Minecraft's Best Players Simulate The Purge

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in seven real life days all crime on this server will be legal including murder oh yeah and when it happens the server will switch to hardcore but between now and then there's there's laws you can't trespass on anyone's land you can't break and enter you can't steal people's stuff and you definitely can't murder anyone if you die for whatever reason before the purge you lose one heart of maximum health so myself shadowmech lagundo steve robert and kim all have seven real life days to build a base get armor get weapons and hopefully survive the purge next time we do another scenario like this one of my subscribers is going to get to come and play with us and be in the video so make sure you subscribe my plan to survive the purge very simple form an alliance with another player build a giant massive tower and set up a bunch of traps all around it so that on purge night everyone comes to me and dies before they even have a chance to take me out or betray everyone i don't know figure it out as they go okay here we go we all spawned just outside of a village and immediately we all started running straight for it everyone picked a house and looted it the first house that i went into had absolutely nothing at all but the second one oh different story it had some obsidian and gold absolutely no idea what i'm gonna do with those things but you know what good to have them uh most other houses that i eluded had already been loaded so it was just a big waste of time i realized that if i was gonna win this thing i was gonna need to be bold and take risks so i slapped down a crafting table got a wooden pickaxe and got some stone and made a sword then i attacked an iron golem last time i did this was in a tommy in it video and it did not go well at all i was the very first one to die out of a hundred youtubers so uh that was good someone just died to an iron golem that's a very good idea [Music] by the way this is hardcore so once you're dead just don't don't do what forge labs did but this time different story i pulled it off and uh i got some iron which i used to make a pick and then i went to the nearby cave where i killed two creepers uh being sure to get their gun powder and then i mined some more iron and i got a bunch of coal too it was good after a while i came out and uh killed some cows i went back to the village and at the end of the very first day i had 21 iron a bunch of gunpowder and tons of food i felt like i was doing very well so i started smelting all the stuff down and i first made a helmet uh hamburger for some reason i don't know why that was my skin but uh i i don't know what to say about that anyway so uh next i made some boots i got a chest piece i made a sword i spent the rest of the night mining i was wondering what everyone else was up to be sure to check out everyone else's video they also made videos on their perspective from when they were playing and since we weren't together for most of this uh i'm i'm very interested to watch and see what they are up to it's gonna it's like watching an entirely other video so i got links to everyone's videos in the description go make sure you watch them and subscribe you know what to do [Music] oh oh oh oh what's this eventually i found the entrance to a massive chasm and i figured since this was a mountain that this must lead to an ancient city so as i climbed down there was a lot of zombies and other mobs down there i also didn't have full iron gear yet so that was i don't know what i was thinking i found this opening and i put down a bunch of torches and there was some iron nearby so i mined that and made myself pants getting finally having a full set of iron gear with that taken care of i got a bucket and i poured some water down because there was another section to this chasm i thought that i would take the water bucket down and see what was going on down there [Music] i'm dead for sure 100 i'm dead 100 i'm dead i'm the first one dead on the server look at this okay that told me everything i need to know about going to an ancient city right now that uh would not end well for me i was able to clear it out down there and get some more iron but i didn't find the entrance or anything i didn't want to push my luck so i i left and jumped into the river and killed some salmon and got out of there i was trying to find my way back to the village and i ended up falling into another snow pit oh [Applause] what was that after looking around for a while i finally made it back to the village and just look who i ran into in the village how's it going oh we got some friends don't kill it no i'm not gonna kill it who are these guys uh this that is uh okay i'm gonna be honest that's actually robert and sean i named him him what's he doing unless my fellow probably traveling companion they pick up stuff from me what you got an arrow yeah just drop an arrow you have an arrow yeah i got an arrow i just dropped one on the ground what happened and just do it hey horror born oh give me that back i want to kill him don't kill you get your arrow back no he just took it again hey babe now he will give it back have you gone to the nether yeah i have not do you want to go uh kim and i wanted to do a bit of exploring together but uh kim didn't want to lose robert and sean that's a pretty good name for those guys pretty good uh so he spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out how to trap them in the cement tomb while i just aimlessly walked around the village finally once he got those guys trapped he put a sign up that says kim's friends do not touch or something like that and with them stored away we left and went back into the mountains and uh i guess kim had not walked from snow either oh no this is not that's what i'm thinking about this is very bad this is very bad it's extremely bad oh my goodness oh my goodness how many blocks was that like 10 blocks yeah my goodness i'm going to be honest i was thinking about just letting you die i was not expecting that like i only fell through one block that was like oh the thing about the purges is you spent like seven days goofing off with everyone on a server you adventure with them you build big bridges across chasms like this you watch them painstakingly build their base you form alliances with them you they help you out you help them you basically you're just forced to trust them but eventually and inevitably someone is going to betray someone [Music] that's that's you you have the horn yes where'd you get that uh same place i got those of blue things uh-huh is that what you wanted to show me yeah right now i trust him and i had no plans on betraying him but you know what it's still early on in the game anyways i found a ruined nether portal and i told kim to come meet me here so we could go to the nether together and hopefully find and raid a fortress before anyone else i don't know where kim was somehow we lost each other and i had to wait for him to get to the portal and this is this is where the trouble started because when i'm sitting around doing nothing waiting is when i when i started to look around a little bit and when i was looking around i saw an enderman and thought you know what i'm gonna need ender pearl so uh i'm gonna look this man dead in the eyes no okay just gonna move on from i lost one heart okay one heart down so i can pick my stuff up which is he didn't have to do this he could have left it there to be destroyed or he could have even taken it for himself but he saved it for me which it made me trust him a little bit more so i waited until the morning to try to get all my stuff back but it wasn't easy because it was raining and there's a lot of mobs and i had no armor i had nothing i had a man running trying to get his stuff phantoms oh this is not good i'm gonna okay probably should have probably should have waited a little bit longer before i tried to make the run because now it's down to eight arts and it's just getting started too in trouble yeah yes horrible trouble yeah it's a bad spot yeah i i i i'm dead with all my stuff so far away oh no oh you have a diamond oh my god a couple things wow do you have any food thankfully shadow saved me from what would have been my third death in a row but what was more interesting than that was that he had a diamond sword how did this man already have diamonds he gave me some food and uh i made the run and somehow i made it back safely i recovered my stuff and decided you know what let's maybe let's go to the nether later night was falling so kim and i we built this little dirt house near the portal there was another enderman nearby and yet again i didn't want to pass up the opportunity to get a pearl but i had learned from my mistake previously uh so this time i thought hey they can sit in the house and kill them so i looked this man dead in the eyes i kind of want to end the pro but i don't know if i should do it it sounds pissed dude what do you do what did you just do i looked at it don't push me oh my god is he dog attacking it oh no i'm worried that i will hit your dog okay i'm gonna die i will save you but before we could kill him the enderman just disappeared this man vanished off the face of the earth you know without a trace just gone and we left the little house we started killing mobs for like five minutes and there was no sign of him a witch what's going on it's throwing things what is it throwing stuff slowness or poison oh my goodness he poisoned me i'm scared oh my god sean what's going on wait attacking you yeah oh i changed shuffle by accident oh my god i'm going to die oh my god kim was dead and uh you know what i couldn't help but feel like it was uh probably a little bit of my fault and then my man the enderman he just he showed back up again i have no idea what happened here how could a man just disappear for five minutes and just come back like this you ever see something like this before this was strange luckily my dog killed him for me and then i went outside and just recovered all of kim's stuff while he traveled back on our way back to the village we found one of kim's floating the la or whatever which means that someone must have let them out of the cement tomb a little cage and we got back to the village our suspicion was confirmed wait someone did someone put deep slate here was that you oh yeah no that was not me oh my god i put gravel that was robert he's the only one who's been done it oh look oh my goodness what [Music] what could they do they kill one uh let's see well it better not like i can only imagine what kim is going to say in his video at this point are you joking me is someone put pump pumpkin in there what's that so after a while shadow shadow showed up to the village and offered us to give us a tour of his house so we followed him back and he was living in the spruce forest by him and you know what i kind of kind of wish i'd build over it's kind of a nice area his house was currently just a little stone hut and uh this thing gets way bigger just wait till you see what this man builds and i mean just go watch his videos see what he does anyway so we looked around for a while and uh he showed us inside and things were going well and a sneeve showed up i didn't know much about this sneeve guy it was my first time playing with him and here he just shows up at like four o'clock in the morning his time and just goes i've been fishing just kept talking about i've been going fishing or something like that what was this man up to but it was getting late and i was my brain was no longer working so i logged off for a little while when i logged back on i was still outside of shadow's base and i looked around and nothing really had changed it was still around the same size and there was no giant walls built yet it was just kind of a nice safe normal area i'm all looking around i ran into a infected man [Music] i'm gonna make a boat okay oh he's got a man underneath the ground however i was very hungry so i climbed down the hill and uh try to find some food and all i found was trouble specifically a little baby zombie you know these things are deadly oh no this forced me to break one of the rules on the server which is you are not allowed to i'm going to be honest there's a rule that i broke quite actually quite a lot no trespassing you're not allowed to open a man's door and go into his house without permission you can't you can't be breaking this rule but you know what in this situation i simply had to there's no other way and while i was inside of shadow's house i ate some rotten flesh no other choice had to munch that down and then in the morning i left he's gonna be so confused with that zombie making sounds nope all right time to go gotta find some food on the way too i mean when i made it back to the village i started clearing out a small section near the mountain i needed somewhere to keep my stuff and i wasn't sure if i was going to stay here permanently so this was just going to be my base for now come on let's go go you're the first of many you have a massive legacy ahead of you know where you're going hey look at that while exploring the nearby mine a spider spawner oh there's a dungeon oh look at all this gunpowder i have absolutely no idea how to take advantage of this but i would like to one of the crucial parts of my plan is to set up a mob farm and i've seen people use these things to do that so i thought hey let's get this thing nice and hidden someone takes it but for now i had bigger problems and the biggest one of which was food i was a very very hungry man and i wasn't quite ready to kill my chickens just yet because i had much bigger plans for them so i set up a small wheat farm while i was doing that i noticed that there was a lot of creepers spawning down in the valley and i was gonna need a lot of gunpowder so i went down and killed them and while i was down there there was another enderman so i built a little tiny a tiny little shed and i thought okay here we go time to look another man in the eyes [Music] what are you kidding me hey this is uh we're just getting started i've already done like seven hearts so not good at all after retrieving my stuff i finished up with my farm and uh i i don't know i i started looking around more i saw what i thought was a nether portal [Music] over there is this one in a tree [Music] what is that but it wasn't just a regular nether portal this was a it was a lava cast another portal which meant someone was someone trying to speedrun this right now someone was out there trying to speed run the game so i went in and pretty close to the portal there was a it was a fortress is that a fortress right there [Music] looks like someone built a bridge to it that's got to be a fortress like what else would that be typically i wouldn't drop everything in charge for the fortress but in the next few hours that place would be more empty than i i don't i just have i don't know that's blank in the script right now would i did i think that i would just come up with something on the spot it's more empty than the script that's what that it doesn't matter i needed to act fast i had to get down there and get over that thing but the problem was was that i had absolutely no idea how to climb down and climb down not just a little bit but it was a significant drop down to get down there but i saw a pillar i thought okay maybe i'll climb over the pillar and then build a spiral staircase around it and get down that way and so i started doing that but after i got a little ways down i realized this is this is stupid what do i'm going to run out of blocks what am i doing so i got back up ran over got more blocks and when i came back i realized i could just dig i could just use this pillar and just dig down so i started doing that and then i realized there was another problem my pickaxe was about to break and there was no way i was getting stuck down there without a pickaxe so i climbed back up and tried to get out of the nether but that's much easier said than done i gotta dig fast from the gas can [Music] oh my god i gotta do faster okay [Music] oh i was feeling good after that so i hopped in the portal thinking i was about to be a free man [Music] oh no okay new plan time to get to the other portal this is horrible i'm gonna die right here luckily i knew where i was back when we had discovered that ruin nether portal kim and i we had jumped in for just a moment or two and this was this was where i originally died to the enderman so i knew exactly how to get home and when i made it back to my face i grabbed a bunch of supplies and went straight back into another because i needed to get to this fortress this was incredibly important that i alluded this place so i climbed down the massive pillar i got to the lava lake and i started building the giant massive bridge straight across to the fortress thinking at any moment now i'm gonna die but i made it and then i climbed all the way up into the fortress and sure enough this place had already been picked clean completely looted but whoever was here before did not destroy the the blaze waters thankfully in fact that had set up a small little section for me to sit in and uh collect blazes i did that for a while until i started to get overwhelmed by blazes oh oh this is really not good i'm gonna die okay you know what i think uh that's it for me hey just wanted to get out of there immediately because it was looking like i was gonna die it was getting more and more likely as my food ran out and my pickaxe and the number of mobs grew how much stuff there is i can see the portal way down there how am i gonna get through this oh look how much stuff just spawned oh look how much stuff just spawned i'm never gonna make it out here the only way out of here is in a body bag so i put my stuff in a chest and i figured that i'd make a run for it if i died i could just come back later with better gear and get the blaze rods i could have made it should i go back and get my stuff but somehow i made it and it wasn't it wasn't hard it was incredibly easy so easy that i oh kind of made a critical error and decided that i was going to go back and get my stuff hey that's good the game has basically just begun and i've already lost nearly half of my maximum hearts the first night is losing everything i started to feel like uh i'm like an idiot rushing through this trying to try to do stuff without being prepared and not take anything slow so i slowed down the new focus was just to go mining take it nice and slow get some diamonds and get better gear before you come back here so i dug down to y negative 54 and started to strip mine but yeah when i got down there [Music] kind of ran into some problems oh okay you know what i'm gonna leave this area [Music] what is that what is that is that the warden what is going on he's still down there he's still down there walking around so i immediately resurfaced and waited for like 20 minutes and went back down and just ran straight into the warden again what is that what is that i'm not [Music] i'm in a tunnel hey change of change it up started mining the other direction uh so i did that and after about 30 minutes of mining i found some diamonds i was literally just about to write in my notes no diamonds for a man like me how am i how many how many i can't even speak right now how many i get oh there it is oh i'm getting a pickaxe oh then i kept mining and i found more and i made it out with 13 yeah 13 diamonds not bad at all and the first thing i made was a pickaxe then i made a chess piece and finally i stashed two diamonds for an enchanting table that i would make later i took that pickaxe and went back into the mine and i dug until it broke which is completely fine because that gave me 12 more diamonds and i use those to replace my broken pick uh and make leggings this was kind of a double whammy because all the while i was doing this i was keeping as much deep slate as i could because i was gonna use this to build my base later but because i was harvesting so much steep slate i was running out of room to store it i was going to need a lot more chests so i made an iron axe and went up to the surface and i cut a ton of trees down to make a bunch of checks look how many chests i made manual storage for everything and i was actually going to stay organized this time new man i realized i didn't really have a weapon yet so you probably want to i want to do that so i used two of my diamonds to make a absolutely beautiful diamond sword this thing is incredible it's amazing what just a little bit of patience can do for you in this game you're not rushing into the nether and trying to find an ancient city in the first five minutes you just take things slow it's amazing what it can do anyways here's me not even 30 seconds later back into the mine stomping around the shulk sensors and triggering the warden again all with my shiny new diamond gear on [Applause] nope not doing it what is that why is that going off okay okay my heart's pounding oh okay that was that was easily the most terrifying thing i've ever experienced in minecraft i was a not a man who enjoyed that at this point shadow had finally logged off and since i was now the only person online i thought okay let's go take a little peek see what he's been up to see what he's been building let's see what's going on over there but i didn't want to run there on foot so i tamed a horse i used the diamond armor that i got for it and you know wrote it i was trying to retrace my steps and i i guess i kind of got lost because i did not end up at shadow's house no i actually ended up at someone else's house don't make house they have they have chickens down there what is going on over here i looked around to see if there was a door to the base and uh i did not find any did not find a single door and so i kind of just hopped inside the base there and started looking around what is all this i was a nosy nosey man and out of everything i saw the most interesting thing in this base was the fully upgraded enchanting table so i thought hey what if i what if i come back here a little bit later on tonight and start enchanting some of my gear there's no way anyone could know this is a good idea so i got out of there got on my horse and started riding back to my cave and that's around the time i spotted campfire smoke and that smoke led me straight to shadow's massive giant death castle what is that oh no someone is a stop poor stop no i mean don't stop go [Music] i've been trying to figure out what to say about this set i an enderman's head popped up at the exact wrong second okay you know the result it resulted in me and my horse plummeting to it i don't even know what to write about that so we're just gonna anyways i uh started walking across this giant bridge shadows fort are you kidding me hey he's got something on there a zombie i buried this is absolute i'm living in a cave and this guy has this he doesn't know it yet but i'm gonna burn this place to the ground before i left i crafted a sign and posted at the very front of his bridge and wrote i will see you on purge night now remember this moment right here right this is let's come back later yeah there we go that's more like it where's my horse when i logged in i wanted to see who else was online it was kim kim kim was online so i thought hey let's go let's go talk to my man kim see what's going on i'm a man on a horse nothing more nonetheless driving it fast oh my man look at you with diamond horse and everything diamond armor diamond sword yeah and diamond pickaxe too oh my goodness when i want to trade it uh for this pumpkin uh no but we do need to talk about something what are we gonna talk about how we're gonna take these guys out uh first i need to find a place to start building and i don't know where i see it there's a settlement up there is that yours that's me yeah mine's terrible it's it's it's just a hole in the side of the mountain right now okay so that i see you okay okay i have a bit of a plan but i need to know that i can trust you oh you can always trust me have i ever failed you yes will you betray a man like me a giggle have you died uh more times don't worry about that how many hearts do you have i only have one horse how many hearts you have worry about that am i allowed inside i'll let you in just don't look at my chest start to think maybe i don't want to be telling people how many hearts i have i'll start looking like an easy target if i start explaining how how weak i am kim and i were slowly starting to build trust with one another and he revealed something to me he showed me this a little hidden villager nearby and uh this villager right here i'm gonna tell you right now plays a massive role later on this guy is this is crucial so in return i showed kim something i showed him my ass spider spawner i don't know what he's gonna do with it i don't know what i'm gonna do with it but when a man shows you something you gotta show him something back anything he got so this is what i had to offer him kim and i wanted to build close to one another because on purge night the idea was that if one of us was attacked the other would come and help i suggested we pick two cliffs and each of us could build on one of them and then we'd build a bridge in between so that we could blow up anyone who tried to go for one of us that was yeah i don't know so we started looking around for two mountains that were close to one another but not like right beside each other and we're having a tough time finding anything eventually we ended up outside of shadow's base where i kind of had to kind of have to act like an idiot i had never seen this thing before oh my god what are you do you see that one over there i see some fence that's all i can see that's someone's base oh wow i thought those were trees that is so huge what um see you on purge night oh my goodness look at that bridge have you seen this before no no i haven't this is wild you can't cross it you can cross the bridge are you sure you can cross the bridge across the bridge yeah i made the rules across the bridge there's a gate up here look at this now you might be wondering why did i do that well i didn't completely trust kim yet not enough that in the event that shadow starts asking people who put the sign there kim could say i was with sean when we found it so i had plausible deniability and then hopefully maybe he would start to distrust other people and when people distrust one another that's when you strike that's when that's when they're at their weakest eventually not too far from spawn we found two cliffs with a river running in between them so i took one and kim took the other we said goodbye and got to work yeah then i would just get get up here and start doing something then we would we could we will do the bridge uh yeah later at some point get a baseball okay i'll see you in a few days yeah yeah good luck good luck we look to you watch out for enderman yeah well i needed to get building supplies for my cave but on my way back home i found someone had buried another villager so i dug this man out and put him in a boat and relocated them i got to my cave bought some supplies and uh then i started kind of practicing what i was going to build down below in the valley there's a mistake somewhere let's figure where it is one two three four five six one two three four five six let's take somewhere see that ends right where [Music] six blocks across one two oh no but it's as long as they're all the same it should i have no idea why this is not making sense oh because i'm doing i'm an idiot sometimes i was doing up sometimes i was doing it where that's why it'll work i realize i'm just stupid all right big stupid idiot because i was both counting wrong and building wrong that's good so i went back to my house slept and in the morning i started bringing that over my building supplies to the new area but first before i could build i had to clear this whole place out so started chopping down trees my plan was to build one big solid strong tower it's a beautiful tower and when i finally got the area cleared out i started to build do by the end of the day i had a significant part of it built and it was shaping up to look yeah honestly i was kind of i'm impressed with myself there was never built this quickly before and the thing was actually looking pretty decent on the first try i got a wooden floor built and uh you know i just look at this thing but in the morning uh when i got outside i i went from being excited to i don't know it just didn't look as good as i thought it would from the outside so i kind of i'm gonna fix that so i ran back to my cave and i got more supplies and on my way back i lured i got two cows i said come on back i got a tower being built i'm gonna need you come on so i lured them back and made a small pen and uh i'm gonna turn these guys to books later but when i tried to go into the tower i realized i had not set up any lights and this place was very dark on the inside and as a result there was a lot of a lot of monsters in there so i had to climb up from the outside uh because it's way too dangerous on the inside my plan to fix the tower is pretty straightforward i was just going to add more variants in the blocks that i use so i brought the deep slate over and i made a ton of furnaces and started smelting it down thinking that i would make different variants of deep slate and just add them to the outside of the tower but after smelting down a bunch of it i realized you don't need to do that you can just you can just convert deep slate to polish deep slate right in your inventory there's no this was just a big waste of time so as i built up higher i started to add more variety with the blocks that i was placing and once i got a decent amount of that done i wanted to change the floors from oak to spruce because i got the color of spruce to match this a little bit better but the thing is i needed spruce trees to do that and i looked out my window to see where i might be able to get some kim was boarding them down oh sure no it's what are you doing here robert what uh who said you could come it's not it's it's not gated off it's true it's tree passing you're not allowed to go to my property without my uh this is your it's not gated though there's no gate how do you even find me what do you mean how do i find you your name tag [Music] i need to it looks like you're trying to cut down these trees oh yeah i will do it for you oh yeah go ahead i need this type of wood so yeah you take all the wood you need i'm so bored of cutting down trees yeah i saw you were lighting it on fire and thinking no no don't do that i need this yeah i was like i'm done with cutting get it away i started chopping some trees down uh when i real look how big shadow's base was you see a shadow smacked place yeah i know look at that it's crazy i did not know i was that close i'm sandwiched after all yeah you are but it's okay i'm not gonna attack you i continued to cut wood down until my axe broke and then i built a simple bridge back across the ravine and went home the next phase of my plane was all about chickens okay a lot of i was gonna need so many chickens you could barely even believe it where am i gonna get all these chickens i'll tell you if i went right back to my cave and i had this current chicken farm which had quite a few chickens in there so many fact that if you just jumped in for even like a second you get almost a full inventory of eggs i was a man who needed eggs and as many eggs as i could get my plan was to use these eggs to create a device known as the chicken creator 5000 okay absolutely beautiful device it's an automatic chicken farm and oven all in one device see not only does it it creates the chicken but then it automatically cooks the chicken and spits it out for you yeah absolutely beautiful this thing would make it so that i would never have to worry about being hungry ever again but to make it ideal a couple little hoops i would have to jump through the first of which was i had to go back to the nether to get nether quartz and i think realistically if you if you were to count every time i go to the nether against every single death yeah i think i have like a 22 survival chance those are not great odds and i figured i could improve those odds if i went with kim so i went over to his base again and asked if he would come with me after some kind of persuade him he agreed and uh we went to the nether and boom look at this just like that yeah he got soul sand and i got nether quartz it was very simple but when we came out of another hey robert hey robert hey boys welcome oh my god those are my chickens robert showed up and robert started going on about how he needed to go to the nether two and uh we have to help them so yeah we went back in and i just wrote in my script things got weird i have no idea what i meant when i wrote that all right what's this you guys you guys plotting to kill me or something all right take him out these leading to me to my death kim i think uh me too i don't know why i don't even want to be here either come here away from me we came out though things got even weirder don't careful careful careful careful run away run away from the portal we're all staring at us what is happening why are they here they're here to rob us [Laughter] did you do this did you tell them to come here what is happening what is happening robbing us wait they're just have us at gunpoint they're not shooting kill them no you put them here i swear i didn't put the mirror what are you doing someone hit him someone hit him i'm scared they're not kim hey they're still on oh now they are with another quartz out of the way the next resource that i was going to need to build this the chicken machine 5000 it was iron and yeah i could have just went and mined some and had this been taken care of but i thought you know what let's teach a man to get iron once he's gonna have iron forever so that that did not make any i wanted to make an iron farm because inevitably i was gonna need more iron in the future as well so just get get it all taken care of right now to make the iron farm was very simple all i needed was two villagers had to bring two villagers over back to my place and i knew exactly where to get them hey remember that man that i found and i put them in a boat and dug them and relocated them into a hole i dug that man out and said come on it's time to get to work let's go go this way let's go we're here come one's here hey hey over here oh oh we're here come on no no no no no we're here right here why are you going yeah come on my tower's right there where is he go you're you're going somewhere night was falling and i was getting nervous that this man was gonna get tagged so i locked him up in a cement tomb and started to run home and on my way i saw something that shocked me oh what is okay i don't know what that is just going back inside the following day i was back outside trying to get this man in my tower come on we're almost there where are you going come on right here oh we're so close it's here no where are you going come on we're at my house come here come here where did he go come on in here come back down come down come down what are you doing up here what are you doing it's night where are you going stop come here come here right now come here it's it's night no this is just getting ridiculous [Music] i lost him and he's dead okay one dead man so that's the iron farm was not gonna happen that was just out of the question now so looks like i was gonna get iron the old fashioned way by mining so for now i was gonna put my chicken farm machine on hold because more important things to deal with i worked on my tower a little bit more i made this thing much higher and i added a little balcony around it and then shadow and laguna had gotten online it was pretty late it was like three o'clock in the morning or something i don't know what time it was it felt it felt like three o'clock in the morning and laguna said that he wanted to meet up in the village for some reason i agreed but first i stopped by my cave and someone had left a note hello neighbor who left this here this told me that uh shadow absolutely knew that it was me who left him the note so that's uh i think i'm gonna have to persuade him later that was not me but it also told me that he thought this was my base not the giant tower that i was building and this was it was good anyways onto laguna so laguna wanted to th this man was crazy he wanted to kill the ender dragon i'm not gonna kill you i have a proposal for you actually oh what's that um so i need to get better gear yeah because i'm probably like the least the least geared right now i'm only in iron and stuff and like some cool stuff you definitely need better gear because you're like half health i wish i was oh no how bad is it sean i'm below do you have like three hearts i have five you might not be on board with what i'm about to suggest i'll do it the end cities is a really good way to get like enchanted diamond armor so we don't have to go through like enchanting and all the other stuff in level 30 and all that other crap yeah but we need to beat the dragon okay i can get us to a stronghold okay i'll i'll i'll try maybe you want to bring shadow back but i had other plans because i wanted to keep this man out of the end for as long as possible like there i didn't want this guy getting it in the lightroom okay he also asked if i would promise not to betray him if we get this gear does that mean we're like we're friends and we're not going to try anything during the purge is that the plan uh i mean we can i can agree not to attack you yes how about just that just that like i don't need to share everything else but i just won't attack you directly during the purge okay i agree to that i suggested that we probably don't want to do this just yet with the two of us and that maybe getting shadow would help our odds so when we met up with shadow i first told him hey what's going on with that note outside someone left one of my door too did you by the way shadow did you put that sign outside of my house i did yep the neighbor thing yeah okay so that was you i said cause i saw the one on your doorstep and i thought someone put on both of ours i thought it was you i thought you put it on because i know you're on when i was on this morning yeah no i was just afking by my farm okay no i didn't i didn't put it on um i thought yeah i thought the same person must have done yours on mine i originally thought it was lagundo but he saw your base for the first time reacting so maybe it was kim so then shadow let us into his fort and uh he had he had something for me he gave me an enchanted golden apple which restores one heart of lost health this this this was music to my you know it was a beautiful sight for me i don't know what i'm saying this was incredible but there was a catch he said that if he gives me this apple i had to go and do something to kim he wasn't specific with what it was he just wanted me to mess with kim somehow and you know who am i to say no to messing with kim i also noticed that one of his his like what's the call no it's not really sure whatever the floating thing it had netherwart which it was something that i was going to need eventually i seen yours like the one that you found very early on and then yeah i think i went you deceased yes yeah about 1400 blocks yep yeah if you would have just continued going i think south or whatever direction that was you would find a jungle like within like 500 blocks of these guys drop it um after some careful manipulat persuasion uh we were able to convince laguna that hey let's skip the ender dragon let's go let's go to an ancient city instead but to do that we're going to need a wool and a ton of wool lucky for us shadow knew exactly where we could get some he had just recently cleared out a woodland mansion and there was tons of wool there but before we left laguna needed to go run back to his house to drop some stuff off so yeah once he left i told chad on my plan am i going to kill him look i don't know he's going to be tough i know that yeah he is he is going to that's why we can't let him get any of the loot of the ancient city oh yeah that's right you just have to be like i leave a little bit just give him like hoes and like batting chants and stuff yeah we'll do that that's a good idea because once he starts flying oh yeah i'm gonna have to like build something underground so he'll have to come to me that's when he first told me all the dragons like yeah as long as long as i get the elytra i just need to go let's go look let's go look for the let's go find it he's like you don't want the electron to do i'm like no i i don't know how to use these okay good good i need that if we can just get me an electron we can't let him get the elytra that's why i don't want it to be yeah because i'll never get them yeah once everyone was ready we got in our boats and set sail i was just looking to see if there was a door where on the big deep sleep tower over there oh yeah last year i wonder if that's robert's house it must be because you're saying everybody else is accounted for and i haven't built my place yet yeah that's robert's done who's that oh yeah robert that's new we sailed for an extremely long time and i was starting to think that shadow had absolutely no idea where he was going with a very lost man and we ended up sleeping in a village after a long day of sailing the next day we were back to sale and sailing more and more and more and the thing was that i was starting to uh i was learning to have it i was getting conflicted about having to betray these guys later i was having fun sailing around with them and i was thinking lying to these guys acting like i'm not going to kill them it's kind of getting hard eventually we found the mansion and they got all the wool they wanted and i got dark oak logs thinking that this was something that i was going to want to use on my tower eventually and i also got some saplings and a ton of books which would come in handy later and then we left and inevitably got lost again i don't know okay i don't think that guy knows where he's going eventually we found our way back and then uh not no it wasn't a straight shot we ended up on the other side of a mountain and shadow and i dared each other to try to run across the mountain peak which was just littered with powdered snow if you get stuck i'll i'll dig you out the village is here it's right here oh it's frozen we had like i don't know how much well we were probably like a hundred stacks but we're with all this ready we were finally prepared to take on the ancient city and like i'm gonna be honest it was like 3 30 in the morning maybe four o'clock in the morning i don't know what time was very late and i didn't want to spend another few hours digging around a mountain looking for this thing so i before we made this world i used a seed so i just you know i went on the website and just looked at the coordinates and shown off that mountain that i was originally in the ancient city was in there before we left we invited sneeve which kind of didn't end up working out for him later on you'll find out why uh and we we left together we walked right past robert's tower there's a huge crack by the way wait where uh i think if we go to the right here is robert's house and we found the mouth of a cave that would lead us in we started descending until we found the coordinates uh where around where it should be then we started digging down [Music] coming down no don't drown me stop drowning me hold him down oh god girl stop drowning me oh no we're all a little okay we should really block over our heads before creeper drops into this hole and kills us yeah shadow get down there's there's the plan don't get hit by uh skelingtons hold on hold on you guys just get that break down yeah okay there's water at the bottom if you want to drop can you see the name tag all right come on down like this isn't where we need to go but this is still pretty good [Music] there's no water at the bottom what are you i picked it up once you flooded the whole tunnel oh no i picked it up once you flooded the whole time i just killed him you just killed a man you killed a man no you just killed a man you just slaughtered him this is around the time and it's absolutely perfect timing for my computer to start just going buck nutty i was getting blue screen after blue screen after blue screen so a lot of the recording here is kind of disconjointed so i i have to kind of tell you what happened i don't know how much i actually got recorded we got down to straight right above the ancient city we were like one block above it and the plan was to pour a little bit of water down and then slowly very slowly swim down and creep around and place down wool at very strategic locations but what had happened was yeah i don't know what had happened because my computer blew screened but when i logged back in lagundo and chadomek were already down there so i swam down the thing and slowly creeped over to where they were and then i blue screened again uh then when i logged back in uh they had looted it so that's that's good but the good news is that shadow presented me with something said i found something that a man like you might be interested in what's that oh oh man please heaven please we can make a deal and so since we got a witness here yeah and you so and you guys you've also put us on warden watch at this point if we trigger one again it's something i can give this to you but i need to do something to kim what do you want something that will mess him up i don't know what his his fort looks like but like releases animals or set fire to something okay i'll leave that to you i will and not only that but i was able to loot one of the chests which had a shulk sensor and then my computer blew screen again which is absolutely perfect and when i logged back in for like the fifth time all i heard was laguno say we have to leave now shaun is time to go sean is time to go how do i go how do i go up the water let's run let's run to it no run run away it's coming laguna uh that's not going to help us that's not going to help us we need to be going up up up up up up up sean you got to move i can't i can't start digging up what start digging up up oh sean you logged in at the worst possible time yeah actually you know what that's a good idea laguno and i barely just barely made it out of that cave we ended up cowering in the in the dark for like 10 minutes don't move don't move don't move i'm underwater don't move just is it gone nope the heartbeat will stop it's slowing down shadow got got got and all his stuff is sitting there and i want it oh my god john i'm going up shadow stuff is not worth dying for eventually after if it felt like a year the warden despawned and we climbed out of that cave laguna was using some water bucket technique to go straight up and i had absolutely no idea what this man was doing and i just kept falling and it was sorry it was stressing me out big time but we made it out we made it to the this gem area and he said he wanted to do a few more things i said just i'm not doing anything else so i climbed out and just got out of there and went straight home i logged back in friday morning and i was ready to get to work on my tower and uh kim and shadow were the only ones online i wanted to see if my farm had grown and i wrote in my script sure enough it had but i've watched the footage it hadn't i don't know why i wrote it had it was nothing had grown here we go there we go all right look i even rode i harvested everything i could what did i harvest was just making stuff up i don't know my plan for this farm was to eventually phase out the wheat and phase in carrots because i wanted to make a bunch of golden carrots that i could eat on purge night because i've read that those are the most powerful food you can eat and i need every advantage i could but right now the priority was getting an enchanting table built i needed one of these things absolutely crucial i get this thing built as fast as possible but first i had to uphold my end of the deal with shadow so i went over to kim's base and checked to see if he was there good morning kim hello kim kimberly and yet kimberly i did a little bit of trespassing and uh went into kim's mind and started to look around at the bottom there was a door and i didn't want to open it i wasn't at the level that i was ready to open doors uh which i just kept looking around and followed a bunch of tunnels and eventually i found a hallway which led to what was behind that door and i discovered kim had set up a mob spawn or another hey this this look at this i promise the shadow has been completed i'm gonna be honest i don't know why i just put a torch down i thought that the way this machine that he had built worked was he would come back to it later and expect there to be a bunch of experience and because i put a torch down i i i don't know i had no idea what i was doing all right hey enchanting table time no more doing whatever this was so i ran over to my cave to grab the books that i got from the uh the mansion and uh brought them back to my tower i also brought some bamboo with me that lagundo had given me as a i don't know like a tribute or something which is good because this bamboo is also going to be crucial for one of the uh phases of my plan so this was actually kind of perfect i also brought obsidian but not just two no i got 21 obsidian because i figured i was going to build a panic room at some point and it's good just to have this stuff on hand so i brought that with me when i got back to my tower i built the enchanting table i placed it down on one side of the tower and then i built a ton of bookshelves i wanted to arrange these things nicely so that it wasn't just the typical sea around the table and i tried stacking them up against the wall behind it and just kind of hoped that worked i also didn't want my chest to be just all over the floor like they usually were so i made a shelving system for them and uh yeah this actually ended up looking pretty good hey look at this shovel in the wall there the next thing i need to do was i went downstairs and i planted the bamboo and lastly i thought bamboo i i planted it downstairs in my farm got this thing nice and i got it growing my floorboards were still bugging me i really didn't like the look of them so i wanted to try using that dark oak that i got so i i cut down a bunch of them and started replacing them and uh you know after i finished doing that i kind of oh i wasn't actually sure if i liked the look of it i don't know what suits it better this dark oak or [Music] the spruce i think the spruce might look amanda doesn't know what to do my chanting table was currently useless because i had i don't think i had that much xp and i needed to get to level 30 and i wasn't gonna risk losing more hearts by fighting the ender dragon or killing mobs every night so it was finally time to build one of the biggest projects that i undertook in this an xp farm i was following a guide by cubix creations youtube video he promised that it was very easy and simple to build and i love those two words easy and simple perfect for a man like me but to do this thing i was going to need a few things i need 11 stacks of solid wood 13.5 stacks of slabs 48 trapdoors 16 stairs two water buckets four ladders four hoppers four chests and a hundred and twenty-eight scaffolding it sounds like i'm doing like a raid sponsor yeah i got 32 gems and we download i i shouldn't do that i'm not gonna lose sponsors anyway so the first thing i wanted to build was the scaffolding bamboo taken care of i had a ton of that thanks to my man lagundo he had no idea the damage he did by giving me that that a little bit of bamboo it's crazy with a butterfly effect give man bamboo he makes a giant farm and gets ahead of myself here i need a string so i thought hey where can a man get string before i knew it i was remember that spider spawner i found finally coming in handy man some spiders [Music] after spending some time down there mucking around with the spiders i uh came home and got my scaffolding built next was the wood i was gonna need so much wood and there was no way i was doing this by hand or at least not without any enchants so i enchanted i did some basic enchants on an iron axe but when i put my axe into the enchanting table i saw that it wasn't getting max levels so i tried moving the bookshelves around [Music] well okay i gotta be the only man on youtube who can kill themselves while moving book shelves in their house i figured it was time to take a take a little break so i logged off for a bit when i logged back in later that night the only person online was robert and almost immediately he wanted to make a trade robert wanted 33 emeralds in exchange for one piece of netherride oh when a deal like that you absolutely cannot say no the only problem was was that i didn't have a single emerald but you know what i had a plan to get them okay grab a piece of paper and some and take some notes because you're all about to get a degree in business my mans this is this is how you make a deal i told robert i needed some time to get the emeralds two days in fact 48 hours you got your emeralds in game days i don't know anyway so he also asked for blaze rods i told him that i didn't have any however i could provide him with information that would lead him to getting the blaze rods but it would cost him oh 64 iron for that info he got to pay up and he agreed the deal was now 33 emeralds and information on where to get blaze rods in exchange for 64 iron and one netherite but you know what my plan was to get even more from robert you just watch okay first i needed the emerald so i ran back to my cave and i was i was i was hoping that the guy was still there without that villager if that if someone had taken that villager or the villager was dead if it was none of this would work it was very crucial and sure enough when i got there this man was alive and well feeling doing well down there i immediately converted him into a fletcher i repeated this until he offered me a trade which was sticks for emeralds once i had that i went back out grabbed a ton of the wood that i had been harvesting for my xp for which probably and i converted it all into sticks and started selling as many sticks as i could to this guy but he eventually sold out before i got to 33 emeralds the next day i returned with more wood and you know what it's somehow managed to almost die doing this oh okay with that out of the way i kept trading and eventually eventually i got to 34 emeralds at this point i told robert to meet me at my favorite place to meet anyone at kim's house of course kim wasn't home and he didn't have his permission this was technically trespassing but you know what kim doesn't know won't hurt him the deal was set to move forward i had the 34 emeralds and i had the information i was about to get one netherite and 64 iron but little did robert know my plan was to not only get one netherrite but two how about this you give me one more netherrate brick and i will show you how to get unlimited emeralds and unlimited arrows and a ton of free xp see i don't need it i already uh already have the free xp i got the unlimited arrows oh is that do you have infinity on the bow of course oh you know that's not a good choice you know why because that takes up a very precious enchant slot [Music] like what you can have uh you can have other power like knock back power four flaming this has power for flame punch to infinity okay well i can get you unlimited arrows all right sorry unlimited emeralds yeah i saw how you how you do that well one another right brick and it's yours i don't have any other another range you know how hard it is to get there yes okay fine give me give me just give me something i'll tell you anything i'll give you uh i'll give you the siren how about that okay one extra thing because i'm gonna show you with it for the fortresses okay there we go oh beautiful that i will take okay so let's get there we go that's that's business right there that's business right there okay so i showed robert the fortress in the nether you go down here you see how it climbs out to that nether portal yeah you jump on that nether portal you go to the right side of it towards where that magma is crawl down there's a path it brings you down to that lower platform where that like soul fire is and then you walk just build a short little bridge to that red netherrack another right whatever yeah i see it with the torches on it yeah then you crawl down there's a path and it brings you out to that beach where that long thing is and you walk straight across there uh then once you get to the fortress yeah after that i used the netherite ingot to craft a chess piece this was the very first time that i had ever made anything with netherriding you know what i was i was feeling good there it is there it is all right with that out of the way it was time to get back to work on building my xp farm getting all that iron from robert was it was very useful because i was going to need it for the xp farm specifically building the hoppers and i think something else but i can't remember because i had absolutely no i had nothing i was a man without iron so the last thing i needed for this farm was just a lot more wood and because i had used so much of the wood that i had already harvested on the trade with robert it was i was pretty much back to square one and cutting down trees and getting wood so then i got to work and i cut down trees for like an hour just chopping down every tree in sight and eventually i had enough and i built all the little bits and bobs that i needed i built all the staircases i built all the trapdoors i built all the slabs i had everything i needed to build this xp farm this is also around the time that i uh switched my shaders from sonic ethers shaders to the complementary reimagined one because i kind of just like the look of the more and you know what is it weird to do this midway through a video i don't know but you know what i'm doing it so it's done i guess i should have probably waited to make that trade with robert because next time i saw him he had this man had a ton of nether right gear now and now he was offering me another trick he wanted to sell me a mending book for the low cost of 20 emeralds which i mean he could have easily gotten himself but i think he was just he was just kind of being nice to me regardless i said you know what you got a deal with that done it was time to finally finally build this xp farm i've never built anything like this before and uh i've never built up this high before i'll just tell you right now going up that high i was i was sweating my hands were sweating on the mouse it was not good it was terrified okay i feel like i'm on a roller coaster right now [Music] getting getting real nervous still going up okay getting real high up here oh [Music] okay oh i had absolutely no idea what i was doing i was just trying to follow the guide on how to build this thing and it was now around four o'clock in the morning and i was 128 blocks above the surface barely barely keeping my eyes open and i was making mistake after mistake trying to build this this thing so the first phase was to build this afk chamber this is where i'll sit and uh collect all the xp and loot and stuff i needed to put down two double chests which you know it ended up being even more difficult than it should be oh then i put hoppers on top of those chests and then slabs on top of the hoppers this is where the mobs are gonna fall down to and for them to fall down here they gotta fall from somewhere which meant building up even further so i need this thing higher this is just sad look at this next was the canals that the mobs would fall into and be carried by water to drop in the pit these went about seven blocks or so back out of the four side of the drop zone but you know what by this point i was getting actually getting way too tired for this i was falling asleep so i could climb back down and build a janky wall around the entrance the farm and to make sure no one wanted to go trespassed inside i put up signs warning anyone who entered that they yeah that's good hey saturday i did not play at all i went airsoft instead and uh you know what this perfect opportunity got an airsoft channel go go subscribe to that i got a link to in the description so that's good hey back online a refreshed and recharged man a man ready to continue work on his xp farm the next phase of building was to get the water canals built these things were the things that would the mobs would fall into this and then get swept away by the water into the death pit i already had the floor done so now i needed to add the perimeter wall around them i made it two blocks high and then i had to do that for every single canal next i poured water at the end of each one and since i was following the guide correctly it worked perfectly and the water stopped flowing right at the drop after that i had to make this thing one giant platform so i had to fill it all in to do that i used slabs lots and lots of slabs at first i was thinking oh oh do i want to use slabs i thought mobs don't spawn on slabs but it turns out they will spawn it if it's the top half of the block all right so it's gonna be fine no no need to leave a comment saying the farm won't work because you know what you're gonna see that actually you know what go ahead yeah leave a comment saying it won't work then just keep watching the video okay you'll be a man leaving another comment saying whoa can't believe i was wrong i absolutely cannot the slabs what am i saying that the next step was making it so that the mobs would actually walk into the water and to do that you can put down trap doors if you put a trap door down and then and lower it those stupid idiot mobs just walk right over thinking there's something there i think it's done wrong no not even close to being done now i need to stop spiders from spawning here because they'll clog this whole thing up so i added even more trapdoors and very in a very specific pattern that i repeatedly messed up and had a very tough time following despite it being very simple why won't spiders spawn when you put these things down i have no idea i guess they don't like the pattern or something who knows and just as i thought i was finally done building this thing the guy told me to do it all again on the floor above so it's just a lot of work i needed a break from building so i took a stroll over to my good friend kim's house and yet again trespassed on his land not only that but i went right up into his tower and i guess he was afk because he was just sitting there hello without another way i went back to my farm and finished the second layer [Music] okay so uh robert just beat the game i climbed back down and went into the afk chamber and waited for this thing to start working but nothing was spawning and i started to get a little bit worried about those slabs that in the video the guy insisted wouldn't be a problem he said no way don't worry about the slabs gonna be i'm gonna be absolutely fine he also said the farm would be super fast and easy to make my man this this thing was not fast to make it all it was this was incredibly difficult for me okay i was a man who goes work to the bone trying to get this thing built and now it looked like it wasn't even working so i climbed down back well i wanted to get to my tower to maybe reset it i can't believe how stupid i am hey so i don't even know what to say about that death besides you know i don't know just move on i went back up to the farm and for some reason i guess a reset because now this thing was working it was working good hey my first guest so here's how it works the mobs fall and then you just hit them with your sword it's a pretty good system so i sat there for a while until i had like three levels of experience and better than that the chests that were below it were they were full of loot 90 of it was just absolute garbage but there's a ton absolute ton of gunpowder in these chests and i for what i was planning i was going to need a lot of gunpowder with the enchanting table built my xp farm up and running the next thing i need to do was get lapis so i went mining but while i was doing that i started to watch a guide on enchanting because honestly i have no idea how enchanting works in this game i realized that my book cases were more than likely set up wrong and i'm sure some of you already knew that i fixed it and i ended up with the standard enchanting table layout that i was trying to avoid i guess it doesn't matter it was all working i still need to lapis though so yeah i went over and asked my good my good friend my good neighbor my friendly neighbor kim asked if he had any and lapis hey you guys hey you're uh i didn't say come in hey hey no sean no no no no no no no i kill you i kill you for that what you will die for that you're not going here you can't kill me you still don't have a door no no but you know it is a door it is you're not allowed hey this is this this is a opening this is what you need walls all around this whole island i will do that i have to do that now because i'm not gonna do anything dude you're my alliance yeah i know i know i just said because uh you freak out at me and i freak out at you no look what you did kim didn't have any so i thought okay maybe i got something to chest to my old cave let's go back over there so i went to the cave went through my chest there was nothing but when it came out of my cave oh look at this robert was standing around i need lapis i need some lapis here i got some lapis for you you surely do whoa where's your oh you have the electro even oh thank you wow a generous man yeah yeah yeah let me know what you need hey you see kim lately hey thank you see you later robert and i went back to my tower and then went over to kim's base to discuss our plans for purge night that is a door if i go across the bridge okay i won't go across the bridge [Music] i'll do it too oh wait you idiots yeah you jump over the walls right here look at this no it's a wall kind of a barrier look what it's doing you're just ruining my farm and you did let's discuss everyone up [Music] is this central command yes how did it go so fast magma soul sand okay soul sand underwater goes up [Laughter] how do i get to the second level [Music] okay this was getting i i don't i gave robert 120 gunpowder for that as a kind of thank you because yeah i i don't know so i went back to my tower to recuperate my lost xp after spending a moderate amount of time in my xp file i yet again trust me onto kim's property to use his animal here i use the mending book on my pickaxe i never know what to put this enchanting on i just remembered i used it on something everyone freaked out on me i started saying it was it was crazy so i don't know i'm just using on whatever now after that i went back to my farm for yet again more xp farming oh look at that level 41 again pretty good at this point you may be wondering if i've been sitting here and manually hacking away these mobs or if i've been using some sort of help with this crazy program that clicks my mouse for me every like 15 seconds no my dog's doing it okay [Music] good day you know i'll tell you right now i've got absolutely no issue with me doing this or anyone else on the server doing this because uh you know what it's moving on anyways an arrow came flying through my window and i looked to see who it was it was it was kim he was this man was up to something so i thought what if i started aggressively expanding my tower towards his base hey hey wait are you coming closer to me right now wait what do you mean [Music] what are you building a second bridge what is going on oh no no this is not a bridge this is the my planned expansion for my tower [Music] i have walls now yeah i know i see your walls i'm gonna i'm i'm not above them you can't go above them no i'm i'm not above them sorry i'm like uh [Music] this is this is where my tower is being built too it's gonna be close i gotta shoot no no stop shooting my cows i have so few left yeah so few i had no plans on actually expanding my tower in that direction but you know i was trying to get him all stressed out and it worked because he came over all worried you gotta you gotta you gotta let me know what you're doing i told you what i'm doing you're you're making things way bit more difficult for me like i'm getting trust issues don't get trust issues just believe me it's fine no i feel like this is a preparation for perch night uh easy way a quick way to get rid of me i wouldn't have told you about my main plan if i was gonna attack you on purge night i can't survive without you i don't know i think i think uh you telling me it doesn't really matter if i'm dead right away you won't be dead right away problem i promise you okay on to the next phase of my plan i needed to clear this whole area out to make a big giant field opening around my base but there was no way i was doing this without enchanted tools the first one was my pickaxe and i needed to upgrade it more and to do that i needed more lapis thankfully robert traded me even more and another mending book for 120 gunpowder again i couldn't think of a better place to use that mending book than over at kim's kim's good old anvil i have an anvil on me i can drop for you out of your house oh perfect yeah yeah i'll take it afterwards one of these kim's [Music] i might as well get a good all use out of it shortly after that robert gave me a tour of his base there it is holy crap wow oh wow this is crazy just going through my chest yeah sorry i just need to see something wow okay i think at this point it's safe to say that robert kim and i were fully in an alliance although it was tough because i had promised lagundo that i wasn't going to attack him and i didn't want to attack shadow because he had helped me so much and who's going to attack a guy named snead so with everyone off limits i thought hmm okay you know what i can attack everyone because everyone's off limits that means everyone's on limits so the mind of a man is a dangerous place and speaking of lagundo on my way back from robert's base i finally saw his ice cream cone of a base [Music] there it is [Applause] when i got back i went straight up into the farm for some good old-fashioned farming and by farming i mean my dog the dasha i spent a long time up there and i walked away with 50 plus levels again and a dump truck full of gunpowder i wasted very little time wasting all those levels on random enchants that i just assumed were good okay look at this looting three mending sweeping edge three unbreaking three power four punch two flame efficiency five mending [Music] efficiency for a protection for protection for protection for and don't look at that one of my favorite enchants was the stuff i got on the shovel just a look how fast this thing shreds dirt look at this delete dirt it's like a bulldozer it works so often it crashed my game and then when i got back online it was it destroyed itself it was too powerful the durability bar was shooting down i didn't want to lose this thing so i went back into the mine to do some more mining you needed diamonds oh okay here we go [Music] that's uh okay [Music] don't i don't know what to do in that situation so while i was learning about enchanting i learned that gold is the most enchantable material so i thought okay good i'll get a gold pickaxe and get fortune 3 on it then i'll use that pickaxe specifically for when i find diamonds because otherwise it's just going to break immediately but if i use it just for diamonds oh this is going to be a very powerful tool so i did that and when i found diamonds and tried to use it it didn't work i thought the server lagged but i realized i'm an idiot you can't mine diamonds with gold i don't know how i didn't know that so i i switched to my diamond pickaxe mine the diamonds and realized oh okay this is right next to an ancient city this is i got two alerts from the warden so i ran now you might think that i'm an idiot because with the golden pickaxing but what if i told you that this was um like uh intentional or something like that because let's say i never used the gold pickaxe i would have been dead let me explain if i had used the gold the regular pickaxe on those diamonds it would have created uh two triggers for the warden i would have not even realized that and i would have mined the second one because i would have been greedy that would have been four triggers that warden woulda came storming down after me that would be one dead man so by making but by being an idiot i became the smartest man alive i need to say no more about that so i mined in the other direction got more diamonds and i finally completed my full diamond set by making diamond boots monday good old monday they say get up and get going on monday so after a good after a good solid farm session i was uh level 45 and had nearly a double chest full of gunpowder and a man like me is you can do a lot with that the next thing i was going to need was a redstone ton of redstone i normally end up with a ton of this stuff in my chest anyways but for some reason this time i didn't have it i don't know so i went mining and i started filling my bags with it after getting a decent amount i met up with kim briefly uh laguna was there so i had to kind of try to make it look like kim and i weren't working i i was just i went a little bit nutty to make it you'll see what i mean okay this is one certified attachment you are not allowed to be here you are not you are tree passing on my ground he's trying to steal your boat he's not allowed he's breaking so many rules right now i can't believe this you know do something with this no i like them drums you're breaking the rules you already killed the wolf of mine now you're kidnapping one look at that guy he's so he's uh [Music] [Music] there's not like purges eve it's purge's eve actually i just realized it is actually i have a door no sean you're not allowed inside it's not i don't there now i have your envelope you can't have your envelope by the way oh i can hear him not only breathing heavy but like every keyboard click as he runs off what are you doing no we just came just now okay i've never seen that guy yeah but you're making me now you're making me paranoid no it's not no he knows like me and you are not like cool because you come here and i don't know bro break my piece good there's a whole performance i know it's not but it was a good performance one of the biggest challenges i was going to face on purge night was the fact that i was i had about as much health as a cow right now and uh that's not i'm gonna be honest that's not quite ideal so i needed to fix that robert told me about a little secret that he had found out he said that if you kill the ender dragon you can get all of your hearts back the problem with that was i mean look how many hearts i have now think about all the ways i've died so far endermen have killed me there's like a million of them in the end i've died falling off stuff i've died i've had every possible if i do a bookshelf okay you think i'm gonna go to the end and survive that right now yeah that's not gonna happen but i'm not a man who gives up or doesn't at least try so robert and i went to the nether to start getting supplies because you know what i'm taking down the ender dragon because i i came up when he was in here he like went to another there's another fortress the first time yesterday yeah so i went and found him come back [Music] no okay that one that was probably all of my stuff burned up in the lava my beautiful beautiful bow my nether right chest piece my diamond pic my sh everything i had burned up to a crisp and worst of all i had even i had one less heart now that this purge was gonna i don't even know what to say about this but when a man gets desperate is when a man i've said this before a man thinks the best all right and my brain was going a mile a minute at this point i came up with a new plan called the begging man okay in our discord i posted a screenshot of my three lonely hearts and said i'm a man who's down to his last three hearts a man who's a man who could die at any moment or something like that the idea was to a make them think that i'm very weak and b get them to give me some golden apples okay because if you get to max health and you eat a golden apple you can go above max health so if i beat the end and then i got a bunch of people to give me golden apples i could be a man with many many many many many hearts and they would have no idea this was truly the so first robert gave me some of his old gear and luckily it was diamond and enchanted that's pretty good thank you robert that's reminds me and i forgive you for your criminal past thank you second thing i went to kim's farm treated like mcdonald's [Music] third i made a ton of glass while robert did all the hard work getting gas tears and ender pearls and i was just a man with making gas fourth we hit the road towards the stronghold robert knew roughly where it was because he had already done this and beaten the game already i mean it was way ahead of me uh but i confirmed it with coordinates you know what i don't care if that counts as cheating because robert had already been here and had done this and i could i had three hearts okay it doesn't matter the problem we were facing was that lagundo knew about the ender dragon trick he had presumably done it himself and he was currently offline and i wanted to get this done before he logged in because i didn't want this guy knowing that i was full health now uh so we were kind of rushing to do this as fast as possible it took us two in-game days but we made it to the mangrove where the entrance of the stronghold was we knew this was the right area because there was a leftover crafting table and a hole from someone else just going straight into the earth all right i'll see you down there i hate doing this how you doing i hate doing this i ain't doing this i hate this i hate this oh i was one scared man going down in random holes like that with three hearts and basically everything i had on my back but sometimes you got to do what you got to do to survive but when we got down there into the cave we looked around a little bit and we found the stronghold we climbed into it and started looking for the portal and it wasn't that hard to find because whoever was here before had left torches which sort of just led us straight to it with that robert and i went in and fought the dragon robert spotted they're mad at me i think okay so i'm gonna start flying around and destroying everything yeah take him out i'll stay here some purple stuff up there because oh i just he's flying around like a madman use a bet on him trunk it out here i don't want to die oh there he is there's the beast i think he's not coming down because the egg's still on top of it yeah maybe don't mind it the egg the egg has been moved he's coming down okay hit him what a hit he's scary [Music] oh that was a horrible legend can you hear me yeah why am i lagging he needs to land he's coming down he's coming down yeah i can't come up because the burning oh my god i've never been knocked in the air as high as that good [Music] oh oh okay oh almost took me out look how many endermen are right oh my god are they all down here [Music] i guess you get it when you go to the portal no what was that i got my hearts back okay i'm gonna be honest robert did 99 percent of the work but you see those few little hits i got on the dragon hey that was all me those hits that's anyways the dragon was dead and so i jumped through the portal and when i came out i had full hearts i was a man restored so robert and i went our separate ways and i needed to get home without dying so i grabbed a torch and started digging my way out okay back up in the mangrove it's time to go home when i got into the surface i was greeted by a very cool frog you ever seen one of these things i love this man oh how's it going can i pick this guy up hello oh i don't know hello name this guy kim give him the frog all right see you later it was a long road home and it took me again like two or three days to get back to my house and when i did i finally met up with robert who i guess just had flown straight home in like two seconds and it must be nice to fly robert can't do that myself but you know what it's good good you can he had been working on a trap outside of his base it was a bunch of powdered snow above a lava pit if you stepped on the wrong spot you'd just die you'd go straight down in the lava and i'm glad you told me because i could see myself walking straight into that i'd spend another good while on my farm getting xp and enchanting my gear i don't think that i was very good at it because i'm not significant trying to get xp that i could have been building or getting another or something like that but i was just kind of in this farm quite a bit actually i was kind of getting bored of being in the farm so much so i decided to go out and do some more tree passing uh while kim was offline up there jesus christ dude yeah is it good kim's gonna love this little chickens everywhere hey how's it going guys you guys doing good all right perfect i told robert that i needed a mending book again and uh he told me he knew a villager that could sell me one but it was kind of far and the cost would be 14 emeralds i said robert if you you go for me i'll give you a little tip and he agreed and just as robert left to go back to his base lagundo told me that he wanted to meet up and discuss a potential trade and as a man who was always open for tradesmen was always open for business i said you know what come on down to laguna come on down to kim's base and uh let's talk hey what are you doing you're inside you're not supposed to be here when he got here he said that he wanted to use my farm in exchange for some books i said you know what not books i want diamonds give me your mailing me diamonds he said all right yeah i'll give you i'll give you i'll give you nine i said give me ten he said nope i'll give you nine i forget how the deal but he agreed to give me nine diamonds for uh whatever then i went over to robert's house i gave him the first 34 emeralds and then an additional 16 with those he took those and he used his wings to fly to a far village to get me my books as i was heading home i spotted lagundo flying through the air he swooped down and gave me my block of diamonds those diamonds fast you know incredibly fast and he showed me something that would change the trajectory of my plan so i have two god apples how many hearts do you have i'm at four right now i can get you above half you don't attack me during you don't attack me during perch night okay and none of this and none of this sean shenanigans either you don't attack me during purge night okay i won't attack you and i will give you i will give you both now i know you're thinking sean you just looked a man in the eyes and lied straight to his face well you know what this was all part of operation desperate man and here i was a i was a man now with more health but something went wrong because when the enchanted golden apples were off the effects that they give you i was left with less hearts meaning that when i went to the ender dragon and my health was reset it was a glitch and then by eating the apples it only added extra hearts to where i was before the ender what was go that was that was not part of the plan oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what's up something very bad has happened what come inside i'll tell you this is not good oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh where do i even begin oh so i made a deal with lagundo oh god i said that he could use my farm if he brought me nine diamonds right and so he brought me the nine diamonds and then he brought he's like look what i found he showed me two golden apples right so he gave you two golden apples yeah and so he he wanted me i guess like he assumed that i would eat them in front of him so i did right i didn't tell i i lied i said that i had uh oh i see i said three hearts and so i ate them in front of him and uh guess what it did they gave you extra hearts no it reset my herds back to where they were before you end the ender dragon what so now i'm down to five hearts and the deal i made with lagundo where i said i wouldn't i wouldn't attack him on perch i i mean i i did mean to honor that agreement i was not going to attack him but i never said that i wouldn't stop him from walking into a trap i wouldn't warn him about something that we were gonna set up for him and i wouldn't not set something up designed for i just said i wouldn't attack him directly i was very careful with my words all right very very cautious and speaking all this yeah you ever see those compasses that say like lawful neutral or like hero or something like that where do you think i am in this let me post a comment saying who was what like uh kim kim is probably like i don't know he's probably good i don't know i'm probably like champ or something like that good i don't know but around this time robert was almost back from getting the book so i said meet me let's go meet at kim's house all right best place to meet on the server but turns okay robert was already there up to something hey what's going on just uh picked up a lot of eggs on the way i put the books in here thank you i didn't say anything you just saw me come up here didn't you i i i can't i absolutely cannot wait to watch kim's video and see his reaction to this oh my goodness can you believe what these crazy boys have done they tree passed this i can't wait to watch this video so i got my books from robert and went home i put mending on my sword which means that i could theoretically start uh clicking and go to bed in real life and then when i'd wake up i'd have one million levels of experience and enough gunpowder to destroy the entire this entire server the problem was is that you know what if i starve to death what if i woke up and i was dead then i would lose everything and lose another heart so i had to decide if i wanted to gamble or not if i won i'd have it all xp gunpowder the respect of a million men if i lost i lose my sword a heart which i desperately need at this point and i look like an idiot in front of a maybe thousands of people so that's well you know what i already doesn't matter but you know what i i can't i there all there's only one way i win this purge by taking risks and and winning big baby so i i set my computer up and i went to bed when i woke up the next morning on tuesday i was one dead dead man nothing i had nothing lost at all i have no idea what happened here here's a third person's left i was just dead so that's who knows and worst of all there was now chickens all over my base so who could have done this so i went back to the farm and started again i sat there until i was like level 56 and i started enchanting a bunch of my gear again and i won't bore you with all the details but what i was aiming for at this point was getting my tools in better shape so that i could set traps for purge night tomorrow kim was online and i wanted to see what he was doing so i went over and he was this guy was working on a video just sitting there working on a video can you believe this but i do imagine they were but i do imagine they were just but i do imagine they were just houses what houses and i just restored the barracks added a camp place down some lava restored a temple at the very edge oh i'm doing a video here how's it going i told him about robert's trap and i said kim don't walk into it okay don't whatever you do don't he said okay crazy boy and that was that do you notice a hell of a ton of doors now like that should indicate these doors are for you i'd like to tell you a story about the world's dumbest man okay there was once a man who really wanted a powerful shovel a stream the world's strongest shovel they say he spent a very long time in this farm he then enchanted the shovel with the best in chance you could ever get and even used a mending book on it to make sure that it would never break and when he was done with uh what would be the best trouble a man could ever ask for he used it to dig up [Music] he dug a bunch of dirt he was big and dirty and uh he loved this beautiful beautiful shovel within five minutes of making the shovel he became careless and stopped paying attention to his durability and sadly he just he broke it he was the world's i'm so stupid i'm so stupid i asked if anyone had an extra mending book because i needed to fix this again uh shadow told me that sneeve had a villager that would sell me one and best of all it was outside of his base which means that it wasn't it wasn't technically tree passing but let's be honest here it really mattered if i did ah here we go whoa oh very nice oh hello how's it going my pleasure doing business with you at this point things were very close to kicking off everyone was sniffing each other out trying to figure out what their plans were for purge night if they're staying in if they're going out if they're gonna who they're gonna try to kill who's in their alliance who was doing what i was trying to figure out if i wanted projectile protection on my armor i figured everyone would be using bows so it might be a good option as so i and then i put piercing four on a crossbow thinking that it would break armor i have no idea if that if that's how that works is just something i did i thought okay this is gonna be good i now also had a double chest filled to the brim with gunpowder but if i wanted to convert it into tnt i was going to need a lot of sand not just a little a ton of sand like probably 10 chestful so i had to do that but i had no idea where a beach was or a desert biome or where even get this much sand and i wasn't the only one who needed sand kim did too so we agreed to go out and look for it together and you could have done it alone but for some reason okay let's go it took us a while but eventually we found a beach and we started digging hey look at this from a hidden treasure chest on the beach just by chance when i got back i finally started crafting tnt and look how much i made i barely had enough sand to even start at the chest but i made i made so much tnt i was strapped i also had a ton of leftover gunpowder that it you know i probably should probably harvest a little bit more of that but you you know who cares gunpowder is good without all taking care of it i was finally ready to start prepping my base for the purge however while i was doing that i forgot to record a few crucial things that happened the first was uh shadow while robert and kim and i were planning what we were going to do on purge night and discussing how we were going to kill shadow he showed up so we immediately stopped talking about it and then this man gave us enchanted golden apples not just one or two he gave me and kim each like four so look at my heart styles man it was nearly fully restored again how could we kill a man like this a man as kind as us so on the spot i tossed away my plans of killing him well first of all let's be fair here i was planning on killing everyone okay so not just him it was everyone but i said okay you know we're not killing shadow anymore he's a good guy he gave me all examples i'm gonna do that he also told us something rather interesting apparently laguna had asked him do you want to be final two with me and if i remember correctly while laguna didn't say that he exactly wanted to be final two with me he did say something somewhat similar i don't need to share everything else but i just won't attack you directly during the purge okay i agree to that so i told shadow uh i said he he said that to me too you're not the only one and then robert said it as well which who knows if he actually said that to robert or not but it was enough to convince everyone that who we needed to kill laguna this was the man that needed to go down and needed to go down fast first man to die in the purge had to be lagundo and after he was dead then it could be every man for themselves but he did he'd die okay i have it i have the plan to kill laguna okay but it's going to require all of us to work together on this okay i like the some of that all right we're going to rig the main town to blow okay we're going to lure him to the town under the pretense that we want to talk when i give the signal which will be you know what things are just about to get a little bit crazy around here when i say that the town's gonna blow i don't know how i i don't know what that looks like i don't know i have enough tnt to level the entire town okay so we have to find a way that we can all get away and he'll be stuck and the bomb will go off but how are we going to do it well we still have to figure that out so we went to the village and we spent the next hour and a half plotting how exactly we're going to kill lagundo like i can use our like our small alliance to advantage to kind of get him into a place that's true yes that's a good idea it's a very good idea actually he's gonna have to inevitably trust one of us so we might need to fake a fight we fake a fight in the town call for backup he comes detonate the trap wait to get him to chase him or something where he falls and then he falls into cobwebs ah yeah cobwebs we do that we learn we learn we use someone as bait but the person has a portal like uh to get away yeah yeah to get away so and he will blow it up so he saw where he won't die because someone will save him in the last second oh yeah but he's going to use ender pearls 100 yeah so what i'm thinking is like let's say he's chasing us which i don't know if he would he probably won't chase you into a house like this but let's say you did there's like some sort of pre-built like drop or something like this right you got a trap door i land on it and then i like so it's like this i i would land here then i'd hit the trapdoor and he'd keep going and then i'd hit the button with the tnt he dies oh we know that robert would you go into a building i won't go into any building if i see someone going to a building i would never go into that building especially with the wings tonight yeah because laguna's pretty like a hardcore like robert i guess so yeah i would charge right into the building no second thought is there a need for hi idiots hi idiots i'm not coming down there idiots yeah yeah you think he'd land he probably won't he might land actually because that's why i'm sorry and then maybe i'll land on a roof yeah he might land on a roof oh the only way we can we can get him with tnt is if we drop it from above okay okay okay okay then what if we what if we build a big pillar up right above those three houses right now uh we'll destroy all the block except for one you'll fly up there you won't be involved in this meeting me and you will pretend that we're gonna kill each other still it'll be us three who meet here okay you drop the tnt there's got to be a cave around here right there is a cave yeah there's a big cave right here actually hold on he knows it he's gone mining in it before if he if he oh if he starts to warm up to me and he's and he doesn't follow me i'll be like come on laguna i thought you i thought you want to do this together yeah you're gonna betray me and then he might be like okay let's go yeah that's true finally we settled on a plan a plan so perfect that it absolutely could not fail zero percent chance of failure this was a perfect plan if i do say so myself the first step was to make this cave smaller more narrow and more tight but not too tight but open enough that a man wouldn't feel scared to go into but tight enough that flying out would not be easy it would be tough to get out of to do this we use silk touch pickaxes to re-sculpt the rock formation and we're very careful that natural ores like copper and coal so it didn't look like someone had built this next we dug out the floor and we we lined this floor with enough tnt to kill even the most armored man this was the world's biggest explosion about to happen right here another yet another world record on my channel okay the biggest explosions i mean absolutely massive but we didn't stop there because we also added tnt to the sides of the cave even the roof this whole thing was rigged to blow okay then we covered it so you couldn't tell that there was any tnt there we put nice stone blocks over top of it so it didn't look like anything was up next we did some we were doing some science and learned how ender pearl stasis chambers work all right they're gonna do it yeah it doesn't teleport you because it's in that elevator thing yeah oh technically didn't land yet uh all right now we need two of them though but that's perfect then we tested out and crystal's worked oh my god get me away from that that's a disaster what's the best where it is [Music] it didn't seem like it did much it it does a lot of damage oh my god what am i doing what are you doing i did i didn't take any damage stand right next to it it does know nothing to me uh it's gotta be shot then oh wow oh my god okay and after that we tactically placed them in spots where we uh [Music] ran algorithms to determine where to predict where laguna may run when he was scared a scared animal about to die we put them in those exact spots finally we wired the whole thing so that in one single button press the entire cave would detonate the plan was simple we thought laguna was likely to go to shadow's base and hide out with him i would show up at shadow's base and start a fight and run as fast as i could to the cave where unbeknownst to lugundo robert and kim would be hiding in a sealed room i would run into the back of the cave and shadow would chase me in lagundo being the cautious man he is likely would not follow shadow into the cave so we had to kind of persuade him a little bit this is where if in the case that leguno did not follow shadow into the cave i would feign an attack on shadow i would start hitting him and shadow would cry out laguno help me he's going to kill me at which point laguna would enter the cave and once he did he sealed his fate because robert would come up from behind and seal the whole thing with obsidian blocks then he would press the button after i shout the word bugaboo now i know you're thinking oh how are you gonna get out of there how are you gonna how are you gonna get up i'll tell ya kim activates the ender pearl stasis chambers teleporting me and shadow out of the cave leaving laguna sealed in where he's has nowhere to go but to be exploded into a million bits the four of us we're going to kill laguna at least that's what robert came and shadowed on because you see i had i had other plans robert kim and shadow had absolutely no idea that they had just built their own tomb because late that night at like four o'clock in the morning when everyone had gotten off and was sleeping i woke back up and i got to work i snuck back into the cave and i added more tnt so much tnt that anyone standing on the platform where robert shadow and kim would be standing would be incinerated along with laguno as soon as robert hit that button he would kill not only lagundo but himself shadow and kim leaving only me and steve alive and according to them steve is not the type of man to pvp so in other words an easy kill for me this this was my direct path to victory this is how i would win the purge but for some reason i felt i kind of felt bad about this i had spent like 50 hours playing minecraft with these guys i watched as they worked so hard on building their bases gearing up having fun helping me out with golden apples adventuring with me pulling pranks on one another bringing me to ancient cities bringing me to the end i was about to betray all of these guys i started thinking hey am i the villain of this story am i the was i the bad guy here because i kind of felt like it so i considered for a moment if i should disable the trap and fight these men honorably i didn't know what to do and you know what you won't know what i did either until the purge happens because you'll you'll have to wait and see in the event that the trap didn't work i needed a backup plan the plan was my tower and i had like so much stuff to do to get this tower to tower ready to go and in a short amount of time to do it first i put up walls all around my base the idea was to not use them as protection in the physical sense but every most robert and laguna could fly around and i didn't want people walking across my i wanted them to land in my tower because my tower would be rigged to blow so i added a whole new floor with solid oak planks and made the entire floor made out of tnt and then made it so they would i can't explain this one but you can just see what i did then i covered it and made it impossible to tell there was a candy in there all good to go next i moved the balcony up to a new level uh stripping the old one off and sealing up the windows so that if you were flying around you would inevitably end up on the top floor that's where you'd end up going which of course was the one that was rigged to blow you might be wondering okay well how do you live and they die well i'll tell you how i i disconnected from the server made a new creative world and started testing it out because i had no idea how this was gonna work i have no idea how i'm going to do this so what if i place it if i place it down first then the tnt it goes off does it not activate redstone it does how am i going to do this if they see this salk sensor it's i'm dead they won't nail on land let's say because i have the wood like this right the only way i can think of doing this there's no way to do it obsidian saves me so i need this obsidian box around me okay that's the practice well i'd just be dead there so purge over immediately one week we're gone okay i'm in the tomb they may not see it fly in and basically see me like this at that point i go like that let me try one more time just so i i'm like i completely understand how this works because i get one i get one shot at it these rabbits need to go these r these rabbits are gonna kill e minecraft rabbit kill e well i would walk up to the hole with the sensor i place it down i shift climb over to the ladder holding shift i get up up top i release shift i hold shift again immediately landing on the wall then i break the wool it went off okay so good thing i tested it okay here's version two which i at this point i i i think is gonna be what i have to do then let's say they land inside oh wait a minute now i place the sensor now i don't move no i don't move at all i can look around as long as i don't touch the keyboard i'm fine okay i think that's it with everything figured out it was time to have the purge oh [Music] ah i ran towards kim's house he told me that his tower was rigged to blow and then if anyone put down a single piece of tnt it would detonate it didn't take long for laguna to show up someone's flying who's that yeah i see him way up there where are you announce yourself who are you announce yourself go away step away oh kim he survived somehow but we still had plausible deniability so when he returned we acted as if though we didn't know who flew by and we got nervous we just blew the tower up and laguna claimed it was robert but we knew it was him we saw him kim saul's names anyway so we used this as an opportunity to act as though we didn't trust robert that we didn't we're working with him to the house oh my goodness you attacked us someone flew into his someone activated his trap i'm not the only one with wings who else robert is the only other one with wings have you seen him yet okay i was just i was just over i couldn't hear you i was just over at his place interesting he's on his way in his house yes he has wings he's the one who actually killed the dragon i just got there afterwards we don't like you being too close i can't hear you if i'm any further this is the most this is the closest i can be he's coming this way oh no oh boy oh no hi [Music] wait i'm gonna get him to chase me what happened here oh it was you was it you who flew over i just i just came over now no it obviously wasn't me someone was here did you just get here now what's here i just got here now okay he was here sneaks like under my base for some reason oh no okay okay we need leave and shadow we're doing something they have like millions of dogs near my base underneath the ground oh no i didn't like that i did not like that at all i i hadn't factored in that sneave might be up to something of course steve would be up for something why would i not i did this was not part of the plan doing stuff so yeah i don't know what's worse is that apparently he was now working with shadow and shadow was a very crucial part of our plan so i didn't know what to do we decided we have to go see what was going on over there so we left kim's base and tried to get to shadows oh my god look at this pack of dogs when i got to shadow's base it seemed as though he was not working with steve and steve was nowhere to be found all i saw was the giant bridge so i walked across and got ready to set in motion the plan that we had worked so hard on what do you want i told you already at the very beginning i said see you on purge night oh oh oh oh okay okay oh you want to do it oh hey whoa shadow started chasing me and laguna laguna took the bait he followed me and it was hard because he was he had wings and he was trying to burn me or put lava on me or the guy was he was attacking me but i was able to i i was able to use words to get him to stop are you attacking me right now lugundo i'm coming for you [Music] all right buddy you ready why are you why are you doing this we made a promise you attacked my friend what you said i didn't know you were in lines with him when i got to the cave i didn't know if robert and kim were in position yet i was hoping that they were and i just kind of had to just just risk it so i ran into the cave i jumped down and shadow followed me in but lagundo as we predicted was apprehensive about going any further so we had to initiate the next phase of the plan hey what's up hey hey we don't have to do this look you cornered we don't all we don't have to do this you see so cornered we do not let's talk about this the three of us can work together what are we going to do wait lagoona you made a deal with him too i just that he wouldn't attack me why don't we just work together then wouldn't that make sense out oh oh are you actually fighting yeah i'm gonna die i thought you're helping me that was it everything had led to this moment pokemon go [Music] move wait what happened i ate golden apples i knew i knew it i knew it i knew you were all in on me the only thing i didn't consider was that yeah i forgot to put my ender pearl in the stasis chamber a mistake that would cost my life and worst of all you know i should have set the trap to kill them i should have rigged this thing to kill all of them because at least i wouldn't be the only i wouldn't be the only one dead right now you know what i was after the initial explosion everyone fled at this point laguno knew that shadow had betrayed him so he started trying to drop tnt on everyone's head but robert had fled and had one more trick up his sleeve robert are you inv oh no you are not yes you are robert and laguno started flying into the sky trying to escape the wither kim had fled underground and this man was currently digging as far and as fast as he could but look at him they call him the man who goes far if you haven't left a comment yet now is the time leave a comment saying go norwegian kim go dig dig dig get away from these guys you gotta go go go something like that but what was sneeve doing during all this you know what this man was this man was invisible walking around with no armor on and remember that massive pack of dogs i walked by those were his and he was right with them when if i had hit he could have killed me right then and there yeah he would have pounced on me like a madman at this point laguna started to question robert to see if he was involved in uh operation bugaboo are you involved with bugaboo what is bugaboo okay that's probably enough what is that is that operation bugaboo did someone yeah this weather's coming to kill me shadow fled to his house where he and robert started to talk briefly while lagundo had flown back to his base this was right around the time that sneeve i guess turned to assassinate kim oh my god oh huh he died he just died he went for an assassination on kim but kim didn't have much time to laugh about it because almost immediately robert tried to get him too so kim used ender pearls to teleport underground where he quickly started laying a tnt trap he used his classic dig as far and dig as fast as he can get trick to get away laguno decided to strike at robert and flew to his house and lit it on fire and at one moment he came one block away from triggering robert's tnt trap what why did laguno do this you might ask well yeah here's why hi you tried to lava bucket me so yeah prepare to die and then uh legundo died i've i haven't you're gonna have to watch his video to see what happened there apparently he just fell out of the sky so he very he man was just dead all right i i tried to i threatened kim in front of a gundog to make it seem like i was gonna kill kim but then i tried to kill a gundo then he turned on me yeah yeah well he's dead now so i guess uh we'll go our separate ways you don't you don't you don't want to okay well i guess we can hunt out kim we can hunt kim down let's do that okay let's do that and then and then we'll fight to the death or we can sleep whatever you want to do yeah there's uh there's three withers in near the village right now oh there's okay that's why robert and shadow plan to hunt down kim and kill him but kim well kim wasn't very far he was in my tower watching the whole thing kim can see them up there instead he doesn't know they're hunting him has no idea they're hunting them kim couldn't hear them he was it was it was too far away and he had no idea that they were planning and sadly kim had no idea how to use my tower trap either because he could have been very useful right now then kim said well he's one of my favorite things robert is there any way we can talk about this robert anyway is there any way you can talk about this and then robert flew up and she started lying to this man listen to me i know you attacked me laguna's gone it's different now you back him look you know please no look at his head i i only did it in front of the gundam to make him trust me oh really you mean that and then i tried to kill him yeah oh no he's lying to him you have to leave we have to leave yeah yeah i know it was so funny steve died right next to me shout out [Music] come on kim um i didn't mean to hit you cam i'm sorry are you sure about that they were shooting kim with arrows and throwing potions on him and worst of all they were some they were just lying to him about it too they somehow convinced him that it was the wither doing this and not them poor kim he just ran and dug another hole and hid while this was going on robert swan another wither by the way this is the third one i forgot to mention when he spawned the second one the man was out of control shortly after this kim fled and robert found him outside of his tower it's me and you i'm not murdering you kim i'm not gonna murder you let's be at the end we have to find shadow and kill him kill him kim kill him kim meet at the village meet at the village meet at the village okay okay village they're gonna murder you i don't know why kim kept falling for all this but he went to the village and confronted shadow shadow why did you attack me did you throw the potions no i don't got potions he's got potions so every potion is me it's the wither that gave him the potion effect he doesn't know it no robert drop potions on him what's happening oh we did i don't know if i need you or not what do you do to steve i don't know i think a zombie got him finally they just openly attacked kim so kim fled and used the ender pearls to get underground back to where he originally hid and where he had set the tnt trap oh kim oh oh the timing was a little bit off oh no kim was dead leaving just robert and shadow at this point they had the option to end the purge to end it all they had to do was sleep in two beds next to one another signifying that they trust each other and that they were ready to end the purge and sleep together yeah we can end tonight all right come on um don't have any beds here they agreed and started looking for beds in the village one of the buildings at the very edge of the village had beds in it but the house it had tnt under it and robert said not to sleep there because it must have been left over by kim or someone like me and but then they tested it and they realized hey it's not wired it's all good so they went into it and robert got in bed this was it yeah i guess we can sleep if they sleep in these two beds that's okay yes robert had set that tnt it was a trap and just as the two of them left they started shooting at each other once robert got low he took off and flew to his base and shadow followed shadow tried to ender pearl up to his base but he missed and landed one block away from robert's snow trap but he made it up and went inside here he is here it goes this is the fight there's no flying away from this [Music] get back here there it is shut up oh looks like the wings didn't work in your favor on this one [Music] shadow was the sole survivor of the purge yeah i just got to say huge congratulations to shadow for surviving through all that and it becoming out coming out the man the champion although it should have been he was the champion right this man won so you know what go subscribe to him and uh yeah this was good you just wait to see what we do next though
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 10,540,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Simulate, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, #minecraft, minecraft song, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft video, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft videos, 100 days in minecraft modded
Id: PoK182NmF0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 33sec (7953 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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