She only moves when I'm not looking...

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good morning dear ladies my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to the classrooms I think this is a game that's kind of based similarly to the back rooms is it picking up my mic hey hey uh oh well that's bad because I uh make YouTube videos and I scream a lot and I want to get killed by this I'm excited about this it looks cool people were recommending it why not let's do a tutorial normally I skipped these and I regret it later and I'm people get mad at me okay it's recording okay how do you work this thing this thing like that okay left Mouse wouldn't pick up flashlight oh and the batteries oh push batteries okay uh take the van key all right I'm doing that simulator right now walk to the back of the van you got it Buster Brown wait that's my light on oh Lord uh ah cool you may is that a meme a meme I'll find you may may I'll find my Doge open inventory and read codex mystery deepens on missing children school closed for early for summer students gone missing during school hours okay was that is that the Codex the glass here's this dude this is way more involved than I thought it was going to be this is so dark without my flashlight actually is not really cutting it it's literally Pitch Black can I there you go find the breaker room oh I will I'll turn on the lights and then pow all the scares will be known to me hold on doors are very complicated I'm literally I'm pushing right and the door opens left nice who is rewinding my brain huh yeah you want a lamp I'll beat you up I'll mess you up with some lamps and some books I'll throw the I'll throw the bin at you never mind throwing the book at you and the lockers cried out as if a thousand Souls were trapped inside okay don't want to do that out we go man this is so nice in the light I'm sure those will stay on the entire time right guys wait where am I this is not where I was before you're in dun dun dun the classrooms oh the little girl Dolly's gone neat neat very neat I like that look at these Reflections oh baby it closes at them you could eat food off of these Reflections that's oh it is a screen space reflection never mind anyway let me just join the circle here hold on hold on oh God hi my name's Sean and I can't stand chairs upright just every time I try they fall over you guys wouldn't understand because you're all sitting down perfectly I can't be here oh God another room dear everyone I will overcome my fear of chairs one day oh yeah oh that's some Physics either I have the world's strongest throw or that Post-It note is as dense as Ant-Man [ __ ] yeah what's going on out here is that actually happening or are those my eyeballs freaking out excuse me tiny child Show Yourself coward all these rooms with upright chairs it's the freakiest thing yeah oh no as jokey as I like to be I don't like being in the dark like that I bet this room gets hot as a sauna when there's a classroom full of kids in here and that one tiny fan is helping this one student and then everybody else has to suffer in sheer sweating agony they can't even keep up with the fluid loss happening in their bodies and then the DJ nothing the teacher says nothing no more jokes more joke [ __ ] this is real this is the real deal what was that [Music] do it again oh hello little dolly I gotta pick you up kill it kill the child kill the child you hit him with the chair okay I think I've proved my point [Applause] [Music] just in case she's still there but she's not of this realm what is it with kids in horror stuff why are they so giggly and creepy you're not alone I know got a whole bunch of people watching me I'm never alone get out no I don't think I will I was just a really high teacher's chair oh get out of my head icy icy oh that sure is not as fun to throw around you shouldn't have given me this ability that's all I'm going to do in this game now those are some very impressive physics though I've made a barricade for myself if the demons come I'll be able to uh lock myself in okay these doors do not open the way I'm pressing oh yeah keeping that one fan in this room hold on hold on somebody could trip and fall out here because I've pissed myself there that'll help yeah and this one too yep yep [Applause] there now people will definitely know I've pissed myself caution wet floor I've pissed myself and cracked my pelvis this is a big place this is a very big place calculator quick Google how to clear to dry your pants after you've pissed yourself quickest way to dry pants after you've pissed yourself can I play [Music] oh that's not a good symbol ERC training program our goal is to equip you with the Knowledge and Skills necessary to safely navigate the anomalous Dimension known as the Lambda superstructure as you may know Arc is dedicated to exploring and mapping out the Lambda superstructure this Dimension can be a challenging environment and it's important to be aware of the signs that indicate the presence of entities if you encounter flickering lights be aware that this may indicate the presence of an entity in these situations it's important to remain calm and take precautions to ensure your safety okay if you find yourself in a dark environment be aware that this may also indicate the presence of an entity it's important to always have a source of light with you and to remain focused and alert if you encounter a friendly looking animal it's important to be cautious is that it okay so flickering lights means that something bad is in the room with me and always be prepared okay like Boy Scouts got it what's to say today is a great day to grasp the void oh drawer words have never been spoken time to tap into the void hello monsters it's under your skin tear it out tear it out tear it out I don't want to I just want to throw lamps around all right you're coming with me cop what's that Monster oh is that really how fast of loads load this is gone okay so does that mean I was I mean I was in a room with something the lights are flickering and then I walked up through it and then and then I got scared well that's [ __ ] bad into the girls I shouldn't be in here oh my God why are you in here Goblin okay oh I actually saw it disappear in the mirror that's cool oh hey look at those hips who's that handsome man it's me nice keep your hips on a swivel do you always say Keep Your Head on a swivel but no one ever talks about the hips equally if not more important dude it's wild how interactable a lot of this is can I that that's impressive for a game like this even if it has no purpose for the gameplay holy God that was Brave it's still impressive to have interactable elements like that you don't often see it because it's probably a waste of time hey uh entities it's me your boy mirror just [ __ ] around and find out I finally have the will to write something again I have no clue what time it is I think it's the ninth trying to keep track I can't time as ever is all the clocks are different and none of the light I haven't slept in days but I are tired at all I still haven't far I still haven't for food but I haven't been hungry they sent us through same with drinking something is okay I can't actually make any of that out keep changing this isn't the same as the real this place it was never made for C okay I'm missing some crucial information in that one voice level no voices whisper table talk speaker or there's another step above that which is intercontinental sound break that's me 30 years from now it won't matter what shoes you wore oh your hair looked or the jeans you bought what will matter is what you learned and how you escape Jesus oh okay can't go that way can't go that way go ahead school really sucks how it really feels like you're in jail oh that's back here oh I went the wrong direction okay it seems promising whoa look at these I think some Google images or are they AI generated that's always the thing I think about now whenever I see games like this like this one and this one seem very AI generated and I hope not anybody got a key actually I feel like I've explored everywhere and I did not see a key reading takes you places yep and these all look AI generated as well you just type in creepy kids oh oh this should open the elevator oh no oh my God no oh my God that's weird don't you dare you tiny little devil child around and caught her she stopped you could actually like see that Split Second of her stopping and then the dress still kind of wiggled very cool warning due dates are closer than they appear Safety First Walk Don't Run you're not my [ __ ] legs are you in here I hear that tiny demon coming for me I don't know if she can open doors though get me out of here okay are you on the Z though why this ear the x or the y-axis or the [ __ ] axis hold on hold on I have a job to do [ __ ] I'm gonna throw it at the child I'm gonna crack this child's porcelain face I hear your wet little footsteps um oh I had to scroll I thought that this is part of the page not my inventory thing that's funny this place they told me it would be like what we saw in our dreams but it isn't everything here seems empty old abandoned I thought there would be people here this place feels like the past like a place time forgot I keep hearing voices from the rooms off the path they sound deceptively friendly but at this point I can't go back I have no choice if I ever want to get out of here is the child deceptively friendly is that one of them oh there's an entity are you in there okay something is very close to me I feel like the kid is in here somewhere where is that nope nope nope nope nope it was all fun and games when I could see it but if I can't see you and you sound so near no nope nope nope God I wish I had my cup your tiny little duck feet pitter patter this looks cool it's catcher it's catcher in the act oh my God another one another one are you kidding me what happens if you catch me I hope the key wasn't there blah blah like one of those tick tocks where the they have a baby doc and it's chasing them and it just pitcher Potters across the screen okay that's why you sounded so close okay where would a guy find a key okay the light stopped flickering here oh Arc anomalous retrieval and containment uh security compromise senior research Jeremy Harris Ark site 35. you're off your rocker Jimmy entities can't something you need to stop being paranoid about the potential risks but more importantly you need to stop wasting our time we've had how many requests to up security funding to our facility it seems every time we accept you come back with an even more outrageous price if it didn't know any better it would seem like you're laundering our precious resources and if you did know any better and if you did know any better you would keep your mouth shut about these constant unraved unwavering requests because we both know what the price is for Treasury damn the key in here I don't want to be listening to this if the little dollies coming after me thank you welcome to the arc trading program our goal is to equip you with the Knowledge and Skills necessary to safely navigate wait this is the same tape where am I going to get a key damn it I didn't see a key anywhere no one might lock now is back actually at the exit and I'm all the way back here for no reason oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how did you oh [ __ ] can I lock you in rooms does that work I think so I had to restart because I couldn't find a key I I literally didn't find a key anywhere I searched high and low for like 20 minutes and I couldn't find a key and everything's way different that's kind of cool still low key though there we go oh this is for whoa whoa entity entity careful careful oh God is it coming in here [Applause] it's leaving oh that's cool okay this is a completely different environment though so now I don't know where to go to get to the exit now how do I how do I get out of here oh you suck stop what yeah crafty little child like one more step one more step okay oh God oh God oh God oh God [Music] what is that oh oh oh oh this is a dead end what do I do everybody just chill out [Music] oh my God are you still here still here it's still here I can't do anything oh God man I finally found the key and you killed me anyway God damn it oh I'm through nice and I have the key and I locked a child in a classroom this is a great day a wonderful day I couldn't find the eggs the last time because it was hiding behind a bathroom stall which is also kind of cool I wonder if that key fits this sure does I mean it better I don't have I don't have another or better key that can do this great great great great oh not great see it flooded because you put up the toilets all upside down run around in toilet water damn it looks cool though it really is like SCP meets backwards what is that whoa whoa brother [Applause] oh did I voice on oh Jesus Christ [Applause] holy crap okay that's way scarier than the little girl do I have to get past him I couldn't say anything as soon as I went he caught me okay let's be quiet that sucks [Applause] okay glow stick battery oh hello I actually have a lot of codexes on other things now like item 608 hazardous phenomena non-corporeal entity to manifest in locations devoid of light uh senior Jeremy Harris the superstructure is changing this has been documented before but I fear these changes are more malicious in nature more events have been popping up in the alpha and Lambda sections and while this normally wouldn't be a concern they have now been cropping up in areas directly inside our outposts and often in areas outside of our cameras range there's another issue as well there is another issues as well the security breach last month was first determined to be caused by an outside force such as okay however upon further investigation more and more evidence has been pointing towards something far more disastrous uh or disasterius the way the saboteurs were able to avoid detection implies they had prior knowledge on the layout of the facility on top of this due to the nature of the breach and what was stolen as well as well as no evidence okay this is this is the other thing that caught me item 216 is malicious entity that can be found in the Lambda superstructure 216 appears to be humanoid figure wrapped in a cloak is not typically visible as detailed below however the entity will manifest visually once it encounters a human and will attempt to pursue yeah that happened to me are you kidding me when I asked for a level three clearance of this document you could have just said no this is useless to us it's all cropped out there's the little doll anomaly four is a malicious entity that can be found in the afternoon ceramic doll that can only move under certain conditions these conditions are North Indian being as observing and another one when either of the above conditions are achieved The Entity will aggressively pursue and eliminate any adult human The Entity finds the entity will focus on disabling the target's sense of sight okay so this is the one I just picked up I was right when I said it isn't safe here that much was explained in the documents everything else is far more vague there are documents that give very vague instructions of what to do but often what not to do like to avoid dark rooms with vents in them and to hide in lockers if we hear anything strange there are some other documents of what seems to be specific things to avoid but most of the descriptions are covered in Black Ink and it's impossible to decipher what it's supposed to be at least I know what they gave I know why they gave me a compass now it doesn't actually Point North it points towards where the entrance back into the school is at least it should it was also mentioned in the paper that there are multiple checkpoints they place around the space that was in use before the incident interesting all right so where the bloody hell do I go was it just random that I ran into the dude oh oh [ __ ] he's gonna be here I didn't know where he was wait is this filling up I I don't know if that's a good thing should I am I gonna drown I don't know what I'm supposed to be getting to holy [ __ ] [Applause] foreign [Music] light for me I have no idea I feel like I'm just going to drown and not be any wiser as to what is happening God when you're trying to critically think while being chased by something at the same time okay okay he sucks maybe it'll drown him maybe it'll drown him before it drowns me you know because his head is lower [Applause] okay okay [Music] oh oh this is new oh thank God you didn't [ __ ] say you needed a key oh my God I found out before I drowned to death holy crap he was terrifying oh crap this whole place is dark oh boy though I'm gonna make me look for a [ __ ] key again aren't you okay nice nice get out of here chair I'm a very important Panic person codex entry researcher Grant Gauthier I don't care what the senior researchers say we need more subjects and we need to beef up our security we lost 17 in the last exploration entry alone and we are starting to run low this is not to say that the tests haven't been successful in the past quarter we have discovered more than 47 new locations within the space and have recovered a large amount of anomalous items however the more we find out about this structure the more perplexing and confusing it becomes entities have been becoming more and more frequent and have been spotted near the research outposts I fear an attack is inevitable at this rate and we need to be prepared that being that being said we won't know how to deal with the threat without observing and exploring the structure okay God this light is so strong I can't see what's in front of me half the time okay that was this thing this body avoid any contact with the entity is spotted by The Entity make sure to stay around lit areas and to avoid any areas dim or devoid of light am I torch just ran out speed is of utmost key in this game unless I'm finding [ __ ] keys or somewhere around here I don't really care get out of here batteries are good batteries are good I can keep absolutely stocked up on batteries then I hear him I hear him he's near what happened okay just run just run this looks right no it doesn't oh I can turn on the lights I keep just assuming because the lights are out that they'll stay out unless he turns them off as soon as he enters the room and then it's completely pointless it's completely pointless maybe I should be quiet maybe having my voice detection on is actually ruining my experience because I'm getting caught by everything too easily I'm done it didn't work it didn't matter one [ __ ] iota I don't know where to go though that looks promising yes this is the power but that means all the lights are gonna be off this is where I started the game why am I cutting the power why is that something you decided to do great are you kidding me he drains my battery is that what was happening I ran a battery real fast on that one so hard to know where to go I haven't been down here right that looks promising oh under construction hope you enjoyed this game so far the next areas are still under construction check updates occasionally for new content I like that a lot it gets a little tedious sometimes not only are the areas randomly generated but the location of items within said areas are randomly generated that can get really tedious really quickly this one wasn't too bad because the areas weren't too big it was just like collect one thing if you had to collect like five things in a randomly generated space then it would get really annoying but this I think struck the perfect balance but yeah that was very cool hope you guys enjoyed it thank you so much for watching this again don't forget to check out my coffee bro lovely ray of sunshine bags you want some on your shelf go get some for yourself or if you like hot chocolate or tea you can go get those as well but it's one of the more prouder things that I've done in my career so go check it out please thank you so much for watching I'll be keeping an eye out on more horror games coming out thanks for watching and see you in the next one
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,656,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: h4ZJc3spd-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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