I Exposed the Server's Biggest Secret

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15 netherright blocks that's what we had stumbled across when we arrived back at our base however we quickly began questioning the validity of these items netherright is one of the rarest ores in the game and someone was giving away hours worth of work for free the 540 ancient debris that's a lot of mining or just a little bit of duping although it was likely that these items were illegally obtained it is possible to gather 15 netherite blocks in Survival Minecraft to find out more we needed to know who is behind all of this judging by the message we knew that whoever left these blocks would likely come back to check if we had taken them so we set up an alarm system using a skulk sensor as soon as this mysterious person stepped foot into the base the sensor would detect their footsteps activating a chain of note blocks and alerting us to their presence so I sealed myself into a hiding spot and worked on other things while keeping my game audio running and after nearly 4 hours of endless waiting a player had arrived oh my gosh the thing just went off it's redoons what is redoons doing here what is he doing but upon checking the chests we found that returns had stolen the netherright blocks without much of a choice we decided to call him we're going to uh need that netherright back it was not intended for you whenever right the netherite blocks he stole stole from who from Subs I borrowed some food what we soon realized was that redoons wasn't the one behind the mysterious message he had accidentally stumbled across the base taking the blocks and now was trying to pass them off as his own we couldn't let anyone have these blocks until we knew they were legitimate so there was only one thing we could offer if you want us to be 100 honest with you all right the netherright blocks are not ours they were left at subsist Base by an unknown individual that is using some sort of exploit where they're duping to get items all right how about this for Dunes do you want to join us in the Stakeout that seems like a lot of work though but it's not let me just Tab out and you wait for the three dings of the note block ah and for the next few hours the three of us camped out in the village and patiently waited late into the night for Dunes Terry is here [Music] what is he doing here I heard like taking damage and I looked out the window and I saw Terry yeah dude he like legit just passed our house I don't know always come back he's coming back he's come back is he I don't know oh he just fell um he's coming back [Music] yeah oh boy oh boy oh my gosh is he actually the person oh that's dude oh no terrain Pro there was no way that this could be a coincidence radunes decided to go talk to the player we had just caught on recording and in the meantime Leo and I sat there waiting for his response there's no way it could be terrain bro soon enough redunes returned with some information I learned a lot of stuff you guys were correct he was a messenger he was a carrier he is the same person that has uh put this stuff there before and he was hired by someone who he said they are affiliated with Team awesome but it's not one of the face members what there is a parent they have apparently someone that's uh a shadow member and your other hypothesis was correct as he put it when I asked like do you think it's fine for me to take him he said they technically should not even exist essentially your your suspicions about duping is correct it seems to be even larger than suspected there was only one thing we knew for certain this was more than just a simple message we were dealing with something that could potentially be an end to the server the pieces of the puzzle also began to fall in place as we picked up on patterns between certain things for example a shulker box in this player's inventory it had the same exact name and color as a shulker box that Leo had gotten by killing a member from a group of players however this still wasn't enough to prove anything we needed concrete evidence that these players were up to no good apparently they have a vault or some sort of storage area with all their conch band what and they have a whole Vault according to terrain Leo we need to find that but we had no idea what we were actually looking for it could be a megabase hundreds of blocks wide or an obsidian room hidden deep underground all we could do now was scour the entire world for possible Clues okay check this area this is this is where they were going what is this yeah this is double down there but isn't that just um oh wait a minute it's an ancient city or a deep dark but that is also a very stereotype for like a vault we're doing oh I clutched oh shoot I'm gonna spawn a warden down here bro I just got the first strike I just got the first strike I dropped water's coming down chill out you don't just don't run around don't make noise oh my gosh oh my gosh dude oh I hear that oh I hear it oh that's terrifying the process was impossible we spent hours searching for placed blocks or tunnels that could finally give us a lead and if we ever arrived at another portal we would look for entities occasionally find a base but then come up completely empty-handed so we decided to expand our search team in an attempt to cover as much land as possible the drill is actually a glitch to get infinite items wait actually basically if you ban yourself the items that you have in your inventory drop on the ground but when you get unbanned you keep them was it possible that this glitch actually existed and if it did were these players using it to their advantage still everything felt like a dead end even after three days of searching we were having no luck we had learned nothing beyond the location of a few World bases and potential duping should we talk to clutch [Music] clutch had been constantly online perhaps he was associated with the individuals behind the netherite blocks or maybe he had seen something else that would be useful in our search out of pure desperation we arrived back at spawn hoping that clutch knew something we did nobody go in first nobody going first clutch you first clutch you have been on this server a lot recently and we need you to tell us everything that you've noticed between Zam spoke row and mapic everything sorry to tell you I have no idea come back yeah clutch hey we're not done we're not done I want you to tell us everything you've noticed bro I've been out in like I've been at World border have you not even interacted with them in the past like two weeks nope what have you been doing at World War then working on my video oh actually I've seen them uh like they were like farming each other that's it they kept farming each other the whole time what do you mean they just kept killing it like they killed each other like 50 times yeah and yeah foreign would Zam leave the game ever yeah they would they would leave right after immediately they would leave like before they died pretty much like he would say they left the game and then they died okay all right that's all we need to know thank you clutch appreciate it now it was obvious these players were using the Duke that required Banning and unbanning themselves but how bad was the damage and was it even possible for us to reverse it something also still wasn't added up so we decided to talk to terrain the player who redoons had interrogated a few days before we had to take some precautionary measures though you see this is the lifesteal SMP where you can steal other players permanent Hearts I've been surviving on one heart for the past four weeks and since many players were now knowing how vulnerable I was we all drank invisibility potions so players couldn't tell us apart and Target me essentially you are the bridge between This Server ending early and the server not ending early and you're the only person we know that has information well as I said to Red I actually don't have as much info that you guys are hoping for I can tell you that I was given the netherride blocks that I assumed red is talking about I was given those by the shadow member I'm not going to reveal because you know privacy what if we protect you I I I don't know if that's really going to help because the amount of dupes that they've told me about I don't even know how much they've duped from what they've shown me or just told me it is a horrifying amount of duplicating items oh maybe because other layer is on mapex outer layer is on let's dip let's dip yeah yeah what about terrain what about Terry Terry come to me I'm gonna give you an invoice and you're gonna get out of here okay everybody Purl out so I fled to the outer region of Spawn until I realized that the group of players we just encountered had trapped to rain's bed and we're now trying to ban him off the server for leaking information to us even though I was on one heart I decided to drink an invisibility potion and go back in an attempt to rescue him but before I do that this is one of your last chances to subscribe before I throw Minecraft's largest fireworks show were you subscribing adds a firework to the totem I was gonna do it at the end of the year but I had some stuff come up so I'm delaying it until the second half of January subscribe it's free and by doing so you claim your own firework at the show dude there's a pretty decent chance I die right here but um is it worth it I guess I'll see you on the other side they're going to train space yeah they're all at terrain's base yeah I'm falling I see Zam I see Zam shoot dude what do I do next exam Monroe I mean if you can pull them out of the house like if you could just pull them out of the house I can go and invis and investigate what they're up to or even free terrain they're just running around in Terry's base yeah Rose got a totem on now so they might all have bottoms maybe it's right around the corner on the right if he has a shield Target maker [Music] I'm gonna enter the mansion hey big focusing me yeah yeah try and get them out try and get them out of the Manchester oh I see the bed I see the bed I see the bed I'm getting pretty hard yeah all right this bed's broken that's broken I backed out as fast as I could but my curiosity got the best of me when I encountered their full team a few minutes later I see my pick I see my face don't fight left Mission so I know where to not so Subs what happened to you how did you die what if I could tell them and potentially find their fault this was their closest opportunity I'd come across so I decided to take advantage of it um the three of them are heading back to spawn if you're in spawn get out we're different we're dipping right now all right let me share the information that I got it's literally bare none they may have just headed to the spawn portal hold on please leave Yep they're going into The Nether they're going into The Nether okay should we follow Leo though if they go there guys I might be dead here but I'm going in okay if they go to another roof just just watch this direction okay oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm I'm following them back right now which yeah I am I am which direction yes yeah don't worry about it uh so you guys are at substance uh yeah we're going to the other one guys guys I'm actually tailing all of them that's my which direction it will go slow they see me they see me they see me they see me parrot just trying to turn this all right [Music] what tell us your chords right now I'm dead no I'm dead I died I died wait are you serious yeah I'm dead uh four weeks that's how long I spent on one heart but although I was banned The Vault was still hidden away somewhere on the server waiting for us to find it and little did everyone know my story wasn't over just yet foreign [Music]
Channel: Parrot
Views: 1,687,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, Technoblade, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3, 1 Heart Minecraft, LifeSteal Season 4, Why I Removed the World
Id: xnh7DTdGEjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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