here we will have clean sweeper defoliator ship what what I've had this one time before where there are no mechanoids in this is this bugged and we have our storage area completely up okay the base is organized no major issue so far with the all the different races I will also construct a electric Taylor Swift bench so I like listening to her music but I also like to make clothes with it mechanoids are woken up it's a CR what meccanoids Masterwork wooden dining chair we need Advanced components in the future so we'll take that and smithing let's get Machining okay so maybe I go for dusters with everyone there we go training up this skill here maybe some T-shirts I don't know and for the few Travelers make all the baby stuff okay I need more power as well uh looks like I'll need solar panels first next up we have no more power so there was no fire rare for almost maybe I should take this on but I have a strategy okay so what we will do here it will animal work call one of them okay that did not work [Music] okay we need to kill this [Music] okay we killed one of them oh they're all dead nice I thought the animal War called would work but apparently not now these tend to warm man you know the frumbo got up oh it will bleed out liquid liar needs to be tended too okay we're all fine okay silver yes well at least we have thrombo horns for Wolf Golem and Warman so yeah edakins and uh what is it meanderthals they have strong melee damage and they are both robust I believe so they are decked out now when the other Falls are slightly better because of the reduced pain but I mean either kids are still pretty good and we gotta Constructor at Wally oh and it's also get some dump some toxic waste packs ah oh yeah stomp it in the river that's what we Homo sapiens do anyway you know what I should be making thrombopher dusters okay liquid lion butcher opted from those okay so I think it's 60 for one duster uh it's actually 80 so make some thrombopher dusters got 105 or 150 we barely have enough for only I have enough for one I also want to open up this ancient danger soon but I need to fix the power issue in our base silver or meteorites yes what I was looking for or looks like I will need a few more components luckily constructoid is already working on that yeah the colony really has evolved oh we also got wall C here the claim sweeper if you don't know that's from the movie Wally I also have to make a kill box so hmm not frag grenades oh that's actually a pretty good gift solar panels okay so 35 chance to romance here oh 52 with silver how was that unsuccessful well War man is a giga charges rejecting these girls okay I think I'll have to get growth at some microelectronics now some Machining need maybe two solar panels here oh we got constructoid and we made a thrombopher duster yup War man needs to wear that not you silver yeah the colonies or the colonists are thriving how much anime grass or 12 and a mad guinea pig kill it War man oh we need more food I think it's oh it's winter but soon spring let's just Harvest this rice here Ambrosia Sprout another ball good Strider okay I think I want more marble blocks to replace all all of this with marble yeah this ball good Trader will help us let's get this okay unfortunately it's a tribal one but this is all that I'm selling okay I need to hunt some animals now maybe some gazelles let's go okay we are quite idle right now so I think I will open this thing up hmm quite a lot of them we have bird in here though could be useful here okay here they come [Music] oh no that's not good [Music] okay we need to engage in melee here otherwise they can shoot us and that is worse than them punching us yeah just like that okay let's just get inside the rest okay there's only one more militar where are you going militor [Music] okay let's open this softer where no items on the floor okay we have our charge rifle oh my okay we will return to this soon we have a militour somewhere there we go let's get back home ancient complex so maybe I do this well we have charge rifles in mid game a lot of mid-game weapons I mean we should be fine from raids but I also want to open this up now so once we have healed up we will go back well spring is here it's nice and warm outside we need to get some more Granite blocks because I want to encase all of this just like this get all of this soil in okay with microelectron on Machining we are soon done and the final mechanoid a lifter has been completed though I did have two met your Staters to speed things up initially but I'm just going to deconstruct this don't really need two new quests huge construction that's a lot of blocks for oh yeah this charge rifle is blasting such a good weapon I just want to get a lot of hide ideas to run out of the map which I do not like new Quest so mechanical complex I think I'll actually go out to do all of these quests oh we got Machining time for microelectronics and we almost have 20 animal grass again I'm going to make an electric smelter and machining table let's go oh yeah I forgot I was going to open up the crypto sleep caskets in search of new recruits and armor and weapons okay couple of hostiles some good armor oh my goodness I have two pawns here I want Nicole and Castiel I mean look at that so I mean if we could arrest them that would be great I can't arrest them no they killed her okay we need to kill this uh please do not shoot him we want that Shield Pack there we go well that changed shotgun will be great and I'm just going to deconstruct some of these ancient crypto save caskets I want to keep some in case of emergencies so you can't just toss them in there so with the Machining table here I actually want to make uranium simple helmets so do we have uranium oh I did found find some Jade I will need that oh there is some uranium right here let's get that okay I think I will release this girl but uh recruit this girl I do want to do that I can do like conversion ritual for Nicole so yep oh very successful okay let's release this girl and we got an assault we got an assault rifle okay cold snap this will be hell but oh well need to harvest everything oh no we have quite a lot of pollution here yup yes polluting the river I will need to make storage for that okay this will be waste pack storage oh how much tree linking finally get this with Philly up okay philia got water skip uh I mean it could be good need more power again Jesus Manhunter Pack full of cougars okay our laughter was in the door here why okay let's just deal with this [Music] okay they're all dead or no quite a few more there we go let's solve everything back all the free food but that is a lot of frosting you need to dump that in the river just like we humans do it's very cold indoors wow oh no that's a lot of rot stink during the cold Winters we continue okay this is done now the waste pack storage yeah I'm gonna need more components now uranium helmets are being manufactured by silver our wealth is at 70 000. I think I will make an airwire headset here which grants me plus three mcdan widths I will do that and hook that up to Silver and make minotaurs okay I have to get all these complexes here so let's go all the way here okay I think I'll take half of our people any our map here is quite big and then it will take quite some time to wipe out every single faction but I will essentially need two groups of people one large group to wipe everything out and then one to your stay at home okay here we are okay nothing too big cooking skill trainer liquid lion has 14 he can use that 17 cooking can fuel what the hell is this my goodness why didn't that load illet okay bunch of stuff we got some uranium okay nothing too interesting oh joy wire let's head on to the mechanitor one okay here we are an Amber oh no us Cipher [Music] okay here it is the mechlink [Music] candy to kill these ones another Amber [Music] chaos Lancer okay wow what a short silver right in the reactor okay the last one here oh there's a cap here with 47 components I somehow missed I need to get that as well on the way back oh here we are more cam fuel I actually need this for change shotguns and other sort of stuff we got some alpaca wool this is great oh no all right bunch of edokins uh insects that's not good [Music] okay now we have to kill this another fleeing oh no that's not good did you get back kill them oh no that's not good run another change shotgun I need got some go juicing coming need to kill these insects uh now we're getting heat stroke I need to get out of here okay they seem to be all dead there we go I can need to hack every single terminal here Prison Break oh no killed us oh yeah Astound her please there we go okay this is everything here and we are done Jesus let's set on back or to the camp here first an infection on more man uh I should be fine I mean when you turn to someone in a caravan it's actually quite high quality well apparently not here but although Silver's Caravan ran out of food oh no we're starving here we have no more food okay I am here okay quite a few people here luckily we have animal War Call here nice we got some of them [Applause] [Music] fleeing okay they're all dead okay this is all that I'm bringing quite a lot Manhunter Pack full of monkeys I know we're starving again I cannot enter our base because of the monkeys oh we converted Nicole we can recruit her okay I think I'll also make someone else the leader and make silver the Crofts man it's the make the production specialist here very good role in 27 monkeys I'm not sure if I can kill that new recruit Nicole though she is stacked out in art I mean it's abrasive isn't too good but everything else is great well come bum okay we will have a little stylist redo of you nice combat supplier to save us and a visitor okay I think we can enter hopefully they don't come in from here and a heat wave now an oscillate meteorite so many events okay here we are okay this is what I'm initially trading the visitor here has components I'll take that yeah we have 47 components we are fine so I want to get some microelectronics and get standard Mac Tech that's the goal and maybe get some growth fast as well and we also have a casual your Smith link lying around but I need another Craftsman if I want to do that so maybe wolf Golem can become a mechanic or he has better crafting skill than silver hmm let's do that okay nice oh we got a uh uh constructoid okay I mean this is going great so far I need a kill box though I'm also going to replace the flooring here new lovers Warman and Bam so any other Fallen I can have kids hmm look at this Quest foggy rain for 12 days for a telescope I will do that let's just pop that thing down yeah we're Mass producing these militaries how many do we have we have one okay I will have wolf Golem take control of the worker Bots and silver have the combat Bots because wolf Golem might get down a lot because he's a milliers so that's why I would also need to construct some more rooms for bandwidth notes I believe maybe I'll do that let's do this oh no what is this rare from balls free food okay let's do this uh there's a three of them this time around though what I will do is animal War Call this muffalo there we go [Music] all right foreign there we go these things are tough but more from buffer dusters our wealth is at 93 000. look at that I need a kill box okay so I want silver to make these dusters and I need her to become uh change her role make Master and I think bam can become the leader since she has really high uh social skill new Quest oh this is useful shuttle crash I think I'll take it for their Recon helmet and they will be fine uh here's the raid okay if we get raids like that I need to make a kill box microelectronics finally let's get fertility procedures and get some kids okay so I need to make steel high-tech research benches okay let's make some flooring here okay I might be bold here but I will make three still high-tech research benches I mean why not well we're currently constructing everything after the summary to make a kill box I drove 1000 Granite so should be good oh my goodness bomb is pregnant okay so let's see here oh the jeans of her it's only a regular baby okay a bass liner baby that's all right so I think I'll make this another storage area eventually great Powergirl pods with food I think I'll make a few more militares maybe I'll wait rejected proposal bomb and warm I don't know fertility procedures now I can go for a girl Flats I need more components now again because of all the microelectronic benches here we go look at the research area nice and clean okay we need to make the kill box now so I'm thinking maybe up top here nice a lot of space so let me work on this okay this is the blueprint for the kill box a huge one kill box and then I have the assault rifle range right there so let's get to working on this okay feel your worm and another stable work on this huge mega project of course summoning a lot of granite which we fortunately have and Bam is just researching here I might also make gun turrets they could be really useful in the skill box okay I guess I should get some ovum so I want some input babies and maybe some pig babies bum has a detoxifier wrong and silver will extract the oven not Ophelia okay we got two of them and then I want one of Bob maybe I don't know bomb can operate on Silver [Music] okay so I think Furry Babies to start is good and I think we will have philia and maybe a neanderthal that's CD's genes oh my goodness okay this is actually scoffed so I mean look at this this is horrible then we can have a neanderthal baby okay that's not good okay Pig done okay this is not too bad pig and wolf okay I'm not sure if I should I feel you and more about something this is horrible I could always do xenogenetics at some point though so everybody can change am I right Manhunter pack bunch of orgs I guess I'll just have to kill this [Music] you should have gotten grenades for those were terrible [Music] okay we need to get out of this stink oh growth uh that's okay I think I'm going to go all the way for gun turrets now or maybe oh no I need more resources so deep drilling ground penetrating scan or new fabrication okay we have growth fats now so let's get some of them uh no blight on our plants I would also need to construct a few things here orbital trade Beacon and a comms consoles I'm going to work on that we have enough blocks for this Mega project at least it's almost done and we currently are at 109 000 wealth Shaman Merchant uh camera selling some ambrosia in the useless embryo deep drilling time for ground penetrating scanner and the kill box is almost done that was extremely quick our storage area is up everything is looking good as you can see here our base is great oh no I'm not bison wow Mormon okay a few days later and this is how the kill Box is doing look at it we also got ground penetrating scanner let me get maybe uh like how thirsty that that slides then maybe biofuel refining and the kill box is complete transport crash with oh no a pig that can't fight someone diabolous available okay starting Mech Tech is possible I would also like to queue up some EMP grenades so maybe I'll just get one of those Advanced lights so biofuel refining as I said icap got EMP grenades need molotovs the bases essentially done okay well not a lot to do a lot to research everybody's researching here okay let's go for gun turrets maybe mortars now I need to place this thing down like I need to insert embryo so let's do this okay so with this biofuel Refinery I think I'll do it from wood I can't need more power or more batteries at least I'm just going to have the Bots moving some stuff like I almost got enough animal grass for a level three and a royal tribute collector I think I will get maybe a few more ovens so from philia let's see the jeans here okay so this guy is not too bad oh my bumps baby prop sells less than six days then we will have a baby bum an animatory linking let's go this animal crosses um not very beautiful eh or it's the dirt offsetting it Ophelia got chaos curved that is not too bad and I would actually expand this uh the stockpile of talks packs as well John smithing let's go for maybe gun turret but yeah with deep drilling I can actually get some very good resources here so let me get a ground penetrating scanner I think I'll also close off all of this right here so with this I just have a cool little area you know we have 1 500 Club might as well replace all of this with cloth chairs and deconstruct all of these simple research benches okay somebody needs to scan this okay blowback operation gun turrets maybe I just go for IEDs these things maybe get some tox traps in here okay woman told Ben that he wants to spend his life with her but I'm rejected the proposal it was too much for the relationship to continue and the two have now broken up well done they cannot sleep together unfortunately maybe he can find a new lover yeah everybody's oh my goodness silver and warm man okay I mean he picks the right one and I will also extract Phil yes ovum I like the impede ovum I also need some more components where can I I haven't found many yet exotic Goods Trader yeah do we just have a neanderthal fertilizers okay one Neanderthal and one from uh maybe yeah furry let's see these jeans oh this is not too bad robust strong melee damage fire spew oh my this is actually great and then here we have the Neanderthal oh my 175 hunger raids but Pig Neanderthal this is not too bad yeah these kids are going to be great just making some more beds for future colonists I will also have baby cribs oh a Masterwork wooden bed oh no I forgot about the exotica's trader how who is scan steel I will need that I can also make molotovs right now let's make a simple Outpost out here for the Deep drill Gunter rats okay maybe I just go for xenogenetics now okay I will probably need components so I should go for fabrication yeah and I think I will also go and kill the albolos right now so let's call him here he is okay they're already going to come from the back yeah I don't think I can actually use this part of the kill box since I don't have the range except for Ophelia hmm I should probably get a shooting specialist sometime soon [Music] kill it [Music] that's not good [Music] oh no get out of there [Music] there we go it's done okay well let's study the signal chip and with this we can get styrometech but I mean what do I really need from it there we go and I also need more power I think a few camp fuel generators could be quite useful okay time until birth for this thing is 30 days silver pregnant okay it's just a baseliner bay oh no never mind look at this robust strong melee slow runners strong immunity slow study it's like half bass liner bombing labor I know somebody uh save her okay we need everybody here hey warm man the father there we go it's it's happening oh my goodness look at that baby squid welcome free school an infestation okay uh we will ignore that apparently we're running out of food not enough well then I guess I'll just make this field huge those are a lot of insects okay let's do this oh a ball Goods Trader this could be huge okay they're going to walk straight in there everybody has food poisoning or what okay here they come up there walking right into it uh there's another huge fight outs here what is happening here oh my free assault rifle okay here they come [Music] they're running on a berserk oh healthy that bird was well so many insects [Music] let's just clear up the hives [Music] why are these insects everywhere [Music] okay well everybody's getting sad so we need to uh relax mad donkey snow okay oh healthy baby look at that irakin pig baby like I think we need to insert these babies oh no the inside another donkeys oh my goodness everybody's just sad [Music] now I'm brochure binge new lovers liquid lion and bum well then I guess I will need another bed berserk no way okay I think there's only one more okay they're all dead Jesus we are not around brochure binge okay we are eating up everything we have a lot of food out here really up please calm down there we go well we got a bunch more weapons and one of our babies here was born sick so we will have to tend to that yeah we're growing some kids and I also need to research some more and a party I also forgot to name our babies but so light and tread their bum is taking care of the kids um she has really high social so she's perfect oh no malaria this geothermal generator or gazer is really useful heating up with the entire base need more food as always visitor but I need a caravan I need more components I think I'm going to go out and hunt a bit wow that's Mega sloth they just run out of the map hmm four rare from most okay here come a bunch of them I need to use the input ability [Music] like I also have bird in here converting a bunch of them it doesn't do anything I'll slow the targets okay oh no these uh things are really tearing through them too large okay they are all dead a bunch of stuff has been torn off I have bunch of infections well we tend to the babies as the colony moves on it's winter so I will probably need some more food let's kill some muffalos for food they're all your stud and a mega sloth oh tread became a child remains so apparently you can enslave them but it will be a tribesman well then we have our first kid soul I light became a child so now it's time for all the new albums well now we have so light so these kids can become really powerful yeah I'm just killing off everything on the map the kids are just relaxing in the base I might make some armor for them make kid Romper now they will be running around and learning until they're 13 they go back in the growth fat until they're 18 because of their Global work speed and a new quest which I will not accept Oreo pods with eggs our wealth is at 136 000 German Merchant okay this is what I'm trading all right has become self-tame uh release that while the bases just calm nothing much happening we're just researching moving along and our colonists are so happy look at that mood oh my weight silver and more men are getting married [Music] the foliator shirt funnel that is four centipede blasters and a bunch of stuff our cap silver just walking past that I would probably need more there say oh we scan plus the old that is great I'm also going to strip mine here for resources multi-analyzer nice okay let's place it down right there got a shaman Merchant you'll also have to take care of that defoliator uh I don't think there are any good deals maybe this herbal medicine and uh yeah a little Ambrosia Sprouts but yeah this is worrying how do I take this out mad bison snow we also have a bunch of pollution here from before so I'm just going to clean that up oh no oh that's a lot of mechanoids well then stay inside a bulkhead Strider this will be very interesting okay I need to prepare here we have tread I've also made helmets and clothing for our kids Brands pod crash as well with a human no no way oh a grave infant illness oh my goodness so I liked um epic my daughter died and now I need to take care of this fight okay so they had a lot of components so this is what I'm trading like it should be coming in now maybe they will come in here okay this will be hell but oh well [Music] maybe we should attack here killed us [Music] yeah okay we need to fall back there are so many centipedes [Music] an emped versus Sun Inferno Cannon kill them one by one [Music] yep you have to eat some food before battle [Music] come on squirrel help us [Music] well um [Music] oh no no this is not good [Music] foreign [Music] well they are all dead Jesus I mean well we will haul everything and move on and we still have this to take care of which is uh quite a bit easier but the thing with the ships is that you need to destroy it to get them to attack you so we need mortars for that and well cannot afford it yeah soul I like still this yeah I forgot she she died but these kids here look at that I can't stop talking about them but I could pull in Wolf Golem the father will bury the kid [Music] uh yeah she was good but oh well silver and labor oh no okay we need bum here to uh do this I can't baby we'll be fine healthy childbirth there she is you will be called sacred oh no a cold snap horrible for our food yep it's all yes that minus 20 Celsius and we also have childbirth here in 0.5 days ah here we go new bait the baby is dead yeah one man will be very sad about this well it's time for another sarcophagus and also funeral and we also got an impede wolf babies this in pit wolf yep I think that's quite a good combo like it's a she so well sacred uh never mind that's uh that's already we already have sacred okay cry my welcome well do we have uh should we have four babies or go for one more maybe we go for one more infant yeah okay let's have uh maybe wolf Golem fertilize then insert embryo okay let's see here it's red my goodness Hungary 200 to 5 but look at the stats very fast runner strong melee damage robust wow a furry impede nuts will be very interesting look at all the animals here skywarding for food well we will bury the kid here that died unfortunately hmm steel oh I forgot to use my militor so I keep forgetting to use them in battle okay we're cleaning up this dirty River it's almost done and then we should be good at this defoliator Jesus I'll probably need one Marine MP grenade oh we found glass Steel in here okay I guess I should research fabrication now with that I won't ever have to worry about components Well Spring is upon us a stairs a solar flare okay we also need some food so let's do that [Music] known tantrum yup that's some rip yup haunting these animals okay we got lots of food but I think we need more I'm going to do is simply expand this then I will have to deconstruct this and just do this maybe make one more Angry hand I'm just going to try to grow as much rice as possible okay a Siege wow that is huge Hmm this is a good opportunity I can get the mortars and bombard this then I will need mortars okay let's do this [Music] okay what did they destroy I need them to attack ah come on Ophelia what is the same okay this is pathetic [Music] hmm that's not good what is the same oh that was close why won't they attack me that's not good okay they're finally attacking okay activate the oven okay here they come burning flames oh now they're burning I don't know what this should be fine if I just close the door it will be ready to take care of them yep there he is dead [Music] oh they broke out another fleeing oh no they will all come out we have to kill them all [Music] okay target practice you know so much loot well I cannot think there are any good pigs in here and we also got a bunch of mortars that I can use right now let's just place the mortars in here make a mortar shelf they also have a bunch of Shield belts I can use we are currently rebuilding the base and such we need to haul all the clothing in okay we need to research now mortars then we will take this on scan some more steel I mean we have so much stealing components Why not start making the gun turrets of course I'll need more marble or Granite blocks since I forgot about that look at all that Rod stink okay I also got another Agri hand we really needed it oh no tread almost died and I didn't even realize well looks like the turkey has now become neat Ambrosius bro try my became a child well then welcome aboard you are the red princess okay I think this hairstyle suits you cry mine well put on some clothing you'll be fine maybe I should force our kids to have Shield belts okay let's see what the first thing cry my dead wolf golden chatted about hostile Brewers with crime eye primai made a comment about facial hair to bomb well then we also got a new kid here philia wolf Golem my goodness okay Lazy Lion welcome aboard well it is currently very nice here in Rim World we're just relaxing building and expanding goats join I'm not sure if I want them actually free food sad Wanderer oh yeah because your your daughter died think about it this kid right here will eat 2.25 times as much as a regular human oh we've scanned gold right here oh no wolf Golem is being hunted I mean challenge accepted yep yes two shot it okay I don't think there's a reason to mind this much still as our wealth continues to rise a heat wave of course okay the defoliator ship will soon spread to this animal tree which I do not want so I have to research this which is almost done then make some shells and start bombing the place up look at this so cry my here actually gets natural meditation and I believe tread does too so with my thesis is correct can they get animal grass here let's see here oh my goodness yeah the kids are getting the anima grass for me they can become side casters oh my 47 Celsius in here my God 20 Celsius in here I'd have to place down some more coolers marriage is song Liquid lion and Bam okay oh no breacher raid okay this will be quite hard but we will survive okay I will need change shotguns for this and everything oh they are penetrated and I need my militaries for this [Music] Kill Them All [Music] thank you [Music] they're all just dying oh now we need to kill this we need to chaos skip this maybe wait where did it go [Music] oh my the centipede went all the way over here okay we need to kill this okay they're all yes dead a royal tribius collector okay killed us so yeah breachers not a problem mortars okay let's get this and I think our next task will be fabrication silver manufacturers some mortar shells as we will bomb these people up yeah Bob is moving phrase called to the freezer with for a safer temperature I also need more storage Jesus okay let's target this there we go those sort of shots we're looking for such good shots okay so far at least it's two shots on this but we have killed off a few centipedes or Lancers not around brochures sprouts come on two more shots there we go one more that will hit yes no there we go let's prepare to Kill Boss foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go oh yes crazy stuff we we handle it oh animal tree linking again let's get filia on this oh this is level four now so that's two more levels until Max wall race that could be useful sacred became a child okay well welcome aboard sacred and now we can get phrase call in here fabrication is underway we're about to reach the end game standard high and Ultra magnetic inbound we are ready and I still have wooden floors same I need to get some more marble block and sacred here I believe also has natural meditation nice they can all just be child slave uh no I mean kids for us and look how much steel we have from shredding Shaman Merchant as well Bryce Hall became a child we have so many kids Jesus to be fair these kids can wield weapons so I'm I mean Lazy Lion became a child so that's probably all of it no more growth that's yeah I think lazy lion and cry Mike were probably the coolest xenotypes here and a party nice look at more man and Bam okay now they're teaching lessons during a party Argo pods with cloth okay we're almost done constructing the flooring while wolf Golem chops up more marble blocks I want to cover the whole colony in marble flooring and Fabrication as well underway okay now right from the amaranth Mac Hive now that it's all right I will probably have to do I shell them away I should be fine I need a shooting specialist hmm okay here they come I can't sit tight this will be hell [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 10 centipedes here we go [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is very hard okay look at that two of them dead now we back off a bit there they all die [Music] wiping them off one by one [Music] okay Jesus Jeff Bezos okay liquid lion is about to die so gotta turn to him but yeah and that is uh hard very hard yeah we're side Caster you saved us right there with the wall race our storage is completely filled I need more okay I think I will have to move this we will have a storage area right here okay here we will have a lot of storage oh animal tree linking already because of the kids well level 5 is about to commence then maybe we can get another side caster and we got invincibility this is probably one of the best wow [Music] oh fibrous mechanoids on a bunch of people this is the best disease look at that movement speed though and our colonists have been hurt quite a lot lots of body parts destroyed oh fabrication I think I'll go for standard mechtech and start fabricating components okay let's make one and two Uno doors okay and this is the foundation of our magnificence oh no still Hana I made a wrong thing fabrication bench that is a bit more expensive okay with this we are set for life to make components until we have 50 maybe and now silver will start working on that as she wakes up there we go okay The Colony has advanced third arm star Mech Tech will allow us to get some big robots I think I will make a room for the mechanoids maybe around here I think I want like a hospital or a prison room or something and everything here we have a large area to work with right here oh look at that yellow room standard Mech Tech I think I also want Precision rifling so let's research that bomb pregnant well done let's see the kid here that's not too bad strong melee damage sleepy okay I think I don't want them having more kids though let's get a large mixture stator and some rechargers I'm also going to need prisoners for high Mech Tech to get Fabric or some paramedic so let me work on that maybe Hospital right here I think I also want to move this right here okay we've got a bunch of good stuff from Randy and our wealth is almost up oh that's not good I'm going to need more steel mine mine another Royal tribute collector I want Traders not you guys oh another animal tree linking this is the last one okay and then I think I don't know who should become a sidecaster maybe cry my I don't know final ability has been mass chaos skip transport Crush okay I will actually uh capture her and there's also a Mech cluster with a sunblocker so I will need to take care of that maybe get warm man and someone else barely up let's go foreign what is this so can I hear is good at animals art uh gas operation you know what though maybe I can have her become a shooting specialist I mean she's already incapable of a bunch of stuff so that better be recruited we started in our ideology oh we're done with gas operation in Precision rifling I'm also have all of this so uh I think I will make tunnelers because they're good combatists and now we will get some sub cores make a tunneler I'm not sure if I should make Pike man okay here we are at the sun blocker hmm look at that ancient that is so scuffed there we go or go forwards with muffalo wool though a combat supplier here okay this is all that I'm trading wander joins uh I don't know about this I mean we can try but he's like um a Walmart version of liquid lie and look at that we will just arrest him he will become a fabric and we'll solve a war Queen here we can summon so I think I'm going to do that soon and I'm also painting the flooring here quite nicely checkerboard ah finally Precision rifling might as well go for uh I don't know how to Cannon turrets actually I wanted sterile materials first and now I want assault rifles for everyone I'm probably going to have to make I don't know how many I only want silver to make these because she's a production specialist so oh animal tree linking I'm not sure who's supposed to become a cycaster I don't want any one of my regular your only adults can become side casters so I think we'll just ignore this there are materials time for Ultra ah new recruits can I so I want so let's rename her the breath welcome and we will assign you to become a shooting specialist right now we have 13 colonists that's quite a lot and I think there is one more incoming with bam foreign ER welcome okay this is all that I'm trading okay nothing much happening we're just leveling up researching oh yeah I was supposed to defeat the war Queen guess I should do that I have summon War Queen frat here she is okay this will be very easy dome but let's just prepare [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay they're all done now we can study hi Mech Tech wow and I think it's soon time to plunder start plundering one by one name I want to get far skip though before I do that maybe so I can quickly uh yeah teleport between the bases and I will also need to research transpar transport pods so yes rare Forum most okay let's kill some of these things [Music] thank you there we go free food okay let's also study the signal chip okay after alter Cannon turrets we're going to go for high Mech Tech well not much happening just calm days once again yes researching mad school girls another combat supplier do you have actual guns or just bad stuff okay this is what I'm trading they had a zoo summer so that's pretty good okay I think wolf Golem will use that right he will have a zoo summer oh Master workout Soul Trifles that's what we'd like to see I think Tipper after shooting specialist will have that another is it and bomb is just researching like well there's fire on the desk oh liquid lion and Baum are getting married now interesting uh Prison Break warm out you will have to do this you can't be doing this while they're getting married yep go back to the marriage and finish it oh we got a tunneler Mr Krabs well then welcome buddy it's time for you to mine I'm also going to make some sterile materials around here and the research room and um Kitchen Silver pregnant no way okay let's see here those slow Runner aggressive but robust and reduce pain okay once we have all the turrets up then I know that we are well defended automatically then we can go out and Masterwork assault rifle oh wow everybody except sacred as a assault rifle so one more then we shall braid I guess where is he where is Mr Krabs there he is look at that magnificence wonder who would win Mr Krabs or a mega sloth while Mr Krabs oh no they weren't supposed to help well I think we know who the winner is uh the mega sloth of course who do you think I meant prepare him bull could straighter as well nice we still don't have enough rice what is going on within us do this okay this is all that I'm selling okay alter Canon tour at Cisco for high Mech Tech and then I will play some of these things down quite expensive but they are useful okay the final assault rifle it's getting quite cold again winter is coming okay I don't think I need my militaries anymore right uh maybe I can use them to assault some colonies and now the constructoids are working on the auto Cannon turrets okay we are mining out the whole map here of its resources Mr Krabs okay all the auto Cannon turrets are up we are set so what's going to happen now is uh simply raiding so we have some uh maybe I will firstly attack this waster or the idokins oh we don't have enough food what is this oh we will get enough food once we kill them off but then I will simply make this whole field for rice another bulk good Strider okay and now they're wandering off okay this is soul that I'm selling off I should probably also research package survival meals if I want to do this okay and we're almost done with high Mech Tech uh quite a lot to go we could also make diabolous and everything oh somebody needs to feed my guy we do not have any food okay oh not a solar flare okay our first attack if this will load in here it is a full cap this shouldn't be a problem [Music] [Music] okay they're fleeing well done that is the first start of many bases it's a start well then let's see what kind of loot we have ah herbal medicine okay we have some medicine some good stuff I mean not too shabby we will take it we will take it I will check out this complex maybe take some prisoners for my um my sub cores okay this is all that I'm bringing nothing too complicated bulk good Strider okay this is what I'm selling a lot of from buffer I don't need oh it's landed right beside the anima tree oh no I need more power again so maybe I just make some more solar panels we have a lot oh no we don't have any components I think I should make a proper battery room or I will probably need more batteries it's a shame I got all my craft results and Mr Krabs is just mining while crying my halts to steal and we are soon at the ancient complex yeah I'm just going to mine out all the steel on the map okay here we are at the ancient complex uh looks like the guess why didn't the prisoners get healed okay bunch of insects now they're going to get ignited foreign [Music] okay got some gold uranium oh no that's a centipede oh social fight now the breath loudly insulted liquids Alliance judgment okay okay I have a plan [Music] okay it's finally dead a skill trainer crafting I can use that on Silver you know it's like that from 14 to 17. okay that's it okay this is all that I'm bringing I believe let's go yup we are stocking up on steel for the future while the base is calm this night has fallen upon us and uh it's currently winter so minus 11 Celsius everything will die yeah but we need components so one silver and liquid lion are back our Crafters we can get some components and make some more heaters and Power Systems no no food is going to run out hey this is when you need to stock up on food okay we'll just do some hunting then to satisfy our food requirements there's not a lot okay Carmen is finally back on Obama is in labor now hopefully it would be a healthy child right oh my there it is okay so uh strong melee damage and great animals is the only good thing I guess well then welcome loan we will insert you into the growth of that I don't think we have enough food for that okay links is hunting liquid bottle oh no that's not good that's just that okay and now we're researching and people are starving okay we do have enough food though I will see you some work drive on Silver she deserves it I'm just going to place some flooring out of paved tiles I mean we have so much steel level just replace it with marble later okay tip ref is a shooting specialist so all she can really do is hunt yeah she's such a good shot with careful shooting plus the shooting specialist [Music] ripping your style sets her hands to be fair Tipper a fear can become a a sight Caster she doesn't have much to do so oh no she needs some natural SCI link okay never mind oh look at all those corpses I'm also going to floor all of this in and smoothen the walls just make our Colony beautiful and our wealth is at 200 000 we've broken it growth moment for tread he has reached the year of seven okay so um not too many good things I mean shooting is good kind is all right so this is what I'm going for okay I think I'll also have to make some more from buffer dusters don't think we have enough Masterwork from buffer duster silver will wear that I can we're already running out of food well hi Mech Tech oh my okay what do I go for now you'll probably make some more mechanoids I will have to get Fabric or some paramedics so what I will do is make a sub core rip scanner we have a Edith in here who can I go for hospital beds all the way over here we have a 10 000 almost 10 000 steel yeah Mr Crabs let's see how much he has mined out let's see here cells mind 3050 insane okay we got the rip scanner so let's strip um we've had this guy for quite some time up lazy lion I'll carry him to his stuff and then I will queue up uh two fabric cores one paramedic hmm getting a centipede burner could be quite interesting too but look at how much last deal I would need okay this guy has died and I can summon Apple Croton right now so it's time for hell here they are look at that okay they are coming I guess I have militars to help me too okay this is our defensive formation here okay let's see it's get the absolutely destroyed [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay it is third but we still have more ferrets I know crime is getting serious hypothermia because she's an impede okay Rhino roses on the menu everyone I'd also like to get bionics actually so let's get that soon so there's a problem with this kill box as you saw there the EMP grenaders they uh well got slashed so is there a way to throw EMP grenades without getting targeted I'm not sure what I could do actually is just make gun turrets around here in the walls so I think I'll do that deconstruct all of this and then we will see okay I also need to make a Mech Commander helmet I need to summon diabolus for that one array headset here is just as good Masterwork look at that so essentially you can make gun turrets like the this and the walls and everybody will Target that it might get destroyed but we have so much steel armad supplier in hospital beds so vitals monitor then we will get bionics we also a trading inspiration on bomb here so let's see what we can pick up okay so I decided to buy a zoo summer and 13 medicine for uh quite a good price so now more men and wolf golden will have a zoo Summers I've also have to farm a few uh diaboloses for a few stuff namely to speak I probably want Mech gestation processor remote Shield or all of this this Mech control sub link increases the work speed of meccanoids so I think I want one of those okay so for now I will need all of these things so this will take how much is this Ferry diabolous chips three the the queen chips and Ferry let me just summon diabolus while we're at it okay hospital room is coming up silver or meteorite look at that hospital room is 25 done okay let's summon another diabolos and it's uh soon spring again it's squaring quite warm outside as you can see I wonder will it be like a supper or will it go to my kill box okay Androids get in here what is going on here what the hell [Music] [Music] yeah it's just dead and we also got the fabric or well come crafty this thing is insane I would also like to get the ultra doors but yeah once we have a bunch of mechanoids then I think we will start conquering some more factions and now crafty is like I don't want I don't want Bots making this I can also make Mech boosters around the colony so I think I'll do that uh no more power great I think I'll just place down a bunch of Cam fuel power regenerators and a few more solar panels Royal tribute collector hello [Music] okay we have a huge breacher right here 48 humans that is absolutely huge okay this is going to be hell but oh well [Music] okay let's go back okay they are coming okay another Clueless [Music] they are slowly dying okay the rocks have dissipated one more wall race should do it [Music] kill them off [Music] okay filtering them out maybe I should get a waster it could be interesting okay the wall race here is really powerful versus zappers oh now there's social fighting an exotic Goods trailer is passing by as well okay this should be enough now they will die Ambrosia binge okay they are fleeing Jesus well then we will simply go on oh no I need to capture people for uh uh for these things oh no okay I think I got two of them right here like I capture these two people and then we will prepare the rip scanner maybe soft scanner as well I also need to kill a few more diaboloses so let me do that silver and labor right when I was about to summon it okay let's do this come on oh I also have an exotic Goods Trader I forgot to call and I also found a few things here side trainers pain block could be useful okay this is all that I'm trading okay silver you can do this Alfie childbirth welcome it will go into a growth vat and I'll also summoned diabolus for more chips okay here he is dead [Music] gone turrets please um I guess I should clear this field off its trees like I need to install these uh where is that control sub link so every Mech now works at six percent more vitals monitor let's go for Prosthetics and bionics then I'm just going to concrete this whole Arena and just to prevent trees from growing there we go look at that and we got another sub link control sub link that I will install on Silver and the reason I don't want to floor in the actual walk-in kill box here is because the movement speed of this concrete is much higher so they will be slowed down much more if they walk on dirt let's install some people into the rip scanner neander fall let's go you're going to die okay now we can make a paramedic or a combat supplier but now I can also summon diabolus again so let's do that okay I'm just going to sell some stuff to this supplier diabolos oh yeah that's quite a lot this time oh got Prosthetics time for bionic okay they are beginning their assault so there's two diaboluses wow yeah okay this should not be too difficult foreign [Music] we already got one I think all the trees with them gone well this is very accurate correct there's just a centurion now I don't think I have to worry about that [Music] automatic defense earliest that while the base is calm once again we have so much rice to harvest as well okay now I just need to kill two War Queens then I will have Max control sub link but I also want the metro station processors for when we get centipedes then they won't take so long to just State okay we got another high sub course I will use that to make the fabric or a second one okay I don't think I actually need my militars anymore so I will have to uh permanent this shot permanently disassemble It Goodbye okay I'll need some more humans so I can make some centipede burners you know what I think I'll go for uh uranium Slugterra as after bionic Replacements just get a bunch of those okay we got the paramedic redo of healer oh look at that we have the final control subling for silver and I will also summon the war Queen in 0.3 hours there we go and then we have high sub link right here and now let's summon the war Queen okay everything is going good so right now now we have 24 extra work speed okay here's the war Queen yeah look at the base right now it looks wonderful okay we have so much power right now 17 000 Watts [Music] oh there are all your stud I think I need one more trip until we're maxed out but I will need to kill six more war Queens for this thing and I actually need more fabrication benches I believe because we have like four or five Crafters with two fabric horse and silver and wolf Golem so that's four I'd have to place that down somewhere yeah look at the colony to go it's a wonderful sight to see Automation and we got the final craft crafter I can have one fabrication bench need one more I'll just place that down right there okay we got two more fabric it's quite hard to fit it in there without obstructing movement known became a child welcome I cannot summon another War Queen again I also need Ultra Mech Tech to get the mechlord armor but yeah I think I will start creating soon um we should we need far skip um here she is and I also need to study the Nano trip and we got bionics this gets uranium slug turrets and uh research this white also need Ultra doors but they have tunnelers and I rarely see tunnelers in Mech rights here we go okay War Queen Is Dead yeah I'll need to kill a few of her but I believe the next time maybe two or three can come so I also need Advanced fabrication after this combat supplier and work frenzy let's see okay this is all that I'm trading I will buy a Prestige cataphract helmet let's see who will wear it yeah warm man okay okay we got all the saw blinks growth moment for cry my okay crime I had much better skills I think I will get too smart I mean she will learn faster and I don't think she will have a mental break so this is what I'm going for my cab will actually have her mind I want her to drill specifically so let's do that now more Jones became a child okay no more babies Jesus well the base is calm again let's just research some more than I think we will go out and explore I'm also going to need one more Mech recharger since uh we don't have enough and a global work speed of this thing is 119 I need where's my okay here they are okay we have completely maxed out control sub link oh these control sub links give oh they require three Advanced components so I don't have enough for this toxic Fallout oh no this is Hell okay we will have to be indoors and also summon one more war Queen okay so two War Queens so this will be faster than I think or that I thought and we got malaria great okay we don't feeler where are you and everyone okay they will die no way a raid oh that is hell let's see here um okay so we got 19 plus 18 plus 19. that was a lot harder but they're almost all dead okay they're all dead okay well now we have another way to deal with I think I can just activate my heat box to kill that okay we need to activate this here they all come okay they are burning what is this grenades okay she's going back in 56 humans okay open this thing up capture as many as you can up yes kill them off [Music] okay they're all dead yep and there we go and our wealth is at 220 000. Antrim Jesus I came another raid Jesus okay well it's a Time bunch of edokins shouldn't be a problem okay here the edokins come all right [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] what I cannot regroup this fleeing but we lost sacred but you see that I can steal so much damage well done we lost another child it's this guy no this guy killed sacred kill him okay he is dead we will extract the skull we will place the skull next to the Grave so he can be reminded of of what he's done right there okay the base is a mess we got a minigun yeah yeah it has the same ranges on assault rifle you know what cry mine you will become the mean igunner oh we got two mini guns I'll probably need one more lifter okay Breezer our redual healer thank you for helping out you know what I think I will research Advanced fabrication first okay sacred will be buried it sold a funeral for her everybody come here ways back infestation that is a lot [Music] let's do this [Music] okay they're all dead okay so I think the problem is that we have some pollution here and yeah this is not this is not cool enough okay let me do this I need the recolor serum okay let's get some pollution removal areas right there ah back to calm days here on the base quite a lot has happened in this 100 or 200 100 to 200 days should I say I need to also rip scan all these things and I think I will make a centipede Gunner let's do that and I also got another lifter since we really needed it okay I need to summon the uh diabolos for more Metro station processors okay that's quite a lot okay let's do this Ambrosia bench now okay Jesus Christ what is going on [Music] everybody's just in a mental break [Music] [Applause] okay they're all dead okay I think with this we can make more Metro station processors then I will make a centipede burner Ambrose addiction of Breezer [Music] okay we have some visitors so I'm just trading away a lot here wait a second I have zero steel and I just have a thousand okay I need to get some more steel we have some right here as well um wow what a perfect zit what a perfect zit growth moment for phrase cool okay this is all the traits I'm getting and another growth moment okay these are the traits I'm getting so yeah I want a lot of kids to mine because we will probably be mining the whole time we are here so we always need steel ah the toxic Fallout is finally over okay the base is calm once again we have enough Metro station processors so let's make a centipede burner a little bit more steel though okay Metro station speed plus a hundred so double centipede Gunner you're coming in oh there we go silver will lead the resources and here we have the kids just mine and I also need a bit maybe I should place down one of these Mech boosters on the fields and we're almost done with Advanced fabrication so we can get bionics and cry my heroes learning at an incredible uh right with uh yeah the two smart traits my God food is always running out I will probably kill two Mega sloths oh I had to sacrifice some epic a bit because I don't want it running off the map again [Music] Advanced fabrication online you can get Ultra Mech Tech we can get uh marine armor maybe I need to get some Advanced components I think I will get some bionics up and running okay the mining of Steel we got philia got lazy lion and cry my which are leveling up quite steadily oh my it's quite warm in here look at this Anna you know what let's do some organ harvesting here we haven't done that so far okay read off either do this during the long morning of Dave 200. well we have organ harvested this girl she must be depressed so let's just end her in this rip scanner and we got a centipede Gunner coming in uh halfway done here maybe I should just get two but I need to get uh this thing on plus steel here lots of plastille let's see here Global work speed is 95 oh my I can't to hunt some more okay we are Mega hunting now I think I need to plant some more rice oh no huge Manhunter pack okay a dog is on the menu [Music] [Applause] so many dogs [Music] well bunch of food now for us oh okay we have a huge infant ride I will need uh some molotovs in the kill box [Music] I'll rip my wall beat I can't so this turret right here steel miniaturette somehow staggers up these people I don't know how I don't know why but it works mepix lover is in here they're all just dead I don't even have to do anything well then we will let all of that burn rare thrombos oh it's time for hunting season [Music] good attack them all [Music] foreign [Music] leg we have some bionics coming in so it won't be long look how much food and meat we have the shelves let's make some shelves our wealth is at all my 270. okay let's look at this operation of manufacturing bionic spines coming in and everything is looking good and make one more Fabric or links okay you cannot answer rotten to brain let's see here a mechanoid cluster okay so there's no real threat here oh no there's some Ultram ordered right there I need to take care of we will wait a few days and then mortar that thing up oh my goodness a centipede Gunner well then it will just be recharging I also need to summon Apple criton to um get more I want to get Mech Lord armor wait my goodness warman's right eye and left eye has been torn out okay I need to get some bionic eyes well food storage has been expanded everything is looking good new more plus steel okay mechanoids are woken up okay I think we should deal with this like have time to murder this thing up oh there's some Mech High Shield here well that is anti-climactic well then I have another plan here okay let's do this we will get a bunch of rocket launchers okay let's do this I can't this will do it come on yes oh how is it not dead [Music] oh my goodness [Music] how did that not take it out Jesus 60 HP oh no there are a bunch of them coming in here are they coming to my kill box okay kill box needs to be activated oh my goodness video feeler okay let's kill the rest of them hey centipede Gunner okay they should all be dead also got an exotic Goods Trader [Music] okay this is what I'm trading for the ball Goods Trader I'm not sure if I should buy all this past steel but oh well okay we need to get out of here everybody is sad catatonic now oh no okay I forgot that these things still output robots these turrets are shredding through their centipedes bought a good Strider and a berserve okay where is philia okay just chaos skip him [Music] there we go look at that that's the best way to deal with that berserk okay War man you'll be fine never mind Warman has zero sights so he can barely hit anything there we go oh no more Bots coming in I can't need to take care of the mech cluster [Music] oh what a shot tiparette this careful shooting trait is Opie oh what a shot Tipper if they're all dead okay it's time to get out of here okay well these are the final mechanoids from this Mech clustered and I can rest all from Mac attack what do I go for now maybe marine armor okay with all those stud we are now safe except for out here and bison finish it there we go look how much food we have look at the fresh calling number trunks look at them growth moment for a thread hey us reached 10. okay I think I'll get too smart as well it's uh it's not perfect but it's all right and Mining crafting he will be a miner he's crd is a minor but you know what I mean oh I actually need all two doors first but I don't have enough steel for that and we got some visitors that are going to die [Music] notice a bunch of free loots what will actually need that it's going to pop invincibility [Music] now our fall is arriving once again winter is coming yeah with ultra Mech Tech I think I'm going to summon upper cruden okay cry my look at this skills we have ten thousand rides should be enough food right oh too deep [Music] okay they're all dead [Music] okay bionic eyes are coming in let's install some bionics okay War man needs bionic ice yeah I think we might need new arms for somebody here on our right leg was torn off uranium slugged her ass correct this gets marine armor that's going to replace these things with proper turrets bionic eyes for war man you can finally see again okay not much happening every day calm relaxing evening a little more cam fuel like I'm also going to install bionics on Warman simply because uh arms simply because of the manipulation he basically has no fingers and a warm man will be a true War Machine okay and that's a huge defoliatorship ah recal armor yes marine armor make that then we will raid oh more rare thrombos [Music] yeah oh no tons of light look at that level 7 mining from watching Philly on mine but yeah I will need to uh probably expand this need more plus steel I will also expand the plastial mining operations with the rim because uh well as you can see we have too much steel two little plus steel bulkheads Trader let's see this if we sell off all the lever we get 15 000 oh cap this is what I'm trading the hugest operation ever so much steel I kept this is what I'm trading yep it's all coming in it's also replace everything with marble tiles our wealth is currently at almost 300 000 look at this magnificence of manufacturing got the mech band so I can do Apple Croton here it is okay for the mechlord armor uh do we have that we will need to kill the rim or upper Prince and get a lot of plus steel oh no Beggars and now they've been betrayed I can't time to do this [Applause] foreign [Music] combat supplier okay this is all that I'm trading a bunch of weapons and uh clothing and buying some medicine uh corpse Obsession because of a high psychic drone I'm a bunch of um transport okay this is not good okay looks like we're fine a bunch of edakins low-tiered ones melee only my goodness what is happening here okay these should all be dead to the turrets [Music] they're all just that another bulkers Trader okay this is what I'm trading a bunch of plastille and medicine and advanced components I'm buying we are stocking up on Silver and such marine armor okay we are done with all the research for now okay I've queued up some marine armor Masterwork marine armor from Silver the ax join us well Slaughter okay we'll stop to take care of the mech cluster soon growth moment for cry my okay they started to skill some choosing for my so much Plus silver bathing in it okay it's time to destroy this thing and deal with the in the mechanoids no it's already that we have a really high shooting or mortar skills we need shooting in intellectual to increase the accuracy you know what that's your summon diabolus along with this we need it so it's time for hell okay diabolus is here as well well that will be hell how many centipedes is that foreign [Music] might need a triple rocket launcher here a crime you're going to do this okay we need to triple rocket launch Shooters up she has a tantrum come on kids you will make it okay looks like we somehow made it okay a few more coming in [Music] okay there are all just dying I mean [Music] okay they're all done Jesus that was insane it's all money resources this is great well now we know what we can handle we can handle bigger or I can handle bigger than I thought I could not around brochure Sprouts right in our Fields here great oh we got an ah combat supplier okay this is all that I'm trading ah look at the marine armor we have look at that and just like that the whole thing has been repaired okay as of right now a few people have marine armor so bomb epic you know lots more though okay group of Neanderthals only 30 people that's that's nothing okay let's get back home and look at Wolf Golem he truly looks like a Golem [Music] [Music] thank you no they're already fleeing I mean that was not hard at all oh we found a neanderthal right here I will put him in the rip scanner I also need outer doors so let's just get that Masterwork Marine helmet look at that another Masterwork Marine helmet silver is pumping them out I'll need a few more upper critton for the uh mechlord armor so let's do that oh I made all my Mech gestation processors where are they there we go there they are oh not a cold snap in Spring oh we got out the doors finally I think I will go for fire foam War Merchant hello yeah right now we're just passing the days fly with mining plus deal okay we got fire foam so transport pod seems like a viable option hold on a minute everybody has uh Marine helmets look at that except for silver I'm also going to make some crematoriums to get rid of the corpses but we have apple Credence Summoner right here okay this time they have a diabolous transport pod and a cold snap is over on a rip like Wally yeah look at that tribe helmets this is from the uh our Meme here uh the Titanic Style foreign [Music] s uh somebody please kill it okay well no needs a left shoulder bionic arm for her and now we're set from the diabolous there I now have maxed out next gestation processor 200 percent I'm also going to play some uh place down some crematoriums right there oh my we found another batch of glass steel and silver growth moment for free school she has become 7 10. okay these are the traits I'm going for trigger happy uh shooting medical mining she should be good now growth moment for lazy lion okay he is decked out here with tough medical double passion mining double passion and shooting yeah look at this Giga charge Lazy Lion he does look like quite the lion cougar a hunting cry my well cry my has a special ability to help her [Music] finally got the crematorium so uh command to burn all the humans maybe I should off take the colonist corpses and their command to burn rotten animal corpses mental research xenogenetics again let's get all of this oh no right from Mecca a bunch of breachers okay group of imps now to bring Health what is happening here Adams are about to run into the mechanoids oh they might die here I think I'm sorry I mean the mechanoids another fleeing okay let's do this okay they're coming in through here [Music] foreign [Music] s uh carrying us well then back to normal scene another too deep infestation I think those uh insects will die [Music] there we go there you're stud never mind they're alive or no I got they're dead yep the insect sub died growth moment for loan wow okay I'm getting these skills for her and the aesthetic trait should be good and we will have her mind as well just get everyone on mining we got xenogenetics time for Gene processor and I'm also going to construct a few pod launchers here okay we will transport on top of bases oh no we got the plague on five people notice I mean we have enough medicine though we have no more Steel in the base so I'm going to have to reinstall these okay we've got Gene processor I mean what else should I research oh well we will get some Jean Banks okay everything is up in here growth moment for namu Jones the final trial I guess he can get cannibal I mean in mining I will just have and me like we scan more steel right under our base yeah so we have so many kids smiling now for resources I think we will be fine wow liquid lion is bullying cry my he insulted her diet called her a duck okay I would also like to attack some imps here so let's get a few people okay I'm sending a bunch of people now okay let's do this maybe uh drop at Edge oh we can go really far with these pods okay it's time to attack now it's time for me to do this uh hiding room what [Music] oh [Music] wolf Golem beat them up okay we defeat the base I Tipper raffle uh die to fire soon okay let's see what kind of flute we have I can not much uh loot unfortunately but I mean it's only imps okay we're now going to investigate a complex uh but as you can see here the nearest faction now is the Empire and pigs and I also need package survival meals so we get that so we can go for long hauls okay so apparently there are like uh 90 something basis on the map here so I mean that is quite a lot but yeah maybe I will need the full marine armor before I uh before I engage and we got xenogenetics here Gene assembler is something I also need and we also got an ancient complex five Advanced components luciferium oh no we do not like that we do not like that [Music] foreign that's not good a water skip here okay this complex has way too many meccanoids and such and two of our people are down so I will have to leave unfortunately okay let's get out of here okay let's go home the good thing with the transport launchers so if you have a caravan within its range you can actually send food and other resources or whatever you would like to it so this could be quite interesting okay eight pigs are ambushing us let's refuse and fight yeah these side casts are really Life Savers I mean we have a triple rocket launcher oh they don't die from that [Music] foreign okay this is what I'm bringing nothing too complicated okay Caravan is spark I care well stuff to extract some jeans so maybe cry my and we got package survival meals okay I should just research everything else geothermal power we got side doll no fire resistance but physically dull okay let's try form epic let's try for everyone I guess extract everybody's dreams uh right from amaranth mechan okay an upper cruden this time I will also start piling up on making Masterworks legendary assault rifles so let's do that oh neither are two groups oh no that's not good two upper critons so it is not good what genes do we have here slow wound healing but strong melee damage okay oh this apple critten yeah this upper crit and these two are just constantly resurrecting them it's bulldog there we go it's one of them [Music] they're all just dead okay they are dead once again everybody else uh Ambrose addiction but it will go away okay let's make Mac Lord Helmet and suit I will also need uh some uranium which I do not have Masterwork assault rifles already so the big difference with Masterwork is this does 14 damage and the excellent one only does 11 so I mean huge difference you might need to scan uranium in order to find uh or in order to make marine and the mechlord armor another Masterwork assault rifle okay we'll make some package survival meals oh a combat supplier okay this is all that I'm trading a bunch of stuff another Mass work assault rifle and bulkhead Strider oh we got geothermal power I think I will get shields get some good Shield packs or Shield belts for everyone I think I should take out these things as well they've been there for too long the reminders this high neck Shield this is all that I'm trading another bulk good Strider you're also going to place down on geothermal generator right there okay this is all that I'm trading neutralamine to craft medicine okay another Master working so I'll try full so I won't mention it but everybody will probably have Masterwork assault rifles soon okay let's see here what kind of genes we have oh my we got your robust that is actually so good and the trade will become an adult anytime or any day now he has really grown up but then he will grow go back into the growth vat until it's 18 because of the global work speed finally got Shield so time for um maybe uh I think I'm good on Research I wanted to do medicine but I'm fine okay so I have been extracting a lot of jeans and here you can see um all the jeans we have oh no we have so much uh talks storage I need to get rid of it oh well I'll just be a human and you send it I'm just going to send it forever okay we are now sending uh what is this 150 toxic oh my Fred became an adult okay Trad you will become very good and now he will enter the growth that a full-grown man in there we're just going to launch these uh straight on uh pigs yeah I wonder how much pollution this is going to give off 7.5 pollution on that okay let's see what kind of genes we have oh my very first runner okay I like this Gene right here makes them tough less research but oh well it starts combining here and then we will apply that on people to become tough okay a group of pigs are attacking me they are attacking to retaliate against you for dumping toxic waste outside their colony [Music] foreign [Music] grenades on each other [Music] foreign [Music] okay we need to turn to people oh my goodness everybody is so wounded okay it's time for them to burn [Music] okay they are fleeing well well well we need to turn to everyone and a wall race blocked their separate path again okay read off healer help everyone uh we need to patch up the base it is a complete mess well we are attending to everyone those pigs and a Manhunter pack now oh no okay the elephants are running around they might come through the kill box [Music] I also got a Xeno germ uh what is this Xeno jeans here that I have combined looks really good well the base has already been rebuilt that was fast okay so phrase called got the Xeno genes here we have almost 11 000 silver here we can buy everything hmm to be fair I could probably take this out I'm also going to construct another ground penetrating scanner here to double our searching productivity well we are relaxing now we need more uranium as I said okay let's see our stats here at the 300 000 well our population growth uh okay someone died and our colonists moved us overall been quite happy okay I've also queued up some Mech Lord Helmet and suit that silver cool craft theorem though that will become hopefully Masterwork quality okay mechlord helmet that will take quite some time an exotic Goods Trader okay this is what I'm trading we are collecting these side trainers like a Pokemon trainer okay Philly up learned this yeah I would also get like to get more side casters so crime when she grows up then maybe I'll have her do that uh no I think warm and Zoo summer got destroyed by grenades well [Music] there it is some Masterwork Mecca Lord Helmet think I will wear this once we have the suits as well and I think I can also take this out now the mech cluster [Music] foreign Manhunter pulse I can use here [Music] uh we'll call him is all the way out here now [Music] well okay there should be no problem invincibility let's do this [Music] okay well we are fine okay well that was quite the mech cluster we also got an unstable power cell I will just fit that right there we can finally roam freely again okay well we have done it I mean that makes cluster evoke several several months ago so more man's left leg has also been torn off bionic lag oh we scan gold interesting oh another exotic good Strider oh my goodness I found focus and far skip all my far skip skip the Caster along with anyone standing near them to an ally at a distant location this can send people far across the planet it only works if there is a willing Ally on the other side uses a navigation Pekin okay well let's do this and also get some arcade capsules okay this is what I'm trading going to research Arco genetics I know I have too much food okay let's equip the mechlord helmet look at the silver looks great on you okay so we got Forrest Skip and we got Focus let's just use this on tippore interesting last for one hour another exotic good Strider who will have cataphract armor Tech print and I need two of those oh my they actually have both of them but should I buy it okay I'm going to have to make a very bold move here okay it's not really that bad but I'm selling off some barrels all my bionics to buy it 230 plus deal two Tech prints for cataract armor so I can research that and now I am poor again oh well with cataphract armor we should be set okay let's apply these Tech prints there we go baby that cutter frax armor well once we have Oracle genetics then I will get catafract armor the best armor in the game I would also like to extract some more jeans oh I need more Recreation variety here so maybe I should get a TV okay huge raid from neanderthals 66 neander Falls in here okay this will be hell they are having a social fight in here okay serve called Purple sounds a dolphin they are slowly piling in another social fight no Khan compared shobix artwashim pansy I mean you're only 900 fall so it's getting quite toast in here they're going to die [Music] yeah I think they're just that yeah they're fleeing okay they're all fleeing now everybody can come out yeah it's a thousand Celsius in here we will not go in there oh my we have another centipede gun ring coming nice murderous rage oh I'm brochure with girl oh she a strong melee damage this kid [Music] okay she is stuck but she is sangry oh now she's all right oh she's such a strong kid strong melee damage she almost killed a full-grown adult with marine armor okay we have a bunch new jeans should I say we got a huge infestation like that there should be no problem foreign [Music] and the turrets will take care of the rest [Music] okay I got a quite a good Xeno germ here so poor animals for intellectual we don't care but robust and we're almost done with Oracle genetics here oh Argo genetics let's go for Kata fract armor ah look how much food that is so I cannot even comprehend uh we could do the Oracle Nexus theoretically 326 000 wealth and we have another centipede Gunner coming in up here we go the centipede Gunner Cento and Senti welcome the two Giga charge okay I'm going to have to set up another cooking station I'm going to have to expand this to maybe uh a hundred I'm also going to install some Ultra doors uh replace that with every single door oh that's a lot of pollution because I opened the doors I think I'm going to make carnivore lavish meals out of insect meat forever because lavish it will offset it so instead of plus 12 it will be plus eight but that's still all right another two deep infestation [Music] about how many years of food is this Jesus we have a bunch more bionics I think I'll just start installing them on everyone I also have a gene see no germ here I want to install on someone a loan here doesn't have tough you can have this my God so much food it's so satisfying to see might as well just cook it all down okay we have another raid here from amps breachers okay no problem [Music] well then bunch more resources oh a ball could Strider let's try it okay this is what I'm trading want more polished deal let's make silver fully bionic looks like I will need more gold I've run out oh my cry my became an adult oh look at her okay I'm taking all these skills with her she will become so good yeah look at that okay Enter the growth of that and thread this soft I forgot about him okay we also have uh 900 gold right here I want uh bum is pregnant I'm not sure if I should have kids I'm sorry to do this bomb but I'm going to have to terminate the pregnancy we do not want any kids wonder if this will get a moody buff uh minus five for ten days another too deep infestation I have They're All Dead okay everybody almost has Masterwork assault rifles legendary cloth arm chair well that thing will feel like literally sitting on a bed except it's on a couch I literally have no more steel I just had like 30 000 okay literally everybody now has Masterwork assault rifles 11 Shooters my goodness we got it catafract armor okay let's see here so cataraphract helmet is one Advanced components and 50 plus steel Marine helmet is only 10 plus still less but the cataphract armor here has 30 more uranium and 50 more plus steel and two more advanced components okay it took quite some time but now we have cataphract armor queued up so uh we have the animatry linking here and I think crime my should actually become a side Caster so let's do this why has it been canceled uh one anime just draw a died somehow Manhunter Park stay indoors for now okay they seem to be all dead there we go well now we just need to scan for Uranium to get to cataract armor look at this Masterwork assault rifle this weapon is engraved with an illustration of Lone squid huddled beside a lagoon while exhaling clouds of fog five shivering Bears surround the scene 10 hearings appear behind the focal point this image tells the story of Lone getting hypothermia on the 15th of September 5504 oh my we really found uranium well we need that we're going to go for that uranium like Americans going for oil I'm also going to strip mine Mountains for resources and just like that we have found uranium already yep that's uranium is getting swooped up instantly it's in such high demand red fox hunting loan oh thankfully an adult is here to take care of this well that's all my unfinished mechlord suits unfinished cataphract telnet it's Saul coming in there it is baby like it's excellent but that's still great well there we are silver okay with this much bandwidth maybe I should uh get something here I kinda want a diabolous or maybe a war Queen okay centipede Blaster and uh diabolos yeah and my game uh cannot run faster than two times speed I think which is sad but oh well oh my phrase cool became an adult okay these are the traits have gone for free school going to the growth right now and a lazy lion became an adult okay these sort of things for lazy lion well they know all of our kids have grown up uh how do look at that look at that cataphract helmet like an eagle and I'm going to install bionics and a bunch of people I think I want my kids to stay home and everybody else here go and destroy the world so we'll have to install bionics on the original colonists first Grove moment for no longer she has reached age of 10 oh I mean tough is always here so this art of trade some going for her now this awful mining she's still at level zero which is bad Master work catafract helmet yeah bomb really looks like an eagle now imagine this with the cataphract armor oh no I'll search right there I'm also going to have to install some fire foam poppers maybe the other reason I want them to be 18 here is because look at cry my only 93 percent when at 18 it is 100 global workspeed okay we got the plague we have script mined all of this look at that growth moment for my number Jones okay these are the skills I'm going for him oh we scan more plus steel why is it always so far away okay I think it's safe to say you won't need a little steel for a long time time to install more bionics on Philly up the sidecaster oh no lazy line is being hunted come on kill it yeah so we're just mining throughout the days finding uranium that's very good oh my Brian Mai is now 18 years old it will be a great asset equip that Masterwork assault rifle oh no our talks back storage is filled up 900 toxic waste packs and went off to um expand this let me just make this area talks pack storage oh we scan Jade for sculptures could be useful okay toxic waste pack storage two is something we have scanned a bunch of Steel close to here okay so if if you see here we have strip mined this entire map except for this section okay we got a bunch of ciphers raiding us well then better get back home only 36 ciphers that's nothing our wealth is at almost 400 000. [Music] okay they're all dead oh War Merchant welcome okay this is all that I'm selling away oh we scanned some uranium very close to us I would actually like to see how everybody would be if they were to uh dye themselves in their favorite color let's see this we also have 1 000 uraniums so I don't need to deep drill my goodness crime wolf golden Mario's always fighting Argo pods with meat from Randy and chickens join I mean unfortunately I can't keep them too much lag oh we scan some more class still right in our base okay this is great we will start drilling in the freezer or just right here we also have so much marble how we're gonna start constructing everything out of it we also have totemic Sandstone tiles here could be interesting to place this down and I also have totemic slabs here oh my phrase cool is now 18 okay so yeah this kid is insane and I think I'm also going to research long-range Mineral Scanner to find a lot of glass steel well then the colony goes on animal tree linking okay maybe I will get phrase call to become a magicians so let's do this yeah the whole Colony we have really grown okay phrase calm he got pain blocked though yeah tough and robustness insane phrase call won't take any damage at all okay turd here might also need robust so let me get that okay got a raid from mechanoids a bunch of centipedes okay the mechanoids are coming in okay let's do this this is going to be hell [Music] [Music] foreign that was a good test of our skills um they are clearly overpowered oh we got a shuttle crash here which is quite good I'm not sure if I can take on the tox wasters um I will accept this though okay these people we need help all right chunk skip we also have a bunch of Mega sloths here to help us okay here it is that's it simply do this okay this will hit oh my goodness what a shot that was hell but oh well oh they are already fleeing my goodness race call really saved us well we are too powerful if we could get a diabolous to raid with us that would be great this thing requires a lot though I'll need signal trips so I think I will summon diabolos okay let me summon diabolous fret and diabolos okay that's quite a lot okay diabolus is attacking [Music] foreign a single chance [Music] my God they're just all dead to our might oh we also completed this Quest look at that oh they're all your stud okay we are not really doing any construction right now so we'll just maybe a two-time Slayer our walls okay just fortifying our base gold seam oh my we found a lump of gold 2.3 days okay I think I should go get this then uh maybe ride some pigs while we're at it so do we do that now I should also probably make a bridge at the entrance here of our uh base okay this is the expanded base that we're working on I should probably tame some animals right since I'm going to be hauling a lot so I will probably tame some alpacas maybe some will follow I do not want them breeding though so I will only take males okay bunch to work with then we will head on uh we tamed up and we're making cataphract armor here which is some quite Bountiful it will take a long time to make most of our stash of gold here 244 but I think I'll just go over here to mine uh 2D I can't read a bunch of people here I capture all that The Sovereign wall has been constructed and expanded upon and I think I'm going to make more Auto Cannon turrets in the kill box so uno dos okay so we have a 120 package survival meals in here we will load up another 165 in here oh lazy lioness sound on adults so the only kids remaining is alone and namir Jones oh my goodness look at that we have a diabolos coming in here so it will take a long time maybe a few weeks a month but once this thing is in then we are set for life I should also make bridges all across the river here okay so here you can see here we have one alpaca and four more follows and here we are constructing four more Auto Cannon turrets to deal with the opposers I also have a settlement here who wants to buy eight Molotov cork Tails I do love cork but the Tails but uh I'm not sure if I should do this I'm also going to research foam turrets and everything else here donk he's drawing perfect for my Caravan all my counterfract 5000 wealth right there cataract armor and wolf Golem will wear that look at that and I'm also going to install more bionics on Epic and philia and diabolus is halfway done okay we will start writing this color would look really good around the anima tree yeah look at that oh he's scared plus deal okay here it is 1.3 days diabolos is coming in in eight hours then we will head out okay so I think I will bring seven humans here so wolf Golem to tip raft and everyone else can stay home here we go oh my goodness isn't it's a glorious sight the Diablo was your name you're coming with us still we're pregnant oh no I cannot have that unfortunately okay this is what I'm bringing to raid a bunch of stuff uh the diabolous the centipedes seven humans as I said and 20 days of food with 200 package survival meals that's quite a lot yeah caravanning with a lot of people is uh hell it's uh too many mental breaks uh it's quite hard ambushed from 64 amps [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] my goodness these mechanoids save us they take all the heat okay let's just bring everything again okay I think we will have two more kids I mean why not and an infestation okay okay let's see here got quite some jeans from this baby let's grow it okay let's take care of these insects [Music] some of them are coming through the kill box along with a boom rut oh the kill box will take care of the rest [Music] Ed okay we are here to attack some pigs please describe [Music] okay one problem is that I'm going to have to repair my mechanoids and that's my grinder battery well that's one of many bases that we've destroyed okay well we're done here let's kill some neander Falls okay this is what I'm bringing Manhunter Park uh that is not good humans have to take care of these things and I might have to turn on the oven for this one okay the rhinos are dying [Music] okay they're getting cooked okay let's attack some Neanderthals [Music] okay they're all dead let's check the loot okay not much loot let's get out of here okay time to attack wasters oh mortars [Music] God Diablo might die okay they're all just dead I mean this is the killer squad okay we destroyed the base golden with harsh mask that's going to be worth a lot okay nothing much let's get out of here okay I think I'm going to get this pig based and go to this okay this is what I'm bringing the one problem I think I have is um not enough defenses at home so if there's like 50 centipede raid I will probably need all my people here so that's why I want more babies hmm look at this Dash that could be interesting okay well the days are commas were plundering through this if I want to clear the west side of the area here you know I did notice that there is a blockade here so I cannot get here what I would have to do is settle around here make a transport pod and then go over here and tough to do the same thing with these two yeah These two factions okay attack begun on pigs uh they're already attacking us okay okay I can let's use animal War Call [Music] [Music] they're all your stud well then we will scour for loot okay got some good loot okay let's get out of here another two deep infestation oh they should kill the Caravan okay they're all dead okay a Siege from pigs oh they're already attacking that was a great shot oh no I forgot to refuel this off that's not good well they're starting to catch on fire because of this one log that will cause a chain reaction of heat [Music] okay they are fleeing oh we got our paraben we can trade with hey this is what I'm selling the golden Visage mask was worth a lot okay let's move on and attack some imps all right these people are neutral okay I can make a decision now so I will have to make everybody hostile if I want to wipe out the entire planet so I will have to attack these people and if that's the case then I might as well just kill a caravan when they come hey I've also installed more bionics on cry my okay attack begun and now they are hostile with us oh it's just human I forgot I can't here they come [Music] thank you [Music] okay they're dead okay so not a lot of nudes they usually just have permican and some weapons but that's it okay so I think I will go home I need to mine This plus still that I still haven't done okay I'm going to have to make a proper food storage here like a backup of food okay this will host a lot of meals healthy childbirth welcome loss of art we're going to go into the growth art okay I'm going to split Caravan here because I want to mine some plastic Ophelia warmer and some packaged survival meals and now they will go mine plus steel and the rest will go home the Caravan here is almost back there we go we have 500 simple meals almost 500 lavish meals I mean this is crazy okay I will store some meals here and then store the rest of the meals in here I only want rice and meat okay we arrived here but there are man hunting animals okay maybe I send some people there but there is a lot of plastille bar plus deal is not very far loan became an adult okay sorry to kill some getting with her she's quite good but now she will go into the growth but uh if there was any we got almost 500 plus deal let's get out of here I can only carry 82. okay I will settle here so the plus Still Still um exists but then we will Caravan out of here and come back for the plus deal okay we have arrived at last deal got a bunch of plus still now uh warm man and Philly are finally back from their long vacation and our well-funded map on 500 000 it's half a million and we're also here where I can uh hopefully settle down I need to number Jones became an adult okay these are the traits I'm going for him I need to send food to this Caravan and now we need to abandon this oh we got animal tree linking and we'll use this with phrase cool well we got blinding poles oh this is very useful against Shooters okay we are soon back with the flash deal uh yeah I'm going to off to Caravan out again to destroy more factions um you might have to go for a really long ride it's quite hard to defend the base with half the people gone okay we've arrived in an Ambrosia Sprout let's get this okay we got a raid from pigs oh it's two groups that is very big now there should not be a problem except there are literally 139 pigs okay well this is absurd oh this is the burning pit might have to deal with this uh one group is fleeing I think we will be fine okay they are all fleeing oh my other centipede Blaster coming in as well oh we got healthy that childbirth and I also need to grow alone and number because they are still kids well and we have survived a lot but now there's another party my God look at the wealth now 533 000. uh we have no more plus deal we need to scan more while the snow is falling upon us once again that will soon have to go out again to raid so I think I will need a lot more Force so once namur and lone arm 18 then I think we should head out now the problem is that since we have such high wealth we will get maximum rates and so I will need a lot of people to stay home and defend okay there is actually some plus deal down here wait a second there's plus Steel on top of Steel okay so yeah plastille is probably the resource that is in most demand that late game it's used for everything and everybody has cataphract armor I believe I'm immune this is insane I also have too much marble I need to get rid of that well we have a bunch of graveyards of previously mined out resources okay I think I'll get this plus deal oh look at that we have a centipede Blaster here okay instead of send team you will be sembi how would it be to make a war Queen I mean this thing is so expensive though I might also need some more storage it's all filled up in here let's just make these two rooms storage rooms and the Shelf area is coming in nicely oh my look how much steel we have but we want the plus deal here there we go storage area is soft let's paint this the same color as everything else and it also looks like I might need one more cleaner also going to hook up some more geothermal generators another follow of self-tame nice and I'm covering the uh the power wires here with walls because Raiders can just go ahead and destroy this power conduit I would also like to test our strength against a war Queen let's summon this here we go okay they should all die this will be uh absolute decimation foreign my goodness [Music] Yep they're all yes dead well that is some free resources and plastille baby became a child okay welcome oh yeah you were the one with quite good jeans okay he will be named Galaga hero well welcome out buddy I still want this Barracks to be unbelievably impressive need to boost that up okay I cold snap has just occurred it will become very very cold okay I will soon head out as well I just want to prepare a bit more I want to get bionics and everyone going out which will be all of these people except for silver I don't think I will bring the mechanoids with me actually because they need reparation and recharge and they can help me with raids I also want to install bionic ice on everyone eventually because that increases shooting skills so I mean let's do that well the base is looking great I mean what do you think this is a very cool looking base grizzly bear hunting liquid lion okay I think he can solo this thing look at that I mean with bionic arms should be that yup I also want to mine some Jade for Jade sculptures okay once these kids are out they will be 18 years old soon so 17 years and 19 days so once they're up we will head out I'm also going to remove all the unnecessary structures on the map okay let's see here loness alt and number will be out in a second oh we have an unbelievably impressive Barracks now finally okay and now namu result well then no more babies I think for a while unless someone dies of course get on Masterwork assault rifle and we have the whole crew well done spring has arrived it's time to go okay so I can either go south or north now the Empire is um going to be um quite a difficult Target so let's see a student North maybe up here and I'll have to get this base right here okay this is everyone that I'm bringing to conquer the world now since silver is home our mechanoid should be able to handle all the threats I'm surprised we haven't gotten a draw pod raid well hopefully this is not a jinx I'm not jinxing myself okay so I got a new Quest here either for advanced component Source okay I think I'm going to take this so I'll crash shuttle let's do the summon the orbital bombardment targeter in the shotguns okay there should be enough cover okay here they are thank you [Music] yeah they're all just playing I mean that's not even not challenge No Cap looks like we completed the quest there we go on orbital bombardment now one thing I can do is because with catafract armor we can look at phrase cool here you actually wear a shirt underneath so maybe I just make shirts uh shirts and pads is what you can have underneath so I mean let me experiment here have from buffer plus catafract and silver as you can see is making thrombopher pads so yeah crime here at scatter fact armor and from buffer pants okay we have our huge trade our constructoids are dying maybe they will all die to the fire [Music] [Music] okay one group is fleeing yeah they're all getting boiled okay well that's that's right done I can our Caravan is almost here to attack some pegs I'm also capture one of them for uh the subcore rip scanner okay we're here let's attack some pigs [Music] [Music] okay well that was quite the knowledge let's do this okay looks like the base is safe nothing much let's get out of here and attack some wasters okay now it's time to attack some wasters they are more prepared okay lots of Choke points so this should be very easy I think I will use uh this choke point right here let's just use fire spew could be useful okay they're already fleeing yup let's take care of the tourists and get out of here a free mortar is something I will take okay as always nothing too special or all that gold is quite good let's attack some meat against neither Falls and empids and this is all that I'm taking already stacked on loot okay let's see if we can oh we're oh we're neutral with the Neanderthal so let's attack them okay bunch of Choke points again we have let's just make our way in here damn they're already fleeing okay as always I could take these bedrooms but everything else is ours okay time to attack I think the next one is another neanderthalm there we go and then impedes okay so I will eventually have to become an enemy with a league of hinert The Outlanders but they only have a few bases so I think I'll wait look at all that Jade my God okay and we're here to attack more Neanderthals okay they're all fleeing once again okay nothing special uh now mpids in 0.4 days they have so much Pelican for me free food by raiding okay more imps [Music] Another One Bites the Dust only a few more factions on the map okay it's uh quite a lot oh my we're not working on every on anything uh cataphract armor helmets I guess I'll just installed bionics uh all the bionics on tread I have a a quest here uh only five ways to set aside I think I'll take this for the advanced component and uranium okay we will take all of these pawns get in here okay here we are there should not be a singular problem all right okay they're all dead well there's not much here let's get out of here I'm also going to expand the kill box with two more Auto turrets or outer Cannon turrets okay eat a cans uh but harder [Music] thank you okay they are fleeing well then another one bites the dust oh look at that West part I'm not sure if I should go up north now and destroy the Empire I think I will do the north then I will go back home on the way home I will destroy these factions then I will go south here destroy all of this and then I will do the East part I think that's a good plan so we will be at 18 days just to get up here is it worth it to go for a bionic heart I mean what happens if the surgery fails oh well let's make some bionic Hearts now we got a royal tribute collector don't need honor though oh no talks pack storage is uh feeling quiet up you know what maybe I will research biosculpting right here let's go and the robots are producing up bionic eyes and eggs good it will install bionics on phrase call his left thumb has been cut off and then that manifest nation is bad so bionics more rare from those uh I will need all of them you know bulkheads Trader well I will trade with you now but eventually I will have to make you hostile let's see what our diabolous thing can do my God look at that okay this is all that I'm trading okay uh yes as I say that we have arrived more it again [Music] okay they are fleeing oh plastic long sword that's actually quite useful for Wolf Golem okay nothing much now it's time to go up North so I will have to attack the Empire here three times which means they will also rate me back at home okay this will take almost six days okay mechanoid cluster okay nothing too bad okay so we have a low Max Shield I should probably make EMP shells for high Mech Shields it's time to bomb the place up yeah now that looks bad but I promise you we will take care of this oh are they coming oh no it's firing back oh it doesn't hit us oh it's going for the Traders I uh thank you for reminding me I need to trade come on oh no they are coming okay well looks like I'll get all my loots back oh my the mortar oh my God placed on this [Music] yeah yeah smallage oh we took out the outer mortar nice up and now we're murdering ourselves yup here comes the mileage [Music] there we go okay yeah they're uh they're all just alive well let's unrestrict everyone and uh move on I'm going to have to replace a lot of this with plastille it's all broken apart look how many natural Metals we have right here I mean we are infinitively rich okay infestation okay let's do this foreign the rest of them should die to turrets but let's get in here oh now they're all tame well time to rest yup free insect meets which will become carnivore lavish meals and insect jelly for more food I think I will also need one more lifter unfortunately okay got one more lifter and a merch Jones here I forgot that with these skill points I unfortunately have this much hunger right but quite good I also got a ball Goods Trader and another lifter my fourth lifter here and I might actually need one more recharger okay this is all that I'm trading um okay we've already arrived here in our combat supplier yeah let's trade and then attack okay this is all that I'm trading hmm I'm left to become hustle with them now yup let's just do this then and apparently we're neutral with the pigs maybe I can kill them off here it's okay this is quite Advanced the soldier set into battle [Music] okay this is not a good angle okay they are fleeing our armor is getting destroyed oh okay nothing's useful now it's time for the hardest raid so I think maybe we'll do this one go up here and I think it's time to betray the pigs okay this will be spectacular are you ready oh my oh I didn't think about the items I know and well that was quite insane but now we have all our far loot back that was satisfying we will maybe capture some of them butcher their organs and well show them who's the boss we are surely going to do that again oh no I have no more waist pack storage you know what I'm just going to make it maybe right here okay this should be good enough surely I have no more components do I not have enough fabric course oh no I do but you're making Advanced components first okay we have arrived at the Empire now the hardest uh fight how will this go okay yes as I fought the Empire some of them have a marine cataphract armor but most of them have played armor and are naked my Candice would not be as hard as I thought okay here they come [Music] oh they're already fleeing yeah that is free cat effect armor and helmet and a charge rifle nice oh and a free plasma sword creating the Empire is the best and back at home I think I will also make one more fabric course I need to initiate this rip scanner now let's see what the Empire has for Luke I mean an eltic stuff and uh Persona plasma sword kill focus is insane perhaps I should make wolf Golem or warm and a sidecaster okay you know what I think maybe Warman in the future will become one so take this we'll just take this Zoo summer and get out of here now we have to go 13.5 days into the tip of the top of the ice sheet okay this was by far the most profitable raid well then we have made the third toxic waste pack storage I need to find a way to get rid of it a war Merchant hello probably also going to become enemy with this faction so let's do what we just did except with these people I'm to do this foreign [Music] this is my loot now okay now we will do this so now silver will have the genes of these so I think I also add this into tip ref because she's also a base liner but yeah one problem we are facing is once we have attacked this as you can see we only have 12.8 days of food so unfortunately I will have to retreat we will go back to that okay we will attack this Empire then go home okay another Empire raid okay let's do this [Music] all right They're all playing well we have another charge rifle bunch of stuff well we destroyed the base oh no a mortar hit our muffalo 10.9 days to get back home okay well this is all that we have rated and plundered it's time to head on home okay finally our raid ah yes more imps well this is a huge group let's see if we can order them this will hit my goodness Ah that's already 20 humans off the shot okay they are attacking only a hundred humans now we will activate the Heat box and go back to sleep and here they will die they are uh fleeing and donkeys join uh okay free food well not much happening throughout the days we are returning home everybody is just relaxing making more bionics for everyone that's the goal I'm also going to make one more paramedic why not okay let's install bionic heart on Silver and on tread I'm interested to see how this goes ah looks like it's worked nice hopefully Lazy Lion won't fail there we go okay this is surely going to increase our movement speed and manipulation even more okay welcome healer our second paramedic we got a bulk Goods Trader well then I guess I can just kill them like I did before okay let's do this okay let's go ah such a good strategy free food free cloth well then you can just send all of this back to befriend them okay group of Outlanders okay here they come okay let's do this they're breaching they have a lot of families think they're coming from here but they could be coming from every direction and cater coming from the south [Music] okay they're going back yeah we just burnt off this girl's head oh wait we can just do this [Music] yeah okay they are fleeing well it's safe to go out again welcome and just like that everything is rebuilt and our people are soon home in 4.5 days okay we got ambushed here let's see [Music] foreign [Music] won we have been very damaged and the war Man's armor has broken well we will be back soon okay looks like uh hopefully I didn't forget anything but we dropped a lot since a lot of our people got downed all of our deep drills are exhausted need more plus steel okay I've built some more outposts for steel uranium and more steel let's go and now this is also out there's a lot of gold here might use that yes there's a cold snap here and it might be the worst one yet minus 27. yeah this thing is super cold okay our food storage is um getting uh getting a bit small or maybe it's Soleus cooked up into meals and the people are soon back ah it has been so long but yeah so we have to rate them in intervals because armor Bray takes loot gets piled up so we need to take a small break well it has been quite some time since everybody has been back and our wealth is at uh 670 000 we might hit a million at this rate okay maybe a few days before we head on out maybe install more bionics on everyone we also have a bomb here her right leg was destroyed and she has some gar in her heart so I'm going to have to install bionic heart and right leg we also got wire sculpting finally might as well go for bioregeneration and then we will make a few of these biosculpting things make a bunch of biosculpture PODS legendary from before T-shirts from Silver this thing is worth almost 3 000 silver alone oh my growth moment for Lucifer okay these sorry traits I'm going for him the traits were quite bad if I'm honest okay let's install all the bio Onyx sunbaum here as you can see okay you redo a feeler do this there we go look at bum now I will also give bionic ice to tip a ref the our shooting specialist now she will hit every single shot I'm also going to replace all the barricades and walls here with plus still the raids now will be quite intense oh my goodness we do not have enough power I can't need more power supplies yeah let's go green we need uh all of this nice power not the cam fuel one but for the environment when was the last time we had a very big raid or Randy was very harsh towards me earlier when I will summon Apple Croton okay everyone has bionic legs and arms I think okay except for loan okay we got bio regeneration I'm not sure what else to research maybe neural supercharger increases Consciousness and learning rates very good there is also this rocket swarm launcher which was introduced in 1.4 so maybe we will do this uh cows need to find more plastic letters quickly running out at first I thought I needed these biosculpture pods but maybe I'll just keep one for scar healing and our wealth is at 706 thousand I can also summon upper critten now times two so let's do this wow that's it we will demolish this okay let's do this I can't let's see the full power of our Arsenal [Music] this is your sploons Tower Defense at this point [Music] my God that diabolous yes that we will summon the next upper criton in 1.4 days ah we scan more plus still oh my this is a huge batch of plus steel oh Cam this will be a little bit of a bigger variance of our mining side four of them will follow self-tain we now have 10 of them ah sheep join I mean free food as well I'm not sure if I should even have any animals they lag out the game a lot only the Caravan animals can stay well done I think I will install bionics and everyone I say sad there are people leaving because they would probably need bionic eyes to shoot better hit better you know I think everyone has some bionic leg and um arm look at that okay look at these people how are you doing kids mining out the plastille we had like 2 000 now we only have a hundred growth moment for a Galaga hero no Katie sorry the things I'm going for him Nimble melee shooting uh maybe a good combatist he does some robust and strong melee damage so we could have him become a meleeist I'm not sure I just noticed but I think all of our storage is full I'm going to have to make more what the hell cargo pods with milk from Randy random wonderful about Goods industry oh so you can get oh these trade ships aren't affiliated with any faction alright I decided to sell a lot of stuff that was taking up storage and buy something that's still medicine and die let's go and here comes the package and now we're wealth is at 70 or 700 000. let's hit a million okay so before we leave we will do one more Apple Crittenden for the armor the mechlordus armor and then we will go okay this time still it's still only one yeah this should get shredded [Music] absolutely destroyed [Music] that four seconds foreign [Music] steel and steel yeah if you need plus steel without mining then you should summon some uh some bosses oh okay it is officially spring let's Caravan and also said clear out the solve here all of this and maybe down here okay this is all that I'm bringing a bunch of food 28 days might seem like a lot but I'm sure to have to send them some more food via transport pods well let's go okay currently loading up seems like we have everything packed oh no my cluster with some blocker okay now I have to go back to destroy it well I will also need a small room with biofuel refineries to um well keep up with the camfield production this time no way cargo pod switch can fuel it right I say that okay around here okay we're up to some Blocker we can take this on where it's only wolf Golem and Warman [Music] foreign area is safe yeah we got our Shield core which can be used to manufacture uh what is it the shield bullet Shield thing okay let's get out of here yeah we just keep on expanding the base I mean all of this was unplanned the section of the base I would have like to keep this shape up oh well and for now I think I want to maybe make more rooms here for the future so I'm going to have to well renovate this place up there we go camp fuel coming in oh we also found gold right on our farm [Music] okay we got a raid from edokins okay three groups all milliest or no okay no zappers um let me just test out the kill box no heat oh cap here they come they all have Shield belts will this be an issue maybe I should get the Melius or the um our kids here [Music] they're all just dying well let's see [Music] okay one group is fleeing [Music] no I might need my ultra Cannon turrets okay they're all fleeing okay and we're almost at Meander Falls in 0.4 days okay we're here let's attack okay up just as I expected uh the easiest raid ever choke point attacking them in their own home and just like that an easy fight okay let's get out of here in 1.6 days we have impedes hmm I've also been wondering if I should get some mini guns I mean Masterwork miniguns could be more effective actually that's researched out and cargo pods with Jade from Randy random and cry my here is probably the first one to it mining double 20 and we're also at the input Camp here so let's attack maybe we do the same strategy although I don't like the idea of doing that with mpids all right thank you they're all seeing okay this is all that I'm bringing that's reform and attack some irrigans and we currently have 10 000 steel and 2 000 plus deal I think we'll be fine oh mufolo self tame another one okay our Caravan got ambushed oh no 45 tour loses that's me now they are quite slow so this was quite lucky okay they should all die [Music] they're all done okay I'm just going to work on a mega project here to expand the base let's do this and we're about to attack some irrigans as this is uh halfway done here they come okay that was quite easy well I mean uh I think this is just a matter of time nothing can stop us hmm I mean Jade plastille that's not bad but I wish there was some high tier loot like the one from the Empire well pigs and an Empire well while the days are passing by we're moving outposts just cycling through resources not much happening I mean where are the 150 Empire raids [Music] this might be a problem actually okay with this choke point we should be fine [Music] oh thank God I mean uh you don't mess around with Linksys [Music] okay well right now the structure is almost complete I don't know what I want to do with these rooms but this will become a storage room okay time to attack some pigs oh they're mortars I've noticed that they only attack when I attack their buildings or something all right okay they're all done okay nothing too special the last room I mean 1500 silver is not bad it's attacked the Empire okay we're also at the Empire so let's attack this okay so what do we have here just a bunch of cataract [Music] okay they're all fleeing but they did a lot of damage okay well time to get all the turrets then get out of here oh my look at this mono sword calm thoughts is a great trait and 17.64 melee damage per second okay I'm just going to rest for now because uh we have this Empire faction 0.2 days from here but wolf Golem is down and we need to heal up okay and how is this going almost finished with this expansion okay now we are prepared to take on the Empire okay I will have wolfgirl and equip this um mono sword and just like that yes he's calm farts plus three well let's do this um not so many of them yeah look how slow these two people are okay they're the base got destroyed time for neanderthals then we will do all of this I say we go clear off this area and maybe do this okay if you see here everybody in the base has all the bionics available so bionic eye arm heart and legs so if you see here we were just hostile with this league offer he knew Tom we're all neutral with them right now because we keep defeating all these factions so before I attacked the Neanderthals so yeah straight away some stuff okay this is what I'm selling to neanderthals and just like that we can just attack them foreign s like that we will get all of this and then go out there are quite a few good clothing items from both Earth's tribal wear and devil strand tribal headdress well then let's attack the empire in 1.1 days okay the constructoids have done everything here in the base now what do I do with these rooms okay I got a quest here that I might take flesh shaping would be quite good because a lot of our people's knows this have been chopped up so let's get that and uh yeah we will get the mechanoids help us okay quite close to the map well we will have to get everyone here [Music] I need to protect this guy right here okay kill those [Music] it's a tent to this guy if I can and here's the shuttle oh wow here Scott straighten and now we can head in here I had my people rest because I don't want to do two things at once okay let's begin this attack [Music] foreign okay well nothing too special okay wasters next and I think we will do this this and this Empire and then slowly go all the way down here okay here we are [Music] okay another one bites the dust yeah I think when I come back I'm actually going to get Masterwork miniguns okay we need to get out of here okay let's get out of here and attack some Empire oh my goodness so I got a dirt small here and fast learner tough I mean this is a Decked Out pawn and she's 81 without any any scars in such a piece of new jeans so I can get all these jeans well then rescue her we will recruit you will get the best Healthcare on the rim okay here we go and I'm going to set a lot of times we still have a lot to go Forest View oh okay that's what's quite easy okay with this space done we should get more Persona weapons all the good stuff I'm also considering just moving this storage here because it's quite ugly when they walk past here uh as you can see -30 so maybe just move that into the mountain here I mean infestations will die anyways okay here's the blueprint oh cap this will be a good renovation project and my colonists don't need to look at this when passing by well all the kids mine out here they were one small tiny baby so they'll look where they are how many coolers do you think I need for this maybe four or five I mean I can do five or actually maybe six I mean who cares these Granite barricades prevent uh drop pod breaks from Landing in here they cannot land on furniture or structures so only on open area so that's why I have it and Galaga Euro here has shoots frenzy I also forgot that we have a bunch of unminded resources in here correct um breachers don't go through here I mean I think they would rather go through here ah we'll be fine oh wait I actually can't build anything up here but I believe I can make this a stockpile though oh not up here as well the edge of the map is quite harsh and then I'll have to cancel all of this oh I can another Empire raid oh no these are either kids um my brain is so used to the Empire [Music] foreign [Music] okay we lost evil but they're all dead okay now we're here to attack more eat against I like this strategy of just breaking into their own homes to use as a choke point [Music] okay they're playing I was worried for a sec you're okay and that is the whole base okay got a Trader here at the Caravan okay this is all that I'm training and now let's move on I think I also want a Masterwork Shield belts for everyone but I'm not sure if I want to stock up on that if I make too many normal ones then and I have no one to sell it to okay this is soul up as well look at that new waste facts storage area and now we have pigs to attack okay so I decided to trade with the pigs before attacking them and this is all that I'm getting and now we will attack them okay here we are they're bombarding us okay let's kill them all foreign [Music] still another minerals this looks like maybe the the game like if the base is in a mountain then the base will have more minerals because that's a lot of Steel and Jade then we will reform let's go way down here and then plunder all of this and then on their way back we take all of this and back home okay and we're also making the process of moving all of this toxic waste pack so let's start replacing the floor here as well with nice marble okay I've decided to attack this Outlander faction here and we will just go south here and here and we have literally crafted everything we needed to craft there's nothing else we need to do except raid okay an infestation huge one ah they're digging out everywhere one Diablo should be able to kill them all this should kill them off okay let's do this foreign [Music] [Music] or steel Bridges but that's all right I'm also going to attack this faction right here I forgot that this is all surrounded by mountains so attack this and then go up here and then go all the way down here I might need one more butcher's table in here okay time to attack everybody's sad now okay they're finally fleeing what truth I should go home early and cure uh tip refs and wolf Golem's brain SCAR or if I should just uh destroy all the faction self okay nothing too special and we have almost moved all the toxic waste back here so much free storage I might need one more egg we had okay I think I'll accept this Quest here so I need to get uh these bedroom requirements okay we finally got a raid okay wow those are a lot of centipedes Jesus that's a lot okay well stay home this will be hell I'll come here the mechanoids come okay and we also have to take care of this uh while we're under attack so this will be crazy and maybe I'll just have them rest and I think I will need diablas's health sphere Cannon here that will be very useful my goodness [Music] oh no that's being open it's very bad I would love to gauge this open my goodness that's a huge shot our Diablos is getting um shredded though [Music] okay they should all be done my goodness okay they're all dead uh well that's that just demonstrates how powerful we are with our meccanoids it's time to attack some more Outlanders yeah right now only uh six people can fight and not eight because these people have uh brain damage this might be proven difficult okay nothing too bad okay I don't think we can actually do this uh I think I'm going to retreat uh cassava for armor is also broken and everything so well done while the people are coming back for repairing the base rebuilding bridges on our kill box is completely open well then we're currently rebuilding the turrets and the kill box not much happening and apparently I'm allied with neanderthals after I just killed them growth moment for a loss of art okay these are the things I'm going for him yes increasing all of his passions for mining crafting and shooting and getting iron wheeled so this guy will never get a mental break got a ball Goods Trader trade ship nice oh my when you install bionic Hearts I forgot you have to extract the regular heart so we have 11 heart okay this is all that I'm trading oh no I need to accept this Quest it will expire soon okay now I can accept this Quest and here are the people all right okay we are back and I spent so long and oh no I need to kill off off so I need to kill off a lot of those who follows well done with everyone back I want to um get to breath and wolf Golem to cure their scars and I also want to install some bionics on them another Bull good Strider okay just decided to sell some organs okay so tip ref will now uh enter this and I'll buy a regeneration needs two times skill literal medicine on I need to I need to buy some okay it has been quite some time since they come back and well the quest here that we have active uh well we will get a few Mech clusters let's just say that um okay that is perfect timing okay an ultra more term uh we also recruited Veronica the dirt's mom I kind of welcome nault okay now let's start bombing this place up oh my they have a high Mech Shield well with the EMP shells we should be fine okay we got a bun mechanoids coming in we probably don't even have to murder this we can just take it out ah we got rid of that oh why is all of this close oh no oh that's not good foreign [Music] okay let's go down here and kill this off okay let's see how Diablos will do my goodness they're all I mean I don't even need help [Music] okay my cluster is dead okay here's the next my cluster you know what let's rain down hell orbital targeter yeah hell is on board all right on our mechanoids will die Jesus this is hell [Music] there we go they're all yesterday well now we have completed the quest well time to go home relax okay you have deserved it we also got flesh shaping great okay so the reason I don't want miniguns for my people back at home is because the miniguns will just shred off the my defenses so but when I'm out trading then I I want minions well the colony is happy as you can see here if we go here and select our colonist mood we can see quite a cam I think I will also get rid here to become a sidecaster he does have a lot of mining so that's why I don't didn't want him to become one but let's begin this well then through it we will be great well the factory is also extremely productive I also need to get rid of these coolers I forgot okay a Siege uh k53 wasters not too bad okay let's do this oh my well let's not use the Heat box let's just do this [Music] oh they're fleeing already that was quick growth moment for Galaga hero okay these are the skills and traits I'm going for him I mean he's going to become a good mealiest with tough I also have uh forgotten about my Relic Quest so maybe I'll do them right now oh shuttle arrived okay let's send this off okay here are all the tech prints and another Masterworks midi gun so we got circadian influence which is also another great piece of technology okay let's research Tech prints I've also probably make out an outer Shield here for the turret so they don't come in like that so something like this very simple solution oh no Silver's mechlord suit will soon expire or get rallied should I say might have to kill a few more Apple Critters and War Queens to make a new one [Music] 156 minotaurs that's just stay indoors and bottom this thing up so got circadian influence so let's get artificial metabolism yeah these military shouldn't be up for album no that's an effective way to kill them we've already mortared 50 of them I know up let's just take care of this on our own are all coming through the kill box oh no [Music] okay you know what let's kill the Caravan and the militaries let's go and just like that we have infinite loot okay well we have so much loot no Glitter wall medicine but it's enough uh look at that 860 000 almost a milli uh winter is here once again snow is falling okay it has been quite a few days and well now we just I'm not sure if I should wait for the glitter wool medicine that I could do is maybe look for ancient dangers uh I mean why not let's look for some ancient dangers for glitter worm medicine and I also want to do uh this Quest here where you defend a computer thing here you can read but I'll accept this up let's scan this our cap raids [Music] they're all your stud not sound okay I have a very important Quest here sun blocker for psychicaminator and glitter wall medicine I need this so I can cure tip ref and wolf Golem okay sunblocker where is it easy oh we get the reward right away and now we need to uh yeah simply get tip ref and wolf Golem in here raid oh it's for this okay well I doubt I will need my mechanoids for this [Music] okay I feel like killing these shamans [Music] okay well we have the warm medicine let's get wolf Golem in here okay so um I think my plan is to wall this in if you don't know the cleaner or this room is for Bio sculptures the faster I believe this will take yep though we're just going to get some serum materials here and make sure that's nice and clean okay nice and clean room so now this will take 21 days before it was 27 so you see the difference well let's get tip ref in here on Wolf Golem there we go Tipper so I guess when this is done then we will head out and there we go wolf Golem Tipper feeling up uh all my storage is filled up again Jesus and then let's make more there we go constructing it oh I have no more marble uh Kenny to cut up some more blocks oh got anima tree linking all in thread do this okay Fred got neural heat dump I also need to take care of this sun blocker let's go compulsing the bunch more van Syrian heaters maybe new lovers Street and Loan well then that is quite interesting yes they can sleep in here okay we're at the sunblocker here um okay there's no frets okay there is an ambush oh wait it's actually a star skip oh my okay well then four skip what does this do well well we are still imported all the way home well then that feels quite easy what a good probably one of the best abilities well done yes calm day is here it's almost spring again well we're just mining waiting for these two to be healed Manhunter pack ah Jesus Mega sloths to deal with [Music] oh that feels perfect okay you know what desperate attempt mass chaos skip okay not too bad [Music] oh my goodness oh they all seem to be dead well that was quite unfortunate uh we will rebuild okay I got a pretty good Quest again 12 literal medicine and another psychicaminator for only 20 hives so I'll accept this soon yeah look at all that Mega soft meat we have food for uh 10 000 years look at this okay let's accept this Quest I mean this is free insect meat and free insect jelly okay it's in the same area foreign [Music] right here in the kill box okay and silver smack Lord suit is yup that's almost broken so we need to defeat one more upper criminal I think and then we can replace that okay got the mech bandush let's do this okay hmm a challenge not at all okay let's do this [Music] thank you okay they're all dead now let's skew up this mechlord suit yeah so I have so many cues of my fabrication benches I easily get lost and another issue I have right now is I need more plastille I think I've drilled out everything need to scan more hmm I wonder how a war Queen would be like but I don't think I need her there we go nuclear stomach look how many bionic silver has yeah these nuclear stomachs are great silver has 200 hunger race but this is barely falling so yeah if I install that on everyone we essentially don't need food okay what I think I will make in this room is more fabrication benches I mean why not ah no power is running a bit low we need more okay power sources expanding okay fabrication benches sorry incoming everything is looking good okay we finally got the final minigun for Raider Squad nice level three for you okay he got beckon oh okay so this is good for uh for like if you know what taunting is you know for tankers would be pretty good on Amelia's like reckon okay wolf Golem and tip forever out in 9.3 days then they will head out oh no we have a huge problem here so if you see here my geothermal generator has actually burnt down a few times and uh well 600 Celsius it's only for a short time but it causes fire I know okay I will have to deconstruct this and remove roof oh okay that should work oh my finally scan plus deal okay well a thousand two hundred on there well the colony is very good silver is making neck Lord suit a new one everybody has cataphract armor well we are set oh more plus still found okay that's a big batch of it oh Master work MC Lord's suit well done we have replaced it all I'm also going to increase the amount of advanced components we have before uh we pause it so maybe double 20 and 100 components another 2D infestation yeah thank God we have water skipped such a useful psychic ability okay and they're all dead ah more plus deal okay we're fine all done the base is great tip ref and um yeah wolf golden will soon wake up okay mechanoid cluster well we can easily take care of this okay let's do this [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] my goodness miniguns are so good [Music] we are running a train over these people [Music] okay well there we go that's how it's done well now we need to repair everyone fight the battle well some of our people have uh been severely injured but we are just repairing them and so I really like the centipede miniguners more than the blasters I think okay our defoliatorship oh that's quite easy only nine centipedes okay let's take care of this defoliator okay let's do this okay [Music] They're All Dead ah wolf Golem and tipra for up okay they've been healed while we will soon head out then oh no Mech cluster would climate adjuster okay well I'll have to deal with this okay we're at the climate adjuster this should be easy with pop smoke okay we're done here okay let's get out of here okay tip roof is going around killing every single thing in her range okay I think we've hunted like a hundred animals with Tipper fish now and well all of that will become real good food I'm going to change uh us to cook just cook food forever so we will have like infinite meals which means I need to expand upon this and I if I want one more two more fabric horse so let's do that and right now our wealth is sad oh my we're about to hit a million no shot we're about it a million wealth all right let's try to hit it before day 500 eh okay literally every animal on the map has been haunted okay I might have to disable my electric stoves I really don't need more food and I need these two fabric words to make actual items so I'll just disable my stoves for now like I got another fabric form oh my loss of Art became an adult okay these sorry to skill some going for him quite good well then work come aboard body animatron gang thread okay what did he got scared oh my this is way better than uh chaos get because he can control this very good okay I think I'll wait for us to hit a million wealth before going out because if we do Caravan then we won't see it uh so 10 follows the more wealth and it will probably happen oh an exotic Goods Trader okay I think I'm just going to buy skip I don't need anything else okay an infestation [Music] [Music] what is the small Edge oh they're only a stud oh no I don't think we will be able to hit one million they're literally is no more storage like I will have to use this area here oh my goodness we got a shuttle crash Quest here for anti-grain Warheads of uh I don't think I've ever had two of them well then let's prepare okay talks wasters I believe not in pits this time so it should be more fun okay other coming from there [Music] foreign I think I'll take one of them prisoners so I can extract their jeans okay look at that we have one million wealth on this map that is quite the achievement okay shuttle is here and now we have uh well anti-grain Warheads okay let's get you in here Mr weister and I think right now it's morning so let's simply Caravan uh destroy all of these factions okay this is sold that I'm bringing and off they go okay it's time once again to raid yeah I need to make some more storage um I mean this is crazy now that we left the map we only have uh 860 000 but one million in total okay a toxic Fallout uh well then stay indoors okay we have the Empire rating 0.6 days okay here we are let's see how our new Squad does with the miniguns okay right from the Empire well then I guess we have to deal with this I cannot attack now uh okay multitasking and one of Humanity's best things okay you're coming through the kill bar let me set this up and then I will uh raid I can't uh we should be fine now let me deal with this [Music] are so much better Jesus Jeff Bezos we are shredding them I mean this is your Smalling I mean this is not even fair uh how are we doing here we're good Arizona zoo summer calm thoughts fast mover this is insane oh maybe it could be something good for Galaga hero when he becomes a milliest okay let's get out of here and back at home we're doing fine [Music] foreign hmm there is standing back here that's not good [Music] no I kind of fleeing all three cataphract armor we like that um should I get the fusar here I mean look at this guy he is decked out I'm really considering it okay let's just capture him three cataphract armor oh no okay I mean we have nuclear stomachs on everyone so uh it is natural that we get cancer well we just continue to produce and we are soon going to attack some human tribals well we're looking good okay let's attack [Music] oh my goodness I mean this is just so satisfying okay nothing much oh combat supplier oh I got skin hardening Tech print that is great though Stone skin is the best thing here it reduces movement speed but as you can see all that armor I mean okay I really needed to sell off a lot of stuff here this is insane the amount of weapons armor and such but I'm buying all of this and let's try it finally we have storage okay let's attack and silver will also apply this Tech print and then we will research [Music] foreign [Music] fleeing okay nothing much as always pretty much the same thing it's just a time question now how long will this take until we're done Gallagher hero became an adult okay these are the things I'm going for him and he will go into the Grove that okay I'm not sure why I still have Cotter here you will have to die okay 1.1 days we will attack some irakins only a few factions here but yeah as always just relaxing and waiting for time to pass oh ball Goods Trader getting a lot more Traders now recently okay this is sold when I'm trading I also want to save up space so I mean I'm making some bad deals here but oh well okay time to attack some edokins yup there we go okay let's attack some pigs all the way over here okay there's not much to do now so I think after skin hardening I will research waste pack at Tom Miser and start destroying all of this toxic waste pack the toxic Fallout is finally over uh okay Manhunter Park Friday sign was supposed to relax and go out well it looks like we will have to take care of that thank you okay looks like they're all dead well then that is quite insane look at how much rots think that is well let's attack okay let's do this okay they're fleeing okay and we're done here and there's also raid oh that's reform okay pigs pigs pigs ah all over the map I see there's so many of them oh I cry my okay I have to get back okay we're fine Jesus What's Happening Here well let me set this up flame well it's getting quite warm in there I can't need to strip these people for these bullet Shields okay Ambush 25 talks wasters all milliest so much [Applause] okay we won and um well lots of art has also become 18 while we fought right there so well now he's a fully fledged adult and loss of art will get a circadian assistant and a nuclear stomach wonderful okay time to attack some impedes okay with the base destroyed let's loot ah Devil's run bedrolls could be useful okay let's attack five more factions and then we have to go all the way from here uh to maybe up here and attack some factions okay time to attack more Empire people probably the hardest one on the map area is having a social fight right now yeah look at those miniguns okay they're fleeing oh my goodness is this the best one yet 23 glitter World Medicine all my 35 what the hell okay well this is all that we're bringing a bunch of stuff here and we will attack the Empire here and then take on these three factions down here okay group of imprator a breacher right this time they are uh plowing through hmm where are they going oh they're attacking here [Music] my God okay they're fleeing well then clean up oh no I called snuff and fall yep time to harvest all the rice okay time to attack okay so we have the Empire here this should be easy ah they're going all around here we have a nice choke point [Music] okay they're all just that my goodness oh cap let's get out of here I'll need three more factions okay we have a fire right here I thought removing the roof would help but apparently not oh it will have to get destroyed okay I'm at the Empire let's attack this no way War man got a mangled Scar in The sprain they are from bomb friendly fire that is foreign [Music] do this job quite well and a mechanoid cluster at home oh no what is this well then let me finish this off and then we will take care of that and now we will take care of this thing okay I'm going to use skip here to teleport things to Mr Krabs [Music] okay you skip right I'll have to sacrifice Mr Krabs [Music] okay looks like we're done and we're almost going to attack uh the settlement we also need to resurrect here I've never had to before but Mr Krabs you're coming in okay let's trade on attack oh okay this is all that I'm trading and I'm getting a mega screen television we're going to watch things in 8k and now we're going to attack okay nothing too difficult okay quite the choke point oh okay they're fleeing oh 166 gold very good okay let's get out of here okay and back at home it is snowing and we're going to attack some impedes or what is this uh yeah human tribals and then I will split worm and home and we will start to attack this uh this part right here so yeah only the Central and Eastern part of the map is left let's do this and Mr Krabs is already resurrected okay here we are okay human tribals a bunch of them ah there we go base is destroyed okay that is the final base that is solved well I think the last factions we will take on are these two and these two and this one up here but yeah we will reform and I say we split off around here okay I also got a bulk Goods Raider ah the pigs okay this is all that I'm trading oh wait I should destroy these pigs okay let's do this oh my goodness okay I need to skip this pop fire foam there we go leave no Witnesses yup they're all yes that well that is the easiest loot of my life oh no some of them were in the base when they uh we attacked them oh my God like a hero is 18 years old we have no more kids well then I guess we can get rid of all the kids stuff done it was nice having kids but they have all grown up and some of them died I think there's a bug got like a hero is incapable of walking but rid of healer was going to rescue him son look at this you see I was going to carry him around my goodness Rudolph theater I can't you can go back I wish God like a hero could become a sidecaster but he has psychically dull okay I'm also going to research waste pack a Tom Meister now okay and I think I might make stone skin glands here so 8 Advanced components but if you see here 70 plus armor 50 plus feet this is so good but movement speed will be decreased oh okay install Stone skin gland on uh silver and Galaga hero there we go look how many bionics I mean in a combat supplier oh my God healing factors Tech print uh even more bionics are people okay this is all that I'm trading a bunch of stuff okay that's research healing factors all right everybody is crafting Advanced components so I can make more Stone skin glands and then I also need to bulk Goods Trader nice okay this is all that I'm trading okay so a few days a week later we have arrived here that will split warm and then go here and then I think we will take on the Empire here I think Warman will equip this Persona Zoo summer calm thoughts fast mover is great okay Mormon come back home okay I also got anima tree linking so tread will become level 5 psychoster and uh Shaman Merchant we can kill them okay level five we got invisibility okay let's do this and I'll let them ever escape okay well all that free loot once more okay just realize but it says this geothermal generator is indoors so this thing counts as a roof in its own okay we're also here to attack the Empire so let's do this foreign okay another fleeing okay nothing much let's attack some neander Falls and I'm also going to install more Stone skin glands and I won't tread and cry my we will do that and then only five more okay huge zit my goodness cracking open our freezer replace that right now okay it is all patched up this is why you don't use batteries yeah the game passes by so slowly now because of all of these colonists and such so just a waiting game at this point okay I've also arrived at neanderthals here so we will take care of this then maybe go down here I don't know okay let's do this no way tip rough once again has some mangled scar in her brain yeah this is really taking a toll on us okay they're dying [Music] okay bunch of minerals nothing else and we're on our way okay well I think these are the final sets of bionics okay healing enhancers and coagulators oh got a caravan I can trade with okay just some simple stuff I'm trading and everybody back at home has Stone skin glands so we just need the coagulators and healing enhancers that I'm good okay got an actual raid okay so 89 neander Falls um they will try to avoid my track well get back home everyone they are going through my kill box though so they won't be avoiding my trap I do not want to have to deal with all the bodies though liking my Colony so you will have to get burnt up well then let's see what happens once they get through foreign man is back yeah look at all that damage and we will install four bionics on Warman uh all the bionics we have on the people at home is not on the people out caravanning so yeah and I really don't need to do much deep drilling anymore the only thing I'm manufacturing are the bionics remaining okay now warm them because of his mangled scar in his brain we will simply have him do bio regeneration so his torso scars you can see there and the Brain scar so very good just like that war man it will be out in 22 days my cool project could be to make the war Queen all we would need to do is get one upper crit and trip and I will also need some more bandwidth I'll need five more band with uh yeah I will need a bunch of these okay we'll need to summon upper Credence so make one off neckband dish or we've also arrived here okay simply attack oh yeah tribal's not a problem foreign [Music] okay bunch of clothing items human level parka that is great okay I think for this trip we will attack all of these factions right here and then go back home and then we only have this Eastern part here and uh these outliers so that's the plan maybe I should just grab this Empire faction I mean why not okay attack the Empire now an anime thrilling King think I'll do this for uh tread okay silink level six for tread okay we got new real quick okay okay let's summon Apple crin ah here they are a bunch of them yeah they are Marching forward [Music] all right [Music] and then [Music] foreign well done let's uh manufacture this war Queen here and uh yeah here we go now that will be great I wonder how long that will take need to tune all of these band nodes to Silver okay and the final component and there we have it the war Queen exotic good Strider okay this is what I'm trading I'm going to buy a mega screen television and a 30 glitterable medicine I'm going to set up the Mega screen television here with all of these seats like our Cinema uh maybe I should make a dedicated Cinema okay attacking the Empire here yep okay I mean I love mini guns shred them Jesus I mean I love this weapon oh my we down the sky free Cut effect armor okay let's get out of here let's attack some wasters 2.8 days I've been ambushed by pigs okay I think unfortunately I will have to give and pass I mean 53 pigs versus eight and if they have all melee then I'm dead so that is unfortunate I'm also going to replace all the flooring here with Potomac marble tiles 20 blocks per tile okay oh huge breacher raid okay this is going to be hell okay where are they going melee attacking craft my fabric course keep on dying oh here they come [Music] please okay they're fleeing okay let's rebuild the base okay double raid from mirandi what is he doing oh my War queen of War okay well [Music] foreign dead there we go okay back to resting okay time to attack some wasters okay they're fleeing okay some gold 161 nothing else let's go uh ah we have any other Falls here let's do that okay but imagine let's just ignore this part here we only essentially up this big part left uh I mean uh 20 30 factions cannot count whatever okay let's attack some neanderthals okay here we go once again for the 100th time we're in a swamp here I haven't played in a swamp in a long time [Music] thank you oh uh we are social fighting wolf Golem called liquid lion a crook all right okay let's get out of here now we're going to what uh maybe yeah let's attack this altland faction and War Queen is coming in in uh like 36 39 hours something oh another anima tree linking but for whom everybody is psychically dull I cannot do this another food storage is almost filled up look at that oh my goodness a war queen look at this thing what is this steel okay so you need steel to create uh War urchins well then welcome and I think I'm going to make the fields half a rice half corn because uh well I don't think I need to worry too much about you right okay here we go corn plant oh again we're about to attack okay of course they have high neck shields foreign [Music] okay let's get out of here okay now I'm heading off 0.2 days to attack some tribals okay you know what Gallagher hero you will become a sighcaster you have psychically doll but if I can get the opposite then maybe I'll be fine let's attack here first Yep they're fleeing yeah this mono sword is just slicing people off yeah with very strong melee damage and 26 oddly I mean this is insane okay nothing mod and now we will attack some pigs in 0.9 days and then two more factions before we're home we rest up and then take care of uh hopefully the rest of the factions this animatry has been here for so long I remember when we just started out okay got like a hero begin okay so he got solder pinhole one of them more useless abilities okay we've arrived at Pigs we're neutral with them so we can just trade okay this is all that I'm trading now let's attack them okay a bunch of mortars bunch of mountains shouldn't be too hard [Music] oh oh okay I cannot even talk it's so loud these miniguns they're all done okay nothing much as always get out of here and I also have Beggars here who want silver or 700 I mean we are 40 000 let's just give them there you go take it all and a ball Goods Trader maybe that was good luck okay this is all that I'm trading I'm just going to uh describe the sculpture here this work there's a representation of Samu silver inscribing her name on an assault rifle while covered in Grime thousands of Warriors gaze in awe the scene takes place on the outskirts of a city this portrayal relates to Silver completing work on an assault rifle on the 11th of September 5502 our second year and it has been seven years since then okay I've been ambushed I don't want to give up on all of this so let's fight using the wall here I saw whatever a barrier could be interesting [Music] [Music] oh my goodness it actually worked Jesus I mean thank God they were no Melius okay attacking some hurricanes damn these arrows somehow penetrate through catafract armor and right into the brain I'm gonna tough to heal everyone up which means making more of these things they're fleeing okay nothing much as always the Empire then we're home okay we've arrived at the Empire okay the last settlement everyone before we're home to rest I give it your all [Music] oh okay they're playing oh my we have gone through many bases here in Rim world eh well done quite good loot let's get out of here and back home and one days and then we're free I only have these factions left I just realized I need way more food storage so maybe right here oh no huge forest fire destroyed this okay infestation okay let's do this okay let's try out the war Queen here let's see how this thing does release hey we're smoking them other coming from uh beloved oh and Caravan has arrived a great moment oh geez we're back [Music] okay well they're all dead okay with everyone back I need Tipper F into this uh the spiral sculpture pods okay alone you also need to go in here okay alone but once it has been 22 days then we shall uh go out again and it's time to install all of these bionics for our newly comeback people and the freezer here is up more food storage okay Tipper f is no longer benching on Ambrosia so get in here we got so much pemmican from that my God that's animal tree linking uh all right Galaga hero all right he got blinding poles not bad and Warman is finally up okay his mangle scar on his brain didn't get healed did I miss something uh okay looks like I'll have to do it again okay not much happening no raids from Randy in a while and our wealth is at 1 million seven he falls and I also need more plus steel I will call that supplier okay this is all that I'm trading a bunch of our broken armor can I just place a TV right here let's try Okay place we have two Mega screen televisions so just place that okay well we're just making more bionics harvesting some more class steel relaxing yeah before we head out again I'm just going to install a bunch of bionics okay most of the new people here the ogs have stone skin glands ah just getting all the other biotics for them I just realized we haven't had many draw pod raids the drop pod rates we do have they land all over the map but not any concentrated ones if you know what I mean and our wealth is at a million a hundred thousand okay okay only 14 days until we're ah just as I say that all right bribes people a lot of them okay let's do this [Music] [Music] okay they are all fleeing to the fires look at all that loot oh one of my tree linking got like a hero get over here okay he got beckon okay oh no now Merchants carcinoma is now growing but we're tending to it don't die on me okay so uh the merchants has been healed no downside to nuclear stomachs as long as you have medicine and lazy Lions carcinoma in the Torso is also cured yup okay I think I will stop growing the rice here we do not need it oh I scan plus still in our farm field oh a lot of it oh an exotic Goods Trader okay this is all that I'm trading and I'm also going to order Galaga hero here to get a Xeno germ uh this one I made earlier just to get him a bit faster and so much plastil being drilled off Jesus okay you know what I'm just going to stop production completely of you dude let's see when it runs out okay in five days we will head out because our people will be cured a war Merchant let's kill them okay they're all just dead yeah we still have two anti-grain Warheads we can use here the once known here goes out she's going to have six surgeries here got Anime three linking for Galaga hero got Focus okay okay I got a megaloid cluster oh this this is a meccanoid cluster for one million wealth I need to check this out we are on Randy random 500 percent okay well let's uh simply do this okay let's test the war Queen eh thank you [Music] things [Music] [Music] okay they're all done there we go oh the fun is over time to go back to normal to see if oh bombs right kidney was destroyed and to everyone and heal up okay and lonely oh okay lona's got a novel for organs so one thing I want to do is research this and toxin filtration and then we head out with this we can get a proper kidney for bomb well then the colony assets peace I don't think anything can stop this Colony now I mean once you get to a certain point with Masterwork meet against in cataphract armor and all the bionics of you will be fine the flu on eight people I buy medicine all the time but we always seem to run out on a waste pack storage is full I would have to kill some upper Credence to assemble the sways pack the leaders once this is done I'm thinking I Ascend uh toxic waste pack for now I'm shrimpy too bad okay send this we uh all right there are no factions that's what attack us when we do this this was a good idea well let's pollute the river that's what we Homo sapiens do anyways uh wait okay this the other fault faction somehow has been angered from all the way here okay sent off a bunch of waste packs but it started off we need the talks where the waste packet on life sir one thing I could do is get like send someone in the transport pod all the way over here and then once we have the address in a caravan here we can force skip so I think I'll do that and I think everybody has Stone skin all the bionics here look at that wonderful people okay time to summon Apple Croton okay quite a few of them okay they are coming [Music] all right [Music] well that is stopped and we're done with waste pack at Home Meister now uh group of meander Falls because we polluted them okay well not a problem so many of them almost all male layers foreign [Music] Jesus look at the kill box okay well we will repair it about you still got animal tree linking as well hmm yeah Galaga hero is attending this ceremony while he just sleeps okay invincibility for him too waste pack a Tom Miser let's get toxin filtration get a kidney for bomb then we're out okay where do I place this thing maybe right in here make two of those in here okay I will need to summon your swamp more upper cruden okay we're done and then we have this uh how is this what this time it's way easier okay I think I can take care of this without a kill box no problem videos thank you there we go not even a challenge oh a compacted steel meteorite right there okay got the first waste packet for miser well let's work on this okay with this done let's just get those talks infiltration and we're out like I think I'll make a few of them uh yeah I mean it doesn't have to be right now but a few more mukbang dishes okay I just want to get medicine production we just got drug production but being able to make medicine will be great okay got the detoxifier kidney for bum okay install this right here bum get in there the silver will install this there we go nice and healthy blood filtration okay well one spot is up then let's assemble a new Caravan wow yeah a caravanning with a lot of people is quite difficult everybody will get a mental break and now I can make medicine here maybe make until we have 15. okay wonderful null to work on that okay Caravan is forming finally okay we're finally out so now let's get uh I don't know liquid lion here get in here okay so we will simply send them as far as way as possible okay so I'm thinking right about here so now it's going to land here and what I can do here is far skip right ah there we go nice and easy squeezy PC let's attack the empire in fairy dice the final stretch here we come maybe we will have to take breaks maybe not we will see but here I mean how many days will this take maybe we're done by 700 days maybe 800 who knows the final stretch oh got an exotic Goods Trader okay this is all that I'm buying a bunch of Genie packs Nutri amen and side trainers another far skip could be useful so cred here he can actually learn far's gift that could be very good another anima tree linking as well and we're about to attack the Empire here so yep nothing too difficult I can't kill them all [Music] my goodness I mean yep yep yep yep all that okay a bunch of new stuff now let's attack do we go from South uh hmm okay say we take on all of these factions then go south then take care of these factions sounds like a plan and we have a bunch of toxic waste packs disappearing we won't need as much storage anymore soon okay let's get animal linking level 6 for Gallagher hero okay the final level he got okay mass chaos skip okay and we've arrived at uh what is this impedes yup right over here okay let's do this okay let's get out of here no down to neander false then these two Empire factions then go all the way down here and a Man Hunter Pack full of Mega sloths that's a lot okay stay indoors okay let's see Diablo here in action [Music] my goodness we're getting overwhelmed [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay well they are all dead the sea urchins are overwhelming them my goodness Galaga hero is just Smalling these Mega sloths there we go taking on three of them got a traitor Caravan just decided to sell some equipment I came across got a shaman Caravan you already know what we're doing with them oh my no what are they doing they all got long raw they're literally in the gas oh that is the funniest thing ever let's simply get silver okay an actual raid from pigs this is not good oh wow they have a triple rocket launchers and everything okay well we will take care of this maybe I should summon Apple Croton while I'm at it I mean why not okay here they come okay here they come should probably turn on the oven ah we'll be fine or maybe not another breaking in nah we'll be fine okay and we got Apple creden coming in okay let's do this a huge amount of enemies on the map they have Shield oh no I need to get some EMP grenade oh no this is not good [Music] oh this is hell okay one group is fleeing my goodness they're sending us hell oh okay they're all fleeing though they are all fleeing and now we have upper critten coming in ah quite an easy upper crit and I'm not sure why [Music] [Music] okay well done that was quite insane we got uh well we got tooth by several doomsdays but uh so you can see cutoffract armor and stone skin and all of our bionics were fine well done patch up the base we also have to attack some neanderthals oh my everything here was destroyed our hospital is no longer a hospital okay and here we go we have almost five of these waste pack buildings okay time to attack [Music] oh okay they're all done time to attack the empire in 3.4 days okay we're rebuilding the base so everything is going back up okay attack the Empire here fleeing okay let's get out of here and the Empire again and zero point three days hmm I have a crazy idea but what if I bring another Squad to help out maybe it could be I'm not sure yet but it's a thought okay I'll take the empire [Music] oh okay they're fleeing oh nothing much as always wasters and 0.6 days okay time to attack wasters ah kept they're fleeing okay nothing much just always time to attack maybe I should go down here all the way down here so and then back up take on all of these factions maybe the coast and then the rust okay attacking either can snow for the 500th time foreign nothing much just always time to take out these Outlanders and we're currently unpolluting the terrain I mean it looks quite filthy I don't think we have enough uh waste pack at Home miser's uh storage is overflowing so I'll just send it out in the wild yes pollute the terrain around me wait can I ask not store them in transport pods I mean hold on that is 500 IQ I can't store it in here okay well let's just make a storage room of toxic waste pack and we'll replace it all in here okay never mind I don't want to think about storage send this near neanderthals maybe okay we're here at the era of League of Inuit okay this is all that I'm trading and then we will attack them okay nothing much the empire in 1.2 days okay time to attack the empire [Music] there we go let's get out of here okay I'm learning tough to eventually go back here to build transport pods to get these so these factions right here I will not bother with let's just attack some pigs got a shaman Merchant oh yeah that's of course to the normal thing right here I have a doomsday rocket launcher okay here we go Ah that's lovely not even a challenge and we also arrived at pigs here so let's try it before attacking Yep this is what I'm trading and attack we had 99 Goodwill with them and now it's all broken quite a lot of them a lot this high neck Shield there we go nothing special okay let's go attack either kins and then maybe clear off all of this back at home literally nothing happens we're just waiting around for the rating we have no more storage I should work on it we cannot haul anything okay we got a raid from the Mac Hive here A bunch of centipedes yup uh 14 centipedes in a row foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is actually perfect we can't see right here [Music] and loot up the place as always nothing too good maybe I'm mortar but it's attack some pigs no I can't attacking pigs [Music] oh there we go oh nothing too good let's go attack some tribals here we are [Music] this was a tiny base look at this oh my actually decked out with natural resources though let's get out of here attack some pigs and we've also been ambushed by 117 tribes people hmm okay this is actually perfect look at this natural defense in the lake here we can just pile up right here that is a lot though yep here comes hell yup look at that [Music] okay there we go shredding them well we are done attack tags attack nothing too bad mortars well that's Buffalo got destroyed foreign here is the marble shelf storage area I'm working on okay attack humans [Music] [Music] there we go I am now we have to go to the Empire here and Destroy these factions then we only have a few left okay look at this little room here okay so I'm never really done this but when you meet Caravans around here wandering around the map you can actually attack them so let's attack the Empire here we go let's see what kind of blue oh my goodness why have I not done this before okay it's [Music] okay I need to kill the mufalos they are more important there we go all that good loot please kill that muffalo come on don't let it Escape oh my goodness look at that all right that was the best thing ever okay uh this is all the loot we have currently wow okay attacked the empire [Music] there we go oh back at home that is a big ride okay I better finish this up quickly nothing too good attack wasters here all the mechanoids come not rip my fabricorn okay and we're attacking wasters have to do both things at once uh what is going on here [Music] foreign destroyed uh let's attack neanderthals well done rebuild and Conquer once this neanderfall base is done we only have 25 factions here though I mean pretty close I didn't even notice what the first faction has been wiped out can you notice it that is right no more pigs I'm not sure why they still show up here there's something different about it you see the Hostile uh it is in Gray I see no Pig settlements okay so we're here at neander Falls once we're done here we have to walk seven days to get to everyone else [Music] thank you oh I can't let's get out of here okay so I think I'm going to make a bull move here I'm going to Caravan let's say half our people they're not doing anything and maybe get them over here transport pod destroyed this transport pod back so let's try okay so all I need to do I believe we have far skip on one of our people okay trid here has far skips all we need to do is transport pot over this and now this one right here barely reaches over the mountain all right let's Caravan here need to bring a lot of Cam Fuel and that should be good okay I will just have to go a little bit and transport pod take care of these factions then far skip back home so yeah there's only one more Neanderthal faction and that's this one okay let's settle here get some steel components and then transport pod okay so I have a problem I do not have enough construction skills so what I'm going to do here is get silver and a constructoid and this should work all right construct Droid all right let's see if this works silver is here to shave us that it's actually working all right we need a few of them yup this is taking too long we need one more constructoid from the sky another constructoid oh cap they are all up okay let's do this okay looks like we can reach it barely I still need a little bit more fuel okay launched this okay now we're ready uh here we go okay over the mountains the immovable mountains and we can abandon this without any problems okay so without silver there to help we need to be quick but it's only two actions to be fair it will actually take five days to clear this okay let's attack neanderthals okay so the empire there we're already arrived in this cluster so time to start raining Empire let's go there we go okay got our Persona Sue summer I think I'm going to go west here take care of all of this and then do the rest finally a Trader okay this is all that I'm trading I'm just going to buy two Zoo summer all I really care about is uh freeing up storage here we go and if you didn't know if you start off as the Lost tribe you get an item that cannot be found anywhere else the entire playthrough which is a jade Knight you cannot craft a knife out of Jade I believe so this thing is the rarest item and we still have it another Empire let's attack [Music] oh there were your base is destroyed I think I'm going to go for edokins then all the way down here and then take care of this okay literally got a raid from the last Neanderthal faction here I mean it doesn't really make sense I mean they would have to walk literally Over The Impossible mountains I mean this is just an average school trip for these neanderthals well no matter we will take care of this we barely have any people here but we have a Heat box okay I got ambushed by Ada to wasters I cannot take this on I mean I would literally die so give and pass unfortunately yeah then the other Falls uh will get toasted okay all that okay I'm attacking the last Neanderthal the whole faction will die [Music] okay now there is no more neanderthals and now my far skip I cannot use fire escape because I don't have enough side Focus so after I've done this faction or settlement then I will meditate a bit and force get back home okay let's get out of here okay what I'm going to do here now is let's up Tread here and then I'm just going to have him meditate and then once we're done raiding and we can us straight up instantly for skip okay and automatically he will start meditating and I'm yeah I'm going to say I uh have to attack edokins [Music] okay let's get out of here attack this faction I can't now this one will be a little bit harder only four people like guns too well we will see [Music] okay we have our low Shield not my constructoids why the hell would you kill that okay silver repair oh okay let's get out of here now what I need to do is get thread here so we can Caravan out now we can far skip okay so here we go and just like that we're back home so we have to do the same thing except uh with these two islands that will be a bit difficult because they're well all the way out here attack the Empire what the hell is this mess of our base yup look how cozy we are up in here foreign [Music] let's get out of here only a few more factions left to wasters and 3.4 dice alright guys so you can see here there are uh gray names here so the pigs and then the other files have this gray text color so yeah they're they're dead and all of these will die as well alright my people are idle so I think for the final stretch we will of course do all of this and then this Empire one but I will bring half my people to take on these factions right here essentially the same plan except uh well we have two islands here I'm not sure if I'm going to do this well that's just Caravan I need to breed more animals I need to have a big Caravan so move follows come in got a Siege from irakens I feel like dealing with this personally look at this 10 000 IQ guy building a mortar under a roof wait this mortar somehow works oh I can't let's deal with this oh yeah Doom stair rocket launcher there's no way we're dodging this oh that's her huge attack oh no food storage oh what the hell is going on [Music] oh [Music] okay they're finally fleeing simply get all this nasty loot now we're attacking wasters [Music] foreign I think we're going to go west first okay we have tamed another muffalo so it's time to head out now I want to go all the way over here and uh transport pot again so we need a lot of Cam fuel one problem I do have is that uh I cannot really bring silver because then we cannot control her boss but I will have to risk it somebody has to build a transport launchers my goodness we don't have enough wood I need a lot of Cam fuel attacking here okay we're done here we've got enough cam fuel now a thousands so let's Caravan okay and this is what I'm bringing okay the final stretch here we come and now we're attacking irakins the snow falls upon the grounds we're going to get murdered oh no okay I'm not going to water looting the buildings I have enough loot let's just get out of here I want to attack some imps [Music] okay let's go another ends and now it's time to attack some tribes only 14 factions left here not a problem yep winter once again or it's actually fall but already snowing quite early okay attacking him there we go about time to attack all of these factions time for either kids to be attacked wow we are really North up right now there we go yeah I say we go all the way over here to the very last wasters then we have to the Final Destination would be here up to here uh that's a long way okay attacking more imps foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] uh well we won the battle but we lost epic oh my goodness well yeah I mean that thing our Caravan ambushes are way harder than the factions themselves well let's reform and uh deal with the rust oh poor epic he was an OG and now she's just dead okay now we have to attack it against here no way this is actually the last Iraq in faction here if only we were slightly faster yeah we're going to mold these irokins okay I'm attacking it against wow [Music] They're All Dead take out the turrets this is the last era can faction let's attack tribes here this is the last human tribe faction yup we only have inputs the uh what is this league of Inuit and uh that's about it and the Empire wasters wait no way why is Sony bum here getting hypothermia I think bomb is dead unfortunately we've also arrived at tribes let's attack okay the last human tribal faction [Music] foreign just go to the most southern part here and transport pod yeah we have no clothing for bum too where if only I'd taken a park or anything there's no saving her I can't I don't know what to do here she's probably dead ah we have a Siege okay that's a huge Siege well I was anticipating this we're almost home but for now our turrets will have to do the work you know what we have an anti-rain Warhead here well why not how about right here I have notes you're hitting this anti-grain Warhead being launched Here Comes hell oh my God that was glorious yup bomb died from hypothermia yeah all of our armor I think has probably broken so that's why we're being injured at a faster rate I think everybody yeah everybody in the Caravan has tattered apparel so our armor is essentially Finn Finn t-shirts okay we've arrived here so let's get some stealing components and start launching like a tread will meditate to get far skip the others will start building I'm going to have to transport the move follows maybe toxic Fallout on the whole map okay let's simply stay inside right now we're just Mining and constructing only two factions on the islands here all right we're ready to load up well I think I'm going to get most of the people on this island or actually this island and I will far skip everyone over here and once we're done here we will meditate somewhere here and far skip back loading up the transport pods Lazy Lion will just stay right here so we can far skip to him and now let's simply land here [Music] [Music] the last is the last input yup last input base so there's no anima tree and faction bases I cannot find it let's just go to the other tile right here and simply meditate Double Split thread Here and Now tread will settle so we're on the exact same tile but it looks I don't know how that's possible but there's the animatron get enough Psy focus and far skip to Lazy Lion and we're about to attack the empire [Music] foreign destroyed looks like we can still handle it with two pawns down 5.3 days to get to all the way over here we have enough side Focus so let's Caravan thread form and then yeah far skip to Lazy Lion now merge and far Skip and now we're simply all together let's attack the last faction on the island after this we only have one two three four five the actions left now we can see here the gray icon is uh on all these five factions so I mean this is insane I've never done this before here we are the league of Inuit is about to be wiped out oh I might as well just use the low Shield here like you can suddenly land foreign cluster Jesus all right we will far skip home then we can deal with that there we go tread went straight to meditate yep right here one thing I could do is France poor pod then build some transport pods over here uh do what we've always done to get over the islands all the way to the eye sheet here then we can just far skip with our people here so we don't have to walk literally from here is 20 days so let's do that oh the toxic Fallout uh will kill our ducks okay Fred has enough side Focus now so let's merge and cycast home merge far skip home and I'm Banning this now the map is emptied and we're back home so the mech cluster here has to be dealt with so let's do that right now let's go not too many of them foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] now we're about to attack the Empire here we are foreign [Music] 2.6 days the final I know the second final Empire base we only have one waster one Outlander two Empire attack the Empire okay so we have our raid from the league of finoid which is literally they all must have come from here that's a long way to walk you know well stay inside mechanoids full breachers well this will be hard to micromanage everybody come hmm they're coming in from behind how's it going over here liquid lion wow I thought it was safe right there liquid lion died to this torso being shredded uh even with a stone skin diamond cut a fresh armor what is going on here I wasn't paying attention what the hell things are not going too great [Music] what the hell is going on oh my goodness [Music] they're finally fleeing Jesus I mean what the hell is going on now we need to take care of this liquid lion wasn't one of the ogs I believe we uh recruited him if you will remember but three pawns there just like that so we're going to take on wasters now once these wasters are dead I think I will get some transport pods far skip here maybe it's actually 6.8 I can walk here and I will transfer pod all the way from home up to the tip of the top of the ice sheet clean up the mess of a base luckily we didn't lose anyone but yeah we can just revive these centipedes quite easily doesn't take too long while we are entering the final stages of this Colony uh toxic Fallout has ravaged these lands we only have one two three factions and then we have to end our own faction because we have to destroy every single faction and well our faction has to go as well then their last waster faction is dying quite uh wow this is actually a beautiful map look at the seed right here okay do this foreign [Music] every single faction is soon destroyed we will simply just walk 5.1 days once we're done with this faction then well we will see simply do this and then I should consider transport potting somebody like Fred who has far Skip and Philly are also as far as skip here I will have her meditated on animal tree like we did okay oh my goodness so uh I'm not sure what it is with these last faction stands you know what I mean literally only one single Empire faction and they decide to literally embark on top of us okay imma need everyone in out of here I mean okay Empire be up there destroying everything okay let's see this oh my goodness [Music] oh [Music] your own [Music] oh it had her fleeing okay paramedics help okay repair the base our animal tree still stands strong it has been with us this entire playthrough now we literally have no beds everything has been destroyed our TV I can't we do that rebuild this is the halfway process of rebuilding it's going well so far we need more wood for the beds except there's no trees on the map the base has been mostly rebuilt their room is no longer such a mess anyway 0.2 days the league of Inuit the well the second final faction okay let's do this foreign has been destroyed well now what we will do is the same thing uh we will go over here just like this and then we will split off Philly uh uh just get some food and we will just have her meditate and now what I need to do is get through to transport all the way up to the ice sheet because uh this will take 15.7 days there we go fill we are keep on meditating okay tread maybe we get you in here I will also need Silver Thread and constructoids to build the transport pods last faction here we go we have successfully conquered this planet how far can we launch this okay I'm thinking right about here okay here we go so now we settle I'll need a few transport pods so yeah that's about this and this okay we are ready for the second launch I didn't know this but if you uh load up constructoids here which I've done and the constructoids can haul they're going to haul the components here look at them go let's launch so we can go all the way up here this should work there we go merged all of that so now it is 12 Pawn that's still quite far we will have to do this one more time okay there should be more than enough we will probably reach maybe somewhere around here and launch oh wow all the way up here that's wow I did not expect that okay and now we can abandon this so we're literally 2.1 days away so we will head on and fill you up it's now at seven yeah let's turn it off so merge here and now we can far skip all the way to the tippity up there we go and now we're several people to attack the final fashion okay just as we're about to wipe them out the Empire well I mean okay I think it is because we have taken out literally every single other faction so the only faction that can rate US would be the shutter Empire so I don't think this is such a coincidence it's just replaced but breachers okay let's do this one problem though is I don't have silver so our mechanoids like it's better to lose the base than the people so I think I'll fight them maybe right here let's do this [Music] triple rocket launcher [Music] [Music] my War Queen [Music] oh my goodness oh okay they're fleeing no way so many people dying recently okay I'm in the Empire we need to take them out right now well done no time to waste rebuild okay the final faction here in Rim world it is the Empire these people have been sending me the worst things ever you're dying here the biggest Squad ever yeah the final faction is being plundered there we go we have successfully defeated every single faction in Rim world look at that look at that well done we will simply head out and far skip home okay and four skip all the way here there we go here they are we have successfully done it no more or the only rights would be Mech rates but every single faction here great I'll talk Stone so look at that yeah we have done it let me just play a bit more and then we will see well done make a grave for an old she was the good dirt ball we found earlier we will barely know I can't hold a funeral full note she was good and everyone else that died they were lost out in the open world we have so much loot from that Jesus we will rope all the muffalos get them in here and one man will patch up the base we do not need bedrolls anymore they can all go okay I will work on a storage area here we need a lot of it I mean items are just lying around yep making more sculptures for everyone I mean the base is thriving but we have to end soon well done hit us uh when not 700 days but we did quite early I think we're at a point where we can leave this Colony so now if you want to continue on this save file somehow then you can do that if you become a patreon remember well done for the finale I wanted to somehow destroy my own faction but ah maybe we're we're nice and set here but yeah these are the columns remaining 13 people anyways that was quite the challenge but we have done it nothing else to do now so thanks to my members and patreons and if you're bored and watch this video next
Channel: veequeue
Views: 366,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rw76f8qAKIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 309min 12sec (18552 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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