I Spent 100 Days in a Parasite Outbreak in Hardcore Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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I just spent the last like 30 hours [Music] it just absolute Terror remember remember parasites two years ago I I try to survive 100 Days with uh parasites well since then uh these these little these little guys right here they've gotten significantly scarier they're they're so look you think that's a pig that that's not a pig oh hey a little cow not a cow hey that's new that's a giant Tower of skeletons that that wasn't there when I first played this what is that what is that thing oh take a look at that that guy's gonna try to get in my house that's good love that these things are the parasites have evolved all right they're significantly scarier now and just to make it a little bit better I made it so that nighttime is very very very dark extremely dark Pitch Black you can't see anything but you can hear it you hear the parasites coming and just to make things a just a tiny tiny bit more difficult every 10 days these these little these little guys right here they're gonna they're gonna swarm my base and try to get it oh look at that they're gonna eventually they're gonna be able to dig oh some are gonna give it a great blocks and later on big bigger and bigger boys are gonna show up oh it's gonna be awful oh look that's the bunker I made you think you think it can hold them it doesn't I thought it would it doesn't they they find a way in look at this look at that through the [Music] okay this was the absolute most challenging 100 days video I've ever done it was like I can't even begin to tell you how okay hold on [Music] okay day one okay so I started off by immediately getting blinded by some sort of plant in the swamp that I spawned in and like usual I got distracted by the wildlife hey how's it going hello my man my man the pig a little sniff instead of doing this I I should have been barreling towards finding shelter before nightfall because without it I wouldn't survive and I know this because this was my 15th attempt at trying to record this video [Music] is it going after me is it going after is it going after me [Music] it's one after me can I go it's fast it's fast it's fast it's fast [Music] what is this start oh this guy thinks he's gonna survive what is [Music] spider things there's so many of them they're forming up now spiders keep forming look at the cows the cows want me the pigs want me these spider things are creepy oh my they keep forming they keep forming they're popping up every [Music] oh I don't know what to do I don't know what to do look how fast they are they just [Music] yep yet again another more of them less there's one dead man [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh I need to get these things away from me and uh I don't know the best way of doing that [Music] I am a man in danger [Music] I found a building in the woods Made of Stone but you know what I I did not trust it probably because I saw cobwebs Through the Windows and uh without anything at all in my possession I figured this was this was something I'd look at later all right so I kept looking and not too far away from here I found the ruins of a castle this place looks good good enough to survive the night or at least that's what I thought turns out I'd be spending the next several days here completely trapped while an army of creatures that looked like something that crawled out of a Taco Bell septic system tried to get in but the castle it was good there were some holes in it and there wasn't much in terms of loot but you know I was more happy with how it was at least a standing structure I made a crafting bench then some wooden pickaxe and some stone tools which I used to get wood and meat oh oh and eventually iron which was just outside of the castle thankfully there was a lot of it though which was good uh but the the what wasn't good was the sun was setting and by this point I wasn't sure if I was going to survive the night so I ran inside tried to seal up as many entrances to the castle as I could then I made several campfires and placed them down in various spots both to light this place up and true hopefully deter the parasites when they come I just didn't know if that worked or not but you know I was a man trying anything at this point already then I climbed to the top of the tower and waited and experienced what is this the scariest part of this mod pack it gets very very dark and you might not be able to see the creatures coming but you can hear them okay here we go immediately chess piece immediately so to be honest I don't think it's gonna do any good and then shield shield okay here we go I have a feared Eva from that what is that thing just a little guy [Music] okay foreign whoa this is a subscription checkpoint right if you're not subscribed and you watch this this might what am I saying right now I'm trying to make you a subscriber right if you wanted if you want to do it if you don't want to I don't know okay I hope you do though genuinely from the bottom of a man's heart I hope you just shut up let them watch the video okay come on I'm leaving this is open but wasn't there a closed door somewhere else okay okay look what I can do wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait think about this think about this thing about this I want to make a halberd but I can't use the shield I need to use a shield so I wanna it's a saber right handle just need one what do you mean why why are you okay I just heard two things dropped to the earth when I walked out there it was at this point sitting in this enclosed room that I thought about everyone else making hardcore videos where they're they're building slime factories 500 tier Farms making End Portals the size of the Moon I don't know what they they're all having fun and here I was for my video huddled over with the the literal fear debuff both in-game and real life clinging to life so I sat there and waited for that sweet sweet Morning Sun thinking it would burn up all the parasites and uh no no they do not these men do not care about the Sun at all I I see the dawn of day but I also see that foreign I gotta take care of some of these things won't they like multiply the spider webs are good I can do this I was a man waking up on day two or nothing I wasn't waking up I was a man bloodshot eyes on day two thinking wow I got 99 more days of this this was it was gonna be good so but you know I had a lot I had a lot to do in very little time hey this video is sponsored by honkai star rail a brand new free-to-play cross-platform RPG you can play on both mobile and PC and you can play anytime anywhere right anywhere you want it's pretty good meet new friends explore new worlds increase your combat power and overcome powerful enemies this is an immersive RPG experience set in a Fantastical sci-fi Universe yeah look at all this each character is very cool attire okay you'll definitely be able to find a style that suits you from dozens of characters like take a look at this man right here yeah it's turn based gameplay which is very easy to understand even for a simple man like me I even understand this but despite its easy to learn gameplay a honkai star rail also has a deep battle system so if you got a giant massive brain you can learn a ton about this okay step into the astral Express right you get to know new acquaintances and learn about their backstories embark on adventures on different planets and save the world along the way so you need to download honkai Star rail right now using the link below and you'll get 50 Stellar Jades using the redeem code on the screen now you don't want to miss us right so thanks to Hawkeye Starr rail for sponsoring this video you hear that how is a man supposed to go out his door when you got sounds like that going on okay oh oh oh oh okay I don't wanna I'm looking around oh okay water get the water get the water I don't even want to look behind me [Music] go oh from a boat I should have made a boat look at this chicken oh they're still coming okay hold on hold on I can beat them I can beat them there's so many of them there's so many of them they go in the water oh oh there's oh okay one more one more to deal I can take this guy out [Music] okay whatever that is just gonna deal with that right away if you thought it was a bit hairy there you have absolutely no idea what you're in for a little did I know at the time but in this mod there's a phase system and depending on what's going on in the world in regards to parasites how many there is what they're doing who they've killed they've got their own world going on right while I'm building this they go it doesn't matter they get points as they do things and the more points they get the stronger they get the hive mind grows and after that first night attack the global parasite was growing stronger [Music] the heads [Music] there's two heads [Music] hey that one just dealt with itself that's my favorite type of problems we're on the deals with itself okay okay that's a problem I can't deal with [Music] well did you see what was in my look at this I was waiting for me up there oh it had only been one night and this entire area was already crawling with parasites so I started contemplating playing it safe and just be lining out of this area because I didn't want to start off in an area that was already swarmed by parasites just leave the area then just go somewhere else one of those normal cows every time what is that there's a nuclear bomb okay uh I'm gonna be completely honest here uh and I'll tell you that yet again I did not fully read the description of the mods I was downloading uh so I wasn't surprised uh when I saw a nuclear bomb uh not even 100 blocks away from my house I I had no idea that was going to be but you know what it was in the game now I hope that's not a problem for later yeah it is anyway so I killed some parasites in the woods near the castle trying to eliminate as many of them as I could because I thought you know what I'll kill these things knock those points down don't let us spiral out of control you see whenever you kill a parasite you get negative points which is good because the less points there are globally the less evolved the parasite is so even letting a little one of these little things I'm gonna hold buglands like get away it can cause a lot of problems later not to mention they can also infect wildlife and uh the wildlife once they're infected they look like regular pigs but then you get a post and oh it is there's not a normal take for example this chicken right here I had no idea that that chicken could potentially be infected I don't want to kill these chicken noodles I feel like I can yep I'm gonna die out there I was stuck inside the castle again and little did I know but just outside my doors a swarm was forming and the longer I waited to get out the more parasites would grow and evolve I have no idea how I'm gonna survive this I gotta go kill parasites okay okay oh okay okay okay okay yep there's a lot of them way more than I thought you know what I honestly think the best course of action right now is for me just to walk into that group of parasites and just start a new world after seeing that what was going on just outside my doors I knew that the only option at this point was to flee so I grabbed my stuff open the door and try to cut a path towards the lake I cut down multiple parasites and I thought I was going to make it I that was until I heard that the scariest sound there is in this entire mod pack the sound of an assimilated and it wasn't just one coming from it was two so I ran back inside did you see that you see that do you see assimilated Enderman after hearing that I I I truly considered just walking out the door and letting them infect me you might be thinking hey what's what's wrong with those things I'll tell you they can teleport to you without you looking at them and they almost immediately one shot you and they're also scary because they make scary sounds maybe I did not like I was gonna end it right here and just move on to a new topic for 100 days ago but I didn't I slowly and surely cut down every parasite I could from the safety of inside my house additionally I lowered the roof two blocks near the door and just outside the door to make sure that the Enderman couldn't get me and then when I I was able to get one trapped between the wall and the lower outdoor roof and I killed more and more and more parasites I was slaughtering these things and eventually eventually when I thought the coast was clear I ran for it I got now in a boat and I sailed without looking back never coming back here no never that place is done as a matter of fact if I come back to this point in the video you can say wow look who the cat brought back to this point in the video that doesn't that doesn't it doesn't even make sense okay anyway so I I sailed further down the coast and found another building uh this one seemed far more secure probably because it again barbed wire and fences all around it when the man sees barbed wire and fences he thinks all right that is not a jail that is a that is a fortress so I went in there and uh I determined that this this is where I was gonna stay for the next little while and there was also a village behind it which is not too bad you know the next day I loaded the village and since this is this was 1.12 or whatever the village wasn't it wasn't that good but you know what it had some stuff wait no I wrote in my script I had amazing stuff in it what oh yeah it had it had iron tons of food there was tools and weapons or just two diamonds in a chest not to mention a stockpile why was I why am I just going off script and saying this Village wasn't very good what was wrong with me anyways this was I I wrote In The Script absolutely incredible so where did I get in my mind that this was I got to stop getting off topic anyway so not even 10 minutes ago I was moments away from ending this by just sacrificing myself to Taco Bell's septic tank that is a terrible why is that written in there anyways now I was safe at least for now I usually I found to craft the rest of my iron or my armor and I called it a night day five I had a lot to do but I was still I don't know what I was doing around in the town for some reason hey how's it going so you mind if I take this I need more diamonds so I started mining from inside my little base and I also try I was trying to find some Redstone and after a little bit and finding a big Chasm uh I carefully went down and uh I got a little tiny little bit of redstone just enough but even this small Act was absolutely terrifying I don't know about doing this all right did you hear that [Music] I hear stuff yep don't know where it is okay foreign [Music] I needed the Redstone to make a bloody clock which you can use to track the progression of the parasite so tell you how many points they have what's going on I needed to make this thing okay so what I can do is I can go like this this this okay clock and then around the clock I can make a bloody clock and then two we're on phase two right now that's perfect phase two not terrible but uh not great in phase two several things can happen ruptures which are those little I think they're little head things that run around they will attack anything regardless if they're alone or not assimilated mob such as uh the assimilated Enderman will start spawning naturally and that is uh hey that's good love that they'll get they'll get more of those guys out there and sleeping in a bed as I have been doing for a while now uh will add even more points you are penalized for sleeping if I get to a thousand points phase three begins and that's where some really bad stuff starts to happen and it starts to snowball I did not did not want to get to phase three okay so uh I kept to myself and I went Mining and it didn't take long for me to find diamonds and not just not just of you but a lot of them I also found these Cinder blooms which are little flowers that when stepped on they would cause anyone to cut catch on fire or however you're supposed to wear that dramatically these things were going to be extremely useful uh because the parasites if you're not familiar with them do not like fire if these things get lit on fire they take a ton of damage so anything fire related was incredibly valuable to me so I grabbed these things and kept going I found another Diamond but there's also some just horrible sounds around it so I ignored it for now I figured I'd come back later I kept Mining and unfortunately a swarm started to approach [Music] why does it have to be right now at this time I I didn't think it was a big deal since I was underground and usually they won't spawn this deep at least not in large numbers so I ignored it which uh yeah probably probably should not ignore stuff like this and you'll see you'll see why soon I found more diamonds further into the mine and then I I called it quits and went back up to the surface in the morning when I returned to the surface uh there was a very nice surprise waiting for me up there [Music] oh um [Music] but don't worry I had a plan I went back into the mine usually I would just stay down there and ignore the problem but you you absolutely cannot ignore these things with this mod so I filled a bucket with lava came back up to the surface and gave my mans the type of shower you get when you go to a hotel you know oh [Music] just like this oh oh that's disgusting [Music] look at all that [Music] owl I cleaned up all the goop and I looked around outside for any other parasites and sure enough near the lake I found one struggle I took care of him and used my diamonds to make a pickaxe and a new chess piece I wanted to see if there was anywhere else I could build because this place it was okay here but yeah I I thought I might be able to find something a little bit better so I sailed down the coast again and I found a pirate ship and uh yeah yet again I do not know why there is a pirate ship in this mod pack I don't know what mod I added that adds pirate ships uh does not fit the theme but you know hey look at this there's pirates in this now I guess so uh it's good so I boarded the ship looted the chest and just moved on okay remember those diamonds from a few days ago that I found that I was too scared to go get well I figured what the original the new gear that I had and the additional resources I could I could probably get them so I climbed down and I approached the ore there it is all I do is just go down there and get it but there's all that [Music] I hear an Enderman regular parasites no problem okay but an assimilated Enderman guarding that thing it was an entirely different problem so I dug a two by one hole into the wall and I approached it very slowly then I used my absolutely gargantuan brain and somehow I don't know how but I managed to pour lava on it killing it yeah mostly and I say mostly because after I thought the coast was clear and I went across the chasm uh apparently these things can drop their heads which are they're still active so I killed it and I got the diamonds and I got out but I wasn't done with a simulated Enderman things yeah the main little title this video I got I spent 100 Days with the assimilated Enderman and beat me and the two guys we heard what shut up stop going off script the next day I woke up and I did my morning Patrol the village to look for parasites the coast was clear so I moved on to the lake and out of nowhere I was attacked it's glitching out because it's stuck in the water [Music] okay okay oh oh [Music] they can go in water I don't know why I keep thinking I can get in water to get away from them foreign [Music] why is there so many [Music] the lag is gonna get me healed [Music] them all out for me hey how's it going come on everyone through this thing [Music] hinder blooms were insanely effective I don't even know if I'm not even confident that they're called Cinder blooms I think I just wrote that I think cinderbloom is from World of Warcraft I have no idea what these things are called anyways I I wanted my base that I would build in the future covered in these things I wanted this place to be like a giant flowery field of flaming flowers okay that would be beautiful anyways my victory was short-lived though because not even 50 blocks away from uh where I was was a parasite nest think of these things like cracks in the Taco Bell septic stop with the Taco Bell septic joke all right I'm not going to mention it I don't care how many more times I write it in the script I'm done talking about it it's disgusting all the septic pipes all sorts of stuff oozing out of these things what there's no need for that anyways at this time greasy gargantuan monstrosities were slithering out stop what is okay I had no idea what this thing was but I wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible and coming off of a victory like I just had I was feeling very confident so I approached it with a bucket of lava and I got I got it to chase me a death a deathly game that I was unaware of how how deadly these things were at the time then no I dumped the lava like an idiot and walked right into it and I caught it on fire oh no he was the idiot I thought I walked in lava hey look at this man's burning he's the idiot not me anyways I led it to the water and for some reason I finished it off in the water I looted whatever it dropped and rushed over to the nest to finish the job I cracked open whatever these eggs were and then I killed the bolsters and I don't know what these nests are for and I don't know what they give me but no I you know I'm gonna take them out when I can on day 10 I crafted a very very special item it's known as a lure these things are you use them to push back the points of the parasites you got you got to try to make these as frequently as you can can I put this outside points reduced these things were going to be key and I don't know why I wrote that in the script because I barely ended up using them so you're gonna see me use them like three times and then I just completely forget about them anyway so I still needed something somewhere to build so I sailed down the river looking for something I found this brick Factory looking thing uh and I looted it like I got some stuff I had not a gas mask and I have no idea what I'll do with this but it's cool I guess uh then I returned home I wanted to build a very very secure bunker somewhere a man like me could go and not have to worry about something blasting me or he's spraying ooze on me or turning me into taco stops I swear I will stop okay so the base in my mind was this absolutely beautiful bunker a very very secure bunker that was completely underground and to get into it it was very secure there was water nearby and I wouldn't have to worry it was gonna be perfect so I kept looking around but I wasn't finding anywhere too appealing there were some mountains and I thought maybe I could build a like a suspended building between the two of them but let's be honest here there's gonna be flying parasites later and they're gonna they're gonna just chew through any bridge I make so this I didn't know so I just went home and when I got there I wanted to start enchanting so I I left to get books from the village and I somehow forgot that that night was it was a swarm night that's not good we're doing this in a village too sounds are terrifying oh no parasites are going to consume the Villager get inside close your door close your doors [Music] they're coming this was one of the most terrifying things I have ever experienced in Minecraft just look that atmosphere of this oh oh this is horrifying [Music] [Music] I stayed inside the house for for the full swarm and I found a way to open up a window a bit just a just a crack in the window and mostly safe shoot mobs from inside out occasionally burning them however zombies spawned and the parasites started slaughtering them which isn't good it's not good because every time the parasites kill another mob they get a ton of points so this I didn't want them killing zombies nevertheless I survived the night from the safety of the house but in the morning I needed to get out of here so I I broke out of there like a man running from his dark dark task I have no idea what that means and why that's in the script oh oh get inside get inside your homes it's all safe out here see look at this thing [Music] another one okay that's it once I was free and out of immediate danger I got into my boat and sailed around looking for somewhere to build I I needed I needed somewhere badly I do absolutely badly but I wasn't finding anything eventually I gave up again and just started cutting down trees on this beach near where I was currently staying fire was going to be key to taking these things down and if I wanted to be truly safe I was going to need to use fire and specifically I was going to need fire related enchants and the good news is is that in this mod pack I had the many enchants mod or Moen chance I don't know what that's called but it gave there was more in chance right there was a lot and there was many relating to fire so I really needed to get this enchanting table set up so I went down to the mines I got obsidian and came up and made the table books were also easy to get because the village had some bookshelves in one of the houses so I I made the books the bookshelves I mined out an area and set up an enchanting station and then I I started enchanting it's very boring to watch people enchant stuff in video so we're not gonna sit through this again like I did in the last video anyway so I got fire aspect two on a book but I didn't want to waste it on my iron weapons I figured I would use this later on diamond weapons so I just kind of put that in the chest for now uh so no yeah I did and then then I made a diamond saber at some point though I got Advanced efficiency 3 uh what that I put on my pickaxe which is an amazing enchant but it's it kind of causes some problems because it mines blocks too fast so the game doesn't register that the blocks have been removed and then I end up blocking to invisible blocks and just it causes some problems all right you'll see that later and I didn't put fire aspect on my sword yet because I wanted to get a basin chant and then apply it it's very boring and it doesn't matter all right you're just gonna see some enchants start popping up later anyways I need a level I need a level so I went out and started killing some stuff and and I went back into the mines and I killed more stuff oh oh I wasn't too sure about being down there when there was stuff like this going on it also wasn't too sure that the stuff that was going on here I should leave alone because those parasites that would start to spread and then the spiral out of control so I tried to deal with it then and there oh [Music] okay [Music] I could just pour the slob and kill it but I want the XP [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] but a man like me just could not have been more wrong if this cave was a meal a taco oh my this I'm not even gonna I'm just gonna say that this was gonna make me go a bit nutty all right I'm not gonna read the next line here there's no point reading the next line I've written because it's it's pointless all right things were just about to get nutty I made a new Iron saber um again I I just didn't want to use the diamond one yet and laceless durability not until I could put an enchant on it and I spent the day cooking meat and looking for weapons that I could make through the menu of options in the morning I did what I always do I I walked outside the the safety of the fence took a little look around to see if there was anything going on oh oh no oh foreign I ended up safely killing all of that from the bunker down here and then I made the foolish decision to to leave I wanted to go down into the nearby dungeon uh it was there was this castle tower thing um why I wanted to go down here I have I have no clue I remember the time thinking there was a reason but right now I have no clue why I was doing this but you know there's actually some decent stuff down there it was mostly food and torches but also some random enchants and there was also there's also some parasites down here oh pound tunnel foreign thank you oh another one I hate little ones I don't want to waste these arrows okay okay I ended up finding a room where I could sleep down there so that's what I did I can't remember if I got this before or I got it when I was down there oh look into the footage I don't know but I found this bow which had flame on it and uh wow that a bow is already very good against parasites but a bow with flame on it a man like me was very happy to get that that was very very good I also got a bunch of Potions all this stuff was good but I kept looting and uh and I heard this that's level 30. it sounds like parasites are attacking an Enderman and if that is happening that is that's a parasitic horse attacking an Enderman okay okay I'm Gonna Leave time to leave right now time to leave so I got back to the room and slept I got my stuff and I had a backup to get out of this place but there was there was only one problem one one huge massive problem there's a certain man waiting for me at the surface okay I haven't been outside in a while I'm a few days how's it going any regular Pig I'm sorry I had to check to see if you feel bad now that man it was a running way okay it was in the simulator foreign [Music] teleport [Music] it's right there he's upstairs oh oh that scared me there's two more or is that ahead to agree with foreign [Music] it's real yeah they're both gone now who knows we're there okay good morning oh I built another lure because uh I was getting sick of seeing these simulated Enderman I thought maybe if I made more lures I could get rid of them but you know what a simulated Enderman they were the least of my concern later on they much bigger and scarier mobs yeah you'll see what I mean soon anyway so I spent the next day mining I was finding all sorts of things gold iron the blue stuff that while I'm writing the script I have no idea of what it's called how can I forget that's called lapis why did I not know when I was calling us anyway so I got cobblestone [Applause] oh my thank you to the bear almost dropping my head a man like me could not have a moment of Peace you know with the diamonds I had found I made more armor uh then I did some enchanting and went to bed I I didn't want to wait any longer to build somewhere I needed to start building right then and there so I decided on choosing the beach and if I remember correctly there was a very strong reason for it so my choices to build are either this island my top choices I mean my choices are infinite but or this little kind of like this to be honest you know why because there's turkeys can't go wrong with turkeys so what do you use turkeys I started building because of turkeys this this location played a very crucial role at okay yeah anyway so um this was it this is the place this was gonna build it was I guess it was okay there was like a hill or some water nearby but uh there's trees which was not not very good to have trees I need to be able to see around me so I started cutting down trees and it didn't take long for some parasites to show up [Music] I just stopped attacking me [Music] and I brought a pig with it like why do they have an additional move look at this guy [Music] ah you're weak in the forest you can't move [Music] you gotta run from tree to tree [Music] sorry turkey [Music] up ahead [Music] oh wait they can't they can't swim down they can't swim underwater So within 2 minutes and 30 seconds of showing up on this beach I had I had already become distracted and I was trying to breed turkeys for some reason well I don't know why hey here's me walking around trying to get turkeys and trying to get them to follow me for some reason before I had even didn't even have a place to put them but here I am trying to kind of do that for some reason anyways I eventually got back to cutting down trees and uh yeah it was it was good the next morning when I woke up I saw something very nice okay that is not good phase three I gotta look that up while I'm recording this right now the voiceover for this I have absolutely no idea what it was that I said was nice so you just saw it I hope it was nice all right I don't I don't know what I meant by that then I got back to cutting down trees except at this time I built this little structure to protect me from a simulated Enderman however on my way home that night uh I somehow again forgot that it was a swarm night [Music] that's not good [Music] [Music] [Music] I feel a lot of parasites very quickly [Music] oh [Music] yeah of course as soon as I figure out how to take advantage of the attack I left the house in the morning and I started getting Flint to make arrows then I got back to cutting down trees and killing turkeys and then I think I gave up on breeding them because I did there's just too much going on for the situation I was in the next day I made something called assimilated soup which for some reason I thought would be a good idea to consume luckily I was full of hunger so I did not need to eat the assimilated Taco Bell okay okay that's enough that is enough out of you anyway so I started I was running around the town trying to lower my Hunger for some reason so I could try to keep it [Music] look at that where's the head [Music] a horse a wolf [Music] hey Horace how's it going [Music] thank you [Music] what are you doing here get out of here [Music] the base I was staying in had barbed wire around it which I wanted to take with me because that was the whole reason I came here it looked very secure it looked very safe looked good and it was also damaging mobs that walked into it so when I build my new bunker I absolutely needed to build this so I looked up the recipe to make it and found out that you could make something even better it was something called flaming barbed wire and uh anything fire related remember anything fire related it was a man like me needed to have so seeing that I got my attention but to make it I was gonna need red phosphor which was only attainable in the nether so that was going to be my focus soon so I went down to the mines found where I had made obsidian before and made a portal just gonna take a peek one little peek I'm I'm almost certain there's no parasites in another so let's just go through and see it is that phosphorus what is this stuff [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no okay foreign wasn't about to start just picking up random things this time but for once having a messy full inventory with all my stuff on me I actually gave me a huge it was a bonus here right a huge bonus because it meant that I could only pick up the things that were in my inventory and I didn't need to worry about accidentally picking up the Red Death or whatever it was that I picked up before that nearly killed me so I filled my inventory and started inspecting everything that I could look at and eventually eventually I found it turns out what I had mine before him I had almost already killed me uh was it however it has a the Red phosphor Blocks have a small chance of dropping that whatever the Red Death stuff is so just as long as I had a full inventory and reserved one of the spots for red phosphorus I could walk over all the stuff that drops from mining one of these blocks not have to worry about being incinerated so that's what I did I spent the next little while in another just walking around looking for these blocks and collecting as much red phosphorus as I could to make this stuff I was gonna need a blast furnace and it's not the blast furnace that you're probably familiar with from the future version of Minecraft this was a very different type of blast furnace that wasn't exactly easy to make it needed a lot of stuff but it was worth it to make it because if I made this Blast Furnace I could make a ton a ton of other stuff that would be really useful against the parasite so I knew I knew that I needed to make this Blast Furnace one of the parts that I was going to need to make it was tungsten and lucky for me it happened to be all over the cave that I was currently in so that part was easy what was difficult was going to be to make the copper plates getting copper is easy you can just find it anywhere but to make specifically plates I was going to need to make a new machine called a press which wasn't complicated to make but it did require a absolute boatload of iron but I figured I would I was going to come across a bunch of iron anyways while I was looking for the other parts so I'd worry about that later once I had the Press I was going to need a blueprint folder okay there's a lot of stuff here you can see it's just layers on layers and layers the blueprint folder was you could get you get schematics that you'd put into the press and then you could make the Press make the plates all right so to make the make the blueprint folder I was going to need paper and to get paper and any other mod pack simple you just go get bamboo or whatever sugarcane but the problem with this mod pack is that I knew that whatever bamboo I found there was going to be a the most disgusting creature you could ever possibly imagine standing on it so I left the cave and sure enough the most disgusting creature I could ever possibly imagine was standing on that bamboo and look there's the stuff I need hey good to see you you mind if I just take that really quick well the good thing is that there's two of them oh yeah okay okay see how quick he can go from an alive man to a dead man hey made a mistake kind of hoping it's always the head after they gotta worry about [Music] [Music] it foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I think that was both of them taken care of I don't know what it is with this Lake it's like a cursed Lake that little Excursion which was only a few feet it took nearly all day so I converted the paper into the machine template folder which I couldn't use just yet because I didn't have the Press but the next day I was finally able to make the Press so I made it I placed it down I opened it up and the first thing I saw was a little temperature gauge in the left and thought I have no idea how to use this thing I should have probably looked it up so then I thought okay you know what let me open up this this machine template folder maybe that will explain how to use it and I opened that thing up and thought wow I am a man who who was very lost right now absolutely no idea what I'm looking at I was I was going to call Guinness and say hey come on come on down and get the world record for world's most confused man and that is me in that moment but you know what I figured it out I call Guinness what what does that okay I figured out the first you need to make a flat stamp which is it's an easy recipe you just use whatever base ore you want so you can use iron stone diamond tungsten Etc and that will dictate how the durability of it then you need to use some bricks and Redstone it's a fairly easy recipe so the next day I made one with that flat stamp I could then use the machine template folder to select the type of stamp that I wanted in this case I picked an iron plate stamp you then put that plate stamp into the Press which needs to be heated up using some sort of fuel I use lava buckets I did that earlier by the way once the machine is at the required temperature you can remember that little temperature gauge that confused me you can you can put oars in and start stamping there we go two three now that I have my copper plates I can make a copper panel which I could then use to make the blast furnace but I underestimated how much copper I was going to need so I had to go out and get more and when I did that I found something not so great okay okay that [Music] I believe that is something that I need to deal with immediately that that thing was a beacon and if left unchecked it would spread to the entire world and it would basically kill me okay it would get to stage five and it would kill me there's no need for an explanation if I didn't kill that thing then and there I would die okay so I need to deal with this thing immediately my plan was to make something known as an incendiary grenade I found this thing a few days ago when I was looking through without weapons and this thing right here you'll see just how incredible it is at the time I had no idea how incredible this thing was but I knew this was the perfect tool for the job but I needed to make it as fast as possible and blow whatever that thing was up so I got the copper panel made and then I used it in the blast furnace which was good because then that with the blast furnace I could also make steel which was needed for the grenade the grade was easy to make it only required three steel plates again you had to put those things through the Press boom boom boom and get those plates going uh then I need to make a steel rod probably need to use the press for that too boom get the steel rod then I needed some TNT not to mention later I was gonna need red phosphorus which turns it into the incender area grenade to make the steel unit I made the grenade no need I got a big block of text right here explaining it the grenade was made and on day 29 I used the wires to make the fuse why I'm still explaining how to make it when I'm okay I I made the grenade okay now that I had the grenade I combined it with the red Falls it's still seriously going on okay finally I had the incendiary grenade look there it is days day 29 got a beautiful grenade ready to go I had two of these things two of these absolute bad boys all right which might not seem like a lot uh but making more of these in the future would be easy now that I had all the Machinery required to assemble them I was going to turn basically turn my base into a giant arms Factory anyway so I grabbed them and I had it back into the cave where I saw those parasites it was time to see what these things can do okay oh my God oh that annihilated them this was the precise moment that I felt like I actually might survive this whole thing up until this point I had very little confidence in the idea that I was gonna get to date 100. I thought for sure this video was going to be called I spent 100 days not I survived 100 days I was probably gonna have to make a joke about how my cousin was playing or I didn't count but at this moment right here I felt like I could actually survive this whole thing and after seeing how powerful these grenades were I wanted to make more the bottleneck though and making more was TNT there wasn't many Creepers out in the world because parasites were taken over so getting gunpowder was going to be difficult but I needed more and I learned that you could make gunpowder with nighter which was found in caves so I went back into where I had blown up the beacon and I started looking for nighter but I found something even better first thing we just run over is that a creepers Reaper smarter and one looks like we completely reverted back from phase three that's amazing there's a witch up there I don't want to get in business with that guy [Music] I think there's a creeper spawner there which is massive don't blow up [Music] oh [Music] animals why am I blowing up every creeper [Music] I am horrible [Applause] really good [Music] what is with them blowing up [Music] like what [Music] I I I filled my inventory with TNT and yanked that all back to the my little chemical Factory I had going on in the in down there and I started the process it all I I made I think six grenades six of them but I still had a lot of TNT left over and I had more red phosphorus I just wasn't going to make it all at once I needed to kind of save my resources but I also didn't want to keep carry all the grenades with me at the same time because knowing me uh I'm the type of man who would throw all six of them at the smallest parasite there is I was all responsible enough to carry all of it at once I need to carry one or two on me right if I don't waste them but it was the night of day 31 which meant that it was a swarm night so I went upstairs and got ready for the attack okay here we go foreign [Music] there's a horse two horses I really like the horses actually foreign oh look at that thing [Music] oh okay I don't know what that was but that almost killed me whatever that explosion was almost killed me okay whatever it is that's that's busting off it's getting out of hand they just keep coming yeah I'm gonna let it take care of itself you don't need to be in here okay see that would have killed me there what is doing that okay there's about 100 heads out there or whatever those things are called so many you know what it's not my problem I spent the entire next day enchanting random books in my inventory and uh basically just wasting valuable time that I could have been using to build my house I I don't know why I was doing this right the day 32 write it down in the history books the world's most useless day well I was walking through the Cave the next day I saw something some giant creature uh something that something I didn't want in my cave right let's just put it that way foreign oh it is so worth it to make those things do you see what it did to that spider I'm down to two now though these grenades I love them I love them and I truly hope that uh Robert Kim lagundo Shadow Steve all these people who usually participate in the scenario videos do not watch this video because I'm gonna try to sneak these grenades into a mod pack that we will play in the future and I would really like to throw them at someone so I really hope they're not watching this video all right if you are just forget you've you know it was far enough in the video I think I can say that anyway so I need more diamonds uh because my pickaxe or whatever was getting low and I needed to repair it so but yeah I need to go find more but it didn't take long to find them hey not bad so I repaired my pickaxe and uh I set sail I needed to go back to a place I need to go back to the place where it all began a place where I made no definitive statements about not returning to all right and the reason why I came back here is because do you remember that little webbed building that I was talking about very very early on on day one that I saw that I eventually wanted to return to well guess what it was time for me to go back there not because I wanted to loot it but because the brick that it was built out of was a very very very very very strong brick almost as hard as obsidian I believe and that was the exact type of material that I wanted to build my bunker out of because these parasites eventually gain the ability to break blocks some of them do so I needed something strong and this this was it I went in and I looted the place but I didn't get anything crazy but I did find out that there was a lot of Steel in here which would have saved me a lot of time because I spent a ton of time making this deal with the blast furnace I was look I should have just came in here in day one doesn't matter there's no I don't know okay so anyways the next day I returned home and I got more and I need I was gonna need a lot of these I was needed this These Bricks all right a ton of these bricks very strong bricks and I wanted some of the fences too so I planned on making these things I don't know okay I'm just doing stuff perfect that's great writing Sean I was just doing stuff anyway so uh in case you're wondering where are the parasites because I haven't been talking about parasites in a while uh they hadn't left me alone this entire time I was doing this stuff oh he's chasing me oh if I get here oh it's just a head oh okay well the fact that they can have turn their body into half the sizes changes this whole three High thing I built my first bunker layout with Cobblestone and almost immediately I hated this so I took it down because I realized that I wanted to build into the hill so I started digging that out the following day I tried a simpler but smaller design that I still didn't like but I thought you know what once I replaced the Cobblestone with the proper bricks and it might look okay so I just stuck with it and the next day the next next day day 38 I got there and realized how bad it looked and I wanted a whole new idea so I tore it all down again my new plan was to build a fenced-in lock up that led to an underground bunker the idea was that I could come up from my bunker step outside and be totally safe because I'm in a fully fenced in structure that I can look out of see see what sort of creature was crawling across the field and be safe and it would also look cool because it was fences and barbed wire and all that sort of stuff so not to mention whatever the parasites they'd be burned to death if they walked near the the thing like electrified fence but with fire this was this was what I wanted to make bacon it was coming along nicely I got the front end and shape done then I built the frame for the bunker itself all right that's not bad I had it home after a hard day of work finally feeling like I was on the right track but before heading to bed I made some more fences which was actually pretty easy to do I then realized I had actually run out of food and not realized it because I was so focused on parasites and building so I went to the Village to get some crops uh and then I uh I saw a certain man standing on a roof what is that thing it didn't die [Music] I swear I can hear behind me [Music] it's just opened my door [Music] I swear to open my door foreign I just blew up my chest with all of my enchants in it I don't think there was anything that good in that chest to be honest I mean I had on my lap no I got my lapis I had a diamond one diamond so you know it's a piece I know I have knowing that thing is look what it look what the bomb did to that building that was enough for me for the day so I went back into the cave and just sort of bacon bread day 40. okay big 4-0 or as uh Robert calls it the big 40. Robert if you're watching this video please message me me and what me and Gerald are deeply concerned about you what does that even oh yeah cause Robert's in jail okay anyway so um I put I I put this funky door up and I got what am I even talking about right now I build a door what oh yeah this cool door yeah I remember so then I I added barbed wire to the top of the fences and it looked pretty good on the inside I made this little dirt patch with my shovel and added some reinforced blocks I learned that from the uh the last 100 days video I did anyways I was really liking how this place was looking but there was still a big problem it was easy to get in via the roof or lack there of a roof and he pairs I could just leap over the fence and jump down and latch onto my head so I needed to fix that my plan was to fill the entire roof with barbed wire it would be absolutely perfect so later that night in the cave I made more Barbed Wire by getting aluminum ore smelting it down than putting it in the press and using a wire stamp to get wire okay so remember the Flaming barbed wire that I wanted to make I finally did that and the next day I took some red phosphorus combined it with the barbed wire and boom look at that I had a beautiful flaming barbed wire which was great so I got back to building uh and for the roof I just put down all the barbed wire in a nice pattern right there which is great then I wanted some sort of wall to prevent mobs from even getting on it in the first place so I did that and I lined even that wall with barbed wire 100 days of barbed wire I also dug out a bit of a of a more of the bunker get this thing kind of sorted in and I somehow completely forgot that that night was a swarm night which meant that it was it was time to test out this barbed wire base [Music] how did I forget this was tonight oh oh oh look it's working oh oh it's working I should have put it more [Music] [Music] oh [Music] here comes some horses an account [Music] [Music] this might be stupid yourself oh my God I'm trying to hit the spider basketball oh no not in here not not in my base oh is that a regular Enderman that's a regular Enderman why I need to aggro this guy [Music] this is horrible what is doing that in the morning I set up more traps this time I dug two by two pits and sometimes larger actually you know so there's some bigger ones uh with trap doors because the trap doors make the mobs just walk right across them and then in the pit itself I filled it with more barbed wire so once those the dumb parasites will walk across it they just fall into the pit and get chewed up uh and then I worked on the house more I needed more iron though so I went back to the cave and I got some and this was kind of a boring day and then I need more red phosphorus so the fog day I went into the nether to find something with all this new stuff I had gotten I got to work on making more grenades and I had 11 of them now I then set up flaming barbed wire around the bunker which hopefully would stop any mobs from charging at me from whatever Direction they came in during swarms but while I was setting that up I had a had a visitor [Music] spider two spiders [Music] look at that look at look at this oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] works so well hey I love that giant big old spider and crawling across the it's good love spiders hey so I got back to working on the bunker and I dug out more of it and I made the floors nicer the following day I replaced the walls with reinforced blocks so that if I wanted to I could the bunker was Secure it was going to be hard for them to get hopefully I actually had not tested these blocks yet at this time I was just assuming that they would stop some of the stronger parasites and that was all uh that was coming soon I had no idea at the time the next trap though that I made was um I put remember those fire plants the cinder blooms uh I put them or no there was another fire plant the one that I found in the nether I don't even know if I showed down the video or not if they did great if I did not okay I got these from the Nethers it was good anyway so when mobs walked on these they burned up you needed Netherrack they needed to be another rack so that's good anyways um you know you're probably thinking why didn't I just make a lava mode I'll tell you why I didn't make a lava mode number one I didn't like the look of it that is the only reason I didn't like one of the cool looking bunker anyways lastly I went back to the cave and I grabbed some I grabbed the press and the blast furnace and I wanted to bring it over to my new base because I didn't want to be working out of this cave anymore it felt like uh Tony Stark down there what it was not there's not absolutely nothing like Tony anyways no it is like Tony Stark you know the first movie when he's like the only star did this in a cave with his friend or what what am I talking about right now okay day 48 what are the mobs that I mods that I added to this mod pack was known as security craft and security craft is a absolutely beautiful mod because it includes a little item known as the security camera which unknown to me until this very point you can actually get a live view of the camera so if you set one of them up you can anywhere else in the world you can only have a little screen and wireless remotely sorry view that camera's feed this was absolutely necessary for my bunker so I wanted to make these cameras immediately but to make them I was going to need a block reinforcer which was like this thing that needed diamonds and a laser block and all this sort of stuff it was kind of it was a little bit tricky to make but not anyways for some reason though I went out and I was doing this oh foreign oh there it goes okay so I remember I was looking for Moss because I wanted to make a last line of defense for the Trap where in that if I was if my bunker was breech and I needed to run to the door to the actual bunker itself I could press a button and whatever was chasing me would get slammed by barbed wire and to do that I was gonna need sticky pistons and to get the sticky piston I was gonna need Moss because I could use Moss to make slime it's a very boring long explanation for I want a door that closed on parasite could have just said that anyways when I was in the swamp I was hearing the weirdest stuff what is that what is that foreign eventually just got out of there after hearing that stuff and on my way back I found a swimming i i a swimming horse I could not believe this that horse is swimming oh what am I doing go go go I don't know where it is oh okay they hopefully they won't despawn they'll just stay out in the ocean for a little bit and then I can at some point I want to try to get a horse what was that [Music] the horses they've arrived okay the horse is known the next day I made the sticky pistons and the door it was it's really not that interesting okay there's the door working it's good and I didn't do much on day 50 either I did a bit of Mining and I killed some parasites and on day 51 I started digging the hole down to where my main safe bunker would be and I built a ton of ladders too and then I somehow again forgot that it was a swarm night all right oh look at that [Music] oh no that's gonna take damage there oh oh it's taking damage we're like spitting things in here oh there's another one out there what's that sound I'm gonna go I'm gonna have to go out there and take that thing down thank you it's gonna level up oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] there's an underbody is a regular uh there's a spider coming the distance spiders get chewed up one on the Roof [Music] oh my it scares me so much there's no warning on that one oh no oh no right oh no [Music] there's Enderman [Music] oh [Music] they're like bombs there's the Enderman [Music] is that it there we go okay it can teleport mobs inside but it's getting hit right now it's inside the [Music] thank you is it dead you walk out look at the heads there's so many of these they're not all ahead some of them are just oh my where are you going you're you're two seconds ago you're ready to take me out now you're right yeah see you later I cleaned up a lot of the goo that was outside and I went back into the bunker and heard some weird stuff getting up takes so what what just happened what is that what is that what is that thank you what is that what is that what is that thing it's got a lot of Health it's in my base how much health does this thing have it's moving I'm getting away I only have one Arrow left too I have this but whatever it is I kind of wanted to get whatever it drops you know what oh my long arm fragment yes yeah I was having a good day me and the Bears Heights so much fun I thought it was done after that and you know what hey no it was not oh okay I got some serious problems so I headed back into the castle and I got some more of the reinforced blocks that I got while I was there uh and there's also more parasites just form somewhere I don't know where that cow is Chasing a Butterfly or something yeah it's chasing a butterfly what are you doing where is the beacon tell me show me where your beacon is where's the beacon is that this there's a spider oh oh okay day 54 what did I do on day 54 I'll tell you I got diamonds nothing more to say nothing less it's good now that I have diamonds I was time to make a camera system and this was this was gonna be very good because it meant that I would be able to see what was going on outside of my bunker without having to go outside of my bunker I could I could monitor these things remotely but to make them I needed a block reinforcer which required glass and since I had no sand I had to go out to get some yeah easier said than done in this mod pack because the moment I walked outside guess what was out there nice big spider for me oh oh the spider's here whoa oh [Music] okay okay [Music] oh I killed it after that I made the block reinforcer Universal block reinforcer and then yeah I made the camera next I made the camera monitor but I wasn't sure where I wanted to put the camera but yeah I settled on putting it behind the bunker and then I attached the camera to it I was kind of confused about how this all worked okay then if I take the monitor I right click it ah oh oh okay get out of here how do I get out of the camera oh shift this can I put this on a wall how long that I can have multiple cameras so that was my plan I was gonna make a second camera while I was doing that second Beacon spawn somewhere [Music] well I was having fun with cameras something horrible was going on elsewhere then I saw this uh that's a Red Enderman [Music] what is that uh can you slick on my monitor oh there's some cursed can I zoom in just got whatever that is outside of my base no idea what that is and now it's gone I don't know what mod that's a part of that legitimately scares me wait what was that thing I I that's I don't think that's a part of the parasite month I feel like my world save is legitimately cursed yeah I don't know if I want to go set up any more cameras now still I I wanted to get one more camera up but I didn't want to leave my house after that though I I did need some stuff from the old house so in the morning I went and I got in the boat fast I quickly grabbed an anvil and some radio tower pieces and I came back I slapped together a tower put a camera on it and then connected my monitor to it and sat back and enjoyed okay uh camera one nothing in the woods uh let's go to camera two oh we got a good view up here everything's looking good uh if I go to camera three yeah bunkers looking secure oh oh look at this incredible I want to set up one more I was a man who was he had cameras on the Mind couldn't get enough of these things I guess so I wanted one more just one last camera especially after I that Beacon had just reached level two this one was gonna be in the cave that that thing had spawned before so I got that set up then I checked to see if I could see the cameras from the underground base so I can check to see if they're up to anything in here everything seemed like it was working the next thing I needed to do was more strong these bricks that I had built my bunker out of they were reinforced nice strong bricks that are uh they don't break easy so I wanted more of these things so I I sailed out looking for more hey I forgot about that guy oh cool it scares me every time too far now okay okay how far is it gonna chase me for he always brings a new man too I didn't find anything except for this Village which had a lot of food which was good because I was getting low on food and so I just slept there I started sailing home and on my way back I found another Village which okay this Village right here this was the village of my dreams because it had a ton of arrows and the arrow so those were absolutely key I guess the fighting parasites not only that it also had some diamonds too this is a very good Village when I got back I checked the cameras before getting out of the boat and when I confirmed it was clear I ran to the bunker I climbed down and made a new door frame and then I slept I set up a farm in the bottom of the bunker but uh you know I'm a man who has trouble with Farms I thought this time it was gonna work and uh yeah you'll see anyways I got this Farm setting up we're set up but the bunker was just he didn't look very nice down here it kind of looked like uh it looked like something I would make so I wanted to try to make it look a little nicer down here and so uh the floor I don't know that's figure where I figured I'd start I wanted a smooth Stone but I didn't have any coal so I went to get some and thankfully I did because when I went into the cave near the bunker yeah well look what I found oozing tentacles they're rooting all over it um I don't know what those things are they didn't seem to care about uh [Music] like water on a limb and say that's not good [Music] oh there's another one [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I came out of the cave with like 51 coal more fire plants and a ton of iron it was worth it going into there so now that I had all this coal I could finally make did the floor look a little bit nice in the bottom of the bunker I also made lights above the crops I completely stole this idea from disruptive builds although disruptive builds used uh n end lights or whatever they're called and and rods I don't know it looked a lot better than what I made here but you know what hey it's good for a man like me I'm happy with this uh I just kind of wish that anyways so it was another swarm night so I got on the camera and I I watched the attack look at this a giant spider with a bunch of heads attacking my base kind of looked like a what did I write in my scripture it kind of looked like something that was growing on one of my moldy plates on my deck why would I write that I don't even share in that with the world anyway so along with there's a whole bunch of other stuff to spawn the the defenses though they seem to work but during one of the camera inspections for a split second I there was a glitch and I I saw something that I probably wasn't supposed to see a beacon growing somewhere near my bunker underground you know when a man is in a situation like this and there's a glitch that gives him his information you know what you're gonna take that information around with it so in the morning I went to look for it because that's something you had to deal with right away so I went down to the cave and uh [Music] like trampled by like one of those big giant spider things with the heads so I had to barricade myself in and then I jumped down into darkness not knowing what was down there and then I was started getting attacked by an invisible enemy I had no idea what to do I started running like a scared animal and I backed myself into a corner but I remembered that I had put fire barbed wire down there and then I thought if I ran through it whatever it was that was chasing me might also get snagged and it would kill it an absolute moment of Genius on my part in a very dire situation kept me alive there so whatever it was died which was good but I don't I I was starting to think okay we're dealing invisible parasites now because I would be that is we're gonna I'm gonna figure out how to disable that in the mod turns out it was just a glitch using the cameras uh makes the parasites go invisible sometimes so I'm gonna have a catch-22 you get to see him once and then you don't get to see him again so that was I didn't know that it was kind of a ended up being a problem but it was that though I tried to leave but there was a lot of parasites in the way I I killed them but that big disgusting one came back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I I barely got out of there and I did not find the beacon the next day I went back to the old house and I Enchanted my helmet with fire Thorns the idea was was that if I if any anything hit me if even if it was invisible it would start burning so the Fire Thorn enchant was it that was one that I needed to have that was an amazing Enchanted yet and then then I worked on cleaning up the inside of the bunker a little bit I dug the walls out I added some bricks and wood supports um but you know what I think you know how none of these blocks are reinforced down here that if there was a parasite that was for some reason in the walls and it had the ability to break blocks and these weren't reinforced this entire safe room down here is completely pointless because it's gonna it's gonna bust through this wall like the Kool-Aid guy yeah starting to stress me out a little bit so I went back to the camera to try and find where that Beacon was and I did I used the glitch again but I think it was glitch too I don't know but it was the thing that was hitting me while I was down there [Music] so I reloaded the game and went back down there and sure enough there it was it was no longer invisible so that's when I realized the cameras make everything go invisible so while they were good you know I uh man we considered using them every single time anyway so I killed it and uh yeah I got rid of it I I don't know what I I almost wrote my script here about blowing it up so I went back to the old old very old house like you remember that castle when I I was very close to just giving up on this whole thing I went back there and I mined out more of those reinforced blocks because I thought okay we're gonna use those in the down in the bunker and I I basically took everything and when I got back home I was yeah he just never ran I was attacked by an assimilated Enderman and thank God for my bunker design because it shoot him right up on day 65 I was just I was hoping for a nice calm day with no parasites no nothing jumping out of the sky nothing breaking through walls no tentacles coming up through the ground just a nice calm day all right so I spent the entire day working on the bunker I cleaned up the floors a bit I dug out at amount of the wall and then I replaced it with reinforced stone bricks that I had mined the day before and uh you know it was starting to look good I was a man who was feeling good I was very happy things were finally turning around and then uh yeah okay [Music] okay that's honestly I have no clue what stage four does but you just know it can't be good it absolutely can't be good uh on day 66 in my script I just wrote no so I'm gonna go ahead and just uh whatever happened on day 66 is you're watching it on screen right now because I got no idea so next I uh parasites were oozing out of the area behind the bunker I kept finding the biggest nastiest ones there so I suspected that there must be something down there that's causing these things to spawn that must be where another Beacon is or something the level the one that made us go to stage four so I went there and I I found a cave I climbed in and it did not take long for me to start finding just disgusting parasites hello any weirdos down here yep right there foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] it's getting stuck in the water [Music] look at that thing thank you [Music] they keep them back up [Music] there's so many of them you'll see a crawl back up from that yeah where are you gonna go now look at that that's how you deal with a problem like that Kayla used one of those on one of those spiders [Music] all right [Music] foreign do you see that [Music] that's how I'm dealing with it it's survived [Music] thank you there's that okay okay I'll tell you deal with something like that he already said that there's more [Music] there's so much down here [Music] foreign what is that thing I'm out of arrows [Music] from this of spawned beacons they keep forming what is going on here this this was a much bigger problem than I anticipated and I did not have enough Firepower on me to burn these things out so my plan was to come back with more I dug a tunnel up from where this wherever this thing was and so I could find it easily in the future because I didn't want to have to go through the cave again and go through a bunch of tunnels and get chased by whatever else it was gonna spawn so this nice little stairway up and down from here was gonna be a direct route to or whatever it was that was going on down here so I got back to my base in the morning I grabbed my bombs and I went back what are you doing there's just it's being teleported look at that thing again you know you deal with this stuff it didn't do anything thank you well this isn't oh why did I say something get out of here get here now [Music] [Music] [Music] what is this thing [Music] the fingers I have an idea oh [Music] no it's gonna pull me into it it's gonna pull me into it keep pulling me closer [Music] stop it [Applause] [Music] his fingers [Music] I gotta get out of here [Music] this is not good I don't want to waste a bomb if it doesn't do anything whoa [Music] there's no way that didn't hurt it there we go I don't know why I doubted look at the lake is that it [Music] if I stop the spread [Music] or am I going to start here there's more oh once I cleared everything out I returned home hoping hoping that you know what that was gonna stop the spread because tonight they ended all right but day 69 I could finally relax and work on my house so I went down to the bunker I started replacing more of the floor and fixing the wood the wood supports I set up they kept burning I suspected because there was a lava near them I didn't know that could happen but it was kind of annoying me you you build something you come back it's burnt down you do it over and over again until you question why that's happening anyways I was getting annoyed with my garden though the beams and it kept coming out [Music] it was uh I've been down there all day and it was time to kind of go hit the dusty trail go to bed so I went over to the ladder and the weirdest thing in the world happened to me [Applause] oh mind you this was at like 4 30 in the morning and I I was starting to think okay maybe I'm just super tired and I I don't know what happened so then I looked over the footage and it was a glitch yeah I I I was I was worried I was losing my mind but no that it legitimately glitched I glitched up the ladder if you ever seen that before let me know because that was very bizarre very weird to happen anyway so I want to go back to the old house to enchant some stuff because I noticed that I was now level 42. uh so I walked outside saw an Enderman and uh made the poor decisions to say look at that I'm not even scared of these things anymore [Music] hey hey hey oh okay okay okay let's go [Music] okay I think I heard a beacon so [Music] what what is going on [Music] it's just it's just too much I heard a beacon I got over the house Enchanted my stuff and uh I got some books and I wanted to get home as soon as possible don't want to be out too long you know why you know what's tonight a bad night to be out that's what is so just I'm just keep I keep glancing over at the timer take a look at the sky we're gonna make this quick we're gonna throw a book in there we're gonna see what we get loyalty boring efficiency one I'm just wasting levels at this point level 41 that's a huge level Razor's Edge underwater Strider butchering that's another bad one don't want that plowing Razor's Edge I don't know what Razor's Edge does what's this glass protection for lesser flame projectile just wasting my levels waste my beautiful levels Razor's Edge lesser from Advanced Fire Protection come on just throw my levels away lucky throw sharpness to being a manager thoughts just a bunch of waste of time sharpness three I will take there we go aqua affinity protection 2 I will take all right well there we go time to go home don't have enough time to play games right now because tonight's going to be an absolutely brutal swarm hey see you later enough yeah and you take your little head crawl on somewhere else but I am one dumb man because when I said that I thought it was day 71 not day 70. is that tomorrow tomorrow is a swarm so with my extra day now that I found out that it was not this one tonight I wanted to build a small Tower above my bunker so that in the event of a beacon or a tentacle or some sort of flying spreader I would be equipped to take it out without having to leave my bunker so I could just go up there shoot at it take it out and it was gonna be all good but you know so I started building this thing and uh but I didn't get it done before nightfall and I felt it was unsafe to continue working on it given the fact that there was a swarm that night so I just uh sealed it up tonight and got I got ready for another absolute onslaught of parasites oh here we go oh what what a nice okay oh she's close closing the door oh oh okay oh I got it we got one okay okay this is exactly why I made the tower okay did you do this this is exactly why I made the tower here comes another wave that's there's nothing they can climb see there it is down what is that [Music] from the weapon oh okay down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down hey dude I'll show you what you do can you start seeing that sort of stuff you do this you go down here close this door you bring up the monitor stand right over here nice and far and you look at this look at this [Music] oh oh my God this is horrifying [Music] oh no why are the skeletons you gotta leave this thing's gonna this thing look it's gonna kill all these skeletons [Music] what is that guy doing he's like see that this man's standing up for me saying okay guys relax we don't need to be going in there do you know this guy right here he survives I'm taking him down with me what's going on up there where's the explosions coming from [Music] what is that what is that [Music] what is that thing [Music] okay [Music] hey oh okay two owners won't see you hiding too [Music] oh I got one of those flying things no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this man's still helping me out there on the right look at the right over there what is going on that's another whole wave coming in [Music] I need more of these barricade here here we go everyone go on in look at this at least they fall for it they they walk right in [Music] explode look at the right side of the screen there's something in the water something up there too I can't oh giant spider here we go they're creeping and crawling across the thing the air is quiet from The Horde is stopped it hasn't stopped look around and what what is the thing that bombing people there's a pig there's still I'm not this thing is spreading what have you done what are you doing but if I stand here you think that's going to move them into a yeah there we go they follow me they don't they know where I am [Music] that's just that's just nice there's a cow coming down here [Music] walk right into the barbed wire those guys I don't even know what to say about that deal with that exactly what I'm talking about that's exactly what I'm talking about stuff just pops stresses me out another thing just popped open anything else popping open today okay whatever what I don't know what that is but you hear that this is what you do straight back down here you run to the front right corner take a look do you see that do you see that right there [Music] I don't know what I was about to go up there [Music] and what is [Music] what was that thing I'm gonna die doing this this is gonna be a mistake [Music] that Beacon needs to go away there's Thunder going off I don't where is it and what am I gonna do about that I didn't know there's water [Music] they're gonna pull me in one of the pits they're gonna pull me in one of the pits why are they here why they're underneath my base why are they underneath my face [Music] what is that what is that okay so that uh I did not go as planned that was like a completely out of hand so I fled to that boat that I found a while ago and I stayed there for several moments while I try to figure out what my next move was but I didn't even want to be on open water after knowing that there's now water parasites why'd I say water like that I think there's there's parasites in the water okay I didn't even know those were in this uh but now they are so that's yeah that's good no we're safe love that my whole idea my whole plan was evolved around water so hey you know what send them in there big parasite squids that's good so I I went back to the old house and I hid underground for the night in the morning I I came back up and I took on that yellow eye it turns out they're they're easy to kill they're just they're scary [Music] I killed it and I slowly made my way back home being sure to sail past the beach a few times because I didn't know what had survived right and knowing these things or I assumed that they were still there but lucky for me they had either left or despawned I was really hoping that they despawn didn't just move to somewhere else in the forest anyways I I once it was clear I I moved in I added some more defenses to my bunker like barbed wire uh there's more fences uh I made the hits bigger I just made a couple extra tweaks after had what I had saw the night before I mean I made a few adjustments because I did not want that to happen again I took some of the hard-on bricks and I went up the tower to make it bigger and and more secure I had spent most of the day working on this Tower trying to get it to look nice but it's it's hard to make these things look good I needed to be able to shoot out of it and also have it be strong enough that if I didn't know what was coming next if there was a guy if there was a Donkey Kong parasite that was gonna throw a boulder or someone who's gonna I didn't know what I was I didn't know what to expect so I just wanted this thing to be secure but it's hard to make it secure and look nice because you need bulk and you know what it doesn't matter whatever whatever I'm explaining right now it does not matter what I ended up doing was putting some fence pieces up that would hopefully allow me to shoot out of it and not get shot into even though it's just an open hole so I don't know what I was thinking so I got this thing set up and you know it was okay it was fine but the next day when I went outside to look at it it looks it looks so bad it just looks like this giant lollipop growing out of my nice bunker but I didn't have much I didn't have time to think about it too long because uh you only get about 30 seconds of Peace in this mod pack before something comes and tries to kill you [Music] I think I think I've had enough I think I've had enough of these parasites I was getting fed up with these things I was getting absolutely fed up with parasites and I wanted them all to die I was done with them so I went into my bunker I started flipping through the pages of what I could build and I I was looking for the perfect weapon to get rid of these things that's where I found this flamethrower shaft that was part of a flamethrower and uh the moment I saw that I knew then and there that this was something that I had to make so I looked through the various parts that I needed and it was it was not something simple this was a big big project if you wanted to make one of these without getting too complicated in my explanation there were multiple parts that you needed to make to make the flamethrower like the shaft tank igniter there's probably like 10 other things I'm not thinking over the top of my head right now there was a lot of things that you needed to make and they all require different things but the most common element was organic steel to get organic steel you needed to take iron leather and parasite chunks and combine them to make pestilent chunks which you would then combine with four other pestilent chunks and four more iron or five I can't remember to get semi-organic uh semi-organic Ingot I'm trying to remember all this which you would then smelt to get one single piece of organic steel I was a lot of work for one piece of Steel and to make this flamethrower you needed you needed a lot of that steel in other words this flamethrower was it was going to be expensive difficult and time consuming to make but it would absolutely eviscerate or I should say incinerate parasites and this was something that I I I needed to have I had some parasite chunks I guess what are they called I don't know these little bean looking things I I had some of them but I was gonna need more I was gonna need a lot more of these things I also I was gonna need a ton of iron more iron than I'd ever dreamed of Stacks and stacks and stacks of iron and then Leather So leather was easy to get I just you could just smelt food down iron was I guess easy to get you just needed to mine for a while and then the parasite chunks is gonna need to start focusing on killing parasites more the first thing that I wanted to focus on right now though was just trying to get more iron so I went down into the bunker uh and for some reason I made I'm an idiot I started mining down there just opening up hallways and chasms on the other side of the walls to make it more likely for parasites I don't know why I did this I kind of I think I realized as I was doing this this was just a terrible decision so but I got some iron came back up and in the morning I made my first batch of Tesla chunks but I was gonna need so much more so much more than this and iron was I was I was absolutely out of iron but I thought maybe I had some of the old house so uh I went over there and I figured hey even if I don't want I can at least mine there because it's I'd rather I'd rather parasites be spawning there than here uh so I made my way over I killed some parasites before I even touched the shore then I went down to see if I had iron and I don't think I did but that you know it's fine so I started Mining and I spent a good chunk of time down there mining is mining as much iron as I could I ended up going through some of the old tunnels that I had dug and uh yeah I saw something weird in one of them what is that okay okay of course a man like me truly couldn't just walk away from that so while my iron was smelting I returned to that hallway with my fire grenades and I started to investigate and by investigate I mean blow a massive hole into it [Music] foreign I gave it a few seconds and I still heard footsteps I don't think it's dead [Music] something huge I needed to see what that was so I made a new diamond pickaxe so that the super powered Enchanted one that I had it was just causing me problems I don't know if it doesn't matter I made a new diamond pickaxe right because this one was much slower and I could yeah I I I started digging a tunnel off that's what I'm trying to say [Music] look at that you can remove blocks whatever that thing was it was not going down so I had to hit I had it was time for another grenade [Music] I don't know what to do [Music] it was finally dead so I went up and carefully made my way over to whatever it was that was spreading this stuff oh my God look at the size of this thing this parasite biome which was caused by a high level Beacon that if not dealt with would eventually turn into a Max Level Beacon that would pretty much end my entire world and kill me this was something that I needed to address immediately and unfortunate for me I had no more bombs in my inventory because otherwise I'd just be chucking those things down there so in the morning I I got on my boat sailed home getting chased by an adapted yellow eye I got there grabbed the bombs came back and I just started whipping those things in there [Music] they're great minimizing oh second one still alive [Music] [Music] [Music] I tried to sail home that night but like I started getting chased by things there was Enderman chasing my boat I think there was yellow eyes flying around it was just not a good night to be out on the water I wasn't even trying to be out on the water I don't know why I did to be honest for some reason I was out there but I ended up getting lost and finding a village and staying in that Village until the sunrise but for some reason the day counter didn't update and I got very very confused which is weird because when I was in the mine it said day 76 which is technically in Minecraft days day 77 because day one in Minecraft is day zero on this day counter so if it's a day 76 it was technically day 77 and so I I it was night time I sailed home or I sailed to this Village I waited till the sun came up and it still said day 76. so the day counter didn't I don't know I don't know what happened here this was supposed to be day 78 that we're going into but you know what here we go day 77 again you know what they say you get to live there the best day of your life two days in a row that's uh I don't know so I found my way back but I passed there were those bombs I kept seeing these little bombs in the shore right there kept looking at those things and thinking I would absolutely love to mine this thing and bring it down to that biome and just detonate this uh but you can't oh and just pass by it when I got back to my house I made organic Steel by uh mixing the iron with the pestle and chunks and then baking it and I counted that you need 29 of these before you're able to make the flamethrower uh because oh I wrote in my script make sure that you talk about how many you need before okay so I did not write that into the script so now I'm telling you now you know no I'm not not going to go back and add any voice clips over to before you now you know I need 29 of these things and after all of that I only had 11. so I went out looking for more parasites to kill [Music] there's something huge right there there's something huge right there it's right there it's in the trees it's one of those things I think we actually have these hacks okay they do okay show me these things too many of these things too much stuff going on thank you I need more of that steel stuff but I saw that I could get I could make fire bombs with just a few ingredients and one of them was paper I didn't have any sugar cane so I went out to get that and while looking for it I ended up sailing down the bank and I found some I also stopped by that factory that I found before and I'm gonna be honest I uh need a little bit of cheating I went online and I started looking up a little bit more about this mod and I learned that if you find one of these factories in the wild that there should be some goodies hidden underneath the furnace so I yeah I went this I went over to the lava I think I was acting like I didn't know this take a look in the chest though we've got some good stuff there and I alluded it and I don't know I don't know I think I got this grenade I don't even think of which I wasted this grenade like five seconds later [Laughter] I now had 17 of the 29 organic steel that I needed to make the flamethrower and I almost had enough stuff to make the new Fire grenades however I didn't have string but I had enough I thought I thought I had some of the old house so I went over I only had a little but I made the new grenades and I wanted to test them out so I carefully made my way back to where that massive Beacon was I like hearing a weird noise come on I'm gone I'm gone after hearing that I'm just leaving I normally I'd want to know what it is don't care don't care I'll tell you what it is it's a man running out of a hole that's what that is I need more iron and uh I need more organic stuff so the next storm night my plan was to not hide inside but rather go out and fight stuff in a very careful manner because I didn't want to I didn't want to die this late thing but for now I need to focus on getting iron so I went Mining and in the evening of what I thought was day 80 I returned home not really realizing that I had been mining for nearly like 20 minutes and uh it was actually the night of day 81 meaning it was a swarm night [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I don't know what's happening tonight oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no well I'm not ready for this I'm ready for this see that see the little things I need them right now well there's nothing going look at all the wolves look at the wolves thank you oh I was gonna go out but as soon as this is over look at the horses well here comes everyone everyone's having a good time they're all exploding big spider coming through all right hey how's it going these are all small parasites like part of me thinks that if I went out there I would survive I just I just need I want to get all those little bits oh dude I might need to do it oh there's so many but there's another I don't want to be down here unless what's going on it's just I'm gonna lose all the bits they're despawning I need I need to get them [Music] oh this is gonna this this could be the end of it oh what do you need to do it I need the flamethrower if I'm quick and if I'm precise and if I run just right there's no spiders and there's not and there's not there's no other extra things they haven't encountered yet just a quick trip out the door okay quick it's a quick that's gotta be it right there's something just inside okay [Music] there's a peak in there oh I just got so many I got so many in the morning I came up and things had already gotten a little bit funky oh oh thank you um what is that thing it's just that is bigger than one of the regular head things so I made more organic steel and then I pressed wires to make grenades I also didn't know how my tower my Towers is looking so bad so I wrote my script I'll be forced to fix it even though it's not important yeah you don't end up fixing it all right you end up that thing ends up getting blown by this point I had enough organic steel but I also needed more parasite parts for the other parts of the plate flamethrower uh you need even more iron I was able to make three more grenades for now but uh it was just iron iron is the thing that I needed an iron on the mine always so I left the house to get some and I discovered something interesting nearby oh [Music] horse in a tree [Music] wow I really want this guy yep I need him I need him but I also really need me I really need iron I guess I got gonna kind of think about it what's more important right now I really wanted to put a name tag on this guy to preserve him but it was at the is that the old house and I didn't have time for this stuff like I couldn't be messing around I was running out of time I needed a flamethrower so I had to ask myself what was more important right now getting iron so that I could make grenades to keep myself alive for the next 17 days or getting a name tag for a horse that uh wants to kill me where's my name tags you know what a problem is probably was in this chest when I got blown up by someone else while I was there I figured that I would uh I'd choose the worst place on Earth to get iron right next to the big parasite Hive um but I had my grenades so I thought it would be okay foreign okay oh did I just hit that thing with a stake what was that now this might seem like a terrible idea being here and getting iron here but but I was thinking that I could potentially get parasite parts that I needed to finish making the flamethrower what is going on right there thank you okay come and chase me someone's chasing me okay honestly whatever it dropped foreign over there there's still stuff spawning still large creatures spawning that the problem has not been dealt with I was gonna be like oh problem solved okay I better solve the problem I got the stuff that I needed to end it was time to go home in the morning when I got back I I immediately got to work [Music] foreign [Music] bones and rotten flesh I realize the best place to get that was at the old dungeon and so I went there and I killed some zombies and skeletons and in the morning I built the flame core and Infused it with the flamethrower I was finally ready to light this thing up and incinerate of parasites so I took it out next to that giant parasite thing near my bunker and let it rip but nothing came out and I was extremely confused so I hopped over into a different world in Creative and tried using it and it worked but when I switched to survival it did not work and I could not figure it out I tried adding all sorts of things to my inventory and nothing worked until I added fuel course so I learned to make it work you need fuel cores which are they're not it's just always more you know there's always more you got to do always so learn how to make them they require fuel capsules which first are made from stained glass planes panes sorry and iron always more iron but luckily I had I had a decent amount of that so I made a bunch of these capsules and next what you had to do is fill them with fuel and to get to get fuel you could use parasite parts and norcool and depending what you added them you got more or less fuel so the juicier the parasite part the more fuel you got so I filled a ton of them and I was ready to go all right this should work [Music] you know what I got a new I got a new thing [Music] okay day 87 to 90. I'm gonna be honest I have absolutely no idea what I was doing during that time I believe I was probably working on the flamethrower probably running around killing parasites just you what whatever whatever you've seen on screen right now is what I was doing right that's there it is day 90 the last 10 days and uh truly couldn't believe that I was still alive I had no idea I was anyways I I had a good stash of flamethrower fuel but I was still worried that I was gonna need more especially when it didn't kill this long arms as fast as I thought it would all right here we go hey [Music] yeah come on try it [Music] look at that [Music] annihilate honestly I have no idea I was out here doing this stuff right now I should have been just back at the base preparing I figured arrows would be a good idea to have so the next day I tried to well I don't know it was out getting arrows or something like that but then I also it was a swarm night all right that's the most important part here come out and let's get ready to get incinerated oh look one parasite okay two parasites this might be stupid but I'm gonna try something oh this is probably stupid but you know what yeah where on my house no I refuse I want the bits I want all the bits I want everything I want those I want those big time those those I need everything's on the water if I go quick I can get it oh [Music] oh don't know what that is foreign [Music] no I thought we were done foreign [Music] thank you I gotta get rid of that thing is shooting acid at me oh five what do you mean five no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God relax burn this thing down where's the water there I left the monitor up there no more spawning but I gotta deal with the ones that are alive still not fighting them at night these swarms were getting more and more intense I wanted to get as many parasite Parts as I could but there was still a lot of mobs left in the morning that I had to kill once they were dealt with I went outside and I cleaned up as much as I could then I saw that something who knows what at this point had blown a hole into the hill behind my bunker luckily those reinforced blocks I had spent so much time getting actually stopped them from getting completely in but who knows what else was gonna start coming because I was trying to kill as many yellow eyes as I could though because the bones that they dropped were very very useful [Music] I don't know how I'm gonna kill that thing how many arrows 31 arrows okay there's two of them and then there's [Music] I can't let this guy Patrol oh [Applause] [Music] the Spider goes down easy but what is this thing oh there's another one of those things in there [Music] mom [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] what the [Music] no I'm not dying to a horse [Music] oh my God oh no I'm not going out in a boat [Music] not a 21 arrows I can't there's another one there foreign [Music] with this stuff that I got I made more fuel and I was starting to notice a bit of a problem with my bunker in the morning uh tentacles you know the big long things that kind of creepy uh they kept popping up inside inside of my bunker and I have zero clue where these things were coming from uh but it was but it wasn't long before I found out where they were coming from what is that what is that there was a there's so much damage to my bunker so I had to spend the day fixing it and between Day 94 and 96 I really didn't do much I explored a bit I repaired gear basically killed time until the final battle and on day 96 the very last thing that I wanted to do was build a fully secure Panic Room made from obsidian the idea was that if one of these things somehow got through all of my traps and smashed its way into the lower bunker this was a final line of defense that I could go into and entomb myself into to get to the morning of day 100 and say that I survived I didn't know if they could break obsidian I didn't know anything but this was a Hail Mary in case of complete failure so I went to the nether portal and I started mining obsidian then I got back and started building it and I kept working on the next day and even brought some of the explosives that I had found like that barrel uh and and some TNT and some other stuff I just brought it all down here just in case that the I got chased down here I fixed up some of the Trap outside of the bunker on day 98. I've replanted fire flowers and basically just kept prepping for the final swarm and on day 99 I finished the Panic Room but my bunker was already under attack by tentacles which usually meant something big and scary was nearby okay okay okay I don't I don't know [Music] okay I shouldn't be in my house there's this huge thing right there thank you yep gotta patch that hole for sure I gotta patch that hole look at this giant you know what not my problem anymore [Music] this is what I'm worried about this is exactly what I'm worried about thank you but by Nightfall I was ready for the final swarm all right you know tonight I'm not afraid I have no idea what that thing is okay that's a lot of a lot of scary stuff coming you know what okay I think that thing is just destroying my base yep already in the bunker I don't [Music] yeah I foreign yeah that can just get out of here [Music] this is supposed to be my bunker well this is a safe place I have no idea what's going on about me right now [Music] you know what I'm gonna do you're like look at this [Music] [Music] and what like what is that stuff what is all this I'm just gonna start sitting here that's exactly what I want to do you know what I'm doing better we'll sit right here I have a little peek see what's going on around me and look up top oh where's my there's my bunker okay well yeah that camera was destroyed where are you going look at this man right here running straight in there all right there it is the morning of day 100. I survived I survived a living hell for 100 days and the only thing that I wanted to do now was nuke these things it turned them into glass I wanted to bomb incinerate destroy and level this entire world and every single parasite that was here during this 100 days I wanted to find originally my plan was to find a way to build an atomic bomb and detonate it on day 100 but I couldn't do it I tried to make a Detonator I tried to find a way to move those bombs that I found early on I tried everything but it just wasn't a mechanic or at least a mechanic that I could figure out to do in time of the 100. I wasn't able to do it but I still want you to see what would have happened had I but been able to do this okay I brought one of those bombs down into the parasite Island and then I detonated this nuclear Wasteland set the stage for the next 100 days in an apocalypse video I'll see you then
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 7,213,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft
Id: pLWiW6E9cPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 2sec (11102 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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