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Just watched this a minute ago. I really sympathize with Caddy. My experience building my pc wasn't even half as hellish as his, but it was pretty insane. When it came time for an upgrade, I just stuck with consoles.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 15 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 24 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

As a seasoned PC builder I am really furious at people who helped Caddy with a PC build. Ok, Caddy was unlucky, but that Low Spec Gamer character is the real cause of all the wasted time, money and sanity. As I was listening to this story I almost yelled at the monitor, because what was suggested to Caddy did not make any sense whatsoever. His PC building troubles could have been resolved with less than half the money and in a week or two tops (even taking into account covid, brexit and PC parts shortages). Yes, the advices were really that bad.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/DocRusL šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Funny, I was just thinking about how difficult it could be to build my own pc. Now I know to not even try. Wow, that all sucks so much. Caddy, no worries we understand.

I'd love to see more of this sort of content, really enjoyed it and the art style.

Edit: I should add that I don't remotely have the time, money, or patience for this too. I am also not super into the idea, it was just a thought. I do realize his is definitely a worst case scenario, but I can still safely say I wouldn't want to.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 5 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/MrRileyJr šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Everyone: Building a PC is so hard!

Me: I hope daddy caddy makes more animated vids

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Spoopychillz šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 26 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Not sure how he screwed this up so badly. Wanted a new PC in january. Took an hour to decide on parts, and maybe another hour to put it together when the parts came...it's easier than legos

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/YoshiYogurt šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 27 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

The way he pronounce Black Mirror excite me... It's a little bit weird to me.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/AlexT05_QC šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I Will never build a pc again absolute over blown bullshit of an experience. just buy pre built and enjoy the warranty.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 14 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
hello if you don't know me i'm caddy nice to meet you and if you do know me i'm sorry you see back in december 2020 i uploaded my final video of the year and then decided to take off some time in january to hang out with my girlfriend and her kids help them out with online virtual school work start construction on an outdoor studio and green screen room and do some streaming to tide everybody over until my next video was ready to release in february but there was just one thing stopping me from doing this my gaming laptop was starting to struggle a little bit with streaming and recording gameplay footage for the next video which meant i needed to do something about it what i didn't realize though was that this single decision would start the biggest domino chain of pain i've ever seen in my entire video making career where every single piece that fell sent a shock wave of bad luck across my life that was so huge i was left a quivering old man begging my grandchildren to come and see me completely unaware that they were all dead because i killed them and i just forgot about it because i'm old yes ladies and gents i needed two and it was horrible i hated it it sucked i don't understand the appeal i never want to do it again in my life and this is now how i feel about pc gaming what but caddy what how could you even say that pc gaming is bliss pc gaming is the way pc gaming is pretty cool and you know what that may be true i love pc gaming in fact i do it more than consoles and i do them on the regular but as you will soon come to see in this video the process of me getting to that nirvana was not without a few cuts bruises tears blood lost fingers and broken dreams this video's title is not clickbait and everything you're about to see in here is 100 true you want to know the reason there hasn't been a video from me in months it is all because of this confounded infernal thing and it has caused me so much grief and so much stress on top of everything else that's happened to me over the last few weeks i just had to turn lemons into lemonade and make a video talking about all of it together for my own sanity if nothing else yes this lolloping great dishwasher has given me enough content for a goddamn story time video pc building sucks i'll say it and i don't care if i'm in the minority on this none of this pc building is just like adult lego yeah right remember the last time you spent 2 000 pounds on one leg of a bionicle and if you didn't put it on properly the leg caught fire and melted the bionicle's 900-pound face building a pc was one of the most stressful time-consuming and expensive things i've ever done and this isn't even including the issues i've had with time and finances with trying to get the studio set up and the other pc problems i've had unrelated to this build that have left me totally unable to create anything all i wanted was to make nicer videos for all of you anyway i'm getting ahead of myself here here's why i don't recommend building pcs because they're pieces of [Ā __Ā ] actually and let's start at the very beginning so it's around the 13th of january i'm having a sit alone in my house well actually i wasn't alone but i live with children so i wish i was and i realized i had no idea what i was doing when it came to building a new pc so i called up my very good friend low spec gamer who's from spain which means he likes paella this dude by the way is a master when it comes to pcs and pc building his whole youtube channel is about running the latest games at the lowest specs possible so everything that happens in this story is not his fault anyway we started talking and i described exactly what kind of pc i needed to build and at what budget so that he could tell me which parts would be best what is compatible with what and then point me in the right direction on where to buy it all issue one in this current climate finding any pc parts at all is harder than pissing into your own mouth our initial idea was to build a pc with an nvidia rtx 3080 graphics card ryzen 9 5950x processor asus prime x570p motherboard corsair obsidian 750d case 850 watt power supply 2 terabytes solid state drive blu-ray drive knocked to a nhd15 cooling fan and 32 gigabytes of corsair dedicated wham all of these parts weren't too difficult to obtain but the 3080 and ryzen 9 i spent around three to four days of checking every reputable website i could every single hour to see what the stock situation was like because don't forget boys and girls don't trust stock alerts use your clock alerts or else you're regretted to let it i managed to grab myself the processor but the graphics card was just not available anywhere i looked the only place is stocking them being scalpers on ebay who was selling a 650 pound graphics card for around 1 700 pounds and bollocks if i was giving that to any old johnny it was coming up to the 19th of january and there was still no sign of any 3080s after a week of searching so with time running out for me to start streaming again and start recording the console footage in time for my february video i made the decision to start looking for the next graphics card up the 3090. not only way more powerful but more importantly it retailed for basically the same price brand new as the resellers prices of the 3080 were plus since it's more expensive by default it was a little bit easier to find and so within a day i had all the parts i needed on the way issue two all of this is bloody expensive before doing anything i had already spent 1 700 pounds on the 3090 800 pounds on the ryzen 9 160 pounds on the motherboard 140 pounds on the case 150 pounds on the power supply 320 pounds on the 2 terabyte ssd 100 pounds on the blu-ray drive 80 pounds on the fan 170 pounds on the 32 gigabyte dedicated wham 150 pounds on the monitor and 10 pounds on additional cables and anti-static bands for my hands otherwise if i touched any of these parts during the creation of the pc i would have turned into a hot air balloon this already totaled to 3780 pounds for all of you americans out there you can convert it yourself so there we go i found all the pieces they were all shipping as fast as they could and the pc would be up and running in a few days time what could possibly go wrong immediately the next day i got sent the wrong disk drive instead of a loose writable blu-ray drive i was given a portable dvd player i'm not kidding i quickly got all of that squared up and sorted with amazon after which i got what i actually ordered two days later but then there was something else the cooling fan i ordered on the 15th was supposed to get to me on the 20th but it never arrived and after tracking it to see what happened i discovered that not only was the parcel never even sent out but it actually was sent out and was sent immediately back to the sender because i refused to accept the delivery none of this added up so i called the company and basically asked so where's my fan and i was told on the other end that because of the european company i ordered from were physically unable to get it past customs the fan never even left the continent it was coming from and got sent back to their warehouses straight away i'm so glad we voted for a better president no big deal i ordered the fan from another site and a few days later it arrived along with the graphics card and slowly but surely everything else the 24th rolled around and it was time to jump on a webcam with low-spec gamer and build the thing considering this was the first time i'd ever built a pc entirely on my own it did take a few hours but the first day went surprisingly well with me pointing the camera at different places of the motherboard and low-spec gamer talking about how much he loves eating tortilla dip peppers i managed to plug everything into the right slot screw everything into the right place glue the cooling system to the processor with thermal paste while making sure i was wearing anti-static bands otherwise all of these immensely expensive components can break immediately if you so much as touch it isn't that a and we managed to get to a point where everything was installed and plugged into a monitor but it was all sitting on top of the box the motherboard came in outside of the pc case just in case something was wrong with any of the parts before we committed to putting it inside the case i turned the power on by short-circuiting the motherboard with the end of a screwdriver which was horrifying lots of pretty glowing fans started glowing and fanning we managed to get a signal up on the monitor the bios menu popped up and none of my usb keyboards or mice were working for all of those unaware the bios is basically the central nervous system of the pc and dictates how it turns on off and what settings the entire pc uses at its absolute base level so yeah a pretty important [Ā __Ā ] that i couldn't access we spend the rest of the day troubleshooting with multiple forums online and figure out it's probably because the motherboard itself the skeleton of the pc connecting all the parts together was unable to read the 32 gigabyte of data i had purchased and that was conflicting with the usb device reading meaning no keyboard and mouse meaning we couldn't get any further so we both come to the agreement that i should order a smaller single stick of 8 gigabyte ram that was from the official motherboard compatibility list even though the other ram should have been compatible with it anyway but let's not get ahead of ourselves that costed me an extra 35 pounds it'll all be here tomorrow we'll revisit it in the morning then i went to sleep and i dreamed of being awake then i woke up the ram arrived later that afternoon and me and low spec gamer jumped on another call to test it all out and nope wasn't having any of it so then we move on to the next theory could it be the ssd is that a little bit damaged is that bad shall we try unscrewing it yeah low spec that's a great idea no as it turned out after another entire day of troubleshooting online it turned out that the bios software itself was too outdated for the ultra powerful processor i was using to run it and the only way that i could update it was to unscrew the processor clean all of the thermal paste off of it and the cooler boot it up with an older generation processor that was screwed and pasted in get into the bios screen update everything turn it all off unscrew the older gen processor clean all the thermal paste off of it in the cooler put the one i meant to use back in making sure it was screwed and pasted in and then we could continue on set up the bios and then stick it in the case and install windows 10. by the way in order to do any of this i needed to wait another day because i needed to order an older gen processor the only one available at the time being a ryzen 5 2600 at 160 pounds after my original processor was put back in we tested everything got into the bios and voila we were good to go so it was now time to unplug most of it stick everything into the case and plug all the other necessary cables in while low spec celebrated with some pantomaka again it took me over an hour seeing as it was my first time and i was doing it over camera and i was being careful but i eventually made it so i plugged in the power supply hooked everything up to a monitor press the power button and nothing absolutely nothing happened no glowing no whirring not even any fanning the whole thing was dead like the love from my father i was de-staticked everything was in the correct place and connected no screws were too tight or too loose there was no metal touching the underside of the motherboard that was causing a short circuit it just wasn't having any of it so what do you think i had to do i uninstalled everything we took it apart piece by piece from the case and set it back up how it was when it was a naked lump of mechanical organs and that's when we discovered something terrifying no matter what we did no matter what switch we flicked or motherboard pin we shorted with the end of a screwdriver including those pins that reset the motherboard and the bios the motherboard itself was absolutely fried no power was going to it at all and it wasn't the power supply either because i did this trick where you put a bent over paper clip into different ends of a wire that's connected to it and then you turn it on to trick it into working it was really scary and my house nearly burned down so at this point there was nothing else i could do other than order another motherboard this time going for an msi meg x750 unify at an extra 260 pounds buying an advanced model with actual power and reset buttons so i didn't need to short with a screwdriver just to be safe side note at this moment in time my partner keras's work laptop for editing videos on patreon and doing schoolwork with the kids also decided to break as programs kept randomly opening and closing seizure inducing effects played the screen whenever opening a file and eventually any mouse you plugged in refused to work including the touchpad one meaning that we not only lost all of our work for a patreon-only video that needed to be done by the end of january but also meant that keris had to take my backup gaming laptop for all of her work meaning that i had no choice but to get this problem fixed or i had no way of recording or streaming anything at all january 31st rolled around and i was already fully accustomed to the inner workings of my pc in fact i knew it better undressed than enclosed and i was able to unplug everything from the old motherboard and install it into the new one with no help from low-spec gamer at all everything worked for me so i thought hey i'm gonna give it a shot i opened my case put the pc inside screwed plugged switched it on and oh my god it finally works hello we even managed to install windows on it and everything when he joined in on a call later on that day sure i needed to buy a single key for windows 10 pro for an extra 20 pounds but who cares it's all working now everything's installed time to get all of my programs i need and start setting up for streams and gameplay recording february the third creeps up i'm already days behind on this video but i'm plowing through regardless until that happened all of a sudden i'm physically unable to do anything at all because the damn computer won't stop randomly cutting power entirely and then rebooting like nothing happened and i don't mean like windows was going into a shutdown or restart sequence i mean the entire system just seemed to cut all power and boot right back up again this happened so frequently that this was the crash log i sent to a few friends of mine after only the first three days of use and the worst thing was that windows wouldn't tell me anything about these crashes there were no causes listed no values or error numbers it would just run along and then stop and not only were there no error codes but there was also no consistency or pattern behind what was happening i could be playing neo at maximum 4k 60 fps settings for over an hour and be totally okay but as soon as i opened up my emails goodbye it would crash when i was writing documents crashed when i opened chrome crash when a youtube video loaded crashed when i opened windows settings crashed when i opened steam crashed when i closed steam crash when i started recording gameplay footage crashed when i stopped recording gameplay footage but it never happened reliably all the time it was absolutely random when it decided to do this i had every single graphics driver updated windows itself was fully updated even the bios was fully updated but no dice i was at the whim of the black screen which sounds like a pretty epic episode of black mirror and so with no leads to go on we now had to deal with the best bit of pc building diagnosis taking every single [Ā __Ā ] piece out again testing them for damage seeing if they work individually and process of eliminating our way through each component until we had an assumption of what could be causing this mysterious cut aside from the barber first we thought that the motherboard reset switch was being activated by accident since the crash reboot behaved identically to if i would have pressed the reset switch turn it off open the case unplug the reset switch everything works for three hours crash next up we thought that it could have been the graphics card and processor were just too powerful for the 850 watt power supply and i was getting dangerous surges meaning the computer turned itself off to stay safe so in that scenario i ordered myself an asus 1000 watt power supply for 180 pounds just to be safe two days later it arrives so i dismantle the pc re-hook every power cable imaginable to the new power supply and switch the cables over just in case they were the problem put it all back together booted it up and then oh my god we've now got nothing on the screen at all and even better a nice red light lit up on the motherboard what on earth could this mean now actually as it turns out it's because one of the gpu plugs was a little bit loose that was my fault i'm really sorry but hey we're back no problems here so it was time for me to record more gameplay footage i managed to get about four hours done and as soon as i clicked stop recording after a 45 45-minute recording session it crashed again meaning i lost all of that footage entirely and the problem still wasn't fixed next up we thought it could possibly have been a bad batch of dead since all of these crashes seem to happen during certain programs loading that are heavy on ram usage so i ordered yet more 32 gigabytes of ram from hyper x instead of corsair adding another 190 pounds to my expenditure for the evening next day i took the pc apart uninstalled the processor by unscrewing it and cleaning the paste again because the cooling system was too big and covered all the ram slots swapped the ram out re-pasted and screwed everything back in with the processor and the cooling booted up windows go to open up my streaming software stream labs obs to see if i can set it up for a stream later and side note it's also around this time that my office pc where i create all of my videos write them edit them and all of that jazz started making this noise whenever i used it for any non-pc experts out there it shouldn't be doing that and the video output sockets started breaking meaning i had no dual monitors all together meaning that video editing for me would be impossible so do you know what that means yes i need another office computer and even though i have enough spare pc parts here to build another one from scratch and put wheels on it so i could race it in nascar i felt like i was cursed so i decided to go pre-built so then i find myself a pre-built one online and it fits all the specs that i need i stick it in the website's basket go to the checkout pay extra for next day delivery the next day comes nothing arrives okay fine i get it the virus is still out there deliveries aren't as quick so i left it another day and still nothing arrived as quick as a flash i checked in on the status of my order on my online account and discover that it hasn't even left their warehouse yet so i decided to call them up and go hey [Ā __Ā ] what have you done with my bloody [Ā __Ā ] okay i didn't say that be nice to retail employees during a pandemic you dick and that's when that's when i was told that the pre-built model i ordered wouldn't be ready until the following month so then i asked then why did your website tell me it was in stock and would be here tomorrow and then they said obviously i understand and sympathize with all of these companies trying to work during the community but unfortunately that's just too long of a wait for me to keep youtube happy with the state of my channel and i wasn't told it was going to be a month late until i chased the company myself so i cancelled that order before the money could be taken out my account and spent the rest of the day looking everywhere for a pc that meets my specs and wouldn't take four years to get here which i eventually find after only three hours of searching and the quickest way it would get here was a week from then which isn't ideal and puts my video work behind even more but whatever it's the best i can do at that moment by the way including express shipping that added another 2 600 pounds onto my special jackpot prize fund wanna go for a double jeopardy and risk it all for a brand new toyotaro oh and by the way by the way add on the cost of two other brand new monitors since the ones i was using before started color bleeding around the edges and needed to be scrapped but the new monitors got here and they turned out to have the worst possible black coloring i've ever seen in a monitor yes i went into every setting imaginable for my computer and the monitors themselves and couldn't improve it meaning that for video editing they were absolutely useless meaning i had to send them back and order even more that were good and the funny thing is the reason i ordered these particular monitors was because they were the same company that made the other monitor that i'm using for the pc that i'm building myself which i know is a great monitor but when i got that monitor that was the last one in stock meaning that i got another model of monitor from that company in order to get it to my house quicker and taking aside the money i spent for the first monitors because i'll get a refund very shortly these dual monitors alone added on 300 pounds to my total and i still haven't fixed the first pc yet at this point me and low spec gamer were absolutely stumped so i was taking hints and tips from basically anybody on social media because nobody had any damn clue what was going on then my friend devi brown suggested i buy myself a 15 pound wall socket tester to see if there were any wiring problems in the wall where my pc was plugged in spoiler alert there was no problem some lovely chat suggested i take the graphics card out and try my old pcs one which i did and that didn't fix the problem someone else suggested it was too much static electricity around the pc itself so i moved it around the living room and that didn't fix the problem i tried benchmarking temperature checks power saving settings bios tweaking ram speed altering turning on xmp so the ram dictates its own speed letting the entire bios run everything automatically as it sees fit but whatever i did nothing worked oh and get your birthday hats on and your party horns full of spit because we've also just hit the total amount of money i have spent to this day on sodding computers seven thousand five hundred and forty pounds aka over ten thousand dollars at that in with the few thousand the studio space costed me during all of this and together that brings us to a total of no winter coats for my children in the snow pounds and no dinner either pence and that's when all of a sudden when all hope seemed lost we hit a breakthrough it's the 15th of february and there's one error that we completely forgot to look into which happened all the way back on the third and because it only popped up one time and then we totally ignored it because it seemed to fix itself we then thought what if that was the problem the entire time windows hasn't loaded correctly oh my god that means that that must mean it's a windows 10 problem oh my god all i need to do is format my drives reinstall windows and the problem is fixed christ almighty we are home free yes delete the partitions clear out everything start afresh i've got a cool house and you can tell it's cool because it's got brand new windows yeah that didn't work either so i went to bed at 4 30 am extremely pissed off i wake up late a little bit groggy i take a shower and i say to myself okay sure i've got a dodgy pc so even though i can't record any more gameplay for now at the very least i can continue scripting by watching the stuff that i've already recorded then it dawned on me and my heart lodged up into my throat i formatted the pc and in my haste and desperation with everything going wrong in a brief moment of careless thought and overwhelming stress i forgot to back up any of my video files so i lost it all 18 hours of recorded gameplay footage gone forever i tried drive recovery and everything else you can think of but nope it all got lost which means after all of this time i've got half of a script finished and i'm back where i began with everything else but minus ten thousand dollars pc building you want to know where the hell i've been this year or where my regular videos have gone that is why pc master race my ass i think i'm gonna go and play a console oh wait i can't even do that because my brand new xbox controller that i just bought has a broken shoulder button screw this i don't need any of this new [Ā __Ā ] i'll play all of my games and edit my videos on the nintendo gamecube [Music] this picture is me this this this is exactly me as i record this credit sequence audio that you're hearing right now none of the audio that you've heard through the whole of this video but just this ending portion here the date is march the 9th and literally about an hour ago my office editing pc arrived with um special thank you to level up gaming who despite everything going on in the world right now and all the parts that you can't find anywhere online and all you know all of that stress and everything customer service was phenomenal um their delivery time was really quick despite everything that's been going on right now um so if you live in the uk you want a pc built highly recommend level up gaming their link is in the description below i'm recording this audio by the way on the spare gaming laptop which keris is now using for patreon video production and her own work with the school with the kids and everything with remote learning and such as i speak everything with the streaming and gaming pc appears to be completely okay i think i've ironed out the kinks i think i figured out what the problem is i think um only time will tell and i'm sure with a couple of streams that i'm planning on doing later on um you'll be able to figure that out as well you'll see with me the the results of my labor but either way my office pc is more important because that means i can get back to making videos and i have been able to start creating my newest cadiquarius video in the entire time while this video was being made it is not the same video i was originally working on with the 18 hours of gameplay footage that i lost because i just couldn't bring myself to go back through all of those games again so i decided to start an entirely new and fresh video idea i hope that that's okay with you guys and i'm sorry that it's taken so long thank you for your patience but i'm sure you can understand why that is and of course this video would not have been possible whatsoever without the incredible work of the animator boy my life uh that dude has been an immense machine i have no words i've i'm amazed with how the final product came out and how quickly um he was able to do it um all of his links to his youtube channel his social media all of that stuff is in the description below commission him for things go and see the kinds of videos he makes the dude is an incredible talent and i i mean depending on what you guys thought about this video maybe i can make this a more regular series just talking about bits and pieces of life i mean i've got stories and he can make them incredibly interesting to watch as i talk about them so let me know how you felt about this video in the comments and maybe we could work together again in the future and just before i go a special special thank you to every name that you have been seeing on the screen right now who have been supporting me on patreon and despite all of my painful updates and my agonizing apologizing for everything being delayed and no videos coming out on any front and everything they have been there from day one from scratch never left just the most loyal supportive patreon supporters i could have ever wished for and all of these names that you're seeing are people that have been supporting ever since january ever since the start of the year because i haven't had a chance to put them in credits or thank them in general until now so yeah this is that's why the credits are so long this is uh three months worth of people that deserve a massive thank you so yeah there we go thank you everybody for watching this video and i will see you in the next cadicarous very soon
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,930,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, my story, cartoon, animation, funny, theodd1sout, the oddonesout, animated, caddicarus animated, my story animated, animated story time, story time, story time animated, true stories, true story, animated story, animations, jaiden, jaidenanimations, jaidenanimation, JelloApocalypse, pc building, pc building nightmare, youtube, youtuber, youtube channel, pc broken funny, rant, gaming pc, gaming, building a gaming pc, gone wrong, graphics card, gaming pc build, NVIDIA
Id: dHVXp_fRGzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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