Can I Learn to KNIT in 1 DAY?

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That is a pretty good summation of my last month. I’ve got the knit stitch down and I can kinda purl. I can’t do that complex cast on or continental knitting,but I’m having just as much fun. I’ve only finished a small dish cloth and I’ve got a narrow strip of fabric that I’m just practicing different stitches on, and boy was I excited when I got the stockinett pattern to work.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/sr2ndblack 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jazza’s great

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Halfcanine2000 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Diamondsareagirlsbff 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
you know what I could use right about now bloody scarf and you know where I'm gonna get one I'm gonna make one I'm gonna learn to knit so the last time I filmed in a shop I got kicked out and told off we're just buying some art supplies with cameras ya know you can take the cameras out thank you okay so I think we need a strategy I think if we tell them it's for a school project we might not get kicked out there might be more lenient and it's technically true because I'm a school you wall on how to learn how to knit that makes that okay do you mind if I fill I'm just gonna buy some wool and it's for a school project say that all right thank you I thought I wanted something to suit me color-wise suits my eyes what do you reckon multicom they said awesome look at her what knitting needles would recommend for an absolute beginner I've got eight ply and whatever this is you saw a seven millimeter oh wow okay brilliant forgive my enthusiasm I was just getting overexcited should I work with shorter one so I don't know yet maybe I should get some some fancy wool - what's your fanciest eight ply I feel like I'm already getting too much maybe one just get one like super thick ply to show off my finger netting skills all done yeah I'm ready yeah I'll get these please it's gonna get crazy this is gonna be wild we're gonna learn fast we're gonna have fun and we're gonna make knitting the most exciting you never thought it could be unless you're really into knitting in which case it's already exciting [Music] right up my wall am i woulld a needles from a lovely red blue white 8-ply this is a thicker one I think I know we've got this big boy which I'm gonna use to show you my finger living skills to get started because that's the only experience I have with knitting which is why today to learn meeting I'm going to be following some classes on Skillshare they've sponsored this video Skillshare are an amazing learning resource with more than 29,000 classes in illustration drawing design business technology and even knitting which we're going to be diving into today now you can get two months of free premium scre share membership by clicking the link in the card in the description and if you're looking for a place to start I recommend my courses one on how to be a youtuber and the other on how to present to camera well you know explore the many thousands of classes that they have and today we're going to be diving into submitting those of you who have been around the channel for a while you know that this is something I'd like to do I like to play with new art and creative mediums that I have no personal experience or familiarity with now I am familiar with knitting of course in that my mother-in-law is a very talented knitter let me show you my mother-in-law's beautiful work look at this she made these lovely dresses and cardigans oh my god I don't know I don't know how she does these patterns and like the delicate making of this stuff she doesn't know I'm like bragging about her knitting in this video you probably never saw this coming there are some really cool things I've seen online of like people making pop culture figures and really cool characters and chibi form or just really interesting ways that people have used knitting as their art form to express their creativity and I want to look into it today and see what it takes to just learn the baby steps I should probably expect that I won't be able to get very much done but I would like to see how much I can learn in one day and I'd like to take you along with me so I've got my needles I'm quite the adept chopstick ER so I'm feeling like that all served me well but I'm not working off of zero experience here because and let me tell you I've alluded to in this video so far my experience with finger knitting well when I first went to high school and I had no friends or many things to look forward to when I got home after school I used to do this I used to get I got a bowl of buh-buh-buh-buh-buh well I got a whole bowl of wool or yarn or whatever people call it and I did this this is this is my experience with finger knitting do you loop on your finger you do another leap you pull the loop over ya yank it down you pull it up and you repeat that look at that watch what oh now this isn't proper knitting obviously I mean okay I don't know if you can actually use finger knitting to make like things probably not all I knew how to do was make this which sort of looks like a braid it's sort of cool I guess I did set myself projects of like seeing if I kid thinking it a whole mole of wool and I did that one or two times in my time I didn't have any friends when I was a teenager I don't have many friends now hey yo I got a friendship bracelet I used to make a lot of these and not activity for someone without any friends I just wore them myself didn't give any to a friend if I did that probably would wear it probably high school was a dark time for me but we're gonna make it bright today with a bit of knitting and I'm going to see if I can at least learn how to make the beginnings of a scarf and I'm gonna start off by following these Skillshare courses for the very basics in fact I'm gonna see how many beginning needing classes I can find and follow those and then when I start to you know find the confidence and we'll see where we end up probably still on the beginning fathers I began with a course called intro to beginning knitting by Genevieve who was really great at getting into the basics he had a really friendly presentation and talked about the benefits of knitting on the go and there's a stress relief or a social exercise but also she pointed out that there's a resurgence in knitting lately as people realize that you can do a lot more than just knit clothes here are a bunch of really awesome knitting projects that I've just found looking around the internet it gives you an idea as to when people are obviously familiar with the medium they can do some really cool stuff with this from making characters to all sorts of different interesting sculptures and designs but anyway all that stuff is very fancy and I'm just a newb so I won't be attempting anything of that magnitude today I did find Genevieve's class really useful in learning the basics beginning with my first cast on which is apparently what the first row on the knitting needle thing is called and boy oh boy does knitting look simpler than it feels to actually try for the first time I am not a very patient person I'm the first one to admit that about myself and I did get quite frustrated at the early stages I have to admit but she did mention in the lessons that she prefers to not use metal needles and recommends using thicker wool for beginners and I was stupidly starting off on thin wool with long metal needles which is the opposite of what I probably should have so rather than saving my thick colorful fancy wolf at the end I switched to it to start off with who was my thicker wool and I also switch to my thicker bamboo needles which was short and simple to learn on now even with that change while it was easier the first row was excruciating ly awkward but the big plus here is I was actually making a row the thick wool was much easier to work with and as you can see already I've gotten a lot further than I did in my first attempt with slightly improper supplies for a beginner though moving to a new row was way more intimidating than it should have been after 3 or 4 stitches in the next row I was like ah there we go that's sort of understand this now so by the time I reached row 3 I actually start to feel a spark of confidence and the process from here was just really simply a process of repetition I had a feeling I'd be a lot more comfortable after smashing out a few dozen rows of stitches and so I just got stuck into it [Music] now there are also some really high-quality Skillshare original classes on knitting about you should check out - the first one is called knitting one learn the basics with a simple scarf which goes over the same thing of the lesson I mentioned before but with the addition of some extra techniques which I'm not quite up to yet at least in the period of time I have to work on my project today but is still really approachable for beginners including things like adding the cool optional fringe there the dangly bits at the end of the scarf that proper scarfs have another Skillshare original produced class is called what's new in knitting make your own clutch learn with wool and the gang and this is one of those classes where you can learn from the basics to produce something that you can actually use such as a clutch again not something I would personally actually use or even be able to make yet but worth mentioning because as you can see there are these really awesome channels to go through from the beginning stages of learning how to knit to creating actually usable things and then moving on to the more advanced classes on Skillshare of which there are quite a few yes who got the hang of and I feel like I felt when I discovered finger knitting the thing is now that I have to swing at it I'm really quite feeling that that mood kick in where I want to essentially do the whole thing and see how far I get oh my God look at that now just for context let's let's just flashback to the first road I actually had the front camera rolling and I just want to show you my expression and the pain on my face and the difficulty I had just dealing with the first row now flash forward to just in the last 10 minutes you'll see the expression on my face was totally different [Music] so I was gonna try and learn the basics and then try and learn a few more tricks and then come back and finish this thing off the I'm on a roll I'm on a bloody roll I'm just gonna keep going I'm gonna go as far as I can I'm going to leave maybe two hours at the end of the day to see after I've really gotten the hang of this and got the basics down to muscle memory and see how big I can make my scarf to see how that applies to other techniques see if I can learn a few stitches and see if I can even handle those metal needles with the thinner string I have to admit the more I got absorbed into this the more I lost track of time and just enjoyed my peripheral entertainment listening to audio books while I built and relaxed into the muscle memory of knitting row after row it became really easy to just enjoy zoning out in fact I even found myself feeling quite gleeful every time I was surprised by a bright color in my pattern coming along it was just like a really fun strangely relaxing process I loved it okay so it's been about five hours I have time flies are honestly you actually really zoned out I was just listening to audiobooks in getting sort of taken away to other places I can totally see how people would just do this in the background while watching your show or hanging out with friends so yeah I dig it I'm gonna say so much so that I was tempted to just keep going until I have a scarf to show you guys I'm pretty proud of myself this is more than I thought I'd be able to learn in one day I do have a couple of hours left in the day and I need to see what else I can learn in that period of time and also put my skills to the test and see if I can tackle the finer thread and the trickier needle so let's give that a gonna put my beginner needles or so how do you stash this away for later do you just like stab that now you probably don't do that maybe you just like oh look at that yeah you just roll it up neatly just pocket it when you're on the bus and then in public and when people they suspect it just whip it out but now it's time to say how far my skills have progressed I'm gonna come back to the tricky woolum the tricky sticks a little more advanced than I was ready to begin with but hopefully my skill levels have got me to a point where I can dabble with these and so I graduated to my metal needles and my thinner wool but before I could actually learn new stitches I had to learn a new slightly trickier cast on pattern the next class I followed was called knit and purl learn the foundations of making a ribbed scarf this was by Beth Thorogood she started off by showing a slightly more complicated cast on pattern which took me about ten minutes of really slow watching and rewatching of the slightly more complicated custom process to even figure out how to do it eventually after I'd done two successful loops so it finally clicked and I could complete the full rows funny how quickly things make sense when you understand how the actual stitch pattern works or whatever and then from there I just completed three rows of the knit stitch I'd become familiar with and then I was instructed to try a new stitch called the purl stitch which as you can see ended in me missing a loop and losing my place in screwing the whole thing up and starting again but in starting again I had a fresh start and as you can see I jumped into it with a lot more confidence because I knew how to do the cast on much more comfortably and by the time I got to learning the purl stitch again I was way more relaxed and confident and finally figured it out and as instructed for my mini project I alternated the rows between the two kinds of stitches that I'd learned to make a nice little pattern I did for myself forgetting that last kind of stitch I did by the time I moved to the next row so to help me remember I stuck some tape on one of the needles and mentally assign that to one of the stitch type so every time that Neil came along I just switched over to that stitch time sometimes it's good to give yourself little tricks and clues to help your slow newbie brain latch on to a process a little better so after my second round this is what I've ended up with and it is a much more refined pattern than I had previously alternating rib stitches and purl stitches I believe is what they call knit knit stitch and purl stitch not ribbed the ribbed thing is the alternating of the knit stitch and the purl stitch I learned that today I haven't done it yet because I I'm still figuring out the basics but hey you know what like that's pretty cool that's that's better than I expected I would be able to do by the end of today which i think is really cool but I do not like ending these videos without some sort of creative payoff so I'm gonna take my little project here in my little scarf work-in-progress and I'm gonna spend the next while working on it in the evenings while I've watched some shows with my wife and hang out with my kids my goal is by tomorrow morning or the next morning after that at the latest have a lovely warm scarf enjoy the payoff I'm just gonna go enjoy some reading so you can enjoy the payoff I'll be back to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha what I finished my scarf to be honest it's not as long as I would have hoped this as far as it as far as it went I didn't have any more wool to work with and I didn't know how to extend it anyway point is I successfully finished using up a whole bottle of wool and I have a scar but remember how I said I used to a finger niche a whole ball of wool as well when I was in high school well I took a liberté to do that I made this all one giant friendship bracelet and back in the day if I was feeling particularly crazy when I had this I used to do a double whammy that's right I figured knitted thinking it brain look at school God mad with power well I think it's clear to say that my knitting skills have come far in the last few days I've actually had a bit of fun learning I have a lot more respect for people who can actually make impressive stuff so if that's you well done because there's not me yet there's a lot of fun learning something new and if you guys are looking to learn something you make sure to check out the sponsor of this video skill share they have so many causes it's insane with over 29,000 classes and illustration drawing design animation and loads more even things like cross stitching a knitting stock market trading or 3d printing check out skill share you can get two months of free premium membership with a link in the card and in the description well that does it for this video everyone thank you so much for watching make sure to subscribe to draw with jazzer for more fun with art and creativity and trying new things from time to time as well hit like if you enjoyed it and check out the other videos over there in the meantime I'm gonna just go warm up and maybe make a bigger scarf
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,592,025
Rating: 4.9627123 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, knit, knitting, stitch, needles, sew, craft, sewing, scarf, cross stitch, wool, yarn, crochet, brochet
Id: 3U3xjbsM5kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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