I Simulated a Zombie Apocalypse on a Hardcore Minecraft Server

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I simulated a hardcore zombie apocalypse on my Minecraft server whoever is Left Alive and escapes the city in seven real life days wins the thing is though every single day the virus evolves the zombies become faster stronger break blocks and on the seventh day the server will switch to hardcore if anyone dies between now and then they lose one heart of maximum health if you lose all your hearts well you know what it's time time to stop playing Minecraft because uh you're gone but it's not only the zombies you need to fear no it's still living PVP is enabled so anyone can be a friend or an enemy and if they kill you they gain one of your hearts take a look at this map that we're playing on it is absolutely incredible it was built by Bob tar12 and a bunch of others I got a link to it in the description it's it's perfect for this lastly make sure you subscribe because the next time we do something like this I'm bringing a subscriber this time I brought I brought Ryan right in this apocalyptic simulation what's gonna happen because I'm telling you right now I'm not letting anyone get out of this city alive foreign so I spawned in the nuke City just outside of this absolutely beautiful mansion the only problem was was that uh I didn't know what the food situation was going to be like here I don't know if I was gonna be able to find animals and how difficult it was gonna be to find actual food so I didn't want to sprint on my first day and drain my hunger bar especially considering that zombies don't spawn for the first in-game day I didn't want to go wasting hunger so I walked up the stairs to the mansion and uh I went in oh look at all these little heads oh clean up when you're done no way please remember to put can I see it I gotta find weapons these are the showers there's gonna be nothing here [Music] oh look at that looting too now they're falling going for swim in the pool oh there's got to be food here cob loves where's all the food okay okay [Music] oh morphine Cabo [Music] I have so many potions [Music] Joey this isn't food this is like a hospital there's a hospital there's got to be an Armory look at all this this place is gonna need a load of zombies tomorrow oh it's a gym and lift those up okay I don't I don't need a gym I need a machine gun I was a man with two things on the mind yeah food and weapons so as I walked around the Mansion I was hoping to find either a kitchen or some sort of Panic Room where there'd be some heavy weapons in there you know you always find something like that in a giant mansion like this uh but I didn't find either what I did find though was some sort of infirmary uh where I got a lot of potions you know like health potions so like uh yeah this stuff's good and then I found a pool which had blaze rods that were labeled as pool noodles and you know what they might be called pool noodles but I will certainly be using these as blaze rods so that was good I also got some leather armor that presumably made me swim faster you see on this map hidden in some of the buildings there's custom items which normally give you some sort of bonus effect sometimes makes you run faster sometimes it makes you in this case swim faster jump high there's a bunch of custom armor and I didn't know it at the time but this sort of stuff was going to be key to surviving outside of the Mansion there was there were some tanks I don't know what was going on with this Mansion others heavy tanks out there but so I just started pressing buttons in some of them look at this thing [Music] back right lever rocket pods Central lover engine [Music] there's arrows [Music] look how many arrows I just shot out [Music] I can't see it I thought about making the Mansion my main base but I don't want to live here it's way too big people could sneak in I don't know so I left the mansion and started exploring the nearby neighborhood night was falling and uh well I heard my first zombie I'm legitimately scared right now last time I was the first to die I didn't want to be the first to die again here they come I just shot the first zombie somehow we all agreed to sleep for the first night normally someone's mining or doing something that I can't I can't you guys gotta just survive we all slept which was nice but in the morning when I came out of the house I saw my first zombie foreign they're slow now look how slow this guy is this neighborhood it was so much bigger than I thought this place was absolutely massive and to be quite honest I felt a little bit overwhelmed the smart thing would have been to check every single house and methodically go through all the rooms and try to get as much loot as possible that's not what I did what I did was I I saw a giant Factory in the distance and ran straight for it and when I got there I found out that it was a uranium Factory hey that must be nice you know living right next to a uranium Factory that's good Atlas uranium Inc okay behind the factory was a mine where they would presumably mine the uranium so I went in there and the first chest that I found had a hard hat in it so I grabbed that and like before I found some heavy machinery and I just started yeah pressing buttons turn it off foreign [Music] like listen to it down there the minds are loaded with zombies and I don't even have a pickaxe it's gonna be pickaxe under hey this video is sponsored by honkai impact third version 6.0 which includes new characters the second phase of The Summer Event and a major update for the main chapter all right a lot of good stuff in this one right there you got Eliza the human ego wonderful right you can see Eliza marks off an area then transforms into a mermaid she can summon the spirit of origin that leaps from with the icy surface dealing damage to the enemies pretty good good moves right there you know what that's not all there's new outfits too there'll be two more of summer outfits in version 6.0 captains can swap crystals for special items which can be enchanted for Starry Impressions oh what's going on here look at this there's some Dolphins painted and dolphins and waves being a Mr Knight's armor a lot of good stuff here all right so you know what you want to do you gotta go download honkai impact immediately all right go download this game right now tell you right now you will you will regret it if you do not download this and redeem gift code 60a HD value it's on the screen right now okay and you get 30 crystals 288 asteroids and not done yet the hersher's trial card for free okay you know what you gotta download a game like this use the code in the description don't forget don't forget again don't you got to do it honkai impact it's good stuff okay there was absolutely no way it was going down there yet so I kept looking around and I found this little trailer and I went in and uh you know I thought this seems like a decent place to just kind of hold out in for a little while there's walls around the mine there's I mean a couple zombies down there probably probably a lot of zombies from being honest but it seems relatively safe seems like a place that I could secure and make work also yeah I kind of like the idea of living in a uranium mine radioactive so from there I started doing the regular Minecraft stuff like getting wood and then getting Stone and all that stuff once I had that though I went and got coal and then I went further down into the mine since I now had torches I found a chest which had a bunch of he had more uranium in it I thought this was actually uranium somehow in the game so I took it thinking that I could somehow give some other players a radiation poisoning but uh turns out this was just it was just kelp so uh you know not not quite what I thought it was speaking of radiation there is supposed to be a script on this map that would give players radiation poisoning depending where they were on the map and what they were interacting with I have no doubt in my mind that where I was standing right now would have normally killed me if we were playing this on the correct version of Minecraft yeah thankfully we weren't I was a man who was very much alive alive and happy so as I explored the minds though I got some iron which was good to have because I mean it's iron I'm gonna need it I also found this hidden area and I dug into it and there was you know kind of skulls on the ground a little bit spooky but there's also a bunch of TNT which you know what a man never says no to TNT you take that you put in your pocket and you say thank you uh when I came out of the mind though look how good this looked I was really liking this area just seemed like I could set up a farm down here I can wall it all it was this was going to be the spot for me I was thinking so then I searched the second mine and I just got some more basic resources I killed some zombies came out and got some lights set up uh then I tried to get some Stone and just an absolute tidal wave of zombie spawn so I had to run towards the trailer [Music] foreign and I made some armor and you know I felt like I was doing pretty good I couldn't help but wonder how everyone else was doing if they were surviving if they were if they were almost done what was going on for them and if you're curious too make sure you go watch their videos after this one I got a link to everyone's video in the description and uh you know what I'm going to be doing that interesting next I wanted to know the factory had not walked in there yet so maybe there was something cool in there so I could find so I went in the bottom floor was incredibly dark there was like conveyor belts everywhere there was very little light one side of it had a giant water tank which I assume was for it doesn't matter so I went upstairs and I found a chest which had an item called overseers glasses which had Thorns too on them sometimes it tells you what the effect is sometimes you just gotta figure out what it is by using them so I was good I was happy to take this I kept looking around and I found the break room uh which had a kitchen connected to it and in one of the chests I thankfully found some food milk oh Cookie building cookies food in this game is life or death you can't just it's not as easy to get in a giant City I absolutely did not want to spend this entire playthrough like a raccoon Scavenging for scraps of food in in dumpsters and stuff there was no pigs and cows just wandering the streets I didn't see any chickens so it was obvious that I was gonna need to set up a farm but I figured that I would do that later which was a bit of a mistake and so I just kept looking around the factory and before I knew it night had fallen and uh this place oh it was starting to fill up with zombies fast remember when I said that this map was uh supposed to have command blocks that would add a radiation well here's me jumping into uh the cooling chamber of some sort of nuclear process here so uh needless to say I'm glad it wasn't working because that would be one dead man right now one dead dead man once I got out of the factory though I still had to make it home oh my god oh [Applause] there's so many of them okay oh look at this oh at the time I thought this was a lot of zombies I had no idea what was gonna happen later in this video but for now I was just trapped in this trailer totally surrounded by zombies so I sat there all night just waiting for them to leave and you know what they did not they did not leave at all kind of can be trapped though okay the sun's coming up please another man leave this trailer this is this is absolutely bucknutty here look at this I gotta make this whole mine safe I got torches I don't even know if they're gonna work I realized the best chance I had at getting out of that trailer was to break through the ceiling uh climb up onto the filing cabinets and jump off the trailer onto the wall and then down into the suburbs which led me to this house which uh had a sign out front that had been looted by Bandits so I didn't expect to find anything useful inside but regardless I still went in and looked around and sure enough I I didn't find anything so I just kept going eventually I made my way to a place called the glowing Tavern um I mean I mean I guess it's a good name considering where it is oh modern oh [Music] modern day Brew slowness body fatigue strength margarita red wine nausea nausea nausea where's that margarita let's drink this oh okay poison nausea okay okay oh man is that a couple drinks cider cider cider oh oh saturation okay my saturation too all right what's going on we got any food back here it's all beers where's your meat after uh uh you know that I explored a car dealership at this point I didn't really know what I was looking for I was just trying to find anything I could that might be useful because this early in the game it was all about just stacking up resources and avoiding players PVP is enabled immediately so if you see someone else you can kill them right away and that's when I saw a name tag not too far away wait a shadow he crouched too he's right there there is hello hello hello [Applause] who's there uh Shadow oh hey that's going on how much are you uh I'm not too bad oh [Applause] he's gonna take care of this zombie are you friendly yep okay I'm friendly too oh yeah just trying to pick a place chill I guess yeah I can't find the stairway here though whoa oh [Music] you see all this stuff in here oh yeah I'm full though yeah I am too you got food what have you been doing for food uh I guess I got popcorn and MRE crackers oh oh very nice I got Dr Pepper uh some pumpkin pie Dr Pepper did you get one of these yet what's up a gas mask no yeah I got two of them oh thank you here I'll give you something for it do you wanna uh here Dr Pepper Dr Pepper thank you how's it been going for you while I was briefly talking to Shadow I was looting the building we were in and in one of the chests I found something very interesting I didn't know at the time but that item right there that was the most powerful item on the entire map so take a guess at what I did okay yeah I just kind of ignored it and moved on thought you know what I don't need whatever that is I just left it oh definitely should have grabbed that because you're gonna see very soon just just how powerful grenades are you know you do not leave something like that in the chest that is a big mistake anyway so I was talking to Shadow night you know what I can't lie uh it crossed my mind a few times that I should kill this man especially when he told me you see all this stuff in here but I didn't instead I gave him a full tour of where I was staying and explained to him that my plan was to lock this thing down and uh make it my base the zombies are so loud oh my god look how many there is oh wow oh my God look at all of them oh this is crazy you sure you want to live here yeah I don't know all this torches down there oh wow that guy hurt there's so many coming at this point it was just Shadow and I left online but then he told me he needed to get off for a little bit leaving me to be the only man online playing which is not so good because it means more zombies spawn on me but it also means that I can loot freely without having to worry about anyone killing me or getting to loot faster than me so I wanted to use this opportunity to loot as much as I possibly could as as quick as I could so I picked a random very tall building and started climbing up the side of it it was I'm gonna be honest with you I was a little bit scared doing this thought I was gonna die climbing up the side of this Tower be the first man to die which I absolutely did not want especially after what had happened on The Purge when I got most of the way up to the top I broke my way into one of the floors and started looting stuff I was hoping to find some food but I couldn't any so I opened one of the drinks that I got from the glowing Tavern and I'll tell you right now probably should not have done that oh [Music] I find food oh oh there's zombies in here after that I kept climbing and I got to the very tip top of the tower the highest point on the mountain I don't know if it was but it seemed like it was the highest point on the map and I figured there had to be something up here I went through all this to get up here there had to be something good and sure enough in a small chest behind one of the desks that had been blown up I found a piece of gear that would completely change everything I did in the game it was a simple iron chess piece that gave me no protection but what it did give me was incredible making me the fastest man on the server I'll tell you right now when you're in a zombie apocalypse speed is your friend you want to be able to run away from both people and zombies and do this right here oh chest piece like this makes a man makes a man very powerful so I was very glad to get this before anywhere else so I logged off for maybe 10 minutes and when I got back on look at Shadow was right he was there he logged back on and he was moments away from getting this chest for himself although I was friendly with Shadow I was you know what I'm going to tell you right now I was very glad that he did not get this because that would not have been good for me later on that would have been very very rough so I chatted with him for a little bit and he told me that he was planning on making this his building and securing it and having it be his base and I'm not gonna lie you know this is a pretty good spot nice tall building easy to secure you just make the bottom I don't you can just get zombies off one floor I had done it in my winter zombie apocalypse video it's a good solid move to make a building your place it was looking like Shadow and I were gonna be a good allies we even even joked about killing someone I think we should kill someone yeah yeah I don't know who but I want people to fear us you know oh yeah I agree look at Rob someone we could who's on anybody on well Ryan's on not right now but I mean like yeah if he comes around here I wasn't joking I wanted to murder someone on the server and I wanted to do it I I wanted someone to die very quickly okay so um anyway so I climbed out of Shadow's Tower to go get my stuff uh back from my trailer and I started to feel paranoid about someone stealing my stuff which was technically allowed just as long as you were online so if you left your stuff unguarded and you were online someone could take it to solve this I wanted to get an Ender chess but at that current moment I did not have the resources needed to make an under chess so for now what I did was I grabbed some stuff out of the chest in the trailer I grabbed a second chest I jumped out of the trailer I went to a nearby backyard I found a nice little spot next to you know I guess what was their back deck I dug a hole knowing exactly where it would be and I hid the a chest there loaded my stuff up in that chest put some dirt over top of it and walked away and just I truly hope that my goldfish brain would remember where I put this later and speaking of my goldfish brain I still had not tackled the task of getting a renewable food food source I had spent all my time Scavenging talking to people thinking about murdering I needed to figure out this food situation badly so instead of setting up a farm like I should have done I went out Scavenging again and I figured my best bet would be to find some sort of grocery store I should have just made a farm but no no I started it was a hungry hungry man wandering the streets here at the grocery store this is like a convenience store thank you melted ice cream raw pork chop I'll take those no try our new what intelli water oh look at that coffee you got no food [Applause] it's like a strip ball here oh come on what what no no give me this is it fake I need those it's gonna be a hidden yeah yes yes there we go three more [Music] exit there's a food oh guacamole oh this is a Apple [Music] pie avocado characters [Music] Stadium Park Stadium Park Stadium Park Stadium Park I'm not going to the stadium oh a little camper here day one Camp is set up let's hope the military doesn't come by this area that's the last thing we need to happen it looks like they came by this area those skulls and I looted buildings all night but I didn't find anything significant that was until I found the casino oh this might just be where I'm gonna hold out wait this is a casino at least throw one gold nugget below what where did the torch go there were a bunch of slot machines on the bottom floor and my first thought was if this is a casino and there's slot machines yeah there's got to be a vault somewhere and I didn't know what would be in it but whatever was in there I wanted it no one of the more than yeah I wanted it now so I started looking around and I couldn't find it so I just went upstairs and started searching up there oh oh I was doing an absolutely terrible job of loading these rooms and you will see exactly why later missed some really good stuff here it's just running past most of them uh which yeah you gotta you gotta be thorough if you're playing something like this but anyways I ended up giving up and leaving the casino completely empty-handed but not empty-minded no no I took note of where that casino was and I thought about potentially maybe making this my base because I was thinking okay you know what I'm gonna set up the casino I'm gonna have a giant hole in the floor I'm gonna call it zombie bit you want to come you want to gamble you're gonna land in the in the pit I was thinking about throwing Steve in there it was I had a lot of ideas but not a lot of time I was kind of getting carried away so I kept looking around the city and the chess pieces I was wearing was it was fantastic for getting around it made me extremely fast but the problem was was that you burn up food very quickly and I still had absolutely no food to show for what I the whole reason I was out right now looking for I was beating the raccoon that I wanted to avoid I kept roaming the city until I ended up in front of a massive crater in the center of the city and I you know what I guess this is why they call it the nuked City oh yet again I was very glad that the radiation script was not working because I was standing on the edge of uh I guess what would be ground zero one of the the most vicious places for nuclear fallout I was standing right in the middle anyways it wasn't working which was good but you know what was not working also my brain because I should have been focused on food but instead I kept thinking about the casino and how there might be some sort of vault in there and that those slot machines maybe they work there were signs that said insert gold nugget and I thought oh I remember back in the Mansion there was tons of gold there blocks and blocks and blocks of gold so I ran tried to find my way back to the mansion eventually made it there and realized Sean how are you going to get one of those gold blocks off the fountain yeah how are you gonna remove that I tried with the stone pickaxe because I'm a complete idiot realized you can't do that that does not work so I needed to iron so my next course of action was to go to the mine where I figured hey you know what I'm gonna find some iron now there but probably missed some got to the mine turns out I did not miss any iron there was none left and I I guess I had wasted it so now I just I needed to iron badly so that I could potentially rinse the casino for I was a man who was desperate to gamble basically so what does a man do when he's desperate to gamble he goes and begs other people to help him help him Gamble and that's exactly what I did I ran straight over to Shadows Tower I ran into a ton of zombies and noticed that because I had been running so much my chest plate uh which made me move faster was draining my Hunger so now as a man who was desperate to gamble and desperate for food and and just I was at the doorstep of Shadow begging for help shout out shout out oh God help me where are you at I'm coming up your ladder okay hope okay I got something for I got something for both you oh Steve good evenings good to see you okay guys yes I've been exploring yep and I I found something really cool I found actually three of them I already uh consumed one whoa but for you guys I like to give you both one okay compound whoa did you drink it you drink it it gives you permanent strength three oh this potion that he gave us this right here was incredibly powerful the only thing we need to do now is just not die oh oh oh my God what oh my God this is zombies oh what Steve oh no okay I I did not want to be like my man Steve that man gets a potion dies immediately after there was no way I was being like that man so in every other video of mine I am that man I am that man who gets that potion walks outside and dies just like sneeve but this time I was not going to be like that sneeve was now going to fill the role of what I would so it was good to see someone else take that position for me because I was feeling good I was a man who was Juiced up ready to go and I needed to convince these guys okay let's go to the casino you guys we will win big you just need to give me some iron we need to get this done you know what they agreed so first of all we hit up the Mansion we got a bunch of gold tons and tons and tons of gold and then we went over to the casino and oh we started we started gambling here we go oh who did it [Music] show me potato salad all right here Steve oh my God the casino was closed zero zero you guys got any blocks through the whole horse came in here oh uh Black Friday isn't for another week you can't be on Mall property [Applause] it's all sealed up yep we're breaking ball oh that's one of you guys all right come on baby come on baby all right I gotta get oh wow this one's broken hey I won what'd you get I think a golden bar wow this really is a casino yeah it is but in 12 golden nuggets you get one bar back because you know all these wins not gonna lie I think Laguna might fight you for the spot yeah he's he's not getting it I'm fast Eddie it's not I think this one's not possible yeah [Music] oh I got it uh nothing well we won basically nothing you you win very little doing this and you're just at risk of getting killed so we smashed into the Vault or at least what we thought was the Vault turns out it was just a room with a ton of redstone and switches an area that you very clearly were not supposed to go into my man Steve he was I think he said something about how we got into the wires gotta be in here somewhere I'm going down I'm going down a little wise yeah I was enjoying playing with Shadow and Steve we were looting places together we were gambling at the casino these guys would help me when I was in my desperate most lowest point that was nice it was really unfortunate what I had to do with them later I had to I had to do what I had to do but for now just a bunch of happy guys having fun having having a lot of fun out here we were searching through the casino looting all the rooms uh a lot of the rooms that I missed the first time that I was here and I forgot to record it because I'm an idiot but I found an irradiated Apple which is a just as good as the grenades to be honest when you eat one they're basically golden Enchanted apples and if you watch The Purge video you'd know that eating an enchanted golden apple grants you an extra heart permanently of course unless you die so these things right here incredibly valuable and there was multiple of them in the casino and because I was such an idiot the first time I looted it I missed all of them thankfully I found one ate it and Shadow had found the other and graciously gave it to sneeve you want to hold it yeah I just want to hold it okay I'll let you hold it but make sure you get back okay yeah you son of a take the heart from him they also found this police baton which at first glance it just looks like a normal stick that you'd probably ignore but oh no no no this is a very powerful stick when you hit someone with it they go flying you you almost made me holy holy hell what the heck was that oh my God what is the police baton did that hurt yeah that took out like four hats what yes no way there was another one here somewhere I need it no no over over there hang on eat the zombie I wanna there he goes there we go that's a three-point oh I was feeling good I had an extra heart a permanent strength buff I had this very cool police baton and you know I was just I was a man it was felt like he was doing it everything was going right everything was going well for me so I called it a night and logged off oh foreign I was still super fast thanks to my chess piece so I just ran out of the casino and started looking around the city for more I'm re-watching this footage and wow this feels like an eternity you guys haven't even seen the whole Robert and Kim thing you haven't even seen what happens to Laguna yet you have no idea what's fun things are about to go wild on the server people I'll just start dying a lot of them on the other hand oh I was doing good feeling happy feeling alive [Music] oh you use the boat's new racer out here I don't know what I was doing here but uh yet again I was hungry I still man on the search for food definitely I was being that raccoon I was avoiding luckily I found this Beachside restaurant I thought okay this is what I'm talking about a restaurant there's got to be food in there definitely gotta be food in a restaurant uh however getting inside was a bit bit of an issue because uh there's a lot of zombies spawning way more than I thought but I managed to fight my way in using my police patrol just a bad way zombies we make our way to the back where I found I found a little bit of food to be honest I was expecting more from a restaurant but you know what you can take what you can get uh there was also this little boat next to the restaurant so I climbed in and I slept on it and passing the night oh that scared me not far from there there was a yacht a big beautiful yacht making this little boat look very small and by the looks of it because it looks like a big fancy rich one a good chance there's gonna be some good stuff on it so I swam over sort of looting it and one of the first tests I found I found some I found wine only the amoras could afford a mythical drink of the Gods oh [Music] I should have probably saved this okay that was one of the stupidest things that I had I should have saved that who just drinks something like that on the anyways I thought okay if there if there if this is here there has to be more somewhere else on the map there there has to be another one somewhere so I figured I as I looted I would keep my eye open for it and if anyone else found it hopefully I could trade them for it I don't know I just wanted more of this stuff I kept looting the ship and there really wasn't much more for me besides these cool lights that they had below deck I figured that they would be useful if I was going to find a base I would use them to light the place up they'd look a little bit better I don't know just took them and put them in my pocket and laughed my plan was now to start heading back towards the factory uh and just stop on my way for anything that I find that might be of interest and I ended up on this little vacuum I guess it was an evacuation Island good [Music] you don't want to be out at night like this put a yacht out there it's a smaller yoff it's a yacht engine failure oh that's good bunks oh dude this whole area looks cool I'll loot it then I'm going okay okay [Music] so much to see in this map color pad one incoming both zero power critical solar energy log recording no I need I need a loot security items arrows I don't need these seats this island wasn't far from the factory so I just swam back I got out of the water and it was in the shipping yard which seemed actually kind of nice so I climbed with this Vine wall and walked across the road and entered through the back loading dock of the factory I was sick of being hungry at this point I realized you know it's now or never set up a farm or you're going to die so I wanted to do that but the only problem was was that I needed to pick somewhere to set up permanently and uh yeah I had somewhere in mind this Factory it's gonna be mine I'm just gonna figure out how to get rid of all these I need to get the factory lit up sealed and claimed so everyone who enters this area knows it is my factory not step foot in here otherwise I will blow you up it will not come out alive and then once that was taken care of then I could then I could get the far away uh so I ran out of the factory went outside I got seeds got those going uh I got what I figured was enough and then I got some wood and realized that uh yeah well if you're gonna make a farm you need a hoe so I went to the mines I got some rocks and today there was a lot of zombies down there that was a place that was swimming with zombies oh my there's so many of them everywhere I go they're zombies [Applause] this is gonna be so hard [Applause] okay after getting what I needed I went back to the factory and I went upstairs there I cleared out some of the cubicles which we sat by this net but I still don't know if you need Windows in Minecraft to grow crops like do you need natural I I still don't know I figured I did so I took down all the cubicles and I set up a little farm right there yeah a tiny little farm and then I added this nice little trim that added the dirt blocks then some water finally some seeds and it was finally done all right nice by the window next I wanted to make sure that everyone knew this place was mine so in the morning I went downstairs and I cut down a ton of trees and I made some signs and I put them up at every single entrance once that was done I needed to go to the docks and get some water so I decided to check that and there was there was a building nearby and I figured let's see if there's anything interesting inside of it I went in and I went upstairs I got a gas mask right away I I was thinking gas masks were going to be useful because I still didn't know if this radiation thing was working or not I mean I should have had an idea that it wasn't because I was standing in a uranium Factory another one anyway so I just took the gas mask just in case later on it'd be useful I kept looking around and in one of the offices I found a naval uniform which was oh it was a beautiful Diamond chess piece Diamond chest piece finding something like that was absolutely the only problem was was that it was nearly broken one or two hits and this thing would have broke so I I didn't want to I didn't want to wear it just yet I need to just repair it first or something I I don't know I just wanted to be cautious with it I was hearing rumors about some sort of special infected Kim had sent some messages saying that he was being chased down by a zombie that was not acting normal and I thought that he was lying or that there might be some sort of custom spawner on the map or anything like that uh but then I I think I found one inside of here [Music] oh this man was fast fast is he I knocked him down though and I ran like because this place was getting swarmed and so I got into the staircase and I logged out while others left I came out the emergency exit and immediately to my right I found a chest which had another water bucket so I could have just came here anyway uh so then I ran back to the factory I upgraded my farm and I made a little furnace more zombies were spawning in my area which I don't know why that was I was putting torches down and they were still spawning so that was I was getting a little bit concerned about that and thinking you know what maybe I'm not going to live in the factory maybe I'm not going to live in a place where zombies can just randomly spawn no matter what I do that might not be the smartest right now they're easy to deal with but in the future oh when does it mutate more whom I just don't want that at all that would be a huge problem so but for now they seem fine so I'm back to the dock I looked around a little bit more and I found I found some rat bones on a house which is actually considering skeletons don't naturally spawn finding bones was kind of a rare item after that I climbed into a boat and found some special fishing rod which is a good afternoon like that then I activated the flares on the boat foreign [Applause] [Music] the next morning I woke up on the boat things were gonna seemed like it was a regular day and uh no more no trouble or anything like that I was very wrong because Kim was about to do something that would that would change everything he killed Robert Kim of unsorted God of all people drew the first blood and all he had to say was I'm sorry I trust no one this time let this be a warning to everyone unsorted Norwegian Kim killed the first man on this server and this piqued my interest because how did Kim kill Robert that doesn't normally he must have had something good some sort of special item that I hadn't found yet and whatever it was if it was able if Kim was able to use it to kill Robert I wanted it I wanted to take it from Kim so I tried to ask Robert for information about what had happened and it was it it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be Rob bird where did he kill you oh Robert don't worry Kim knows he's in trouble tell me Robert wants for men after a little bit of convincing I was able to get Robert to agree to meet me on the other side of the big bridge for some reason and I decided to climb to the top of the bridge I don't know why I was doing this frisking my life for no reason oh my God oh foreign [Music] I jumped off and swam across the river and up into the sewer and then we're gonna spit out on the street and then I met Robert [Music] hey oh my God scared the heck out of me should Kim killed you yeah so it was it happened right over here I'll show you I was looting the um the boats and then I was like oh that's a cool looking Tower so I start swimming then I see and I see Kim I was like hey Kim Kim what's up Kim and he goes up in that Tower and hides and he doesn't say anything I'm like Kim hello hello Kim then he peeks his head out over the window and throws a splash potion on me and instantly kills me I don't know what it was oh my God yeah there's some crazy crazy effect potions so uh that was that was fun I brought Robert back to my factory because you know what I trusted Robert this man was just murdered he didn't have that great gear I didn't think he was going to betray me and realistically in the situation if he even tried to kill me I would have been able to kill Robert really easily so I thought you know what let's bring this man in and let's make an alliance with him and uh see what happens if I showed Robert my stick let me show you something here's how I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna hit you but you won't die okay oh my God that's a huge knockback how much damage right there I like four Hearts okay perfect with all the upgrades that I had including my extra heart my permanent strength four all the gear that I now had I felt confident that whatever it was that Kim was using to kill people I would still be able to kill him Robert on the other hand he had basically nothing and if we were gonna take him down we needed to get my man some gear so we went out looting first we went to the giant crater in the middle of the map again very happy that the radiation mod was not working because well we would be two dead men then two dead men on the side of a crater but from the edge of it we saw that there were some beds and chests kind of exposed it almost looked like there was the crater had blown away an underground area of the city and sure enough when we climbed down to it we were right because we were walking into a hidden laboratory oh it's a foreign kitchen oh there's a lunch menu oh it's an inval as well do you need an anvil no I got one there's tried dried kelp which you can eat oh really yeah do you need food yeah that's what the memory is this uh this ax I found a Smite oh oh look at this oh yeah it's called Milo's hunting Hatchet Milo's hunting Hatchet pretty good that sounds scary elevator a power failure system failure Atlas Labs building a better Danger Trace levels of nuclear waste project one eight two eight one level two staff hazards living objects ecological risk hey let's what's going on here there will be something cool here little five stars yeah oh take those take those extracts you want it trust me oh I got too much stuff in my inventory you got it classified data all right we're gonna drink it ready wait are we gonna drink this drink yep three two one oh no poison two minutes hunger we have strength for two minutes poison doesn't kill you right now poison won't hurt don't even don't even try eating wait to walk it up so so uh zombies don't come and kill us why did you want to drink this I don't know I thought it would do something oh there's there's no point in eating anything right now which one did you drink foreign I drank the one that you drank can a substance be created that gives and gives it military and scientific personal powerful boosts to turn the sound of battles and information oh no don't drink it it says in the last page oh I think I think I drank the other one uh gives multiple effects when ingested by an organism increases the organism's strength and resistance to viruses for three days side effects however range from temporary blindness to Insanity death and hunger that's the one I drink hey it's good do you have strength uh yeah I do maybe we drank the same one who knows oh there's another one in there that's a Nutty [Music] drinking random chemicals oh come on heal more than that I got one heart that was so stupid why do we drink that okay no more drinking random supplements I'm down to it down to three more pork chops are you fully healed yeah I'm good I'm almost there okay I'm good enough all right let's go keep looking oh my God right there oh my God oh oh my god oh look there's a engineering room down here Robert is flooded oh my God it is flooded the whole place is flooded oh wait you have a door oh boy oh boy there's got to be something down here if there's all this you know yeah Atlas hard hat come on shovels ladders what's the point of coming down here I don't know gotta be something you got another door oh right here you get in yeah that was hard to have water oh I found a key but um I think it's just like a LARP key oh I can't keep taking damage oh God I need to get in there ah good okay let's just let's try to find food on the other floor because this is crazy I don't know what do I say to Kim tell them no you've dug your grave level 4 access card oh yeah grab that we need that yeah project auris whoa I got a weapon that's this I don't think it that was the name of room I like to see weapon ag-100 on a pressure plate you did space sciences no it sounds like someone's stuff super weapon Rd test number 458 plasma gun multi-shot Quick Charge some more nitrogen say no more Flint steel can you eat the nitrogen oh yeah ice cold nitrogen could be used I don't know you just asked that Deacon damage oh yeah security security supplies including another crossbow like a special one oh and grenades oh yeah that's probably what Kim hit you with is it a splash potion no hit me with the magic thing yeah but I mean that's what that's what that would have been oh grenade yeah grenade too okay I got you some food here's a steak heart of the sea in here beautiful steaks on the floor for you about night vision goggles [Music] rip of lightsaber fire aspect knockback sharpness 5 Unbreaking rip off lightsaber I'm an idiot [Applause] what'd you get a a basically a sword that just Slaughters everything what the heck why are you getting all the good stuff here here's something for you crazy man crowbar crowbar their next cool thing you get it are you joking me you got the you got the crossbow and the sword yeah joking me in the ass I need to kill Kim yeah you do where's this go zombie okay let me take care of him oh I don't know if there's anything in here all right well there's other stuff look hazard oh you're doing here yeah we went in there oh this way did we go this way I think we oh yeah almost everything yeah all right let's go deeper when we got out of the lab we looked around the Creator war and decided to swim into the sewer which was draining into the crater that's really nice uh we got lost in here though and after about 10 minutes of wandering around aimlessly hoping to find somewhere new in the city uh we somehow ended up right back where we started we went basically nowhere and just wasted a bunch of time under you know it doesn't it doesn't matter so then from there we saw that there was another tunnel that we hadn't gone through connected to the crater but this one wasn't a sewer this one looked like it was a Subway uh so we climbed into it and we so we're running down them I had absolutely no idea how long this tunnel was it felt like we were running down this this thing forever we were just you're going and going and going where are we going I have no idea where this goes to it's long though this is so long yeah already we're already going so Robert how long is this tunnel more tunnel this goes on forever what at what point do we dig out I don't know I want to see where it goes it obviously goes somewhere what if it brings us under the um the river and just across I I think it goes the other City oh whoa Robert we're somewhere completely different we are wait what is this place eventually after like what felt like 20 minutes we had reached the end of it and surfaced just outside of the stadium seeing the stadium we were thinking okay that seems like a perfect place to loot there's got to be some good stuff in there but neither of us considered that uh you know maybe we shouldn't go into the stadium Maybe maybe a place where there's normally tens of thousands of people maybe it's not the safest place to walk into yeah okay oh no here they come on we're all coming in okay then get in get in get in hurry okay there's zombies zombies I'm gonna be able to run this like I need I need food here oh my God yeah look at this place Sean oh the stadium [Applause] ah you were born in the light oh yeah zombies we need to go get out get out now which one usually that has food all right you can maybe try to sleep here oh I don't have a bed [Laughter] oh [Music] I can't I can't I can't I can't okay okay down here they're here [Applause] God where are we going we're in the change room here back here I'm in I can't okay I can't just up there's monsters nearby I can't uh back here okay this is it okay okay [Music] [Applause] come on I don't know where we are steal it steal it two blocks sealants get him out get up go go go [Applause] that was uh that was not good that was that was a rough death and it caused caused quite a bit of problems firstly uh I had no bed so me and Robert spawned in the middle of nowhere secondly I lost a heart which uh it's not never that great then I also lost my permanent strength buff so that that one was kind of rough then all of my gear that was all now uh what I assumed to be gone so uh very rough death especially because I I was truly trying to get through this without dying once and for some reason I went against my better judgment and walked into a giant stadium with Robert and uh there we died but you know what you don't give up we figured if we if we started running now we could make it back to our stuff so uh we went only problem was was that Robert and I we were on the complete opposite side of the map so with no gear no weapons no food no protection no arm nothing this was going to be one massive dangerous and quite honestly stupid journey to get there Robert what what just happened [Laughter] [Music] I don't even I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I tried I I thought we were just gonna run but then I didn't know where to go and then you said where are we oh wait is this small is that the plan was simple find the crater then from the Creator find the mansion and then from the Mansion find the tunnel that I had originally found way back when I was first looting the city and then take that tunnel all the way to the stadium and hopefully get there before stuffy spawns or where someone else gets her stuff that was the plan and that's that's mostly what happened we we found the sewer we climbed in we started making our way through we stopped when we could to try to find Luton food oh God I don't even have a pickaxe do I hear you hit this one the the uh the bar we climbed out of the sewer and onto the street and then we started looking for the crater but we were in the wrong section of the map we were in an entirely different city but we found the bridge crossed it made it to the nuke City from there we didn't even need to find the crater of the Mansion I just found where the the tunnel was that had a sign that said stadium that way so we went through the tunnel uh and we're back to where the stadium was but getting to the stadium was one thing the other battle was uh getting into that small room and retrieving all of our stuff without dying again welcome to unsorted Stadium here you go hey guys wow look at my Stadium who knows what they play here maybe they play basketball all right so when we get out there there's a few things in mind that I really need back we'll just we'll get everything we'll block it up and then we'll two blocks ready to go um [Applause] you think there's a lot of zombies to be honest right now oh boy foreign there's like 20 in there I don't have anything I don't have anything okay well our stuff's gonna despawn in a minute whoa what do we do oh my God here we go again Robert [Applause] okay okay just throwing potions Robert something is happening something oh they're running they're running they were good I can't okay he hit oh my God there's so many okay there's a ladder here he's wearing your stuff I he had your stuff on do you have my chest piece yeah yeah foreign [Applause] all the zombies have our stuff Sean they all have our stuff oh my God oh my God Robert should I have an idea I have an idea I got a Grenade ready okay oh yeah okay well we can get in there now can we get in there yep oh my God oh yeah all the stuff hurry up hurry up hurry up that's your stuff over there block it off block it off all right do you have the Torches yeah did you get your stuff it just you spawned despawned I I couldn't have even picked it up by so much stuff in my inventory oh no ender pearls are here all right you might that some of the stuff might be on the guy so much dude [Music] that yeah [Applause] kill that little thing I'm trying I don't have anything there we go running back there oh the little ones yeah [Applause] oh my God get some blocks on it they're gonna keep breaking stuff though I don't have any food I'm out of food I've rotten flesh my Roofing lightsaber is almost broken [Laughter] I need to get out of here is the worst that's that just leads to where we got they were coming in from here they're here they're here we just made an opening we can't close I don't know what to do what do we do I don't know we need to make it back to the subway get a cart and head back I have Parts I have two cards I also have two ender pearls you might need this I have two I have two okay let's put it okay what's above us right now it's above us over here over here wait yeah let's take a look I don't want to I don't want to make a hole like that I've gotta here here make a hole up here two of him walk side come on up I think it's spawn in here break the one underneath but they're breaking it's a zombie break the one underneath that I'm bringing he's getting closer I'll keep him away once I break it you turn on let's get out oh my God this way no no sword okay there's a pickaxe right there [Applause] he's using an ender pearl [Applause] Minnesota [Applause] I need food I need food [Applause] yeah yes get out of here let's go I I barely got anything back [Applause] oh there's so many spawning is going oh all right let's just let's go this way there's too many of them I'm not gonna be able to run in a second so you have to use the fast speed right oh yeah we made it out it just barely but we did it we got it we got most of our stuff back and we made it out without dying we were alive however we're still being chased so we ran down to the subway we found carts and just just tried to get out of the area as fast as possible oh come on come on come on come on this is so bad are you gonna so if you want to stop and let me get in front so I can hit them he's hit he's hitting me he's hitting me there goes wait he's going I can stop him I can catch it oh I'm gonna get it I'm gonna catch it I can stop it come on come on what's up we got I don't know how you get lost in a straight Subway but somehow we did we were down there for a lot longer than I thought we were supposed to be and uh we we got lost eventually though we found a way out somewhere safe [Music] oh the cruise ship oh we're going back across and beside is that that's their side let's go to my house this way finally we made it back to the factory and stashed what we got now is it to be quite honest this entire thing we we didn't really walk away with much more that we went in with I mean I lost the permanent strength buff so I was I'm still not happy about that and I was still a man with food troubles my farm wasn't any better that was that thing was barely growing so I said Robert I gotta take a break all right I gotta focus on myself gotta figure out how to get some food here because I'm a Hungry Man and I can't can't be doing these sorts of things unless I have a like a good food source so I grab that fishing rod that I had well then I found back on the boat and I went down to the I guess the loading dock or the port or whatever that would you call it with a big Crane and I uh I started doing some fishing look at this there's a man fishing kind of reminds me of that uh you ever see that show where there was that guy like he finds these massive fish I think it's called like Jeremy Waits dark Waters that was a good show it's kind of like a follow-up show to River Monsters because that's showing you know it doesn't matter anyway so I was getting harassed by zombies so I climbed up I can't believe it I was getting harassed by zombies so I climbed up this giant crane you know when you start getting chased by zombies you run away you get up nice and high normally that's how you get away from him so I thought okay crane go up it oh oh okay I'm going up here no one can no fish can get me up here I mean zombies nice and safe up here while I was up there I I saw that there was this little island and uh my hamster brain was like okay yeah I know you're focused on food right now but time to focus on something entirely different go to that island that you've already looted and maybe there's something new there so I just jumped off the crane and started swimming there wasn't much there like like I expected uh in retrospect I guess it was just a giant waste of time I looked around I I caught absolutely nothing so I swam back to the factory but I had a problem I had no coal well coal I couldn't cook the fish that I just caught so I needed some but it was night so instead of getting my food problem I now needed to make coal in the morning so when the Sun finally Rose I went down and started cutting down trees it wasn't long until a bunch of zombies showed up everything you do in this it's only a matter of time before all the boys show up and look they're here they are in this game you can forget about the zombies but they don't forget about you they are always coming for you they're always marching they're always there and they're always trying to get you you cannot get away from them you can temporarily put stuff between you and them but these men they will get you and they will always come so don't forget about them anyways I got my charcoal and I started cooking my fish finally and kind of just ate it watching the sunset you know living in this Factory is a it's not the greatest because there's just constantly zombies in here doesn't matter how much I light the place up they're just always spawning in here so I don't know if I want to live here and live somewhere smaller or maybe out in the woods or I don't know I don't know if a man can stay here with under these conditions you know well I sat there I was I was thinking about how whenever you fully loot a building you normally get something good there's almost always some piece of named gear in every building and it normally relates to the building that you're searching and I was worried that other people were getting to that stuff before me and that when the extraction event did happen I wouldn't have anything and everyone else would have some sort of special gear and uh I just wanted to stop them from getting it I started to feel like that was more important than getting food because I could have all the food in the world but if I didn't have gear that was going to get me to the extraction event alive well then I wasn't gonna survive so I pulled up the map and I started looking at some of the buildings that were both nearby and far away I figured because Shadow's Tower was so close to this Factory that all the buildings in the general vicinity that I was at had likely already been looted by Shadow especially considering how often he was online so I thought okay if I'm gonna loot I'm gonna need to go far and I picked this lonely building way out in the woods on the complete other side of the map and I kind of chose it as a goal that I would work towards I figured I would make my way there and try to loot as much as I could on my way there and on my way back and hopefully find something worthwhile on that journey and hopefully not run into Kim because that guy who knows what he was carrying and who knows what everyone else was carrying had not even seen Laguna yet I had I hadn't seen snive in who knows what Steve was up to Ryan hadn't even spoke to that man in game hey I bear even know who Ryan is first of all so who what's that guy gonna do Shadow I hadn't spoken to since the first there's a lot of unknowns but you know what a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and a man's gotta get to that it's that spot on the map looks like a farm to me is that hey right there that's hey there's more hey here no no you need to go away horse here too there's so much hay oh I use that you can't use this in real life soon ate some cheese today not supposed to do that oh look at those food on here oh here's the farmer how's it going oh he's got shot the zombie face that's disgusting what is that these those are scaring me they're breaking down the door well you know it was almost perfect but yeah I could secure this place I could board up all the windows I could put a bunch of torches down and I could make this entire Farm safe and claim it as my own kind of like season two of The Walking Dead you know when they go to the farm but hopefully not with the same finale where uh you know what it's 10 years the whole thing burns down hopefully I didn't want that to happen little did I know though that just a few blocks below my feet in the basement that at this current time I did not know existed of this building this would be the scene of a gruesome murder a murder that would set in motion a series of events that would make it very difficult for anyone to make it out of the city alive and I was the one who was going to murder an innocent man right below my feet had no idea any of that was about to happen for now it's just a simple man making himself at home on a farm good okay there is whoa whoa there is there's a lot of zombies in this farmhouse I'm just gonna the next day I went out into the fields to see what was growing in this I was hoping they're weird oh oh there's they're in the fields there's Pizza there there's pigs there's pigs there's oh no no they're zombies so I lured a good chunk of The Horde out of the farm and into some military checkpoint I can't get distracted with this place right now even though this see something like this and I immediately want to go inside and start looting it but I I need to I need to focus I couldn't be doing that right now so I went back to the farm I killed more zombies and looked around and I stumbled on oh the best thing I had found yet a massive giant Tower full of food no no way [Music] there were so much hanging yeah but when I saw that I thought okay see sometimes it's good to neglect your problems because they just end up working out for you I mean not not Raku no more my man who's a man again not a not a little creature looking for scraps and dumpsters you're feeling good feeling happy with this is good so I destroyed a bunch of the hay I didn't destroyed you know and I broke it down got out of the silo closed it back up so no one sees that uh then I put down a bunch of torches around the farm I destroyed any spawner that I could find there were so many hidden spawners on this map they're everywhere anytime you saw anything slightly weird there was almost always a spawner under it I replaced all the windows with bars that zombies couldn't break and then I hid all of the not all the good chunk of that hay underneath the toilet dad got a little spot under the toilet and put a ton of hay in there it's a good spot underneath the toilet foreign waited for the night to end their beautiful morning on my new Farm I need to figure out how to get out of here without dying I hadn't been on the side of the river yet I mean why did I write that yes I had been on the side of the room I was dumb thing right in my script apparently there was an entire city over on the side why do I write apparently I knew there was I knew there was a city on the other side of this it doesn't matter I wanted to loot the other City the one that had not been nuked the nice one uh and see what was going on here I was hoping that no one had really explored it yet or maybe there would still be some stuff around I don't know so I did just that I picked a giant building and I started climbing oh hey I got to the top and I looted some chests and just as I thought that there was nothing I found a training stick a beautiful beautiful training stick to replace that uh police baton that I had glad to have this thing training stick there it is I used an ender pearl to jump to the nearby brick building and I tested out the police baton have the sticky oh I went through the full building and you know I didn't find much at all and I got down to the ground level and I found a oh a beautiful pool alluded it and like usual I didn't get much I guess these places had already been loaded and that they're just I don't know I felt like I wasn't wasn't getting lucky whenever someone else looted the building they're finding everything you'd ever desire me finding nothing found the words Pol but you know what it's better to find nothing and be alive than find everything and be dead like uh Shadow I have no idea what was going on here but this man apparently set off a nuke or something because he was just dying have to go watch his video see what was going on over there because something was happening this man foreign the next day I joined the server and immediately I saw just how deadly the zombies had became break down this is the door they can break the blocks now they can break the Box [Music] I ran across the farm field trying to escape the zombies and while I was doing that I noticed that the zombies were unable to break fence pieces and with that in mind I wanted to stock up on a bunch of them but my ax of course it was broken and I didn't have the resources to make a new one so I left the farm I walked down the road and found a sign that pointed me to having to be a mine nearby Johnson's line all right I went down to the mine and I started looking around not bad some good stuff but I did not come down here for this so I did not find an ax down there I was hoping to find some iron or something to make it make an ax I did not find any of that and I suppose I could have just mined here and probably found iron pretty quickly but I'm a man who refused to do that for some reason because I'm an idiot so I kept looking for an ax and I thought hey you know you know where I haven't looted yet a place that I was really interested in going to the military checkpoint that leads to the military base on the other side of the tunnel I thought hey you know what probably something good going on in there normally these types of places and games where you find good stuff but uh it's also where you where you die a lot because there's always some there's always something going on you know oh there's other players or there's some sort of mutant there's always something going on this is where Kim spawned and he had said multiple times that there were some Juiced up zombies in here so I was I was a little bit nervous about getting close but I pressed on I climbed up one of the towers I look at this I found an ax oh look at that Gavin's ax glad I just went through all this trouble with your Max and since things were looking relatively clear and I had not seen any Juiced up zombies and you know I was managing to I seemed I felt fairly safe I went further past the checkpoint into the tunnel which uh I'll tell you right now that was a mistake there was a door halfway through it and I wanted to loot it so I went in and uh tell you right now if there's ever a zombie apocalypse do not I repeat do not do what I just did here and walk into a place with only one exit this is exactly how you die there's got to be something here lovers okay foreign look at this beautiful sword that's what we're looking for oh why did I pick the sword up it's so slow all right all right [Music] okay I found myself in somewhat of a situation here okay oh this is not good this is really not good every part I open the zombies in it okay I officially don't know what to do foreign they flood inside while I was waiting I looked at the radio equipment and I had an idea for later after things calm down a little bit I escaped through the bunker by Daniel thankfully it's Minecraft so I can do this if this was real let's just say one dead man in there when I got out though I ran home straight home I ate and slept I'm not getting myself into a situation like that again and here I am right back there again the very next day doing the exact same thing except this time I went all the way through the tunnel and came face to face with one of the juice dub zombies what is that look at that guy okay you see someone like that you just turn right around [Music] unless that's way too fast I want to know part of that so I left and I ran straight out of the compound and out through the checkpoint and back onto the road I followed it further and I saw a radio tower back when I was stuck in the military you know whatever that was office with the radio equipment my idea was to send out a radio transmission to everyone else who was alive we came up with a rule that anyone that comes here to this radio tower could broadcast a radio signal or transmission to all players it was really just a voice message that we posted in Discord so that when you log back on you play anyways so I sent out a transmission this is a radio transmission hey how's it going it's uh I'm in a bunker right now not doing two here's the problem there's a man living in the city to die his name is Kim and anyone who can kill this man will be rewarded handsomely I've got a chest hidden with some good stuff and when I tell you this is good stuff you got to believe me it's some good stuff if you kill this man I'll give you the location of the chest and it's yours all right I want this guy dead you go one day then I pretended that I was I guess playing an Ubisoft game and I climbed to the top of the tower thinking that there was something up here and uh yeah of course there wasn't there better be something at the top of this oh there's a chest up there that's it it's always up here I climbed back down and ran all the way back to the farm but there was a problem The Farmhouse was overrun by zombies and was absolutely no longer safe so I took shelter in the barn making it my like ninth house at this point it wasn't the best but you know at least I was safe and Alive yeah unlike my man Ryan look at this it Ryan keeps dying it's got this guy keeps dying I think he has five Hearts now he's gonna give me one really desperate man that guy's gonna kill people to get Hearts back yeah five Hearts total see that that right there when the man's that desperate is when a man's dangerous incredibly dangerous gotta go watch Ryan's video see what's going on over there the next day I uh wanted to explore a little bit more so I kept going further down that road that I was on that I found the radio tower on and I found a small wooden house on the second floor there was a chest with an ax a potion and a note on the note read As I Lay Dying in the never-ending pit of my nightmares I think of you who kept my candlelick burning in the dark cave filled with the piles of rotten friends and family that have turned to a life of murder and abandoned the hope of existence it was kind of a long sentence my gift to you is the gift of escape a never-ending piece that I held in this bottle within this chest I wait your return to my loving arms in the life of paradise beyond the Haley sunset there was no way I was drinking I I await your return to my love and Escape that right there is the language of a potion that will kill you so I thought you know what there's no way I'm drinking that potion in fact I'm going to force my man Kim to drink it I didn't know how and I didn't know when but I was going to force Kim to drink it anyways I kept exploring and I found the hospital that's a hospital there's no way I'm going in a hospital the hospital's like the one place you don't go in a zombie apocalypse okay I just caught I was kind of curious to know what's in here um you know what I shouldn't be in here oh I did not find anything I got scared and left I am not dying in there and this is my man my my brain is evolving learning to stay away from danger but nearby there was an amusement park and a man like me who has to know what's going on in there amusement park are you joking me you see something like that you go straight in there so I went in and uh little did I know that uh not long from now that this very place would be the blood would be spilled here as well men would die in this park and I'm going to be completely honest it was kind of my fault as well so but for now oh assistant man loving having fun in the having fun in the theme park bumper cars boom boom boom pretty good [Music] I love bumper cars ashtray what is this popcorn nose seating area the Safari I gotta go on the Safari that's a big hamburger the big ham [Music] I'm home I'm home I'm going home [Music] oh it's gonna be burgers are there's the burgers oh my God oh my God [Music] Burger on a burger [Music] on a burger [Music] dragon head all right okay here we go here we go murder on a coaster battle for the camera okay oh oh no no no not this guy not this guy here you go no no I don't want to go this way the wrong way go this way there wiser go go don't know up the coaster what are you doing go this way I go up up ignore that guy no stop it there we go here we go no no no stop I I just want to go on the roller coaster this is not this is there's absolutely no way this was the way this thing was designed for I don't know what to say if I run into that guy one more time I'm gonna lose my mind come on come on no no no no no not him not him not this guy not this world this all this noise is attracting So Many Zombies I'm going back down okay this will be the way hey how's it going this place is all lit up dude nice Lily this is a good you know this poster is longer than most real roller coasters there's the burger the big burger we've been in the burger Kenya can't you can't figure out a break [Applause] this is probably done [Music] oh my God oh my what have I done what have I done to hear the screaming of the zombies the right side closed the Right Said closed for construction okay Welcome To The Future oh my [Music] God Apollo look at the spaceship hard hat required employees only hmm maybe he uh I don't know I almost died I almost just died there oh I don't like that I don't like that look how big of a drop that is oh oh I just thought something so good I'm gonna kill someone with this I don't know who but I'm gonna kill them with it [Music] oh I don't want to exit the normal way oh I don't want to exit the normal way oh it's so scary I'm honestly more scared on this than I am on any roller coaster I've ever been on okay not not doing that again that's horrible eventually I left the theme park and I kept exploring until I found uh we found a Walmart I guess they were called a block mark lock store hey good old little Walmart hello hello oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh okay time to leave Walmart probably let's throw something good in Walmart you know we can always find something good in Walmart with their low low prices all right this is supposed to be Home Depot okay probably some sort of good weapon here oh okay okay I I don't know why I came in Ikea I don't know what it is is it Ikea of course Kevin Tim's probably in here no we're gonna go okay there's so many what's in here okay this is too bad oh my God it's so loud Walmart was good but uh it's not nearly as good as a bandit camp nearby that I looted and I found a diamond bringing my total diamonds to two which is pretty good I kept looting the area and I was getting very close to that one place that I chose a while ago that I wanted to make it to the uh the lone building out in the middle of the field it was very close so I went there and it turns out guess what it was just a little weird tower that was not much going on here I guess it was looted the only thing that I got was this skull helmet which and again would be something that I would wear very soon and commit heinous acts on other living humans you know what don't worry about that right now what you got to worry about is me living life in this Tower anyways behind the tower was a giant building uh and I think it was some sort of company or factory or I I to be honest I don't know I didn't I don't loot it that much I went in I saw a giant Tower I climbed up it and all the chests that I checked had been already loaded another man that got here first boot was gone this is supposed to be mine and someone got here first let me know who alluded this first go watch everyone else's video and tell me and bone to pick with them anyway so I kept looting and uh yeah I did I didn't really get much I got to the top and just it's kind of a waste of time so I left and I started heading back to the farm but I stumbled across another one of those Juiced up zombies oh still coming turns out that they were husks and uh husks very very strong as you saw there very fast and they would rip you to shreds uh when I was making this mod pack did not know that did not plan for that did not know that they would be in there uh and I you know what I'm just glad I had enough to spawn around them like my man Kim so it's not my problem on my way back though I got distracted and I went to explore uh one of the final places that uh I had wanted to check which was this the giant Snowy Mountain so I started hiking up the trail to it and along the path I found some TNT and a chest with a cool machete in it shortly after that there was a there was a few buildings and one of them one of them found something truly remarkable inside hey Sean hey my man how's it going good to see you I love you all right you stay here it's safe is for you here I'm a good guy right there at the top of the mountain there was a Watchtower but yeah like everything else I guess a man had been here first left nothing for me so I just kind of waited up there oh morphine okay okay in the morning I headed back to the farm and that's when it happened Kim had struck again and killed Laguna [Music] I put two and two together and I realized that what Kim was using was grenades though the things that I had been seeing and ignoring was what Kim was using to murder people I logged out for a second and just as I logged back in Robert had killed Kim I hadn't seen Robert in a little while so I was a little bit nervous to see him again so I told him that he could collect the Bounty for killing Kim uh but but I would not be there I would place it in the chest and he would go to the location where it was and then what I would do was I would sit in a little building nearby and Crouch so he couldn't see my name tag and just watch and see how he acts or if he was with someone else maybe I'd hear them talking I didn't know what the plan was I just wanted to make sure that he was safe to encounter so I put the chest on the back of the uranium truck uh and then I hid in nearby building and I waited and launched Robert arrived and thankfully he arrived alone which made me feel a little bit better so I jumped out of the building and I came out and I talked to him for a little bit things were heating up on the server people were getting good gear I mean look at robbery people were killing each other and I was starting to get a little bit worried about all of my stuff being stolen so I remembered back to how I needed to secure my stuff and the best way of doing that was to get an Ender Chest so I told Robert Robert my man I need some diamonds I need them bad so that I can get some obsidian and then I can use my blaze rods which are really pool noodles I remember from the beginning to make an Ender Chest Robert said hey my man Sean do not even worry about it I got a diamond pickaxe so we went down again went right back into that reactor chamber whatever it was again thankfully no radiation was working and Robert sat there for a while chipping away at the obsidian that we were making between the lava and the water while I was standing guard and uh making sure that no zombies got to him Robert harvested enough obsidian to make not one but two ender chests gave me the stuff I said hey Robert for your for your Aid I will give you everything you need to make uh the ender pearl or whatever it is that I forgot what the main thing is called one that you mix standard it doesn't matter you know what I'm talking about obviously so I gave Robert that I took my under chest I put it I hit it in the factory I put it behind a bunch of bookshelves in the I guess the break room and I put a little piece of carpet on top of it so that if someone did enter this area I know they can't loot my under chest but I did not want them to destroy it because destroying someone else's under chest is uh it's kind of kind of you don't do that unless you mean more you know so I hit it just in case you never know what's gonna happen here then Robert said that he wanted to put his under chest at his house and I realized Robert has a house I've never even seen Roberts hey Robert where's your house let's go let's go see that so I went with him Robert had made his base in a in remember the seafood restaurant Robert was living in there and he he had a very cool entrance too you wouldn't know where my house is right no go ahead and watch this yeah watch this oh what the hell I missed that when I was here yeah I was just I accidentally hit it oh my God what is I set that up I set that up because they kept spawning no matter how much light I put up so I just put a wall here I have a little um a little way out in case oh that's cool oh look at this Roberts Roberts we're living it up well I still don't have a man who lives in like six different places I was like I was living in a hamburger there's a like a yesterday and Robert's living in a secret this man's doing a lot better than I am which is concerning because how well is everyone else doing I haven't even seen half these guys yet I don't know where they are what they're up to had no idea and Kim okay Kim was still out there and well yes Robert did Kill Kim and technically get his revenge Kim had killed lagundo as well and when he killed lagundo I guess Robert was able to recover some of the items that lagundo was initially carrying one of which was a special named dagger lagundo in private had told Robert that he really wanted it back and Robert was planning on just giving it to him and I was thinking Robert my man you have forgotten that I am easily the most toxic man on this server or not you're not just gonna give Laguna that back we are gonna we're gonna Force lagundo to work for us the plan was simple first Robert would tell lagundo that he had the dagger and would bring it to him what lagundo wouldn't know is that I would be there hiding and waiting Robert would meet with lagundo and then when the moment was right I would jump out and we'd rough him up a little bit we wouldn't kill him but we let him know that if we wanted to kill him that we easily could then when he was down injured scared and trapped we'd tell him what we wanted him to do and if he didn't do it we'd be back and we'd kill him on site if he completed the task though we'd reward him end we'd protect him but the problem was was that we had absolutely no info on where lagunda was where his house was where he was what he was up to what his gear was like we had none of this information the only thing that we had to go off of was that we knew that he spawned somewhere near the airport and that was it so that's what we did we started our journey to the complete opposite side of the map we sailed across the river past the ginormous bomb site that shadow had set off I gotta go watch this video see what happened there then we went into the shipping yard in through one of the suburbs up to the hospital got in uh got in a bit of trouble there this is gonna get a little bit freaky out of the hospital down onto and along the highway making sure to loot all the cars that we saw there there then we got to the crashed plane and we looted it and realized that someone had looted it before us oh I did the same thing as you and eventually into the factory district Robert got a hold of laguno and they agreed to meet up at the Ashton Hotel so we were on the right track the trick now was getting there before Laguna the other issue was Robert and I absolutely could not be spotted together especially by lagundo so when we got to this tunnel that would lead us to the Ashton hotel we opted to go over it and through the woods instead of through it our fear was that Laguna was already on the other side and he would see us come out together and run when we got across Robert made his way to the front of the Ashton hotel and I climbed a tree and waited from the spot I could see Robert and eventually lagundo who showed up on a horse it was obvious that Laguna was trying to keep his distance from Robert this was a problem we needed this man much closer and also this was it was just a bad spot in general I was way too far to get a jump on him so I moved closer I carefully climbed out of the tree moved further down the road and then climbed up and onto the airport roof where I had a better view of what was going down while I was doing that though Laguna Robert had moved further down the road and we're still yet again too far away from anything to jump on him I watched them all night waiting for them to hopefully move closer they didn't Laguna left and our window closed so I met back up with Robert we needed lagundo to come back so Robert told him that there was something else he wanted to tell him that he would they needed a trade or something like that I don't know what exactly he told Laguna to get him to come back but Laguna agreed but this time though we knew the direction Laguna would be coming from and we would be prepared so Robert made a little structure in front of the Ashen hotel and I waited on the roof it took a long time but eventually he showed up I sat and waited for a window to attack I need a Laguna to turn his back to me and when he did I loaded some tear gas into my hot bar and I went for it Kim dies in my hand here's what's gonna happen Laguna you're gonna drop everything right now all right Laguna stop we're not going to kill yourself we captured you right now I just want to talk oh my God look under we actually just want to talk I I wasn't expecting shots right now we're gonna do it let's stop into the air I don't care no we're not doing we're not gonna do it I don't know why Shawn's doing he's like this stop following me I don't know why Sean Paul told me like this stop following me stop following me you don't blind people that you just want to talk to oh I do I need to be I need you in a certain State five minutes of where the hell did you even get this just relax and everything will make sense in a second we want to make an entrance made an entrance I didn't know Sean was gonna blind you here's what's gonna happen next okay I thought we were just gonna talk We're Not Gonna We're not gonna kill you I don't want to kill you and I don't want yourself I can see you're wearing a leather helmet I'm trying to kill all the zombies this would be really great if you know I wasn't blind yes but what we're saying right now I don't know why Sean blinded you but I guess I guess it's good because now we actually can talk and we have you here um we got you in a corner okay listen you work for us now yeah turn around the zombie you're gonna find Kim's base Kim's already killed me with those stupid grenades once I don't want you to I don't want you to fight him we will fight him we just want you to find him that's all you gotta do he's already on the lookout that doesn't matter I can't risk getting hit by those grenades let me hurts you up Sean doesn't matter find Jim's base or next time we see you this will be different once you have the information send to radio broadcast you can get your horse I've got more horses you want a horse I got about five so I think I think uh what we're trying to say is um you find Tim's base or next time we see you we kill you okay so once you find it I want you to make a radio broadcast saying the eagle has spotted the dog okay I if I'm going to track him down I need something that he took from me what I need some pearls so I can get into so if I find him I can like it here's pavement up front and there's some problems that's that repays the one I just used to escape you yep there you go here's a knock knock so you can knock him off a building how are you all in diamond armor we have access to resources and if you can pull this off you'll be rewarded for it I just need to find him I don't need to kill him you don't need to find him you just need the phone you know what I'm saying I just need to find him I don't need to kill him you need a positive idea where his base is so I can now there's another way you can get to him too he's trying to get Ryan to work for him Ryan to work for him yes he trusts Ryan because Ryan has three hearts right now and he doesn't think he'll try to kill him okay also Kim won't kill someone with three hearts yeah that's that's a bit of it that's that's low even for him and then you know what good luck I would have I would have liked to get oh my God I would like to imagine if you set me flying and I would have ripped my ankles that's kind of what I wanted to do that's what he wanted to do yeah I'm going for my first so I'm walking the same way so you've said goodbye but we're all like oh that's awkward that's really awkward all right all right good luck keep us updated on the mission send a radio transmission radio transmission or if I tell you that there's a dead drop at site a it's in this barrel all right sounds good okay we got the man and now hopefully Laguna would find out where Kim's base was then well then we could make Kim truly pay we celebrated by by me showing Robert the roller coaster yeah let me put it here it doesn't press the button then you go it's not gonna work with both of us like this all right press it when you're in position here just get up just get out of the car yeah there you go now press it oh my God [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no no I can't there's a cart in the way there's a carton [Music] wait you took the cart I got one I got one I got one go go go go go go go [Music] here we go this sucks it's so much fun Robert and I logged off later when I logged back on I had some serious work to do I still didn't have a bait I had honestly realistically I had nothing at this point I had lived in a a trailer a mine a uranium Factory a casino a farm at one point a ham a hamburger I lived in a hamburger in a barn so I needed to finally take care of that once and for all I wanted to live relatively close to Robert so that if something was going to go down I could help him or better yet he could help me I needed somewhere that wouldn't be that hard to secure and wasn't too obvious that I was living in people were allowed to raid it as long as I was online so I need to do somewhere that yeah I don't know you had to be the perfect spot so I made a boat and I set sail looking for somewhere absolutely beautiful and that's when I saw a lighthouse and I thought you know what oh that's not so bad at all a man living in a lighthouse wow what kind of get behind that there's water all around it so zombies can't spawn on the ground near it and sneak up on me I would see anyone coming in a boat if they tried to swim they would be at a disadvantage but it was tall zombies weren't gonna the lighthouse was seeming like a very good place you know about at all so I crashed into the shore jumped out of my boat and started making my way up all of the chests were looted which yeah I mean it wasn't ideal someone had obviously been here and therefore knew the layout of it and knew what it was like up here so that yeah I I don't know I was hoping there'd be something cool up here but I guess someone had already gotten it so just kind of sat there for the night and uh I don't know while I was waiting for the sun to rise I took notice that there was a trapdoor ceiling so I started opening a few of them and there wasn't much there was like redstone blocks and emeralds up there neither of which were useful for me but just by chance I decided to break a couple of the blocks randomly and one of the ones that I decided to break on a whim had a chest hidden behind it oh that I just chose a random one to look in I wonder if it has loyalty it does okay hey I chose a random one well there's stuff was in there let's read about this trident this whole thing has been in my family for Generations best to keep it locked away keep its value that way oh I'm glad I randomly and we decided to mine in here whoever looted up here before me he made a huge mistake take a look at that that right there okay for a man like me to find a trident was truly incredible the only problem was was that I had absolutely no idea how tridents worked in Minecraft because I had never really used one before I mean I had briefly held one and thrown it at Kim in a previous video but I haven't really truly used one so I had to watch a video on how they worked I did not want to lose this thing and I thought you know what Lighthouse is cool and all but uh I I don't know how well I can defend this place so I jumped out of the lighthouse I think with a water bucket or something like that I got back on my boat sailed directly back to Robert's restaurant took a good hard look around made sure that I was not being watched by anyone I swear when I watch everyone else's video if anyone was watching me at this point and found Robert's base because I I need I need to watch other people's videos I'm sure no one was watching me anyways I went in and immediately put the Trident in the inner chest and logged out [Music] at this point I gave up on having my own house there was it just wasn't going to work out I figured out you know what I would just I was just gonna stay in Robert's houses until he noticed that I was I was living here and then at that point when he finally noticed that I was I would just say you know what Robert it's been so long now may as well just let a man like me live in your house nope right that's not gonna be not gonna be a big deal speaking of Robert why did this man have a jail in his house why does Robert have a jail in his house Robert Robert oh you're here you hear that what I was just saying Robert randomly just as you joined there's he got here you're just going rubber rubber yeah hey what's with the jail cell I don't know uh it was here it was here when I got here it was it's not a jail cell I'm assuming it's like this is like a uh a place for people to come to it's like a shelter and this is just like the front desk of the shelter I guess letting people in I feel like you guys are sick stay away but you can stay here kind of thing I guess oh yeah I tried putting slabs down and they still spawn like these zombies don't care they don't adhere to normal zombie rules and unfortunately I think they can break these fences no we'll see come on in come on in they're stopping hey why you stop it come on Robert was telling me about some hidden spot in the mountains he said that he had found it while exploring but it seemed dangerous and he didn't want to go in alone I want to point out that at this point I had I had only died once I I this was very rare for a man like me to survive as long as I had I had only died once okay I thought by this point I'd be working with three or four Hearts no no no I had almost I had all of my hearts I was a full man so I said you know what sure my man Robert let's go let's go raid that mountain no problem the only thing was so we we still had no idea where Kim was or what he was planning anyways I repaired my fast chess piece we did some other stuff at the factory forget what to be honest I showed Robert my stash I don't know why I showed Robert this there was absolutely no need for me to you ever watch the show Survivor hey it's one of my favorite shows to watch whenever someone finds a hidden immunity idol in that show they always show someone that they found it and I always think just don't tell anyone just keep it in your pocket but they always have to tell someone and I thought you know if I'm ever on Survivor there's no way I'm showing anyone that if I find one of these things yet here I am playing this game showing Robert my secrets there was no need for me to do I don't know why it is anyways we went to the mountain and he showed me where the entrance was to this like secret lab and we went in oh look at this oh get on oh my god oh no Sean Sean what oh my God I'm taking fall damage because it's bouncing me up so I wow oh oh my God it's an end Crystal oh can we take no we can't take it it's it's like stuck that do not hit it either and I have Ender oh nice make another ender chest with that don't touch the Prototype oh look at this Sean oh my others oh I got an end Crystal oh did you beautiful yeah is it ready to remove he's blowing them up no no no oh I found tons of Ender all right oh Robert what there's uh all right let's both take half the Soul Sand there's some more over here too back up this is the last baby oh wait don't go to that Crystal okay oh my God there's something inside of it no I can break it and see anything doesn't look like it can go underneath it guys nothing what tools are you using iron is breaking okay so we have an end Crystal we can use that as a trap now yep well not too shabby what what stick out stainless sticky stop you from bouncing this is cool [Music] it's all I'm bouncing yeah so if you start bouncing you start taking fall damage oh oh foreign we left the research laboratory and then we started heading back Kim was online and still out there he was who knows where doing who knows what so we wanted to we wanted to get one step ahead of him and we thought we might be able to find out where his base was my thought and this was just a theory was that it might be somewhere near the evacuation Island the one that had that boat connected to it that I went while it doesn't matter we thought that it might be there because he had killed Robert there and we believed at the time that he had killed lagundo there too making us think okay Kim likes his Island so his base needs to be nearby Kimberly oh Kimberly this is where he killed me first time I'm reliving his his kill he went up this he went up this Tower and threw it down at me Kim wasn't there there was absolutely no sign of him here either so this was just a big waste of time so we went back to the factory we were really hoping that at some point we'd run into him and because there was two of us we could take him out or we just wanted to find Kim and just as we were discussing how we were going to do that Kim left a message in chat saying what's everyone doing oh Bingo that's that was good to see that I replied with a where are you and he said strolling down the street so I said okay oh which street he said I don't know the namers I don't know I don't know neighbors he I said where at he said who are you hanging out with and I said myself and then Kim said can I visit and with that I knew then and there that we had him but instead of replying to him more I just went completely silent because at this point I wanted Kim to think that we had no interest in meeting him and that he was the one trying to meet us that's exactly how I wanted them to be so I didn't say anything else I just kept silent and waited for him Robert and I discussed what our plan of attack would be if we just killed him on site it would be a waste we'd get one heart and he'd respond back at his base and we have no idea where he was no we weren't gonna do that we started thinking okay what if we could trap this man physically contain him in some sort of box you know they say you trap a trap a man like Kim you got him good so that's what that's what our plan was so I hit Kim with a Kim Kim in chat and I asked him where do you want to meet we talked more and I told him to meet me at my farm at first he didn't know where that was but after a bit of clarification he knew exactly where it was meaning Kim Kim had been to my house before now who was this guy doing walking around my farm over here what what's what is what am I even saying okay this plan was gonna work but we needed there was a few more moving parts that I wanted to make sure that if things went wrong we had a backup and that backup plan was none other than lagundo you see remember earlier when Robert and I kind of well I mean I I kind of uh jumped Laguna a little bit let's kind of figure it out this man was about to play a role in this plan I messaged lagundo and I said lagundo you know what it's it's time for you to to cash it's time for you to get to work all right Kim is coming to us and what I want you to do is keep your distance and if things go not the way for that Robert and I planned and Kim somehow kills us I want you lagundo to follow Kim back to his base but remain out of sight don't let him see you and that way we will at the very least we'll know where Kim's base is Laguna agreedon the plane was set in motion we got to the farm climbed up the grain Tower and modified it we opened up some holes so that we could see better and if we see anyone who's coming from any angle no no surprise visitors all right this was going to be purely an event with me Kim and Robert and Laguna from a distance no one else needed to be involved in this all right if there's a single other person there the plan had gone wrong it's also provided in an area for Robert to sit and hide because if Kim saw anyone else besides me this man would run away so Robert sat on the top of the green Tower and I went down below to test to see how visible he would be up there but while we were doing that I discovered that the farmhouse it had a basement oh my God oh my God a few blocks below my feet in the basement that at this current time I did not know existed of this building this would be the scene of a gruesome murder with everything in place I waited for Kim to arrive and it didn't take long Kim are you running because I'm scared you've killed two people oh it's different now it's different now what do you mean it's different now I want to give you this horse you want to give me a horse yes so you can Traverse faster I don't need a horse but I appreciate it oh uh I have this thing what do you have put that put the grenade away put the grenade away what is the fruit smoothie it's not a grenade it's a fruit smoothie yeah it makes you run faster oh that was my double stuck my backup plan if the gundor or something was hiding here I would run off I don't know Sean have you have you like laid a trap here I feel like they've seen under the ground there's no TNT there's no trap I secretly messaged you huh I secretly messaged you but then you blew it by saying I'm here those uh you know it was a key moment yeah okay I will get closer I will not kill you I swear look here if I see it keep that keep and keep any of the potions out of your hand so look that's what I was holding I swear I will not kill you I'm not I'm not blood blurry okay I'll give it back to you I want to give me your new good side and maybe we have each other and I can do you favor I want to do so maybe you have a good plan for me I want you to take advantage of me that's what I want take advantage of you yeah all right Kim it doesn't need to go down like this stay there it doesn't need to go down like this don't run Kim just stay where you are and you won't get hurt Robert now don't run Kim stay there Kim Kim stay there Kim I'm moving we got you okay you got me drop the gear put him in the Tomb Robert all right Kim stand there I need you I need you to get in something okay just give me a second Kim get in there don't do this with me guys please I do anything I do anything please I would do anything I'm gonna give him this gear back okay oh he's free I'll go oh do we kill him do we kill him no we take him out now no guys I can chase him down I can I can catch him peace guys please you should have stayed in the Tomb Kim I don't know what to do I don't know Kim you shouldn't have ran this has got so much worse for you Kim where are you going Kim where are you going I don't know where I'm going I never been there before can't outrun us Kim how are you guys so fast I know I've seen I've seen that I don't understand it though he's going into the hospital that's a huge mistake for him okay guys please off the horse get off the horse Kim you cannot run I'm out I'm out of doors I'm out of Tours all right Kim you're gonna get in the Tomb like we said what do we do I have so many questions right now come on I'm gonna find you bring him back to the farm and then go to The Cellar I think he's the wrong way where'd that tunnel go you go go go to the tunnel yeah well you you you're ours Kim you're ours Kim we got a plan for you we got a nice little yeah in here for three days [Music] come out now nope you're kidding me keep going straight we have you ever say such a such a thing you're gonna confirm no not execution no bring him to the basement bring him to the basement I will pay you back with something I will go get diamonds for both of you can we go go pick up your stuff where is it right there please come to the basement follow me down the basement Robert's gonna meet us down there come on come on go go follow him oh oh this way just run past them stand right there get over to the corner which corner buy the TV over there should I use these to put the armor on me put the armor on you don't tell me you're gonna oh we're not gonna execute you no you're not we're gonna let Laguna execute me if I no because I killed him I can't believe any of these Terry comes drink this potion just drink it if I better not be these top you guys can kill me twice that is not okay drink the potion drink the potion Kim Tomorrow's Hope Ryan where's Ryan there you are right look at this Kim drink the potion we're here drink the potion Kim we're here we're here purely for Kim do not worry I know it looks it looks like it could be a trap for all of us it really does look like a trap I'm not I'm not gonna lie what happened this is just our plan to get Kim wait hold on what did he do what kind of things tell me it's pretty good I want to know what they're doing right now what I have more Hearts I have like three four Hearts extra oh what did you give him what was that I found a potion in a trailer and it seemed like it would kill you oh god look on those upstairs get down here bring him down Robert escort him down maganda come come Ryan no not the gun this really stinks of like ruined yes this is around the time when uh it started to get a little bit carried away with uh this whole capture thing because I knew Laguna was nearby but given what had happened in The Purge he he didn't want to come down to the basement he kept he was keeping his distance and pretending that he wasn't nearby but we knew he was there and yeah he was kind of scared this man didn't want to get I don't know he was he didn't trust us completely based on the events of The Purge but for some reason because I gotta I don't I don't know what what what got into me I uh I wanted him to come down Laguna right now you have the option of walking away from here with an extra heart or you have the option of respawning why is there no option of don't go into the [Music] murder basement for Kim no one else is gonna murdered here [Applause] I'm gonna get killed no reason no look I know we're all full health there's no reason for any of us to kill you if you die you go to your house we don't even know where your house is those who come down here look everyone the only person the server that we want dead is this computer man right here in this how do I get in because right now there's just where are you where are you I'm on the road this right here such a trap it's not a trap it's not a trap have have yourself out Kim stop your weapon out and just come down here Kim oh sorry yeah you also promised me that's it look look who we have look at him look who we got in the corner wait a minute oh he killed him uh oh he hit the ground too hard how oh that wasn't part of the plan one Sean oh no I'm scared I don't trust you this isn't part of the plan John cool what I miss Ed what happened here's what's gonna happen what what's going on over here wait wait look under stuff is all right there yeah and it's mine now Kim grab Laguna stuff what did I miss what happened oh oh wow down here ah um I don't feel sick I don't feel safe Kim right now I've got it sorry wait what do you say fight right I mean to death you want to fight me to the death fight me to the death I I don't I don't really want to fight him either when I flood the basement I read back to Robert's restaurant I mean I made sure no one was looking all right I looked around I mean no I was not followed and I went in I was talking to Robert via whisper trying I was trying to get a gauge on the situation I was thinking that these these people were gonna kill me I thought that they wanted me dead so I said to Robert Robert Kill Them All find an opportunity and Kill Them All but Robert the Robert wouldn't do it he was too scared but I wanted I I needed okay I wanted blood okay I wanted everyone dead so I I ran back to the factory [Applause] [Applause] welcome everyone hello confused well hey stay out of throwing distance yeah so Sean what what we're here for is we just need to need to know what what the hell just happened I'll explain to you like explain it why Laguna died there yeah was never supposed to kill Kim yeah I saw that you threw him an ender pearl was gonna fight lagundo to the death that's always gonna happen he didn't listen I I listened yes Kim listen which is why I mean you died but that wasn't part of it you didn't listen you tried to run away just because we could catch you on your horse the first time I was very cooperate after that after I realized you guys yeah yeah after you realize you couldn't do anything then you Club yeah so now it's very likely that Laguna is going to come after me do you trusts me shout out Shadow assured him it was safe I assured him it was safe Kim pleaded for his life I had no intent on making lagundo die there I thought for sure be an easy kill for Laguna on Kim it was he came down and started shooting him I know which is why he had to die I tried to escape but then oh that's what killed you that's what killed Kim the ender pearl Laguna got the heart and then I got the heart from Laguna yeah yeah so here's how did it happen this is only right I don't like this Sean are we sleepy I think he's killing kill me Ryan okay everyone back up yeah Kim you use that on me okay don't act like you don't know what it is yeah but I didn't know like how like if you can walk into it or like it's still like oh don't worry I wouldn't walk into it yeah I was waiting for them to stand close enough together that I could kill them all in one single throw I was waiting for the absolute perfect moment and then it finally came when I told them that they could use my Ender Chest if they wanted all of them stood right on the chest and they had them perfectly lined up but I couldn't do it I couldn't bring myself to killing them all but you know what I won't make that mistake again later that day when I logged back onto the server I was I was feeling like a very the world's most guilty man felt very very bad about kind of uh killing Laguna and Cold Blood murdering a man in the basement so as an apology of sorts I offered Laguna a gift I told him that I'd bury some high value items underneath a slot machine in the casino so I grabbed some stuff including my my beautiful Trident or nothing I was I was feeling so guilty offered by Trident to a man and I put it in a chest and buried it under a slot machine in the casino after that I went over to Robert's house and Robert Robert had been a busy man very very busy man look at this man's chest full of grenades this this was look how many he had he also had a Zombie Farm set up this man was just doing well at some point he had given me some diamonds too but honestly I I don't remember when that was like and I don't want to make my man wise fish sift through all like 60 hours of footage I have to find don't bother doing that wise Fisher right you include this in the video you don't you don't need to I don't know when to happen right it happened at someone he gave me six diamonds and uh so I made a diamond pickaxe Robert also made some modifications to the restaurant look okay that's good Robert had a plan he wanted to booby trap a building and kill someone me being honestly somewhat of a psychopath at this point I thought you know what excellent idea Robert all for it in fact I'll give you anything you need to do that I would love to be a part of something like that so we we set out to do that but the thing is that we needed a few more supplies we needed Redstone and I told Robert that the lighthouse oh okay you want Redstone you go to the lighthouse right that place is loaded with redstone tons of stuff up there so we went up and we got some and then I jumped off the lighthouse and yeah I didn't expect there to be a fish on the server what was that there's a guardian down there oh oh why is our Guardian I don't know come on oh God I'm gonna die what are you doing I'm gonna die why are you fighting it are you just trying to fight a guardian I don't know why the next part of the plan was to find somewhere to booby trap and where we selected was very crucial we needed somewhere that wasn't completely obvious but somewhere that was obvious enough that they would figure it out so somewhere kind of recognizable and we thought you know what theme park that's it has to be the best place to do something like this we had the absolute perfect plan okay we were gonna booby trap one of the bathroom stalls in the theme park so that when uh someone walked in there and opened up the stall door boom grenades straight in the face so simple but wasn't simple was setting this thing up because the zombies they were getting a little bit annoying they're getting really there much quicker than they were large groups of them harassing us foreign [Applause] but eventually Robert got it working Robert yeah it's all sad I just need to put the grenade in all right throw it in let's go to the Rainy Tower make the announcement and the final part of the plan was for Robert to set out a radio transmission that's uh [Music] I'm gonna tape and listen to it myself laughs get Thrills and desires are weak go to a place where it becoming time with beef in Mario's seniors and since but probably no drinks but a treasure it can't be any mirror it was a few hours later when I got back online and the only other two people online were Shadow and sneeve both of them were in the process of trying to decipher Robert's riddle they were in these suburbs of the non-destroyed Cities so I made my way over traveling was a bit more difficult now because of how fast the zombies were getting it wasn't too dangerous if you had enhanced speed like I did but if you stop paying attention for even just a second you could it very easily die so I had to be careful also to be careful that uh Shadow and sieve weren't they weren't planning something like uh lying to me about uh not knowing the answer to the riddle and then gently guiding me directly to a rigged up toilet stall that would uh yeah that would be awful so I got to the suburb found them and started to Solve the Riddle with them okay so you're looking for somebody with peeping Tom a Peeping Tom I thought Tom would lie or something I thought there was a tree house in this town but there's not and we were thinking a place with sinks uh and mirrors but no good drinks we were thinking a bathroom Ah that's good so I was when I heard peeping Tom I thought of the newspaper people because they're like oh the the paparazzi yeah oh we tried them girls locker room at the school but there's nothing there showing his teenage boys maybe that's for the price yeah that's right he's gonna be live straight in the locker room look at those events oh so I was thinking so there's a movie theater when it says so it's the only thing is that mirrors and sinks doesn't fit at all the the I think you guys are right with washroom that to me sounds right but maybe there's like is there like a water I don't know um I don't know well what about what about the uh there is about the amusement park oh the music that's a good idea and there'll be a bathroom at the amusement park as well yeah all right you might have cracked it he might have cracked it can we stop at the the maybe we stop with the drive-in on the way where where is the yeah I don't know where it is on the map the museum Park's right by my before the scene the crime was [Laughter] yeah maybe it's the amusement park yeah I would I would bet on the amusement park I think I think that's the it takes so many boxes that one all right here it is all right oh here the rest drums men are women who are they gonna Peep and Tom on those there's nothing in here 's the burger shout out yeah you find something oh it's to my restrooms okay yeah nothing than this one and zombie coming oh [Music] I I don't know oh come on oh my God no what's up I just hit a grenade no I'm alive that's my sword ow ES okay oh Steve [Music] oh sneeve where you at snevie boy oh sleeve there was two grenades there other grenade was meant for you I ran back to the restaurant I was very very careful not to go inside because if I was being chased I didn't want anyone knowing where this restaurant was so I sat there for a few moments typing in chat to both sneeve and Shadow warning them that if I saw them again I would not hesitate to kill them but while I was doing this I noticed something not too far from Robert's restaurant through the darkness I saw a small lit up Island I wasn't sure whose island this is but after talking in chat for a few moments I realized it was sneeves so I took what I wanted from the chess broke the Ender chest and blew up the entire Island yeah I might be thinking that a man like me he's lost his mind gone crazy but I'll tell you all right now this right here I needed to do something like this okay I got that there's no way I was gonna let the I you know what I don't know how to justify my actions but I just you know what I did it all right once done is done so we're gonna just move on from this imagine using that as your defense in court okay anyways I wanted to also strike Shadow while I could but to do this I didn't want to lose all my stuff since there was a lie a large probability that I would die trying to go after Shadow so I stowed a bunch of my valuable supplies in the Ender Chest on sneeves island before I blew it up and then I made my way over to Shadows Tower I climbed up got inside and told him that I was gonna blow it up but I was bluffing I started to feel bad yeah I should have done it you know watching this footage back I should have done it and so I just sat on the roof and waited for him foreign [Music] foreign I was dead but you know what I was fine because my message my message was made this this was going to be a war I needed to get back to Robert's face but I was I was very far and with a fresh batch of mutated zombies no gear and pretty much everyone on the server wanting to kill me uh getting there was not gonna be it was not gonna be very easy okay it's gonna be a little bit difficult so I just needed to make my way to the factory first which wasn't too far and then get some gear and then make my way over but someone had booby trapped the factory oh man someone almost got me a thought oh okay so they put traps in my house wow okay I'm gonna be honest I that might have been me I'm known to just dig random holes so it could have been me I don't know I got my stuff and I made my way over to Robert's house but there was a problem Robert stay away from me Sean what the hell happened here I I know you did I didn't do this I know you did it Robert stay away from me no no I don't trust you anymore no honestly honestly I didn't do this stay away from me Robert Robert I don't trust you I will show you all of my recordings you can just not record something I I swear to you I didn't do this my plan my entire plan hinges on you and I trusting each other I swear to you I didn't do this [Music] all my stuff's downstairs with all the zombies was it blown up no pressure plate like you walked in and it was a trout yeah so someone was in here okay did you tell anyone about where your house was now you're the only person that knew okay I'm telling you right now they said they knew where your house was last night I have it recorded you survived though yeah I'm alive okay that's good everything you're asking right now I don't trust you right now I I Robert I'm telling you the truth right now I promise you I did not do this we can't let them we can't let them tear each other and tear us apart you're tearing everyone apart yeah you are you got everyone against me too now well yeah we gotta have the good guys versus the bad guys I gotta get all my stuff here I'll help you get it I'll get i'll get all their attention no they're gonna go down to my hole I'll stand on there with you [Music] these quick crazy questions you're asking another question you're being weird I swear to you I'm not being weird I told you everything that happened last night I'm I'm just most upset about my totem being gone you want me to get it back that is probably still the casino I'll go I'll go try to get it wait no no no okay I'm gonna stay with you Robert I got it we have to trust each other for this [Music] we have to trust each other I have I have no reason to lie to you right now I have nothing to gain from just deceiving you there's been so many times where I could have killed you even even when I arrived here I was strapped with like seven grenades on me and I could have just thrown them down if it was me who truly set the TNT trap while you were recovering there I could have thrown the grenade in because you're online I could have taken everything and I could have ran away extremely fast it's weird you said you'd be at my house in one minute and then I'll show you where I stopped I shot the loot somewhere I got four grenades there's probably more in there which I want to get to them before someone else gets them also last night I wouldn't have told you about my plan well we're gonna rename potions different things I don't know if I want to show you my house you don't have to I I I I wish I could somehow prove to you do you want me to let you kill me do you hurt no no no no the point is I'm not there's no there's no play there's no reason for me to deceive you all that does is depletes me of one Ally when I'm fighting Five Guys right now again I could have like I wouldn't have told you about my plan to rename potions I don't know who bombed Robert's base or how they found it but if someone did I'm gonna be very curious to watch their video and figure out how they found out that our base was here because okay you saw I looked I made sure no one followed me there's no way someone followed me I was Robert now thought that I had something to do with this and he didn't trust me which was a huge problem because if I wanted to get out of the city alive I was gonna need Robert we fled the restaurant and went out looking for Kim he said that he needed help desperately and if there was going to be a war we were gonna need numbers we told Kim that we could help him on the condition that if we did he was with us no matter what he was going to fight in the war on our side and he agreed so he went to help him he told us that he was living in some apartment buildings near the factories so we went over and started looking for it it took a couple of in-game days to make it there and we had to kill a lot I mean a lot of fast zombies but we made it oh yeah oh there's holes in the ground enchanting table beds there's lava his stuff is right there get a beacon what the hell [Music] so the beacon didn't make it drop it oh my goodness oh that's it your stuff's in the chest oh thank you the top chest is mine help me help me I cannot eat something well we're going up we're coming up they're breaking the floor they're breaking the floor all right Kim it's time to move yeah I gotta get some of the stuff yeah what happened to the diamonds do I have the ceiling they're still in the chest didn't take them all right there all right Kip you don't forget this no I will never forget this otherwise this is if it were for you too this will be the end of my video [Laughter] not even joking you had died many times uh I played uh I didn't play last night when you I don't know what happened last night I just wanted you why is it bounty on you Sean what happened are you gonna try to redeem that Bounty Kim no I just want to know what happened I killed everyone you killed everyone did he really rock Robert's hands are also bloody too so let's not I didn't I didn't kill anyone per se p.m yes the payment for saving you was those two grenades to Robert Robert lost all of his grenades he needed some yes someone said a trap in my house again TNT blew everything up and we want to know if you know anything about that this is my first time hearing about that neither Kim Robert or I had a base at this point we we had nowhere to go the restaurant was compromised because now everyone had you know well known where it was I didn't have a base I mean the factory who cares about the factor there's nothing in there and Kim's I don't know why what Kim was thinking billing his base here didn't zombie proof it so just like season three of The Walking Dead we went out to find somewhere at first I suggested maybe you know what else don't live in Walmart how funny would be if we stayed in the Walmart you want it you want to do that live in the Walmart or I don't know this is a notorious place to get overrun you guys want the oven what's Kim playing the drums okay there's no way we're gonna live in Walmart all right not being the Walmart boys that's happening so we started looking around more we were thinking where is safe where is open so that we can see people coming and where looks cool the three criteria must be met otherwise we won't live in there and after debating a few possible locations and going back and forth we settled on the perfect place okay so here it is boys a beautiful Farm the farm oh look at all the bread we can make oh my oh no that's not weed oh look at this place oh yeah home sweet home [Music] there's a few zombies in the few oh my God oh look at the thing's moving oh we got that's that's just that needs to stop yeah we gotta turn that off right now no the tank in here oh my goodness what someone was living here someone was living here yeah how do you know look at look at this chest dude look at these chests oh yeah I don't know how to destroy that though like at all if we wanted this Farm to be safe we were going to need to clear out some of the crops problem was was the zombies were extremely fast and running around in tall grass with the fast zombies is uh that was spooky the zombies were becoming a problem they were they were extremely fast and with my absolutely horrible internet you know you never know what could happen right it was stressing me out the hordes were getting longer or larger they were following you for further and it just wasn't becoming safe and this windmill was going to be difficult to secure but but we found a way to fight back if you dig a pit and then put trap doors on it the zombies will fall into the hole and if you get enough of them to sit inside of that hole it will cause the other zombies in the area to not spawn because yeah I didn't Ward that correctly but if there's enough zombies in the pit zombies the spawn speed slows down because the game has already made it it doesn't matter we started just digging these holes and setting trap doors up I was feeling good about this Alliance I felt like Robert Kim and I we're going to make it down Robert had absolutely no reason to betray me I was not planning on betraying Robert and Kim Kim owed us his life there was no reason for any one of us three to betray the other three and pull any sort of funny business but you know what of these two had been actively playing both sides yeah yeah one of them was lying as you watched the rest of this video you know what I want you to do as you watch the rest of this video try to figure out whether it was Robert or Kim who was lying through their teeth and playing both sides see if you can figure it out and leave a comment because you know what I had no idea all right I'm gonna leave it for now I logged out and I think when I got back on Robert was still there Sean what are you doing oh I think if you're here I was running around huh anything change uh talk to you about some stuff come up in the house oh my God there's like holes so Shadow I talked to Shadow and he tried to kill me my totem went off you know all that so I tried to talk to him again today it was just me and him on and I tried to like clear up my name sort of thing yeah he said that you said that I want to kill Shadow and sneeze before before the whole thing happened no that didn't happen he also told me that Kim said that you told him that you're gonna kill Robert that you're gonna blow them Sky High nope didn't say any of that oh Shadow has been either a lying about a lot of things or you and Kim are plotting something against me Shadow is absolutely lying he he when I after I did the thing um he said something similar to me about yo he said that you were planning on killing me and so at this point I I I don't trust a lot of things it's hard for me to know who's telling the truth in a lot of these situations yeah I'm sure I'm sure a lot of a lot of things are there's been a lot of lies going around I didn't care about who said what or what who was working with who or any of that My Philosophy was simple if I saw lagundo Shadow or sneeve I would kill them on site if I saw Ryan you know what we'll see what happens with Ryan right Ryan Ryan's the man the man without a plan right now it seemed like Graham was a man who was barely surviving so Ryan I would give him a pass but I don't know it has to be a war it doesn't have to be we can work together to the end and all Escape together yeah that's boring though it would that be that'd be such a plot twist at this point no no I wanna I wanna kill them all throw off that little stolen sword I want to kill them all I want I want to take all their hearts other humans weren't even the biggest threat the threat right now was the brutal lag I was getting using my satellite internet because I live in the middle of nowhere I know get up get up get upstairs for once I I you know I actually mean this when I say this this death did not count okay there's no way I'm counting that death truly that one that one was I did nothing wrong there so if you see Forge lab Sean died at some point and someone else's video at this point in the video it doesn't count okay I'm making that very clear right now I undid the death yeah undid it I gave myself a hardback don't worry about it okay the zombies were becoming the real threat and the windmill was you know it's starting to seem like it was it wasn't as safe as we thought it was and I think at some point I don't know if it was now or if it was in a day or two in game someone found out where it was okay there was problems with the windmill okay we were realizing you know what maybe we shouldn't live in a giant windmill this giant thing spinning and all these problems and I mean like the zombies were constantly getting inside and there was tight corners and dead ends and we were just gonna get killed here legitimately Robert and I were we're barely getting by but you know what that didn't stop us because we were we're gonna make a move on Shadow Robert had got an Intel that shadow had moved his base from the volcano yeah there's a volcano on the map uh and that he was probably living in the volcano which you know wouldn't be a bad idea because he got lava all around you and I mean how are the zombies gonna get through Lava right can't do it they burn up and if you but you as a human with a proper brain you think okay I'm gonna walk over The Lava they can't figure that out too stupid so it seemed like a really good place so we thought you know what why don't we remove the lava but on our way there we uh we ran into Orion Brian my man how's it going hey Sean how you doing [Applause] I assume you uh knew where my base was because uh Robert oh no rubber too yeah I uh I saw two named eggs I didn't even know that there was a bounty until Laguna swung by and said that there was one but I don't have any grenades or anything so I'll just back away from the door if you want to come on in all right I'll uh I'll just stay close to the door then so then I can so I can see you what do you want you want some iron you got buckets uh I've got two buckets hey yeah thank you oh absolutely I appreciate it here have a beer ooh fun stuff all right good luck yeah yeah do you need anything else yeah uh not yet but we might later we might come back and have a chat with you in a little bit all right if you uh if you need anything just let me know hey Ryan love that guy what's he what was he up to I have no idea I'm very curious to watch his video my man Ryan this guy is a I don't know anyways we got to the volcano so it's way at the top of the base so we're good from here yeah can you see us through the name pigs no it's it's he's further this this isn't gonna be good if he's there also we have to do it and then run thank you Robert we got a hot one pass we need to build over his base yeah things were falling apart it would get at one point Shadow I saw his name tag I had no idea what I was doing I was still battling my absolutely horrible internet I was I felt like a man playing me as well you know what I thought I was about to make a joke saying I may as well be playing this game from Mars I was playing it from space every time I made a move in the game went to space came back down to earth that's how I was using the internet here how can a man play Minecraft in space and expect to win and how is that how does that work anyway so I I don't know I just took off and I got as soon as I saw Shadow's name played Iran and I messaged Robert and explained to him that you know this is this is going to be tough for a man like me all right but he said okay calm down relax we can figure this out so we regrouped met back up and uh start to pick on things out crazy hey let's go yeah he I when I logged back in I saw him running around down there yeah I didn't I didn't see him I was towering over him like I was I was building out I built out a long plank to try to drop water straight on his house but no I didn't because he was there so I stopped and I tried to break it all but I thought he was coming out because he snuck so I didn't see him anymore and then yeah I thought he was gonna come out so I ran no so there's blocks above his house well that's good it just sends a message we didn't want to go back to the windmill that you know that place that place was horrible zombies were getting inside of it constantly or like I said there's dead ends there's random Holes in the Floor there was tight Corners the place just was not safe probably the most unsafe place on the entire map and we had trying to make a base there not to mention at some point while I was offline someone else found out where the windmill was got inside and emptied Robert's chest and Kim's chest and it's not my chest because at this point I had no belongings or at least didn't keep them in the windmill because why would I keep them there that was foolish of Robert and Kim and for some reason Robert thought it might have been me Robert if you're watching this video like you can see right here right now I did not take your stuff out of the chest all right my man I'm an innocent man very very innocent man so anyways Robert and I thought you know what let's get out of this windmill why are we living in a windmill what are they windmill boys will leave right so yet again we decided to move and we had finally we had the perfect place in mind and I'm glad I'm glad we figured this out at the end of the event we thought you know what why don't we go to the stadium well not inside the stadium because you know what happened in there before but what about outside the stadium I don't know the parking lot it was open secluded and easy enough to secure we'd build a a primarily base focused on Zombie Defense and not so much player defense because honestly at this point everyone else on the server was way too scared to come out to us at least that's what I was thinking and so I thought hey you know what don't worry about people who should make this base zombie proof the plan was simple a square Tower with zombie pits all around the perimeter and then we'd use trapdoor so they'd fall in the pit and hopefully the pets would fill up and no zombies would spawn in the area and the whole place would be safe so we built it [Music] foreign [Music] next we need a better gear specifically Diamond gear so we started digging the world's deepest pit we dug straight into the ocean because I guess the stadium was built over on and you know it's fine we just sealed it up and kept digging down it's all good me and remember we were calling the boys who dig down that's what everyone was calling us it was good it wasn't long until my man Robert started finding diamonds this man was Finding lots of them straight Down's the way to go hey diamonds you got diamonds two diamonds more diamonds for Robert I found Iron Man where'd you find more diamonds oh yeah look at that what open this up just hit one block and there's there's a diamond there all right that's enough of you I got no refining done oh my god I've hit the mother load on this one what do you mean stop you don't want me to finding diamonds I want to find some I'm giving I know but I want the excitement to go no I find diamonds with Sean yeah I just want to make you feel better I've just been finding a lot of diamonds I haven't found a lot of iron so hey diamonds you're kidding me it's your pickaxe [Music] there we go oh he actually I told you I told him come on we came back up and made more gear and I'm in the walls higher I was liking the look of our Tower you know it was kind of cozy and you know I mean it was just a square box I don't know why I wrote that in the script I was liking the look of her no I wasn't and it wasn't cozy it was just a square root why why would I write anyways by this point I was hoping to have some sort of serious compound like the prison from The Walking Dead Or Alexandria but uh you know what parking lot with Robert and Kim in a 5x5 Square so uh It's gotta do right so I spent the next couple of in-game days trying to make the place look a little bit nicer by replacing some of the walls with deep slate and adding some wood to the corners and knotting trim and I think we got new lights in there we're just trying to make a place look a little bit better because but realistically that's not the top priority the top priority right now I'm getting ourselves safe safe protected get good gear and getting ourselves in a position where we can start killing people and that's what that's what we needed to be doing as I watched this footage back I noticed that I have a new sword I have no idea where in the 60 hours of footage I found that sword was because honestly halfway through this I just stopped taking notes um which is just stupid on my part I'll never make that mistake again this was this was an absolute brutal script to write I'm going to tell you that right now it was this was you know who cares right I'm right it doesn't matter I found this sword at some point really good sword makes you move very quickly and I the thing is is when you use it with the chess piece you move extremely fast I didn't want to risk losing both of these at once I was very careful when I brought both out I thought if I lose one if I lose both of them I'm done I'm a dead man so it doesn't matter anyways I found this sword right that's why I have it now okay anyways while I was working on the base Kim did something stupid and tied somewhere and lost all this stuff I don't know I don't know how he did this so go watch his video he'll probably say something like oh my goodness can you believe this I walked into 50 zombies and they bit me how could they do this to me I gotta stop doing that anyway so we went to go get his stuff from it was outside the military base and we didn't want anything to do with that place at all but uh when a man like Kim goes down he got albums and speaking of helping to take a you know I've done a lot of bad stuff in this simulation where I've killed innocent people I've murdered people I've made them trust me then I've betrayed I've done a lot of bad stuff but you know what I've also done a lot of good stuff okay you focus on the good things like here when I'm helping Kim retrieve his stuff right don't worry about the murders don't worry about the theft you just worry about this right okay anyways here's Robert and I saving Kim's stuff okay oh yeah look all this stuff is on that one zombie like a shield it's zombified Kim yeah I think I think oh yeah enchanting table okay yeah meanwhile while we were doing that Kim was working on the base and I asked him to make it look nice like he does in all of his videos where he makes really nice stuff and makes a whole video about how great this new ancient city or whatever the Pokemon he this man is very good at building things so I thought all right we're gonna get Kim to build a beautiful base while we're out retrieving his stuff but but when I got back look this guy had done basically nothing he added a small floor I just look at him standing there I I truly cannot believe you I can't believe you did this again yeah I kind of believe it I did it later also look what he did to Robert and I Sun's up let's go yes so I give you this you give me ender pearl I do not accept I don't have an airport okay oh nice okay I will give you my favorite drink Robert for that there you go I got that Spirits when I poisoned me all right let's go let's go let's go I'm a bit drunk right now Kim did you drink the beer I did baby zombie value oh no oh it's so fast oh foreign there was an accident I was trying to shoot a bow that was an accident I gotta try and get the stuff before the zombie does Kim say something like that I'll teach you or something I can't believe this I don't know even how that happened I think if you guys look at the footage you see I was aiming and I suddenly it's a miracle I didn't kill myself to be honest it was a mistake but you know what this man Kim how do you play with a man like this hey you know what was it a mistake I don't know he says oh anyways for some reason I lost not one but two hearts and I didn't realize that till now when I'm watching the video so I just stuck hey that's good you know lose two hearts one of the two for one perfect love that anyways this wasn't all bad news because at some point and I kind of I'm gonna be honest I forgot to write it into the script um should have done that a little bit while ago uh Steve had made a radio announcement putting a bounty out on my head anyone who killed me would get golden apples and because well they had no idea that we were working with Kim and it was just broadcast in the chat that Kim had killed me and Robert with a grenade we thought you know what Kim why don't you go cash in on that Bounty which opened up the perfect opportunity for us Robert and I to take another look at Shadow's volcano base while he presumably went with sneeve to give Kim his reward so that was the plan oh God what if this is Kim's playing all along accidentally kill us with a grenade and then go and join them and tell them whether we are when we're coming to attack yeah it would be uh and tell them where our base is I don't think Kim would do that [Applause] oh oh secret hold on burn it all burn it off watch out okay I'm going down here can we rig this somehow let's wait in here let's wait in here for him to come back find his bed he is hidden walls he's probably coming back that way Robert foreign okay what should we do should we wait for him and then break them hold on [Music] this door he had hidden a fake fake rock wall on it so we need to seal it back up I was just full of my inventory was full I wanted to steal it back up you know he'll know we're in here because I replace it with this like she's gonna see that no no you don't understand it looked like rock right yeah so it was fake so when he comes back and he's probably gonna enter through this way he's gonna see that there's a cobblestone there and know that we're in here I think this is his exit I don't think he's gonna no I there's no way he's gonna climb over the mountain to get in this I went through here we have to seal this up what [Music] [Applause] did you do it no there's too many zombies him said he's not coming back to the volcano but he has a new house well you're letting them through no I sealed it was just fun down here oh let's get out of here let's go back to the stadium okay we got back home feeling very good not hopefully knocking Shadow back a few few pegs am I logged out I got back online Robert wanted to meet me outside of the volcano again because he had found another base so I made my way over easy I don't think he's here right don't kill me please that I'm worried about you killing me I'm not gonna kill you I don't need horns okay so oh my God here there is a um there's a sign here it said XP farm compromised by me Robert oh so we know they're working together so I put I took the sign and put it right here I said XP farm safe shut up oh I rigged XP form by the way so I was hoping for someone to roll up there and Steve's room Steve's houses over here the only reason I found it is because I went back to Shadows to see if there's anything else and when I was leaving I saw Steve leaving at the same time and so I saw him and I followed him a bit and then he went on the aircraft carrier I don't know if he saw me but I was really far up and so I was like okay well I'm gonna go back and I remember seeing more lava than usual so I wanted to I wanted to dig through and I found his base oh my God foreign [Music] that's just evil I didn't mean to just in the way all right and lastly okay let's go we're pushing our luck these are carries after sneeve understood what we were capable of and we told him that his base had been destroyed I offered him a deal I said that we would no longer attack his base we would no longer kill his dogs and we would no longer harm him in fact we would guarantee his safe extraction from the city when the helicopter arrives for the small price of telling us the location of Laguna's base Shadow's base and Kim's base although I was lying to him about Kim's to make him think that we were not working with Kim and he declined wow that's truthful man right there he might not be telling the truth he's just saying Shadows but he's been working with Shadow I know that's why I'm catching him in a lie because if he lies to me right here I will accept it and then we kill him okay his his life determines his feet at this point yes exactly he said that he would never sell out his friends and then later said that he just didn't know the location of those bases otherwise he would I said I'm sorry Steve but You Gotta Die now so Robert and I burned the rest on our way back we looted the aircraft carrier and shockingly there's a there's a massive stash of grenades which honestly kind of seemed like a trap what's up I thought all these chests were loaded with grenades mine carts with TNTs there's so many TNTs as chemistry there's like a ton of grenades in here there's like you get in there uh oh my God there's so much come below deck this this looks like the ship this doesn't look like oh yeah but I have a theory I don't think they're actually grenades oh it says I have a real grenade it's light blue these are dark yeah these aren't actually grenade I'm gonna try one on some zombies oh I killed the zombie it immediately killed the zombie something's fishy about this I know but we'll figure it out later grab satchel charges too soon as we got back I put all that great stuff right in my secret chest near the base including my nice fast sword my beautiful absolutely amazing sword that makes me move so quickly which would be very very useful for the extraction event put that right in the chest walked away hit it uh then Robert and I thought okay you know what one more thing one final thing what we're gonna do we went to the tunnels made a fake base filled it with explosives rigged it to blow then went to the radio tower and tried to set explosives because we figured someone would try to do a radio transmission before the extraction but we failed because there's way too many zombies so we logged out thank you [Applause] this was it it was time to extract except I was in an extremely bad spot I had nothing and since any death from this point forward was permanent I needed to be insanely careful my mission was to Rendezvous with Robert and Kim and hopefully not run into anyone else on the way hello Kim come on thank God it's you come on come to the factory come to the factory did I scare you yeah you did come to the factory you you've truly scared me big time there I was good I was ready to leave now that I was with Kim I felt a little bit safer just as long as Kim wasn't planning on killing me the thing was was the zombies were super fast now and I remember that sword that I put in my secret chest yeah it was time to get that sword that sort of be insanely valuable right now however when I was talking to Robert Robert told me that somehow someone found not only our Tower but my secret chest as well and it was emptied what happened how does someone find that it was one little chest in the middle okay anyways uh so that's that's good no idea who it was but they know other stuff so that's that's great the one thing about the extraction event though is we disabled the use of grenades because it kind of was anticlimactic and it was one shot kill no matter what no matter how much Army yet so the grenades were out of it now so that's I I don't know so my next move was to get to the factory and hopefully get to my Ender Chest which would still be there not destroyed by someone and then I could get at least some of my gear the stuff that made me faster enough that I could extract so I have a good plan what's your plan I have gotten on uh I think I think it's an even shot oh really either way I know why away because they uh oh no my golden sword's all the way it's in there yeah it's all the way back at I'll probably bring it uh I think he's already left you gotta you gotta you gotta put new talking you can just stop right there sorry sorry sorry I don't mean to be a crazy guy um yeah sorry uh because they think you killed me I had some stuff but not everything at least I had tear gas which wasn't banned from the event in tear gas oh so useful it blinds a man can't see anything remember Laguna got tear gas that's exactly what I wanted to do to everyone else which that it was good the only thing now was was that I needed Robert to get here and uh the three of us would then head to the Zone we got Intel that the helicopter would be arriving in the Northeast section of the map we didn't know the exact location but we knew that it would be in that general area once the helicopter arrived we had exactly five minutes to get to it and be either on top of it or in it when the clock striked zero to survive so it was crucial that we were in the right area so that when the helicopter did the land on actually land we would not miss it and we could get on it and get out but first we need a Robert to get here all right I need to get all the way back to the stadium no that's what I wanted to talk to you about what my sword is there I know hold on um my my secret chest was rated that I planted like someone took everything out of it no they didn't was moderated I swear to God I don't know I don't know where yours is mine was Far Away underneath some dirt yes someone was watching us shut up I told you he had a base nearby I told you that like two days ago oh my God after Robert made it we made our way to the Northeast section of the map we suspected that the helicopter was going to arrive somewhere between the military base and the airport so we we kind of sat in the middle and thought right we're gonna hide in this forest and it's gonna it's gonna be one of these two it has to be and then we'll just act accordingly when we got there we just sat there and waited and we were trying our best to stay silent because lagundo Shadow Steve and Ryan could have been anywhere Kim do you have any plans on betraying Robert and I after how how nice we have been to that's the thing that's how I work you guys are the only one who's actually giving me stuff even though you're also taking stuff but you still owe us two hearts that's where I spawn that's my crash airplane this is where I came did you say oh where am I now wait a minute how did you get stuck here we had a whole day with no zombies yeah oh thank you and if you throw lapis at me this guy's Kim you're still wearing a turtle shell helmet right on my head on my head no Sean I don't allow this you try to do that you tried to do that to me during Robert's video yeah I know you said what's going on you said what's going on with this bark and then I went over the park [Laughter] I love it foreign [Music] if they're wearing a Champions it should be easy to notice them right yeah maybe we should strip down guys you know you can you crash that plane yeah I did you had your way out you were in a plane and you crashed it I was worried when I hit the person but it was just a zombie so I flew a bit uh too far oh my God all right oh look at those popping pills we sat in that forest for a while yeah honestly I think it was like an hour we sat there for waiting to hear where this helicopter would show up and with the way Kim and I were acting you act like Looney Tunes characters I'm surprised no one found us in fact you know what maybe they did yeah I'm gonna watch their videos back and if they see if they if they'll have a segment or anything like we heard we heard uh Kim going I I don't know okay I don't know just when we thought we were gonna be here for another in-game day we got the message the helicopter again we're just kind of sort of pretending that there would be helicopters whatever we'll arrive at the military base shortly it was go time it all came down to this oh okay we gotta go through the tunnels go to the trees can you jump in water man come here we gotta get out of here live make sure Rob makes it if you're going to kill yourself uh Sean I'm only here to make sure Rob uh makes it then why you owe this way in your life [Music] you make two golden apples or what in front of it I thought it's under tunnel no no it's the it's a helicopter parked in the front right there I don't think we should go to Tunnel I think we should stay here how do you know that okay what makes you think that is it because I just read the chat okay then you want to go the helicopter has arrived in front of the military base you ten minutes arrived yeah helicopter right here you shh Cloud now you're so loud what's Robert doing he's by the wall oh my God my heart is pounding look at Robert it's weird you might have they might be crouching the zombies look they're climbing up the hill they're going up the hill they are behind you shoot it they're all in the mountains they're on the mountains okay Kim where are they oh yeah they're there foreign [Music] where's Kim I don't know to the helicopter helicopter let's go let's go let's go I'm in the helicopter let's go take off how do we take off I don't know just sit in the helicopter guard it don't let them in it ah they're gonna keep shooting at us so this is the time what is the time I'm gonna take myself out boys we're making out of the city alive you're good get on the helicopter [Music] go okay I'm one dead man so uh that's where the video ends in true apocalypse fashion which just cut to block that's it okay no I'm kidding after I died I just I I spectated or I was I was I was hoping for Robert and Kim to enact a Revenge let me know just just feel bored babe what you moved he moved where'd he go high place you betrayed us you're a winner that's weird I heard you Jim no what should I do I've been playing both sides oh my gosh he's hot come on dude 90 seconds Kim's in the comes in the this thing first zombies get out of him no Kim Kim no Kim died yes we got him oh guys not Kim Robert or I made it out alive Laguna Shadow Steve and Ryan did Laguna just barely made it I mean look at this this man should have been eaten by The Horde oh and for as as for who was lying to me both of them were Robert had stolen my stuff from my chest and wanted to see what my reaction would be because he suspected that it was me who was leaking the information telling everyone else where our base was and so that if he stole my stuff he would and I would react weird he would know that it's me but no I wasn't leaking any information Robert I didn't tell anyone anything so my sword would have been extremely useful for the extraction event Robert and it was Kim who's playing both sides Kim was the one who was telling the other side where our stuff was when I find out what when I watched Kim's video I'm gonna lose it when I watch these clips I can't believe this anyways that's it I didn't survive the simulation but you know what I should have and next time I'll tell you what we're doing next you ever see that show Game of Thrones that's all I'll say
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 18,353,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Simulate, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, #minecraft, minecraft song, minecraft music, minecraft video, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft videos, 100 days in minecraft modded, minecraft civilization, 100 players simulate civilization, 100 player minecraft civilization, 100 players minecraft civilization, minecraft civilization experiment, 100 players simulate, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft, minecraft zombie apocalypse
Id: 6SQJ_jmEJOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 54sec (12474 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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