Trying Your Dumb Elder Scrolls Ideas

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sometimes I question why exactly I keep trying stupid challenges in these games is it some form of gaming Stockholm Syndrome maybe that's part of it but I tend to think differently there's something special to these worlds especially that first time leaving the sewers Vault 101 the [ __ ] Immaculate hey here's the world go nuts part of Skyrim the unknown surprise it's an element that tends to wne with time because knowing tends to unravel the mystery to which you were compelled in the first place I think that's it I'm a glutton for surprise I need to be caught off guard chasing nonsensical knowledge that's so Niche and stupid it circles all the way back around to being brilliant and making me sit back and go huh that is a thing that I know now there's a great video I watched recently by H bomber guy that talks about the ridiculous and arbitrary nature of speedrunning a lot of it I think applies to what we do on this channel more specifically one quote which I will leave in whole so as to properly attribute this person while not claiming any of their words as my own no particular reason for this caution it's a kind of logistical fun is that a kind of fun that doesn't sound like a kind of fun it's it reminds me of the feeling I got when I had my GPS out and it told me to take a route through a park that I knew really well and I was like nah I can go through that faster and I walked a different route and and I got through it faster I just felt amazing it's a bit like the feeling I got when I decided I was going to do my taxes 8 months early have you ever done your taxes early no I haven't but I have disarmed the entire population of solitude and witnessed NPC's looting Merchant chest underneath the ground so I know the feeling and I've been chasing it ever since you know I like this guy I think we share similar opinions and there's not too much that we disagree on in an effort to keep threading the center of the arbitrarium ism surprises knowledge and strategies van diagram I asked you all to write me quests challenges something to get the ooh what's going to happen juices Within Me from assassinations to escort missions fanfiction and impossible boss battles one thing became stunningly clear throughout this experiment all of your ideas are [Music] terrible what I'm hoping though is that oh he's still following me what in the God's name is that [Music] I came up with that name I used my incredible creativity and word play to come up with that name I think I crushed it on this one I'm not going to lie I was very very proud I don't get it what do you mean what do you mean you don't get it Assassin's Creed Assassin's it's funny it's funny I'm funny Rogue Raven 1701 thank you for your contribution you are an assassin from the Morag Tong in Skyrim and have a list of 10 people who must die this one's fairly simple assassinate 10 NPCs but each one has to be with a unique method if I'm caught by a guard someone else has to dieo if I'm touched by either a dark brotherhood assassin or the sadness and regret of my crimes I lose and the challenge ends first thing we need to do is elect our lucky murder targets Gill the kind everyone is saying nazim every everyone is already saying Naim can we relax on the nazim all right time to begin okay this I just got here have you no respect for what we do on this channel did it spawn me in Bleak Falls oh my gosh okay so we start in Bleak Falls hands are tied well I know how to get to White run from here so killing Naim shouldn't be too bad I can just feel the snow crunching between his toes wait does anybody know where nazim goes to sleep the drunken H wait wait what he really goes to the drunken Huntsman nobody goes to the drunken Huntsman this is like the this is the most forgotten building in the entire game okay nice not too many witnesses in here only one oh my god oh no way nazim has sex why you little filter I'll be happy to assist you if you'd like to purchase something you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people wait no no no no this means I have to I have to murder an extra person now we already failed since I have to kill an extra person it only makes sense if we're going to kill nazim for both being a douche and having more sex than all of us I should kill his wife Alam as well for having sex with nazim because by association that means she sucks too barar stay right there let me just bounce my feet off the floor a few hundred times he doesn't even know it but he's helping train the greatest assassin in Skyrim's history it's kind of stupid how much loose gold is hanging around down here where we at with cash 275 that should be enough to get frenzy so you wish to master the Arcane Arts frenzy oh [ __ ] yeah we're still getting XP I cannot wait to just fast Montage skip past this when we put the video together Isaac if you can hear me turn this into a cool dance Montage as I level up my sneak POV you're the greatest assassin in the world's ever seen so efficient 25 God I love this God I love efficient leveling we need to find the perfect angle to get nazim we can worry about Alam after this we can probably just kill Alam in her sleep how the how am I spot okay there oh now how am I spotted is it the chickens oh it's definitely the chickens a NS can I kill the chickens and get away what if I frenzy a chicken let's let him out chicken on the loose Everybody Run where the hell did oh who wait which one of you did this how could you well at least we know that the frenzy spell is very effective oh oh this is it this is it this is my shot no who sees me God dang it that was the perfect now we're back to Hidden we got him hold on hold on they they almost detect me though we need to hide I I really want to watch the entire fight go down but no I'm staying here I'm staying put I didn't get a bounty I can definitely see blood splatter and murder stains everywhere what a clutch shot kind of underwhelming but who cares one target down okay like a real assassin we're going to stake out the drunken Huntsman I'll be happy to assist you if you'd like to purchase something no thanks kind of waiting for somebody here okay alam's not here that means alam's probably on her way here at the very least it's dark outside easier for sneaking is that Alum that's Alum we got to make a play here this is the perfect opportunity ah I missed no no no no no no no no no she's ah she's right there this is a perfect time don't turn don't turn stop stop walking got to go around oh no how did I do where is she okay I okay can I wake her up without getting caught can I frenzy her from within the room without getting caught I don't think so screw it this is for science I [ __ ] hate this game I hate this game oh oh oh okay okay it it missed but I didn't want it to hit I wasn't I wasn't feeling confident in that throw damn it I'm I'm getting sweaty now the sweater is too warm what am I wearing underneath am I wearing a cool shirt oh it's generic she's frenzied is someone there no one's there no one is there nothing here after all oh she's on that side of the bed it didn't work dang and I can't rent the bed here I was going to try and sleep with Al you tried mercenary work it might suit you I'm in the middle of it omin there she is oh God she's in the middle of three people so going to get caught we got her found we got her stay right there that care of that me [Music] Victory did I see you talking to Sven an intelligent beautiful woman like her wouldn't fall for that nonsense I hope oh F I hate you you're such an r/ nice guy Camila valious won't be with a nice gamer Like Me Maybe Camila needs a little help seeing Sven for what he is could you give her this letter and say it's from Sven I think I've matched that nord's lack of cleverness perfectly me thinks my lady sh this is why we're killing you f my dearest Camila I yearn to have have you as my own washing my linens and my fine blonde hair to cook my dinner from my stove and tend to my house while I wonder Yours Truly Spen I know I've spent a lot of time in the last few videos making fun of dude bro podcast douche bags but I am telling you when my YouTube shorts algorithm gets me onto like Finance bro Tik toac this is straight up how they talk you can tell Sven that he already has a mother I'm not speaking to him anymore I appreciate your help lead the way he's under our grasp let's kill him with Rocky I think a follower is the most feasible Rocky kill that we can get excuse me no since when has embershard mine ever been guarded by goth Mommy that's close enough make up your mind do you want to fight her okay she wants to fight don't make me a vampire you think you stand a chance do something okay nice and easy don't like the looks of this no you'll be fine you'll be fine now I don't think the rocks can actually kill him but we can try there you go right into it right right into him what's your he ooh that did a good chunk come on oh please kill him please oh he only goes down no it's got to kill him can I push the rock into him or please just let it Let The Rock kill him he gets his health back so quickly maybe if I just hit him one time mush come on Rocky uh surround him in rock so that when he stands up he takes a bunch of damage I don't want to deliver the final blow once born I'm going to have to kill you okay it's clearly getting a little bit agitated with us oh it worked oh my God the rock killed him I didn't think it would I didn't think it would work no way holy [ __ ] oh my gosh yes now we got to get over to roric dead and take out LM kill is that a horse that could get us to roric dead in like 2 minutes well [ __ ] it is a horse it's legal hold on time out okay why am I going this route oh God I'm a good assassin am I alive no yes I'm taking the same route don't really care I'm going to make it I can do this I'm an assassin assassins improvise uh is this a to violation I'm alive hold on grab something I'm alive am am I am I what are you here we are at roric stud do yourself a favor and don't have children they're good for nothing at all see this is why we have to kill you ah that is a wonderful absolutely brilliant idea where are all the Giants oh God no no no no no no not now not now it's way too early it's so wa it's so way too early to do this can I get the Assassin back to town I really wasn't ready for this to start up holy [ __ ] okay okay this is happening this is happening this is happening we are being chased by an assassin don't do this now don't attack me while I'm in a compromised State maybe the C can we get the Assassin to kill lill I can't be touched now the challenge has really begun I can't kill the oh he's caught on a rock no we're going to bring him into roic's dead and see what happens he's tracking he's following nice and easy come on I've only killed two of my targets a fight no not a fight you guys are you guys are are in on this too right no one's going to help uh okay this is bad no way they all just run away nobody tries to help me I'm stuck God that was close oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah we're getting away we're getting away all right close call is he going to spawn back in the the problem is if he's following us and we get caught up fighting wolves or something that could really just end the run I have no clue if the Assassin comes back I got to be careful here cuz the Giants are sneaky oh he's stomping Mr Giant you got a nice little Lane right here come on through of course there's wolves I got to kill them quick roic's dead just up this road we're almost there come around the bend oh he's not getting through that front gate I don't think he can fit through the front gate you and me we're the only people around who aren't complete fools can I push him what the okay hold on hold on we got something here oh a [ __ ] the giant left no no no no no no no no no come back come back come on Gregory like that would be a nice name for a giant he got through wrong target wait that's not the target but you're amazing work Greg I just saw him he better not have [ __ ] did he run to the end there he is oh you got this come on Greg finish the job not on me did you get him yeah and a boy Greg oh you oh I wish I saw it I couldn't see it I had to make sure you didn't kill me but Greg I'm so proud of you our friendship has come so far my father moraly manages the in he used to be a soldier but he left that life behind hey uh I'm done I'm never playing this game again Angie Camp by ful wreath has that archery test that is annoying Angie ful wreath annoying Ana's cabin has paralysis potions then you can push her off o that's a good idea I assume the poisons y'all were talking about are in her basement I don't have any lock picks I got to run to White run then to get a lockpick oh she has a key why didn't you just say she has a key she doesn't have a key you Liars it just made me murder this poor old lady for no reason you don't have any [ __ ] lock no wait sorry he does have lockpicks my bad sorry lukan stupid [ __ ] lockpicks the potent paralysis poison yes yeah looks like we got to get way oh God don't ever do that again oh that's so embarrassing I got jump scared by thalore I think that's grounds for chanot [Music] delation oh we made it to Angie's cabin name's Ani and if you try anything stupid I won't hesitate to put an arrow in your head let's see about that time to die no no no calm down sorry a girl can't be too careful out here I set up those targets a long time ago I shoot at them from time to time ah you good with your bow that I am you know how to use one let's just say herine would be jealous I'm pretty good well let me know if you ever want to practice I'm pretty good with a bow and arrow I'm ready for some practice excellent my older brother took me out hunting a lot when I was little at the time it was difficult to keep food on the table let the loan have enough left over to sell at the market oh no she's got a sad backstory so whenever we came across more than one deer in a single location it was imperative we kill as many as we could you have 10 seconds to hit each of the four targets draw string and get ready one two 3 one notch above got it you did it all four 10 seconds nice job looks like you're no long why is that an option I mean she's cool she's pretty she's got a nice backstory she lives up here in isolation she gives me skill points her family was killed who killed your family it was nice to finally meet someone out here who doesn't want to Rob your take off your head I know it isn't much but here take this bow it was given to me by my family it's special to me but brings back too many painful memories your shot is through I'm sorry Angie I'm sorry I can't oh God I'm going to lose I cannot rest you never mind I'm not going to [Music] lose as fun as this mini challenge was it was taking too long and my archery teacher tragic backstory made the shame of my actions weigh heavily on my soul I feel disgusting I feel dirty I I feel icky I I'm I'm going to tell you that was that was rough that was rough so I gave up the arbitrary assassin lifestyle but mostly it was just taking too long and there's a lot more we got to get to this is drug trip it takes place in Oblivion the writer of this Quest is vogan poet 1938 trenis Deron is an Imperial City resident with a very particular schedule on the 19th of every month he packs his bags for a two night schuma fueled Bender in Braille you have been hired to escort the hapless Imperial to his party destination at the Braille schuma Den okay simple find our master of recreational medicine somewhere in the Imperial City and follow them along their scheduled monthly Pharmacy visit protecting them all along the way if I or the client die Mission failed our hero Chester Cheetah has been tasked with this mission after completing his first we're doing things in a weird order today so you'll get Chester's origin story later step one locate the client morning morning how are you that was stupid now I only have one day okay no that that was a bad idea all right hey it's only the 18th he doesn't leave for his drug trip until tomorrow I have 24 hours to find our Target this should not be bad maybe I just try to stumble across him he's wearing a red coat it can't be that hard to find him is that him that's a red shirt hi there not the Target red shirt red shirt no red shirt the fighter Guild is recruiting again not a bad way to make some money wait wait hold on hold on that's a red jacket no it's another Chester the Cheetah type character I can't wait throughout the night and then miss when he leaves is that him there's two red jackets over here who are you I heard there was some marinus cotas vont cint why does everybody have the same outfit red jacket this got to be him got no tertius favonius they all have these same names tertius favonius Ramana and me have set up housekeeping she's a real doll isn't she no you are not the drug addict I need it's like they all decided to wear the same outfit on the same day just to confuse me everybody needs a copy of the black horse Courier he's got to be around here trenis tonius okay this is this is his house we found his house maybe he's just sleeping in here this is okay this should be legal I was hired he's not in bed did he actually leave my client no he's already left town what time does he leave does he leave at like midnight you I think we got him I think we got him this guy looks just as measly and pathetic enough to be our Target who oh you you scared me I was off in my happy place and you just popped in and wrecked the whole thing now our day of stalking has begun where oh where will the balding men go man look at that Shiner that is just a brutal I mean it looks like somebody pranked him when they shaved his head an armor I hate can help good day okay it's 5:00 p.m. so he goes home at 5:00 p.m. he's going to be gone before midnight hopefully he's aware that I've been hired to protect him you should talk to him and bribe him he needs the money for drugs to forget about all the ridicule he gets for his hair that's pretty Sound Advice he doesn't see us yet let's surprise him with money what can I do for you see was that hard okay wait did I just get robbed I think I accidentally got robbed there I didn't mean to a pleasure to speak with you he's getting hammered right now he's already drinking God what is up with your face you can see his teeth under his chin this is what addiction does to you my friends well met and he just left the house we caught him all right everybody the mission has started this is going to suck this is so stupid we're just going to walk the whole time I bet we don't we're not going to run into any drama and so began one of the stranger Journeys I've had on the channel I wanted the ultimate immersion I wanted to surround myself with the sights and sounds of Oblivion soak up every ounce of charm that spills onto my absorbent NPC brain I took a vow of silence I don't know why I just decided I'm going to try not to talk as as much as possible throughout this whole ordeal this meant forcing my twitch chat to just pretty much listen to this good to see you I am fully immerse I am Oblivion good morning what is that what is that danger danger no okay all right it's just a guard relax we're all good my twitch chat took this as an opportunity to try and break my immersion but my strong will won't let that happen God I just [ __ ] love my brute beer so much it's unreal and I drink that whole godamn thing right now unfaced immersion completely intact here we go here we go here we go keep him alive I need my magic I have fear demoralize up to level 25 for 30 seconds no oh [ __ ] wrong button go get out of here Tris run go there's arrows oh for the love of mug beer [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] a God how do I miss everything I didn't mean to demoralize you trenis I can't hit anything I'm freaking out guard guard oh no where did he go he went up the hill he had to have gone do your worst there he is no no trenis it was an accident I accept your surrender my friend vow of silence back on immersion locked in no matter how hard these immature chatters try they will not break my concentration to living in this world I display my kidney stones proudly in cases on my wall the wall our walk continued while the silence was only filled by either the crunching of our footsteps or the voices of the kind-hearted people we met along the way morning what stop talking further down the road I found myself mesmerized by The Sassy movement of tris's HP tips trust is important in a friendship and it's good to know at least the lower portion of my new best friend won't lie [ __ ] here we go here we go here we go don't get involved in the fight dude he's going to get himself killed you're wor oh no he's dead he's dead he's dead run run run trenis you Argonian get over here and help me take that go ahead pH close call but trenis and I continue I start feeling even more connected to this world and the sounds around me even taking time to listen in on tense political discussions between other citizens hello we are sorry to hear that you did not have a positive experience with Starfield our team is constantly working to ensure that Starfield is a fun and Polished experience hell how goes it not bad good to hear how goes it the emperor and his three sons dead right under the noses of the Imperial Guard uh-huh is this true no doubt someone should teach you some manner if you're not playing Fall Guys right now you are missing out on possibly the most engaging cinematic Masterpiece in gaming [Music] history some of starfields planets are meant to be empty by Design but that's not boring when the astronauts went to the moon there was nothing there damn trenis what are you doing out here with all this ass double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon hello ass the the sun is still out you flick your cigarette out the window and you drive for a couple more miles and you smell something funny and you look over into the back seat and sure enough Grandma's her [Music] again [Music] it's you hi good evening what's new with you where are the drugs where are the drugs the mission is complete I do not have to do a vow of silence anymore that was ridiculous stop what are you going to do report me for stealing all of your illegal narcotics I'm Miss go yes stop then pay with your blood ow not like this tid [Music] citizen this is the one ring it was written by user Das xz4 FJ 9 YN 3 n we can just we can just call them password now this one is a bit weird so give me a sec we're turning back the clock and heading back to morind my sweet sweet introduction to these games it's been far too long since morind has been on the channel I think 2 years nearly fetus of 4 months wait what it's actually in my inventory what happens if I just take it off can I just drop my baby so early on in morind you find this ring called The Ring of engraved healing it kicks off a short Quest chain with this dude named fargoth and anybody who's ever played morind knows this guy I have a feeling that you and I are about to become very close inspired by the video game The Lord of the Rings Online the original prompt for this Quest is simple carry this exact ring all the way to the fiery Lava Pits of Red Mountain deposit the ring in the lava and destroy it forever the catch is that red mountain is filled with some of the toughest enemies in the game now I can give the user some credit for the submission but this challenge was actually done a long time ago by friend of the channel and grandfather of morind memes Mickey D and because I can't help myself over complicating yet another challenge I added my own twist this is the starting town in morind sanine it might look a bit different to you if you've played because I'm using a mod pack called Morin rebirth links below if you're interested before delivering the ring to Red Mountain I'm going to as is is kind of tradition on this channel by now not leave sanine or the surrounding swamps for 3 hours speeding away at making as much money leveling as much as possible and trying to become as powerful as I can in order to take on Vic incredibly overpowered human God hybrid with great posture I don't know all the lore all that well but I know enough about morn to give myself a Fighting Chance let's recap 3 hours in sanine and the surrounding swamps once time's up no more preparation training loot you got it attempt to defeat two face in combat and then deliver the ring to its fiery end make sense good roll it nakuma welcome back to the channel it's been a good 2 years I'm going with a dark elf for my build because morind more specifically the looks like my Grade School gym teacher preset I spent way too long on my class field and as we'll learn as we go along I made some really stupid choices most notably and this one was not a mistake I'm starting with an agility of 70 and to keep it simple this makes me get hit less while I can successfully hit more looting up the initial Free Money Room grabbing the ring from the barrel and my three-hour countdown starts now and got my way ah fargot wonderful perfect ring uh yes here I found it take it fargot takes the ring that should raise our disposition with the trader a real recover some gold okay now we can do Fargo's hiding place there's that little [ __ ] he's putting his stuff away in the log and we got the ring back okay ring is back in our position session a few minutes in and our first Quest is complete for the uninitiated on a standard Morin playthrough you can still make quite a bit of gold before you head out of this town to start this run I wanted to focus on easy quests easy money get a little Nest Egg so that the only Trader in town could essentially start working for me he's a real one now we want to real quick do the tax collector Quest come on there we go got our gold we are all the way up to 914 gold already something's like something's making like noises oh God you want to level up in morrowwind quickly you need to jump you need to run oh here we go yeah this is this is good acrobatics XP this is how you do it right there boom acrobatics up one my first skill increase this is what training looks like okay okay too close way too close we're almost dead come on there you go what a Dodge he hit the pillar hit the pillar nice oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] run out of please please run out of magic he'll run out of magic there we go come on one hit I just need one hit no oh I just needed [Music] one nice try stay right there stay right there just keep shooting your Fireballs right at the top of the step come on come on nakuma there we go I've got a really big problem sure I'm made some gold we got some quests I killed a bandit but one sixth of my time is gone and I've barely leveled up any skills the skills most perent to my build light armor and short blade I made them minor skills thinking oh if they're lower level then I can level up more and faster in doing so all I did was just give myself worse stats I also entirely overleveraged myself into pointless skills given how short on time and effective tools I am Alchemy being the worst offender that I burned a ton of time early on collecting ingredients for restoration at level 15 it's basically useless desperation sat in if I even want a chance at taking out VC poking the occasional mud crab or rat won't cut it I need to start making more calculated plays strategy number one weak weapon more XP what's the worst dagger kitan dagger probably I hope this won't take long uh I hope so as well all right I've never seen you before what do you want XP oh no wait oh God jokes on you Helia no you should have [Music] the lower damage of our dagger means we'll land more hits per kill which in turn yields more XP over time with our offensive grinding figured out we can look towards other things strategy number two [Music] maxing okay hold on we can power level acrobatics here by repeatedly slamming my ankles into the ground I can level up quickly get acrobatics is a major skill but I have a much better idea for overdosing on skill increase dopamine earlier I mentioned light armor being our defensive skill take note this is important one problem the Traer doesn't have Greaves the last piece we need to complete our light armor set however this lady does have them one more problem murder is illegal unless it's indoors I don't make the laws I just attempt to follow them we'll need to ensure she goes down before the guards show up take our sentence in stride then then hope she's lootable afterwards this is suama again take note this is important morwin fans know but if you're not familiar suama grants you drunk uncle strength but it Stacks meaning it can grant you the strength of 10 20 hell 1,000 uncles can be in sight of you if you wish money isn't an issue so we load up on party favors and pray the damage is strong enough to take Laurel out before guards arrive murder is cool as long as it furthers my goals right here slam all of this booze yeah look at my strength strength at 123 this is the end of you swe no way oh my God I'm going to lose I'm going to lose Miss Miss please miss keep Miss no no no no we had it we had it we we it was one hit and we had it unbelievable I'm never going to kill VC stupid oh this is bad easy easy murder is cool murder is fun did I even get did I get away with it guards maybe people didn't like her things started out rough but the gestation period of my plan is over it's time to begin something I call Turbo maxing I loaded up on healing potions attracted several enemies at once gather them all around me at the same time and this is what I did for the remaining 80 or so minutes thrilling I know non-stop constant over and over I'm training light armor which will yield better defense and bonus agility when I level up I'm jumping constantly draining my stamina which makes me easier to hit training acrobatics as well which gives a small strength bonus when I level and the money that's easy to generate in town from its generous civilians by the gods you tourists are a nuisance come on fight say it again say it again what about tourus uh last I checked I'm a native ow hey you look like a Darlene I'm the only local in this house come on bring it on colonizer provides me healing potions so I can turbo Max without needing to take breaks it wasn't exactly fun per se the real fun came from addressing the shortfalls in my build and doing what I could to maximize the stats I got off the boat with quickly realizing things weren't working and adjusting to squeeze as much as possible out of the limited time I had left in truth I think the only skills I correctly placed were Athletics and armorer it was convenient repairing my own things but everything else I kind of screwed up I turbo Max continuously smashing the E key over and over and over I took things all the way down to the wire and with about 15 minutes to go not going to lie given that I wasted the first hour and hamstrung myself with bad skill choices I'm pretty satisfied to have made some progress but will it be enough to take out two face I loaded up on potions booze took note of the dark elf Powers I was born with I approached his layer confidence surged through me the confidence of several generations of slain rats and crabs coursed through my veins I will defeat this thing wait am I blind oh I can't see no wait how long does that last oh no I didn't know suama did that I'm actually just blacked out the whole time I'm back I'm back we were only blind for a second there we were only blind for a second there here we go Dodge I can dodge it we got to use the pillars ah he got me okay he got me weapon has no effect then it sank in my best weapon is useless I had limited options to begin with but this I still kind of have a Fighting Chance oh no do I really have to use the silver dagger this is all I can use a a pokon stick we know V seems to have issues casting his spells if if I can just get him to run out of magic then maybe maybe I have a shot god he's impossible to hit no okay he got me there how in the what what what is he doing oh God he's punching now's our opportunity we got some hits he's mortal I knew it this fucker's mortal this Su jama's going to wear off though I only have 30 seconds with it there's a chance there's there's a chance okay now he's going for hand to hand can he get up here now we quick save you're [ __ ] BC you're [ __ ] buddy oh man we did good damage come on we did something the Su Jam is already wait a minute we might be able to do something we're going to reload that quick save ancestral Guardian ancestral Guardian now distracts him he's not going to look at us he's not going to be able to hit us we go tjama give it a second here he's going to punch that ghost Dodge him fatigue no oh the ghost died we got him to half Health honestly that feels like a win it feels like such a win getting him to half health considering where we started and the adjustments we made on the Fly I'm biased but inclined to agree with myself this was the closest I got to taking him out sadly what I should have done was invested in blunt and just smacked him with a giant hammer or battle axe I could have even ditched the healing potions for more suama but I settled with 30 30 seconds with boosted strength and a terrible dagger just wasn't enough that's okay I can take a loss I'm I am a good sport I am not totally upset but you stupid two-ton son of a [ __ ] my main goal anyway was to carry the one true ring to Red Mountain I can take solace in at least completing one objective but we'll come back to this later because this is where the real game begins it's oh God please be quick please be I'm hoping it's quick it should [Music] be this is family Union we're back to Skyrim who would have thought what a plot twist on this channel playing Skyrim written by Remy ooo I think unless it's Remy uu Tom a guard of Markarth hasn't seen his brother Jerry the gate guard in rifton in years reuniting them would be their dream they also said that I could change their names I am not a name maker Tom and Jerry are two brilliant names don't be so hard on yourself I'm really bad at coming up with names too the rules are simple initiate a Chase with a guard in Markarth also known as Tom have Tom follow us another escort Quest I know there's a lot of escort quests in this one have Tom follow us all the way to rifton from Markarth to reunite with his brother Jerry if I die or if Tom dies we have to completely restart and we have three tries to do so that is not fair shouldn't be too bad I think we can do this on the first try stop unfuckingbelievable I hope I hope please please please John Skyrim if you can hear me out there oh I did the wrong thing doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count doesn't count let's make this one easy for me canth if you're out there I need to stop praying though to the Skyrim gods because they never they never help me out let's be real they never throw me a bone I only get boned oh you got to be kidding me my game crashed [ __ ] the nine more importantly Tom who's Tom this [ __ ] ass because he cares more about ruining my day than he does about reuniting with his brother Jerry misses you Tom it's Christmas Tom Jerry's crying now because you don't love him Tom he's also insistent on using his godamn bow and arrow always stifling any progress we make I [ __ ] hate you Tom yeah that worked that really worked well I really don't like this guy dude by order of the Y stop right there I've had enough of you I got him the arrows are gone come on let's go Tom you and me till the end brother we're going to run into some real issues here though cuz we're certainly going to come across another guard in the road okay okay okay no no no really the cat version of Mike Tyson wants to just enlist in law enforcement B stop that's how he's done look Tom maybe we just got off on the wrong foot I just want you and your brother to be happy we can make a good team just let me sift through your pockets make sure nothing in here is going to poke me right mother now I quick save okay we got somebody up here okay it's just an orc a let's not get hit it's so hard to get off an attack and then hit unless we go Fury and then the guard and Tom Tom you're good you're good Tom you got enough honestly it feels good just to watch Tom do what he loves oh [ __ ] I forgot he's still going to try and kill me nice work folks proud of everyone involved all right we're finally moving it only took us a half hour but we're making progress look at us go Tom look at you and me covered in blood the blood of our enemies who is this you have to stop with this another orc she's going after Tom I can't let that happen it feels good it doesn't it doesn't it feel good to team up Tom no no no it doesn't perfect speed if we just stay at this pace no enough with the backing up [ __ ] you're not getting your bow his AI is trying to tell him to pull out his bow but he can't there he goes again or he's trying to like lull me into getting power attacked enough enough with he actually did it he did exactly what I described he was doing and he nailed me back off at least let me heal can we make this an even fight so he does that move he slows down and he wants me he wants to catch my momentum coming this way then he pushes up no no no don't don't tell me all the Imperial guards here they all they all go hostile okay beautiful nice oh nope I'm toast I'm dead I'm dead I'm literally [ __ ] dead I'm literally so [ __ ] dead there's an arrow through my jugular Tom's on the other side of this rock what is killing me are you f a slaughterfish who has ever been killed by a slaughterfish in this game I did not have a free level up no I didn't I have to sleep those are the rules they'll never change except for wouldn't me do something stupid like this [ __ ] hate this game why do I play this game I [ __ ] hate this game [ __ ] you Tom [ __ ] you look at him all the way over there let's go now we need to avoid the Imperial guards in order to do so wait I know you do you do you know me Tom are you are you you familiar with me [ __ ] we make a great team don't we Tom thank me later yeah definitely have Imperial guards up the road so safest way around them honestly no idea wolf down they're fighting each other get him Tom Tom you've officially joined the right sight of History hell yeah that boy Nice kill let's move [ __ ] this is not the way we need to go reverse reverse what are you getting in the river for don't daintily float away from me it feels like you're making fun of me time out there's a whole entire group of Imperial guards up the road they're fighting someone I'm out of arrows I'm out of ammo where's Tom oh one of not now Tom Tom really bad timing okay let's go the other way ooh okay Imperial guards right around the corner Nice Shot idiot that should hit nice they got one stupid ass Wolf come on Tom let's go this way it's safer up here brilliant it's a wide open field come on Tom we can get around the guards this way there you go Tom let's go we're making moves now oh hey you okay you're a little close for comfort I don't like you that much I'm glad that you're here but we're not friends come on Tom wait you don't want to make a little hop down here look Tom I'm sorry I'm sorry I tried my best I know you got hurt you were forced to fight a mud crab all on your own I get that but don't let this drive a wedge between us think about your brother Jerry come on he's resorted to shaking down strangers that walk into a city what are you doing I'm putting my foot down I'm not moving until Tom moves I'll wait here all night go on not even looking stab me right between my shoulders and so we waited Tom look the game is giving me cinematic camera just hurry up and get this over with let's move oh God Tom might have found out my weakness I have to sleep and I have to eat on survival mode wait no Tom's winning the award of attrition it wasn't all so bad though I can feel my hatred of this guy slipping away there's something Charming about a stubborn NPC what do you think Tom is thinking about clearly not his brother Jerry I waited and I waited and I waited almost grew to respect Tom his dedication if all of us were on10th as dedicated as he is where would we be as a society you know what Tom I see more of myself in you than I'd like to admit and maybe that's why I've had trouble accepting you I'm sorry Tom I accept you I can't believe I'm letting him win it but it's time to get moving again Tom ah [ __ ] [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] Tom I thought we were [ __ ] [Music] cool ow Jesus why did he have to do that stand still how did I let that one sneak through don't know what that NPC wants what do you want can't you just let two dudes settle their [Music] differences ice wolf [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] Tom Tom we can do this together but I need your help ow [ __ ] yeah Tom that's what I'm talking about that's my teammate ah y don't shoot me don't shoot me don't slice me okay this is such a dumb idea why did I come this route Tom get away from me I I saw the Power Attack coming I can sense you I can smell your moves Tom let's take Helgen that's got to be the best route for us limited guards watch out frar oh he did he just hit him you're mad at me wait why are you mad at me he's the one who attacked your son hold on Stormcloak Camp up ahead so is Markarth Empire or is it is it Stormcloaks Markarth is Empire we're heading deep into Stormcloak territory Tom no they are shooting at Tom run Tom Tom go don't attack me Tom just keep moving okay that's all right you know what get your licks in on me take it out on me no Tom no don't do it ah it's an Afflicted Refugee Tom I'll eat the [Music] vomit God we make such a good team that was sick whatever it is you have is this is this a joke is this a joke oh my God does it always have to just go in horizontally through the side of my Cranium oh God the whole encounter is still here it's going to be here every time it's like a dance I know the Right [Music] Moves spider why would you attack me don't attack Tom don't attack [Music] Tom [ __ ] off let's go Tom you and me baby come on we got a chance we have a chance we're alive [Music] Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom don't do it oh Tom you're an idiot keep him stunned keep him stunned [Music] oh I order the Y stop right there Tom Tom Tom you're going to get yourself killed I got you Tom are you okay it's okay I'm here buddy I'm here I'm here I'm here you okay okay God damn it Tom I thought we had a moment I thought thought for a second we had a moment there but no apparently not nice hit Tom somehow that worked oh we got him again no no no no no don't kill him don't kill him oh man I let myself die nice nice good combo I don't care that you hit me let's go go let's go Tom you and me to the end stay off of Tom you mangy [Music] muts stop shooting at him stop Mr President get [Music] down let's go Tom okay Tom put the arrows away Tom put the arrows away that was amazing Tom that was like really really cool that was the tightest coolest [ __ ] [ __ ] we've ever done put the arrows away please oh my God I can see the city I can see it it's so close guards are on him oh there's just no way I get him through this please get in the water and swim please swim Tom swim please please swim please swim come on let's swim look at me go look at me go get in the water get in the water I sound like a Suburban mom trying to get her like kid who's too scared to get in the [ __ ] pool Samson we've got rocks for cover they stopped giving Chase just come on you can do it get down off the ledge you got this you got this Tommy [ __ ] yeah he jumped that's what I'm talking about you exist somewhere deep in that thick metal helmet beyond the six Ines of skull you have exists a man a man with thoughts and feelings emotions I forgot to mention although it may have been obvious Tom is with the Empire and Jerry being in rifton is with the Stormcloaks so unfortunately there's only one way this brotherly relationship comes to a close kill him Tom Tom kill it lay off we have to get get up there and tank as fast as we can up while you why why what is this [ __ ] stop killing damn it no you were the worst brother ever you know that you don't deserve Tom you don't deserve Tom Tom is my brother no no back off victory is yours I submit get him Tom get him Tom this is your kill not mine come on Tom [Music] missed [ __ ] that's okay Tom please just hit him what are you swinging at it's this is so bad Tom don't do anything stupid here there you go yeah yeah yes Tom wait I know [Music] you criminal scum I couldn't come up with a creative title for this one I tried my best to come up with a creative title it just didn't it did not come to fruition author of this Quest is dead boyo 2773 so thank you to dead boyo for your suggestion I told you our humble sco a Delivery Agent from earlier head An Origin story didn't I it seemed like the writer's room really ran out of ideas when they were coming up with this you were raised to always disregard the law as your dad's covian cone hat was stolen and the guards did nothing about it so uh dead boyo uh maybe we could flesh out this story a little bit more next time but overall I liked the idea and the rules are simple join the Thieves Guild at which point I have 3 hours to steal and fence 500 gold worth of goods from every major settlement in the game if I'm caught before I can finish a town I have to restart that town from zero this is Chester's origin story so we start at the origin and for no reason whatsoever I set this to the max difficulty why did the kajit have hair it's a Mane this is not a Mane this is human hair on a cat person okay hold on hold on two rats two rats fall back we need to reposition how much damage are they going to do oh my okay that's way too much see this is the thing about oblivian h ah see I'm already going down now go go go noer help the emperor no I can't no don't attack me it's that quick I'm useless wait here with the emperor guard him with your life life for the uh do I actually have to fight somebody in here I don't think I do I'd rather not oh [ __ ] God oh that was so close don't worry Emperor okay okay I can't fight you a bad day we're out we made it not a single kill uh do I have to go to jail first hey break the law on my watch will you okay now getting out of here if we get out of jail this should be the biggest jump scare ever ever in Oblivion take this see it's terrifying okay finding the Thieves Guild I was given a mysterious note by a mysterious dark elf it was incredibly mysterious and offers greater mysterious wealth and less mysterious jail time maybe I should check it out I have to wait until midnight and then go to the Mysterious Garden of dero yeah hey where you going where are you running such such violence getting tired by the [ __ ] violence show me what you what the [ __ ] what everyone's dead oh hello oh yeah he's like seen that before wait hold on that was one of my comp one of my competitors went down do I know you yeah we just got involved in all that nonsense did you not see it each of you is seeking membership in the Thieves Guild rather than the normal test of skill I'm going to make this a contest whoever brings me the Diary of amantius electus without killing him will be invited into without killing him ha I'll have it before sunrise this going to be easy does anybody know where he's at I don't like this this already sucks there she is she's off she's she's figured out the location this is like copying off of a classmate's homework but then getting a better grade than them CU she found the house off meth Radell it's mine I don't know where it is though it's right here it's in here got it Thief you stole that diary from me cry me a river I'm just better than you congrat congratulations you have returned with the diary you have earned the right to join the Thieves Guild you should yell this louder 3 hours starts now uh we'll first order a business you're not in the Thieves Guild that sucks to be ma Dr uh Divine Elegance might not be too bad I think I'm going to hit Divine Elegance first this stuff isn't valuable at all it's also a lot heavier than I thought it would be some jewelry nice not not hand buil oh this is terrible let's try gilded kff perfect this is exactly what we need sure take it take that you got to be fast you got to be lightning quick with it otherwise the guards I swear they just spawn directly on top of you what are you looking at so we have this is worth 50 25 oh yeah potions are for sure the way to go ongar where's ongar's house ongar get up buy my goods I see you are with the gray foxs do you need a fence Wonder wonderful all right perfect that's a fair deal hold on we need to haggle see if we can get better prices okay my problem so far I'm not operating as an efficient Thief I have to actually case The Joint let's case the let's case the Mystic andum real quick soul gems on the counter oh yeah this is the place we got to hit tonight I need to be careful it's almost time for the shops to open up that's it that's all boom that quickly lightning quick you can't stop this thief I'm really tired can we get on with this 524 okay we blew past our goal Imperial City is done I would think that the mag's guild is a really good one for us to do Mages Guild has morning right here I'm going for it oh no please tell me that was enough to just clear out bumma I'm really tired he didn't even get to go back to sleep and I'm already back just shoveling more stuff into his gullet we need about 225 so that only got us about halfway there this this she just showed up to work like huh where' all of it Go almic retort calcinator Mor imp pestl I think we should be okay there should be enough to get us out of bumma oh no I need another 100 I'm still short 35 more gold oh that's it I just cannot get caught if I get caught on the last 35 it's not good not a single mistake lockpicking by the way okay quickly that should be enough I'm really tired dude all you do is sleep how are you still tired let's go chaden Hall next I don't know if you can see that but we're at 1338 gold that means we have to be at 1838 Gold by the time we're done fencing for from chaden Hall I think we should just hit mag's Guild again this mag's Guild looks a lot tougher way more eyeballs way more people there's some good stuff here though how risky do I want to get with this I want to go through the challenge flawlessly oh my God okay we got to take some risks right no keep your fingers to yourself Fe no no no no no no no not this early don't make me fail this quickly wait I don't think I got a bounty too soft stop no no no why I did not we got to go I'm not getting caught oh he's catching up to me they're so fast I think the guard that was at this gate is the one that's following us how how close are they all honestly I can't even tell I don't want to look behind me run run don't stop running are they still following you cannot wait while guards are coming a God dang it it was one misclick I thought I was trying to steal the item on the Shelf not pickpocket somebody wait a minute I can salvage this I have to run all the way to the Imperial Waterfront I have to find Armand pay off my bounty through Armand and then I'm good I was not caught I was ratted on they think it was me I matched the description reports out there there are misleading reports that are defaming my character and I'm going to Arman to make sure that those reports are cleared up oh this is so okay it's just a dog it's just a dog we're I hate this it's 5:38 p.m. what time does Armand go out there okay so I have to waste like 7 hours in game all right I'm going to stand right here we're just going to watch the sunset all right I have to check what time it is in game 9 it's oh my God it's only 900 p.m. can I wait you can out wait well guards okay well maybe these guards should hurry up uhoh why did it do that I don't like this I don't like having control of my character again the stars of the tower shine upon you you gain the warden key and in Master's Hand greater Powers stop you violated the law pay the court a fine or serve your sentence your stolen goods are now forfeit this son of a [ __ ] chased us all the way from chaden Hall I'm genuinely I'm so upset that that didn't work crap good morning don't look at me is it worth it oh stop being vigilant and stop with your freaking smiling stop smiling at me we can't pick them up in Oblivion it's not like Skyrim but we can that kind of worked now if I sit down in this chair I bet we can get this potion to Rifle around the room no no never mind the potion just went up my ass ooh in the display case two gems two ebony items that's got to be really worthwhile oh it's an ebony replica dagger no I'm really tired same ooh me likey each one's valued at approximately half fine Ste M that's 40 right there go to bed go to bed why must you be like this he's the only one who's put up a stark defense against thievery schuma finally schuma three of them huge find wine has a pretty good value for the weight iron battle ax iron boots that's it I'm really tired it's a real race against the clock now we need to pick it up I don't even know how much I'm getting that's it we're done yeah we're more than good here any of the magical places are always the ones that we want to go for Mages Guild is going to be in serious trouble once I'm done with them still not seen yet don't don't turn around stay right there keep inspecting yes keep doing your idle animation holy [ __ ] this entire thing is terrifying I still need another 200 or so all right we can take all the silver wire from the castle that should be a bit easier no no no no no get up get up get up get up get up stop stop okay for some reason I think I'm I'm going to get caught if I sit down you got some hot property I got the hottest property oh it's so hot this property is so [ __ ] sexy it's so hot rille is officially done I don't care if it's repetitive I'm going to rob the mag's guild every single time because I will beat this challenge why don't you do a fun strategy because I want to win Grand Grand another we're done that's it I'm out later see you nerds Coral get off the map hell I'm really tired no well hold on you were really excited when greeting me easy done I have an idea stay focused I'm going to take this I think we should have enough from that okay we got it is it lame that I'm just going right for the mage's guild again perhaps damn they're all right in the way why do they all have to be posted up in the perfect position let me rob you careful maybe it makes more sense that he says he's tired when I get here cuz I usually get here right around when he has to go to sleepy time you got some hot property done incredibly underwhelming finish but we did it we kicked its ass we ripped its head off we only failed one time that was damn near a Flawless run I can't make that deal okay well you okay well you dare I have attacked another member of the thieves guil unless I pay the fine I am sure to be cast out of the guild what it was a simple stop why is that illegal he's the theves guild fence he's the one breaking the law I'm doing you a favor then pay with your blood I can take you on I came up with this name and I'm proud of it thank you to altel 3369 for writing this one in morind has a ton of factions like a lot this Quest focuses on just three house Lalu house reran and house talani we're going to take our character from earlier who failed in defeating VC and attempt to assassinate the leader of these three factions with a fork I also didn't finish my ring delivery earlier and because I like threes as much as any college virgin 3 hours on the clock to deliver the ring acquire the fork of herol and kill as many of my three obscenely overpowered targets as I can I hope you paid attention earlier because the strategies that are character employed earlier will pretty much be our go-to here step one deliver the ring thankfully the uh the fork of herol is going to land in the short blade criteria which is what we've mostly trained in I have a ton of suama in my inventory we can probably use that for our high value targets now to be honest with you all nothing really interesting happened between here and dropping off the ring I did steal a super valuable dagger accidentally got the death penalty and stumbled a few times trying to commit Grand Larsen but this journey was just more of the same Grind from earlier somehow even more monotonous if you're here for trouble this is going to be incredibly underwhelming ring I place you in the depths of the Red Mountain lava pit okay that was fun Quest complete step two acquire murder tool the fork of her rebolation is all the way up here in this little itty bitty Shack it's a bit of a hul for us but I've been pocketing three Scrolls of a caran flight ever since the beginning if you're not sure what these are click off this video play Morin for all of 30 minutes then report back to me buckmoth Legion for you know what let's try to go to balora close enough R Caldera oh no God I did not mean to jump a third time [ __ ] no water is there water anywhere nearby some preliminary Inventory management and fast travel later I found myself at Geonosis Due West of the Sha need to start picking up the pace though cuz I've already burned my first hour another fairly uneventful run and I'm just south of our goal this area of the map is oddly terrifying not even oddly it's just terrifying ah [ __ ] what is that it's huge it's massive what is that just avoid avoid the aggro looks like we've carved out a safe little Highway oh there's a drag I got this stay focused in armor Michael Phelps could not do this in a full set of armor [ __ ] there's a fish right in front of me avoid avoid there's also one in there stay away from me I hate this nice and slow made it out in one piece and there's the mcmansion I've been looking for some brief diplomatic negotiations and I finally have the murder tool of my dreams my culinary Cutlery my Aid of assassination this thing stats are if I'm being as charitable as possible complete [ __ ] garbage but what did we learn earlier about the power of Uncle Jason that's right it's a hell with your stats and armor and highly mobile dangerous bodyguards I have the power of just under 90 minutes to go I need to do what I can to load up on as much healing strength Buffs whatever I can because I did zero research beforehand and have no idea what I'm walking into 11 suama standard fatigue standard health oh the leader got to be somewhere in [Music] here all right target is somewhere in here okay there are a lot of armed guards in here that's got to be him oh I am screwed I'm so [ __ ] oh there's no way there he is okay this is the target with a lot of people to defend him at least Vic was solo okay we'll get all the way up to 500 00 strength we'll see how this goes with 500 strength 5 seconds and then my eyesight comes [Music] back I can't absolutely embarrassing that's why we call these experiments not challenges okay all 31 suama goes down 678 strength I might need more suama no take your armor off and fight me like an actual Warrior I I I don't stand a chance so new plan new plan I'm going to slightly annoy him and run Dodge their attacks healing spell go ow okay only one of them hit me baale baale baale he's way too powerful I don't know if it's possible I only have 328 gold right now can I take enough suama to one hit him how can I make that money I need to make money no I don't think so uh no I do think so my arbitrarium ISM far outweighs your freedom I don't want to do this I'm going to kill Riv I have to go with immediate profit demon Katana 2,200 1250 3250 oh I cannot believe it worked we hit the jackpot okay I am definitely back in this thing if I can kill just one target I'll be happy and depending on how much time I have left who knows maybe I can come back and win the whole dang thing loading back up on chem is a big time waster though I'm really short on time but with all my cash I made sure to stock up enough so much in fact I had to use some of it in order to even have enough strength to carry it I literally have to drink booze to move if this is not enough suama I've spent like five grand on suama I'm ready to have my heart broken chat I don't care we go down together what what oh god I forgot I already attacked him okay all right uh this just made the whole thing even worse [ __ ] I forgot we did that I forgot we did that earlier they're all going to hate me in there I'm going to no clue where he's at they're going to have magical abilities I'm going for it there he is there's our Target one hit's [Music] okay all right that's going to cause me to be blind for 5 seconds I have to survive until then we just have to move I'm going to take a lot I'm taking a lot of damage already we got to kill a few seconds there we go we got our sight back Fork is out end of you Swit oh man I can't do any damage to him [Music] still I mean I can do some he's down stop he's at half health no no no I have an idea okay we're going to go in there nobody else in here is attacking us just these two guards we need them to have awkward pathing there we go okay now we've isolated the two guards on the other side of the table ancestral Guardian a [ __ ] okay they're on the other side of the table there ah can I can I hold them off for 5 seconds I died ah there we go back on the table stay alive [Music] need him to go down we have the two guards on the other side of the table he went down he just went down now [ __ ] I have no healing potions no no he's down again no oh my God we're so close we're so close I can do this we can absolutely do this no please go down no you son of a [ __ ] [Music] you go down go down please do not kill me please please please I'm begging you I am begging you please don't kill me F Target down Target down with this character's death the threat of Prophecy is severed restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate or persist in the doomed world you have created [ __ ] you morind I am better than you one target down unfortunately that's where the winning ends I have no need to further explain the strategy I tried to employ on the other targets I think you get it by now I got lost looking for both the timer ran down and the second target I had a shot at they didn't have furniture as exploitable as our first Target it was they had like a private Entourage that makes the Secret Service look barely functional while I couldn't take out any other targets I'm more than happy enough to lay down this fork with one kill under its belt besides Forks are kind of to someone else's thing I don't know how to segue into the Last Quest actually no wait I think that works I came up with this title it's not as creative as assassin speed but I still think that this one is okay chaos Mage is what we're calling it this takes place in Skyrim and it was written by gifs4 the peasantry so the rules for this one we have to randomly select a location via our chaos wheel after we have the location that we're going to have to clear out we will randomly select one of the schools of magic in Skyrim we have to clear five locations to win I get one respin and we have 3 hours to do so make Spock fine fine fine we'll play Spock oh no I am a Breton a [ __ ] oh wait hold on hold on that's not too bad hey that's not too bad Spock first dungeon graywater Grotto I feel like that's good ah really how the [ __ ] am I going to do it with illusion we can do this I'm a short run away from White Run go wait hold on there's loot right behind me uh maybe we should do a little bit of hunting I got to make whatever money I can I can use the other spells outside of the cave but once I'm in that cave I have to use illusion naked Mage kicking some ass another skill book strong box give me some J there that's what I'm talking about Gore Hound does that mean you're going to turn into a dog or oh you're really fast what the hell guards there should be a shortcut to get up and have the guards help us I'm getting out of here what do you mean you're getting out of here it's your job to fight Bandits I don't know if I can get them in through this little path oh wait oh one of them just got shot the finest weapons and armor so you wish to master the Arcane Arts illusion uh we can do calm that's not going to get us any kills frenzy living targets up to level five not good enough Fury living targets up to level 10 Fury is a little bit better muffle is good for training illusion oh gosh we really have to rely on Fury and pray that it works screw it I got to do something can I even cast it oh my gosh I can't even cast it no I can't afford to cast it 52 gold left over muffle learned let's get that bad boy favorited I still can't afford to cast it muffle is more expensive this is a problem I need XP and I need it now we just have to steal as much sneak XP as we can get this is the second time in this challenge We've Ended up in the guard Barracks wait a minute with my perk overhaul it's just a blanket decrease to the cost of the spell it's not vanilla rules can I use muffle oh come on I'm going to do everything I can Believers it's probably not going to work I'm probably going to get my ass kicked when I first step into this cave but I'm getting there as fast as I can come here horsey no ice Ray there cannot be a single one in here graywater grot all right we're here there's a wolf over there okay I'm definitely goingon to be able to Fury the wolf let's just sneak past them for now 4 minutes ow what the oh God that was quick I wasn't looking oh this is bad is it just wolves ow it's only wolves we can clear this out I got to get my Magicka back though what do you have on you please tell me you have a Magic Potion No but they have armor they're fighting they're fighting okay one wol down I don't have enough time to get my magic back this is bad come on piss off does that count as me not using illusion two wolves are dead three wolves left wolf right here got to hit this got him another wolf frenzied come on go back go back and fight your family kill each other go go go ah the frenzied one died before 35 minutes I can potentially try to get one of them to die of falling damage go fight your friend one left he's got like no Health can we get him to follow us and jump off this Edge will he take falling damage from this height jump jump jump jump come on jump you have 60 seconds please just jump off the ledge do it you have 50 seconds please jump oh it didn't kill him the haters were about to be in shambles ah this is a far enough oh God jump jump come on I know you want to jump oh no his brain is working properly so I need the wolf to attack me going the direction of the river that way I can probably or hopefully coax him into the jumping forward animation like that and Dodge him and Dodge him go get off get off the ledge you stupid mut fall fall fall oh we got him yeah woo it's cleared the game has ruled it as cleared oh [ __ ] I used restoration I used restoration the whole time Trader post what is this dainty slowed it's a it's a boat it's a clearable boat so it's going to be really cold that's probably the biggest negative don't give me illusion again don't give me restoration no it's actually going to be illusion again I hate this game [ __ ] you okay I won't use restoration this time dainty slowed here we are two-handed weapon that's what I'm talking about now while she's distracted and hopefully preoccupied can we bring her inside no she won't follow us inside that's not a terrible thing let's loot whatever we can while we're in here I'm going to have to buy some new spells soon come on you have the curved sword this is kind of fun I've never specialized in illusion so I'm kind of enjoying this he's caught on something bring it up bring it up bring it on up here come on Cinema okay this guy's going crazy two kills how left in the ship there's a bunch of cooked food in here as well ah there you are is a good Dayo big hit still alive go back and fight your teammate why are you chasing me I'll show you a real fight oh he smoked him across oh he's smacking him across the head okay one guy left how do I take him out don't sit don't sit get up don't sit get up ow ow I was just trying to grab some salmon steak I need him to follow me outside I don't know what those random knocks and noises are around here is he not going to follow me out here you yo this is a new one come on you got this figure it out I have no clue what that is what I'm hoping though is that oh he's still following me what in the God's name is that holy crap that's terrifying oh my God he's a demon oh he got like clothes line what in the [ __ ] happened to my game bastard he's learned how to open doors will he follow us out he followed us out now he's fixed maybe we can do a similar thing we did to the wolf get him to fall off the top of the lighthouse that'd be really funny if that just ends up being the strategy for every dungeon right here he's going to Power Attack at me I'm going to dodge and he's going to go right off the edge oh close we need to position him perfectly get off oh God I thought we had him there oh oh we about had him there come on go go go go oh he was right on the edge again woo oh God uh uh no what what all right bring it on epic showdown you and me top of the lighthouse okay so I noticed something really strange in that last fight though if I hit him mid Power Attack with Fury he seems to like glitch out and slide forward if I can time that perfectly and get him to release his power attack and slide forward maybe we get him to just go flying off the edge didn't work that time I think I timed it too late no Power Attack injured from what a [ __ ] come on Power Attack me [ __ ] power attack me I know you want to your come on there it goes he's off woo dainty slowed cleared Boulder fall cave I don't think that's too bad if it's a regular cave I think we have great odds and what is our weapon of choice please be illusion now now I want it to be illusion every time destruction oh the Believers are in the Believers are in the driving seat all right quick shopping trip in solitude let's get elemental flare break the game all right let's take a look what do you got for Destruction Elemental flare 229 but I do kind of want to try and avoid using it because it is unbelievably overpowered I'm going to grab Firebolt climbing back and we'll be off boulderfall Cave not as much damage as I'd like to [Music] do three [Music] down oh we almost got Gloom reach come on please give me illusion give me illusion again illusion sweep let's go we got an hour and 18 minutes for two more dungeons I if we get this under 3 hours I'm I'm going to be very very very proud should be somewhere around here great winter watch all right let's see what's in here a [ __ ] we have trolls [ __ ] are trolls immune to Fury relax buddy relax they're definitely going to be immune to F uh fury it's tiny it's tiny there's only two trolls what what are you doing in here officer I appreciate the assistance but this was a really dumb idea oh God okay maybe I have not lucked out this time do we just have to grind muffle I need to get up to level 4 so I can take indomitable will combining the bed that we have along with the food that we have we should get a couple days of grinding muff I think this will be enough to get us to level 40 already at 26 here to teat you a lesson why why why now why here gentlemen gentlemen not now I'm in the middle of grinding there you go Sadia Precision really isn't good indoors for these two-handed guys is it Sadia no oh God Sadia hold up really ma not the time to start singing come on everybody in town help me out help out your friendly neighborhood chaos Mage nice I really need to stop getting people in this town killed I just can't help myself ring of minor Magicka wait I know okay illusion spells are 50% stronger living targets up to level 15 I have a feeling that trolls are Level 20 I don't want to like like a chat I don't want someone to break my heart are they level 20 wait they're level 14 if the trolls are only level 14 this is incredible news please work please for the love of tallos work it worked it worked he's Furious Let each other have it have at him no don't come after me no stop don't don't come after me one troll down okay now we need to go get a guard to follow us in here yes time to cleanse the ire of its filth please don't shoot me let's not do this okay they missed no every oh God damn it shoot okay a fudge melee melee put the arrows away nice one nice try dork don't you dare don't you dare pull out the they kill him they keep pulling out the bows okay okay I took an arrow to the knee come on follow me inside did I did I ruin it by engaging in conversation with him if he doesn't show up after waiting for an hour he's not going to come in do I roll the cave or the magic what do you guys think reroll cave all right everyone seems to want to roll cave our Illusion skill is fairly High I hope it's a good one we're [ __ ] it's so so over AB it is it's it's never been more over climbing back and we'll be off the hag Raven only spawn in the quest wait really we're probably going to be okay then he's just awesome yep okay we're in the right spot they're only on the outside so we don't need to kill them to mark it clear wo hey watch where you're throwing that ice [Music] bike no spider go fight your master come on spider why are you attacking me useless ass spider you can't hide from me no yes good sa oh get out of here please stop stop attacking me kill each other stop attacking me a you [ __ ] oh my gosh oh she's just about dead still frenzied okay Two Witches down okay there's the hag wow why did I have to get the troll it was all going perfectly oh piss off I hate the frost spells come on hit hit of course you missed you idiot oh you suck you suck you're pathetic [ __ ] you now getting me down here you think you stand a chance no not really okay one down uh is the hag the final boss got her come on bring it bring it right around the corner don't do that don't sheath and walk around the corner unfuckingbelievable this game is she see me oh n
Channel: Joov
Views: 1,491,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joov, joov skyrim, joov skyrim challenge, elder scrolls, morrowind, oblivion, joov elder scrolls challenges, joov quests, joov cant leave, joov without leaving, skyrim funny moments, skyrim challenge, elder scrolls challenges, skyrim speedrun, oblivion speedrun, gaming, commentary, comedy
Id: qDx2u0nIsBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 37sec (6157 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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