Animating in Microsoft POWER POINT - It's ACTUALLY GREAT!?!

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my first ever animating experience was well i think everyone's first animating experiences in the corner of like your textbooks in school i think i did a video doing that and then i did a flip book but my first digital animating experience was actually in microsoft powerpoint so i'm going to crack open microsoft powerpoint can i animate in powerpoint today the same way or even at all like i did when i was 12. now i am using the sexy new canvas 16 but this is the 2021 edition which i'm pretty excited about and very excited to share with you as the sponsor of this video they've actually sent me their whole lineup the 16 13 and 12. so we'll get into that in a bit more detail later but a huge thank you to euron for sponsoring this video now something that you can apparently do in powerpoint now that you couldn't do when i started is draw oh my god that's good what that's good that's really good oh all right well we're gonna play with those features later i want to start off by showing you how i used to animate in powerpoint it was with paint and powerpoint so my first ever animation looked a little something like this there was a there was a bar like a rail a handrail thing that people walk on and a footpath something like that i'm going to save my rail as a picture and then i have it to come back to and just give myself a whole bunch of frames i'm going to do my stick figure pose let's do a skateboard i'm going to do a 3d skateboard there we go so now i'll select him when i put him here there look at that that's why i'm a professional animator copy boom isn't that better grab him again go back here it's very tedious copy paste next frame select grab move place select copy paste next frame go back select move resize place select copy paste express select move resize place click copy paste undo and select delete so i'm going to animate okay he's slipped and the skateboard's flipping up this way boom select copied boom that's some good motion skateboards flying off here select copy paste next frame your little motion lines there fly off screen and the final beautiful frame we've got the stick figures head cracked open just a real old mess of blood and gore and grab some pink there's some guts out here this was my childhood i mean that's pretty good but it's manually i i mean we don't want to do that that's not an animation i mean if every time you watched aladdin you had [Music] to you probably would watch many animations so let's figure out how to automate this and i know i figured out this in the past in fact just for context i didn't just do this this was the style of my first ever animations but once i'd figured this out i went crazy and i full on animated like a hundreds of frames mortal kombat fight i figured out how to add music i figured out how to add sound effects and i'm gonna do that again today but let's start off by figuring out how to get it to play itself i mean here's a thought let me duplicate the first slide can i crop there we go paste it's uh send to the back look at that i've got two separate things in the exact same position except this time animations he's gonna come in from the right hey all right what's next i want to auto frame thing advanced slides automatically is an option on mouse click after there is that's what that's it that's it you ready it worked perfectly this is so much better than i expected oh my god i could do so much with this and i'm gonna they come with sound effects push sound what's that sound like that's all right actually then on this frame let's play one of these yeah here we go you ready i am mind blown you can actually animate in powerpoint i can make cool stuff in this and so can you with a brand new lineup of huey on canvas tablets to pick from the canvas 12 13 and 16 tablets are the most affordable pen display tablets you can get the canvas 12 has an 11.6 inch screen for only 219 the canvas 13 13.3 inches for only 239. the canvas 16 2021 edition has 15.6 inches of screen for only 399 and oh by the way it comes in different colors you need to be able to express yourself baby 120 srgb 92 adobe rgb 88 ntsc color gaming the pentek 3 stylus has 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity they all have tilt support and full hd screen resolutions they all have customizable keys and loads of customization settings they come with a three in one cable so you don't have any clutter and they all plug in with usbc either into your mac or pc or into your android device many laptops can power the tablet directly with a single usbc cable which makes these tablets incredibly portable get it right in the back with a satchel that you take with you on the go or fit your professional very very portable tablet in your backpack and take it wherever you want the links are all in the description as well as all the details go check them out for yourself and we're going to put some of that pressure sensitivity to the test and we're going to make a mortal kombat fight we're open in photoshop not paint we're uh we're taking things to the next level i'm going to recreate to the best of my ability the mortal kombat style stick figure animation to the death that i made when i was 12. now remember the background i did was basically just like a grass like ground point i'm gonna take that a few levels beyond let's uh let's add some distance some mountains last but not least we have our grounds a little bit of texture on the edge it looks a little bit grassy it's nice it's a beautiful sunny summer day what could our characters possibly want to do more in this beautiful environment than fight to the death bring our background in here so all i need to do is copy and paste let's start off with a hundred frames straight first head something fairly symmetrical on the left here he's ready to fight his stand in there and this guy he's gonna be running in he's gonna charge him i mean i think i'm set up i'm ready to go it's montage time i get to offense i got you mad i get that when i get to her last get it then i'm never going back get it then i'm never going back i get to it first i got you mad i guess that when i get to it last get it then i'm never going back [Music] get it i'm never going back [Music] all right now i think i have an animation it spans 87 frames and it should loop now i'm not going to play it yet i need to add some finishing touches starting off with blood and actually there's not a lot of impact they actually sort of dodge each other a lot there's one here there you go okay so let's add some blood red let's bring our thickness down we have an impact splat here and then the next few frames the trick with blood is you want the start frame to be where the blobs sort of go out from the temptation is to sort of go along with it but you you sort of have to do both they have the impact splat which has to happen where the impact was and then there's sort of like a trail the trick is you just pick one dot and you just trail it through until it's completed and that way you just sort of go back pick the next bit there's my next bit just continue the trail back continue the trail and that's how you get a really dynamic splat there's different kinds of blood we've got the we've got the splat that we did and then this one's bit of a mist look at that there we go that's good that was good blood your point of impact always has to be nice and nice and aggressive would you guys be interested in how to animate blood video we're going to want to add frame timing i want some frames to hold a little longer let's go point five i think before the impact there that should have a little extra love too he should probably just be there chilling for a little bit so let's give him give him two seconds standing still there before the dude falls boom and then they're both in a resting position here i've got three seconds all right i think i've got my frame holds let's play and just see how the timing is there's the loop the pauses are a little awkward that's okay that's actually really good all right little adjustment and then we're pretty much there then we just gotta add sound effects let's go point two that's actually that's actually really good all right sound effects time oh my god what are our wishes like there you go there's a good one boom down i think that's pretty good for there here's our impact we need something chunky here what's voice all right we need some we need a good impact for this bit feels pretty right punch two need a little bit of a wind-up that's good we need another shock voice little like that's good big throw bush all right i think i have sound effects in place i have no idea if this is gonna work or what the timing is gonna be like but we're gonna experience it together for the first time oh my god this is really good it's perfect and the sound effects actually work really well like the timing's quite good they don't overlay well but the fact that they're cutting each other off like that is sort of working quite well it's subtle it's simple and it's actually really fluid this how good is that oh my god yes now look i've just scratched the surface here and if this is the tip of the iceberg i want your help to see how deep the iceberg gets i am gonna host a competition make an animation using only microsoft powerpoint you can use some external art programs like i did with the background and even like character pass or whatever it's up to you but make an animation using microsoft powerpoint and use the hashtag powerpoint animator on twitter for me to see your entries and i'll review them in a future video and i will pick one or more winners to win some really cool huion prizes it is a condition of your entry that you're gonna have to prove that you made the animation in powerpoint be it with a screen recording showing how you put it together or showing the end result like this with a bunch of the frames there and maybe picking one of them and showing the fact that it's all in there i want to see how far we as a community can push our powerpoint animation skills and see how good of an animation program this can be maybe you guys are going to be better at animating in powerpoint than me or just have some really fun and inventive ways to even use the animations effects for objects or characters that you put into powerpoint submit it using that hashtag the details on the deadline are down below a huge thank you to huion for sponsoring this video but also that competition so if you want a chance to win some great huion prizes i'll keep what they are a secret until later because i don't i want to see your genuine creativity not based on what you think you're gonna get but i think it's gonna be really fun to also see what people can create and uh share that together otherwise that is it for this video like this video if you enjoyed our little journey a little experiment and subscribe for more fun with art animation creativity and loads more there are more videos over there you're bound to enjoy if you enjoyed this one and this was quite a treat and i'm glad to have experienced this with you here today that is it for now thank you for watching and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,746,611
Rating: 4.9684825 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: 4o87hxmiurc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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