I Snuck into Minecraft's Deadliest Team

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rumor has it that there's a group of players on This Server going by the name APO who have been Distributing netherright gear sets to players in return for their allegiance as players flock to this team a mysterious Dome was constructed around the server spawn with a simple message APO protected what did this message mean and more importantly what was the apo's next plan without much information I organized a meeting with the leader of the Apo in an attempt to double agent and infiltrate his team the more demand for memberships the higher the price is the price of a membership has been a heart in every single or block I had nowhere near that amount of resources to actually join but I did have a different offer the potential location of a vault one filled with APO gear sets that had been stolen a few days before it was enough to convince Leo to let me join and soon enough I was handed a five-page contract however my intentions weren't that simple my plan was to take Leo to a remote base where two of my actual teammates would be ready to hold them hostage and question him about the apo's motives so after trekking in the nether the two of us arrived at another portal but linked to this so-called base I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I just oh my gosh I'm in the base but as I waited on the other side of the portal Leo refused to come through perhaps he suspected that I was trying to trap him but no matter how hard I tried to convince him he didn't believe that the other side was safe so I had no choice but to head back to spawn and what I saw was shocking it was a player whose base had been destroyed by my own team everything he owned had either been blown up killed or stolen alright this is all I can spare right now wait that doesn't work that's epic actually thank you who was the real villain now from the griefed bases to stolen gear sets I felt like I was siding with the bad guys maybe the APO was up to something Shady but I had zero proof of it so I made my decision that night until I found evidence the APO doing something suspicious I would stick with them there was just one issue though the APO didn't trust me in the slightest tonight all the stolen gear that spoken mapic got they put in a vault I mean luckily before I left them I got a little glimpse of what it looks like I didn't know where this fault was but I did know a few things about it from my conversations with my previous teammates first it was stashed under a tree and second it contained armor stands we began by breaking the trunks of every single tree in sight but then quickly realized how difficult this would actually be there were millions of trees on the server and checking every single one would be practically impossible however it turns out that we already had everything we needed to find it this is a pie chart that displays every single entity that's within your render distance and if an entity is outside of your render distance it disappears from this pie chart you want to guess what counts as an entity armor stance since the player's render distance Works in a circle we can use a similar trick that I used a year before we start at point one a location where if you move one more block backwards the armor stand on the pie chart disappears then we find point two another point on the outer edge of the circle if we find our final point from there we can draw two chords draw lines through the midpoints of these chords and the intersection of these lines will be the location of the armor stands I don't think this is a I don't see armor stands it seemed like my method wasn't working so I began searching around a different base that I knew was a hot spot for my old team and just as I was about to give up we found this oh wait foreign guys be for real bro be for real bro I know we did not just wait guys [Music] I swear there was never an almost down there there was never never stand in the direct center of the Mansion there were two sets of armor stands an issue that interfered with the pie chart trick as I arrived back there was still another armor stand close by hey guys where I found the base negative five four three one Thirty are you for real right now I think so just to be safe I decided to triangulate the coordinates of the armor stands and sure enough they lined up with the mysterious entrance that Leo had found we had no other choice but to go in and investigate it ready you ready let's do it time to go on an adventure I'll blow up to a sculk trap [Music] foreign [Music] wait oh my there is no way what just happened Wait nothing just happens boys look at all this look at all this gear we threw everything we could into some shulker boxes and left a couple of messages and that was when Leo said this for the first time I gotta say kind of funny I'm so glad you guys are in the APO oh my gosh this has been so awesome you know parrot honestly I was I was a little like skeptical right this entire time until now which was something I hadn't heard in a long time but there was something that I hadn't told the APO yet during meetings with my former team I learned that there was another player who was acting as a double agent print Zam he'd secretly been stealing information from the APO and it was clear that we needed him removed as soon as possible our plan was to kill him but that was nearly impossible without a trap so we began testing out different methods to take players out fireworks harming potions TNT all things that dealt damage but not nearly enough for players in full netherrike that was until we stumbled across wardens the strongest mob in the entire game if we somehow got Sam inside a pit filled with wardens he essentially would stand no chance however the more difficult part was getting the wardens inside of a pit in the first place so me Leo and another APO member named Woogie headed to a deep dark cave in search of Minecraft's deadliest Molly here Leo you want to just spawn it I mean we can just dig we can't we can we can do it but like that's a strike one for parent yo guys I'm saying it's crazy there's they're over here okay do you have strikes oh no no no dude I'm getting the heck for this trap to be successful we needed three wardens and conveniently there were three of us we agree that each of us would be responsible for trapping our own Warden Wookie went first and this was probably the most terrifying thing I'd ever watched you see I'm on the lifestyle SMP where you can steal other players Hearts by killing them three weeks before I'd brought myself down to one heart which meant that if I digest once I'd be banned off the server for good Woogie managed to successfully trap his Warden and so did leook who had a relatively calm one and then it was my turn oh my gosh and I can hear them too I'm here just jump and gravel to gravel and then get back up jump grapple gravel work okay there's one okay I I completely lost my sense of direction bro oh my gosh yeah there we go okay you need your name tag you need your name tag you need your name tag oh my gosh okay you're fine you're fine okay here you have one more strike after you make another noise it's gonna spawn yeah here we go here we go make sure name tag it okay okay It's Gonna Give You blindness no matter what so you gotta do you can contribution is it coming down it's coming coming down it's coming down all right you're good you're good yeah you got a name Target you got a name Target it's chasing you it's just you ain't talking now slow it and slowly run run oh my God guys oh no did you just see what happened am I dead no you're good you're good and here I was trapped with two other wardens and encased in lava and obsidian we had spent too much time Gathering these mobs to just kill them and save me so my only way out was for Woogie to dig a tunnel into the pit and for me to log on and Escape but before he does that I just want to let you know that at the end of the year I'm throwing Minecraft's largest fireworks show for each subscriber I have before then is another launched firework so claim your Firework by subscribing we're already launching 1.26 million of them but we could definitely launch a lot obsidian keep mining wait till you get shot got the bucket got the bucket okay it is open it is open bro I don't think I can serve I die here this is the end of a series dude if you want to do it I don't know yeah you're good you're good run this way oh my God [Music] no way with all three wardens in the Trap we devised an elaborate plan to try and get Sam with it the plan was for every member of the APO to sit in one of these Minecart chairs during a meeting when he least expected it he would sneak up behind Zam and Spleef him into a pit this was our one shot as soon as we exposed our knowledge of Zam being a double agent we would never have a chance at trapping him yeah we're all right everyone we're gonna start this meeting three main points about this meeting first of all okay I'm working on the next armor sets just so you guys all know yeah right looking glorious boss second of all second of all I would like to announce a victory made by the APO some of you know some of you don't I don't know final thing I have been um looking around all you guys right and uh there's a mole blood yeah can you stand up please come over here I don't want to run and see okay yeah our initial plan was to divert attention away from Zam but he had switched seats so I got up and tried to stall as long as possible to get Zam back in position gentlemen I am sorry oh the APO and I would like to let you know Lord is unfortunately bro what surprise let's talk for a second let's talk for a second wow let's talk for a second okay what is going on guys I may be a mole but that doesn't really mean much I want you guys uh yeah they're here though here the other two are here really yeah yeah [Music] who the other two people here are is getting fun look look some bad stuff happened at my base the other day you know so I apologize for that come on to my surprise though we won that battle confused we headed to a base to re-gear but all while doing so I kept wondering how winning that fight was even plausible we'd been out geared outnumbered and unprepared and right as we arrived at the base what the heck bro I don't know what my worst nightmare had just come true foreign [Music]
Channel: Parrot
Views: 1,275,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3, 1 Heart Minecraft, LifeSteal Season 4, Why I Removed the World
Id: vgCg4cBoRjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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