November 4th, 2018 "Walk In The Light" Pastor Tolan Morgan

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it's dynamic passionate and inspiring let's prepare to go into the sanctuary where today's message is already in progress while you're standing I want to summon your senses and invite you into like to the book of first John the book of first John first John chapter number one first John it looks like I John but it's not a child its first job towards the end of your Bible amen you have it say I got it first John chapter number one get it with verse number five your Bible should read this then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that God is light and in him is no darkness at all if we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we say we have not sinned we make him alive and his word is not in US my little children chapter 2 verse 1 my little children these things write I unto you that you do not sin if any man sin we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world I want to snatch our subject out of verse 7 and tag this text walk in the light and be seated in the Lord's church I'm often intrigued by the writings of the Apostle John he comes off as the equivalent of a modern day seminary professor his writings are embedded in the simple focus of attending to the doctrine of God he doesn't have any parables in his writings he is direct and solid and decisive and conclusive about taking his time to walk through helping his reader understand the theology of God and he centers it upon this one premise that Jesus was not just the son of God he was both the Son of God and God the Son according to the Trinitarian doctrine they are three-in-one all three of them are God God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit and his writings continued to resound and echo his theological focus on the deity of Jesus Christ this letter that is written classified as one of the general epistles actually picks up where he left off in the Gospel of John John the Apostle wrote five books of the New Testament the Gospel of John first second and third John and the book of Revelation he wrote all five of those books and all of them are an attachment and a continuation from a previous thought a previous idea of previous theology from another book here you and I read him picking up on a very powerful three word thesis God is light and what you and I have just read are the conditions and the benefits of abiding in that light may we explore together what does this whole issue of God is light he did not say God is a light it did not say God is v light he did not say God is like a light he said very definitively and conclusively and directly that God is like this is not a simile this is metaphorical to try to ascribe a term that seems to give us some kind of idea of what the very character and being of God is God is light that's not a new idea introduced by John it's just an idea that he builds upon to help us understand that if we see God as light then we can better relate to him and to each other explore with us this whole issue of light you you understand that if all the lights get cut off in this room right now we would all be in darkness so what we understand from the onset is that light brings illumination light brings illumination God therefore being liked speaks to his illuminating power and also when the lights are on in this room we are able to see color beauty purity there is a much comfortable atmosphere of sitting in light than it is of sitting in darkness anybody in their right mind doesn't just sit in darkness and be comfortable sitting in darkness if we cut the lights off in this room you and I gonna get uncomfortable real fast and so light brings illumination it brings Beauty it brings a purity it brings a sense of peace it brings a sense of contentment God is the fountain of beauty and illumination and joy and purity his very being is made up of those characteristics that's why it is contradictory and antithetical to say you know God and be evil at the same time it is contradictory to say you know God and walk in an ugly spirit at the same time it is contradictory to say you know God and be comfortable in darkness dark thinking dark actions pessimistic negative at the same time God is not those things and if we're going to walk in his light we have to walk in beauty and purity and joy and knowledge and illumination you remember during the Genesis project of creation on day one the focus of day one was to speak light into existence he said let there be light and by the end of that day there was this creation called night and day and then on the fourth day of the creation project he installed a second set of lights called the Sun and the moon and the stars the celestial lights who were there to measure seasons and signs and measurements of time so that what we discover about light even in the creation process that even God doesn't want to work in the dark God sets light first that light might bring order and illumination and a sense of direction and then he sets life watch this church because if things are going to grow they need light if you and I are going to grow in the things of God we need to make sure we expose ourselves to the light of God's Word light is essential to both existence and growth but there is something so potent here that we got to see in this context it's in verse 7 verse 5 says that God is light then it says if we walk in the light as he is in the light and that gives us some kind of clue there's something else going on here with this light stuff God is light and then there's another heat that's in the light trying to be God is light and then there's another he that's in that light maybe you don't know who that he is and so John chapter 1 would help us to understand that that light was introduced by John the Baptist John chapter 1 verse 6 says there was a man sent from God whose name was John verse 7 says he was not that light but he came to bear witness of that light fast forward to John chapter 8 verse 12 Jesus after he gets done dialoguing with this adulterous woman who was called in the act of adultery says that I am the light of the world he says again in John chapter 9 verse 5 as long as I'm in the world I am the light of the world then when we fast forward to first John chapter 1 we figure out verse 7 verse 5 says God is light and there's a he that's it in that light it is Jesus who is in the light of God might not help you to understand that you'll never fully understand God if you don't understand Jesus you'll never fully understand God if you try to bypass Jesus Jesus is the light of the world translated Jesus is the revelation of God to humanity that if you and I are ever going to understand God we've got to have a relationship with Jesus I am the way the truth and the life no man comes unto the father but by me let me pause parenthetically and telling you church I'm not bored with my servant even though you are I like preaching doctrinal sermons cuz every sermon is not designed to tell you you don't get a new car a new house a new prophecy you drop a few dollars on the altar and you don't get a new card as we sometimes we need to get past what God don't do for you and just appreciate Oh God is you ought to thank God that he caught you out of darkness into his marvelous light he could have left you in an uncomfortable place where you have no Direction no joy no beauty but God cut the light on in your darkness in your dark sting and brought you out of a dark place and if you gonna bide in that light people don't like doctrinal sermons so come back another Sunday maybe God is light he's the absence of dark text says there's no darkness in him at all but if you get that then we have to now see the conditions and the benefits of abiding in that life y'all like the Bible here's what the text read says to us today that we read it says if we abide in that light if we won't tread in that light watch this verse 7 says we have fellowship one with another if we walk in their life that we abide in that light Lord holds aboard right here God is like and if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another let me talk to these people over here God is light and if we abide in that light we have fellowship one with another that means ladies and gentlemen God never intended for it to just be you and him Lord deliver us from Christians who just want God but don't want anybody else God deliver us from the good church folk who just want to show up on Sunday be there on Sunday morning give your little two dollars and don't want to be bothered with anybody else that's a lie from the pit of hell you can't have the head and don't want the body God never intended for it to just be him and you when we walk in the light of God it helps us to interact with one another or the antithesis is when we're not interacting with one another we may be lying about walking with God because God is not interested in us just having a relationship with him and don't want to be involved with his body it's called fellowship one of the recurrent themes in the New Testament is this theme of one another love ye one another pray for one another forgive one another long suffer with one another have fellowship with one another you cannot have God and don't want to be bothered with the church you cannot have God and don't want to be in fellowship with other Christians no you antithetical to everything that Jesus died for because Jesus has God has other children and to say you won't God but don't want to be bothered with his other children is to let you in fellowship with God I don't know of too many parents in here who would accept somebody want to be bothered with you but don't be bothered with your children I don't know of too many of y'all in here who would even tolerate that kind of thinking because this is a package deal if you want to be bothered with me you got to deal with my wife my children my church and everything else that comes with it and ladies and gentlemen that's the persuasion of God God wants us in fellowship not just with him but with everybody else who walks with him there's communion with the Saints that's chameleon with the Saints when you walked in fellowship with God when you walk in that light but here's the B Clause of verse 7 and my soul got excited right along here he says we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Christ the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin and I knew y'all a new yard and read it right because when you really you should have got happy you you if you got a King James Bible it says cleanseth eth well if you translate that in modern common vernacular eth is the equivalent of s it's in the present tense and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses still don't know how to get happy it's in the present tense and the blood of Jesus Christ is cleansing still don't want to get happy I'm trying to tell y'all when y'all read that that one talking about Jesus dying on the cross and you can say that's for all of us who have sinned after getting saved I knew you like funny up in this just cuz you don't want nobody in the church act like you got sin on you but the next verse say if you have if you sin and say you haven't you alive so let me talk to the people who testified with the Holy Ghost after you join the ministry you start walking in your calling you still cut somebody out you still sense of things you have no business saying you still wit some places didn't have no business going but still it wasn't just some cavalry it's still flowing today [Applause] would you just touch your neighbor until your neighbor I ain't got time to be fake with you today I walked in here and the reason why I've been struggling to praise Him cuz I'm weighed down by sin that's why you can't get with praise and worship cuz you had some message your life from last night that won't let you get involved in worship but cleanse me from this thanks be to God see okay you still acting funny typically typically ladies and gentlemen sometimes sometimes sometimes planes are delayed because they need to be de-iced [Applause] still acting slow on that side that's the frozen section right along there sometimes flings can't take off cuz they need to beat the ice it means Melvin they were sitting too long where they was the night before and had some build up from the night before and they had to be delay cuz they couldn't take off the next morning y'all still like and brand new some of y'all are grounded cuz you got last night's build up in your system and you need to ask God to the ice you so you can take off to the beat thanks be to God still works do you got say you gave your life to the Lord that blood still works after you got baptized [Applause] I don't listen I struggle with fake people in church cause I don't know what y'all did this week but you know you should have took off running right along there cuz you already know that there's some stuff you can't say in church but if God woke you up this morning he di studi preach pastor Morgan so you can get up to bed and get to the Lord's house the blood is still working but you just grab your name and tell neighbor I must say I'm a saint with sin attendances look back at em don't play don't way you are - you are - don't do that don't do that cuz if you say you [Music] [Applause] had some people who cuz I'm a saint with sena tendencies he didn't just cleanse me one time [Applause] but every time I turn around he keep cleansing me over and over again okay let me help your theology let me have the theology cuz I got some people that's hearing me that's been to some of them churches where you got to come get saved all over again after you done messed up can I tell you something when my wife tells me dinner's on the table first thing I got to go do is okay y'all do that in your house too come here I don't have to go get a shower I just got to wash my hands [Applause] I said I ain't got to go get a whole shower I just gotta wash my hands because I got the first realize my hands are dirty and I got to go get in the shower to go eat I just got to wash my hands can I tell you something ladies and gentlemen when you sing you ain't got to go get saved all over again just ask the Lord to wash my hands and the blood of Jesus my soul get happy right along here santé blood of Jesus is cleansing from all sin it's a continuity of sanctification and a communion of saints that when i buyed in the light he don't just cleanse them at one time [Applause] he keeps washing me and keeps cleansing me over and over again cuz I need to blow it strong even after I got saved [Applause] you know says if you go abide in the light you better realize that the light exposes dirt [Applause] [Music] I'm a travel monkey if you go walk in the light the problem with walking in the light is that it exposes dirty and when you walk in the light that's time that you need to confess your sin and he is faithful and just to forgive you of all of your sin and cleanse you from all evidences of unrighteousness let me try one more time this word forgive y'all in the Greek it is the word after in me it literally means to send away it is a financial term it's a financial term do y'all mind if I teach for a second and you know usually we acting funny tell me you know when I kind of send it wrong I want to hear some preacher know you need to learn something [Applause] forgiveness y'all is a financial term that means to send away debt lien inch'allah God I'm gonna say it and if you get it it's gonna run me and you it's a financial term which means to send away dead when Jesus told us to pray Jesus called our sins debt come in our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us y'all do daughter Violet [Applause] and send away our debts and that prayer was not talked to unbelievers that prayer was talked to his children who still got Senate ignasi's and therefore accrued a father I don't have the money to pay for what I owe okay y'all still like the brand-new like you don't know what that is that is when you don't have the money to pay for what you're old and you accrued it cuz you made a bad decision knowing you didn't have it when you're bored piece of father I owe you but I ain't got the money to pay you send away my debt as I send away the debt of people who owe me it's gonna get rough today because they didn't come here to hear this little sermon today they to come into the sermon today they want a shout and run your you better shout your debt been bitten cancelled you better thank God that your debts been sent away cuz that can send you to hell lord I wish I had some help in here but thanks be to God if you confess your debt he's faithful and just enough to send away your debt and cancer what y'all alright it is it is that word confess y'all literally means to agree comes from the word home illegal homo meaning same logo meaning word or spoken or logic it means to speak the same thing when I confess my sin he's faithful and just to forgive me because I have agreed with him that my sin is sin okay y'all still act and slow Hey ladies and gentlemen if you ever go to court I got to go to trial Cathy what's gonna happen is what's gonna happen right what's gonna happen they're gonna sing you to court just stand in front of a judge and in this same court that's assign you to a judge will offer you a court-appointed attorney imma try again this same court that's gonna make you stand in front of a judge is the same court that's gonna offer you a court-appointed attorney I'm gonna try it one more time and when they stand there in front of the court they gonna try to question you because they trying to get you to agree or disagree that the charges against you are either valid or invalid sometimes y'all y'all gonna get this one day the same court that sends you in from the judge appoints an attorney and the attorneys job is to plead your case to the judge the case has already been cleared because we've been assigned an attorney his name is the charges and he qualifies to the shoes of the accused in the sky but not to be Oh God [Applause] hey watch this it gets worse watch tension he says if I agree that my sin is sin and stop walking around acting like ain't done nothing here send my dead away the reason why is I got an advocate when I go to court look at first John chapter 2 this I want you to sin but I know you're gonna say so the court has assigned you a lawyer Jesus Christ the righteous hey Grady hit the joke of the text and the next verse says and he is the propitiation for you see y'all getting on my nerves right there exact like I ain't saying nothing [Applause] listen y'all he's in the light so he's gone if he's in the light he the judge at the same time of being the judge he the lawyer and the mean at the same time of being the lawyer he is the penalty that's gonna be paid for the accused [Music] the text says he is Pro pretty asian I wish I had some scholars here that helped me save propitiation go home and tell you name I learned a new word today is appropriation it's the Bible sweet term of saying that he is the penalty that satisfies the charges y'all missed it Jesus Christ is the judge the lawyer and the verdict I'll let the same time he got to be all of him cuz that's how we gonna get off okay you missed it if he's God if he's a judge then he's ready to indict us if he's the lawyer the lawyers sometimes got to be the person that persuades the judge to even remove the verdict or minimize the charges so the way we're gonna get off is that God the lawyer got to talk to God to judge and when God have a conversation with God it's gonna benefit us that's what happened on Calvary salvation is not a covenant between God and man salvation is a covenant between God and God Jesus talked to God and said daddy don't kill them kill me let him free I'll die in their place so that they can be restored back on to you he is the charge to lawyer the crisis and the penalty at the same time who wouldn't serve a god like that okay I'm done I'm done I'm done cut see some Sundays you can't just shout cuz God is good got a shout cuz God been good to the guilty where the kilted people that I know no I ain't talking about all y'all you better your prayer closet all week you ever said I've done anything wrong you haven't thought wrong I'm talking to the guilty people who testified that today's sermon is to help remind me that I'll never walk in God's house and not give him glory cause the body still cleansing me when I got to cook declares the charges so that I can be free and therefore I cannot walk in darkness watch this neither Lord holds a boy ready when I walk in the light coach I can't walk in self-righteousness and celebrates somebody else's fall [Applause] y'all can write me if you wanna I ain't gonna respond but it's the church that run folk away from the church [Applause] now it ain't satan is some of you self-righteous people who suffer from amnesia and act like you ain't never done nothin wrong cuz you graduated with sampson from high school and you act like since you nodding got a little older you look bit more slave no you just a little bit most sick ain't that the fact that you are struggling and you just love it more holy can I tell you ladies and gentlemen the church will continue to grow when we stop struggling with this self-righteousness like ain't nobody done nothin right with us throw your title away throw your little position away throw your little coddle away and go win somebody to Jesus you know they ought not to be doing that that's true they all not to be doing then but if you're really walking in the light you which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness lest it be you that you gonna need some restoring one day yourself be careful how you put on my phone people just cuz it ain't you today don't mean it ever won't be the truth of the matter is the difference between you and them is that they got exposed you still just doing it in the dark so don't play and a bag of chips cuz you got to be careful that the very gets you did for somebody else could be yours [Applause] we got to get to the place where we never lose sight that sin is sin that's key on Henderson said a few weeks ago out of Houston Texas he said people don't want the Prince of Peace no more they just want a sin in peace [Applause] so they flocked to churches that don't convict them just tell me what the law don't do for me just tell me I need a blessing this week while you live in any kind of way and expect God to reward your disobedience ladies and gentlemen if Jesus could die for us we can live for him you confess your sin if you agree that sin is sin he is faithful and just to forgive you of your sin and cleanse you from all unrighteousness I'm calling somebody today out of that place of bitterness out of that place of unforgiveness bitterness is the equivalent of drinking poison waiting on somebody else to die that while you trying to think you hurting somebody else you only killing yourself it's your hair that's falling out you don't want on stress fields you the one can't sleep at night cuz you are drinking your own poison let me also talk to that person who walks in guilt haven't been able to get back on your feet because you're struggling with guilt you've done something that you know is not in God's will you've disappointed people you've disappointed yourself you've let God down you've let your family down you've let people down you've let yourself down all you simply got to do is forgive and give it over to God he will forgive you of all your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and set you back where you need to be I don't know who I'm talking to but don't you let nobody don't you let nobody pour the gasoline of guilt on you God been too good to you for you to walk around in guilt walk around disappointed deflated you got a life ahead of you and whom the Sun sets free [Music] it's free indeed thank you for watching fellowship Bible Baptist Church is located at 431 Dunbar Road in Warner Robins Georgia join us for one or any of ownership experiences for more information about our church visit our website at FB BC home
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 15,658
Rating: 4.7117119 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Baptist Preachers, Black Baptist Preachers, Preachers, Preachers in Georgia, Preachers in Michigan, Preachers in Detroit, Preachers In Detroit Michigan, National Baptist Convention, Church of God In Christ, COGIC, Churches in Middle Georgia, Churches in Warner Robins, Churches in Georgia, Churches in Atlanta, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, FBBC, Ship, The Ship, Fellowship, Bible, Holy Bible, Gospel, Preaching, Light, Illumination
Id: 4sgDP8BBdc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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