It's Impossible to Find this Item

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a few days ago my friend hid five items in each of the five elements Earth Wind water fire and space if found each of these items could be individually turned in for money but if someone miraculously managed to acquire all five of them they would receive some sort of special prize nobody knew what this prize was but I needed it these items can be at any y level in the three dimensions which meant that I'd be searching across 23 billion possible hiding locations although nothing about this task seemed possible maybe it was so I quickly entered the end and defeated the dragon This Server is only 5 000 blocks wide and while other players desperately searched for the more accessible earth and water items I was trying to secure the only elyters on the server if I was going to find all five of these items I would need some way to quickly travel across the world with every elytra on the server now in my inventory I headed back to the main end Island to grab the dragon egg but for some reason when I clicked it it fell right into the portal unsure if it was in the Overworld or if it had glitched through I decided to check underneath hey guys guys oh my gosh guys I found the space item Vortex the guy who had hid these items had written a series of dots and dashes on this one I don't think you can see the full message no you can it's at least open it up again open it up oh 1000. but what could one zero nine four mean with little idea of what was in store for me I decided to log off for the night at first glance these hints would be incredibly helpful in my search but there's a huge issue if even one other server member gets their hands on an item the grand prize would be practically impossible for me to get after all they could stash it somewhere thousands of blocks out or even worse put it in an ender chest with no other options I decided to search late into the night I don't think you understand how badly I need this grand prize this is my school's Minecraft server but we all just graduated high school which means that this is probably the last time that any of us will be playing on the server together it's honestly just a feeling that I can't explain I just really really need to get all five of these items so that night I burned down hundreds of jungle trees to try and uncover the location of the earth item but I wasn't the only one doing so the server was bustling with players and I could tell that everybody else was also trying to find the remaining items one of my teammates decided to Snoop around in the voice call that these players were talking in and that's when I received some bad news you know he's in there telling telling them to burn down the forests and look through the coral reefs like a leaking court and things and I'm like bro there's no way which was unfortunate because the player who was doing this was actually someone who we thought was part of our team even though I now genuinely believe that nobody on the server could be trusted this wasn't even the worst news apparently a player named Dean had somehow found the nether item and if this was really true I was in for a whole lot more than I originally expected I panicked and In the Heat of the Moment I decided to try to flat out lie to Dean hello I have some bad news for you bunny yeah so you know that little item you found in the nether today that's not the actual item if I could somehow convince Dean that the nether item was still out there I knew that there was the possibility that he'd be willing to give me the actual one so um what are you gonna do about that nether item I don't know I guess we'll just hop back in the Nether and find the real one maybe we'll find it I don't know maybe you'll find it for Me Maybe but as close as Dean was to believing me he was still hesitant to bring his item anywhere near spawn for now I would have no choice but to move on there were still three items waiting to be found and I decided to tackle the ocean which was known to be hidden somewhere in a coral reef my current strategy involves submerging myself and then using doors to recharge my air bubbles but I had a new plan conduits when activated they allow players to breathe underwater in a radius of up to 96 blocks however the crafting recipe for them is actually quite difficult so I began searching across the world for drowned in hopes of getting eight Nautilus shells [Music] oh eventually I decided that manually trying to find drown would take too long so I began working on a drowned Farm which yes I took clear out an entire forest for but one hour and 5 000 wood Vader I had all the materials to build one all during this time Dean would never log off he was spending up to 16 hours a day on the server and I had no idea why and the worst part was that I was completely left in the dark about what items were still left sure it was confirmed that the fire and space ones had been found but what was I supposed to do if he had obtained the water item what if I was just making this farm for not this has to be in a river we just oh my I took the failure as a sign and ended up creating an entirely new Farm 2 000 blocks away time was quickly running out and I knew that if I wanted to maximize every second I had I needed gunpowder to make rockets so that I could endlessly travel across the world and as I sat there Vortex released the next round of hints so I packed up all the gunpowder I had acquired from the farm and headed to the nearest Village for the next half hour I rolled villager trays until I got mending and Unbreaking for 15 is crazy two enchantments that would allow me to cross the world over and over again in just minutes then I departed for the nearest jungle ready to spend the next few hours looking at every tree but as I was doing so something caught my eye oh what is this [Music] um did he find it no that can't be it because it's not over a desert perhaps someone had left a trail while trying to find the sky item but in that moment I couldn't care less I had some searching to do please tell me that's it oh my I found absolutely nothing leaving me with no choice but to fly over to the only other jungle on the server I spent the next two hours of my life literally just going from tree to tree and with every additional couple of leaf blocks that I broke I began to realize that my worst nightmare was coming true someone had already found the Earth item and as I broke the top of the last Tall Tree in the entire jungle I was sure of it now the question was did Dean have it or had someone else on the server gotten a hold of it the worst part about it all was that I felt alone on every previous School server I always had a teammate that I could turn to when I needed help but this time I had nobody I was panicking and honestly I felt hopeless I spent the next few hours of my life clearing out coral reefs and flying over deserts ultimately finding nothing I was about to quit I truly was and then miraculously I I got a message from Dean so uh how's the item hunt been going not good are you sure that's just a fake though which one one that I have in my hand right now you have it in your hand it's in my hand this was my moment to kill Dean and get the nether item bringing me one step closer to the grand prize I don't think you can make this wait hold on hold on show me that again hold on right here okay so Dean what's up my friend no no no no like I will throw it I will throw it I will throw it I will throw it what what do you mean you'll throw it I'll throw it in the lava I'll throw it down there look at that look at that lava down there doesn't that look inviting here's the thing this is the real one right but if you kill me right now or if I throw it we both lose it it was true Dean had the upper hand in this situation and we both knew that but I was more so curious as to why he was sinking all this time into something that was probably not even worth it for him okay well first I have a question yeah like why do you want these items so badly College bro I need to pay for my my textbooks so I offered him a proposal so I'll make a deal with you so I have the space item you have the fire item and hopefully the wind and water are still out there somewhere so are you suggesting that we split up work together to find the water in the wind yes for practically the first time since I had joined the server I felt like I had a teammate Shake on it Shake on it even if he wasn't the best player in the world it was still better than nothing but still I didn't know if I could trust Dean maybe he had given the fire item to me but he could still have the Earth item I kept this in mind as I began my search across the sky and not long after I found what I was looking for oh I just I just found it oh is it got it it's in there yeah four out of five yellow dye we found it all right I flew back to team and after decrypting the morse code written on the item everything began coming together comes out to negative 100. when put in order these three items displayed a set of coordinates you want to go check that while I look for this it's 642 negative 100 and then 1042 and although we didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle it was enough for me to go and investigate wait somebody's already been here yeah I remember seeing this thing the other day and I was like what the heck is this look below it yeah because it's negative 100. somebody's already bent down too seriously yeah no shots no shots somebody's already been here I had 642 but that's all I had I didn't have 1094. oh my gosh and then Dean found the water item I got it I got it I got it I got it you found it I found it I found it I found it are you bro we found them both that quickly I found them I found them I found it I found it dude I honestly thought we would not find the coral one bro fly in the positive X direction from the portal yeah all right you'll see me on like an island yes sir all right all right what's going on for a little swim but look go down here oh my gosh it just says t-o yeah but I think we have the entirety of the message look at this message bro you see this two two and this is 642 negative 100 1094 and that's when it all clicked there was nothing at the pillar because whoever had searched there before us didn't know what we knew they had gone all the way from Bedrock to height limit but whatever we were searching for wasn't there because it was at y negative 100 somewhere in the void so the block that we're trying to break again is this one right here so get back up failed again the process was long but eventually we broke through the final layer let her up Let It Rip you read it yeah don't do not push me in we had no idea as to what was actually down there and to reach that specific coordinate in the first place I would have to fly into the void you ready yep 642 1094. I'm going we're too early we're too early we're way too early [Applause] oh my God we assumed that we were way too early and that whatever was supposed to be there had not yet been finished so we headed back up to the surface to prepare for the final event so what even is the plan now we found all the ones that we could find I guess we wait but we gotta make sure we get on before everyone else yep now that the five days were over it was time to turn in our items and although we were missing one we still had a chance to actually turn them in we would have to give them to Vortex the guy who would hid them in the first place this meant that whoever had the Earth item would also have to turn it in as well we quickly figured out that the missing item belonged to another player named Zach so we devised a plan but as I figure out what to do with Zach I want to let you know that I'm trying to become the biggest bird on YouTube and it started when this Roblox YouTuber named flamingo called me out in one of his videos does anyone see anything wrong with this and that day I decided that I needed to pass him in subscribers now obviously he's got like 10 million more than us and that's why our first Target is this other bird named modest Pelican I'm not even joking if you subscribe right now and so does everybody else watching we would literally pass him with this one video all you have to do is click the Subscribe button I just had a nice little conversation with Zach really he told me he has his Earth item do you think he actually does he showed me okay he said he's gonna hand it in and he's like he's gonna do it secretly so what the plan that I just sit there on Vortex invisible I think that's the move I think it is as well if we slipped up for one second if Zach somehow turned it in without us knowing getting our hands on the grand prize would be impossible everything had come down to this dude [Music] foreign now oh he's close oh he is he is he is oh he's up there he's up there and then it was time will you descend or you're just gonna stay up there um I'm gonna stay right here at 100. I immediately started building up to Vortex but was quickly met with a flurry of arrows naked oh shoot all right what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing are you just building a platform yo Max Max bro what's up Max do not make me hit you off hello whoa no no I quickly realized nobody would come up to the platform if I was already up here if I even wanted Zach to attempt to turn in his item I couldn't be anywhere near Vortex I headed down from the pillar it was all up to Dean but unbeknownst to me Teen had already tricked Zach into giving him the Earth item this was it he could turn in the item for himself or he could do it to get the grand prize there was nothing left that I could do besides trust Dean okay like a true parrot wow feels a little nest out there I think this is a bad idea who's is that maybe this is a bad idea I'm so sorry that this is happening dude we're guys it's okay and by some miracle Dean managed to hand in the one item that we were missing which meant that all we had to do now was figure out what the grand prize was all right mob King did not hand in the earth item no it was Dean Gene did hand in the Earth [Music] Dean and I teamed up to get the grand prize and these are the remaining four items hey yo there you go Gene are you working with Paris that's when it hit me it didn't matter if I turned in my four items in fact nothing mattered but Dean's response to this question and to my surprise he beat me too are you working with parrot I am and Perry are you working with the I am bro this is not a wedding bro just tell us now I'm gonna tell you guys the grand prize has no money involved this summer I'm gonna host a really big party at my house and all of you are invited which was great and all but there was still something really important that I hadn't figured out yet what no something's here somebody's here something's here I mean there's something down there how do you know oh dude I see a boat and a chicken in the void it's a boat with a chest something's definitely in that chest bro I'm gonna get down there okay wait wait move away for a sec all right you want me to go check it out yeah oh my gosh bro yeah foreign and that's when every single emotion just came flooding in oh my God I'm gonna cry I didn't even know what to think Not only was this the end of the server that kick-started my entire career on YouTube but it was the end of something else the people on This Server are my closest friends I've known some of them since I was six years old and even though we all just graduated high school together I'm more scared than happy I'm scared because next year we're all going off on our own Journeys this means that for the first time I won't be able to talk with some of my best friends as we're walking in the halls I won't be able to crack jokes with them during lunch and even though I can make a phone call I'm still hundreds of miles away from them to Quincy Max Paul ospai Aiden Ben Dean Woogie Vortex and everybody else on This Server I love you guys you guys are some of my favorite people on the planet and I genuinely cannot wait to see what you all accomplished you want to jump in yeah after you this is the end bro it was it was fun it was an honor my friend it was all right after you see you on the other side see ya we all had our perfect ending that day I had achieved everything I wanted since I joined the server Vortex had revived the server with his event and players were active for the first time in forever but I knew that there was one person who was still a bit shaken why are you sweating the server so hard like why do you want these items so badly College bro I need to pay for my my textbooks just wanted to say uh thank you for helping me out bro means a lot no problem thanks for helping me out I wanted to say a little thanks do you have your Discord open right now I do now okay uh here you go the one thousand dollar parrot textbook scholarship recipient yo
Channel: Parrot
Views: 1,424,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, HermitCraft, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, LifeSteal Season 3, 1 Heart Minecraft, LifeSteal Season 4, Why I Removed the World
Id: j2kxyT8UisQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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