DON'T SCREAM (literally)

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hello everybody my name is marbl and welcome to the world's quietest let's play this game is called don't scream so I've calibrated my microphone so that if my voice goes so if my voice goes above this line or if Henry or chica bark outside I'll probably lose the game and that's how the game is supposed to go just don't scream so that's exactly what I'm going to be doing I think I have a calibrated properly I don't know why I feel they need to lean into the microphone to talk cuz that just puts me more at risk but I'm going to try to play this and not scream what I don't know is if the game what I don't know is if the game will end and quit forever or if I simply restart that doesn't seem good you all right why is the timer counting down when I'm moving I really hope I don't have to sneeze I imagine that some people would try to play this and simply not talk at all but where's the fun in that also what am I looking at airplane Parts oh there's literally an airplane over there what am I seeing swinging well seems like an alternative start to the forest it's not good also I'm pretty sure that planes don't don't have vending machines but what do I really [Music] know so far so good despite the bodies swinging overhead seems like they just lost the game I have to adjust my chair I didn't do anything this my stupid haunted light really likes to turn off in random times and there it is again all is well all will always be well and I especially will be well slightly unusual there you have it siren [Music] head [Music] I don't know if that's supposed to be the black box of the cockpit or something but that's but that's not what those look like got dark real quick not sure what that's about oh that is awfully convenient you know clearly if the people on the plane didn't scream none of this would have happened I don't know if someone set this up here for my convenience but I Henry better not lose this for me anyway I don't know if that was set up for my convenience but I but I appreciate the gesture didn't need the flashlight anyway it's like a built-in Shake we recharging system I'm going to assume that's blood but really what do we know I thought I was going the right way to get in here I was let's do a quick reality check here we crash land in the middle of a forest bodies swinging people screaming not me and then there's a mini mart it's probably [Music] real ordinarily this is where I would be shouting as I enter hello it's me marbl but alas I can't give them [Music] that you're naked you're naked you're naked that chicken's naked pardon me that's fine [Music] all well that was fun I was about to say hello well that's not sanitary technically that's not supposed to be sanitary do I get [Music] a was I supposed to get something was that the sound of the Rolling door in the back I don't know what that was [Music] I don't know what any of that is supposed to be but certainly it is not for me was I supposed to find something there's something up there it's the only thing I can tell I don't know what that was ordinarily I would be ordinarily I would be sprinting Into the Woods at top speed but something tells me the trepidation might be the correct Course once again you usually don't find a vending machine in a place such as this whoever that was you lose the game that way [Music] the rules apply for everyone even babies that baby lost I don't know where I'm going I don't really have a landmark it's going to take more than that I've been playing horror games for a very long time I have the thickest girth skin you could Poss possibly imagine run away even crows can lose oh maybe I'm the scary one that lip smack almost lost me the game what was that don't they know the rules okay goodbye come back I'm hearing what might be om and his music unsure if that's a good thing another loser it's Forest is full of losers [Music] well that's unsettling help help at least you weren't naked it is just mirror do the trees look like they're shivering I'm sorry what occurred my question is are you just going to keep throwing the same things at me [Music] nerd I thought they were dead hello oh I have a strange feeling that was my fault grandma just had to go I'm sensing something I was right I did sense [Music] something I'm beginning to understand that this is the Battle Royale of horror games and I am the scariest of all [Music] E I suppose if I were to vomit all over my microphone that would also count as a loss but for now I remain didn't even could see that coming [Applause] they're really trying now they're trying very hard [Applause] [Music] help is this a cliff would be amazing if I ended this because I took fall damage I suppose if I laugh that would also [Applause] be what a lovely false sense of security is this also a false sense of security not bad I want to see what happens if I lose [Music] La huh h [Music] h Hello bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,939,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, don't scream, dont scream game, you scream you lose, scary games, indie horror, proximity chat, jumpscares, jump scare, scares, scare reactions, world's quietest lets play
Id: HWx2f0vGKWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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