Surviving Minecraft's Deadliest Exploiter

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this is an exploiter that managed to get off in Survival Minecraft without anyone knowing not even the server owner himself wait what the heck he's been terrorizing the members with items like one tap swords or invincibility potions and with these Powers as goals to claim rule over the lifestyle s p by killing his enemies until they're banned but I think I know how I can stop him you see somewhere on the server is rumored to be a control room where smoke stored everything you'd need for the op Powers if I can find it Well then I'll have everything I need to stop it but two big problems the first one being that I'm not whitelisted so when I saw spoke making a 100 player army he's going to let loose on the server I knew this was my way in and a few DMS later I was added but now for the harder problem I have zero idea where the room could be that's when my friend webmu and I decided to contact the current member to see if he had any information all right what's good gang what is your relation to smoke is here on the lifesteal SMP I'm just kind of solo I don't know I'm not really teamed up with this book I know he's plotting to end the server but I'm not really right uh why do you ask now spoke made it very clear that we're not supposed to leak that we're joining with the Army but wamboo and I were also pretty desperate team with someone who knows a lot about the serve you can't tell anyone about this conversation lifesteal May expand a little bit on the finale day yeah basically get here bro sit down all right after discussing with zamob a bit more he agreed the fake team was spoke to see if he can get more information on the control room he's having a great time oh yeah yeah but while Zam was busy talking with spoke it was time for wembunai to log on the server I'm I'm on I'm on lifesteal I'm on lifestyle I can't oh my God oh my God okay there it is now since there were 100 players in one area with no rules wemble and I knew we needed to get gear there is so much here yeah yeah going going there right now okay oh my God I just got one per Invader okay I took six so I'm just gonna walk past concrete like I didn't just break his number one rule of taking only one per Invader oh my God they give you 10 Hearts each although NightLight armor and 20 Hearts is nice this wasn't the level of gear we're talking about we wanted to get our hands on the good stuff the exploited stuff and luckily our first shot at this was about to present themselves mcclatch and Leo work added me to a VC guys we are we gotta meet somewhere and I'm gonna give you a bunches and I have some other stuff all right I have something that that will kill everyone yeah I have a gun now as cool as the gun is there's only one on the server yet four of us so Leo work decided to take us to a villager he claims would be able to trade us a few exploited items but we'd need to do it quick yeah and why is my clutch's name right now why did my clutch's name just turn red you see spokesman targets along with anyone who's considered to be on their side was now highlighted in red if anyone managed to kill them they would earn a bouncy reward oh they're already there yes players over there they're with smoke there with smoke oh yeah no let's not go there is uh I think wait oh what the bro why is he doing this dude wait why did you why have you just been killed our journey was quickly turned into an ambush leaving one of our members dead unsure of what to do when boo and I just decided to keep looking for the Villager I'm scared oh I see the wardens there they are all surrounding the castle are we supposed to be in the castle because it's full of Wardens I don't think that there's anything in Detroit oh I see spoke I see spoke is there not a villager is there not a villager no where would the villagers wait maybe it's underground I found a chest called gun oh piece of paper in it yeah get that get that get it after finding a piece of paper that is supposedly needed to make guns we just decided to give up on searching for the villagers since the area was getting too crowded uh why is he why is he trying to kill us again I'm getting out I'm getting out don't pull straight up what are you doing now realizing that we didn't know how to use the paper yet we were still yet to actually get an exploited item that's until we had a new idea you had gear for um killing red players right like exploit items you do yeah oh that's the word on the street yeah we just Farm you guys and we can trick smoking to giving us exploit ends yeah yeah our idea to farm bounties was in place but if anyone saw that we were scamming the system our plane could be foiled oh you are you have the glowing effect okay me yeah you do I guess that makes it really hard to survive now okay are you just flying or you want a client I'm not a client yeah yeah I'm Invincible I'm invincible look perfect this looks like a fight scene oh he said he'll give me something I'm waiting I'm waiting the most powerful player in the lifestyle SMP we actually did if you didn't know poopies is an Ender might that has maxed out abilities most notably one-shotting players with their Newfound item we decided to contact Zam to see if he had any info yet but strangely enough he wasn't responding now there were 100 players online so maybe he just didn't see the DM but regardless we had no time to sit and wonder as a new ally was about to call us I'm heading back to spawn right now can you guys yup do you guys have like e-chests or something we have e-chest but we don't I have actually yeah that's the funniest thing I've ever heard dude Detroit was rated yeah that's just bad now the thing to note about parrot is that he is currently spoke's highest priority Target and anyone who is suspected to be working with him was as equally endangered I'm kind of just following a minute and when people around I don't know what I'm doing right now yeah but luckily he had news that could change all of this all right what's up guys yo what's up basically okay I'll tell you the story of what's going on there's basically this room on the server called the control room there's a lever in there that allows us to delete all exploited items and ban spoke off right yes what he said was that me and the three heart Trio which is bacon planet and Jaron as long as none of us got banned off by the end of Sunday night he'd lead us to the control room with this information we could finally be able to locate the control room without the need of our suspiciously unreliant teammate Prince am but it would be another 30 hours until the deadline so we had to strategize a way to not get caught by spoke's team which we weren't doing a great job of he has one type item so there's a guy here this guy here someone here so what is The Game Plan thank you [Applause] everybody just come here everybody come through the portal everybody just come through where's the place don't don't hit the words just do not after the surprise Warden attack we needed a new place to have a base of operations at this is like we have we have access to the safest place on the server yeah we're going to the Doomsday like forward coordinates or something yeah we need to come up with a game plan um guys let's try the invo Trap what yeah you heard that right in the midst of a 100 player Manhunt one of the targets suggested we go to his Anvil trap near spawn oh and it gets worse I'm like actually on three hearts by the way like well I refuse to apply anymore yeah the rest of us aren't the plan is just a weird now hearts on This Server can be stolen by killing other players and if you reach zero you're banned something planet is not far off from our plan is to build an anvil trap we already have yeah what like what is it like how powerful is it because it doesn't seem very powerful working on this video for like a week now bro we tried to get bacon waffles with it but then they're like hey everyone's gonna join the server and try to kill us so now it's for everyone okay okay you know what they spent a lot of time on their trap and just want to use said I can respect that so to help them survive we plan to make a few stasis Chambers to get them away from Spawn if need be yeah how is mapic here how is this there maybe he's just there no he's Immortal he's Immortal he's underground safe you're not going underground go underground but for us we can't do that why is Murphy using this guy who's in the sky okay so much for having access to the safest place on the server so knowing that we're still vulnerable wemble told me to go with him into The Nether as he had an idea yeah just wait for ash like to make up oh okay we're getting Hyperion okay okay okay so in the background wembu is I guess just bribing people for exploited gear and to our surprise someone was about to entertain our offers we will not tell them our location turn someone's behind us [Music] so much for not telling him our location I didn't tell him our location he tp'd yeah I know it was an exploiter all right gentlemen I need to go to bed oh okay um I'll start at 50 bucks uh okay we'll do 50 bucks oh you'll lose 50 bucks yeah yeah I'll give you an entire barrel for 250. a barrel of what a barrel of everything you'll need yeah all right deal [Music] what you see in front of you is the equivalent of what you'd call the jackpot and in this case it was all the exploited items thank you thank you thank you so much send us your PayPal so that's your PayPal yeah okay bye thank you just walks away what okay we gotta do it yeah holy sh um what the if anyone comes here we're a little oh he's back uh what show should we open first let's open Dragon oh there's just a bunch of skeleton spawning okay that one's a scam it is wait I feel like this is gonna spawn an Ender Dragon should I try it so I just tried to MLG in the nether uh hot ah where is it oh um so yeah we're just on killable now DJs flashes up boys yeah these last for infinite so we just infinitely have these effects um all right please you should Place one now see what's in it let's see what the dealer is the dealer wait I know what this does dude yeah yeah and while we're opening up all the goods I think would be a great time to mention my limited time flush only has a week left to hit its sales goals or else it'll never go into production so if you're in the market for a high quality plush then definitely check this out after watching the video thank you these are literally all the duped items that they have though this is all the op items wait can we kill them oh yeah we can't kill him okay you wanna know how we can you know how we're gonna we're gonna cover them up oh we can battle Rocco yeah now as fun as this was I still had the lingering suspicion someone was going to appear out of nowhere we should go further away I have a bad feeling about this we should get we should go further away I have Mr paranoid Tech I just got I just got chunk band I think there's no way okay yeah so if you're not sure why I can't log on the server anymore it's because Minecraft can only store so much data in one player's inventory and since I just picked up a shulker full of hundreds of heavily coated items I definitely surpassed that limit so how do I get unbanned you ask well in this situation the only way it would be for an admin to clear my inventory yeah not my proudest moments but nonetheless we still had more chests to hopefully regain what I lost um okay do I have a shoulder with armor in it that's a chest let's see what death has oh okay be careful down be careful that one be careful oh all right we definitely wait that that came once have people though how much deaths do we want a lot I'm gonna see what fun chest 2.0 has oh Red Bull it gives you wings it's an elytra with flight direct Ah that's not a good achievement to be getting right now okay there's the warm chest I kind of want to see what that does all right do another oh of course wait yeah holy no way no way in the palm of our hands we have a minecart about to activate a command block that will supposedly give us up if we succeed it will instantly become powerful enough to stop smoke at any given moment from now on I don't have it is it not wait they might know we're playing with this okay destroy destroy it we'll Loop together later now we weren't sure if we were doing it right or not so we saved the item for later mainly because our teammates coordinates were now being broadcasted giving us the perfect opportunity to use our new items but guess where they were the Anvil trap I don't see anyone yet oh I see the big trap oh no you like it's not obvious though right the big yellow thing in the night sky oh no yeah no we're chilling no no no it's like invisible this is gonna go so well we're not going for the kill just for the hit they were committed to making this work even if it risked their lives so I stood guard as they searched for prey oh someone's coming someone's coming what do we do do we kill him oh my God oh my God I did not break it oh shoot is it working wait wait wait wait wait yeah oh my God it worked their trap actually worked and with this win everyone else on our team decided to log off for the night but wimbo and I had one more thing to solve friend Zam the guy has been ignoring us like crazy so we had to call him to get our answers what you want to like meet meet up on maybe Little Friends yes sir you're my best friend you know I'm not your best friend I hate you yo I I hate YouTube you kind of did betray us so I did yeah yeah that made me really sad actually that's okay I do that to everyone again I do that to everyone I don't know I know everything you guys have so I actually just like hate you for that you know oh okay I'll see you guys later then oh that's so rude no oh bro it's not happening yes our worst suspicions were right the whole time we were just getting a lied to and what could have been an important Ally now gone and on top of this he also claimed to know of our plans to what extent we weren't sure so to prepare for the worst we decided to retry the op command block yeah and then let me build up a little bit okay let's see watch this works watch this one okay so foreign spoke I'm guessing that's probably what it does what we could do is we can pretend like we have off though with these items we could we could offer to trade it for someone and just scam them oh that's true okay I need to I'm sorry okay unfortunately it was too good to be true meaning we still needed to play out the bet if we wanted to de-op spoke but there's still one more thing we forgot to check in our exploited chest and then one more po oh maybe we should open this a little earlier maybe we should uh I wonder what power this possesses uh I think it makes you like killable and it makes every yeah it makes everything attack at 1.9 attack speed 1.8 what a date yeah you know what I mean we should stash some of these though definitely let me get all more slippers I um so that just happened oh my god dude not again okay let me get geared again bro got cleared now overall our first day of the BET went almost perfectly that's a bad thing you see spoke doesn't like losing and when he sees that the targets are still in the exact same heart count he's going to pull out a few more tricks starting with the world border shrinking oh I'm dead oh how far out are you I'm pretty Brazil I can't Brazil it's gonna let me it's gonna let me oh wait but oh my God it's happening so slow Brazil Ian Brazil oh my god let's go I saved myself was the death potion which just kills you while also saving your inventory we decided to go by the code name Brazil because if you're in a VC with an enemy what's going to sound the least suspicious death Ocean or Brazil and when I finally made it safely within the Border my teammate wanted to show me a new discovery the green one hey okay it gives you absorb it gives you so much so many hearts bro wait you know what oh that's our weight ever that's our way these Hearts would prove themselves handy as spoke's next Twist of the day was about to be revealed he was just leaking coordinates for all the hunters to see now if Karen loses a heart it's not our biggest concern since he has like 100 extra in his e-chest or something but our real concern is far worse if they die there's a chance spoke forces them into a Bedrock prison where their spawn points set from there they'd have no e-chest and get farmed until they're banned off the server so I had to rush over there and create a distraction no way I believe this is where parent's supposed to be right I don't know where he is though I only found minitech fight him oh he's fighting me now I think it's just glowing what do you have okay wait you threw a white pod down on you let me check come on you pop you pop here you're running I got it okay um I actually have zero yeah why why he's not dying I might do I not have weak do I have weakness or something I don't know [Music] he's got a levitate oh you know what he may have I didn't think about this one oh Sox ain't riding my absorption have you drank another one it's a little shame that I have a little something called command blocks I can use get me out of here get me out of here [Music] now luckily I was able to escape from Zam and spoke and just how I had hoped the time they spent watching me was also spent by parrot planning his next move okay toss me it toss me all of your blocks and then someone come up to World height with me and then destroy the blocks under me I'm gonna jump off into the planet Lord glitch [Music] yeah cause how do they even get to you up there like I physically care yeah you really need to mind that though because like oh rich I see all rich away I see them they're pulling up they're well distract them all we'll distract them all you do we'll distract them do it I'm paused I'm positive they're building the building they're staircasing really he isn't it just died bro I just instant died what is the pendulum's powers no you're good now you're good now I'm holding them all I'm trying to hold them up I'm gonna sleep on because I have a shovel I've been insane shovel all right bro what this guy doing this building oh it is so stupid I'm sleeping because I'm sleeping him nice get him get him I dropped the gun guys I dropped my gun I dropped my gun I don't even know it just right right below death potions you need that too and totems as well everything wait wait who is this guy stop him excellent yeah with the Brazil yo yeah yo I'm still good yeah bro yeah you feel good oh watch out maybe you're still good wait who's above him who's that above him people are appearing people are coming don't drop Do not drop he Brazil you oh my God he did I got him I got I got original I got all right though bro tell spoke to chill out dog no drop should I just drop no you're fine right now wait wait yo signs right there signs the appearance all right I can't see him either I'm dead I'm just dead I'm dead no matter what percent of Brazil are we Brazilian the head back to spawn yeah yeah we'll be we'll meet you there we'll meet you there I'm going to spawn respond respond respond respond well you just saw our enemies used was the nuke it'll One Tap any player that is even remotely close making survival much much harder but we weren't going to let this halt our plans if I I threw a stone if I threw a rock somewhere in the ocean and then maybe seven days but now let's get serious we noticed another roof strategy actually burned a lot of time so what if we upgraded it with the world border you see you can actually go behind it for a few blocks without taking damage it's just not everyone knows how to do this the hunters are going to struggle are you guys there the only danger about this is not being able to clutch at the bottom and the fact that it's Mother's Day I might go out to dinner dude I might just leave it like this now bacon and Jared wouldn't be able to log on much more while celebrating like any normal person would so we are expecting parent and planet to do the same but these two players are crazy as you see they wanted to send a message to spoke that they're willing to withstand whatever it takes to win even if it means AFK for hours on end just to be online for the best yeah what can they even do you could get killed though but yeah we'll just be on the respawn screen they can't force us to respawn oh they can there is a command but that means Focus to be online now that's pretty concerning spoken literally control whether or not they get a respawn screen if he logs on and sees that they're AFK it might as well just be over all right I'm gonna leave the car now all right guys time was ticking and we were only getting closer to beating smoke surely nothing can go wrong my chat just said Sam's on his way bro wait is Amazon's on his way yeah someone on our team was live streaming with their coordinates out with enemies online oh crap he's here now we were able to defend ourselves from Zam with the help of a few potions but it was too late our coordinates were now public knowledge and since we're in the Overworld enemies were setting beds so they can keep fighting even if we managed to kill them I see science signs bypassing wait oh going down going with Zion you guys are all on cyan right now yeah because science right now as well Focus Zam Focus down I need to help someone I'm trying to get back up dude I just got I got dragged underground like the battle Rock bro oh my gosh I might die if you go up he just drags you off Murphy needs help bro I was about to go kill somebody and I got dragged dude are you I don't want you to protected for freaking three hours dude bro he's just spamming them you might have just saved him no no all right after back to back failed standoffs we were beginning to get worried every step we were walking forward for winning the BET spoke was taking another 10. no matter how many layers of protection we were getting spoke was piercing them with even more offense bro okay and as we were entering the final three hours spoke would make his most evil move yet what you're looking at is a bedrock and barrier cell planetlord is currently Stuck In Smoke managed to get a hold of where he was going to respawn and let Prince Zam guard the location what is this I could use a few bad Rock Breakers and just you know get you out it'll get me out really he'll do that for me yeah and then I'll kill you but yeah no I thought this was their one-on-one moment of dialogue for a video or something but the more it listens the more I noticed Planet Lord was stalling please don't kill me now actually don't kill me so lately so when are you gonna tell me what was he selling for you wonder well probably someone like me stream sniping and seeing that he needs help so I grabbed one Boo and we were off but we couldn't just run in there and fight zam's whole team near planetlord one of them might panic and instantly kill him he's trying his hardest to get in there oh he's dead so we devised a plan to draw their attention away from the cell if we fail planetlord will have no way of escaping and eventually get banned okay I have the creeper responding I'm gonna see if the creeper is what's the nuke is oh yep that the creeper spawn egg is the nuke ggs the nukes would play a big role in dealing damage and potentially killing one of the guards wemble on the other hand he was going to take care of the distraction you're gonna blatantly hack on my signal okay yeah we literally have less than three hours and we win who the hell is Jonah bro oh is that is that is that is it yeah it's one with this one if you blame the hack bro you spokesman instantly I don't care I actually just don't care like it's fine you're on Junior you're in Junior you're good I have like three years go go go go go go go I'm I'm close I'm close we're here are you ready all right um right now yo this kid is just hacking what okay bro's actually hacking over here yo spoke on me like jumped no no wait no no I can kill Zam here he is watching me hack at the moment you're gonna get banned super fast no no wait wait wait oh okay I'm going back no hackies I'm continuing to pop Zam I'm actually I'm out of totems I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm out of totems okay [Music] oh my God what the hell just happened I'm dead no no no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead Leo do you have a gun oh now they know okay is it bed broken is it bed broken where are you where are you where are you I'm fine oh my god dude let's go after saving Planet Lord and getting him to an eat us to restock his Hearts we decided to scout spoke's next move and guess what it was nothing nothing at all now we knew this was probably because he was secretly prepping his hunters for a massive attack so we decided to take this time to get the few remaining exploited items we haven't seen yet wait look at the look at the Discord I got oh my God if you ask Bob he might give you that what the mess slash message Bob and ask if you could have some of the stuff Delilah okay I'm saying I'm saying I'm saying okay so what's once you secure stuff just slide him uh dude thank you thank you oh my god I've got armor uh yeah oh this yeah there's people around here guys be careful don't don't know oh I'm running I'm leaving please [Music] that's crazy now it was pretty clear that these items were not intended for us take your diamond armor off take your diamond armor off wait a minute you got it right you got it I got wait I got a set and another npg okay maybe the the vine armor is to op but there was another armor in there and that's like regular enchants wait has spoke removed it yet no I put it in my e-chest so he can't remove that wait can you remove stuff from me chest has he done that no he can't no but what he does is he sets command blocks to clear items they're running to remove stuff from my agents he's such a little manipulator I can't wait till this event ends and I plan on an actual normal server and it feels so smooth and nice I know right yeah after this I'm just actually for a month straight now as the final hour was approaching we needed a plan to keep the four targets alive you see our biggest weakness from before was that we kept them grouped together letting smoke in the hunters form one giant series of attacks but if he kept them slid apart spoke won't be able to watch all of them at once making him have less of an impact on all four yeah so the target I decided to stick with was planetlord the one that refuses to hold more than three hearts at a time wait wait oh no thanks thanks bro let's start running now let's start running now thank you so much of my help bro all right bro I'm not letting the option this bro I cannot let you die wait wait uh oh my God Murphy scared Zam Zam I see them I see them Amazon do you see that portal oh my God there's like five more people what the nah bruh oh yeah going to the nether was a terrible idea we didn't even last 15 minutes and on top of this parrot wasn't doing so well either it's insta response okay I'm getting back to para I'm going back now instant respawn means a player no longer has the option to just sit on the respawn screen and drain the clock anymore instead they're immediately forced back into the game struggling to come up with a counter we decided to just go with what's worked the best the tower Strat this is it this is it right here oh my God I'm like right here but wait haven't nukes just immediately destroyed us each time we towered well yes but parrot was about to receive a message from spoke that may change this would you like to ban one item oh what should I say what should I say nukes nukes yeah ban the nukes bro this is like a this is like a competitive Esports match yeah they're banning items they want something bad now 10 Max 10 Max okay no I'm fine with that dude that's okay where's alright I'm gonna catch a couple hours I'm gonna catch up to them is anyone with Planet Lord yeah I hit him down hit him down as long as you could oh it's dipped I think actually am I good uh yeah stay up there but I think you're good for now apparently like no matter how many hearts we have as long as we just need an e chest hair will always be fine yeah pear will be fine I'm I'm probably fine as long as I have an e chest oh that's right you're honestly chilling up here like we'll just we'll just yeah this is chicken position this is such a good position what's your heart rate looking like Planet my heart oh dude I'm so nervous bro dude this is like months have been building up to this like actually like bro us and pear have been preparing for this forever like the all the 100 hearts that we got were fully legit so oh wow this is like the Doomsday when I was talking to spoke in a private call he was like saying something really scary he was like near the end there's gonna be like a big change so uh-oh it might be an e chest clear something like that but either way it's just like something's gonna happen look how many black names there are in chat is that just like you guys are working with all the odds that's all the talk to your options people found us people rinse here rinse here rinse here okay okay any do you have a one-time attack I don't I tried fusing him but it got cleared I don't have yeah the iron sword it got include for me too wait is the Dragon stay here will it go up towards Planet it'll stay here they don't move the AI is broke do they hit players when they walk into them though just a dragon hello oh my God wait slowly walk up the tower and start blazing Ender Dragons oh wait that's actually low-key facts Egypt go ahead bro this is your chance to run away because run away I'm literally I'm running away that's not good Arts just got banned this means that if any of the targets die their heart stash will no longer be able to help them and since planet is still on three his chances of getting banned were much much higher he's saying you did it I don't think any of us did that yeah bro you think I'm that much of it 28 minutes guys lock in 28 minutes okay Sam is towering up to Planet load right now okay I have to try to get them off but I'm probably straight up and I'm gonna I'm gonna jump on uh Prince am I hit him down hit him now hit him down nice nice okay that was good that was good uh wait she blocked what she blocked out what are your chords okay I'm gonna try to exam off you though no bro wait Sam's low oh my god did he just restart he restocked he is okay I'm going to Plano I'm going to Planet Zam was able to restock in totems and get away but planet on the other hand was still in danger without time to get a new tower and everyone deciding to Target him he and pair knew they had to go to the one place where it's easiest to kill players the end kids on the nether's right below you guys well apparently pick is right you guys see this can we use that we could go to the end here let's go but no you guys get the advancement they're just gonna get you really quick it doesn't matter okay I died I died there's it going there's an island there's like a regular Island we just kill anyone we see in the head okay okay is this the control room oh my goodness oh that one's just not me five minutes guys [Music] playing what's your chords why we're not going to the Overworld like really soon protect the planet oh okay okay kill someone I just need someone that I can kill yes in this moment Planet had a realization he had no Hearts to equip since the item was banned but there was one more way to transfer Hearts from one player to another killing them right there right there [Music] [Music] all right go back yeah no no no no nothing no we have no unbans is it seven no it's not seven no it's 9 59. God bro and now it's 10. heartbreak morality and resilience if I describe the past 30 hours of my life these words would paint the picture perfectly from using the exploits to risking our lives or just watching the target stay loyal to their principles no matter how close they were to death this loss hit us with pain like no other but oddly enough I would do it all over again these experiences they just don't come often anymore and for the first time in years I felt the same emotions I did when I created my very first world so I want to say thank you to everyone who came along for the journey if you're willing to reset I'm down to reset as well both of us jump in the void everybody jumps in the void one heart fresh season yeah bro I'm tired of this man I just want to move on man I just want to get out of here it's over for me man foreign [Music]
Channel: MinuteTech
Views: 585,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yjj-tPi2uHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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