Can You Beat Skyblock WITHOUT the start chest?

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hello again I have a question for you can you beat Skyblock with one tree no chest no water no cobblestone generator this was the Quagmire I found myself in a few weeks ago you see last video I'd been having a wonderful wonderful time with my friends or if any of us died then we deleted the world and reset after 30 recess we reached the end where I was knocked into the air and killed by the dragon except I wasn't a portal opened up beneath me and sent me here to get back all I have to do is beat Skyblock with one tree and like before if I die the world resets so let us dig in first things first tree time now you might be wondering how I go about beating the game with this well that's a great question technically all we need are endurizer then we can find the Portal open it and kill the dragon and the pearls are easy enough to obtain but blaze powder is [ __ ] we need blaze rods with chocolate Blazers which only spawner than another so we need to make a portal which is Marvel so when you know he'll love a farm and it needs water Sweeney basically it's a very long process and it all begins with wood with this wood we need to build this and then we need to wait for the sun to do this and now we just need to kill a few skeletons um [Music] well let's try that again cut down the tree get a bit of wood stick down the saplings wait a few minutes cut down more trees plant more saplings get more wood build more platforms and um uh I think I'm forgetting something oh yes that's right buy the new frog it's been over a year since the last guy burst under the scene I thought I put him away with a few 50 cal doesn't equal whales to the skull but that just pissed him off and now he's back for blood he wants to enter your walls no he wants to enter your skin he wants to climb into your blood vessels he is charging up the death lasers what is he doing in Anaheim California wait a minute Disneyland oh God the children oh God do not lose sight of it he is wearing camouflage whoops I just lost side of him oh God where did he go not again once again makeshift gets it done with the highest quality plushies I've ever seen in my life embroidered eyes Shiny Gold fabric a beautiful warm smile stop him grab him shoot him with a gun he still manages to maintain his govial smile and can do attitude and now he's angry gentlemen we need to sell a lot of these Pleasures you must buy one they ship all over the globe even obscure weird places like Michigan yeah there is no excuse time is running out this plush is only on sale for the next 28 days hurry up think fast after 28 days have passed you will be gone for good and if I don't sell enough he will harm me so please do it there's a link in the description comment please anyway okay we're back killing them myself was rather stupid so this time I made good use of my friend Mr Sun now you've got phones phones can be made into bone meal and bone meal into Grass Grass May made it to seeds seeds into wheat and wheat into bread [Music] despite our earlier setback we were making decent progress so to continue expanding our wonderful Island I went back to the plantation and cut down more trees well and we're back okay two trapdoors here should make me safe hopefully all right we've got our bread a nice tree farm plenty of wood what do we do from here well uh I don't know but this guy's spot on my own which is cool I guess he had a few things to offer me none of which I could buy because my net worth was exactly seven logs of wood of course that didn't stop me from murdering his llamas and putting him in a box okay clearly as a form of divine retribution shortly after this I was brutally attacked by Phantoms oh no no there's four of them anyway I had decided on our next goal getting iron now I know what you might be thinking oh well I'll tell you the answer is zombies that's right zombies can drop iron but only 0.4 percent of the time which means to get enough iron for a pickaxe we need to kill on average 750 zombies now sure this platform does spawn zombies just not very many of them but we can fix that an interesting Quirk of Minecraft spawning mechanics is that the lower you go down the higher the spawn rates it's a bit more complicated than that but for our purposes that's good enough so optimally we won our sporting platform to be as low as possible to maximize mob spawning okay so let's get down as low as possible and build a second platform just um well uh um [Music] well it looks like we have a bit of a problem how do we go down no seriously how do we go down on a normal Skyblock Map all you need to go down is a bucket of water but we don't have any water or any buckets hmm I sat and pondered hmm and then I thought of something truly remarkable oh actually worked using this incredible strategy I had descended a whopping 12 blocks very impressive I know I would have loved to have gone further but I was out of Ender Pearls and ender pearls aren't exactly easy to come back yeah maybe this method has some flaws well with that said once again how do we go down foreign so I did some high impact going down research and came across trapped doors placed two of them down like this stand in between them and close this one in our prone now that I'm prone I'm short enough to place blocks on the underside of this trapdoor and voila we have descended One Singular block now to do that about 130 times and here we are that took [ __ ] ages my first build down here was a spider farm kill the spiders get string make string into wool and wool into bed sleepy time at the spider spawner things were not working out how I wanted them to this was promising though clearly the spawn rates down here were very very high how high well why don't we find out hey that's a lot of mobs but there's a slight issue with this platform it doesn't make iron yep that's right I have in fact just wasted a bunch of my time the only way a zombie drops a Zion is if I kill him myself killing them myself on this platform would be suicidal what we really need is a way to funnel the zombies to a central killing chamber we need a mob farm Well that took several hours now you may have a few questions like Matt why is it made of stairs or mud why are mobs just walking into the drop shoot oh man it's been 15 years why is it taking you so long to get the milk okay sit down if you're currently sitting sit down more have you ever noticed that mobs in Minecraft just kind of wander around this mechanic is rather incredibly named wandering and it follows a very specific set of instructions firstly wandering mobs need to be within 32 blocks of a player then they search for a Target block to wander towards once they pick their block they find a path to it and walk off but Mobs Can Only Target full blocks like planks or logs not stairs or slabs using some questionable aesthetic choices I built the spawning platform walls and roof out of only stairs and slams when a mob spawns in their only valid wandering Target are these planks over here with some trap doors you can trick them into thinking there's a way across even though there's not and voila once they fall down the Chute they fall 23 blocks removing all but one point of health so I can kill them easily with a sword this Farm does however have a few flaws the main floor being it is horribly painfully terribly slow if I wanted to farm iron with it this design would simply not be sufficient so how about we tear it down and make another one and there we go mob farm version two mod fun V2 was significantly faster than mob farm B1 it uses my totally 100 original and not stolen design from illmago of YouTube channel Imago it has a larger spawning area Central bait blocks and four drop shoots even so farming for iron was still very tedious over 400 zombies later I got my first Iron there it is the second hand shortly after that and then the third and the fourth a little after that and then we had seven iron seven is enough for the most important item in the game pants but upside down so a cauldron why is a cauldron so important when it rains cauldrons very slowly fill up with water problem was it wasn't raining so I did my civic duty and got to it hopefully oh yes oh yes oh and there's no water in the culture I'm I'm an idiot [Music] okay well let's do something else animals very important for our progression and distinctly lacking in our Skyblock World animals only spawn on grass but they can't spawn on our Sky Island grass because it's too close to zero zero which means we gotta move it my first attempt at relocating the grass was to try to get it to spread down the staircase naturally oh this is stupid this is gonna take so long this idea didn't work I waited over 20 minutes and the grass had only spread a few blocks to get down the 130 plus block staircase would take literal days well how on Earth are we gonna do this I can try to kill zombies for a chance at a silk shot shovel but I'd have to kill something like 15 000 zombies and uh I didn't want to hmm [Music] and then it hit me sure I don't have silk touch but I know someone who does to get him all I had to do was cover the mob spawning platform in boats and gentlemen I present to you my PS de resistance my magnum opus the greatest construction of all time it's the bunch of it's the budget okay bear with me here once nighttime arrived mobs began spawning on the platform many of them spawning next to boats and immediately hopping in very good once I was satisfied I had the right guy I sleep I was here for this guy so I hopped in his boat that was stupid and drove him over next to the grass once in position his obnoxious block grabbing Tendencies took a firm hold of us compelling him with immense power to reach his arms out and [Music] pick up the grass now all I had to do was beat him to death with an X [Music] oh no using this grass I was able to build a small animal shelter at the bottom of the world this bit of grass while small could produce a fair few animals down this low Theory anyway in reality it didn't do anything but maybe I was just being impatient so that had taken me an hour or so and it hadn't rained again so of course I got to it [Music] this session of rain dancing yielded nothing even more concerning the grass spots still hadn't spawned a single animal something wasn't right I checked the F3 menu and what do you know this exact spot was in an ocean this is my face when biome ocean animals uh can't spawn in oceans [Music] it's all going back up to the top got another Enderman devote position to appropriately he did his thing active today hooped up the grass again and moved it over here into a knot ocean bio and a few minutes later [Music] Cole and with that back to it brothers and sisters got a flower Lord plead for his precipitation now oh Lord the liver Upon Us rain seeing as it still wasn't raining I killed some more time with another silly project it involved a lot of wood and fences and boats and it was constructed like this what was this silly new Contraption well it's an elevator oh yes for getting down quickly I placed this single slime block now remember if I die all of this progress is lost so it might be a good idea to think twice about Andy's jumped off [Music] just after all that it still wasn't raining so back to it all right [Music] all right you know what if me doing a funky dance isn't gonna help then I might as well prepare for when it does rain and make some more cauldrons oh my God it's raining just like that just like that it starts right oh my God amazingly this time it actually rained now all I had to do was wait even more for the cauldrons to fill so really nothing changed while waiting I murdered even more mobs and collected even more iron this continued for a very long time I did some random stuff it rained I waited the cauldrons didn't fill it stopped raining I killed my mobs I got more iron I made another cauldron I got to it rinse and repeat it took ages but we did get there eventually the three cauldrons had collected enough water for one source allowing me to craft a bucket and scoop it up oh yeah once I did that I used a glass bottle to fill The Cauldron again and finally water like any good respecter of a chill time on the lake my first project with this new water was a fishing bomb yeah we fishing okay we've got our water next up pigs so why do we need pigs well before our next Big Goal villagers to get villagers we need three things a couple of zombie villagers or a golden apple that tastes like Minecraft and a weakness potion um I converted one of the shoots in the mob farm to this which is just a really Jank way of picking out specific mobs using it I collected a couple of zombie villagers and stuck them in boats [ __ ] stupid and I also collected a witch you see there's currently no way I can get my hands on a weakness potion but if I make a witch angry perhaps by I don't know punching them in the head they have a chance of throwing one and lastly the golden apples originally I thought this would be easy since drowned have a chance of dropping gold so I converted some zombies into drowned and killed them a lot of them no gold turns out they uh don't drop gold and haven't for several years nowadays instead they drop cop off hmm and this is where we go back to those pigs during this whole process I had been breeding a lot of pigs so many pigs that they were starting to suffocate and die when I fed them perfect using some of the copper I'd collected from killing drowned I made this a Lightning Run now all I had to do was wait for it to rain so of course I got to it [Music] and while doing some nice relaxing fishing it happened were you these piglets had dropped a grand total of 51 nuggets and a bar of gold not enough for our golden apples so of course I did it again and there we have it boys enough gold for two golden apples villagers here we come apples [Music] hello I checked literally every single chest I had no apples yep that's right acacia trees don't drop apples oh my [ __ ] bruh [Music] well this [ __ ] sucks there was a path forward I needed someone special I needed the Wares of an elusive man I needed a Wandering traitor remember the very start of the run when I trapped a runner trailer in a box well he despawned long ago but he sold saplings not the right saplings but saplings nonetheless to get a Wandering Trader to spawn in I could just wait around the base like normal but most of the bases made of bottom slabs so the actual area he can spawn on is very small instead I decided on constructing a purpose-built platform for spawning traders to build it I dropped it off some high quality blueprints which called the building set platform way up in the sky for some reason so I built the boat elevator up as high as I could and began work on the platform and would you look at that the platform's done there's only one issue with this platform can you guess what it is yes that's right all of these slabs are bottom slabs so uh it doesn't work oh my [ __ ] nah one side actually made it spawnable I built a small Hut in the middle of the platform and stuck a bed inside this is where I would hang out for the next several hours just waiting around for our trademand to spawn one night I forgot to sleep before mob started spawning in and came back to my PC only to be greeted with this so I did what anyone would sprinted to the edge of the platform and uh jumped off oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh oh my God so of course more waiting but I got lucky oh only after about 15 minutes a trailer spawned in and even better he was selling an oak sampling there's a problem though I would have bought the sampling if I had any emeralds yep that's right I had in fact forgotten that Traders need emeralds man and so this presented us with another conundrum how the [ __ ] do we get well I scoured the Wiki trading during the villagers mining yep can't do that natural generation like a chest Loop yep can't do that and finally mob drops certain pillagers drop emeralds on death or that looks like a pretty easy option the only problem is these pillages don't spawn naturally they only spawn in raids and to get a raid you guessed it we need this left me completely stopped for about 10 seconds which is when I read the rest of the wiki and learned about foxes foxes have a 20 chance to spawn with an item in their mouth and five percent of the time that item is an emerald doing some extreme Ultra mathematics we could figure out that on average every 100 foxes will yield one single Emerald hmm okay I think we have a new project first of all I had to find the closest biome where foxes can spawn aha [Music] yes this spot was over 2 000 blocks away and to get there I'd have to build a bridge so I got myself a lot of logs made some slabs and started the journey and I'm here oh that was extremely boring once on location I began construction firstly just a small platform was a proof of concept and like everything else in this [ __ ] playthrough naturally it didn't work I sat there for ages and nothing spawned except for like 15 000 mobs of course I would work the first time that would be ridiculous it just has to drive me insane it just later I did manage to get it to work though the fix well all I had to do was go back to base and murder all my livestock yep I don't know it's something to do with passive Bobcats and spawn chunks and some I'm [ __ ] back of the fox sporting platform the unthinkable happened it actually worked Fox Fox [ __ ] oh my God the plan was to use this platform to spawn foxes and then I'd stab them to death and collect their drops the problem with this approach was this nothing no foxes yeah sure they could spawn but clearly they didn't like you very much I think uh I think I should make a farm here's a useful concept foxes are attracted to chickens they Sprint towards them at high speeds but what if we put the chicken over here and then trapdoors here this is the concept we're going to use for our farm have foxes so let's build the farm with the farm built it started working almost immediately of course you wouldn't be able to tell because it was still a very slow piece of [ __ ] I couldn't even automate it properly since I had nowhere near enough iron for a hopper grid so I just sort of stood there underneath it and waited and waited and what wait a minute what is it oh my oh my God oh my God oh holy [ __ ] yeah that just didn't happen but I wish it did one sufficient time had passed I had finally done it oh my God and accumulated our five emeralds needed for a sapling apples here we come so I went back home and waited even longer at the wandering Trader platform this time I wasn't so lucky hours upon hours of nothing than a Trader a track is trade they wish it I would murder him In Cold Blood rinse and repeat this uh really really sucked many many hours later our guy finally appeared selling us one of the two types of saplings that can drop apples a dark oak sample I could barely contain my excitement holy [ __ ] hours upon hours of work has led up to this moment and it was finally here I bought the sapling place it down and Bone milled it and Bone yielded and Bone nailed it what what or yes that's right dark oak trees need four saplings in order to grow I had one [Applause] just there we go oh yes apples oh my God apples yes yes yes yes we had finally acquired the missing piece and so of course villager time [Music] to begin villager time I brought back the witch that I had banished to the naughty Corner long ago and with a lot of finagling managed to get out to Chuck a weakness potion onto the zombies uh this was after it poisoned me several times the [ __ ] [ __ ] then I force fed them the apples drove the witch back into the naughty corner for safe keeping I guess had waited [Music] and there we go I had finally done it their new home was the old Pig Pen where I placed down a few beds and threw bread at them until they until they oh oh oh oh my God it's it's a fully clothed child curious now to get more emeralds the easiest method I could think of was to employ them as farmers and sell them carrots so I employ them as Farmers gave myself carpal tunnel by farming carrots and sold them to the villagers for great riches back at the watering Trader platform I uh played it even more [Music] and when the wondering Traders did appear I bought whatever I could anything and everything Coral blocks [ __ ] it I'll take some dirt yes please Cactus Don't Mind If I Do sugarcane years during this process I had also begun work on the next Farm an iron farm this Farm works by scaring the villagers here periodically with the presence of this zombie then this trapdoor closes they forget about him and go back to sleep and five seconds later the trapdoor opens again sending them in a frenzy sprinting in every direction at once and spawning in a Golem for their protection the Golem spawns up here falls into this water stream and into this Chute where he is killed by cramming with these 24 Minecarts my favorite part of this Farm however is the boat clock you see I have very limited Redstone components so to make a clock I built a small track filled it with warlock and stuck a boat inside it when this boat passes over these pressure plates it activates them and triggers the trapdoor simply phenomenal next a trading [ __ ] so I built a trading hole filling it with villagers was tedious and painful but once it was full I could start cycling through all the various trades for my villagers it uh took forever like legitimately [ __ ] ages to spend removing their workstation waiting a second putting it back down checking your trading the trades a complete ass removing the workstation yeah with these books I Enchanted some swag here I got some diamond tools I made myself some armor finally things were going well and for our next project we'd acquire some lava so first things first we're acquiring some lava I need to kill some pillages don't worry it'll all make sense too using my uh uh um I found myself the bounding box for a Pillager Outpost building a spawn platform here would result in pillagers spawning so I built a spawn platform here and pillagers began spawning I was looking for a banner carrier killing a banner carrier will give you the bad Omen effect the only problem is actually killing one without shooting an awful Apple once I had the bad Omen effect I went back to base entered this little setup that I'd built earlier this villager and bed combo is all you need to start a raid and Raiders only spawn on full blocks so with the rest of the platform made from half slabs I had a safe area to attack from and an unsafe area that they'd spawn on and so the raid began [Music] using my Librarians I had made the most ridiculous bow emeralds combined which made quick work of each wave I had uh a little difficulty But ultimately was Victorious [Music] feeding a raid gives you the hero of the village effect and with the hero of the village effect trades with villagers become significantly cheaper and villagers give you gifts what does this have to do with lava tool sets you see I've been lying to you you can't actually beat Minecraft with one tree but you can get up to here so here is where a little mod comes in all the mod does is change the loot table from toolsmith villagers when they drop gifts normally all they do is kill your inventory with useless [ __ ] tools but with this mod they have a very small chance of dropping lava buckets oh there it is finally after all these hours we could make a cobblestone generator to get myself more lava I constructed [Music] I forgot one small detail lava uh lights things on fire [ __ ] with a bit of time the lava Farm had produced lava you know like it's supposed to it had made enough lava in fact for a portal and so begins our adventures in the nether [Music] so what were we doing in the nether well all I needed from the nether which meant I had to find another Fortress bounding box and build yet another spawning platform so I did exactly that in fact I was pretty lucky the nether fortress bounding box was right there it was really easy like almost too easy I shot a few Blazers with my boat and in a few minutes that was it I had all the blaze rods and so ends our adventures in the nether holy [ __ ] the Day of Reckoning was fast approaching the end arise were made before going in I wanted to be prepared I leveled up my tool Smiths my weaponsmiths my armorers I got the most ridiculous set of on the most ridiculous bow and the most ridiculous sword and made the final preparations I collected a bunch of wood for blocks and I stole all my villagers beds I threw the first eye and the search began a thousand or so blocks later of just doing this there it was I said my goodbyes to this terrible place I'd called home for the last several weeks opened the portal and jumped inside [Music] the end like the rest of the world was a cold desolate void just me the small platform of obsidian the Bedrock portal and the dragon and so the fight was on [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] ah [Music] what ah [ __ ] everything [Music] touching [Music] hit his ass [Music] yes [Music] we did it we beat the game and I'm sure many of you will be pleased to hear this we beat up Stephen so thanks for watching buy the frog from the link in the pinned comment and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: martincitopants
Views: 8,205,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: martincitopants, martin, from the depths, factorio, KSP, kerbal, arma, arma 3, Battlefield 4, Tier list, Battlefield 6, just cause, minecraft, elon musk, gaming, dream
Id: j_OwK2OzO8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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