I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Pokemon... Here's What Happened

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welcome to the world of cobbleman right see that behind me that is a cobbleman a a beautiful creature in this case an electron right big beautiful ball that guy right there one of my favorite men I love this guy he rolls around does what he wants explodes on people cobblemod is a mod for Minecraft which is very similar to Pixelmon however instead of Pokemon looking like this like they don't belong in Minecraft uh they look like this beautiful a beautiful blocky blocky guys running around doing all sorts of things hey like this little guy right here there's a Charmander good guy hey look at that that's a that's something I don't know the name of that Pokemon to be honest no idea cobhamon is missing a few of the features that you if you're familiar with Pixelmon you might be aware of them but you know what hey it's fine because Robert and Kim and I had an idea the idea was simple we would all play 100 days of cobbleman separately and then after those 100 days we would all get together and have a battle and the winner would be treated to a delicious Pokemon Feast but what Robert and Kim did not know was that that Feast was going to be the loser's Pokemon the winner would take the losers Pokemon and in front of them slaughter them and then consume them it's a dark way to play Pokemon and very dark but you know what to do it that way let me just tell you my man electrode right here oh no way Robert's eating this guy no way this man is gonna blow up on Robert tell you that right now I'm rolling around oh that is a beautiful Pokemon just like these new designs these new merch designs right look at that one another his beautiful absolutely beautiful merch we got now Forge labs.gg all right go there a lot of great stuff look at this got water bottles got a bunch of t-shirts there's hats there's all sorts of stuff only available for a very limited time right yeah they're they're good it's good stuff right hey I like this one look at this speaker on fire hey it's good Robert Kim and I a mosquito just flew directly let me let me say this freaking the bugs are usually at this point in the video I tell you to subscribe but I'm not gonna do that in fact I'm gonna tell you to do the opposite uh wait no that doesn't what go subscribe to Robert okay this guy has been helping me make videos for like 10 years and he has never once requested anything in return I could message the guy at 2 30 or 3 o'clock in the morning and say hey can you play this with me and without a question he'd get a line and and play and help me make a video the guy has never requested anything back ever so please go subscribe to Robert okay this guy deserves it I really want him to get to 100 000 subscribers that would make make a man like me smile big time and probably would make a man like him smile pretty big too so go go help that man out okay a man man deserves it as for Kim who cares all right just all right enough where's my where's my chair this is 100 days in kabumon it's gonna it's good my poke my starter Pokemon was uh Bulbasaur all right the only reason I picked Bulbasaur is because I couldn't get Totodile and uh I don't know okay Bulbasaur's demand we're going with it here he is very first thing I do set this man out of the ball and tell him to go kill this Doduo who then proceeded to kill my Bulbasaur but I I got pretty angry about that and sent this man off a cliff me being me I did absolutely no Research into how this mod works so uh I had no idea how to revive my poor dead Bulbasaur so I started looking around for a way to do that and while looking around I ran into a lot of Pokemon foreign [Music] after a while it looks like Bulbasaur just re-healed itself which is uh good good for the Bulbasaur but not good for me because I I was hungry and hurt now I was a man who was almost dead and this is around the time when I realized oh playing playing on Hardcore and didn't realize I'd hey that was good anyways it turns out it's incredibly easy to get food in uh cobbleman I spent the night eating Magikarp I mean uh fish in a in a hole with uh my man Bulbasaur two guys in a hole it was good hey day two well on day one I forgot to mention I found these apricorns what they called apricot I don't know these Pokemon berries all right and apparently you've used them to make balls but I needed a lot more of these so like I couldn't quite do that yet for now I needed to win my first battle so I went out onto the lake found a fish all right here we go how can I lose to a fish foreign I turned the fish that killed my bulbasaurus okay I don't even writing stuff like that uh so then I planted some apricorn seeds I killed the skeleton which I guess is a part of this I got bone meal from the skeleton and then I used that bone meal to make the berries grow faster and then I found more Berry trees made balls and tried to catch a Haunter as my second Pokemon and uh yeah that that didn't work either I was having a real rough start of this whole thing but by this point my Bulbasaur was finally back man revived again so I tried to battle with him yet again and uh this time it was gonna be against the most pathetic Pokemon there is and surely there's no way I could lose and you know what I I won I killed the Magikarp but my Bulbasaur [Music] immediately after so hey it's going good I then wasted the rest of the balls that I made uh trying to catch literally any Pokemon that I ran into and I got absolutely nothing so this was going good so far it was having having fun okay real quick I need to tell you about a new app I started using that I love it's called z-league it's like a super app for gaming and you know what it's very cool first is like a social network but for gaming stuff there's awesome Clips uh the memes loadouts everything you'd want to see but without all the the stuff that other social medias or the bad stuff second you can earn coins for playing any of the 2000 plus games they support and redeem coins for stuff like Scuf controllers or gaming keyboards and a lot of stuff my most favorite feature though is the looking for group it's by far the best way to find people to game with you can filter out your by your interests your age skill region uh wherever you want if you're using a mic tons of stuff all right it's good and honestly it's by far the best game profile I've seen it looks so cool and uh for one I can have all my gaming stats in one place and guess what if you use the special link in the description you can download the app and sign up and you'll get 500 coins right off the bat so you really need to download z-league app all right get it right now follow me and uh use there looking for a group and maybe just maybe we'll match up and play together again use the link in the description and go check that out now and thank you to Z league for sponsoring the video in the morning day three I got out of the cave and I found a very strange Pokemon oh cool all right see you later I started looking for food and uh sadly I don't know sadly I was I was not sad doing this I had to kill more Pokemon for meat including this uh wulu look at this big juicy man and then I had to kill a bunch of them was slaughtering these things while I was doing that I was also getting iron and coal I then returned to my small cave that I was staying in and ate some Pokemon meat very good meat and smelted the cooldown and when I was nice and healed I brought my Bulbasaur out and tried to fight some deer Pokemon and uh yeah just guess what happened all right Bulbasaur fine whip mine whip tackle tackle [Music] okay tackle [Music] run [Music] almost a run almost a run [Music] come on what's going on the mirrors are you why do we keep losing but I was determined to win a battle so I found a Geodude and absolutely smoked it with bulbous work and then another our bubbles were this geodude's going down right [Music] Vine whip there we go okay fight line one hey [Music] beautiful what do we got a little Flint hey Bulbasaur my man doing good [Music] doing excellent I like that stuff what wolves were good job all right Bulbasaur taking another Geodude ready fine with it yeah beautiful it was all 15 dude another one oh Razor Leaf good job level 13 now wow good good boy in the morning I did my favorite thing to do in a Pokemon game uh put on iron armor you know Pokemon red when you get your iron armor from the and then we gotta help Professor Oak stop zombies and skeletons from what am I talking about it doesn't even okay so next I brought Bulbasaur out and I I had him fighting more geodudes because it's a perfect Pokemon to slaughter with a Bulbasaur just a bunch of rocks rolling around I was even killing wulu's to try to get meat uh and eventually after enough battles I was able to evolve Bulbasaur into Ivysaur right this guy is turning into a beautiful man I'm sore good to see you wanna fight this guy that's what we do get in there hey real quick if you want to get involved in a future Minecraft server that we're in the process of building right now we need uh people to help test it out so I got a link to the Discord in the description you can join and uh maybe you'll be involved in a future video or something like that I also killed a Taurus because uh I I just figured hey you know what that's a big juicy Pokemon I bet that's gonna when they Stakes are gonna go another thing and next I really wanted to test the Ivysaur so I put him up against a Graveler and uh yeah that didn't go so well all right there's your biggest challenge yet you're fighting a Graveler foreign [Music] [Music] I needed to find a way to properly heal Bulbasaur because right now the way I was doing this was just not good it was it was quite stupid turns out you can make something called a healing machine which is exactly what it sounds like it heals your Pokemon so I found out how to make that then I made it but you can't use it right away it needs to charge up so while it was charging I went out and I I hooked the total meat and waited oh oh yeah I was just waiting for it to charge uh so then I healed Ivysaur and immediately brought him back out to fight again and this time again whatever this thing was eat more that is definitely not the Pokemon name I got it written in the script absolutely not what the Pokemon's called but it was a long battle but uh he killed it Ivysaur took this thing down and leveled up to level 18. already wow level 18 on day four pretty good ivy story is it good I bet let's go to bed hey day five not a good day and you're gonna see why right now okay right down in there realize the point of this not to play Minecraft shouldn't be messing around with creepers shouldn't be screwing about with skeletons no reason for any of this I'm not playing Minecraft right now I'm playing callable one so I undid my death right not playing on Hardcore maybe I just pretend my cousin was smiling go ahead and leave a comment saying wow can't believe your cousin was playing on day five all right uh it doesn't matter okay so that recuperated my stuff doesn't that word doesn't make sense don't know why that's in the script uh and then I I set the difficulty to peaceful and turned off mob spawning I think this is how calm one's supposed to be played because I was getting I was getting sick of trying to catch a Pikachu didn't see a Pikachu don't know why I said that and there's creepers walking around okay and I also realized that if I wanted to catch more Pokemon I need these berries but I was not finding many in my area I also hate this area because there's whenever there's floating islands if you're a person who makes a mod pack right or so if you make uh mods uh that add new terrain please do not add floating islands right I'm not a fan of these things you're going to make it specifically for what am I talking about right now Focus okay day six I left the cave in the morning and I went out to get the I wanted to get out of this area did not like being here didn't like the Pokemon didn't like that there was no berries definitely didn't like the floating islands didn't like that there was creepers around but should have been disabled by this point wasn't a fan of this area all right so I got on my boat and I set sail and I saw a beautiful sight one of the men many Pokemon that I was going to try to capture throughout this thing that was a carvana okay this was a Pokemon that I needed the problem was is I did not have any balls to catch it so I needed to find red apricorns the Israel I needed these things badly anyway so I sailed longer and I ran into an onyx and I was looking at how big and cool this man was and uh Ivy sort of smoked this guy and like the last thing I did before going to bed is I I found a village with some nice pumpkins and I stopped there and the next morning by the way if if it sounds like I'm all stuffed up right now it's because I don't know what's going on with the trees this year I'm a man getting slammed by pollen I'm getting I'm getting absolutely slim my allergies are worse they've ever been why this doesn't matter for the video I don't know I'm already saw okay in the morning I continued on we were I was getting closer to somewhere nice and honestly it did not take long I I found this pumpkin patch I thought whoa okay beautiful little pumpkin patch this reminds me of uh Westfall from World of Warcraft and I'm a big fan of Westfall it also it has a little Zoo bats floating around and ghastlys and I don't know this whole place seemed very cozy so I set up a small Hut and uh sort of I did some battles with Ivysaur and then decided just you know what hey I'm gonna build here this place is nice but the problem was I still needed apricorns I mean I don't even know if they're called apricorns they just keep saying that Aries I'm gonna say berries around right I needed more of these things there's a whole bunch of different colors there's red blue white gold black depending on what you have the combo you can make different types of balls and pokeballs are the the worst type there's so much there's so many better ones that you can do this so I wanted to find I I needed I don't know okay I'm trying to find more of these things oh oh see you later look at that a little Pidgey just hanging out on a pidgeotto ah video good to see you possible oh there he goes pointed out glowing at night the biggest one I was looking for right now was red apricorns I needed red badly uh so I went out looking for them and I ended up going into this spooky Forest which was uh why did I write it was a big mistake what is that oh it's onyx Hunter that's so cool I wish I could capture you but I cannot because I can't find red apricons or they're called apricons apricorn can't find them look even this thing I'd love to catch you can do it you know why can't find red oh look at these okay uh thank you Doug Trio that was very nice of you where am I right now there's a Gengar here level 42 hey my man looking good can't catch you though because I don't know where I am right now oh yeah this is why I ended up getting severely lost and Ivysaur killed but but I found the red apricorns right problem was no idea how to get home and no idea where I was oh is that red we're gonna see that what am I doing red I need a seed or I just call this my new house right here for now it took it took me all night but eventually I found my bed I went back to the spooky Forest to look for that red apricorn tree because I had some bone meal and I was thinking all right if I can I can just pick some berries uh and then use the bone meal eventually I can get a seed and then I can bring this tree back with me and plant it wherever I want so uh I I went there but when I got there uh I it didn't work so I just came back home the next day I made some great balls and then I tried to catch my first Pokemon right here okay Gastly it's time [Music] come on come on [Music] I don't know how to switch the gasoline right there [Music] okay [Music] gasoline is ready to evolve it now I got Haunter just like that hey that's pretty good next thing I needed was a PC which requires iron so it was time to to do mining as you always do in Pokemon you know go grab your pickaxe go down below the ground start mining anyway so I was hoping to see some cool Pokemon underground but all I I was a man who all only could find was ghastly's everywhere I went my old ghastly how's it going I already got I got you speaking of gasolines uh mine hey this man was not so good all right this man was kind of I don't know what are you doing now for that you gotta go I don't know what any of these do [Music] it failed just smack down my [Music] okay there goes there goes gasoline he's gone all right there's Haunter [Music] hex oh there it goes there we go see you later [Music] job Haunter I got more bone meal for my dungeon yesterday and I wanted to use it to get a red still same plan right you need a red seeds need them but after 10 rolls with my bone meal didn't get any I was I wasn't I just could not get a seat so I came back I found a gold duck which uh killed every single one of my Pokemon so I revived them and then I said good night to my man Haunter right there I can select my party now so I'll hauntro there he is good night a hunter look at this oh hey take a screenshot I spent the day battling Pokemon to try to level mine up but yet again I got I was getting wiped out by the most basic Pokemon Graveler this time this man leveled just smoked my entire team if a random Graveler is killing my entire team of Pokemon what chance do I have against Robert okay Robert would smoke a Graveler gravelers nothing to Robert and they hear the Graveler was stop saying Graveler anyway so I I healed I went back out I cut down a bunch of wood it was raining which wasn't nice but I ran into a milk tank that you barely killed this thing but I was thinking hey you know what hey milk dang that guy probably gets me some good milk tank steaks and we'll just smoked them when I woke up on day 13 uh oh look at this a nice little Rainbow so I tried to get to the end of it thinking that there would be some cool Pokemon but uh I just almost died doing this right here oh [Music] it was closing Pokemon on the river though a certain thing hey you know what all the ones aren't so bad very very nice looking mod we've got Pokemon all around me get to eat nice steak here pretty good let's spend the rest of the day mining trying to get uh more iron trying to get more berries or whatever the next day this day 14 best day of my life and I'll tell you why right now in the morning I ran into an Eevee hey there's an Eevee I'm like I'm gonna need you to stay here don't leave don't leave don't leave I gotta get a ball [Music] you listen to me listen to me good all right level 32. one [Music] get in [Music] oh [Music] okay battle it we can okay harder battle okay okay like this [Music] I have no idea what's about this okay back okay killed my gasoline so we're gonna go with uh Ivysaur and we're gonna go fight and I'm gonna go find it we're gonna go fight I'm gonna go find one okay Edie's low now I'm gonna go catch throw Pokeball okay come on get in there [Music] look at this oh look at that look at that my man how is it going this is incredible hey let's get healed come on come on over here I don't know I don't know what I'm look at this I got Evie oh my God I brought my man Evie down to the mines of me all right nothing better than bringing a Pokemon like this down into the the dark dirty minds with you just hanging out in the mine me and Evie who will soon become a Vaporeon I spent some time down there and then I left to look for berries again and sure enough near my house uh I found it there's a red Tree near my house all along there's a red tree right here it's been all that time looking for one there's one right here watch I'm gonna get a seed now Yep they're they're the seed it was right here full time okay I know I really truly desperately absolutely desperately Jigglypuff I realized that all I have is Gen 1 Pokemon and apparently there's a thing about people don't like when you only get gen 1 Pokemon right but I'm gonna tell you right now I the last time I mean I played it doesn't matter right I wasn't gonna I was gonna try to diversify a little bit here and get some more Pokemon I saw a lot of that carvana so I could evolve into it doesn't matter okay day 15. what are you doing I was writing my notes and well I come back to my computer and what do I see I see you sitting right here all right see you later weird guy you know what a weird guy gets no I need to live this time now I needed yellow apricorns and Bears or whatever so I went out looking for them and I also at this point because now that I had an Eevee I was thinking hey how do I want to evolve this man into a Vaporeon right Vaporeon extremely good Pokemon as far as I remember extremely good Pokemon but to do that I was gonna need a water stone and I had absolutely zero clue how you'd get a water stone in this mod I was assuming that you'd find it somewhere so while I was out looking for berries and stuff I was thinking all right I'm gonna keep my eye open for a water stone hopefully I can find one of these So I entered this massive flower field uh it would be cool if there was Pokemon hiding in the Tall Grass I was thinking hey what if you know walking through all of a sudden Pokemon that joke was supposed to make sense absolutely made no sense when I typed it out don't know why that's in the script I clearly didn't read through the script before it doesn't matter okay I didn't find much in this field besides I found a Butterfree which was uh hey look at this little butterfly has nice I ended up in the woods near my house and I caught this thing you know what it was Fortress okay hey foreign [Music] I was thinking this man Fortress might be good against Robert uh don't know why just had a feeling that this guy was gonna be good against Robert anyways later I found an electrode which was very close to killing my entire team but purely to save myself I decided to catch him you know what this electrode right here This Man became one of the most valuable Pokemon I could catch and quite honestly became one of my favorite Pokemon you see a just a big stupid ball rolling around I see a an absolutely amazing man named electrode right love this guy day 16. I just wrote for my notes my note taking is terrible so what do I do on day 16 no one knows because I only I only instead of just wrote my note taking oh no wait I I got yelled what I have no idea I wrote I walked around all day and got some big open water and tried to catch a garbage hey hey hey hey [Music] in there [Music] oh okay [Music] okay oh look at the tentacle [Music] that's so cool [Music] one more try I took a few days off of playing and uh so I completely had forgotten the direction that I was initially heading into what I was doing which is always good because hey if I had to if I'd taken proper notes I would have some good idea here but I I guess I didn't so I got out I I mined some apple from or some gold from this nether portal and I kept looking around and I saw a mess in the distance and I thought hey I wonder what Pokemon are walking around over there so I went over to what I thought was a village it's not a village nicely go get him actually use Sonic Blast your Sonic Blast electrode go you self-destruct what Sphero oh come with me oh look at that look at that look at that I gotta catch that oh I'll kill one of those things already oh hey so much for playing on the peaceful don't know what we don't know why there's a whole group of men there anyway so I slept in a mine shaft one of my favorite parts of Pokemon was just going to new areas and discovering Pokemon so going through this biome was It was kind of cool I found a village I left it I I battledriel which crashed my game uh then I battled a Rhyhorn and slept in a house that I found and uh I was thinking it is insane that I still have not found any blueberries yet still couldn't find blueberries let's say it's good but I ended up in this jungle biome and looked around for a while and uh let's take a look at the river and the river and lakes very cool I liked it a lot it eventually led me to some sort of this swamp which I had I had to resist the urge to move and make my house here because every time I find a small I'm thinking they get this beautiful place for me to go but I said no I had to keep searching for blueberries needed them and then I found something incredible Robbie no not another crab why is crab in there this oh you trigger oh my God [Music] I don't oh Ultra Ball black and yellow I can do it [Music] oh this is gonna be [Music] black [Music] and yellow like this okay I gotta battle it just a little bit [Music] raise your leaf on it originally okay not very good uh tackle taco [Music] pay back don't kill it don't kill it don't kill it okay it's almost dead so we're gonna catch oh oh What A Catch What A Catch what is this thing shelter shelter you're not I'm not catching you Dragonair okay this thing right here incredibly rare absolutely incredibly rare and at level 55 which was very far away this this little bad boy right here would evolve into a Dragonite one of the most powerful Pokemon as far as I was thinking at the time all right very good to find this thing in the morning of day 20 you'll never believe it I caught a Gyarados okay catch I'm gonna throw oh and then look at this thing oh God okay you know what that I don't need that thing this stuff is all good in Danny but that's catching these Pokemons I needed I need a blueberries all right needed them badly and I also need to start laying off the Gen 1 Pokemon because people are gonna start leaving comments like wow can't believe this man only catching gen 1 Pokemon who does he think he is Professor Oak what what what is okay you know what enough I I I was thinking what is Robert up to right now well I wonder what day 20 for Robert looks like I man was probably head down leveling up his Pokemon are probably level 80 by now and here I am screwing around with the Gyarados looking for berries I don't know so I ended up in a birch Forest where I found yellow berries uh then across the river in Aspen forest was a it was blackberries oh yeah which is good oh how's it going I'm gonna stay here and try to get seeds from these two since they the ones that I need to make Ultra Balls you know once you see this you gotta just gotta stick around right um but I needed bone meal so I learned a new skill in Minecraft that you can make a composter and I learned how it works it turns out you can't put meat into it which I was which I've been doing in real life with my composter I've been throwing tons of meat in there more meat you can never imagine just going to my composter and that's probably why there's raccoons getting into it they go through it it doesn't matter I'm getting off topic right now okay uh day 21 I spent the entire day getting bone meal then using it to try to get yellow seeds and after a while I got one uh but it was nearly time to sleep so I figured I'd look around the area a little bit more and sure enough I found multiple yellow trees and seas nearby so there's also a blue tree here so it looks like I'm just going to stay here a little longer and I also found this weird Pokemon what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey in the ball [Music] oh no I I was really starting to like electrode and this man kind of just rolls around and follows me wherever I went I'm like man my man you are growing on me I am not gonna lie eat some steak with you plus I like this carrier you know [Music] I like you a good guy [Music] you gotta just rolls around [Music] yes here he comes what is this Zubat doing [Music] something dead I looked around the area for a while and uh while I was waiting for the blueberries to grow I shuffled moves around and eventually evolved my Ivysaur into Venusaur oh who's the real get in oh look at this man he's like a giant pig hey how's it going Venusaur good to see you well yeah okay you know what uh my man here he looks a little off in the party bubble what's going on with him I don't know so I started to think about uh not going home because essentially what I was doing here was trying to get berries to bring them back to my other house when I had all the berries I could possibly need right here where I was right now so I looked around a little a little bit to see if there's somewhere to build while I was waiting for blue the blueberries to grow I guess regrow and the thing this area is okay it's not my favorite but you know it was a possibility yeah seed amazing then I made a PC uh and exchange some Pokemon and got Venusaur to uh walk out around or I don't know release the man from his ball what could Venusaur [Music] all right man just follow me I'm walking around it's good me and my man age 24 I finally had everything I need to make Ultra Balls so I crafted a ton of them and then some also some netballs because today was the day that I was going to catch carvana finally so I got in a boat and set sail but I got distracted by dodrio that I had to use self-destruct on and then it crashed my game again what was this thing 33. all right oh I didn't want to use this guy but [Music] oh there goes Venus worm all right there there he goes both oh when I got back uh he was alive somehow but the Pokemon I lost in battle were not so hey that's good don't drill the unkillable Pokemon bird Phantom of the game I don't know so I got in the ocean I spent a good while swimming and uh looking around for carvana and it got dark and it started to rain I was swimming around underwater looking for this guy and I I kept going and eventually eventually I found one come on come on come on I'm drowning yes yes no oh where's my boat there's something about seeing Pokemon in the rain that's super relaxing like look at this [Music] foreign [Music] how can you not how can you not feel cozy with this and the sound of my voice right Pokemon in the rain my who cares okay so day 25 uh I needed to level up both this carvana and my Dragonair and to do that there's an item you can use called XP share the problem is I can't make it yet because I'm not far enough and I can't decide what I should do next to build a house or work on getting an XP Shire so I did some battling until my carvana died then I looked around and I found somewhere nice nearby on Day 26 I just ran around battling whatever I decided while I decided what I was going to do next I don't know what I mean by that that's that's dumb uh day 27 I I just went mining all day and thinking about what and where I should build well just start building what do you mean you were thinking about it all day and on day 28 I spent the day leveling up my Pokemon instead of mining but I think now I I know what I want to what was I doing for these days I think my brain was off maybe it was like late at night or something like that on day 29 I did the same thing I ran around looking for Pokemon to kill I was finding a lot of low-level Pokemon in 20s which helped a little bit but didn't give me a ton of XP so I I figured if I put my lower level Pokemon away I'd start finding better level ones like higher level ones and it kind of worked sort of I I don't know but better than that late that night I I found a Gloom right there [Music] hey I'm gonna slam you don't die come on [Music] yes yes are you getting here let's get my man out here can't wear you all right I was hoping to find that that is amazing absolutely incredible Gloom another Pokemon I I don't particularly love Gloom but I love vileplume so caught this Gloom and now the only thing to get him to become a vile plume is I needed a leaf stone uh and so while I was mining I was hoping that I could find a leaf stone and a water stone at this point uh but all I found was a bunch of diamonds I mean that's good but the Leafs don't want to be better so I spent the entire day down there looking around and when I came back up it was the next day day 30. that was now a very hungry man and I suspected that pidgeys would make for some good meat so I spent the day eating Pokemon on day 31 I realized I'm gonna need to make this XP share if I have any if I want to stand a chance at leveling up my Pokemon fast enough and very likely Robert had already built one of these things so to make the XP share I needed a glowstone which meant going to the nether normally I don't want to go in the nether ever because it is a one-way ticket to me dying but this time I thought hey probably some cool Pokemon in there let's see what's going on in the nether so but together I needed more obsidian so I went back down in the mine and I got some uh making sure to do some battles all down there to keep the XP rolling in I opted into my Pokemon's moves and then I went to bed in the morning I built another portal and uh I went in and found glowstone right away with this taken care of I now wanted to focus on just seeing what Pokemon I could find in here because there's probably gonna be something cool but the only Pokemon I was Finding is ghastlys and dirty coffins all right that's all I was Finding gasolines and coffins but that's fine because I was getting some nice XP from them but just as I was about to leave just as I was about Sarah here you know what enough of these guys in the corner of my eye it's probably big beautiful red man so I went over and uh it was a level 50 meg mortar didn't even know this Pokemon existed so I let Dragonair hit him a couple times and then I caught him got out of the Nether and took a look at him [Music] to be a part of the team oh look at this amazing there's a Mammon wow absolutely incredible so uh day 33 the next thing I needed was a aquamarine Crystal no clue how to get that absolutely no clue but I figured out I could get it in the ocean so I got in my boat and sailed all the way down the river uh and I got to the mouth of the Jungle took a look around here and thought Oh this place looks pretty nice nice here but for now I need to focus on getting these crystals so I sailed through the night until I spotted some glowing stuff in the water went over minded and sure enough I got the crystals next day I came home uh I made the XP share and I gave it to carvana there we go XP share beautiful man loves that love love love that character this way there you go XP sure I also learned where to find Stones uh I needed a leaf Zone which you can find in the jungle and force biomes they're supposedly supposed to spawn at uh level 192 but I don't know if that meant negative 192 or positive uh but then I saw Sunstone in the side of a river what's this this looks like a stone [Music] what is that Sunstone have I seen these things already that which confused me because well this is not 192. why couldn't this be a stone out anyway so uh I I've evolved carvana oh [Music] come on come on oh look at my man hey I wish I could ride this guy I started mining the jungle hoping to find a cave but I realized this probably isn't the best way of finding a leaf stone so in the morning I saw I saw a giant dragonfly Pokemon across my River ranks I wonder where to catch it but uh this man did not want to get in the ball but eventually eventually he did I caught him so I kept looking around and I I thought I found a leaf stone right there right there that is that emeralds or is that a leaf stone a better relief Zone that looks like it could be either leaf stone or emeralds come on come on come on it's blowing that's not a good sign [Music] come on I was I was just looking I needed to find the stone and I had no idea where to get it I was looking in mountains I was looking for caves I was looking in Riverbanks uh I was I was asking Robert and Kim if they had found any Stones yet it's trying my best to find this thing so I kept sailing down the river and I got to the jungle again and I found a giant cave and I climbed down thinking okay tomorrow I'm gonna look through this cave and there's going to be a leaf stone down here there has to be so in the morning I explored the cave and it was looking good it was a lush cave perfect place in my mind for a leaf stone to spawn all right nice blow deep in the Earth but there's a bunch of glowing growing gotta be some Stones down here only problems I had no idea what a leaf stone looked like but I found I found some shiny stones what is this what are these Shiny Stone that's absolutely no other idea what these are for or uh why I had why it had to be these it would have been nice of these are Leaf stones but it weren't the shiny stones don't know what you do with those anyways I kept looking all day and I found nothing in day 38 I was out of food so I needed to eat so I figured I'd find that delicious Pokemon just uh quickly butcher it and uh so I saw this mushroom thing I can eat that guy hey what I don't want to capture this thing I change my mind I don't do this I wanted to eat this thing I didn't want to after I tried killing several Pokemon to get their meat I wasn't getting anything but my Sharpedo this man was leveling up fast very very fast eventually I had to settle for eating some berries while I was looking for this leaf stone on day 39 I returned to the surface the next day and I started looking for a leaf stone up there I was thinking okay it's not in the caves got to be up top or I mean it was 192 is not correct um so I started looking around there and after a long Battle of Pokemon eventually got very hungry and I would try to eat more Pokemon we're gonna eat you I'm hungry oh Kingler I'll battle you then [Music] foreign [Music] are you food [Music] I gave up and I ate watermelon and I limped home day 40. okay Sharpedo nice and caught up level this man level 42. yeah that amazing sight to see so I went back to the river mouth and I tried to find the exact spot uh I want to build and it was time I was day 40 didn't have a house needed to figure that out so I started looking around for somewhere to build look at this that is how you know you were in the right place to build I really liked seeing Pokemon underwater I love seeing them swim around I thought it looked really great so my plan was to build an underwater house so that when I looked out on my window all I saw was beautiful Pokemon swimming around the problem was was that the river wasn't very deep and to build a house like that I needed deep water so I I swam up further oh [Music] oh what are you doing in there I started digging out another spot and I got I spent a good chunk of the day digging here and draining the water only to realize that this this spot wasn't gonna work so I left I kept looking for another spot later that night I I finally found something that looked okay it's not bad here either right here yeah that's pretty cool maybe I'll do it here just gonna pick somewhere you know I love I love the river well the problem with the river is not deep enough so look at the way Zubat sleeps day 42 I finally started building but I realized that I have absolutely no idea how I'm gonna get the water out I just know that it is not going to be easy and it's probably going to annoy me so hey it's good love that there's a lot to do with very little time I at first I got some sand which I used to make glass and I battled a bunch of Pokemon it was all about trying to build the base as fast as possible and also level up my Pokemon so that they would be high enough level to take down Robert while I was doing all this a storm rolling there's one the next day just battling again and getting that front window built but as I built more I'm starting to think I don't know I don't know if I like this it's not it's not looking too good so I just kept going um and then once I got more of it built okay there's a little chunk of water missing look at this there's a gap of water missing I have no idea that I was starting to get mad though so first I added some torches thinking that was caused by the like Shadows which didn't fix it so then I started to cut down trees thinking that was trees cast seeing a shadow got lazy and then burned down the tree but still didn't fix it I also realized that I built the hole wrong again there's a whole bunch of problems there's a man wasting time wasting his time doing stuff not right messing around it was just kind of making me mad so I thought okay I'm gonna try one more time to build this thing somewhere else because clearly this spot had a glitch in it with the the missing water or something I didn't know what was causing us with okay you know what just just go somewhere else so the next day I sailed along the coast looking for somewhere else to build and I found a new spot this one this this was this spot okay and then I started building again for like the 15th time but this time it was very very very careful about how I was doing this first I dug some dirt out and then I mined then I put a put a door down under water so that I could breathe down there I didn't have to keep coming up to the surface and I this time I was gonna make it much deeper so that it was gonna be good this time so I dug out this one properly or at least I got a big chunk of a Dugout on day 45. on day 46 Robert said a message to me on uh Discord saying that his team was cracked and he sent me a picture of their levels uh not with not what Pokemon they were but just their levels and they're all in their 50s and then I looked at my Pokemon and I saw my Venusaur and it was level 34. oh it's good amazing level them up later so I just kept working on this house I did the same thing on day 47 uh just a lot of underwater stuff and on day 48 I worked more and I got up got the outside trim done and that night I met hey hey slow bro forgot about this guy hey how's it going Mr Slowbro Ok good unfortunately we got a battle now a49 absolutely horrible terrible brutal day I walked around getting meat and battling and somehow lost my pickaxe where is my diamond pickaxe where's my diamond pickaxe seriously what is wrong with me I was I must have just been using it I drop it over here hey but you know what they say when a man doesn't have a pickaxe a man's man's got nothing right so that's I don't know I got back to work without a pickaxe and started uh putting the glass in and for some reason uh water didn't pour through which is good because I was expecting to have to spend a whole bunch of time figuring out how to get the water out of here but hey you know what sometimes a man loses a pickaxe and a man gains a dry house that's what I always say what okay anyways uh what wasn't cool was that that missing chunk of water was back but I realized that it was probably because of the stained glass so I replaced it with regular glass panels which are panes I guess which they don't look quite as nice because they're they're not flush and you can see the edges but at least there's not just a missing hole of water so I don't know I gotta choose one or the other legendary Pokemon all right you're thinking it I'm thinking it who's not thinking it I don't know some guy some guy who's not watching this vid what am I saying now just focus Okay Legendary Pokemon are not currently in the game well they are in the game but they're not you can't find them so what we did is as a group we agreed that we were going to put them into the game using a data pack I got a link to it in the description this data pack explains that if you get a whole bunch of stones like evolution stones and a beacon you can summon a legendary Pokemon there's also a very slim chance that you can find like a Mew out in a forest or something like that it adds a few legendary Pokemon so as a group we agree that okay you find the stones we're gonna give you the beacon because it's impossible to get it on Peaceful difficulty and then you can summon a legendary Pokemon all of us had the opportunity to do that so yeah I gave myself a beacon that's what I'm trying to say then I went back to the old house to get a PC and I don't know I forgot to record the whatever I was doing here and the next day it was time for me to briefly meet up with Robert because we were gonna trade Pokemon now we weren't currently on the same server as each other so we just got in a Discord call and agreed to send each other a Pokemon and spawn it I don't know you'll see we spawned it in but deleted it from our box it doesn't matter okay trading with Robert so Robert tell me how is life for you are it's good I'm very far from home right now are you very far from home me too I have a Pokemon that you truly cannot refuse okay a Pokemon so crazy that you'll stop what you're doing and you'll say I need that Pokemon okay the question is do you have a Pokemon that I think is crazy that's what we're all really wondering right now I I think I do what a Pokemon do you have for me for this Pokemon I'm offering you you ever you ever hear of a Pokemon it's like penguin right oh [Music] but this penguin's not any ordinary penguin okay [Music] this one's got a huge massive head the penguin Pokemon I don't know what that is a payment Pokemon and he has an ice cube for a head it's like a big ice block I want you know what is yeah I don't know a penguin with an ice block just tell me the name of the Pokemon also look it up one I I I gotta I gotta get back to my PC you better not be going through your PC looking for some trash Pokemon to offering oh interesting okay so let's let's talk business um its name by the way is SQ look at that guy what the hell look at him hanging with the ice cube head that's cool yeah yep all right I'll offer you a mystery Pokemon for that thing if you want mystery no no trust me this thing you're gonna want this is moves are crunch okay soak head head butt and scary face what level is it 45 [Music] sq-esque I don't know how do you pronounce this s it's level 47. holy crap you want a Gengar it's level 50. how'd you get a Gengar I found it let's talk more specific here do you have any Stones perhaps a water stone or even dare I say a leaf stone I I don't the only four Stones I have I only have four Stones I only don't tell me this ones I just want one stone it's either a leaf or water um if I get one I need us I need a sun stone I have oh that I've got a sun stone okay do you have a leaf stone I don't I've never seen a leaf Zone in my life or water stone are you getting these stones from don't worry about that this leaf stone I also have a Shiny Stone I have way too many of those okay well oh I'm so dumb what don't worry about it [Music] what can I do for that Sunstone of yours well we'll I'll give you I'll give you a Pokemon what Pokemon will you offering you want you want the you want a Gengar you want a Gyarados keep keep keep listing interesting Pokemon um gold duck no you're good absolutely not I found a minion what's that you know Plusle a minute there's a little Pikachu yeah oh oh pretty rare um a Machoke you want a basket no joltec how about this I'll contact you in 10 days and we'll rediscus fun fact in 10 days you don't want to make a little trade right now just to see how it works okay that's fine let's just do Mystery Pokemon for mystery Pokemon um all right I will how do you do this okay so first of all go put your Pokemon on the PC it's in the PC and then you see where it says release yeah click release on the Pokemon that you wish to trade are you ready uh okay I'm releasing it I have released it too now yes okay mine's released okay now do okay uh so the Pokemon I'm giving you you're just gonna type it out okay you've I can already see that you have screwed me over here um I want you typing slash spawn Pokemon uh basculine uh level 32. and thank you for this guy that's such a good trade you won on this trade what is this thing it's a chest spin what is that it's a little eight you gotta catch them I have to catch it I'm gonna kill it it's up to you I've just I've sent the Pokemon your way I'm gonna kill this isn't a tree this is a nonsense is what it is uh unbelievable is what is going on right now A Chespin is way better than this basket by the way why no that's a sweet what do you want I have there's like level 50 basketball in the swimming around I can catch well that one's level 32 is yours well it's too bad it's yours taking it I'm killing it and Ultra Balls on that thing on this basculine yeah for you I just I just killed it okay goodbye Robert [Music] all right have fun okay I need a leaf stone I need it bad I need I need a leaf stone more than I need to uh drink water in real life all right I refuse to drink water doesn't matter why am I talking okay so I set sail looking for a leaf stone and I found a jungle with high mountains and I started searching them thinking hey maybe there's a leaf stone up in a tall mountain and uh no there was nothing but there was a big cave and I searched that and I know nothing in there either the only good thing was that I was getting a lot of XP and Dragonair was almost level 50 now level 50 Dragonair can you believe that level day 53 level 53 that's what they are Level 50. that's pretty good uh but I made the mistake of killing a dodrio again but she crashed my game again and then OBS crashed I don't know what's going on with dodrio okay the Pokemon that is impossible to you know what I should have done I should have caught one of these and used it against Robert maybe next time anyways next day horrible day I kept on my journey and I spotted a beautiful Pokemon oh oh oh oh oh [Music] okay [Music] come on come on come on go no I could not catch him because I had wasted all my ultra balls on that stupid fish Pokemon that I traded to Robert don't know why I did that that was just a huge waste it was it worth it no anyway so I kept going along and I found something just moments later I found a beautiful water stone foreign [Music] what the hell is that what the hell is a Dawn's I was so angry I I was I was almost ready to just throw my Pokemon in a volcano no I wouldn't have done that but I was I was upset but then I saw a leaf stone I felt good again [Music] oh if this is if this is if this is if this is [Music] green stone or some sort of emerald Zone what a marvelous milk tank okay yeah I was starting to I was starting to get a bit nutty after that one a man with a bunch of fake Stones I feel like uh I don't know so just j55 I kept looking for the leaf stone I ended up going into a massive cave if there's not a leaf stone down here you can call me Stanley I thought I was gonna die there I searched that whole cave I found absolutely nothing all right well uh Hey guys call me Stanley in the morning I continued searching but I I was getting desperate now I think maybe because I was going in the wrong biomes or I was looking the wrong place I I don't know but I was I looked all day long before setting sail I got pretty far out and I checked the bottom of the ocean to see if maybe I could find a water stone down there I did not so I don't know so I just kept sailing all day and I found a a spot I got out and I I slept so I'm I was tired I was very tired I had a new plan to get a leaf stone I I think the reason I wasn't finding any was because I was searching in modded Biomes and then if I searched in a proper Minecraft tagged forest biome not like a spooky Forest dead force red Forest as long as it was just a regular Minecraft forest surely I could find a leaf stone so I looked around and once I found something that looked like a regular forest with no tricks I started peeping around to see if I can find a leaf Zone there and you know what I didn't I found nothing right big waste of time huge waste of time I was going insane and even watching this footage back I'm starting to feel insane again yeah really getting me going right so I kept I kept looking and I found a mine shaft went down there nothing uh then I was even finding diamonds look a man being showered in diamonds tons of diamonds the hardest thing to find can't find a leaf stone though so uh hey good and by the way these Stones these Leaf stones that's common on the website the only thing common here is my I don't know I thought I I thought by The End by the end of that sentence I would come up with something drawn a blank all right so I don't leave it in don't don't even write a comment on that all right anyway so I spent so long digging looking just just looking I was I was I felt like a man looking for the last Stone on Earth couldn't find it would not get this Stone uh but eventually I found a small pocket of I don't know who who cares all right I was looking for leaf Stones the next day I searched this forest all day long I stripped mine for a while I dove into underwater caves I ran through the woods I went in more caves I found big caves I found small caves I was climbing trees I was doing all sorts of things doing everything I possibly could be fine besides finding a leaf stone and eventually I ended up in a spooky Forest saw some lights follow them which led me to a village where I spotted a stone and I thought okay this is it what's that what is that [Music] dusk stone you know my man doesn't even want to say after that what are you gonna do with a dusk stone what is that even for yeah how can you give a man a dusk stone after all that because the next day I just went home had enough and I I finally got home by day 61 and I just stopped what I just stopped through to look a little bit more what does that mean oh I kept looking I kept looking for Stones I was like was it I was I went I had gone nutty I couldn't give up the hunt for Stones anyway so the next day I I finally finally finally got home and I gave up and I just I just gave my Eevee a Thunderstone I wanted the Vaporeon looks like I'm getting a Jolteon right or if Kim calls in his video jolton yeah I got a nice Jewel ton right here right the following day I went out and uh I went out to find Pokemon to battle because I realized I just spent the last like 13 days doing nothing but looking for evolution stones and now my Pokemon we're gonna be under leveled so yeah that was good so I had to get out and start battling and uh okay I found another thunderstorm there's no way this is what I think it is thank you another Thunderstone but then I got a Munchlax however uh because I'm dumb I did not bring any pokeballs with me I did however bring boats so I put them in a boat walked away you never see this man again so uh hey it was good seeing him we'll see you later and I got leftovers from eating apples so I gave that to my Dragonair apparently leftovers just make it heal on its own we don't need to use the PC or whatever the healing station then I found a pincer and this man very strong man very very strong man so I caught him in a boat as well my man I may be back I may not be back I don't know I guess what never see that man again either so he's he's still in that boat somewhere hey I'm enjoy it kept looking around and the next Pokemon that I saw that I was unable to catch because I still had no balls uh was a Ponyta fire horse Pokemon and because I'm an idiot I thought that it was shiny so I spent a considerable amount of time investigating to see if it truly was shiny all right this is shiny or am I just stupid [Music] I don't think it's a shiny [Music] I was wasting way too much time out here doing nothing I had no balls I wasn't catching any Pokemon it was just a he was just stupid for me to be out here so I needed to head home and I tried to get home but I needed to stop and cook Pokemon or something like that I don't know and then I got lost trying to find my way back the day after that no clue where I was going no clue where I was just a one lost confused man with nothing and day 68 it was really starting to hit me how lost I was I'm starting to think that I have no idea where I am right now none of this looks familiar and I am still going forward okay what am I doing stop stop just immediately stop and on day 69 I threw in the towel I I loaded up the coordinates from a picture that I took on my iPhone uh like three weeks ago and uh turns out that I was this whole time going in the complete wrong direction uh in fact nearly 3 000 blocks in the wrong direction so uh hey good just wasted a bunch of time there and speaking of wasting time uh I can see in my notes for some reason uh I jumped from day 69 to day 71. so okay I didn't I forgot to record Day 70 so you know what you get day 71 even better I kept going home but uh on my way back I found a on a Snorlax just gonna try to capture this guy but I remember I had no no balls so couldn't do that I just ended up killing it look how big this thing is hey don't relax [Music] I was starting to feel like I was I was getting close but then I saw something something that made me stop where I was standing and freak out oh look at tongue oh [Music] I'm gonna make a bowl how can I make a bowl right now [Music] how do you make Ultra Balls Ultra black yellow I live red and blue [Music] there's all the silver the iron do I have iron I don't have iron I need to get iron [Music] they're getting in the bowl [Music] oh yeah are you [Music] I'm an idiot how can you take a lick a tongue from a man how can you do that to an honest man like me you give him a lick a tongue and then you strip the lick a tongue away I would have I would have given so much to when I walk up to that battle with Robert and we walk into that Stadium the first Pokemon that comes flying out of my hand a big beautiful Lickitung yeah get him to just get him to chase Robert that's what I wanted and that's what was taken for me I was devastated and angry but on my way home I found I find something cool what does this thing oh oh good [Music] get in [Music] okay we're in a battle then [Music] hey there we go not bad after nearly killing myself by just blindly walking off a cliff man look at that almost one dead man I finally made it home and then I spent the entire next day training Pokemon and I found the best way to do this just to fight gyarados's if whatever Pokemon was holding the XP share would get like five times the experience the main Pokemon would get so the idea was you'd throw in a man like electrode put whatever Pokemon you wanted to level up uh into your inventory holding the XP sure kill a Gyarados and get like three levels I was hoping that Robert did not find out about this technique because this was incredible started I just started doing this all day long day 74 was doing this day 75 I was doing this okay dragonair's one battle away from evolving all right Dragonair oh my man how's it going Dragonite beautiful day 76 I had to change my party round so I said goodbye to Jolteon waste of time having this Jolteon it's not a vapor and don't want it I got rid of Gloom too and said hello to this Mushroom Man and this Ghost Pokemon I found then I finally started working on my house again forgot about kind of forgot about it and then just kept working on the house on day 77. it was it was good and all but I was starting to worry about Robert's kept thinking about Robert and how his Pokemon are doing so I spent the whole day looking for a Gyarados to fight to level up and when I finally did it and killed my mushroom Pokemon but it was fine though because I revived him and I started using electrode again and uh yeah you just get so much xp from killing these gyaradoses on day 78 I drove around in the boat looking for Pokemon to battle same thing on day 79 same thing on day 80. same thing on day 81 except for my I guess I was spending a little bit of time in my house which kind of felt like a jail cell so I got one of my Pokemon out to not feel so bad and uh I have no idea what I'm doing this house kind of just hey I wrote I feel stupid I'm so tired I I fell asleep playing no idea what I'm talking about there uh Dale on day 82 I went to get cold the next day because I was running out of food and I found this man squabble and I thought oh this looks like a rare man it's wobble looks interesting so I wanted them but I I had no balls to catch them so I put them in a boat sailed back to my house and the only balls that I had here were dive balls which give you a boost on wet Pokemon so I pushed him into the water launched that man in he did not like it immediately tried to get out doesn't matter kept throwing him back in and every time he was in the water I'd throw him and try to catch a ball just whipping these things at him in out in out wasting all these balls could not catch him and I so I thought okay okay what am I gonna do I gotta I gotta get this guy so I put him back in the boat and realize that I might have some balls at the old house the old old house the one that was back on that River so the next day I went sail to get some balls and for a split second once very Split Second I thought I saw a meal floating around in the woods right there Replay that clip there what is that what is that thing is that a Mew uh well I'm serious right now but the thing's paused I'm looking at what is that I'm wondering that after I was like looking around for it afterwards I was hoping I'd get to show up to the battle of the Mew but Robert hey I got a new nope just a little purple thing flying around no idea what it was so I got back to the old house uh it doesn't matter I got I got berries not balls but I mean it can still become balls later and then I headed back and in the morning I made like 40 Ultra Balls and I started trying to catch this thing and it wasn't this man did not want to get in the ball ha ha [Music] I had enough of just throwing Ultra Balls at this guy so what I did was I started battling him threw out Gastly I think Gastly died or something or whatever the purple all right I don't know that I can't remember what the Pokemon's called big purple guy did a few little attacks just to injure him a little bit and then started throwing balls and sure enough when you do it the proper way you can catch the Pokemon so I caught him and I was immediately so excited that I I stripped him out or out of the PC put in my inventory and evolved him [Music] who is this guy look at this thing I took the XP share from Sharpedo gave it to this guy and spent the entire day training him I trained him all day the next day and uh wobble what was this guy's name is ready to evolve already so I evolved this man oh what is this tallest man alive oh then I went out looking for more cool Pokemon but how long I was Finding was this guy what was this what are you doing oh you like the water I sit up there try to turn you back to me okay and then I can't even begin to tell you what I found after this remember what I spent like 30 days looking for guess what I found this is what I think it is are you kidding me [Music] are you kidding me what's this that's cool [Music] we're still in a freaking volcano because I found it there I spent the rest of the day and a massive chunk of the night looking for more around here I was hoping that if I found two more that I could use it to get an Articuno but I found nothing so I sailed home and the next day I mined all day long and wasted my diamond pickaxe and I and that was it I gave up looking for water stones like I can't get hooked on this again so I started building at another house and the next day I worked on the house and uh I don't know why no idea why I'm building this honestly at this point just I'm a man I should have just been a Man Without A house should have been a man training Pokemon but I was building this house and the same thing on day 89 and the same thing on day 90 except I made one little change I changed my skin to a chef's skin to get ready to eat Pokemon Nintendo hey imma eat Robert Pokemon yummy what am I saying right now I wasn't gonna eat a single thing unless I trained there was no way I was cooking Robert's Pokemon once I had mine trained so I did that all day long then I trained more on day 91 and then I switched the XP share on day 9202 the Ghost Pokemon and I trained all day and then on day 93 I wasted the entire day by going to a cave getting completely lost and feeling a man on Mars no idea what was going on what doesn't even make any sense ended up digging up nearly killing myself when I tried to swim my yeah look at this if for some reason I decided to swim into a hole and then just almost die but I finally made it out thankfully somewhere I knew where I was and I got home and on Day 94 I spent the entire next day training now focusing on Sharpedo and by the end of day 95 I had Sharpedo nice and high everyone was at least level 54 by this point and a 96 I I at this point I was just crushing crabbies with dragon Knight's giant feet and then more on day 97 more on day 98 more on day 99 and then finally okay I thought I found a Shiny Butterfree [Music] this is a this is a shiny Butterfree [Music] I think it's a [Music] is this a shiny catch it however my way to get some balls I realized it was probably it wasn't a shiny one I'm just an idiot I went to bed it was finally time to fight Robert hello Robert [Music] are you a chef why am I ashamed are you a chef yeah sailor sailor I'll explain to you why I'm a chef because the winner of our battle will get to eat and consume the losers Pokemon are you serious you'll release them the other person will slaughter them and then eat them in front of the other person I don't like this I'm ready to cook Robert I don't know if you'd be able to even you know how long it would take to eat the Pokemon I have you have any idea I'm a Master Cook okay whoa yeah this place is looking good uh Kim wanted to put a bunch of villagers in oh yeah it seems to be really interested in that corner all right [Music] are you sure you're ready for this I'm positive are you sure you're ready to pull out like only level 100s I'll level 100 Mewtwo okay you ready how do we battle each other uh you go to each other and we press R really all right three two one go oh who's what is this thing Empoleon you got a Dragonite yeah you wanna whatever that thing is who is that Napoleon yeah oh level 84 a little bit a little higher than me all right here we go okay when I hit you with the bubble beam okay oh that's I've got you on the ropes chill are you gonna take them back yeah of course I'm gonna take him back Electro oh God that was seven almost level 70. what are you what are you doing I'm gonna kill it no no you think is gonna happen I don't know okay this is yeah it's my mushroom I I'm so stupid and I think I'm just gonna kill you with my one Pokemon I forgot to I forgot to switch the moves do you want do you want to do that no you don't want to switch them real quick no it's fine yeah it's fine what the heck yeah okay good good [Music] what is this what is this Pokemon that you're using Napoleon where did it come from oh this is my starter Pokemon you oh my God I should have stuck with my starter flip flop my starters in the box right now oh you're going down what's happening just Giga drains all right I'll get good Brian you no no no no no see you later oh my God this is a nightmare [Music] wonder why I don't have the chef's uniform on [Music] what is that is that I don't know what this guy is it looks like a little Gekko man it looks like he yeah he's got his back turned to this guy he doesn't want anything to do with this yeah he'd be like leaning against the wall with his brother get out of the battle you're standing right in the middle of them fighting what I guess I guess I'll switch off of my Empoleon you know [Music] you did this in 100 days oh my God oh I I missed yeah you're just letting me take a guy down now dual chop oh my God but what do I do against you um oh oh he killed him yeah cool we got I got the Machoke the easiest I was gonna catch one of those they tried the ideas I tried like 10 times like I should I kept killing them but have you ever seen this guy yeah I have I've seen them yeah watch this dude use your move okay I got the red version it's not oh my God look at this health oh my God I was just the red version what does that mean is this same Pokemon just in red they're different Pokemon I'll switch out my Pokemon okay [Music] oh my God you almost killed him with that like okay yeah of course you can one two Health there you go see you later how many more Pokemon you got [Music] yeah why do they all face because they're scared look at the way it just ends Is that real Yep this is a shark's head is that how the Pokemon actually looks yeah that's my favorite Pokemon [Music] into a freaking Burger all right see you later Sharpedo good there's a nice training for his last 30 hours all right get this guy back out there hey what are you gonna do you try to Sucker Punch this guy and guess what you're just oh yeah hit him with a reversal see you later hey all right hey oh you can see my Dragonite again is this the last Pokemon yes it is I don't know I'll show you show you my Pokemon here yeah I couldn't get one really nope couldn't find enough stones there we go okay oh Pokemon are dead hey so I guess you managed to kill my Machamp you got Gengar oh that's cool what else you got oh this is the party here wow Robert's full team Mama Champ's dead you killed him hold on let me go pull them out so uh so would you say about eating Pokemon hey is that what you said look at this party look at this can I kill him [Music] kill them are you kidding me like this already oh my God you got a shiny Gyarados yep I was really hoping that you'd use a Gyarados my whole plan was that you had Gyarados so I was gonna throw my electrode and just blow up are you serious yeah all right you get to kill my Pokemon [Music] yeah technically kill them and eat them come out oh pull the watch I've had Dragonite yeah there he goes what are you gonna guess enjoy that that's my good friend right there yum yum yum electrode this is my good friend all right you got absolutely nothing from that okay all right oh this is gonna feel nice my red guy I love this guy [Music] watching all of my men be slaughtered oh my Sharpedo is one of my favorite Pokemon he's not even fighting back yeah you can't do anything no we got he's your down put him down no take him out of your Pokemon I'm giving you a chance no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna put him out of his misery Robert finish them off [Music] [Applause] see what he drops [Music] stuff hey it's my mushroom this guy the only reason why I caught him is because he almost killed all of my Pokemon are you serious yep so I thought this guy's definitely gonna kill Robert hey enjoy that mushroom eat it mushrooms I'll eat some mushrooms all right see you later the most human-like Pokemon I've ever seen is very crazy you're killing a man right now hey there he goes nothing nothing is that it got one more that's it that's six I'm a chef with nothing now yep oh my gosh do you do that yeah all right this is our celebration we get to celebrate our our battle look how big I didn't see a whale or yeah I know Pokemon gotta get em all hey there it is what a what a great experience for me spend half the time looking for evolution stones that I couldn't find and then when I finally got to battle Robert uh I had to watch him kill and consume all of the Pokemon that I spent the last like 30 hours leveling up and uh becoming friends with a man just ate them right in front of me hey go subscribe to Robert don't subscribe to me subscribe to him so subscribe to Robert subscribe to Robert okay what you gotta do is subscribe to what am I saying thanks for watching
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 1,646,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft
Id: 22s5DmBx4Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 23sec (5603 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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