I Played Skyrim's Release Build in 2023

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after years of searching I have finally found the original release version build of Skyrim this is Todd Howard's perfect uncompromised vision of the game and of course it's going to be perfectly balanced with no exploits glitches or bugs now Todd has personally told me there is nothing wrong or imbalance with Skyrim after all it just works it's not I'm not kidding and I trust him because he has never lied I'm so confident of this fact that if I even run into a single exploit buggle glitch I will lower my character's maximum HP by 5 meaning if we run into a bunch of them the game is going to become impossible the goal of today's video is simple beat Skyrim and of course enjoy a bug-free gaming experience because I'm sure this will be a polished Masterpiece before we begin I want you to go into the comments section and predict how many of these features we encounter today of course the number's going to be zero because this is a perfect game right now that we're all sad comfortable let's begin a brand new adventure in Skyrim oh my goodness I'm so excited it has been so long since I've played the release build of Skyrim literally 11 years and here we are refers to game studios presents oh gosh it's it's the game we all know and love oh what is it presenter what are you presenting me with Skyrim glorious glorious Skyrim oh it's here and it's beautiful look at this oh it's just oh oh oh okay settle down settle down okay um I guess uh I would say that is a bit of a bug but as the game hasn't technically started yet I'm not going to add that to the list that's Todd's opening act it's a bit of pizzazz okay also I haven't even made a character yet so I have no idea how that would work but anyway we're in the game it's wonderful look at those look at that Wildlife not get too close please little carriage man yes I was trying to cross the border I did walk into that Imperial land Bush yes all right here we go oh low care of Roar extent you're beautiful I can tell you back in 2011 this was insane imagine walking through here seeing that mountain and being like okay okay we're seeing that mountain and going yeah I'm gonna go to that mountain it's crazy it's wonderful what an experience this is going to be but yes as I said this is the release build of the game meaning this is the uncompromised vision of Todd Howard no one else has come in here tried to patch it with their nonsense no this is the perfect game played exactly the way it was intended anyway we are just stuttering our way over into Helgen this is wonderful how very exciting this is going to be oh yes look at all these guards of Helgen wonderful uh there's General talius oh it's so exciting now of course if we encounter bugs and glitches this game is going to get progressively more and more hard and potentially become outright impossible because I might have to set my maximum HP to zero meaning I just die instantly but provided we don't run into too many bugs or glitches we should be able to beat the game oh calm down horsey calm down it's all intended don't worry all right let's go and make ourselves a character now today I'm going to be playing Skyrim in the most Skyrim way possible meaning of course we have to play a barbarian Nord okay rayloff gone give it give it a run give it a run okay come on you can do this yes Loki I believe in you he actually might be able to make it because you know this is the OG version of the game we'll see okay nope he died and actually that was fine okay right we're next let's make our character all right let's go for the classic default Nord the most basic Nord imaginable he's gonna be Nord nordinson the most naughty Nord who ever lived a true son of Skyrim I know I did adver right over to the headsman block we go it's time to get ahead lobbed off and saved by a dragon all right one stone cloak man is uh going up to sacrifice himself meanwhile this Stone plug man just can't stop smiling I mean I don't know what's funny about having your best friend be executed in front of you but um yeah what can I say 2011. this dude on the far left gets it that's the expression I'd have when someone had their head logged off anyway he is dead right next up is me in the racks wonderful all right come on up we go time to get my head lobbed off hello everyone goodbye world I mean hopefully the game doesn't actually glitch and the dragon doesn't spawn in and the Executioner does actually lob off my head I'd be most embarrassing anyway here's aldwin yay he's come to save me that's not in the clouds it's on the tower my friend jeez I know hello lovely Dragon oh nice little grumpy scream right well um it's time for me to flee and the game crashed well that's glitch number one that's five HP loss right well I've got some news apparently there was an auto save after the Character Creator so we don't have to go through all of that again uh but yes I will have to now lower my HP by five because I've made my character that was definitely an unintended Todd feature but I'm sure that was just a rare one uh this is of course the most polished game of the year so um should be fine all right here we go Aldrin is coming back again hopefully this time he's not coming back to crash my game um so dropped out another quick save just in case oh it happens again God damn it all right let's go again okay I'm back and oh it's crashed again okay um goddamn aldoin I came back for another attempt here we go we're loading in slightly earlier um you might notice everything looks worse that's because I've lowered the settings of the graphics not only for a more you know release window actually accurate Skyrim but also because apparently it makes the game Run better certainly makes everyone look a lot uglier all right well let's see how this is gonna go okay that horse is now just levitating well that's fine that's a nice feature honestly this is pretty accurate to how I first played Skyrim it was definitely with this level of Graphics qualities because uh my computer in 2011 was uh was not good this is effectively like my release window experience all right come on Skyrim don't crash this time I believe in you Todd those were just hiccups tiny tiny unexpected hiccups now here comes the dragon I can definitely hear some clipping I'm not too sure what that clipping is I think it's the body that I'm standing on right anyway hey Aldrin please shout in a way that doesn't crash the game okay that's a nice start that's a nice start okay we're off to a cracking stop and we're away we're away told the game hasn't crashed right let's get up oh my goodness come on let's go rail off okay first things first let's drop down to save and run into the keep we go flee flee we're in oh my goodness we made it oh hey y'all that was crazy all right off on our journey we go let's let's try and Escape up we go can't move that no Stormcloak soldier oh he was my favorite and now he's dead rest in peace poor soul oh I won't forget you friend I got your face what's wrong with your face we don't look like that sir okay right well um let's jump through the roof and keep going we jump our lovely I forget I need to actually lower my maximum HP so the game crashed three times which means I need to Now set my maximum HP to 85 okay so we're ready off to a pretty poor quality start so I have to open up my console and I have to select player set Health 85 this is going to set my new maximum health to 85 um uh which means you know we're more vulnerable to damage but that's okay right having you've got to get over here boy come on there you go watch out there's aldwin over there and he's grumpy all right let's get out of here ahead bro goodbye Edwin you scary man all right we've got to stay close to this wall as poor man in front of me that just material Airlines is about to die rest in peace aldwin is spooky poor guy oh I've taken a little bit more damage and it's bad still no bugs this is good this is actually really good this is some clean gameplay let me quickly get out of here because there's a grumpy Dragon takes a lot to kill a monster a lot more than just arrows except in the time when it does actually oh he's aiming with fire ow that's actually really painful jeez right okay I've gotta run oh no the man just died okay I'm I'm not gonna go with rail off everyone knows that's a bad idea oh okay I just accidentally back walked into Helgen right we made it out of our we made it okay so from here on out I've now got to escape the keep bind an elder scroll kill multiple dragons we just have to defeat the entire game adverb together together okay there's a light helmet some gold nice nice nice and I'll grab an iron sword as well as this wooden chest all right lovely so we've got a bunch of equipment now let's actually equip our character right I'm going to uh Jewel wield these swords yeah that's a good idea okay and I have encountered what might be a bug or a glitch I can't use my Mouse to select any of these menu options I have to use ws and D but I don't think that's a bug I think that must be intentional Todd Howard wisdom design because he wants to make the game more immersive and by that slightly more challenging and annoying right come on let's go Advil we're on a journey together forever again if we go up into a lovely skill tree we can see that yes our maximum HP is set to 85. yep that is all we get to work with for the moment of course when we level up we can sing some more points into it but um for the moment we can't right there's some Stormcloaks over here maybe we can resume them you know you can't reason with Stormcloaks everyone knows that right there we go we found them it's time for some of that riveting Skyrim combat let's go press Mouse 2 to block uh I can't do that Todd I'm Jewel wielding right come on hit him Todd yes they're dead right die storm cloak Soldier oh advert wow what rivet in combat we did it okay we actually killed our first set of enemies you know what I'm gonna grab that Iron Warhammer why not they're really high down damage and also some fur gauntlets I don't have any gauntlets right switching over to that Iron Warhammer popping on my fluffy gauntlets and yep I am looking good oh we are looking ready Nord nordinson he's beautiful all of his lovely pixels oh watch out for that into the little store room we go what have we got in here more storm cloaks right um let's hit him with my giant hammer ow my stamina's low but anyway hey one hit was good one hit was really good oh and I actually killed a man right bam on I got a good hit on him he's got a nice hit on me but hit him with another one right and then we block there we go oh we they're lovely now that's that's combat all right come on Advil let's go oh head up okay I saw what you did with that door advert I'm sorry but that is definitely a glitch oh my health had VAR okay right well that's uh that's glitch number four so set TV maximum health it's down to 80. adver I hate you okay okay let's help for me all right into the torture room we go uh where there's some torturing happening let's kill that Stormcloak soldier bam you're dead let's kill this Stormcloak soldier they're dead as well wonderful and I got some experience as well lovely jubbly because I'm not becoming a wizard it is not the Nord way to be a wizard everyone knows the true Nord just simply sticks to hitting stuff with a big stick anyway I'm gonna continue on with our adventure we've got to escape hadwell please catch up to me at some point now is not the time to be Dilly dallying you somehow gave me 12 lock picks despite me being all the way over here but I appreciated nonetheless advert all right in here it should be a bunch of storm cloaks um yep there they are some of them have literally just materialized in front of me in fact there are meant to be archers over there but they're not even able to render in because I've set the graphic the arrows cat I guess right there you go you die and you die yes Nord nordington we're nodding so hard right now all right so we've got some archers over there let me just quickly run my way over introduce them to my nodding time out don't hit me with your arrows I'm not billed for arrows right boom keep on bumping keep bumping keep bumping yeah there we go nice Power Attack nice Power Attack yeah you take out that bow and arrow let's see what that does to you yes oh our first cinematic kill wonderful we just introduced him to the ground Blended stuff that was a lovely success all right so onwards we go with our adventuring let's use this lever what Todd what is this about let me use the lever opt what is going on don't okay uh Todd that's going on to the list phasing through the floor and reality is not allowed Todd okay Todd I now have to lose more Health toddler with five glitches in and I haven't even left Helgen yet I'm down to 75 life for goodness sake Todd let's continue on with our adventure provided I can get some levels in we should be okay or we'll be fine so I'm just going to pass some time can I do that okay over there is a bear um which I guess I can kill you know what I might as well I should try and kill the bear um when it renders in there we go there's the bear I know what they look like all right um we should be able to kill the bear if the bear decides to stand on the floor bear okay this is one of the spare special Todd bears that is definitely one of the kill animations of all time oh dear right well the Bear's Dead uh that was a success I guess you can now um leave Helgen behind us oh what a lovely Journey all right to Skyrim we go look at this Play-Doh dragon and that we are padva wonderful oh wait there he goes aldwin evil dragon evil evil dragon very naughty but yes wonderful we've actually escaped which means we're on to um the kind of start of our story from here on out we now need to go over to Helgen and uh then go into Bleak Falls Barrow right so we're going to briefly go and grab those stones of power over here and then we're going to probably go straight to Bleak Falls Barrow to grab the Dragonstone as there's not really much of a point of me skipping it right I've made my way over to the sigil Stones I've grabbed up the warrior Stone and I guess I'm now on my way with hadvah to Riverwood and then after that I'll be climbing my way up into Bleak Falls Barrow although I suppose I can actually grab a follower first yeah I can grab the uh the wood elf Archer man it'll be useful to have a companion as I go adventuring in there because otherwise it can get as smooth age dangerous now some of you might be complaining that I am playing on the lowest Graphics possible however this is actually necessary because in the release build of Skyrim if you play with any graphics higher than low your game will just crash a lot more often so um yes this is Todd Howard's actual Vision to have the greatest Visual and gaming experience possible anyway just killed some wolves lovely we're all getting kind of close to actually leveling up for the first time which is good because then I'll be able to get some Maximum Health back imagine that I could get up to a maximum health of oh 85. oh wouldn't that be wonderful anyway lovely I've made my way to Riverwood what a wonderful location everyone's favorite spot because you know the accidentally killed a chicken and then the entirety of the human race is suddenly chasing them down for mass murder yes it's good to be here and ah here is alvor hey out for advert said you could help anyway Alva wants me to go up to White Run which I can do but uh first I'm gonna loot him for all of his stuff and then grab that Dragon Stone all right carrots and beef this is kind of useless but the iron Ninja it I'll NAB potions of healing and the ring why not thank you very much brilliant stuff oh this steel Shield appears to be clipped into a table however I just lost 5 HP because you can't place a goddamn steel shield on the floor right health is now set to 70 because of this stupid Shield clipping into the terrain oh dear anyway I'm gonna speak to Sven about this whole feindell thing gosh Sven your face is incredible right so my current mission is to find FanDuel and basically tell him about this letter and hopefully he should become a companion of mine anyway Sven wanted me to deliver this letter to Camilla and say it was from you alright so I will now give Camilla a letter and say it's from Sven brilliant stuff it's his exactly normal human behavior where we are just being horrible to everyone anyway into the trade as we go so Camilla here is a letter uh Camilla I have a letter for you from Sven yes he does right so we've basically ruined sven's chances of love and I think fiendl uh and that's a big fan quite happy oh Vader will even give me some gold for it and I can say hey follow me I need your help and there we go it is as easy as that I just helped him on his quest for love and he is now here to assist I mean technically from this point on we can be very cheeky we can pay him to train Us in archery and then we can just take the gold that we pay him out of his own Pockets uh however I would not be abusing that exploit Todd did not want me to and so I will choose to ignore that it exists you think I'm fuzzy what's wrong with me look I'm sorry it's the low Graphics quality I can't control it anyway I'm going to grab FanDuel and we're going to go on an adventure up to Bleak Falls Barrow that's right it's Nord adventuring time fainter where are you oh there you are you're just slow finder why do you have so many problems just navigating basic terrain features I mean it's I guess this is all stuff that God eventually patched and altered from Todd's Divine Vision direwolf ah lovely good fun ping and level up we leveled up fandom FanDuel lever up you know what that means I might be at 70 Health now but I can increase it I can increase it yeah yes I do believeful's bar is just over there and I think inside this building there's some Bandits who we might as well murder because their additional experience and I need to test out my new ability to do some thumping so whoop her thump and another thump all right let's get looting seven gold thank you very much that's all I need right over here we go oh there's a man with a bow and arrow thump you're dead oh there we go in our light armor increased as well good stuff at oh big thump that's a nice Bonk such an iconic area in Skyrim truly magnificent and even on the lowest graphical settings this place looks amazing now that's what you call Art design anyway up here I go where are the enemies there is one oh you've got an ax I've got a hammer mine is better oh and there's a bandit well pump our punch there's now an arrow sticking out to me but that's okay I'm sure it will just fall off eventually there's another enemy actually quick over I go fendle shoot them shooting Vandal good job FanDuel you're injuring him oh you've got him fine little oh no that's the kind of team play you like to see well done fiendl all right so into the temple we go I've increased the act of fade distance hopefully we'll crash the game uh but now we can see those Bandits over there they don't just materialize out of thin air all right let us um go and Waltz our way over there with a little bit of sneaking okay and uh we've been detected what punch what punch there we go we're doing good and run run run and swing and swing lovely stuff we are making some good Swift progress come on FanDuel haven't got time for Slow Coaches my friend we've got a game to beat oh here's a bandit about to activate the lever you know what you go do it friend what's the worst that could happen I believe in you you pull that switch Vandal no faintel he's pulling the lever FanDuel he's going die anyway okay you didn't have to do that FanDuel now he's not dead right okay let's murder him and he's dead now that was a good thud right now I'm gonna have to go through this trap and feindal does have to follow me and I'm hoping he doesn't trigger this trap so FanDuel please keep an eye out for that trap feinder you idiot fiend you absolute idiot right you can give this another go give this another go come on over come on over fatal don't set off the Trap Fain dog zero brain cells bless you fendle bless you if at first you don't succeed step on the Trap again and again 90 certain that's an enemy yep you're dead and I leveled up I've leveled up I've leveled up yes we did it fandral right so um I won't lie FanDuel I don't have the most health so I'm gonna say hey I need you to do something final I'm going to need you to walk through the axes and activate that chain there for me please friend that would be wonderful I believe in you faint uh you might want to run through or you can walk to that works too vandal come on your job is pretty simple pull the lever Vandal vendle Vandal pull the lever fend or stop carrying on the floor like an idiot well a fanduel's gone now uh I hope he comes back pain though all right let's run proof oh I can just walk through it well um I don't know where fanduel's gone he's he's kind of left our plane of existence so annoyingly I do have to lose some health there that's another Skyrim feature so my health now goes down to 85. okay oh and here's a Restless droga Okay so this is actually meant to be one of the more challenging fights but I will do my best to just hammer away at him and there we go he is dead wonderful and I can wait some time to pass and his Vandal back Fain door's back baby hey fendle still here it's nice to know you're still here FanDuel you're such a supportive little guy into the bleakful sanctum we go once again another set of dangerous things FanDuel let me activate this there you go you're safe now FanDuel and uh just some zombies to clean up there we go and the game Crash great back in the boat right well uh the game crashed so that means later set AV Health eight zero Yep this is going to make fighting uh the actual boss of this area relatively challenging but hey the game crashed uh there's literally nothing I can do to stop it but yes faintel and I will continue our journey Todd if only that hadn't happened we would be in a very very strong place right now I know he quickly run through here activate the chain so feignal doesn't die and let's kill my way through all of these zombies there we go oh we're also getting close to leveling up there we go up to level 34. oh how could you hit me from there jeez okay my health is actually getting relatively low but I'll be Swift and good job nordington lovely all right we are very close all right into the sanctum we go we have got a wonderful fight ahead of ourselves would you look at that I know FanDuel it's glorious it's a word wall oh and that's a stream I don't know what a fool I do not want to fall right let's go um absorb a word yes for I am the doverkin and I will learn oh and here comes our evil Big Boy anyway I can hit you with a big attack yes and oh easy peasy lemon squeezed you are dead off we go right off we go to White Run let us jiggle our way over there um via jumping oh there's an animal in front of me come on let me get it with a great sword why can't I hunt a deer with a giant great sword that's that's not accurate oh wow look at that there just go away what a magical little being no there's a wolf over there Mr deer watch out watch out okay it's fine he can't aggro for some reason and there's white run in front of us look at that wonderful place yeah it's gonna be nice to get back over there it's been far too long since I visited and I can hear some wolves I hope Randall can see him where's this wall fendle where's the wolf he's aggroed onto us but he doesn't quite know where to go and there's a man on the road watch out random man random band you've got him actually we can do it together oh it's Towers guard The Wanderer but yes we've made our way to a Whiterun look at it in all of its lovely play-dohy glory and the kajuta here and here are the horses oh horses in the release build of Skyrim oh you guys were so balanced how much gold do I have 899 how much is a horse one thousand okay well let's go over um I'll save up some money and then I'm getting a horse because a horse could be incredibly good okay God please open the door please you want unlock unlock it using magical powers there we go it's open wonderful okay I want to check something but let me double check so if I walk into this wall here do I yep okay I just got into the map right damn it Todd oh it works in this game as well of course it does all right let me quickly call let me up me free right Todd apparently that feature Works in all versions of Skyrim so it is time for me to lower my HP down to 75. life is suffering anyway let's go deliver this Dragonstone because I'm so excited to unlock the full force for a dark because in this version of the game it can send the physics engine crazy anyway right let's go have a chat to the yard hello hello Griff I did I saw the dragon yo belgriff is about to ask me to go click the Dragonstone but hey I'm one step ahead of you yo bowling all right hit me with them details oh you want the dragon Stone oh well it doesn't happen to be this Old Stone yes I'm Cut From a Different Cloth I'm Nord nordinson the greatest Nord that ever n ordered what about my reward yes I would like my gold pay me pay me because I'm So Glorious why the children in this meeting about a dragon attacking the city what are you doing here boy boy why don't you teleport the boy can teleport okay that's a toad feature God damn it it's okay health is now down to 70. because the child could warp between realities okay so I now have to go and fight a dragon with at maximum 70 Health oh dear all right let's go fight a dragon right it's time for me to kill a dragon that's right it's our first little dragon come on over FanDuel we've got some murdering to do hello iralef we're all here now let's go and fight a dragon we need to know what's that dragon oh there was a glitch airlift was talking twice I heard you the voice lines duplicated there left you can't lie to me great well that's another glitch literally right away okay that's exactly what you love to see so that means my health is going down another five down to 65. okay hopefully we should be on track for a level up soon enough otherwise um airlift you are going to be the death of me okay right Dragon hopefully a nice glitchless dragon fight that's what I'm looking for nothing too crazy right here comes our Dragon ah look at him oh he's so cool oh it's been so long since I've fought a dragon in Skyrim it's gonna be wonderful just drop down a quick save because you never know when the game's going to crash right okay hello Dragon friend please fly around and get shot at by people yes yes right up you're gonna stand there fine don't do what you need to do I will try and lightning zap the dragon come down Dragon Land for me you coward I can't lightning zap you up there right there we go fantastic I can lightning zap you here lightning lightning bolt lightning bolts oh my goodness you do do a lot of damage but here we go we'll get our Sparks in Vendor you best be attacking my friend all right quickly pop a healing potion there we go one quick heal complete fly around mere more near ah yes you're going to land for me thank you but let me try and get a big hit in actually with our great sword okay come on Power Attack good Power Attack good Power Attack good Power Attack good Power Attack yes two-handed level up right big Power Attack nice oh my goodness we even got a level up in right a little bit more lightning damage we'll get him yet get some one-handed hits in come on murder him murder him he's almost dead oh we've done it we killed the dragon wonderful oh and there were no glitches and we even leveled up so I get 10 HP back let us absorb the dragon soul yummy yummy yummy yummy yummy dragon soul mmm tasty Vandal very tasty wonderful right immediately let's sync our upgrade points into health so my health nut goes back up to 75. oh this is wonderful fantastic we did it airlift I absorbed a dragon are you not proud of me who's this single man running over here why aren't God were you late to the party friend we were fighting a dragon for goodness sake a dragon I tell you oh you're the Dragonborn what do you mean you absorbed the dragon's power why don't God how would you be aware of that I I absorbed it over here and you were like in a different postal code right well that was successful so I'm going to go back to Whiterun and get myself my lovely reward and then after that in order to progress the main quest as fast as possible we're going to be making our way over to the high elf Embassy as that's going to allow us to basically bypass all of the nonsense up there with the gray beards up speaking of which they have just shouted for me to go and say hello to them yep that was nice and uh loud hello y'all was the dragon there yep I did we killed it and it turns out I'm the Dragonborn so yes the grave it's wanted wonderful what does any of this Nord nonsense have to do with our friends here and if there's no nonsense prevent us I'm Nord nordinson geez come on I am the Dragonborn it's time for me to fast travel now um there's a chance that the fast traveling breaks down because the original release build of Skyrim had a memory leak that for some reason got 7 000 times worse if you use the uh Carriage but that's fine uh I'm sure it's gonna work out great so please take me to Solitude my life is in your hands and by that I mean my potential Max HP and we made it without the game crashing bjolum it's a Christmas miracle my friend oh oh you'll not be all them anymore you're the man who sounds identical to the olymp are these Carriage drivers anyway I need to find one little item before I make my way up to the falmore Embassy damn it Skyrim that's okay it's going okay everything's fine I just know that all of the boss fights are gonna get progressively harder and harder and that there's not really much point of being able to reach the final section of the game if you're still gonna get murdered by the dragon in one hit still right I've got to drop my HP so I was 75 so player dot set AV 70. right down we go into the pits all of the low quantities of Health exactly what I wanted right so oh and of course yes it's the execution oh Uncle Roger no it's getting executed on this day I go to Sovereign God sorry Rogue there I've been there before you're not there goodbye could I have it oh nice head oh there's a little Amulet of Talos I can uh take that yoink well that was indeed one of the executions of all time we're just not gonna stand around here now nope nope we've remembered that there's life to do anyway I can now equip that lovely Talos amulet that means I can now shout more let me quickly wait for this shop to open up all right bits and pieces hopefully you've got exactly the thing I need and the thing I'm looking for is uh literally just a plate oh they have it wooden plate here we go free gold value yoink you're gonna help me beat the game friend I drop down a quick save this is good the wooden plate is one of the strongest weapons in the entirety of Skyrim now I am aware that effectively in order to bypass a large chunk of the main story I'm gonna have to do one exploit however I think losing life to one exploit is better than potentially doing a bunch of other quests and running into far more bugs and glitches so yes this is a sacrifice that needed to be done it had to be this way anyway Way by Wolfie you were just very immediately cooked Blended stuff and it crashed God damn it Skyrim more life lost right I've done some more research and it turns out that a memory leak is triggered when you fast travel at any point in this early version of the game so uh we are now no longer able to fast travel or use the carriage because at several minutes after doing so the game will end anyway right I need to blow my HP once again even lower play dot set AV Health we are back down to 65. oh my goodness this means in order for me to do the falmor embassy glitch I'm gonna have to go down to 60 life we are pulling exceedingly close to lesson No Game No god damn it dot this can't be it please we can't just be on an endless chain of crashing though right once again we continue once again we lower our life even further down to 60 HP player.set AV Health 6D okay this is all the life we get to work with I will drop down this save and I will run off into the distance and I will live I choose life all right so I'm going to set our life now down to 55 player.set AV Health 55 there we go okay we are definitely losing life we're almost halfway there and I will now attempt to fast travel as means to reset whatever is in the environment causing a crash because there's a chance it's some kind of like weird creature spawning in some kind of wolf whatever it is in that instance it was causing the game to crash so we're going to give this another go come on game I believe in us we've just gotta get past this gate was it because I was running it's running the issue let me put my weapon away and just walk that's what we'll do we'll just gently jog yes my new Superstition is walking it's been the main course right cool just stick to the road stick to the road okay this is where we previously were crashing so progress indeed we may yet live okay right well um that appears to have fixed our problem absolutely brilliant all right let us just do it oh for goodness sake okay there is something up on that road that is causing the crash to trigger and so my plan is to just bypass it using a mixture of two things number one I'm going to lower the act of fade in an object fade in this way things have to actually be closer to me in order to be rendered which I think might fix that issue at the same time I am going to have to lower my health now down to 50. that's right we are now down to half the starting life total and action number three is very simple I am going to attempt to fly past my problems using the age-old method of wooden buckets down over here in cuddler's farm is a very big heavy wooden bucket here it is it's uh completely fine to just be taken away and that's exactly what we will do we will take this bucket all right so I'll drop down a quick save and now my plan is to try and fly up that mountain I'm not too sure how effective this is going to be but step one is to place bucket on ground and the games Crash oh God Todd why okay right I have modified the game even further to lower the object draw distance and just basically strip the game of any quantity of objects rendering in because I think that's our major issue here some kind of weird physics bug going on so yeah objects are now on the lowest draw render possible and our health is now down to 45 but before I set my health down to 45 I'm going to attempt to do the bucket Shenanigans so I will just drop the bucket on the floor fantastic and if I stand in the bucket um I should be able to hold on to the bucket come on knock over the bucket okay it appears uh because of the settings of the game I'm on the physics aren't actually enabled for the bucket which means I can't even bucket fly I can't [ __ ] fly what's the point of having a bucket if I can't fly with it let me Drop It Go on physics work okay nope the game actually refuses to bucket flow because of the incredible low settings I'm playing on right anyway let's lower the health to 45 there we go drop down our save and let's make our way up to the falbor Embassy once more hopefully we make it up the road oh my goodness in the very least it's gonna make it easier to work out which spots we have to avoid I mean we should hopefully be able to make it up to that wolf again is my hope so um yeah let's give it a try we can make our way up and look we don't even need help 45 helps enough to beat the game right right I'm sure the final boss doesn't hit for more than two two damage yes please please don't oh God right so here's the wolf yep it materializes in front of us and dies and oh no that's equate like a tenth of my health points well that's a problem let's drop down to save we are now past the wolf that is progress up the hill we go up the hill up the hill I'm wondering if I have to raise the uh game settings in order to let me use the plate glitch to get through the wall I mean there's a chance to wall just won't even render so I suppose that helps oh God that would have crash we're down to 40 life we're down to 40 life all right Welcome Friends um our health is now going down to 40. as now our new maximum health pool and I'm going to try and make my way up the mountain without going over there and triggering in the spawning that is for some reason crashing my game so yep I'm now trying to find another way up the Solitude Mountain Escape uh actually wait I know a way to do this oh my goodness of course there's the simplest and easiest way to do all of this with a horse Yep this actually makes brilliant sense okay we're fast traveling I know I said we wouldn't fast travel because this was a dangerous and terrible idea but we actually need to go and get ourselves a horse so first things first we make our way over to the White Run stables and then hello skova skova I need to buy a horse from you here you go here's a thousand gold that is literally all of my money and um yes here is my horse Nord nordinson's horse on we go wonderful it's a beautiful horse he's a majestic boy and and come on let me let me out of here let me out there we go wonderful Blended okay we are now going to fast travel our way right back over to Solitude and now using creative horse physics let me drop down to save I'm hoping we should hopefully be able to deal with any mountain right so over here we go up onto the road where we fought the wolf and now we are going to begin operation horse physic by mounting the mountain okay we just went through the mountain Todd I got a second Todd no it wasn't meant to be like that oh God okay right we're definitely gonna be losing uh some life for this one this is uh not normal okay up we go tied up the woo geez horses are so much more powerful than the base game than they are in the current edition look at these guys go vertical Cliff space no problemo physical walls also no problem these guys are incredible right up we go and ladies and gentlemen in front of us now it's the falmore embassy made it you know what I don't even know if we need the plate glitch let's just see if the horse works right come on horsey do your thing make the walls useless actually we might even be able just to jump it okay horsey can you jump the wall and see if you can do to do and jump oh you kind of can jump come on horsey jump yes horsey jump jump for victory horsey oh my goodness this actually feels like we're making it hang on a second horsey yes oh my goodness this is incredible this is actually amazing yes horsey yes wait why is the wall solid all right okay apparently this wall is uh solid here so um horsey we're just gonna continue doing some wiggling over here and hopefully the next wall we run into isn't a solid object um come on horse up we go scale the skies the metaphysical limitations of the universe have never stopped us before okay maybe if I go around to the front gate it's going to let me in right can we clip up into the wall oh my that that kind of worked something's going on here come on horsey come on horsey new physics new physics are being unlocked new potential physical movements all right okay up onto the roof up onto the roof here we go here we go okay Jesus game look come on you want to let me in I know you do I know you do right let's Dismount the horse okay and come on come on just like this let me in okay no apparently not I'm so close to being let in right well horsey you're incredible I'm Gonna Keep you here uh because your physical abilities are insane and I'm afraid I'm going to have to divulge using a plate however of course you did clip through the terrain here and I'm about to clip through the terrain again which means in total we have encountered Two glitches so that's not very good at all anyway let's grab this lovely plate uh hold it against the wall where's my plate gone come back plate all right drop down my plates come on let's do some Physics some quick physics in we go into the wall come on let me in Todd let me in you know you want to I have some foulmore over there hello fell more where's my plate going falmo where's my plate gone oh no no Todd you've taken my plate away Todd no and run come on run Run come on game Todd you can generally think it's because I'm playing on such a low level Graphics quality no it doesn't matter okay just needed to hit the right spot it would seem so after plate glitching my way into the far more Embassy my plan was to of course uh die repeatedly to the overpowered guards this is all thanks to my health being super low because some guy couldn't finish a game eventually I was able to steal the reports on the blades and the dragons now this whole process is a very popular speedrunning strategy in Skyrim as it skips several slow missions you don't have to meet the Gray beard you don't have to introduce yourself to Delphine you can skip all of that grab these documents and then go reform the blades however it seems that this speedrunning tactic does not work on the release build of the game and was in fact added in later by the developers because instead of Delphine meeting me at her in she is instead trapped downstairs in an inaccessible basement that I can't even play Glitch my way into and because I can't speak to her I can't progress the quest and go meet as burn it's safe to say that Todd has managed to beat me my one goal was to finish the game before all the crashes made it impossible but in my attempt to speed past it I've been punished by Todd and become hard locked out of the main quest entirely you have bested me Howard you cruel Master still there's one thing I want to try before we finish and that is to ride a dragon very simply I'm going to uh fast travel my way all the way over to Dawnstar there we go Dawnstar discovered now I must head off in this direction in order to head to the skyborne alto where we are about to partake in some Shenanigans yes is this Giant mountain in front of us that we're going to try and scale but if we've learned one thing about horses it's that they're perfectly designed for vertical slopes oh and there are some wolves on me a quick run horsey horse they can be distracted by this building over here yes yes come on vigilance of standard kill the Wolves after me please thank you very much those lovely vigilance thank you all right anyway I'll just begin the natural vertical Ascent of the horse oh my goodness look at this super horse what a wonderful thing it is indeed coming up super horse we've got a long journey ahead of us I had fantastic I've made my way all the way up here and you'll notice there's that lovely dragon head on the top of the screen yep that is the altar where we are headed our appear to be getting chased by a wolf well luckily wolves can't follow me into the sky yes there we go wolf you have no power here for I can fly all right so this might take a couple of attempts but just beneath us uh is a dragon and if we are able to land our horse successfully onto the dragon then we should be able to go to space so I will just quickly oh dear die hahaha oh dear that's a bit embarrassing all right let's give that another attempt all right quickly jump off and on to Dragon nope I miss the Dragon okay get another try oh dude right there we go we've landed on the dragon we died instantly oh dear gently there we go sneak up behind the dragon okay now now we're in the spot for it right walk on to the dragon yes yes as it's working fly Todd fly my pretty we did it we flew on a dragon it's magical so very magical oh and there we have it ladies and gentlemen the life of Nord nordinson the greatest Nord that ever nought it has unfortunately come to an end because my One goal of attempting to beat the main quest of Skyrim it turns out is impossible and with that it turns out Todd Howard was wrong Skyrim is not a perfectly balanced game with no exploits because it turns out 90 of the game doesn't even function at release I am of course grateful for Todd for creating the greatest game that ever invented but at the same time please Todd it doesn't just work it really doesn't wait how am I still alive it's a Christmas miracle okay I take it back Todd it does work I'm sorry for besmirching your name praise to Todd ladies and gentlemen in the comment section please leave a message praising our Lord and savior Todd so that one day Elder Scrolls sick might be released in our grandchildren's lifetime and I'm afraid that's all for now if you enjoyed today's video and hey if you maybe want to see more adventures in the Skyrim release build maybe even live then give me a shout a huge thank you for liking today's video of course a massive thank you for being subscribed and as always the biggest of cheers to our lovely Majestic sausages to our YouTube channel members and patreons who are generously funding our wonderful exploits as always I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,599,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, Can I Beat Skyrim, Can I Beat Skyrim's Release Build, skyrim release, NO Glitch Challenge, glitch, challenge, impossible challenge, the spiffing brit, can you beat skyrim, skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim challenge, skyrim gameplay, skyrim challenge run, spiffing brit, starfield, todd howard, bethesda, can you beat, skyrim funny, let's play skyrim, bug, exploit, video game, game glitch, memes, gameplay, game, perfectly balanced game, Can I Beat Skyrim's Release Build?, funny
Id: tvuhWyOW_HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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